Spelling suggestions: "subject:"fndices"" "subject:"endices""
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Bulk system reliability evaluation in a deregulated power industryLi, Yifeng 08 December 2003 (has links)
The basic function of an electric power system is to supply its customers with electric energy as economically as possible and with a reasonable degree of continuity and quality. Power system reliability evaluation techniques are now highly developed through the work of many researchers and engineers. It is expected that the application of power system reliability evaluation in bulk power systems will continue to increase in the future especially in the newly deregulated power industry. This thesis presents research conducted on the three areas of incorporating multi-state generating unit models, evaluating system performance indices and identifying transmission deficiencies in composite system adequacy assessment. The research was done using a previously developed software package designated as MECORE.
Many generating companies in both the traditionally regulated and newly deregulated electrical power industry have large generating units that can operate in one or more derated states. In this research work, load point and system reliability indices are evaluated using two-state and multi-state generating unit models to examine the impact of incorporating multi-state generating unit models in composite system adequacy assessment.
The intention behind deregulation in the power industry is to increase competition in order to obtain better service quality and lower production costs. This research illustrates how Canadian power systems have performed in the past using data compiled by the Canadian Electricity Association. A procedure to predict similar indices is presented and used to estimate future performance and the effects of system modifications.
The incentives for market participants to invest in new generation and transmission facilities are highly influenced by the market risk in a deregulation environment. An adequate transmission system is a key element in a dynamic competitive market. This thesis presents a procedure to identify transmission deficiencies in composite generation and transmission system.
The research work illustrated in this thesis is focused on the application of probabilistic techniques in composite system adequacy assessment and particularly in the newly deregulated electric power industry. The conclusions and the techniques presented should prove valuable to those responsible for power system planning.
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Fish as ecological indicators in Mediterranean freshwater ecosystemsBenejam Vidal, Lluís 22 December 2008 (has links)
Podeu escriure el text directament o arrossegar-lo des d'un altre documentL'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és contribuir a l'ús dels peixos continentals com a indicadors de l'estat ecològic a la conca Mediterrània. En el primer treball es va detectar que encara que tots els índex biològics estaven correlacionats significativament, els peixos integren i expressen els estressos de manera i a una escala diferents, aportant una informació complementària als altres índexs. Al segon article es van estudiar els cabals de sis conques catalanes. S'ha mostrat que els règims hídrics estan alterats amb una tendència a la disminució del cabal i del nivell dels aqüífers. S'ha detectat quatre mètriques de peixos que es troben significativament afectades en zones més castigades per manca d'aigua degut a l'activitat humana. Es discuteix la necessitat de conèixer en profunditat el règim hídric de cada conca abans d'utilitzar els índex biològics. Al tercer article es va detectar que la composició d'espècies capturades va variar significativament al llarg del buidat amb un augment de l'alburn (A. alburnus) a les aigües pelàgiques durant els dies de pitjor qualitat de l'aigua, confirmant que l'alburn és més tolerant a la mala qualitat de l'aigua que la madrilleta vera (R. rutilus) i suggereix el seu potencial com a bioindicador. La condició d'aquestes dues espècies va canviar significativament al llarg del buidat de manera molt estreta amb la qualitat de l'aigua. Al quart capítol es va estudiar la biologia dels peixos d'un embassament altament contaminat (Flix). El percentatge de DELT anomalies i la presència de paràsits externs era major en la zona impactada que als punts de control i els valors més alts de pes eviscerat i pes del fetge estaven als punts de control. Les respostes van ser diferents per cada espècie i la carpa va ser la que va mostrar més clarament els impactes. / Podeu escriure el text directament o arrossegar-lo des d'un altre documentThe aim of this thesis is to contribute to the use of freshwater fish as ecological indicators in the Mediterranean basin. In the first article we found that although most biological indices were correlated, fish reflected different ecological aspects due to their particular features. In the second article the stream flow regimes of six Mediterranean basins were studied. A decrease of streamflow and aquifer levels was detected, despite no observed decrease of rainfall precipitation. Of the thirty metrics tested to detect sites impacted by water abstraction, we detected four significant fish metrics. Furthermore, the role of biotic indices when the river is artificially dry is discussed. In the third article we found that species composition in the pelagic zone varied significantly during the drawdown with higher proportion of bleak (A. alburnus) during the days of worst water quality, confirming that bleak is more tolerant than roach (R. rutilus) to poor water quality. The weight-length relationship of roach and bleak also varied significantly during the drawdown with close relationship between water quality and fish condition. In the fourth article the condition and fecundity of freshwater fishes were assessed in a highly polluted reservoir (Flix reservoir). We have shown significant increases of DELT anomalies and ectoparasite prevalences and decreases in condition and fecundity of several freshwater fish at the impacted area. The responses to the pollutants were species-specific and common carp was the species that showed more markedly the effects.
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Distributional patterns of diatom communities in Mediterranean riversTornés Bes, Elisabet 03 April 2009 (has links)
Aquesta tesi tracta la jerarquia i l'heterogeneïtat dels sistemes fluvials que afecten l'estructura de les comunitats bentòniques de diatomees. A nivell regional, es van buscar diferents grups de punts i les seves espècies indicadores, es va estudiar la resposta de les comunitats de diatomees als gradients ambientals, es va avaluar la utilitat de diferents índexs de diatomees i es va buscar el millor sistema de classificació per a condicions de referència. A nivell de conca, es volien definir els factors que determinen la distribució longitudinal de la diversitat de les comunitats de diatomees. Finalment, a nivell d'hàbitat es van determinar quins factors afecten les algues i els cianobacteris a aquesta escala i es va examinar la contribució relativa de l'ambient i l'espai en la distribució de la biomassa i composició d'algues i cianobacteris. Per tant, els diferents capítols d'aquesta tesi han estat desenvolupats seguint aquest esquema. / This thesis deals with the hierarchy and heterogeneity of stream systems affecting the structure of benthic diatom communities. At a regional level, I search for different groups of sites and their indicator taxa, I studied the responses of the diatom communities to the gradients of environmental variables, I tested the usefulness of diatom indices and I searched for the best classification system for reference conditions. At a watershed level my interest was to define the factors that determined the longitudinal distribution of diversity of diatom communities. Finally, at a habitat level it was interesting to determine the factors affecting algae and cyanobacteria at this scale and examine the relative effects of environmental factors and space on the distribution of biomass and composition of benthic algae and cyanobacteria. Thus, the different chapters of the thesis had been approached following this scheme.
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On-line Monitoring and Oscillatory Stability Margin Prediction in Power Systems Based on System IdentificationGhasemi, Hassan January 2006 (has links)
Poorly damped electromechanical modes detection in a power system and corresponding stability margins prediction are very important in power system planning and operation, and can provide significant help to power system operators with preventing stability problems. <br /><br /> Stochastic subspace identification is proposed in this thesis as a technique to extract the critical mode(s) from the measured ambient noise without requiring artificial disturbances (e. g. a line outage), allowing these critical modes to be used as an on-line index, which is referred here to as System Identification Stability Indices (SISI) to predict the closest oscillatory instability. The SISI is not only independent of system models and truly representative of the actual system, but also computationally efficient. In addition, readily available signals in a power system and several identification methods are categorized, and merits and pitfalls of each one are addressed in this work. <br /><br /> The damping torque of linearized models of power systems is studied in this thesis as another possible on-line security index. This index is estimated by means of proper system identification techniques applied to both power system transient response and ambient noise. The damping torque index is shown to address some of drawbacks of the SISI. <br /><br /> This thesis also demonstrates the connection between the second order statistical properties, including confidence intervals, of the estimated electromechanical modes and the variance of model parameters. These analyses show that Monte-Carlo type of experiments or simulations can be avoided, hence resulting in a significant reduction in the number of samples. <br /><br /> In these types of studies, the models available in simulation packages are extremely important due to their unquestionable impact on modal analysis results. Hence, in this thesis, the validity of generator subtransient model and a typical STATCOM transient stability (TS) model are also investigated by means of system identification, illustrating that under certain conditions the STATCOM TS model can yield results that are too optimistic, which can lead to errors in power system planning and operation. <br /><br /> In addition to several small test systems used throughout this thesis, the feasibility of the proposed indices are tested on a realistic system with 14,000 buses, demonstrating their usefulness in practice.
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On-line Monitoring and Oscillatory Stability Margin Prediction in Power Systems Based on System IdentificationGhasemi, Hassan January 2006 (has links)
Poorly damped electromechanical modes detection in a power system and corresponding stability margins prediction are very important in power system planning and operation, and can provide significant help to power system operators with preventing stability problems. <br /><br /> Stochastic subspace identification is proposed in this thesis as a technique to extract the critical mode(s) from the measured ambient noise without requiring artificial disturbances (e. g. a line outage), allowing these critical modes to be used as an on-line index, which is referred here to as System Identification Stability Indices (SISI) to predict the closest oscillatory instability. The SISI is not only independent of system models and truly representative of the actual system, but also computationally efficient. In addition, readily available signals in a power system and several identification methods are categorized, and merits and pitfalls of each one are addressed in this work. <br /><br /> The damping torque of linearized models of power systems is studied in this thesis as another possible on-line security index. This index is estimated by means of proper system identification techniques applied to both power system transient response and ambient noise. The damping torque index is shown to address some of drawbacks of the SISI. <br /><br /> This thesis also demonstrates the connection between the second order statistical properties, including confidence intervals, of the estimated electromechanical modes and the variance of model parameters. These analyses show that Monte-Carlo type of experiments or simulations can be avoided, hence resulting in a significant reduction in the number of samples. <br /><br /> In these types of studies, the models available in simulation packages are extremely important due to their unquestionable impact on modal analysis results. Hence, in this thesis, the validity of generator subtransient model and a typical STATCOM transient stability (TS) model are also investigated by means of system identification, illustrating that under certain conditions the STATCOM TS model can yield results that are too optimistic, which can lead to errors in power system planning and operation. <br /><br /> In addition to several small test systems used throughout this thesis, the feasibility of the proposed indices are tested on a realistic system with 14,000 buses, demonstrating their usefulness in practice.
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Sustainable Investment performance: investor's ethical dilemma : A comparative study of the US, UK and Eurozone sustainable and conventional indicesRocchia, Bénédicte, Béchet, Léo January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Distribution of Heavy Metals and Simulation of Ocean Disposal of Harbor SedimentsChen, Chiu-Wen 18 November 2006 (has links)
The distribution, enrichment, and accumulation of heavy metals in the sediments, especially those at the vicinity of tributary estuaries of Kaohsiung Harbor, Taiwan were investigated. Sediment samples from six locations in the Kaohsiung Harbor were collected quarterly in the period from 2002 to 2005 and characterized for metal content (e.g., Hg, Pb, Cd, Cr, Cu, Zn and Al), water content, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorous, total grease, and grain size. Results showed that metal concentrations varied from 0.58 mg kg-1 for Cd to 596 mg kg-1 for Zn. Metal concentrations at the vicinity of river mouths were higher than those at other locations. All heavy metals studied, except Cr, had relatively high enrichment factors and geo-accumulation indices in the estuaries. Moreover, metal concentrations correlated closely to the physical-chemical properties of the sediments, which strongly suggested the influence of industrial and municipal wastewaters discharged from the neighboring industrial parks and river basins. Results would help develop strategies for pollution control and sediment remediation of Kaohsiung Harbor.
Ocean disposal of wastes such as dredged sediments causes the concentrations of contaminants and some other water quality parameters in the water column to change. In this study, the STFATE (Short-term Fate) system, a model developed by the US Corps of Engineers for managing automatic dredging and disposal of the dredged materials, was used to model and simulate the deposition, dispersion and accumulation of the dredged material disposed at an ocean site. Additionally, aerial photographs taken from a helicopter on dispersion of the disposed sediments were used to calibrate and verify the modeling results for evaluating its applicability in predicting the influence of disposing dredged sediments on the surrounding seawater quality. Simulation results indicate that after 4 h of ocean disposal, the dredged sediment showed negligible adverse influence on the seawater quality (SS = 3 ¡V 4 mg/L). Results of simulating the dispersion of dredged sediments revealed that 20 seconds disposal duration resulted in smaller influence distance and range but a longer time for the seawater to recover to its original state. A longer disposal time of 1,200 seconds would cause a larger distance and range of influence but a shorter recovery time. The verification results demonstrate that simulated values on the dispersion length, width, area and shape generally comfort to the trends of monitored data; the average error is around 27.8%.
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Investigation Over A National Fire Danger Approach For Turkey With Geographic Information SystemsYamak, Cagatay 01 December 2006 (has links) (PDF)
The aim of this study was to investigate Meteorological Fire Danger Indices for Turkey. A number of internationally implemented fire danger indices were calculated with Fire Danger Processing software and their performances
were tested with Mandallaz and Ye&rsquo / s Performance Score Method. As a result, among other meteorological fire danger indices that have been applied by several fire fighting administrations and services, the U.S. National Fire
Danger Rating System, Mc.Arthur&rsquo / s Fuel Moisture Model and Forest Fire Weather Index, BEHAVE Fine Fuel Moisture Model and Keetch Byram Drought Index, the Canadian Fire Weather Index was selected as the best performing fire danger index for Turkey. Calibrated with monthly fire history data of the last 5 years&rsquo / records, the results during the determined fire season were integrated with vegetation cover data for Turkey, derived from GLC 2000 global land cover data.
Besides, daily performance of the Canadian Fire Weather Index was observed by three consecutive days in August 2006 and the outcomes were evaluated with the information about fire events compiled from newspaper archives. The study is a first attempt for further fire related analysis at the national scale / an attempt to establish an early warning system and a spatial base for mitigation effort for the wild fire phenomenon in Turkey.
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Investigation Of Novel Topological Indices And Their Applications In Organic ChemistryGumus, Selcuk 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Numerical descriptors, beginning with Wiener, and then named topological indices by Hosoya, have gained gradually increasing importance along with other descriptors for use in QSAR and QSPR studies. Being able to estimate the physical or chemical properties of a yet nonexistent substance as close as possible is very important due to huge consumption of time and money upon direct synthesis. In addition, one may face safety problem as in the case of explosives. There have been almost hundred topological indices so far in the chemical graph theory literature. However, there is no topological index which is generalizable to all kinds of molecules. In the present study, a novel topological index (TG Index) has been developed and applied to a wide range of organic molecules including explosives for modeling their physical, structural and molecular orbital properties. The index yielded quite successful correlation data with most of the properties considered in this study.
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Developing Regional Flow Duration Curves And Evaluating The Performances In The Ungauged BasinsKocatepe, Yaprak 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
A flow duration curve (FDC) defines the relation between the flow amount of any time (daily, yearly, or another time) and its frequency. Moreover, FDCs are used in many water resources projects. However, the ungauged basins or limited amount of gauging in a basin is a common problem. Therefore, regional FDCs are needed to be developed in ungauged basins. Oltu basin has been chosen as the study area, which is located in the north-eastern part of Turkey in Ç / oruh Basin. Two parametric approaches and a statistical approach have
been applied to develop regional flow duration curves (FDCs) in Oltu Basin. Parametric approaches cover two different models, namely Model Kocatepe, which is a five parameter
model depending on the regression analysis between discharge having certain probability of occurrences and geomorphologic and climatic factors / Model Quimpo, which is a two parameter model proposed by Quimpo. Lognormal distribution has been used in the statistical approach. Several performance indices have been evaluated to decide on if the
model dependable or not. As a result of these analysis, it is concluded that, Model Quimpo gives good results in small basins, whereas, Model Kocatepe is effective in large areas.
Statistical approach is not an appropriate method to use while regionalizing FDCs in Oltu basin.The analysis performed for short-term duration has revealed that 5-years record lengths of discharges are enough to develop a dependable FDC compared to regional FDC. The validation results and the performance indices are presented with the analysis results.
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