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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An investigation into the internal structure of the unit performance construct as measured by the performance index (PI)

Henning, Roline 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002 / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The responsibility for the performance of any organisational unit ultimately lies with the leadership of the unit. Given this perceived pivotal role of leadership in work unit performance, the ultimate objective is to capture the nature of the presumed relationship between leadership and unit performance in a comprehensive structural model. To validate such a leadership model, however, requires an explanation of the manner in which the unit performance dimensions affect each other. Spangenberg and Theron (2002b) developed a generic, standardized unit performance measure (PI) that encompasses all the unit performance dimensions for which the unit leader could be held responsible. The objective of this paper is to investigate the internal structure of the PI in order to establish the inter-relationships between the eight unit performance latent variables. The PI consists of 56 questions covering eight dimensions. The validation sample consisted of 304 completed PI questionnaires. However, after imputation 273 cases with observations on all 56 items remained in the validation sample. Item analysis and dimensionality analysis was performed on each of the sub-scales using SPSS. Thereafter, confirmatory factor analysis was performed on the reduced data set using LISREL. The results indicated satisfactory factor loadings on the measurement model. Acceptable model fit was achieved for the measurement model. Subsequently, the structural model was tested using LISREL. The results provided statistics of good fit. Only four hypotheses failed to be corroborated in this study. Conclusions were drawn from the results obtained and suggestions for further research are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die prestasie van enige organisatoriese werkeenheid is die uiteindelike verantwoordelikheid van die leierskap van die eenheid. Gegewe hierdie waargenome sleutelrol van leierskap in werkeenheidprestasie, is die uiteindelike doelwit om die aard van die veronderstelde verwantskap tussen leierskap en eenheidprestasie in 'n omvattende strukturele model vas te lê. Die validering van so 'n leierskapmodel vereis egter 'n uiteensetting van die wyse waarop die eenheidprestasie-dimensies mekaar onderling beïnvloed. Spangenberg en Theron (2002b) het 'n generiese, gestandaardiseerde eenheidprestasie-meetinstrument (PI) ontwikkel wat al die eenheidprestasie-dimensies insluit waarvoor die leier van die eenheid verantwoordelik gehou kan word. Die doel van hierdie studie is om ondersoek in te stel na die interne struktuur van die PI ten einde die inter-verwantskappe tussen die agt eenheidprestasie latente veranderlikes vas te stel. Die PI bestaan uit 56 vrae wat die agt dimensies dek. Die validasiesteekproef bestaan uit 304 voltooide PI vraelyste. Na vervanging van ontbrekende waardes is die validasiesteekproef egter gereduseer tot 273 gevalle met waarnemings op al 56 items. Item-ontleding en dimensieanalise is op elk van die sub-skale met behulp van SPSS gedoen. Daaropvolgend is bevestigende faktor-analise op die verkorte datastel gedoen met behulp van LISREL. Die passingstatistieke het hier aanvaarbare resultate opgelewer. Vervolgens is die strukturele model met behulp van LISRELgetoets. Die resultate het hier bevredigende passingstatistieke gelewer. Daar kon vir slegs vier hipoteses nie steun gevind word in die studie nie. Op grond van die resultate is daar tot bepaalde gevolgtrekkings gekom en daar word aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gemaak.

The social anxiety spectrum and work limitations among managerial level employees

Emsley, Lindy 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Social anxiety symptoms are common within the community. They are often unrecognised in many organisations, with resultant significant work impairments. The aim of the study was to explore to what extent the social anxiety spectrum of symptoms influences the performance of management employees and how the disorder should be managed in the workplace. The study includes the following constructs: social anxiety spectrum, job characteristics, work limitations and perceived performance difficulties. A nonexperimental research design was used to explore the relationships between the four constructs. A convenience sample of 250 managerial employees was approached from two large organizations, one in the private, and the other in the public sector. One hundred and eighteen (118) respondents completed and returned their questionnaires. The descriptive statistics reflected a mean age of 32 years (range 20 to 56 years), with 50% males and 50% females, and a race distribution of 64% White, 29% Coloured, 4% Black and 3% Indian for the sample. The majority of the participants had been working for 0 to 5 years (37.29%). The mean years worked was 10.81 and the median 9.5 (range 0.5 to 40 years worked). A high percentage of participants (11%) were found to have social anxiety symptoms above the cut off score for a diagnosis of the disorder. The results of the present study indicated that social anxiety affects all areas of work. These symptoms were associated with several areas of work limitations and performance difficulties not restricted to social interaction or presentation. It was also found that job insecurity increases social anxiety symptoms, work limitations and perceived performance difficulties. On the other hand, it was found that organisational support may act as a buffer against demands and may decrease work limitations and perceived performance difficulties. Whilst no moderating effect was found for growth opportunities in the relationship between social anxiety and work limitations, support was found for a negative relationship with both social anxiety and work limitations. No moderating effect was found for job insecurity in the relationship between social anxiety and work limitations. However, growth opportunities as a resource were found to moderate the relationship between social anxiety symptoms and perceived performance difficulties. Evidence was also found for the moderating effect of job insecurity in the relationship between social anxiety symptoms and perceived performance difficulties. The limitations of the current study and recommendations for organisations are discussed. This study highlights the importance of social anxiety symptoms as a barrier to effective work performance. Given the fact that interventions can potentially improve social anxiety and thereby performance, this area deserves much greater research attention. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sosiale angssimptome kom algemeen in die gemeenskap voor. Die simptome word nie alledaags in organisaies herken nie, en mag tot merkbaar verlaagde prestasie lei. Die doel van die studie was om die mate waartoe sosiale angsspektrum-simptome die prestasie van bestuursvlak-werknemers beïnvloed te bepaal en ondersoek in te stel na wyses waarop die simptome in organisasies bestuur moet word. Die studie het die volgende konstrukte ingesluit: sosiale angsspektrum-simptome, werkseienskappe, werksbeperkinge en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings. Daar is van ’n nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp gebruik gemaak om die verhoudings tussen die vier konstrukte te bestudeer. ’n Gerieflikheidsteekproef van 250 bestuursvlak-werknemers van beide ’n privaatsektor en publieke sektor organisasie is genader. Eenhonderd en agtien voltooide vraelyste is ingedien. Die beskrywende statistiek het ’n gemiddelde ouderdom van 32 jaar getoon (versprei oor 20 tot 56 jaar), met 50% manlik, 50% vroulik, en ’n rasverspreiding van 64% wit, 29% kleurling, 4% swart en 3% Indiër respondente in die steekproef. Die meerderheid van die deelnemers het vorige werkservaring van 0 tot 5 jaar (37.29%) aangedui. Die gemiddelde aantal jare van werk was 10.81 en die mediaan 9.5 (versprei oor 0.5 tot 40 jaar gewerk). ‘n Hoë voorkomssyfer (11%) van sosiale angs is in die studie gevind, bo die afsnypunt vir die diagnose van die versteuring. Die resultate van die huidige studie dui aan dat sosiale angs alle aspekte van werk beïnvloed. Hierdie simptome was geassosieer met vele areas van werksbeperkings en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings en was nie slegs tot take wat sosiale interaksie en voordragte insluit, beperk nie. Die studie het ook gevind dat werksonsekerheid sosiale angssimptome, werksbeperkings en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings verhoog. Organisasieondersteuning is aangedui as ‘n moontlike buffer teen werkseise en mag werksbeperkings en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings verminder. Geen modereringseffek is vir groeigeleenthede gevind in die verhouding tussen sosiale angs en werksbeperkings nie, maar daar is wel gevind dat groeigeleenthede ’n negatiewe verband met beide sosiale angs en werksbeperkings het. Geen modereringseffek vir werksonsekerheid in die verhouding tussen sosiale angs en werksbeperkinge is gevind nie. Die rol van groeigeleenthede as hulpbron om die verhouding tussen sosiale angssimptome en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings te modereer, is bevestig. Getuienis is ook vir die modereringseffek van werksonsekerheid in die verhouding tussen sosiale angssimptome en waargenome prestasie-uitdagings gevind. Die beperkinge van die huidige studie en voorstelle vir organisasies word bespreek. Hierdie studie bekemtoon die belangrikheid van sosiale angssimptome as ’n hindernis met betrekking tot effektiewe werksprestasie. Ingrepe kan potensiaal sosiale angs verminder en daardeur prestasie verhoog. Hierdie aspek behoort heelwat meer navorsingsaandag in die toekoms te geniet.

The influence of ethical values on transformational leadership and ethical climate in organisations : an exploratory study

Scheps, Anja 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South African organisations are facing fierce international competition, and to survive in the long-term it is necessary that they be led by leaders that will move them towards their vision in an ethical manner. While society condemns and the media extensively report fraud involving millions of rands by top executives, the truth of the matter is that more money is probably lost through low productivity, idleness and the wasting of resources through mismanagement (Mal an & Smit, 2001 ). In this study it is believed the cause of this problem is ultimately one of leadership. Leaders fail to direct and influence their subordinates to work with efficiency and integrity in order to achieve the organisation's objectives (Malan & Smit, 2001). Solutions for these problems must be found in order to build organisations that will prosper in the future. This study hopes to offer part of the solution. The main objective of this study was to establish whether there is a relationship between transformational leadership and the development of an ethical climate in organisations. One of the objectives of this study was to establish whether there was a direct relationship between altruism and transformational leadership. Another goal of this research was to establish whether integrity had a moderating effect on the relationship between transformational leadership and ethical climate. A model was developed to illustrate these relationships, which was tested in the South African context. A literature study of the role of transformational leadership, ethical values of altruism and integrity, and ethical climate in organisational performance was conducted. The relationship between these constructs has also been analysed in the literature study. A questionnaire consisting of five sections was compiled to test the hypotheses resulting from the structural models. These questionnaires were distributed to various organizations in the Cape Town area. The sample comprised 200 persons, each of whom had to complete the questionnaire. Section A was designed to give an indication of the demographics of the participants. Section B measured transformational leadership, based on Bass and Avolio's Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ). Section C was compiled in accordance with Victor & Cullen's Ethical Climate Questionnaire (ECQ), which measured respondents' perceptions of their work climate. Section D measured altruism, based on Langley's Value Scale. Section E measured integrity and was based on Butler's Conditions of Trust Inventory. The statistical analysis was conducted through correlation and regression analyses. The results revealed that altruism positively correlates with transformational leadership, and that transformational leadership in turn has a positive relationship with ethical climate. No convincing empirical support could be found for the proposition that integrity moderated the effect of leadership on ethical climate. However, many new and interesting insights were gained through the results. Conclusions were drawn from the results obtained and recommendations are made for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrikaanse organisasies staar strawwe internasionale kompetisie in die gesig. Om in die langtermyn te oorleef, is dit nodig dat hulle gelei word deur organisatoriese leiers wat hulle op 'n etiese wyse na hul strategiese doelwitte sal lei. Alhoewel die gemeenskap miljoene rande se bedrog deur topbestuurders veroordeel en die media ekstensief daaroor verslag lewer, is dit 'n feit dat meer geld waarskynlik verloor word deur lae produktiwiteit, sloerdery en die vermorsing van hulpbronne as gevolg van wanbestuur (Malan & Smit, 2001 ). Met hierdie studie word aangevoer dat die oorsaak van hierdie probleem uiteindelik een van leierskap is. Leiers misluk om hul ondergeskiktes te bestuur en te be'invloed om sodoende effektief en met integriteit op te tree, ten einde die organisasie se doelwitte te bereik (Malan & Smit, 2001 ). Oplossings moet vir hierdie probleme gevind word ten einde organisasies te bou wat in die toekoms sal floreer. Hierdie studie poog om voorstelle te maak om hierdie probleme te help oplos. Die hoofdoelwit vir hierdie studie was om vas te stel of daar 'n verband tussen transformasionele leierskap en die ontwikkeling van 'n etiese klimaat in organisasies is. Een van die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of daar 'n direkte verband tussen altru'isme en transformasionele leierskap is. 'n Verdere doelwit was om te bepaal of integriteit 'n modererende effek op die verband tussen transformasionele leierskap en 'n etiese klimaat het. 'n Model is ontwikkel om hierdie verwantskappe te illustreer, en is in die SuidAfrikaanse konteks getoets. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die rol van etiese waardes, veral die kernwaardes van altru'isme en integriteit, transformasionele leierskap en 'n etiese organisasieklimaat in organisatoriese prestasie is onderneem. Die verband tussen hierdie konsepte is ook in die literatuurstudie ontleed. 'n Vraelys, bestaande uit vyf afdelings, is opgestel om die hipoteses voortvloeiend uit die strukturele modelle te toets. Hierdie vraelyste is uitgedeel aan verskillende organisasies in die Kaapstad-omgewing. Die steekproef het uit 200 mense bestaan. Afdeling A van die vraelys was ontwerp om 'n aanduiding van die demografie van die respondente te gee. Afdeling B het transformasionele leierskap gemeet, gebaseer op Bass en Avolio se 'Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire' (MLQ). Afdeling C was opgestel in terme van Victor en Cullen se 'Ethical Climate Questionnaire' (ECQ), wat respondente se indrukke van hulle werksklimaat gemeet het. Afdeling D het altru'isme gemeet, gebaseer op Langley se 'Value Scale.' Afdeling E het integriteit gemeet en het Butler se 'Conditions of Trust Inventory' as basis gebruik. Die statistiese analise was uitgevoer deur middel van korrelasie- en regressieontledings. Die resultate het getoon dat altru·isme positief met transformasionele leierskap korreleer en dat transformasionele leierskap op sy beurt 'n positiewe verband met etiese klimaat toon. Geen oortuigende empiriese gronde kon gevind word vir die stelling dat integriteit die effek van leierskap op etiese klimaat modereer nie. Die resultate het nietemin heelwat nuwe en interessante insigte aan die lig gebring.

Exploring the moderating effect of emotional intelligence on the relationship between narcissism and workplace aggression

Van der Nest, Lambertus Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm (Industrial Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The aims of this study were to explore the relationships between narcissism, workplace aggression (WA) and emotional intelligence (EI), as well as to determine whether EI plays a moderating role in the relationship between narcissism and WA. A non-experimental research design (i.e. exploratory survey study) was used to explore the relationships between the three constructs. Narcissists are described as individuals who have a grandiose sense of self-importance or uniqueness, where they exaggerate their special talents and achievements. They are typically prone to rage, shame, inferiority, and humiliation when they are criticized by others (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). WA was defined as the efforts by individuals to harm others with whom they work, or have worked, or the organisations in which they are currently or were previously, employed (Neuman & Baron, 1997a). EI was defined as the capacity to effectively perceive, express, understand and manage emotions in a professional and effective manner at work (Palmer & Stough, 2001). A convenience sample of 134 academic (permanent and temporary) and support staff (middle and upper level) of two tertiary educational institutions within the Western Cape participated in the research. The Greenberg and Barling (1999) WA scale (that measures aggression towards colleagues, subordinates and supervisors), the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI, Raskin & Hall, 1979) and the Genos Emotional Intelligence Inventory (Gignac, 2008) were administered. Weak significant negative relationships were evident between EI and each of the dimensions of WA. This indicates that higher EI is associated with a decreased propensity to engage in verbal aggressive behaviours. EI may enable individuals to apply better coping mechanisms and display more appropriate emotional reactions to events which may induce aggressive behavior. It was, furthermore, hypothesized that a significant negative relationship exists between EI and narcissism. Contrary to the expectation, a significant weak positive relationship emerged between the NPI and EI. It was also found that significant positive relationships emerged between six of the seven dimensions of EI and narcissism. The findings may indicate that individuals with a fragile high self-esteem (overt narcissists) may also be 'emotionally intelligent'. Individuals with high levels of narcissism may use emotional regulation strategies to manage their own and other's emotions in order to maintain their fragile self esteem. No significant relationship emerged between the NPI (total score) and any of the aggression subscales. This result may be due to methodological limitations (e.g. restriction of range) or the absence of an ego-threat eliciting cue in the questionnaire, which may have attenuated the results. However, two significant positive relationships emerged between the NPI dimensions of Entitlement and Exploitiveness with the Verbal Aggression towards a colleague subscale. Due to the fact that no significant relationship between narcissism (total score) and WA emerged in this study, the proposed hypo that EI moderates the relationship between narcissism and WA, could not be investigated. The limitations of the study and recommendations for future research were discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doelwitte van hierdie studie was om die verband tussen narsisme, werksplekaggressie (WA) en emosionele intelligensie (EI) te ondersoek, asook om te bepaal of EI 'n modererende rol speel in die verband tussen narsisme en WA. 'n Nie-eksperimentele navorsingsontwerp (dit is, 'n verkennende studie) is gebruik om die verbande tussen die drie konstrukte te ondersoek. Narsiste word beskryf as individue wat .n grootse gevoel van eiebelang of uniekheid het. Hulle oordryf hulle spesiale talente en prestasies. Wanneer ander hulle kritiseer, sal hulle gewoonlik geneig wees om woedend te word en skaam, minderwaardig of verneder te voel (American Psychiatric Association, 2000). WA word gedefinieer as die pogings van individue om die mense saam met wie hulle werk, of gewerk het, of die organisasie waar hulle tans werk, of voorheen gewerk het, skade aan te doen (Neuman & Baron, 1997a). EI word gedefinieer as die vermoe om emosies op 'n professionele en doeltreffende manier in die werkplek waar te neem, uit te druk, te verstaan en te beheer (Palmer & Stough, 2001). 'n Geriefsteekproef van 134 (permanente en tydelike) akademiese personeel en (middel- en bovlak-) steundienstepersoneel van twee tersiere opvoedkundige instellings in die Wes-Kaap het aan die navorsingsprojek deelgeneem. Greenberg en Barling (1999) se WA-skaal (wat aggressie teenoor kollegas, ondergeskiktes en toesighouers meet), die Narsistiesepersoonlikheid-inventaris (NPI, Raskin & Hall, 1979) en die Genos Emosionele-intelligensie-inventaris (Gignac, 2008) is gebruik. Beduidende swak negatiewe verwantskappe tussen EI en elk van die dimensies van WA is gevind. Dit dui daarop dat 'n hoer EI geassosieer word met 'n afname in die neiging om in verbale aggressiewe gedrag betrokke te raak. EI kan individue in staat stel om beter hanteringsmeganismes te gebruik en meer gepaste emosionele reaksies te toon op gebeure wat tot aggressiewe gedrag kan lei. Daar is in die studie aangevoer dat 'n betekenisvolle negatiewe verband tussen EI en narsisme bestaan. Teen alle verwagting is'n betekenisvolle swak positiewe verband tussen die NPI en EI na vore gekom. Daar is ook bevind dat daar betekenisvolle positiewe verbande tussen ses van die sewe dimensies van EI en narsisme bestaan het. Die bevindings kan daarop dui dat individue met 'n brose hoe selfbeeld (openlik narsistiese individue) ook 'emosioneel intelligent' kan wees. Individue met 'n hoe mate van narsisme kan emosionele beheerstrategiee gebruik om hulle eie en ander se emosies te beheer om so hulle brose selfbeeld te handhaaf. Geen betekenisvolle verband tussen die NPI (totaal telling) en enige van die aggressie-subskale het na vore gekom nie. Hierdie bevinding kan dalk toegeskryf word aan metodologiese beperkings (soos beperkte omvang) of die afwesigheid van 'n stelling in die vraelys wat bedreiging vir die ego ingehou en die uitkoms kon verswak het. Twee betekenisvolle positiewe verbande is egter gevind tussen die NPI-dimensies Aanspraak en Uitbuiting en die subskaal Verbale Aggressie teenoor 'n kollega. Weens die feit dat geen noemenswaardige verhouding tussen narsisme (totale punt) en WA in hierdie studie gevind is nie, kon die voorgestelde hipotese dat EI die verband tussen narsisme en WA modereer nie ondersoek word nie. Die beperkings van die studie en aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word bespreek.

Die ontwikkeling en evaluering van 'n opleidingsprogram in selfinsig

Oosthuizen, Riaan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Stellenbosch University, 1994. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Research conducted by Albert Ellis (1978) revealed that individuals' concepts of their own rational and irrational and/or dysfunctional cognitions are important determinants of effective human functioning. The presence of these cognitions within an individual can have several consequences such as depression, neuroses and psychoses. It is clear from the literature (Ellis, 1978; Dryden & Gordon, 1990; Lodder, 1993) that one of the causative factors in manifestations of emotional instability is individuals' lack of knowledge about their psyches. The general aim of this study is to develop a programme which lead to positive human functioning, including self-acceptance and selfempowerment, on the basis of a comprehensive study of the literature on all possible coping skills (Lodder, 1993). Several approaches were considered which could promote Self-insight, namely rational-emotive therapy, transactional analysis and the use of projective techniques. Each of these aspects was dealt with fully and reasons are provided for the selection of rational-emotive therapy. Rational-emotive therapy provides participants with the necessaryknowledge to identify and combat their own irrational and/or dysfunctional cognitions. Before Ellis's cognitive questionnaire could be used in the evaluation process, the psychometric characteristics of the instrument had to be determined first. A further aim is to adapt Ellis's cognitive questionnaire according to scientifically recognized procedures to measure human functioning on a rational -basis as a psychometrically acceptable measuring instrument. A primary psychometric requirement of a measuring instrument is that its items must be sufficiently homogeneous to be able to regard them as criteria of a single construct. Ellis's cognitive questionnaire (adapted) demonstrated a particularly satisfactory internal consistency (alpha coefficient = 0,89; N = 250). With the help of a factor analysis Ellis's cognitive questionnaire (adapted) was developed in such a way that the items in the subscales were all relatively pure measurements of the isolated factors. Furthermore, the results of the factor analysis produced five factors which could be linked relatively clearly to the five postulated dimensions of irrational cognition. To ascertain whether participation in the programme by 90 female and 30 male administrative staff members did in fact lead to the envisaged result, the Solomon four - group design was used to evaluate it. Evaluation of the programme was undertaken on the basis of Kirkpatrick's evaluation model by concentrating on the knowledge, reaction and behavioural levels. A knowledge test was used to measure knowledge, a reaction questionnaire was used for participantsreactions and Ellis's cognitive Questionnaire (adapted) for evaluation at the behavioural level. The most important findings of the investigation could be summed up as follows: • The experimental group acquired significantly more knowledge about irrational cognitions than the control group did. • After the programme the experimental group made significantly more use of cognitive restructuring as a coping style than the control group did. • The experimental group revealed considerably fewer dysfunctional cognitions. Certain shortcomings also emerged from this investigation. Recommendations are made according to which these specific shortcomings can be addressed in future research in this field. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:Albert Ellis se navorsing (1978) het aan die lig gebring dat individue se begrip vir hulle onderskeie rasionele en irrasionele en/of disfunksionele kognisies 'n belangrike determinant is van doeltreffende menslike funksionering. Die aanwesigheid van hierdie kognisies binne 'n individu kan verskeie gevolge he soos depressie, neuroses en psigoses. Dit blyk uit die literatuur (Ellis, 1978; Dryden & Gordon, 1990; Lodder, 1993) dat een van die veroorsakende faktore van manifestasie van emosionele onstabiliteit die gebrek is aan kennis van individue rondom hulle psiges. Die algemene doelstelling van die studie is om aan die hand van 'n omvattende literatuurstudie van aile moontlike "helpende vaardighede" \ (Lodder, 1993) 'n program te ontwikkel wat individue kan lei tot positiewe menslike funksionering met in begrip van selfaanvaarding en selfbemagtiging. Verskillende benaderings wat gebruik kan word om Selfinsig te bewerkstellig, naamlik Rasioneel-emotiewe terapie, Transaksionele Analise en die gebruik van Projektiewe Tegnieke is oorweeg. Daar is volledig aandag gegee aan elk van hierdie aspekte en redes verstrek vir die keuse van Rasioneel-emotiewe terapie. Rasioneel-emotiewe terapie verskaf aan die deelnemers die nodige kennis en vaardighede om hulle en gedragsvlak te konsentreer. 'n Kennistoets is gebruik vir kennismeting, 'n reaksievraelys vir deelnemerreaksies en Ellis se Kognitiewe vraelys (aangepasl vir evaluering op gedragsvlak. Die vernaamste bevindings van die ondersoek kan soos volg opgesom word: • Die eksperimentele groep het beduidend meer kennis en insig oor rasionele kognisies opgedoen as die kontrolegroep. • Die eksperimentele groep het na die program beduidend meer as die kontrolegroep van kognitiewe herstrukturering as behartigingstyl gebruik gemaak. • Die eksperimentele groep het beduidend minder disfunksionele kognisies openbaar. Sekere leemtes het uit hierdie ondersoek geblyk. Aanbevelings is aan die hand gedoen waarvolgens hierdie sp~sifieke leemtes in toekomstige navorsing op hierdie terrein oorbrug kan word. eie irrasionele en/of disfunksionele kognisies te kan identifiseer en betwis. Alvorens Ellis' se Kognitiewe vraelys gebruik kon word in die evalueringsproses moes die psigometriese eienskappe van die instrument eers bepaal word. 'n Verdere doelstelling is om Ellis se kognitiewe vraelys volgens wetenskaplik-erkende prosedures aan te pas om as psigometriese aanvaarbare meetinstrument menslike funksionering aan die hand van rasionaliteit te meet. 'n Primere psigometriese vereiste vir 'n meetinstrument is dat sy items voldoende homogeen moet wees om dit te kan beskou as 'n maatstaf van 'n enkele konstruk. Ellis se Kognitiewe vraelys (aangepas) het 'n besondere bevredigende interne bestendigheid gedemonstreer (koeffisient alfa = 0,89; N = 250). Ellis se Kognitiewe vraelys (aangepas) is met behulp van 'n faktorontleding ontwikkel waarvan die items in die subskale almal relatief suiwer metings van die geTsoleerde faktore is. Verder het die faktoranalitiese resultate vyf faktore opgelewer wat redelik duidelik aan die gepostuleerde vyf dimensies van irrasionele kognisies gekoppel kon word. Om te bepaal of die bywoning van die program, deur 90 vroulike en 30 manlike administratiewe personeel, wei tot die beoogde resultate aanleiding gee, is die Solomon vier-groep ontwerp vir die evaluering daarvan gebruik. Evalueririg van die program is aan die hand van Kirkpatrick se evalueringsmodel gedoen deur op die kennis-, reaksie-

Die vasstelling van groepsmoraal by nywerheidswerkers d.m.v. 'n projeksietoets

Boshoff, A. B. (Adre Bertrand) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MCom)--Universiteit van Stellenbosch, 1962. / No abstract available

The influence of leader behaviour, psychological empowerment, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment on turnover intention

Dhladhla, Thamsanqa John 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In recent decades, organisations have continued to lose their skilled and experienced employees due to voluntary turnover. As a result, managers, researchers and practitioners have taken interest in understanding the factors that affect employees’ turnover decisions. However, although several existing studies have identified numerous factors related to turnover behaviours among employees, most of the empirical research studies utilise explanatory models that do not sufficiently address the mediating processes that lead to turnover intention. This study examined the collective effects of perceived leader behaviour, psychological empowerment, satisfaction and commitment on turnover intention. In doing so, the present study tested an explanatory structural model that suggests how these variables jointly influence turnover intention. Therefore, an ex post facto correlation study was conducted using a sample of military personnel (n = 318) in which study participants completed five questionnaires that measured the endogenous latent variables (i.e., psychological empowerment, job satisfaction and organisational commitment) and the single exogenous latent variable (i.e., leader behaviour) in the structural model. Item analysis and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) were used to assess the measurement properties of the respective measures. The results showed adequate evidence that the manifest indicators used in the study were indeed valid and reliable measures of the latent variables they were linked to. The proposed structural model was tested using structural equation modelling (SEM) and the goodness-of-fit statistics showed that both the hypothesised measurement model ( = 182.97; df = 67; p-value = 0.0000; RMSEA = 0.074) and the structural model ( = 182.91; df = 68; p-value = 0.00000; RMSEA = 0.073 ) were found to fit the data reasonably well. The results supported a model where turnover intention was explained to result from a combination of organisation-related and job-related attitudes. In turn, these attitudes were affected by leadership behaviours. The results showed that turnover intention resulted more strongly and directly from low levels of organisational commitment than from job satisfaction per se. The results also suggested that turnover intention was the result of high levels of psychological empowerment. Leader behaviour had a strong direct effect on both psychological empowerment and organisational commitment, but not a unique effect on job satisfaction, while psychological empowerment had a strong direct effect on both job satisfaction and turnover intention than on organisational commitment. The results also indicated that job satisfaction had an insignificant effect on organisational commitment. In addition, psychological empowerment mediated the effect of leader behaviour on turnover intention, while job satisfaction did not mediate the relationship between leader behaviour and turnover intention. Finally, the results suggested that psychological empowerment played mediated the effect of leader behaviour on job satisfaction and organisational commitment. The study adds to the existing literature in two ways. First, the findings indicated that turnover intention results strongly from the combination of leader behaviour, psychological empowerment and organisational commitment, with psychological empowerment and organisational commitment playing a dominant role, with their direct- as well as mediating effects on turnover intention. Second, the present study partially replicated earlier studies of turnover intention in a new setting, i.e., within a military sample and within a non-Western context. In this way, the study confirmed the generalisability of earlier findings that relate to the development of turnover intention. A unique finding of the present research was the positive relationship found between psychological empowerment and turnover intention, suggesting that turnover process models may be more organisation-specific than previously thought (e.g., Alexander, 1998). The study limitations and recommendations provide avenues to be explored for possible future studies and recommendations for human resource management practice are discussed.

'n Beskrywend-diagnostiese ondersoek na die voorkoms van stres onder wingerdprodusente in die Wes- en Noordkaap

Fourie, Annemarie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MComm))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Farming is often perceived to be associated with an idyllic lifestyle and many city-dwellers secretly dream of owning a farm where they can escape the city and its stressful lifestyle. The reality associated with farming however is very different from the perception. Research conducted overseas found that the unique challenges farmers face in their everyday business subjects them to high levels of stress. The American Institute for Occupational Health and Safety ranks farming in the top ten percent of the most stressful occupations while research in the United Kingdom shows that the occurrence of suicide amongst farmers are significantly higher than for the rest of the population. Stress can manifest in health, emotional and physical problems and can have a dramatic impact on quality of living. This in turn negatively influences personal and work performance. Taking into account that farming plays a vital role in the global economy and in combating food shortage; the prevalence of stress amongst farmers is worrying. In South Africa little research has been conducted into the psychological wellbeing of farmers and the possible impact stress might have. Viticulture and the wine industry are major contributors to the economy and tourism industries of the Western and Northern Cape provinces. It would thus be in the interest of the country and its labour force to investigate the impact of stress on farmers in these regions and to find ways to mitigate the experience of stress. A qualitative study amongst wine growers (N=24) resulted in the identification of possible stressors along with demographic, biographic and personality symptoms that may potentially influence the impact of stress. The Agricultural Stress Questionnaire was developed considering overseas literature and information gathered from the qualitative interviews. Sense of coherence and organisational trust between farmers and management of the cellar they deliver products to, were identified as possible factors influencing the impact of stress. Quantitative research was conducted by means of questionnaires sent to a convenience sample of wine growers. The Organisational Trust Inventory was used to measure the level of organisational trust, while the Orientation to Life Questionnaire was used to evaluate sense of coherence. The 28-item version of the General Health Questionnaire was used as a measure of psychological wellbeing. In total 132 respondents were recruited from the sample of more than 1 000 wine growers. Data gathered was subjected to statistical analysis and results showed that all measuring instruments had excellent psychometric properties. This was also true for the Agricultural Stress Questionnaire that was used for the first time. Multiple regression analysis showed that organisational trust does not act as a moderator in the relationship between agricultural stress and psychological wellbeing. Sense of coherence was however found to be a strong moderator of the interaction between agricultural stress and psychological wellbeing. Some demographic and biographic factors also proved to influence the impact of agricultural stress on psychological wellbeing. Stressors were ranked to show which caused the most stress amongst South African wine growers. Proposals for possible interventions were made along with recommendations for future research. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Boerdery word dikwels geag 'n idilliese beroep te wees en menige stedelinge droom van 'n plaas waar hulle kan ontspan en vlug van die stad se stresvolle leefstyl. Die realiteit is egter ver verwyder van hierdie siening en buitelandse navorsing toon dat landbouprodusente aan hoë vlakke van stres blootgestel word vanweë uitdagings uniek aan hul beroep. Die Amerikaanse Instituut van Beroepsveiligheid en –Gesondheid plaas boerdery onder die boonste tien persent van stresvolle beroepe, en navorsing in die Verenigde Koningryk het gevind dat selfmoord onder landbouprodusente baie meer dikwels voorkom as in die res van die bevolking. Stres kan manifesteer in gesondheid-, gedrags-, en emosionele probleme en veroorsaak verlaagde lewenskwaliteit wat 'n dramatiese impak op persoonlike prestasie, maar ook werksprestasie, het. Gegewe die rol wat landbou in die globale ekonomie speel en die noodsaaklikheid van landbou vir voedselvoorsiening, is die hoë voorkoms van stres in die landbou-industrie, en die impak daarvan, 'n bron van kommer. In Suid-Afrika was die streservaring van landbouprodusente, en die uitwerking daarvan op hul sielkundige welsyn, egter nog nie die fokus van navorsing nie en dus is literatuur oor stres onder landbouprodusente in Suid-Afrika beperk. Wingerdbou en die wynbedryf dra betekenisvol by tot die ekonomie, werkskepping en toerisme in die Wes- en Noord Kaap van Suid-Afrika. Indien daar die moontlikheid bestaan dat wingerdprodusente onder die uitwerking van stres gebuk gaan, is dit dus in die belang van Suid-Afrika en die arbeidsmag om die probleem te identifiseer en die impak van stres te beperk. Na aanleiding van kwalitatiewe onderhoude met wingerdprodusente (N = 24) is „n lys van moontlike stressors geïdentifiseer, asook moontlike demografiese, biografiese en persoonlikheidsfaktore wat die impak van stres kan beïnvloed. Die Landboustressor-vraelys is ontwikkel op grond van inligting verkry uit oorsese navorsing, asook vanuit die kwalitatiewe onderhoude. Die vlak van organisasievertroue tussen wingerdprodusente en bestuur van die kelder waaraan hul lewer, asook koherensiesin, is ondersoek as faktore wat die streservaring, en die impak daarvan, kan modereer. Kwantitatiewe navorsing is uitgevoer deur 'n vraelys aan 'n gerieflikheidsteekproef wingerdprodusente te stuur. Die Organisasievertroue-vraelys is aangewend om die vlak van vertroue te evalueer, terwyl die 28-item Algemene Gesondheidsvraelys (GHQ-28) gebruik is om die sielkundige welsyn van wingerdprodusente te ondersoek. Antonovsky se Lewensoriëntasie-vraelys is gebruik om koherensiesin te meet. In totaal is 132 respondente gewerf vanuit 'n steekproef van meer as 1 000 wingerdprodusente. Die data is statisties verwerk en die resultate toon dat die psigometriese eienskappe van die meetinstrumente deurgaans bevredigend was, ook van die Landboustressor-vraelys wat die eerste keer aan statistiese ontleding onderwerp is. Meervoudige regressie het getoon dat organisasievertroue nie 'n moderator is in die interaksie tussen landboustres en geestesgesondheid nie. Koherensiesin is egter wel bevind om 'n sterk moderator in die interaksie te wees. Sekere biografiese en demografiese faktore het ook die effek van stres op geestesgesondheid beïnvloed. 'n Rangorde van stressors is saamgestel om te toon watter faktore die meeste stres onder Suid-Afrikaanse wingerdprodusente veroorsaak. Aanbevelings is gemaak ten opsigte van moontlike intervensies wat wingerdprodusente kan ondersteun in die hantering van landboustres, asook voorstelle vir toekomstige navorsing.

Verskille in tegnologiese hoe vlak mannekrag : persoonlikheidsverskille, kreatiwiteit, leerstyle, werkbelewing

Bezuidenhout, Martina 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1989. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die persoonlikheidseienskappe van die ingenieurs en wetenskaplikes by die Instituut vir Maritieme Tegnologie is ondersoek. Psigometrika en induktiewe metings is aangewend om verskille in hierdie groepe ten opsigte van persoonlikheid, leerstylvoorkeure en werkbelewing te peil. Geen bestuursnoemenswaardige verskille het tussen die groepe in die teikengroep voorgekom nie. Leerstylgroep-gegronde verskille is weI bepaal en behoort vir bestuursdoeleindes in ag geneem te word. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Personality characteristics of the engineers and scientists of the Institute for Maritime Technology were investigated. Psychometrics and inductive measurements were used to gauge differences between these groups in respect of personality, learning style preference and perceptions of the work experience. No differences of significance for management were found between these professional groups in the target group. Differences based on learning style preference were, however, determined and should be considered for management purposes.

Die ontwikkeling van 'n psigometriese toetsbattery vir die keuring van advertensieverteenwoordigers in 'n Suid-Afrikaanse media-groep

Marais, Adriaan 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MEcon)--Stellenbosch University, 1990. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie ondersoek is om 'n psigometriese toets= battery te ontwikkel wat gebruik kan word in die keuringsproses van advertensieverteenwoordigers. Uit literatuur het geblyk dat daar 'n teoretiese raamwerk bestaan naamlik 'n samevallende geldigheidsmodel waarvolgens die navorsings= projek uitgevoer kan word. Eienskappe word ook geldentifiseer wat kerunerkend van suksesvolle verteenwoordigers is. Genoegsame bewyse is gevind dat persoonlikheid, belangstelling en aanleg belangrike eienskappe van suksesvolle verteenwoordigers is. Die navorsings= probleem wat ontstaan is "of die sukses van advertensie= verteenwoordigers in die koerantsektor voorspel word deur middel van 'n keuringsbattery bestaande uit psigometriese toetse?\I Psigometriese toetse wat psigometriese eienskappe meet gebaseer op belangstelling, aanleg en persoonlikheidsmetings wat Nasionale Pers se suksesvolle en onsuksesvolle advertensieverteenwoordigers van mekaar onderskei, wat sodoende in die toekoms tydens die keuringsproses gebruik kan word om beter advertensieverteenwoordigers te keur. Om'n antwoord op die navorsingsprobleem te kry was dit nodig om die advertensieverteen= woordigers by die verskillende dagblaaie wat onderskeidelik as die suksesvolle en onsuksesvolle presteerders bestempel kan word aan die hand van die volgende kriteria te identifiseer: kornrnissieverdien, prestasiebeoordeling en 'n kornbinasie van die kriteria. Dit was ook nodig om die nie-kognitiewe eienskappe naamlik: persoonlikheid, belangstelling en aanleg te identifiseer wat die suksesvolle presteerders beskryf. Hierdie eienskappe word gemeet deur die volgende toetse: Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za die Sest.ienpersoonlikheids~faktorvraelys, Gestruktureerde Objektiewe Rorschachtoets, 19-Veld-Belangstellingsvraelys en die Senior Aanlegtoets. Hierdie meetinstrumente is geselekteer op grond van die waarskynlikheid dat hulle die eienskappe meet wat kenmerkend van suksesvolle presteerders is gebaseer op grond van inligting voortspruitend uit 'n posontleding en literatuurstudie. Die respondente was 77 advertensieverteenwoordigers wat binne die koerante-sektor van Nasionale Pers werksaarn is. Vervolgens is van kontrasgroepe gebruik gemaak om die eienskappe wat kenmerkend van die suksesvolle advertensieverteenwoordigers is mee te bepaal asook 'n sarnevallende geldigheidsmodel waardeur die korrelasies tussen advertensieverteenwoordigers se metings op die psigometriese toetse en aanslae op die prestasiebeoordelingsinstrument bereken is. Op grond van die kontrasgroepe se resultate is daar nie genoegsarne be\vyse gevind dat daar 'n beduidende onderskeid tussen suksesvolle en onsuksesvolle advertensieverteenwoordigers op grond van hul persoonlikheid-, belangstelling- en aanlegtellings gemaak kan word nie. Dit was egter moontlik om op grond van die resultate van 'n meervoudige regressie-ontleding 'n psigometriese toetsbattery saarn te stel vir die keuring van advertensieverteenwoordigers. Deur stapsgewyse regressie is 'n regressie-vergelyking wat 6 veranderlikes insluit verkry met 'n meervoudige korrelasie van 0,62 tussen die betrokke voorspellers en die prestasiebeoordelingmetings. Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za Deur die samestelling van 'n voorspellingsmodel is gevind dat die huidige keuringsmetode wat gebruik word met 19,34% verbeter kan word indien 'n psigometriese toetsbattery as een van die fases in die keuringsbattery ingesluit word. Sodoende slaag hierdie ondersoek in sy doel om 'n psigometriese toetsbattery daar te stel wat in die / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The pu.t"poseof .this investigation is to develop a pscyhometric test battery which can be used in the selection process of advertising representatives. Literature showed that a theoretical framework exist namely a concurrent validation model upon which such a research project can be based. Typical characteristics of the successful representatives are also identified. Sufficient proof was found that personality, interest and ability are important characteristics of successful representatives. The research problem which excist is whether "the success of advertising representatives in the newspaper industry can be predicted by means of a test battery consisting of psychometric tests?" Psychometric tests which measures characteristics that differentiate between the successful and unsuccessful advertising representatives of Nasionale Pers based on their personality, interest and ability measures which in future can be used in the selection process to select successful advertising representatives. To answer the research problem it was necessary to identify the successful and unsuccessful achievers at the various newspapers based on the following criteria: commission earned, preformance evaluation and a combination of the named criteria. It was also necessary to identify the non-cognitive characteristics of the good achievers namely: personality, interest and ability. Four psychometric tests were used in the research project namely: the Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Structured Objective Rorschachtest, 19-Field Interest Questionnaire and the Senior Aptitude Test. Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za The measuring instruments were selected on the basis that they sufficiently measure the characteristics which are typical of successful representatives based on the job analysis and a study of the relevant literature. The respondents were 77 newspaper advertising representatives employed at Nasionale Pers. Contrast groups were used to determine the typical characteristics of a successful advertisement representative and a congruent validity model where by the correlations between the pscychometric tests and the scores of advertising representatives on the preformance appraisal instrument are determined. Based on the findings of the contrast groups no sufficient evidence could be found that a distinction can be drawn between the successful and unsuccessful advertising representatives based on their personality, interest and ability scores. By using a multiple regression analysis it was possible to construct a psychometric test battery that can be used in the selection of advertising representatives. By means of stepwise regression, a multipile equation including six variables were determined. A multipile correlation of 0,62 were found between the relevant predictors and the preformance appraisal scores. By making use of a prediction model it was found that the current selection procedure could be improved by 19,34% if the psychometric test battery is included as one of the phases in the selection battery. This study therefor succeeds in its purpose to develop a psychometric test battery which can be included in the selection process of advertising representatives.

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