Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bindustrial city"" "subject:"0industrial city""
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Urban Surface: Improving Identity through Formal and Social Connections in Toledo, OHWeaver, Alissa N. 26 September 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Les enjeux géoéconomiques industriels et territoriaux de la délocalisation des entreprises françaises / The stakes of french companies offshoringMessaoudi, Dalila 07 June 2012 (has links)
L’ouverture et la mise en concurrence des territoires ont bouleversé le paysage industriel et économique français. La survie économique de nombreuses entreprises s’est faite au prix d’un redéploiement spatial de leurs activités appelé communément « délocalisation ». Ainsi, les délocalisations ont d’abord affecté les métiers où la main-d’œuvre constituait une part importante du coût de revient. Ces activités ont connu des moments très difficiles et ont eu pour conséquences de nombreuses fermetures d’unités de production et la perte de dizaines de milliers d’emplois. Aujourd’hui, ce schéma tend à se modifier par la volonté des pays émergents à se positionner aussi sur les activités techniques et technologiques. Face à ce phénomène inquiétant, les collectivités locales se retrouvent souvent démunies. Comment éviter le départ des entreprises françaises ? Comment attirer de nouveaux investisseurs ? Quelles sont les activités les plus menacées ? Quelles sont les conséquences réelles sur les bassins d’emplois ? Certains secteurs sont-ils encore protégés ou ce mouvement va-t-il se poursuivre et s’étendre jusqu’à toucher l’ensemble des activités françaises ? Va-t-on assister à un « redéploiement territorial», marqué par la marginalisation d’anciennes régions industrielles et l’essor de nouveaux territoires, mieux armés pour résister en France ? Peut-on réellement mesurer et quantifier ce phénomène ? L’objet de cette thèse de doctorat est d’observer et d’analyser les conséquences de ce phénomène multiforme dans les secteurs les plus sensibles et les régions les plus concernées. Nous tenterons de dégager les perspectives d’un tel mouvement dans le cas français en insistant sur les paramètres susceptibles de les faire évoluer à court et moyen terme et d’analyser les modes de régulations locales qui permettraient de valoriser le territoire français. / Competition across territories has shaken the French industrial landscape. The economic survival of some industrial companies was achieved at the expense of a spatial reorganisation commonly referred to as “relocation”. These relocations first affected jobs where workforce constituted an important part of the cost of returns. Such activities went through difficult paths and led to numerous factory closures as well as thousands of job losses. Today, this scheme tends to evolve due to emerging countries’ willingness to position on technical and technological activities. In front of this worrying trend, local authorities are often powerless. How to avoid the exodus of French industrial companies? How to attract new investors? What are the most threatened activities? What are the real impacts on employment pools? Are some sectors still protected or is this movement going to extend until affecting all French industrial activities? Will we witness a “territorial redeployment” characterised by the marginalisation of former industrial regions and the emergence of new territories better equipped to resist in France? Can we really quantify and measure this phenomenon? This dissertation aims to observe and analyse the terms of spatial and organisational activities in the most sensitive sectors and the most affected regions. It intends to highlight the perspectives for such a trend in the French case while insisting on the parameters likely to make it evolve in the short and medium term, and analysing the types of local regulations that can promote the French territory.
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Moral Order and the Influence of Social Christianity in an Industrial City, 1890-1899: A Social Profile of the Protestant Lay Leaders of Three Hamilton Churches --Centenary Methodist, Central Presbyterian and Christ's Church CathedralMacLean Hanlon , Peter Francis 10 1900 (has links)
In the late nineteenth century, traditional Protestant social thought which stressed the idea of individual regeneration underwent a gradual readjustment to include the reforming impulse directed towards saving society from the collective ills of industrial life. In order to understand more precisely the origin and nature of this transformation, this study examines the social composition of three Hamilton churches --Centenary Methodist, Central Presbyterian and Christ's Church Cathedral --from 1890 to 1899, a critical decade in the history of religious and secular arrangements in Canada. It is premised on the proposition that local congregations provided the immediate context in which the new social gospel was often developed; they were the recipients of its message and their susceptibility to it would deeply affect its future course.
This study belies the uncritical view of businessmen as heroic "Captains of Industry" or as unfeeling exploiters of an underprivileged working class. The high degree to which most of the lay leaders participated in the business and spiritual affairs of their church and the range of their community interests is suggestive of the extent to which the sacred and the secular were intertwined. Drawn from the middle classes, they saw themselves as directing agents responsible for the material, moral and social well-being of society. At the center of their belief system was the notion that practical consistency in character and conduct must form the basis of a rational capitalistic organization of industrial labor. While most of the lay leaders would never make the shift to the social gospel associated with the new liberalism, their action in manifesting a robust Protestant spirit engaged with social ills as they saw them clearly set a mood of social optimism and a style of activism on which the social gospel could thrive. / Thesis / Master of Arts (MA)
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Privileging Populations in the New Urban Economy and the Future of the Post-Industrial CityYeager, Rickie Michael 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Représenter, réinterpréter et réimaginer le patrimoine industriel : la promotion du renouveau de la ville postindustrielle du Nord de l’Angleterre (1970-2010) / Representing, reinterpreting and reimagining industrial heritage : the promotion of renewal in post-industrial cities in the North of England (1970-2010)Caignet, Aurore 21 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’interroge sur ce qui subsiste du patrimoine industriel dans les reconversions d’édifices industriels, la régénération d’une ville et de ses espaces hérités de la révolution industrielle, et leur réinvention et promotion. Les représentations qui émergent autour de la mise en patrimoine du bâti industriel, et de la régénération de ce patrimoine et de son environnement immédiat, contribuent à la représentation de la ville postindustrielle. La présence et permanence du patrimoine industriel – dans le paysage et l’image de la ville – sont conditionnées par son degré d’adaptation à des goûts et des usages contemporains. Cette thèse révèle une prise en compte et une représentation moindres du patrimoine industriel malgré une protection et une appréciation accrues, ainsi qu’un tiraillement entre inclusion et exclusion du patrimoine industriel à l’échelle de la ville, du quartier, du bâtiment industriel, et au niveau des représentations visant à leur promotion et à l’attraction de touristes. Elle se focalise sur Bradford et Manchester, deux anciennes villes industrielles du Nord de l’Angleterre, et porte sur une période allant de 1970 à 2010, d’abord marquée par la désindustrialisation et le développement de l’archéologie industrielle, puis par des mutations en matière de conservation et de réemploi du bâti d’origine industrielle, ainsi que par la régénération de la ville postindustrielle et la redéfinition de son image. Cette étude s’achève à la fin des années 2000, une décennie prolifique en termes de réinterprétations de vestiges industriels, et s’intéresse à des réutilisations récentes à des fins culturelles et/ou créative. / This thesis examines what remains of industrial heritage when dealing with the conversion of industrial buildings, the regeneration of a city and its spaces inherited from the industrial revolution, and their reinvention and promotion. Representations that emerge from the heritagisation of the industrial built environment, and the regeneration of this heritage and its immediate surrounding area, participate in the representation of the post-industrial city. The presence and permanence of industrial heritage – in the cityscape and city image – depend on its capacity to adapt to contemporary tastes and purposes. As this thesis suggests, industrial heritage lacks attention and visibility, even though it benefits from greater levels of protection and appreciation. It also highlights an oscillation between the inclusion and exclusion of industrial heritage, whether it is at the level of a city, a district, or an industrial building, and within representations used to promote them and to attract tourist. It focuses on Bradford and Manchester, two former industrial cities of the North of England, and covers a period stretching from 1970 to 2010, as it was initially characterised by deindustrialisation and the development of industrial archaeology, and, subsequently, by mutations in relation to the conservation and reuse of industrial buildings, as well as by the regeneration of post-industrial cities and the redefinition of their image. This study ends in 2010 – the 2000s being a prolific decade regarding the reinterpretation of industrial vestiges – and explores recent conversions of industrial buildings for cultural and/or creative purposes.
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Postindustriální město – Svitavské nábřeží Urbanistická studie rozvoje města Brna na východ od centra / Postindustrial city Urban development study of Brno - east of the cityKozák, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The thesis deals with with transformation of post-industrial area on Svitava riverfront in Brno - Zábrdovice. Urban planing part completes structure of growing city, cultivates riverfront and creates different types of public spaces. Based on the urban study it suggests design of housning city block with closed courtyard and underground parking.
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Postindustriální město – Svitavské nábřeží Urbanistická studie rozvoje města Brna na východ od centra / Postindustrial city Urban development study of Brno - east of the cityKlaška, Martin January 2018 (has links)
Jan Svoboda Residence is situated in close proximity to the Svitava River and the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Brno Zábrdovice. Because of the industrial past, there are many Brownfields with undeveloped potential. The primary idea behind the design is to create a nice place to live and to show the possible solution for the future of Svitava Riverfront.
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Sociálně-prostorová struktura města Mostu / Socio-spatial structure of the town MostSyrovátková, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this diploma thesis is to analyze social-spatial structure of the town Most from the point of view of human ecology. The period under consideration is from 1991 to 2011. There is attempt to define local typology of the city, i.e. areas with similarities in the socioeconomic characteristic, its changes and also describe a transformation processes behind it. Trends in spatial differentiation of people are analyzed according to factor ecology. It means that there are used methods of multidimensional statistics like factor analysis and cluster analysis, because of defining the type and strength of certain factors which are specific to the urban areas.
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Libeňský plynojem v českém moderním umění / Libeň Gasholder within the Czech Modern ArtKudličková, Anita January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis is called Libeň Gasholder within the Czech Modern Art. The diplomate will work out a study of importance and meanings of Libeň gasholder within the iconography of the Czech modern art. The first part will expose the gasholder itself, its creation and its later life when it did not serve its original function any more, and will define the shifts of context in the perception of the gasholder as a part of the city. She will first briefly describe how Libeň transformed into an industrial city. The brief outline of the technology of gas production, transport and storage in the following part will clarify what determines the shape of the structure and will provide its basic typology. An independent chapter will deal with absolute forms in architecture and various meanings of sphere in the visual culture. The issues of transitions of things outside the artistic world into artistic ones will first be addressed by the depiction of Libeň gasholder in literature. The core of the thesis will lay in an analysis of a concentrated and typologically sorted art material. Based on that, the thesis will conclude with a clarification and summary of meanings ascribed to Libeň gasholder image in the context of Czech art. An image documentation will be attached to the thesis.
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La représentation de la ville industrielle dans le roman du XIXème siècle. / The representation of the industrial city in the nineteenth century's novel.Farsian, Mohammad-Reza 26 June 2009 (has links)
Avec l'émergence de la révolution industrielle, les populations rurales se dirigèrent vers les centres industriels nouveaux. S'y constitua un nouveau peuple, le peuple ouvrier, s’entassant dans les villes et dans les banlieues autour des usines. Surgirent de terre autour des manufactures industrielles des habitations destinées à minimiser la distance entre les logements et les lieux de travail. S'y Avec l'émergence de la révolution industrielle, les populations rurales se dirigèrent vers les centres industriels tissèrent des structures sociales simples, aboutissant à une nouvelle forme de ville : la ville industrielle, dont la caractéristique la plus importante, avant la présence du milieu ouvrier, réside dans celle d’une usine ou d’une mine, pleine d'objets et d'inventions mécaniques et techniques. La présente recherche se propose pour but de présenter cette ville industrielle en tant que produit le plus typique du XIXe siècle, avec ses composants techniques et ses habitants ouvriers. La ville s'y envisage comme l'un des berceaux les plus importants des romans, ceux-ci allant jusqu'à la prendre comme support de leur intrigue. Sans négliger l’importance considérable de la machine dans le bouleversement de la vie quotidienne ni oublier que la révolution technique est portée et manifestée par elle, la thèse analyse à travers ces romans le rôle de ces objets bruyants et imposants, ses machines, dans la formation de la ville industrielle, aussi bien que dans la vie de ses habitants. L'étude se complète par un portrait des ouvriers, ces utilisateurs des machines et ces incarnations de la technique et de l’industrie, dans leur vie, leur travail et leurs habitudes. Avec la littérature du XIXe siècle et surtout le mouvement naturaliste, ce peuple se trouve pour la première fois considéré dans la monotonie quotidienne de son existence, dans ses petits drames, ses mœurs, sa mentalité. Apparaissent de la sorte les effets néfastes de l’industrialisation et du machinisme sur la vie de ces personnes, auxquels certains auteurs remédient par la création d'utopies. / With the emergence of the industrial revolution, country people moved to the new industrial centers. Through this movement appeared a new social class, the working class, crowding in the cities and also in the suburbs around the factories. To minimize the distance between the places of work and the residences, a lot habitations appear suddenly out of earth around industrial factories. In those areas, simple social structures were created leading to a new city shape: the industrial city whose main characteristic, before the setting of the working class, is the factory or the mine, places full of industrial items, mechanical inventions and techniques. The present research aims at introducing this industrial city as the most typical product of the nineteenth century through its technical components and its working class. The city is considered as one of the main element in the novel as far as becoming the basic and strong support of their intrigue. Without neglecting the substancial and amazing effect and the consequences of the machine in the daily life and without forgetting that the technical revolution is supported and materialized by the machine itself, the thesis analyses, through the studied novels, the role of those machines in the emergence of the industrial city as well as its effects in the daily life of the working class. The study is developed by a portrait of the working class, main users of the machines and a description of the technical and industrial incarnations in their lifes, their work and their habits. With the nineteenth century's literature and especially through the naturalist movement, this social class is for the first time analysed by considering its monotonous daily life, its little dramas, its manners and its mentality. Therefore the negative effects of the industrialization and of the mechanization on the working class appear in the literature, and some writers try to solve the problem by creating utopia.
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