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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Prediction Models of Shrinkage and Creep in Industrial Floors and Overlays

Freidriks, Aida January 2015 (has links)
All form of activity in a building is in need for a sound platform to be able to operate. The performance of concrete floor in industrial spaces is of importance because there are greater demands on industrial concrete floor.  By making sure that the necessary recommendation regarding casting an industrial concrete floor is followed, the risk for failure is reduced. The Swedish Concrete Association (2008) recommends a w/c ratio of approximately 0.55 for industrial floors. This would result in a concrete strength class of C30/37 with an abrasive resistance adequate for most industrial floors. From an economical perspective an approach for concrete rehabilitation is the bonded overlay, which has been used for many years and has the intension to extend the life of structural concrete slabs. For concrete overlay having a matching material to the substrate is the main recommendation, in addition in a fully bonded overlay to the substrate there is less risk for cracking and edge lifting. From a mechanical perspective a crack develops when the stresses in concrete exceeds the tensile strength. Shrinkage and creep of concrete in both overlays and industrial floors are important factors that contribute in development of cracks which have considerable effect on failure of the structure; therefore it is useful to find an accurate prediction model to predict shrinkage and creep. The literature study that has been carried out in this thesis is mainly about shrinkage, creep, industrial floor, overlays and tensile stress prediction. In addition the following calculation models for prediction of creep and shrinkage of concrete have been reviewed in this paper: Eurocode 2, fib Model Code 2010, ACI 209R-92, Swedish code BBK04 and Swedish concrete manual Material. In order to study the differences between the mentioned models two example cases for calculation of shrinkage and creep in industrial floor and  bonded overlay with the mentioned methods have been carried out, also the tensile stress development in bonded overlay has been calculated according to a method proposed by Prof. Silfwerbrand (1997). Since it was not possible to consider all types of concrete and conditions which will affect the outcome, only one type of concrete C30/37 with w/c ratio of 0.55 for industrial floor and w/c ratio of 0.40 for overlay is taken as an example in this thesis. Some of these methods take only a few factors into consideration; however the others are more detailed and treat numerous factors. The simple methods such as BBK04 or the graph in Eurocode 2 for calculating the creep coefficient can be used in the lack of existence of sufficient input parameters to be able to roughly estimate the final value. The predicted shrinkage did differ by using different models, however the final value of the creep coefficient was quiet similar regardless of the used model. There are some important parameters such as ambient relative humidity, age at loading, duration of drying and duration of loading which should be included in predicting models since these parameters affect shrinkage and creep considerably. Also aggregate type has an important role in both creep and shrinkage; however aggregate type (modulus of elasticity of aggregate) was not included in any of the studied models. Choosing a factor according to the type of aggregate might be helpful for better prediction.

Sprickminimering hos industrigolv utsatta för krympning : Ett förslag till åtgärdsprogram

Bodin, Gustav, Hoff, Christopher January 2011 (has links)
I Sverige produceras varje år grovt uppskattat ca. 1,5–2,0 miljoner m2 industrigolv av betong [1]. Resultaten är varierande och det vanligaste felet hos dessa golv är sprickor [2]. I sprickorna letar sig vatten och i vissa fall klorider ned och förorsakar armeringskorrosion. Armeringen expanderar pga. korrosionen och spränger sönder betongen. Golvet blir inte längre estetiskt tilltalande samtidigt som livslängden förkortas avsevärt och golvytan blir ojämn vilket försvårar eventuell trucktrafik. Sprickor uppkommer främst pga. tvångskrafter som uppstår när betongen krymper. Storleken på sprickorna avgörs av betongens benägenhet att krympa, armerings-innehåll och graden av tvång. DynaMate som bygger och underhåller Scanias serviceverkstäder och industrilokaler upplever stora problem med sprickbildning hos industrigolven. Sprickorna medför stora kostnader i form av driftstopp, rivning, reparation och eventuell nyproduktion [3]. Föreliggande rapport baseras framförallt på litteraturstudier utifrån en rad rapporter, artiklar och handböcker men även normer. Intervjuer har genomförts med sakkunniga personer för att ta del av deras erfarenheter och åsikter. För att även få bättre insikt i utförandeskedet har författarna närvarat vid två olika gjutningar av industrigolv. För att minska sprickrisken i betonggolv, orsakad av betongens fria krympning, krävs en betongsammansättning som minimerar den fria krympningen, ett armeringsinnehåll som överstiger minimiarmering, fogar som tillåter rörelser i plattan och en långsam uttorkning. Det har upplevts att problem med sprickor i betonggolv beror på okunskap, olika viljor och slarv bland involverade aktörer. Därför är det även viktigt med tydliga mål och bra kommunikation mellan alla aktörer. På uppdrag av DynaMate har ett förslag till åtgärdsprogram för minskad sprick-bildning tagits fram. Detta kan ligga till grund för framtida golvprojekt och på sikt minska de stora kostnader som underhåll och reparationer medför. / Roughly estimated 1,5–2,0 million m2 of industrial concrete floors are produced in Sweden every year [1]. The results vary and the most common matter/failure among these floors is cracks [2]. Water finds its way down in the cracks and in some cases chlorides, which causes corrosion of the reinforcement. The reinforcement expands due to the corrosion and makes the concrete burst. The floor is no longer esthetically appealing. At the same time the lifetime is shortened substantially and the floor surface becomes uneven which complicates any truck traffic. Cracks arise due to restraint forces that develop because of concrete shrinkage. The width of the cracks is determined by the concretes tendency to shrink, reinforcement content and the extent of restraint forces. DynaMate builds and maintains Scania service centers and industrial facilities. They are experiencing major problems with cracking in industrial floors. The cracks bring large costs in terms of downtime, demolition, repair and any new production. The present report is based mainly on literature research from reports, articles and handbooks but also norms. Interviews were performed with qualified persons to share their experiences and opinions. To receive even more knowledge the authors attended two different castings of industrial floors. A reduction of cracking in concrete floors caused by the free shrinkage requires a concrete composition which minimizes the free shrinkage, reinforcement content in excess of minimum reinforcement, a slow drying and joints that allow movements. It was believed that the problem with cracks in concrete floors is due to ignorance, different wills and carelessness among the involved actors. Consequently it is also important to have clear objectives and good communication between all actors. On behalf of DynaMate a proposal for actions to reduce cracking was prepared. That proposal can form the basis for future flooring projects and ultimately reduce the significant costs due to maintenance and repairs.

Avaliação das propriedades de concretos reforçados com fibras de aço para utilização em pisos industriais / Evaluation of steel fiber reinforced concrete for industrial floors

Guimarães, Diego January 2015 (has links)
Os pisos industriais são elementos que estão presentes em muitas obras da construção civil. Devido a isso, estudos devem ser procedidos para melhorar seu desempenho. Concretos reforçados com fibras metálicas são alternativas para a produção de pisos, pois as fibras melhoram o comportamento do concreto transformando-o de um material quase-frágil em um material com comportamento pseudo-ductil. Diversas manifestações patológicas vêm sendo constatadas em pisos, como fissuras, e o emprego destas fibras visa minimizar estas deficiências. Assim, nesta pesquisa, foi estudado o traço 1: 2,5: 3,1 a/c 0,55, com adição de três teores diferentes de fibras: 0,25%; 0,35% e 0,60%, em volume de concreto, e dois fatores de forma FF/65 e FF/80. Para avaliar características do concreto foram realizados ensaios de flexão a quatro pontos, flexão a três pontos, módulo de elasticidade e resistência à compressão axial. A partir destes ensaios pode-se verificar o comportamento de cada teor em relação: à tenacidade, às variações na carga de pico, à capacidade de manter a resistência residual pós-ruptura e à abertura da fissura. Também foram avaliadas as diferenças do comportamento em relação à moldagem dos CPs, devido ao fato que foram moldados CPs cilíndricos convencionais e extraídos de blocos. Verificou-se que a inserção de fibras não causa significativas alterações na resistência à compressão axial e também no módulo de elasticidade. Quando a análise é realizada para o tipo de moldagem verificou-se que os CPs cilíndricos convencionais obtiveram melhor desempenho, em comparação aos extraídos. Na avaliação dos ensaios de flexão observou-se que o teor exerce maior influência no desempenho se comparado com a mudança no fator de forma. padrão de fissuração nas vigas foi o esperado para teores abaixo do volume crítico. Verificou-se uma menor variabilidade dos resultados de flexão a três pontos em relação ao ensaio de flexão a quatro pontos. Constatou-se um aumento da energia de fratura com o aumento do teor de fibras. Com as propriedades estimadas experimentalmente foi dimensionado um piso industrial para uma aplicação específica, ressaltando que o teor de 0,35% seria a melhor alternativa. Concluindo que nesta pesquisa a variação no FF não causou impactos no desempenho final ressaltando que o teor de 0,35% seria a melhor alternativa, para o dimensionamento. / Industrial floors are elements that are present in many works of construction. Because of this, studies should be proceeded to improve their performance. Concrete reinforced with steel fibers are alternatives for the production of floors, because the fibers improve the concrete behavior making it a quasi-brittle material in a material with pseudo-ductile behavior. Several pathological manifestations have been observed in floors, such as cracks, and the use of these fibers is to minimize these deficiencies. Thus, in this research, we studied the trace 1: 2.5: 3.1 a / c 0.55, with addition of three different levels of fiber: 0.25%; 0.35% and 0.60% in volume of concrete, and two form factors FF / 65 and FF / 80. To evaluate specific characteristics of flexure tests were conducted at four points, the three points bending, modulus of elasticity and resistance to axial compression. From these tests can verify the behavior of each content regarding: the tenacity, to changes in peak load, the ability to maintain the post-break residual strength and the opening of the crack. They were also evaluated behavioral differences in relation to the molding of CPs due to the fact that were shaped conventional cylindrical CPs and extracted blocks. It was found that the fiber insertion does not cause significant changes in compressive strength and also the modulus of elasticity. When the analysis is performed for the type of molding it found that conventional cylindrical CPs performed better in comparison to extracted. In the evaluation of bending tests it was observed that the content has the most influence on performance compared with the change in form factor. The pattern of cracks on the beams was expected to levels below the critical volume. There was less variation of bending results at three points over the flexure test at four points. It was found an increased fracture energy with increased fiber content. With the properties estimated experimentally has been designed an industrial floor for a specific application, pointing out that the 0.35% level would be the best alternative. Concluding that this research variation in FF caused no impact on final performance pointing out that the 0.35% level would be the best alternative for the design.

Avaliação das propriedades de concretos reforçados com fibras de aço para utilização em pisos industriais / Evaluation of steel fiber reinforced concrete for industrial floors

Guimarães, Diego January 2015 (has links)
Os pisos industriais são elementos que estão presentes em muitas obras da construção civil. Devido a isso, estudos devem ser procedidos para melhorar seu desempenho. Concretos reforçados com fibras metálicas são alternativas para a produção de pisos, pois as fibras melhoram o comportamento do concreto transformando-o de um material quase-frágil em um material com comportamento pseudo-ductil. Diversas manifestações patológicas vêm sendo constatadas em pisos, como fissuras, e o emprego destas fibras visa minimizar estas deficiências. Assim, nesta pesquisa, foi estudado o traço 1: 2,5: 3,1 a/c 0,55, com adição de três teores diferentes de fibras: 0,25%; 0,35% e 0,60%, em volume de concreto, e dois fatores de forma FF/65 e FF/80. Para avaliar características do concreto foram realizados ensaios de flexão a quatro pontos, flexão a três pontos, módulo de elasticidade e resistência à compressão axial. A partir destes ensaios pode-se verificar o comportamento de cada teor em relação: à tenacidade, às variações na carga de pico, à capacidade de manter a resistência residual pós-ruptura e à abertura da fissura. Também foram avaliadas as diferenças do comportamento em relação à moldagem dos CPs, devido ao fato que foram moldados CPs cilíndricos convencionais e extraídos de blocos. Verificou-se que a inserção de fibras não causa significativas alterações na resistência à compressão axial e também no módulo de elasticidade. Quando a análise é realizada para o tipo de moldagem verificou-se que os CPs cilíndricos convencionais obtiveram melhor desempenho, em comparação aos extraídos. Na avaliação dos ensaios de flexão observou-se que o teor exerce maior influência no desempenho se comparado com a mudança no fator de forma. padrão de fissuração nas vigas foi o esperado para teores abaixo do volume crítico. Verificou-se uma menor variabilidade dos resultados de flexão a três pontos em relação ao ensaio de flexão a quatro pontos. Constatou-se um aumento da energia de fratura com o aumento do teor de fibras. Com as propriedades estimadas experimentalmente foi dimensionado um piso industrial para uma aplicação específica, ressaltando que o teor de 0,35% seria a melhor alternativa. Concluindo que nesta pesquisa a variação no FF não causou impactos no desempenho final ressaltando que o teor de 0,35% seria a melhor alternativa, para o dimensionamento. / Industrial floors are elements that are present in many works of construction. Because of this, studies should be proceeded to improve their performance. Concrete reinforced with steel fibers are alternatives for the production of floors, because the fibers improve the concrete behavior making it a quasi-brittle material in a material with pseudo-ductile behavior. Several pathological manifestations have been observed in floors, such as cracks, and the use of these fibers is to minimize these deficiencies. Thus, in this research, we studied the trace 1: 2.5: 3.1 a / c 0.55, with addition of three different levels of fiber: 0.25%; 0.35% and 0.60% in volume of concrete, and two form factors FF / 65 and FF / 80. To evaluate specific characteristics of flexure tests were conducted at four points, the three points bending, modulus of elasticity and resistance to axial compression. From these tests can verify the behavior of each content regarding: the tenacity, to changes in peak load, the ability to maintain the post-break residual strength and the opening of the crack. They were also evaluated behavioral differences in relation to the molding of CPs due to the fact that were shaped conventional cylindrical CPs and extracted blocks. It was found that the fiber insertion does not cause significant changes in compressive strength and also the modulus of elasticity. When the analysis is performed for the type of molding it found that conventional cylindrical CPs performed better in comparison to extracted. In the evaluation of bending tests it was observed that the content has the most influence on performance compared with the change in form factor. The pattern of cracks on the beams was expected to levels below the critical volume. There was less variation of bending results at three points over the flexure test at four points. It was found an increased fracture energy with increased fiber content. With the properties estimated experimentally has been designed an industrial floor for a specific application, pointing out that the 0.35% level would be the best alternative. Concluding that this research variation in FF caused no impact on final performance pointing out that the 0.35% level would be the best alternative for the design.

Avaliação das propriedades de concretos reforçados com fibras de aço para utilização em pisos industriais / Evaluation of steel fiber reinforced concrete for industrial floors

Guimarães, Diego January 2015 (has links)
Os pisos industriais são elementos que estão presentes em muitas obras da construção civil. Devido a isso, estudos devem ser procedidos para melhorar seu desempenho. Concretos reforçados com fibras metálicas são alternativas para a produção de pisos, pois as fibras melhoram o comportamento do concreto transformando-o de um material quase-frágil em um material com comportamento pseudo-ductil. Diversas manifestações patológicas vêm sendo constatadas em pisos, como fissuras, e o emprego destas fibras visa minimizar estas deficiências. Assim, nesta pesquisa, foi estudado o traço 1: 2,5: 3,1 a/c 0,55, com adição de três teores diferentes de fibras: 0,25%; 0,35% e 0,60%, em volume de concreto, e dois fatores de forma FF/65 e FF/80. Para avaliar características do concreto foram realizados ensaios de flexão a quatro pontos, flexão a três pontos, módulo de elasticidade e resistência à compressão axial. A partir destes ensaios pode-se verificar o comportamento de cada teor em relação: à tenacidade, às variações na carga de pico, à capacidade de manter a resistência residual pós-ruptura e à abertura da fissura. Também foram avaliadas as diferenças do comportamento em relação à moldagem dos CPs, devido ao fato que foram moldados CPs cilíndricos convencionais e extraídos de blocos. Verificou-se que a inserção de fibras não causa significativas alterações na resistência à compressão axial e também no módulo de elasticidade. Quando a análise é realizada para o tipo de moldagem verificou-se que os CPs cilíndricos convencionais obtiveram melhor desempenho, em comparação aos extraídos. Na avaliação dos ensaios de flexão observou-se que o teor exerce maior influência no desempenho se comparado com a mudança no fator de forma. padrão de fissuração nas vigas foi o esperado para teores abaixo do volume crítico. Verificou-se uma menor variabilidade dos resultados de flexão a três pontos em relação ao ensaio de flexão a quatro pontos. Constatou-se um aumento da energia de fratura com o aumento do teor de fibras. Com as propriedades estimadas experimentalmente foi dimensionado um piso industrial para uma aplicação específica, ressaltando que o teor de 0,35% seria a melhor alternativa. Concluindo que nesta pesquisa a variação no FF não causou impactos no desempenho final ressaltando que o teor de 0,35% seria a melhor alternativa, para o dimensionamento. / Industrial floors are elements that are present in many works of construction. Because of this, studies should be proceeded to improve their performance. Concrete reinforced with steel fibers are alternatives for the production of floors, because the fibers improve the concrete behavior making it a quasi-brittle material in a material with pseudo-ductile behavior. Several pathological manifestations have been observed in floors, such as cracks, and the use of these fibers is to minimize these deficiencies. Thus, in this research, we studied the trace 1: 2.5: 3.1 a / c 0.55, with addition of three different levels of fiber: 0.25%; 0.35% and 0.60% in volume of concrete, and two form factors FF / 65 and FF / 80. To evaluate specific characteristics of flexure tests were conducted at four points, the three points bending, modulus of elasticity and resistance to axial compression. From these tests can verify the behavior of each content regarding: the tenacity, to changes in peak load, the ability to maintain the post-break residual strength and the opening of the crack. They were also evaluated behavioral differences in relation to the molding of CPs due to the fact that were shaped conventional cylindrical CPs and extracted blocks. It was found that the fiber insertion does not cause significant changes in compressive strength and also the modulus of elasticity. When the analysis is performed for the type of molding it found that conventional cylindrical CPs performed better in comparison to extracted. In the evaluation of bending tests it was observed that the content has the most influence on performance compared with the change in form factor. The pattern of cracks on the beams was expected to levels below the critical volume. There was less variation of bending results at three points over the flexure test at four points. It was found an increased fracture energy with increased fiber content. With the properties estimated experimentally has been designed an industrial floor for a specific application, pointing out that the 0.35% level would be the best alternative. Concluding that this research variation in FF caused no impact on final performance pointing out that the 0.35% level would be the best alternative for the design.

Příprava realizace výrobní haly Tescan / Preparation of realization of production hall Tescan

Hlávka, Jan Unknown Date (has links)
The topic of this diploma thesis is the preparation of the realization of the production hall of the company Tescan. The thesis contains a technical report on the construction technology project, the coordination situation, the time and financial plan of the construction. Furthermore, the project addresses the design of construction site equipment and machinery for each stage, the schedule of the main building, the plan of its supply of materials for the rough construction and technological regulations for the substructure of the building, to which the inspection and test plan applies. The next assignment deals with the budget of the main building, health and safety plan and the issue of formwork needed for implementation. The specialization in the area deals with the design and assessment of industrial floors and solutions for securing a construction pit.

Skladová hala v Měříně, příprava a organizace stavby / Project

Malý, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this work is the processing of the technological project for the ,,Skladová hala v Měříně“, which addresses the preparation and organization of construction. Construction technology the project involves the processing of time plans, economic evaluation, design of pumping sources for construction, working procedures, construction site equipment, and design of major machines and mechanisms. Further, it is processed a detailed technological regulation and inspection and test plan for a prefabricated reinforced concrete skeleton. All technological procedures are processed with regard to work safety and environment.

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