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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effect of pasteurisation on the composition of expressed human milk from HIV positive mothers, and its adequacy in relation to the growth of their very low birth weight premature infants

Van Wyk, Elisna 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences. Human Nutrition))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / Objective: Primary: To investigate the effect of pasteurisation on the composition of expressed breast milk from HIV positive mothers and its adequacy in relation to the growth of their VLBW premature infants. Methods: A descriptive, prospective case-controlled pilot study was performed in 3 regional state hospitals in the Western Cape, South Africa. The control and study groups consisted of 12 HIV negative and 11 HIV positive mothers, with their VLBW premature infants, respectively. All mothers (19 - 35 years old) belonged to the Xhosa ethnic group. All infants were born <34 weeks gestation and birth weight <1500g. Eight breast milk samples were collected on days 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21, 27 and 28 from all mothers during the first 28 days after birth. Breast milk was expressed by hand or pump from either the right or left breast. Half of each breast milk sample was kept raw. The remaining sample was Pretoria pasteurised, after which both samples were subdivided into 3 or 4 aliquots to determine energy, protein, carbohydrate, fat, folate, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, otassium, iron, copper, zinc content and HI viral load (study group only). The mothers’ dietary intake during pregnancy and lactation was obtained by means of a quantitative food frequency questionnaire and repeated 24-hour recall respectively. The infants’ dietary intake was recorded daily. Mothers’ anthropometric measurements taken at study entry and exit were weight, height and mid-upper arm circumference. All infants’ daily weight, as well as length and head circumference at birth and on day 28 postpartum was obtained. Biochemical analysis was performed on the blood samples obtained at study entry and exit from all mothers and infants. For statistical analysis, Statistica® (release no 7, 2006) was used for repeated measures analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine the effect of HIV, pasteurisation, milk expression and time on the composition of the breast milk. Results: There was no significant difference in the studied macro- and micronutrient composition between raw or pasteurised expressed breast milk from HIV positive and HIV negative mothers with premature infants. A significant decline in breast milk protein (p<0.01), magnesium (p=0.045), potassium (p=0.002), zinc (p<0.01) and copper (p=0.03) content was observed for the whole study population over time, while folic acid content increased significantly (p=0.012) over time. The sodium/potassium ratio of both groups remained strongly indicative of the presence of sub-clinical mastitis. A significant (p=0.03) greater mean volume of milk was obtained with pump [42.5 Standard Deviation (SD) 18.1 ml], compared to hand expression [36.7 (16.7) ml]. Method of expression did not result in a significant difference in breast milk composition for any of the nutrients studied. Eight (35%) infants were born SGA while 21 (91%) infants were SGA on day 28. The infants gained a mean of 16.37 (4.5) g/kg/day (i.e. 91% of the recommended growth rate of >18g/kg/day) from the day on which birth weight was regained. The control and study group infants respectively consumed a mean of 3.27 (1.36) and 3.21 (1.36) g protein/kg/day and 138.1 (33.8) and 142.3 (33.8) kcal total energy/kg/day. This corresponds to a PER of 2.6 (control group) and 2.5 (study group) respectively, which cannot provide for the increased growth needs of the SGA infant in need of catch-up growth. Six infants experienced an incident of Grade 1 NEC which resolved and all completed the study. Two (18%) HIV-exposed infants were found to be HIV positive at 28 days post delivery. Four participating infants died. No adverse event or mortality was related to the study protocol as no intervention was undertaken. Conclusion: HIV positive Xhosa mothers provide as nutritious breast milk to their VLBW premature infants as HIV negative Xhosa mothers. Maternal nutrient intake during pregnancy and lactation did not have a significant effect on the nutritional composition of breast milk, except for folate content.

Factors influencing high socio-economic class mothers’ decision regarding formula feeding practices in the Cape Metropole

Bester, Marwyn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MNutr (Human Nutrition))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Objective: To identify the reasons why high socio-economic class women in the Cape Metropole decide not to breastfeed; to identify the factors that influence the decision-making process when deciding which infant formula to feed the infant aged 0–6 months of age and to evaluate whether the type and volume of infant formula selected by the mother is appropriate for the infant’s needs. Method: The study was conducted as an observational descriptive study and consecutive sampling was used. Data was collected by means of a self-administered questionnaire that was available both in Afrikaans and English. Both open and closed ended questions were included. A Likert scale comprising four possible answers was used to determine attitude. Results: A total of 55 utilizable questionnaires were obtained. The majority of the mothers decided only after the birth of their infant to rather opt for formula feeding. Evident factors that were identified as a barrier to breastfeeding include a lack of knowledge and experience as well as a lack of facilities at public places and at work to breastfeed. Perceived benefits of infant formula included that the father could help with the workload and thus the father does not feel left out if the mother is breastfeeding, the mother knows what volume of infant formula the infant receives and it is more convenient if she is working. The mothers were overall not concerned about possible side effects of breastfeeding e.g. leaking and engorgement and did not feel that their breasts were physically not of optimal physiology e.g. too small or too large to be able to breastfeed. Conclusion: Numerous internal as well as external factors influence high socio-economic class women in the Cape Metropole when they decide whether to breastfeed or formula feed their infants. The identified barriers to breastfeeding will have to be addressed in this population in order to reach the WHO/UNICEF recommendation of exclusive breastfeeding up to the age of 6 months, and thereafter breastfeeding up to 2 years of age with the introduction of appropriate complementary foods.

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission programme : how "informed" is the literate mother's decision regarding infant feeding options in the Gert Sibande district, Mpumalanga province, South Africa

Davis, Annemarie, Labadarios, D., Marais, D., Cotton, M. F. 12 1900 (has links)
225 leaves printed on single pages, preliminary pages i- xxiii and numbered pages 1-203. Includes bibliography, list of abbreviations, list of definitions, list of tables and figures and list of appendices. / Digitized at 330 dpi color PDF format (OCR), using KODAK i 1220 PLUS scanner. / Thesis (MNutr (Interdisciplinary Health Sciences))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: "A comprehensive package of care for the Prevention of Mother- To-Child Transmission (PMTCT) of HIV" states that all mothers participating in the PMTCT Programme should receive education that will enable them to make informed decisions about infant feeding options. Rapid, same-day HIV testing and results that are available immediately, enable health care workers to be responsible for providing pre- and post-test counselling (which includes infant feeding options) on the same day. This could place a tremendous workload and time pressure on the health care workers. The aim of this study was to determine how "informed" is the literate mother's decision regarding infant feeding options, who participated in the PMTCT Programme, in the Gert Sibande District, Mpumalanga, South Africa. Method: Data was collected from health care workers and mothers on the PMTCT Programme at 23 PMTCT sites in the Gert Sibande District, with the help of 6 field workers and the PMTCT site manager at each PMTCT site, by means of once-off, self-administered questionnaires, which had been previously tested and validated. Results: Health care workers' attitude towards the PMTCT Programme was positive, although some (14%) indicated that what was expected of them was not achievable in their working environment. The most prominent change relating to the personal preferences of health care workers regarding infant feeding options for HIV-infected mothers, after attending the 5-day PMTCT course, was from formula-feeding to breast-feeding. Most (65%) indicated it was possible to stay neutral in a counselling session regardless of personal preference for infant feeding and 60% of those who could not stay neutral, still thought it was in the mother's best interest to be counselled by them. Most (98%) agreed mothers had the right to make informed decisions and 80% agreed mothers were able to make such a decision. Most (67%) health care workers indicated that not enough staff was stationed at PMTCT sites, only 53% used the feeding option cards when counselling mothers and indicated that more educational material was needed. Sixty one percent of the health care workers demonstrated the preparation of the formula to the mothers and allowed the mothers to demonstrate back to them. Between 49-82% and 37-56% of the health care workers knew the correct answers to knowledge questions relating to breastfeeding and formula-feeding, respectively. Not one health care worker, nor mother, knew all the steps in preparing a formula feed. Most (80%) mothers made decisions based on information provided to them by health care workers and only a small (13%) percentage were influenced by the community to practise a different feeding option than what they had chosen. Conclusions: The attitude, personal preferences, knowledge of and resources available to health care workers, influenced the decision made by mothers regarding infant feeding options and seeing that most mothers made their decision, based on information provided by health care workers, it is concluded that mothers can only make an informed decision about infant feeding options if they are advised appropriately by well trained, equipped and informed health care workers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: "A comprehensive package of care for the Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV", vermeld dat moeders, wat deelneem aan die Voorkoming van Moeder-Tot-Kind Oordrag (VMTKO) progam, voorligting behoort te ontvang ten opsigte van voedingsopsies vir hul babas, sodat hulle in staat sal wees om 'n ingeligte keuse te maak. Gesondheidswerkers is verantwoordelik om voorligting voor en na die HIV toets te gee, wat die voedingsopsies vir babas insluit, op dieselfde dag. Dit kan 'n ontsaglike werkslading op die gesondheidswerkers plaas. Die doel van die studie was om te bepaal hoe "ingelig" is die geletterde moeder se keuse ten opsigte van voedingsopsies, wat deelneem aan die VMTKO program, in die Gert Sibande distrik, Mpumalanga, Suid-Afrika. Metode: Die data is ingesamel by 23 VMTKO-klinieke en -hospitale in die Gert Sibande distrik onder gesondheidswerkers en moeders op die VMTKO-program, met behulp van 6 veldwerkers en VMTKO-bestuurders, deur middel van eenmalige, selfvoltooide vraelyste, wat van tevore getoets en gevalideer was. Resultate: Die gesondheidswerkers se houding teenoor die VMTKO-program was positief, alhoewel 14% aangedui het dat wat van hulle verwag word nie prakties of moontlik is in hul werksomgewing nie. Die prominentste verandering rakende die persoonlike voorkeure van die gesonheidswerkers teenoor voedingsopsies vir HIV -geinfekteerde moeders, na die 5-dag VMTKO kursus, was van formulevoeding na borsvoeding. Meeste (65%) het aangedui dit is moontlik om neutraal te bly gedurende 'n voorligtingssessie, ten spyte van persoonlike voorkeure vir voedingsopsies en 60% van die wat nie neutraal kon bly nie, het steeds gedink dit is in die beste belang van die moeder om deur hulle voorgelig te word. Meeste (98%) het saamgestem dat dit die moeder se reg is om 'n ingeligte keuse te maak en 80% het saamgestem dat die moeder wel in staat is om so 'n besluit te neem. Meeste (67%) gesondheidswerkers het aangedui dat personeel tekorte bestaan by die VMTKO klinieke en hospitale. Slegs 53% gebruik die voedingsopsie kaarte gedurende 'n voorligtingsessie met die moeder en het aangedui dat meer voorligtingsmateriaal benodig word. Een en sestig persent van die gesondheidswerkers het die voorbereiding van die formulevoeding aan die moeders gedemonstreer en het moeders toegelaat om ook die demonstrasie te doen. Nege en veertig tot twee en tagtig persent en 37-56% van die gesondheidswerkers kon die korrekte antwoorde verskaf vir vrae oor borsvoeding en formulevoeding, afsonderlik. Nie een gesondheidswerker of moeder kon al die stappe vir die voorbereiding van die formulevoeding noem nie. Meeste (80%) moeders maak keuses gebaseer op inligting wat aan hulle verskaf word deur die gesondheidswerkers en slegs 'n klein persentasie (13%) word beinvloed deur familielede om die teenoorgestelde voedingsopsie te praktiseer as wat hulle gekies het. Gevolgtrekking: Die houding, persoonlike voorkeure, kennis van en hulpbronne beskikbaar aan die gesongheidswerkers, beinvloed die besluit wat moeders neem ten op sigte van voedingsopsies en aangesien die moeders hulle besluit baseer op inligting wat deur die gesondheidswerkers aan hulle gegee word, word die gevolgtrekking gemaak dat moeders slegs 'n ingeligte keuse aangaande voedingsopsies kan maak indien hulle voorligting ontvang deur goed opgeleide en ingeligte gesondheidswerkers.

Guidelines for promoting supplementary infan feeding techniques among HIV-positive mothers

Chaponda, Armelia Stephanie 05 March 2013 (has links)
Vertical transmission of HIV is still a growing concern in South Africa. Breastfed infants are still at risk as HIV is present in breast milk, leaving HIV-positive mothers unsure of the best feeding option for their infants. However, there are various infant feeding techniques that HIV-positive mothers can use to supplement breastfeeding and flash-heat is one of them. Flash-heat is heat treating expressed breast milk to deactivate HIV for infant feeding. This study explored the possibility of HIV-positive mothers to practice flash-heating method for their infants exclusively for four months as a strategy to prevent vertical transmission of HIV. A descriptive, explorative and contextual design using a mixed method was used to obtain data from mothers in a post natal ward at Tembisa hospital. The mixed method used was useful in identifying the number of HIV-positive mothers who would adopt the flash-heat technique, the characteristics of mothers whom the technique could be promoted to, the factors that influence/affect the choice of infant feeding for these mothers, as well as their feelings associated with the feeding technique. Most (74%) mothers had a positive response to the flash-heat technique compared to 10% who were uncertain. They believed that heat treating their breast milk would result in their infants being HIV-free. In addition they believed that this method was cheaper than formula feeding and expressed positive feelings about touching their breast milk while expressing with no adverse feelings of expressing into a glass jar. Furthermore, findings of this study indicated that HIV-positive mothers in a public health facility would adopt flash-heat as an alternative infant feeding method. Thus practical guidelines to promote this feeding method were proposed. The proposed draft guidelines which promote the use of the flash-heat infant feeding method for HIV-positive mothers in public sector facilities will be communicated to relevant authorities such as the National Department of Health. These guidelines support the new policy shift to exclusive breastfeeding as a child survival strategy in South Africa. / Health Studies / D.Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)

Relationship of feeding practices, anthropometric status and gut function in infants in Dzimauli Community in South Africa

Mahopo, Tjale Cloupas 11 February 2015 (has links)
Department of Nutrition / MSCPNT

Factors impacting on feeding practices of infants 0-12 months which lead to malnutrition in a child welfare clinic in Tema Manhean (Tema New-Town), Ghana

Williams, Adwoa Durowaa 31 October 2014 (has links)
This cross-sectional exploratory and descriptive quantitative study explored the factors that impact on feeding practices of infants 0-12 months, encountered in the Child Welfare Clinic in Tema Manhean Health Centre and to determine the possible factors that lead to malnutrition. The population for this study comprised all infants who attended the Child Welfare Clinic at the Tema Manhean Health Centre. Three hundred and ninety infants participated in this study. Data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire and analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) Version 20. Findings of the study revealed that a larger number of the mothers were still breastfeeding at the time of data collection. All infants aged six months or older were given complementary foods. Some of the factors found to be associated with infant malnutrition included education of mother, employment status of mother, marital status, cultural practices and parity. / Health Studies / M.A.(Public Health)

Barriers to compliance to exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ethiopia

Mesfin Tesfay Tekle 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study aimed at exploring Barriers to compliance with exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ofla District, Tigray Region in Ethiopia. A quantitative exploratory descriptive study was conducted to explore and describe the barriers that restrict mothers /caregivers to comply with exclusive breast feeding practice until six months and with introduction of solid, semi-solid and soft foods at six months in Ofla District. Data were collected using structured questionnaire, from a total of 112 samples of which 75 mothers and care givers with children aged 0-5 months and 38 children aged 6-8 months participated. The data were entered into a computer and analysed though the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The findings revealed that there are barriers related Doer mothers and Non-Doer mothers perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, cues for actions, perceived social acceptability and positive and negative attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding and initiation of complementary feeding. On the other hand, the participant’s perception of both groups with regard to perception of Divine (God’s) Will on two child feeding practices was insignificantly the same. Both groups perceived that children could get sometimes malnourished because of spiritual or supernatural causes. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding in HIV-infected mothers of infants aged 0-6 months who attend an NGO Health Centre in Elandsdoorn Village

Mohlajoa, Katlego Thabo 02 1900 (has links)
Text in English / Breastfeeding is particularly important in resource-poor regions of the world, where limited access to clean water increases the risk of diarrhoeal disease if replacement feeding is used. However, human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) is transmitted through human milk. Purpose of the study The purpose of this study was to describe the determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding in HIV-infected mothers of infants aged 0 to 6 months who attend an NGO Health Centre in Elandsdoorn Village. Methods A quantitative research approach using a non-experimental cross-sectional study was undertaken to conduct this study. A self-reported study questionnaire was used to collect data from study participants. Purposive sampling was used to sample 75 mothers from 18 to 45 years of age who were HIV-positive. SPSS version 23 was used to analyse the data. Results The study results indicated that there are determinants contributing to exclusive breastfeeding and a need to establish a more comprehensive approach to educating pregnant women on reproductive health issues, and exclusive breastfeeding in particular. Factors contributing to low levels of exclusive breastfeeding included breast problems, societal influence, maternal health concerns, insufficient support, fear of stigmatisation, and babies’ health concerns. This caused mothers to discontinue exclusive breastfeeding. Conclusions The intention of this study was to reveal the determinants of exclusive breastfeeding affecting mothers who are HIV-infected and breastfeeding their infants. / Health Studies / M.P.H.

Barriers to compliance to exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ethiopia

Mesfin Tesfay Tekle 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / This study aimed at exploring Barriers to compliance with exclusive breastfeeding and timely introduction of complementary feeding practices in Ofla District, Tigray Region in Ethiopia. A quantitative exploratory descriptive study was conducted to explore and describe the barriers that restrict mothers /caregivers to comply with exclusive breast feeding practice until six months and with introduction of solid, semi-solid and soft foods at six months in Ofla District. Data were collected using structured questionnaire, from a total of 112 samples of which 75 mothers and care givers with children aged 0-5 months and 38 children aged 6-8 months participated. The data were entered into a computer and analysed though the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software. The findings revealed that there are barriers related Doer mothers and Non-Doer mothers perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, perceived self-efficacy, cues for actions, perceived social acceptability and positive and negative attitudes towards exclusive breastfeeding and initiation of complementary feeding. On the other hand, the participant’s perception of both groups with regard to perception of Divine (God’s) Will on two child feeding practices was insignificantly the same. Both groups perceived that children could get sometimes malnourished because of spiritual or supernatural causes. / Health Studies / M.A. (Public Health)

Knowledge and attitudes of HIV positive women on exclusive breastfeeding in Mopani District (Greater Letaba Sub-District), South Africa

Muditambi, Nathaniel Nndavhelesen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The study was conducted to determine the knowledge and to describe attitudes of HIV positive women on exclusive breastfeeding in Mopani District (the Greater Letaba Sub-District, Limpopo), South Africa. A quantitative, exploratory and descriptive design was adopted in this study to describe the knowledge and attitudes of HIV positive women on exclusive breastfeeding. The researcher used a self-developed structured questionnaire to collect data. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to describe data. The SPSS software version 21.0 was used to analyse data and this were displayed in tables and figures. A total of 123 participants were included in the study. The study concluded that HIV positive women have good knowledge and positive attitude on exclusive breastfeeding. / Health Studies / M.P.H.

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