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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digital korus : En kvalitativ studie om digitalisering inom körmusik

Sandén, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Today, many different kinds of choirs exist – from traditional choirs, to project choirs and even virtual choirs. In Europe alone, choirs are part of 37 million people’s everyday life and there is an uprising in the use of digital artefacts among the choirs. However, there is still not a lot written about this cultural industry, even though humans have sung together for hundreds of years. Unlike other extensively investigated practices such as businesses, transportation, or even sports, we still know very little about how digitalization has impacted choirs, their practitioners and practice. Drawing on practice theory and concepts from research on digitalization, this study aims to expand the existing work about choir music by investigating how choir leaders use digital technology in their work to see how the digitalization effects choir music. During the course of the thesis COVID-19 had a massive impact on everything, including choirs. As a result, rapid choir digitalization arose, moving the impact of digital technologies on choir practices to the forefront. My study shows how digital technologies creates new opportunities and made choir practices more efficient - while the essence of choir music was pushed away by the technology.

Användarupplevelser i administrativa system

Bergström, Mikael January 2020 (has links)
It is nowadays almost a given when developing graphical interfaces to allocate resources for designing and creating a great user experience for the users. This however has not yet found its way into the administrative workplaces as broadly as other fields such as web development. The study is centered around the broad question, can design help simplify and improve demand, understanding and usability of a system. It has a specific administrative system that needed an interface from a company as a starting point. Looking at how other fields have studied this phenomenon and how psychologists have interpreted how the human mind reacts to visual the process could bring forth a methodology and theoretical framework to work from. The results from this study shows that the user-centered approach is a good guideline to follow when developing graphical interfaces.

Hantering av datarelaterade utmaningar inom SSBI : En kvalititativ studie om hur datarelaterade utmaningar inom SSBI kan hanteras / Managing data related challenges within SSBI : A qualitative study on how data related challenges within SSBI could be managed

Eriksson, Andreas January 2020 (has links)
I dagens affärsvärld där konkurrensen hårdnar blir beslutsfattande baserat på data en allt viktigare faktor för att kunna utföra bättre beslut. Detta har tidigare mest berört beslut på strategisk nivå men har allt mer även börjat innefatta beslutsfattande på operationell nivå. Detta har medfört en ökande press på IT-avdelningen att bistå personer inom organisationen med rapporter och analyser. Detta har i sin tur även medfört långa väntetider då IT-avdelningen inte hinner leverera dessa i tid. Genom detta har ett relativt nytt koncept uppstått som benämns self-service business intelligence (SSBI). Detta koncept går ut på att övriga anställda ska utföra analyser och rapporter självgående utan IT-avdelningens stöd. Dock har detta visat sig vara svårt att implementera och det finns många utmaningar att överkomma för att lyckas med SSBI. Några av dessa utmaningar benämns som datarelaterade vilka denna studie ämnar ge rekommendationer för hur dessa kan hanteras. Studiens frågeställning är: Hur kan datarelaterade utmaningar inom SSBI hanteras? Studien utgörs av en fallstudie bestående av en litteraturgranskning samt intervjuer för att därmed undersöka hur dessa datarelaterade utmaningar kan hanteras. Resultatet utgörs av ett antal rekommendationer som organisationer kan använda för att hantera datarelaterade utmaningar inom SSBI.

Vem kan dra nytta av low-code? : Karakteriserande faktorer förverksamheter & arbetsprocesser / Who can benefit from low code? : Characterising factors for enterprises & business processes

Fahlander, Martin January 2020 (has links)
Detta examensarbete undersöker vad som karakteriserar verksamheter och arbetsprocesser som kan dra nytta av implementation av low-code-lösningar genom en studie. Studien genomfördes med intervjuer på ett kvalitativt sätt tillsammans med en målgrupp som besitter viss insikt inom ämnet. Resultatet från studien stämmer delvis överens med tidigare forskning inom området, men även sedan tidigare outforskade områden undersöktes i studien, för vilken det inte fanns tidigare vetenskaplig litteratur att jämföra med. Sammanfattningsvis innebär resultatet från denna studie att de verksamheter och arbetsprocesser som högt värderar de specifika fördelar som low-code-konceptet erbjuder, samt de som inte ställer så höga krav gällande komplexitet och så vidare, kan dra nytta av implementation av low-code-lösningar. / This thesis investigates what characterises enterprises and business processes which can benefit from implementation of low code solutions through a study. The study was conducted with interviews in a qualitative approach together with a target group possessing certain insight in the subject. The result of the study is partly consistent with previous research within the area of study, but also previously unexplored areas of study were investigated in the study, for which there was no scientific literature to compare to. In summary the results of the study entail that enterprises and business processes which highly value the specific advantages that the low code concept offers, and don’t have high demands regarding complexity and so on, can benefit from the implementation of low code solutions.

Representations of data for repetitive user behaviors using Markov Chains

Grimmer, David January 2020 (has links)
This report presents problematic issues with analyzing user behaviors of a repetitive nature for Anomaly Detection using the Markov Chain model. The users in the data tend to use certain events in succession for a long period of time. Doing the same thing in succession can be normal but when can these users be considered to have an abnormal behavior? The work done in this report presents two alterative ways of representing the data for letting the Markov Chain capture large sections of repeating events without needing to increase the order of the Markov Chain. The presented representations show promising results for an increase in the Markov Chain capability to distinguish users of repetitive nature from each other, as well as suggestions for future development.

The impact of distance, feature weighting and selection for KNN in credit default prediction

Zhang, Huicheng January 2020 (has links)
With the rapid spread of credit card business around the world, credit risk has also expanded dramatically. The occurrence of a large number of credit cardcustomer defaults has caused huge losses to financial institutions such as banks. Therefore, it is particularly important to accurately identify default customers. We investigate the use of the K Nearest Neighbor (KNN) algorithm, to evaluate the impact of the alternative distance functions, feature weighting, and feature selection on the accuracy and the area under curve (AUC) of the credit card default prediction model. For our evaluation, we use a credit card user dataset from Taiwan. We find that the Mahalanobis distance function performed best, feature weighting, and feature selection could improve the accuracy and AUC of the model.

A comparative study for classification algorithms on imblanced datasets : An investigation into the performance of RF, GBDT and MLP

Stenvatten, David January 2020 (has links)
In the field of machine learning classification is one of the most common types to be deployed in society, with a wide amount of possible applications. However, a well-known problem in the field is classification is that of imbalanced datasets. Where many algorithms tend to favor the majority class and in some cases completely ignore the minority class. And in many cases the minority class is the most valuable one, leading to underperforming and undeployable implementations.There are many proposed solutions for this problem, they range from different algorithms, modifications of existing algorithms and data manipulation methods. This study tries to contribute to the field by benchmarking three commonly applied algorithms (Random forest, gradient boosted decision trees and multi-layer perceptron), in combination with three different data-manipulation methods (oversampling, undersampling and no data manipulation). This was done through experiments over three differently shaped datasets.The results point towards random forest being the best overall performing algorithm. But when it comes to data with a lot of categorical dimensions the multi-layer perceptron was the top performer. And when it comes to data-manipulation, undersampling was the best approach for all the datasets and algorithms.

Self-service business intelligence : Hur företag kan hantera utmaningar vid implementering av SSBI

Sprangers, Simon January 2020 (has links)
Den starka konkurrensen inom IT-sektorn tvingar svenska företag att vara så effektiva som möjligt, inte minst genom databaserade beslut. En allt vanligare metod för detta kallas SSBI, som står för Self-Service Business Intelligence. Metoden kan hjälpa företag till högre flexibilitet och snabbare beslut. Även om SSBI utlovar mycket, är antalet nya och lyckade implementeringar relativt lågt. SSBI är helt enkelt betydligt svårare att implementera än vad många trott. Denna rapport har undersökt de utmaningar som ofta följer med implementering av SSBI, och hur dessa utmaningar kan hanteras. Utmaningarna har identifierats utifrån en litteraturstudie som efter sammanställning har diskuterats med fyra respondenter med goda kunskaper i ämnet, allt för att bättre förstå hur utmaningarna bäst kan hanteras. Utmaningarna har delats upp i sex kategorier: BI-verktyg, Lagar och standarder, Datakvalitet, Datadefinition, Användare och Datatillgänglighet. Resultatet av rapporten är att många av dessa olika utmaningar har en direkt koppling till varandra, men att var och en måste hanteras på rätt sätt för att en organisation ska lyckas med implementeringen.

A comparative study of machine learning algorithms for Document Classification

Moritz, Hugo January 2020 (has links)
In a more digitalized world, companies with e-archive solutions want to be part of the usage of modern methods to develop their business. One method is to automatically classify the content of the documents. A common approach is to apply machine learning, also known as document classification. There is a lack of updated research on comparing different machine learning algorithms. Also, in the context of whether more modern methods as neural networks are better than more statistical traditional/classic machine learning methods. The document classification process goes through pre-processing, feature selection, document representation and training and testing of the classifiers. Implementation of five different machine learning methods, with different stemming and feature selection settings, presents result based on various classification metrics and time consumption. The result shows that the neural network classifier have as high accuracy as one of the traditional statistical classifiers SVM, but the neural network provides a higher computational time cost. More studies for the document classification area with other programming language and libraries may give interesting aspects to whether the differences can be determined even more.

Faktorer som kan ligga till grund för beslutet om val av systemutvecklingsmetod : En fallstudie på ett internationellt IT-bolag

Stekovic, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Den digitala tekniken underlättar våra liv om det så gäller hur vi kommunicerar, utför vårt arbete, reser till jobbet eller tittar på TV (Sommerville, 2011). För att bäst utveckla dessa system, applikationer och verktyg används olika utvecklingsmetoder. Systemutvecklingsmetodik syftar på metod som används för att strukturera, planera och styra processen med att utveckla informationssystem. För att undersöka och förstå hur man som organisation kan ta beslut om val av metod på rätt grunder, har det i den här uppsatsen identifierats flertalet kritiska beslutsfaktorer som ligger till grund för valet av systemutvecklingsmetod. Följande forskningsfråga ämnas besvaras i undersökningen: • Vilka faktorer borde ligga till grund för valet av systemutvecklingsmetod? Det har gjorts en kvalitativ fallstudie på ett internationellt IT-bolag. Informanterna intervjuades och fick dela med sig av sina erfarenheter kring faktorer som påverkar beslutfattandet vid val av systemutvecklingsmetod. För att hjälpa läsaren har uppsatsen strukturerats med en kort förklaring om vad systemutveckling och utvecklingsmetod är samt förklaring om vikten av beslutsfaktorer och de beslutsområden som bör tas i beaktning. Analysen presenterar sedan en argumentation kring att det breda urvalet av utvecklingsmetoder samt att det faktum att utvecklingsmetoden påverkar utfallet av ett utvecklingsprojekt, gör metodvalet kritiskt. Organisationer måste ha en samlad bild av förutsättningar att grunda beslutet om metodvalet på för att inte riskera att beslutet tas utifrån känslor eller externa influenser, då ett ogrundat metodval kan leda till betydande konsekvenserna för utvecklingsprojektet. Likaså lyfter resultatet att genom att ta hänsyn till projektförutsättningar så som typ av system som ska utvecklas, kravbild, tidsplan och budget säkerställer man att beslutet om valet av metod grundas på betydande faktorer vilka har stor påverkan på utfallet av vald metod. Vidare presenterar slutsatserna varför man behöver ha olika faktorer i åtanke och hur de bör beaktas vid valet av systemutvecklingsmetod. De faktorer som kunde identifieras och som påverkar valet är vilken typ av system eller applikation som ska utvecklas, kravspecifikationen, tidsplan, budget, utvecklingsteamets erfarenhet samt företagskultur. / Technology simplifies our lives when it comes to how we communicate, work, travel or watch TV (Sommerville, 2011). There is a range of system development methods that are used to develop these systems, applications and tools. System development methodology refers to the method used to structure, plan and control the process of developing information systems. In order to look into and create an understanding for which factors should be considered when deciding on what system development method implement, this research has identified several critical decision factors that form the basis for the choice of method. The following research question will be answered: • What factors underlie the choice of a system development method? A qualitative case study has been conducted at an international IT company. The informants were interviewed and shared their experiences on factors that influence decision making when choosing a system development method. To assist the reader, the essay has been structured with a brief explanation of what system development and a development method is, as well as an explanation of the importance of decision factors and the decision areas that should be taken into consideration. The analysis then presents an argumentation regarding that the wide range of system development methods as well as the fact that development methods affect the outcome of the development project, make the selection of method critical. Organizations must have a unified picture of the conditions to base the selection of method on, in order not to risk the decision being made based on emotions or external influences, since an unjustified choice of method can lead to significant consequences for the development project. The result also highlights that by taking into account project conditions such as the type of system that is being developed, the requirements specification, timeplan and budget, it is ensured that the decision on the choice of method is based on significant factors that have a major impact on the outcome of the chosen method. Furthermore, the conclusions present why different factors need to be kept in mind and how they should be taken into account when choosing a system development method. The factors that could be identified having an impact on the choice are the type of system or application to be developed, the requirements specification, time plan, budget, previous experience of the development team and company culture.

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