Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forminformation duty"" "subject:"informationation duty""
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Informační povinnost při poskytování investičních služeb / Information duty arising from providing investment servicesSoural, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
Duty to inform the customer arising from providing investment services is one of the most important institutes of consumer protection in the capital market, especially in light of the recent financial crisis. The aim of this thesis is to comprehensively explain and summarize the issue of disclosure duties of securities trader to the customer. Questions that I ask in this context are: 1) whether the current legislation under the Directive on markets in financial instruments (MiFID I), respectively. Act no. 256/2004 Coll. Capital Market Undertakings Act (Capital Market Undertakings Act) is sufficient; and b) what changes will bring a new directive on markets in financial instruments (MiFID II), respectively amendment to Act no. 256/2004 Coll. Capital Market Undertakings Act (amendment Capital Market Undertakings Act )and whether it is a benefit for the capital market or not. In the introduction I introduce the situation on the capital market in Europe, respectively in the Czech Republic, history and present the information duty when providing investment services and content description of each charter. The first chapter is theoretical and I define in it term of general legal term: information duty, providing investment services, bearer of information duty, and the person entitled to the information....
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Informační povinnost obci ve vybraných zemích / The duty to inform owed by municipalities in selected countriesZelenka, Marek January 2013 (has links)
Resumé Information duty of municipalities in selected countries In this thesis I have concentrated on the topic of transparency and openness of municipality bodies in the Czech republic, the Slovak republic and the Free State of Bavaria. The legislations in these countries have historically similar grounds, nevertheless, nowadays they show up many distinctions. My concentration was focused on the Czech legislation and legislative proposals, since the topics of open (digital) society, transparent politics and elements of direct democracy are being held as popular key words in the election struggles. The attempts of last three governments were heading almost to the same goals, showing that there is a need to adjust the processes of municipality bodies in terms of enabling citizens to participate and control easily the work of their representatives. These measures were meant to have the effect of decreasing the possibility of corruption at the municipal level. I have oriented on the following topics in comparing of the relevant legislations: the possibility of public to be present during sessions of municipal bodies; processes of preparation and invitations of citizens to these sessions and legal consequences in case the procedure would not be abided by; releasing of written and multimedia records of the...
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Právní aspekty poskytování a ochrany informací v podnikatelské činnosti / Legal aspects of provision and protection informations in entrepreneurial activitiesŠvarc, Zbyněk January 2002 (has links)
Conscious and carefully planned decision making is a part of management containing planning, organization, operative management, motivation and control. All these components of management as well as their effective functioning are dependent on knowledge, data transfer and information processing and holding. If their acquisition is not or cannot be dependent on an activity of deciding subject itself (or dependent on an optional cooperation with other subjects) and data and information are essential and determinant in social point of view, then the third persons must be bound to provide them. A duty to provide such information must be set by legal rules. For purposes of this work, an information duty is specified as a legally binding duty of certain subject to provide information to another subject whose breach results in a rise of legal liability. Objects of this duty are data and information recognized by legal regulations as relevant for control and decision process. Subject of this work is a description and subsequent analysis of regulations of information duty in business relations in domestic legislation, especially information duty of entrepreneurs towards customers and consumers. Fighting this aim, contract basis of information duty is accentuated. The analysis of information duty is further coupled with characteristics of elementary legal tools how to protect the authors, providers and receivers of data and information, and also with the essential characteristics of public and private responsibility for breach of information duty.
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Informationsplikten i försäkringsavtalslagen : Uppfylls syftet med informationen?Nilsson, Jennie January 2011 (has links)
This thesis treats the information the insurance company is going to give the policyholders just before the insurance is to be concluded and soon thereafter. The purpose for the essay is to investigate whether the mentioned information can be considered to meet the purpose referred to its establishment. The investigation will also show if the penalty for not upholding this obligation is reasonable in relation to the aim the duty to inform the policyholders is meant to uphold. Information to be provided before the contract is concluded should facilitate the choice of insurance. The information to be given to the policyholders as soon as possible after the contract is concluded should be given as a form of confirmation and information on conditions that has not been stated before. The purposes that have been mentioned is for both the information to consumers and companies. The conclusion that can be made after the analysis is that the information is of great importance for the policyholder, both for consumers and companies. Some penalties can be regarded as a tad harsh against the insurance company, according to the author. If just policyholders have an interest to use the information their position would get better. The general purpose of the information has therefore been achieved. / Uppsatsen behandlar för- och efterköpsinformation som ska ges vid tecknande av konsument- och företagsförsäkring. Uppsatsens syfte har varit att utreda huruvida nämnda information kan anses uppfylla de ändamål som ställts vid dess tillkomst. Vidare utreds huruvida påföljderna vid försummelse av informationsplikten kan anses rimliga ställt mot de ändamål som informationen ska fylla. Förköpsinformationen ska lämnas innan försäkringen tecknas och på grundval av given information ska valet av försäkring underlättas för försäkringstagaren. Efterköpsinformationen är den information som snarast efter avtalsslut ska ges till försäkringstagaren som en form av bekräftelse. Efterköpsinformationen ska även innehålla upplysningar gällande vissa andra villkor om det inte tidigare har gjorts. Avseende konsumentförsäkring aktualiseras en civilrättslig påföljd om försäkringsbolaget underlåtit att ge efterköpsinformation, som innebär att försäkringsbolaget inte får åberopa avtalsvillkor som inte särskilt framhållits. Vid underlåtelse att ge förköpsinformation till konsument kan en marknadsrättslig påföljd bli aktuell, vilket innebär att försäkringsbolaget åläggs att utge information. Samma marknadsrättsliga påföljd aktualiseras för underlåtelse att ge både för- och efterköpsinformation avseende företagsförsäkring. Av den analys som gjorts är en slutsats att för- och efterköpsinformationen kan antas vara av stor betydelse för nämnda försäkringstagare. Avgörande för att syftena med informationen, både för och efterköpsinformation, ska uppfyllas är att ett intresse finns hos försäkringstagaren att ta del av dem, som bör motiveras av olika skäl. Författarens åsikt är att den civilrättsliga påföljden ger ett starkt skydd för konsumenten som inte kan anses rimligt mot informationens syfte. Dock kan anses den marknadsrättsliga påföljden utgöra ett för svagt skydd för försäkringstagarna.
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Povinnosti tzv. kótovaných akciových společností / Duties of so-called quoted joint stock companiesNovotný, Marek January 2015 (has links)
Duties of so-called quoted joint stock companies Thesis author: Mgr. Marek Novotný Thesis supervisor: prof. JUDr. Stanislava Černá, CSc. This thesis is concerned with the regulation of duties of quoted joint stock companies (especially the duty of information) and its various institutes. The purpose of this thesis is to describe the legislation in this area of law and its development, with emphasis on the transposition of European legislation, and subject them to critical evaluation. In the first chapter the theoretical framework is defined by describing key legal concepts (the term "quoted joint stock company", "regulated markets") and the development of the most important legal regulation in this area - Act No. 256/2004 Coll., on Business Activities on the Capital Market. The second chapter is devoted to regulated markets and subject information duty. The third chapter deals with the admission of a security to trading on a regulated market and associated initial information duty of joint stock company, which is willing to become quoted. I describe mainly the prospectus and its essential elements. In the fourth chapter I analyze in detail the different types of regular (periodic) information duties, which are the annual report, semi-annual report and interim report. The following fifth chapter is...
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Informační povinnost při jednání o uzavření smlouvy / Information duty in pre-contractual negotiationsVrběcký, Matouš January 2016 (has links)
Information duty in pre-contractual negotiations Act no. 89/2012 Sb., the Civil Code, has brought many changes into the private law. The new Civil Code within the frame of pre-contractual liability among other things explicitly embedded in the provision of Section 1728 Subsection 2 the so called general information duty, i. e. a duty of the contracting parties to notify each other of certain circumstances prior to the conclusion of the contract. The paper aspires to define the term and the scope of general information duty with the help of the comparison of approaches toward this duty in other states and with the help of existing judicial (both Czech and foreign) decision making. In certain aspects, documents of European Contract Law were also taken into account owing to the fact that the European Contract Law was used in the process of drafting the valid and effective Civil Code. Even though many sources were used while writing the paper, the scope of general information duty could not be definitely determined. With respect to the fact that no explicit and distinct limits of this duty are set, the main source of knowledge will be judicial decision making which should take a consistent attitude toward a complex issue of general information duty which is inseparably related to the Economic Analysis of Law....
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Informační povinnost podnikatele v souvislosti s ochranou spotřebitele / Information duty of entrepreneur in connection to consumer protectionKaras, Ladislav January 2013 (has links)
Consumer protection is one of the recent trends in the private law and goes nowadays through very dynamic development. Its driving force is especially the European law through directives of the European Parliament and the Council. The necessity of their transposition greatly influences our national law. The last change was an adoption of the Law no. 89/2012 Sb., the Civil Code. The aim of this thesis is to analyze the information duties of entrepreneurs which have been adopted to protect consumers. The thesis evaluates whether the given regulation does not burden disproportionately entrepreneurs on the one hand and provides an adequate protection for the consumers on the other hand. The thesis also deals with the consequences that may arise in particular cases for failure to comply with the information duties.
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Povinnosti tzv. kótovaných akciových společností / Duties of so-called quoted joint stock companiesKráľ, Štefan January 2016 (has links)
Duties of so-called quoted joint-stock companies This diploma thesis draws attention to information duties of the so-called listed joint- stock companies. The goal of this thesis is to introduce the legal regulation of selected information duties of the so-called listed joint-stock companies and to analyse the development of the selected duties with regard to harmonization of capital markets regulation. The goal of this thesis is also to analyse whether the selected information duties help the capital market to function more efficiently. The thesis is divided into seven chapters, introduction and conclusion. The introduction defines which goals are to be achieved by this thesis and which methods are used by the author. The first chapter defines what a so-called quoted joint-stock company means under the Czech law. The second chapter introduces the importance of capital markets for the whole economy and briefly explains the specific evolution of the capital market in the Czech Republic since the 1990s until now, which was influenced by privatization and transformation. The third chapter follows the second chapter and introduces the evolution of legal environment of capital market protection. The third chapter also includes several important terms such as regulated market or quotation. The fourth...
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Ochrana spotřebitele a informační povinnost podnikatelů / Consumer protection and information duty of entrepreneursŠvehlová, Magda January 2010 (has links)
Thesis in the first part deals with consumer protection on Czech and European legislative level, with emphasis on information duty of an entrepreneur. The practical part focuses on information obligations of supervisory authorities, which are further shown in the famous case of CTI and its fuel checks carried out at petrol stations.
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Vinculación del Deber de Idoneidad y el Deber de Información en las Relaciones de Consumo / Bonding between the Duty of Suitability and the Duty of Information in Consumer RelationsJara Falla , Carmen Sofia 12 January 2021 (has links)
La investigación pretende exponer el vínculo que existe entre el deber de idoneidad y el deber de información en la relación de consumo, teniendo en cuenta la legislación peruana, así como la legislación extranjera. El objetivo de investigación es analizar cómo son las relaciones de consumo y cuál es la relevancia que tienen ambos deberes en ella, para que posteriormente, se pueda destacar el vínculo que ha despertado el interés investigativo del autor. El método para llevar a cabo la investigación comprende la revisión literaria de las doctrinas y diversas legislaciones que se pudieron recabar para el tema en cuestión. En este sentido, el contenido plasmado permite señalar que la idoneidad y la información en las relaciones de consumo determinan el éxito de la misma, puesto que el consumidor debe ser protegido en su intención de adquirir algún bien o servicio disponible en el mercado, con el único objetivo de suplir sus necesidades. / The research aims to expose the link between the duty of suitability and the duty of information in the consumer relationship, taking into account Peruvian legislation, as well as foreign legislation. The research objective is to analyze how consumer relations are and what is the relevance of both duties in it, so that later, the link that has aroused the author's investigative interest can be highlighted. The method to carry out the research includes the literary review of the doctrines and various laws that could be collected for the subject in question. In this sense, the content reflected allows to point out that the suitability and the information in the consumer relationships determine the success of the same, since the consumer must be protected in his intention to acquire some good or service available in the market, with the sole objective of supplying your needs. / Trabajo de investigación
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