Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forminformation studies"" "subject:"informationation studies""
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”Man vill ju inte bara ha deckare och chic-lit i sittbestånd” : - Kulturrådets distributionsstöd ochbibliotekens urvalsprocess i två norrländska regioner.Nilsson, Björn January 2016 (has links)
Detta är en kvantitativ undersökning av två norrländska regioners huvudbibliotek där en enkät skickats till de bibliotekarier som är ansvariga för det urval som sker när den distributionsstödda litteraturen från Statens Kulturråd når deras bibliotek. Uppsatsens teoretiska del använder gatekeeping-teori för att undersöka hur urval sker där olika faktorer påverkar bibliotekariens urval. Undersökningen visar att mycket av den tillsända litteraturen uppges redan finnas på biblioteken samt att i de flesta fallen skänks dubletter eller oönskad litteratur bort, mer än den distribueras vidare till andra bibliotek. Det som påverkar mest i urvalet är om litteraturen redan finns i samlingarna samt besökarnas användning av litteraturen. / Urval, Kulturrådet, Bidrag, Distributionsstöd
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Tristare kan ingen vara : Bilden av bibliotekarien i svensk skönlitteraturLindberg, Mathias January 2018 (has links)
Ständigt överallt kring oss i vårt vardagliga liv översköljs vi med tecken och budskap som vi tolkar enligt vår egen uppfattning om verkligheten, och detta i sin tur formar oss som människor. Det formar hur vi uppfattar världen runt om oss och vilka värderingar vi kan tänkas lägga in i olika begrepp eller uppfattningar. Denna uppsats har haft som syfte att undersöka hur bilden av bibliotekarien återspeglas inom svensk skönlitteratur och hur detta i sin tur kan påverka sättet som vi kan komma att förstå vad en bibliotekarie är och gör i det allmänna medvetandet. Denna uppsats är också tänkt att försöka se om huruvida bilden av den svenska bibliotekarien, såsom den förmedlas genom den lästa skönlitteraturen, fortsätter i samma tradition som tidigare forskning pekat mot om hur bibliotekariebilden framhållits. Den undersökta litteraturen har varit romaner med svenska som originalspråk och som utspelat sig under svenska bibliotekarieförhållanden. Genom diskursanalys har dessa skönlitterära texter bearbetats till att ligga till grund för denna uppsats. Resultaten från detta har pekat mot att den gängse bilden av bibliotekarien som stereotypiskt porträtterad figur inom skönlitteraturen fortlever med några få undantag. Något som i sin tur kan komma att påverka bibliotekariekåren på ett negativt sätt i framtiden eftersom den stereotypiskt förenklade bilden som framställs rimmar i regel illa med faktiska verklighetsförhållanden ute i biblioteksverksamheter.
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Från serendipitet till sökning : En kvalitativ studie av serieskapares informationsbeteendeOlsson, Elias January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: En grupp vars informationsbeteenden (IB) inte studerats utförligt är utövare av konstnärliga yrken. I synnerhet saknas djupare kunskap om hur relationen mellan deras IB och deras arbetsprocess ser ut. Indikationer finns på att IB skiljer sig mellan olika underkategorier av utövare. Därför behövs forskning på olika underkategoriers IB. En sådan undergrupp är serieskapare. Dessa är intressanta att studera i sin egen rätt men också för att få vägledning om hur man ska förhålla sig till dem i studier med bredare fokus. Syfte: att ge kunskap om vad som kännetecknar serieskapares IB. Frågeställningarna är följande: hur ser relationen mellan IB och serieskapares arbetsprocess ut? Vilka IB kan kopplas till rollen som serieskapare utöver de som är direkt kopplade till produktionen av serier? Metod: semistrukturerade intervjuer som tolkas genom konventionell kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: serieskapares IB i arbetsprocessen går gradvis från serendipitet och vaga informationsbehov till specifika dito och sökningar. Idéer till historier fås genom passiv browsing av omvärlden. Dessa utvecklas gradvis till manus vilket ger upphov till sökning efter fakta och begränsade behov av feedback. När skiss/bildmanus ska göras uppstår många ofta mycket specifika behov av visuella referenser. Behoven tillfredsställs främst via Google eller att man tar egna foton. Feedback söks i detta stadium och svaga länkar är mycket användbara men används inte alltid. När skisserna är klara avtar informationsbehoven succesivt. Musik och podcasts är viktiga för koncentrationen i de mer mekaniska arbetsmomenten. Trial and error är en viktig metod för att lära sig nya material. Tvivel förefaller hanteras främst individuellt men behöver undersökas ytterligare. Information om seriebranschen får man främst genom sociala medier. Mässor är viktiga för nätverkande. Serieskapare utbyter information främst med andra inom seriefältet. Det breda begreppet inspiration behöver delas upp i mera specifika begrepp om man ska kunna tala om gruppens IB på ett meningsfullt sätt. Serieskaparollen är en av många konkurrerande liknande roller varför det är viktigt att i studier av gruppen reflektera kring vilken roll man undersöker.
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Marketers have realised that the consumer needs to be the central focus of the organisationâs activities. In the United States of America a marketing expert, Faith Popcorn, has done valuable research on consumer trends. Popcorn proposed that if marketers keep these consumer trends in mind when developing and marketing products or services, they will address the needs of consumers more effectively.
A limited amount of research on consumer trends have been done in South Africa and according to the researcherâs knowledge, no research on Faith Popcornâs trends specifically. The aim of this study was firstly to determine whether ten consumer trends identified by Popcorn in 1991 occurred among the staff members of the North-West University (NWU), and secondly to work towards recommending points of departure for the application of this knowledge in integrated marketing communication (IMC). In the context of a selected group of people, Faith Popcornâs consumer trends were addressed by the following research question: Do the ten consumer trends identified by Faith Popcorn in the American marketplace also occur among the permanent staff members of the NWU? And if so, how can knowledge about these trends be used to formulate more effective IMC strategies?
All permanent staff members of the NWU participated as respondents. A self-administered questionnaire was developed and used as a data-collection method. The questionnaire was developed to determine whether the consumer trends of Cocooning, Fantasy Adventure, Small Indulgences, Egonomics, Cashing Out, Down-Aging, Being Alive, The Vigilante Consumer, 99 Lives and Save our Society occurred among the respondents. The results were analysed by means of the following statistical methods: (i) factor analysis with varimax orthogonal axe rotation; (ii), Cronbachâs alpha coefficient, to obtain an index of the internal consistency of the factors and (iii) effect sizes, to determine practical significance between the factors and demographic variables.
The factor analysis revealed that 8 of the 10 consumer trends grouped together and measured the appropriate variables. It was found that 2 of the 10 factors, namely Cocooning and 99 Lives, had low internal consistency and they were therefore excluded from the study. The study showed that in general respondents agreed with the consumer trends of Faith Popcorn, meaning that these consumer trends occurred among the study population. It was also found that for certain consumer trends, some biographical variables displayed specific effect sizes, which could be significant in practice. The research results indicated that the consumer trends which were under investigation in this study, occurred among the respondents, thus positively answering the research question, as mentioned previously in this abstract. Marketers can apply the knowledge produced by this research into directing their creative approaches to specific market segments in order to include message content about the consumer trends. Some recommendations were made for including message content about consumer trends in order to address consumersâ lifestyle needs more effectively in IMC.
Recommendations were made for future research, such as, inter alia: (i) a descriptive study incorporating additional trends of Popcorn into an investigation; (ii) a comparative study within other industries in South Africa to determine whether any similarities in consumer trends can be determined; (iii) a qualitative research investigation explaining the occurrence/non-occurrence of Faith Popcornâs trends could also provide valuable information; (iv) an explorative study to identify alternative consumer trends among a similar sample frame; (v) an investigation into the applicability of these trends within an organisationâs IMC strategy, leading to more effective market segmentation and consequently better results; and (vi) a qualitative investigation into the relevance of consumer trend analysis in the formulation of corporate strategy.
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Stakeholders are not passive, but have a huge impact on the functioning of organisations. The
fierce competition amongst companies to win stakeholdersâ interest and loyalty poses a
challenge to organisations to seek the means of strengthening long-term relationships with their
stakeholders. The Lesotho National Manpower Development Secretariat (NMDS) is a
government department that, like any other organisation, has to take note of the challenges of
the stakeholder century. The relationship between the NMDS and its stakeholders has been
unfavourable. Regardless the cause, the situation affirms the impression that the NMDS is
failing to feature in the stakeholder century.
The aim of this study is to provide guidelines to improve the relationship between the NMDS
and its stakeholders. The aim will be achieved through a discussion of the environment in which
stakeholder relationships are pursued. A reflection on the stakeholder concept and an
exploration of the marketing communication activities that the NMDS embark on to establish
relationships with its stakeholders will be highlighted.
The stated goal will be achieved through the combination of qualitative and quantitative
research approaches. The grounded theory will be used to address the qualitative section,
whilst in the quantitative section a survey research strategy will be employed.
Firstly, the analysis revealed that the NMDSâ mission and brand are not well-known among
stakeholders. It was further extrapolated that communication between top management and the
employees of the NMDS was poor. It is also apparent that the organisationâs ability to
communicate with its stakeholders using various techniques has been very poor. Furthermore it
became clear that there is absolutely no message consistency within the organisation. The
causes thereof were poor internal communication, employees lacking knowledge of their work,
absence of policies and differences in perception. Stakeholders further lamented the
discrimination prevalent within the NMDS, particularly during the scholarship renewal period. It
was revealed that nepotism, favoritism, corruption and administrative irregularities are the major
causes. The NMDS employeesâ motivation is under suspicion. Suggestions such as increased
remuneration, training and counseling were put forward as possible correctional measures of
the status quo. The NMDSâ stakeholders suggested that information dissemination at the NMDS could be
improved through using different media, use of word of mouth, and empowering the public
relations office. It is imperative to mention that the challenges which faced the stakeholder of the
NMDS were information inaccessibility, employeesâ inefficiency and a total lack of stakeholder
consciousness. The results of the study revealed that the NMDSâ interaction with its
stakeholders can be enhanced through involving stakeholders on issues affecting them, using
various marketing communication techniques, and training staff on stakeholder care. Finally, the
use of ICT has been rated by stakeholders as being very low at the NMDS. Utilising ICT may be
of great assistance in improving the relations between the organisation and its stakeholders. In
the next chapter the conclusions drawn from the research findings of this study, together with
the recommendations, will be presented.
It is anticipated that this study will provide a theoretical framework for the NMDS to improve its
marketing communication activities to improve its relationship with its stakeholders. Improved
relationships will lead to improved service standards, which in turn will make stakeholders true
assets of the NMDS.
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Human beings are susceptible to the rhetorical power of narrative communication. Narrative communication is an organisational element that helps people to make sense of the world they live in. Rhetoric is the application of reason to imagination to bring the human will into movement. In the world of religious communication, especially communication within the Christian philosophy, narrative communication is used as a rhetorical strategy regularly. The Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) is the oldest and biggest Pentecostal church in South Africa. The primary aim of the study was to analyse the use of narrative communication as rhetorical strategy within the preaching of the traditional Afrikaans-speaking Apostolic Faith Mission congregations in Bloemfontein. The research question is how narrative communication manifests as a rhetorical strategy in the preaching of the traditional Afrikaans-speaking Apostolic Faith Mission (AFM) congregations in Bloemfontein. Secondary aims of the study were to measure the frequency of narrative communication as rhetorical strategy in the preaching of the Apostolic Faith Mission in Bloemfontein; to determine which narrative story elements and style elements are used; and to determine whether there is a difference in the application of narrative communication during the morning services and the evening services. Twelve sermons, three morning sermons and three evening sermons of two pastors of different congregations, were analysed by overt observation and content analysis. Video recordings were made of all the sermons in order for the researcher to go through all of the sermons again to verify the results. Content analysis was the primary research strategy during this study. During the church services, the researcher fulfilled the observer-as-participant role. There are different elements to qualify and identify a text as ânarrativeâ. These elements are called âstory elementsâ, seeing that they usually form part of a story. Storyline, narrative location and experience narrative are examples of story elements. If the communicator wants to capture the imagination of the audience and if he wants to get them emotionally involved in the message, he must pay attention to the style of the communication action. The communication action can be seen as narrative if these style elements are applied, even if there is not a complete story present. These narrative style elements include certain language elements and non-verbal elements. The unit of analysis for this study was the narrative story elements and style elements that were found in die twelve sermons. These elements were identified in the literature study. The categories of analysis were the story elements and the style elements. For the sake of this study, it was said that narrative communication was applied as a rhetorical strategy in a sermon when 50% of the identified narrative story elements or 50% of the identified narrative style elements were found within that sermon. This sub-minimum was met in every analysed sermon and thus it can be said that narrative communication was applied as rhetorical strategy during every sermon. Introduction, causal relations, protagonist and narrative location are the narrative story elements that were used most frequently. The use of humour, the use of metaphors and the self revelation of the storyteller are the style elements that were used most frequently. Narrative style elements were used more frequently than narrative story elements. The only difference between the use of narrative communication in the morning services and in the evening services was that narrative style elements were used more frequently during the morning services than during the evening services. The pastorsâ knowledge about the use of narrative communication during preaching was limited. However, the literature study showed that narrative communication can be applied as a rhetorical strategy during preaching with great success. Thus, the construction of a narrative model for preaching in the AFM, and in other denominations, could be useful.
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Den normbrytande biblioteksvärlden : Kvinnliga bibliotekarier som avancerat vid Lunds stadsbibliotek / The groundbreaking society of swedish libraries : Female librarians who advanced at the town library of LundPersson, Cecilia January 2017 (has links)
This master thesis in Library and information science, explores who four women succeeded in advancing at Lund’s city library year 1929-1960. Through library records and newspaper articles, women's external factors are exposed and explained what institutions are crucial for these women to advance in their profession. The internal factors are highlighted through newspaper articles written by and about these women to show perceptions about a female library manager. Together, these two perspectives will respond to why these women managed to advance in the library profession. The thesis shows that perceptions of female gender and the role of leadership are crucial for women to succeed in achieving a leading position in the library profession. This means that influential institutions such as family, university, workplace, and society must see female gender as a natural part of the leadership position. But this is not enough, according to this thesis women must apprehend themselves as suitable managers. This means that when female gender clearly matches the executive role, the number of women in leading positions will increase.
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Hur företag lyckas på den kinesiska onlinemarknaden : En rapport om hur företag bör gå tillväga för att få ut en maximal effekt av den kinesiska onlinemarknaden / How companies succeed in the Chinese market onlineOlsson, Johannes, Wessman, Oskar, Sundén, Jesper January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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”…they invested truth and named her fiction” : Vetenskapliga referenser till sex skönlitterära klassiker / ”…they invested truth and named her fiction” : Scientific references to six literary fiction classicsLiljeberg, Veronica January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this master thesis is to acknowledge and explore the use of fiction literature in scientific research. Six influential and classical novels within western culture is bibliometrically traced through the index database Web of Science. Both quantitative citation analysis and qualitative content analysis are applied, the later with the help of open coding and grounded theory. The quantitative research examines and reveals to which extent the novels are used as references in English language scientific articles, the oldest dated back to 1950, and how articles published between 2010-2018 are distributed over fields of research and the distribution between countries and author gender. The qualitative research also covers the reference position in the article text, other fiction that are co-cited with the chosen novels of this study and also themes or categories for use of the fiction references in 180 scientific articles, published between 2010-2018, that are analysed in full text. Five categories where developed for the use of the novels in the analysed articles. These five categories are Epigraph, Illustration, Theory construction, Partof study method and Other use.
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