Spelling suggestions: "subject:"forminformation theoretical security"" "subject:"informationation theoretical security""
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Information-theoretic security under computational, bandwidth, and randomization constraintsChou, Remi 21 September 2015 (has links)
The objective of the proposed research is to develop and analyze coding schemes for information-theoretic security, which could bridge a gap between theory an practice. We focus on two fundamental models for information-theoretic security: secret-key generation for a source model and secure communication over the wire-tap channel. Many results for these models only provide existence of codes, and few attempts have been made to design practical schemes. The schemes we would like to propose should account for practical constraints. Specifically, we formulate the following constraints to avoid oversimplifying the problems. We should assume: (1) computationally bounded legitimate users and not solely rely on proofs showing existence of code with exponential complexity in the block-length; (2) a rate-limited public communication channel for the secret-key generation model, to account for bandwidth constraints; (3) a non-uniform and rate-limited source of randomness at the encoder for the wire-tap channel model, since a perfectly uniform and rate-unlimited source of randomness might be an expensive resource. Our work focuses on developing schemes for secret-key generation and the wire-tap channel that satisfy subsets of the aforementioned constraints. Read more
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Error Control for Network CodingSilva, Danilo 03 March 2010 (has links)
Network coding has emerged as a new paradigm for communication in networks, allowing packets to be algebraically combined at internal nodes, rather than simply routed or replicated. The very nature of packet-mixing, however, makes the system highly sensitive to error propagation. Classical error correction approaches are therefore insufficient to solve the problem, which calls for novel techniques and insights.
The main portion of this work is devoted to the problem of error control assuming an adversarial or worst-case error model. We start by proposing a general coding theory for adversarial channels, whose aim is to characterize the correction capability of a code. We then specialize this theory to the cases of coherent and noncoherent network coding. For coherent network coding, we show that the correction capability is given by the rank metric, while for noncoherent network coding, it is given by a new metric, called the injection metric. For both cases, optimal or near-optimal coding schemes are proposed based on rank-metric codes. In addition, we show how existing decoding algorithms for rank-metric codes can be conveniently adapted to work over a network coding channel. We also present several speed improvements that make these algorithms the fastest known to date.
The second part of this work investigates a probabilistic error model. Upper and lower bounds on capacity are obtained for any channel parameters, and asymptotic expressions are provided in the limit of long packet length and/or large field size. A simple coding scheme is presented that achieves capacity in both limiting cases. The scheme has fairly low decoding complexity and a probability of failure that decreases exponentially both in the packet length and in the field size in bits. Extensions of the scheme are provided for several variations of the channel.
A final contribution of this work is to apply rank-metric codes to a closely related problem: securing a network coding system against an eavesdropper. We show that the maximum possible rate can be achieved with a coset coding scheme based on rank-metric codes. Unlike previous schemes, our scheme has the distinctive property of being universal: it can be applied on top of any communication network without requiring knowledge of or any modifications on the underlying network code. In addition, the scheme can be easily combined with a rank-metric-based error control scheme to provide both security and reliability. Read more
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Error Control for Network CodingSilva, Danilo 03 March 2010 (has links)
Network coding has emerged as a new paradigm for communication in networks, allowing packets to be algebraically combined at internal nodes, rather than simply routed or replicated. The very nature of packet-mixing, however, makes the system highly sensitive to error propagation. Classical error correction approaches are therefore insufficient to solve the problem, which calls for novel techniques and insights.
The main portion of this work is devoted to the problem of error control assuming an adversarial or worst-case error model. We start by proposing a general coding theory for adversarial channels, whose aim is to characterize the correction capability of a code. We then specialize this theory to the cases of coherent and noncoherent network coding. For coherent network coding, we show that the correction capability is given by the rank metric, while for noncoherent network coding, it is given by a new metric, called the injection metric. For both cases, optimal or near-optimal coding schemes are proposed based on rank-metric codes. In addition, we show how existing decoding algorithms for rank-metric codes can be conveniently adapted to work over a network coding channel. We also present several speed improvements that make these algorithms the fastest known to date.
The second part of this work investigates a probabilistic error model. Upper and lower bounds on capacity are obtained for any channel parameters, and asymptotic expressions are provided in the limit of long packet length and/or large field size. A simple coding scheme is presented that achieves capacity in both limiting cases. The scheme has fairly low decoding complexity and a probability of failure that decreases exponentially both in the packet length and in the field size in bits. Extensions of the scheme are provided for several variations of the channel.
A final contribution of this work is to apply rank-metric codes to a closely related problem: securing a network coding system against an eavesdropper. We show that the maximum possible rate can be achieved with a coset coding scheme based on rank-metric codes. Unlike previous schemes, our scheme has the distinctive property of being universal: it can be applied on top of any communication network without requiring knowledge of or any modifications on the underlying network code. In addition, the scheme can be easily combined with a rank-metric-based error control scheme to provide both security and reliability. Read more
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Physical-layer securityBloch, Matthieu 05 May 2008 (has links)
As wireless networks continue to flourish worldwide and play an increasingly prominent role, it has become crucial to provide effective solutions to the inherent security issues associated with a wireless transmission medium. Unlike traditional solutions, which usually handle security at the application layer, the primary concern of this thesis is to analyze and develop solutions based on coding techniques at the physical layer.
First, an information-theoretically secure communication protocol for quasi-static fading channels was developed and its performance with respect to theoretical limits was analyzed. A key element of the protocol is a reconciliation scheme for secret-key agreement based on low-density parity-check codes, which is specifically designed to operate on non-binary random variables and offers high reconciliation efficiency.
Second, the fundamental trade-offs between cooperation and security were analyzed by investigating the transmission of confidential messages to cooperative relays. This information-theoretic study highlighted the importance of jamming as a means to increase secrecy and confirmed the importance of carefully chosen relaying strategies.
Third, other applications of physical-layer security were investigated. Specifically, the use of secret-key agreement techniques for alternative cryptographic purposes was analyzed, and a framework for the design of practical information-theoretic commitment protocols over noisy channels was proposed.
Finally, the benefit of using physical-layer coding techniques beyond the physical layer was illustrated by studying security issues in client-server networks. A coding scheme exploiting packet losses at the network layer was proposed to ensure reliable communication between clients and servers and security against colluding attackers. Read more
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Cryptographic Key Extraction and Neural Leakage EstimationBergström, Didrik January 2024 (has links)
We investigate the extraction of cryptographic keying material from nano-scale variations of digital circuit outputs by using nested polar codes and neural leakage estimators. A runtime-efficient algorithm is developed to simulate such a system. A certain family of digital circuit outputs are known to be a source of randomness that can be used as a unique identifier for each output. By generating secret keys from these unique outputs, one can apply cryptographic methods by using the secret keys as the seed. One is required to store extra helper data generated first time the outputs are measured, since there is noise in digital circuit outputs, to be able to reconstruct the same key from every measurement of the same digital circuit. The generation of the secret keys and helper data follow a nested polar code construction, and they are generated in this thesis to estimate the Shannon entropy of the secret key and secrecy leakage to a passive attacker using neural networks. The estimators used illustrate, for the first time, that the system generates secret keys of almost maximum entropy and negligible secrecy leakage for practical cryptographic systems if the digital circuit outputs can be preprocessed to obtain almost independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) random outputs distributed according to a binary uniform distribution. The algorithm design is evaluated and improvements for lower runtime are suggested. Ideas for future research are presented. Read more
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Key Agreement over Wiretap Models with Non-Causal Side InformationZibaeenejad, Ali January 2012 (has links)
The security of information is an indispensable element of a communication system when transmitted signals are vulnerable to eavesdropping. This issue is a challenging problem in a wireless network as propagated signals can be easily captured by unauthorized receivers, and so achieving a perfectly secure communication is a desire in such a wiretap channel. On the other hand, cryptographic algorithms usually lack to attain this goal due to the following restrictive assumptions made for their design. First, wiretappers basically have limited computational power and time. Second, each authorized party has often access to a reasonably large sequence of uniform random bits concealed from wiretappers.
To guarantee the security of information, Information Theory (IT) offers the following two approaches based on physical-layer security.
First, IT suggests using wiretap (block) codes to securely and reliably transmit messages over a noisy wiretap channel. No confidential common key is usually required for the wiretap codes. The secrecy problem investigates an optimum wiretap code that achieves the secrecy capacity of a given wiretap channel.
Second, IT introduces key agreement (block) codes to exchange keys between legitimate parties over a wiretap model. The agreed keys are to be reliable, secure, and (uniformly) random, at least in an asymptotic sense, such that they can be finally employed in symmetric key cryptography for data transmission. The key agreement problem investigates an optimum key agreement code that obtains the key capacity of a given wiretap model.
In this thesis, we study the key agreement problem for two wiretap models: a Discrete Memoryless (DM) model and a Gaussian model. Each model consists of a wiretap channel
paralleled with an authenticated public channel. The wiretap channel is from a transmitter, called Alice, to an authorized receiver, called Bob, and to a wiretapper, called Eve. The Probability Transition Function (PTF) of the wiretap channel is controlled by a random sequence of Channel State Information (CSI), which is assumed to be non-causally available at Alice. The capacity of the public channel is C_P₁∈[0,∞) in the forward direction from Alice to Bob and C_P₂∈[0,∞) in the backward direction from Bob to Alice. For each model, the key capacity as a function of the pair (C_P₁, C_P₂) is denoted by C_K(C_P₁, C_P₂). We investigate the forward key capacity of each model, i.e., C_K(C_P₁, 0) in this thesis. We also study the key generation over the Gaussian model when Eve's channel is less noisy than Bob's.
In the DM model, the wiretap channel is a Discrete Memoryless State-dependent Wiretap Channel (DM-SWC) in which Bob and Eve each may also have access to a sequence of Side Information (SI) dependent on the CSI. We establish a Lower Bound (LB) and an Upper Bound (UB) on the forward key capacity of the DM model. When the model is less noisy in Bob's favor, another UB on the forward key capacity is derived. The achievable key agreement code is asymptotically optimum as C_P₁→ ∞. For any given DM model, there also exists a finite capacity C⁰_P₁, which is determined by the DM-SWC, such that the forward key capacity is achievable if C_P₁≥ C⁰_P₁. Moreover, the key generation is saturated at capacity C_P₁= C⁰_P₁, and thus increasing the public channel capacity beyond C⁰_P₁ makes no improvement on the forward key capacity of the DM model. If the CSI is fully known at Bob in addition to Alice, C⁰_P₁=0, and so the public channel has no contribution in key generation when the public channel is in the forward direction.
The achievable key agreement code of the DM model exploits both a random generator and the CSI as resources for key generation at Alice. The randomness property of channel states can be employed for key generation, and so the agreed keys depend on the CSI in general. However, a message is independent of the CSI in a secrecy problem. Hence, we justify that the forward key capacity can exceed both the main channel capacity and the secrecy capacity of the DM-SWC.
In the Gaussian model, the wiretap channel is a Gaussian State-dependent Wiretap Channel (G-SWC) with Additive White Gaussian Interference (AWGI) having average power Λ. For simplicity, no side information is assumed at Bob and Eve.
Bob's channel and Eve's channel suffer from Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), where the correlation coefficient between noise of Bob's channel and that of Eve's channel is given by ϱ.
We prove that the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model is independent of ϱ. Moreover, we establish that the forward key capacity is positive unless Eve's channel is less noisy than Bob's. We also prove that the key capacity of the Gaussian model vanishes if the G-SWC is physically degraded in Eve's favor. However, we justify that obtaining a positive key capacity is feasible even if Eve's channel is less noisy than Bob's according to our achieved LB on the key capacity for case (C_P₁, C_P₂)→ (∞, ∞). Hence, the key capacity of the Gaussian model is a function of ϱ.
In this thesis, an LB on the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model is achieved. For a fixed Λ, the achievable key agreement code is optimum for any C_P₁∈[0,∞) in both low Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) and high SIR regimes. We show that the forward key capacity is asymptotically independent of C_P₁ and Λ as the SIR goes to infinity, and thus the public channel and the interference have negligible contributions in key generation in the high SIR regime. On the other hand, the forward key capacity is a function of C_P₁ and Λ in the low SIR regime. Contributions of the interference and the public channel in key generation are significant in the low SIR regime that will be illustrated by simulations.
The proposed key agreement code asymptotically achieves the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model for any SIR as C_P₁→ ∞. Hence, C_K(∞,0) is calculated, and it is suggested as a UB on C_K(C_P₁,0). Using simulations, we also compute the minimum required C_P₁ for which the forward key capacity is upper bounded within a given tolerance.
The achievable key agreement code is designed based on a generalized version of the Dirty Paper Coding (DPC) in which transmitted signals are correlated with the CSI. The correlation coefficient is to be determined by C_P₁. In contrast to the DM model, the LB on the forward key capacity of a Gaussian model is a strictly increasing function of C_P₁ according to our simulations. This fact is an essential difference between this model and the DM model.
For C_P₁=0 and a fixed Λ, the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model exceeds the main channel capacity of the G-SWC in the low SIR regime. By simulations, we show that the interference enhances key generation in the low SIR regime. In this regime, we also justify that the positive effect of the interference on the (forward) key capacity is generally more than its positive effect on the secrecy capacity of the G-SWC, while the interference has no influence on the main channel capacity of the G-SWC. Read more
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Key Agreement over Wiretap Models with Non-Causal Side InformationZibaeenejad, Ali January 2012 (has links)
The security of information is an indispensable element of a communication system when transmitted signals are vulnerable to eavesdropping. This issue is a challenging problem in a wireless network as propagated signals can be easily captured by unauthorized receivers, and so achieving a perfectly secure communication is a desire in such a wiretap channel. On the other hand, cryptographic algorithms usually lack to attain this goal due to the following restrictive assumptions made for their design. First, wiretappers basically have limited computational power and time. Second, each authorized party has often access to a reasonably large sequence of uniform random bits concealed from wiretappers.
To guarantee the security of information, Information Theory (IT) offers the following two approaches based on physical-layer security.
First, IT suggests using wiretap (block) codes to securely and reliably transmit messages over a noisy wiretap channel. No confidential common key is usually required for the wiretap codes. The secrecy problem investigates an optimum wiretap code that achieves the secrecy capacity of a given wiretap channel.
Second, IT introduces key agreement (block) codes to exchange keys between legitimate parties over a wiretap model. The agreed keys are to be reliable, secure, and (uniformly) random, at least in an asymptotic sense, such that they can be finally employed in symmetric key cryptography for data transmission. The key agreement problem investigates an optimum key agreement code that obtains the key capacity of a given wiretap model.
In this thesis, we study the key agreement problem for two wiretap models: a Discrete Memoryless (DM) model and a Gaussian model. Each model consists of a wiretap channel
paralleled with an authenticated public channel. The wiretap channel is from a transmitter, called Alice, to an authorized receiver, called Bob, and to a wiretapper, called Eve. The Probability Transition Function (PTF) of the wiretap channel is controlled by a random sequence of Channel State Information (CSI), which is assumed to be non-causally available at Alice. The capacity of the public channel is C_P₁∈[0,∞) in the forward direction from Alice to Bob and C_P₂∈[0,∞) in the backward direction from Bob to Alice. For each model, the key capacity as a function of the pair (C_P₁, C_P₂) is denoted by C_K(C_P₁, C_P₂). We investigate the forward key capacity of each model, i.e., C_K(C_P₁, 0) in this thesis. We also study the key generation over the Gaussian model when Eve's channel is less noisy than Bob's.
In the DM model, the wiretap channel is a Discrete Memoryless State-dependent Wiretap Channel (DM-SWC) in which Bob and Eve each may also have access to a sequence of Side Information (SI) dependent on the CSI. We establish a Lower Bound (LB) and an Upper Bound (UB) on the forward key capacity of the DM model. When the model is less noisy in Bob's favor, another UB on the forward key capacity is derived. The achievable key agreement code is asymptotically optimum as C_P₁→ ∞. For any given DM model, there also exists a finite capacity C⁰_P₁, which is determined by the DM-SWC, such that the forward key capacity is achievable if C_P₁≥ C⁰_P₁. Moreover, the key generation is saturated at capacity C_P₁= C⁰_P₁, and thus increasing the public channel capacity beyond C⁰_P₁ makes no improvement on the forward key capacity of the DM model. If the CSI is fully known at Bob in addition to Alice, C⁰_P₁=0, and so the public channel has no contribution in key generation when the public channel is in the forward direction.
The achievable key agreement code of the DM model exploits both a random generator and the CSI as resources for key generation at Alice. The randomness property of channel states can be employed for key generation, and so the agreed keys depend on the CSI in general. However, a message is independent of the CSI in a secrecy problem. Hence, we justify that the forward key capacity can exceed both the main channel capacity and the secrecy capacity of the DM-SWC.
In the Gaussian model, the wiretap channel is a Gaussian State-dependent Wiretap Channel (G-SWC) with Additive White Gaussian Interference (AWGI) having average power Λ. For simplicity, no side information is assumed at Bob and Eve.
Bob's channel and Eve's channel suffer from Additive White Gaussian Noise (AWGN), where the correlation coefficient between noise of Bob's channel and that of Eve's channel is given by ϱ.
We prove that the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model is independent of ϱ. Moreover, we establish that the forward key capacity is positive unless Eve's channel is less noisy than Bob's. We also prove that the key capacity of the Gaussian model vanishes if the G-SWC is physically degraded in Eve's favor. However, we justify that obtaining a positive key capacity is feasible even if Eve's channel is less noisy than Bob's according to our achieved LB on the key capacity for case (C_P₁, C_P₂)→ (∞, ∞). Hence, the key capacity of the Gaussian model is a function of ϱ.
In this thesis, an LB on the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model is achieved. For a fixed Λ, the achievable key agreement code is optimum for any C_P₁∈[0,∞) in both low Signal-to-Interference Ratio (SIR) and high SIR regimes. We show that the forward key capacity is asymptotically independent of C_P₁ and Λ as the SIR goes to infinity, and thus the public channel and the interference have negligible contributions in key generation in the high SIR regime. On the other hand, the forward key capacity is a function of C_P₁ and Λ in the low SIR regime. Contributions of the interference and the public channel in key generation are significant in the low SIR regime that will be illustrated by simulations.
The proposed key agreement code asymptotically achieves the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model for any SIR as C_P₁→ ∞. Hence, C_K(∞,0) is calculated, and it is suggested as a UB on C_K(C_P₁,0). Using simulations, we also compute the minimum required C_P₁ for which the forward key capacity is upper bounded within a given tolerance.
The achievable key agreement code is designed based on a generalized version of the Dirty Paper Coding (DPC) in which transmitted signals are correlated with the CSI. The correlation coefficient is to be determined by C_P₁. In contrast to the DM model, the LB on the forward key capacity of a Gaussian model is a strictly increasing function of C_P₁ according to our simulations. This fact is an essential difference between this model and the DM model.
For C_P₁=0 and a fixed Λ, the forward key capacity of the Gaussian model exceeds the main channel capacity of the G-SWC in the low SIR regime. By simulations, we show that the interference enhances key generation in the low SIR regime. In this regime, we also justify that the positive effect of the interference on the (forward) key capacity is generally more than its positive effect on the secrecy capacity of the G-SWC, while the interference has no influence on the main channel capacity of the G-SWC. Read more
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Physical-layer security: practical aspects of channel coding and cryptographyHarrison, Willie K. 21 June 2012 (has links)
In this work, a multilayer security solution for digital communication systems is provided by considering the joint effects of physical-layer security channel codes with application-layer cryptography. We address two problems: first, the cryptanalysis of error-prone ciphertext; second, the design of a practical physical-layer security coding scheme. To our knowledge, the cryptographic attack model of the noisy-ciphertext attack is a novel concept. The more traditional assumption that the attacker has the ciphertext is generally assumed when performing cryptanalysis. However, with the ever-increasing amount of viable research in physical-layer security, it now becomes essential to perform the analysis when ciphertext is unreliable. We do so for the simple substitution cipher using an information-theoretic framework, and for stream ciphers by characterizing the success or failure of fast-correlation attacks when the ciphertext contains errors. We then present a practical coding scheme that can be used in conjunction with cryptography to ensure positive error rates in an eavesdropper's observed ciphertext, while guaranteeing error-free communications for legitimate receivers. Our codes are called stopping set codes, and provide a blanket of security that covers nearly all possible system configurations and channel parameters. The codes require a public authenticated feedback channel. The solutions to these two problems indicate the inherent strengthening of security that can be obtained by confusing an attacker about the ciphertext, and then give a practical method for providing the confusion. The aggregate result is a multilayer security solution for transmitting secret data that showcases security enhancements over standalone cryptography. Read more
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Coding techniques for information-theoretic strong secrecy on wiretap channelsSubramanian, Arunkumar 29 August 2011 (has links)
Traditional solutions to information security in communication systems act in the application layer and are oblivious to the effects in the physical layer. Physical-layer security methods, of which information-theoretic security is a special case, try to extract security from the random effects in the physical layer. In information-theoretic security, there are two asymptotic notions of secrecy---weak and strong secrecy
This dissertation investigates the problem of information-theoretic strong secrecy on the binary erasure wiretap channel (BEWC) with a specific focus on designing practical codes. The codes designed in this work are based on analysis and techniques from error-correcting codes. In particular, the dual codes of certain low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes are shown to achieve strong secrecy in a coset coding scheme.
First, we analyze the asymptotic block-error rate of short-cycle-free LDPC codes when they are transmitted over a binary erasure channel (BEC) and decoded using the belief propagation (BP) decoder. Under certain conditions, we show that the asymptotic block-error rate falls according to an inverse square law in block length, which is shown to be a sufficient condition for the dual codes to achieve strong secrecy.
Next, we construct large-girth LDPC codes using algorithms from graph theory and show that the asymptotic bit-error rate of these codes follow a sub-exponential decay as the block length increases, which is a sufficient condition for strong secrecy. The secrecy rates achieved by the duals of large-girth LDPC codes are shown to be an improvement over that of the duals of short-cycle-free LDPC codes. Read more
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Lattice Codes for Secure Communication and Secret Key GenerationVatedka, Shashank January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In this work, we study two problems in information-theoretic security. Firstly, we study a wireless network where two nodes want to securely exchange messages via an honest-but-curious bidirectional relay. There is no direct link between the user nodes, and all communication must take place through the relay. The relay behaves like a passive eavesdropper, but otherwise follows the protocol it is assigned. Our objective is to design a scheme where the user nodes can reliably exchange messages such that the relay gets no information about the individual messages. We first describe a perfectly secure scheme using nested lattices, and show that our scheme achieves secrecy regardless of the distribution of the additive noise, and even if this distribution is unknown to the user nodes. Our scheme is explicit, in the sense that for any pair of nested lattices, we give the distribution used for randomization at the encoders to guarantee security. We then give a strongly secure lattice coding scheme, and we characterize the performance of both these schemes in the presence of Gaussian noise. We then extend our perfectly-secure and strongly-secure schemes to obtain a protocol that guarantees end-to-end secrecy in a multichip line network. We also briefly study the robustness of our bidirectional relaying schemes to channel imperfections.
In the second problem, we consider the scenario where multiple terminals have access to private correlated Gaussian sources and a public noiseless communication channel. The objective is to generate a group secret key using their sources and public communication in a way that an eavesdropper having access to the public communication can obtain no information about the key. We give a nested lattice-based protocol for generating strongly secure secret keys from independent and identically distributed copies of the correlated random variables. Under certain assumptions on the joint distribution of the sources, we derive achievable secret key rates.
The tools used in designing protocols for both these problems are nested lattice codes, which have been widely used in several problems of communication and security. In this thesis, we also study lattice constructions that permit polynomial-time encoding and decoding. In this regard, we first look at a class of lattices obtained from low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, called Low-density Construction-A (LDA) lattices. We show that high-dimensional LDA lattices have several “goodness” properties that are desirable in many problems of communication and security. We also present a new class of low-complexity lattice coding schemes that achieve the capacity of the AWGN channel. Codes in this class are obtained by concatenating an inner Construction-A lattice code with an outer Reed-Solomon code or an expander code. We show that this class of codes can achieve the capacity of the AWGN channel with polynomial encoding and decoding complexities. Furthermore, the probability of error decays exponentially in the block length for a fixed transmission rate R that is strictly less than the capacity. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first capacity-achieving coding scheme for the AWGN channel which has an exponentially decaying probability of error and polynomial encoding/decoding complexities. Read more
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