Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inteligence"" "subject:"intelligence""
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Kryptoanalýza symetrických šifrovacích algoritmů s využitím symbolické regrese a genetického programování / Cryptanalysis of Symmetric Encryption Algorithms Using Genetic ProgrammingSmetka, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the cryptanalysis of symmetric encryption algorithms. The aim of this thesis is to show different point of view on this issues. The dissimilar way, compared to the recent methods, lies in the use of the power of evolutionary principles which are in the cryptanalytic system applied with help of genetic programming. In the theoretical part the cryptography, cryptanalysis of symmetric encryption algorithms and genetic programming are described. On the ground of the obtained information a project of cryptanalytic system which uses evolutionary principles is represented. Practical part deals with implementation of symmetric encrypting algorithm, linear cryptanalysis and simulation instrument of genetic programming. The end of the thesis represents experiments together with projected cryptanalytic system which uses genetic programming and evaluates reached results.
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Predikce časových řad pomocí statistických metod / Prediction of Time Series Using Statistical MethodsBeluský, Ondrej January 2011 (has links)
Many companies consider essential to obtain forecast of time series of uncertain variables that influence their decisions and actions. Marketing includes a number of decisions that depend on a reliable forecast. Forecasts are based directly or indirectly on the information derived from historical data. This data may include different patterns - such as trend, horizontal pattern, and cyclical or seasonal pattern. Most methods are based on the recognition of these patterns, their projection into the future and thus create a forecast. Other approaches such as neural networks are black boxes, which uses learning.
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Design of a system for visualizing trends and behaviors based on customer data / Design av ett system för visualisering av trender och beteenden baserat på kunddata.Andersson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
Big amounts of data are produced every day in companies. By analyzing and visualizing the data a lot of insights can be gained. The company Solution Xperts wanted to create a system that could import and visualize Big Data. In this work a system was created and evaluated. The report shows that it can be difficult to visualize Big Data, but when a system is created it can easily be adapted to data coming from different companies and provide a lot of value to companies and organizations.
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Hmotné fikce: Pohyb mezi obrazy současného umění / Material Fictions: Moving (Between) Images of Contemporary ArtPurkrábková, Noemi January 2021 (has links)
7 Abstract This master's thesis engages moving images of contemporary art in order to sketch out certain ontological qualities of the digital image and imaginary, as they increasingly spill out of all fixed frames and fill the spaces between screens, contexts, and human and non-human agents. Following Steven Shaviro's observation that digital media brought about a completely "new regime" of mutable technical imaging often independent of any preceding "real" space, but instead able to produce its own space-time, this text treats moving images as performative world-shaping fictions with tangible traction on reality. Instead of understanding their growing proliferation in terms of the often-mourned disappeared correspondence to some previous reality, depth or truth, it suggests taking their fluidity as an opportunity to rethink the very divide placed between reality and fiction, as it continues to blur throughout our interactions with digital media, and to treat images not as mere representations but as material forces intensively active in the physical matter of the world, as well as in our own cognition. To articulate this irreducible materiality of digital image-fictions, the thesis weaves together on one hand respective philosophical concepts of François Laruelle and Gillese Deleuze and Félix Guattari -...
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Parazitické hlasy a protetická já: Detekce post-lyrického subjektu v dílech současné digitální literatury / Parasitic Voices and Prosthetic Selves: Detecting the Post-Lyrical Subject in the Works of Contemporary Digital LiteratureSuchánek, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis explores subjectivity in the domain of so-called digital writing, that is, in texts of largely experimental nature generated by computer algorithms (or with their assistance). In order to do so, the thesis briefly covers the history of digital writing, its mediatic specificities, poetics as well as various theoretical and philosophical conceptualizations. Most importantly, it undertakes an analysis of a post-lyrical subject, a concept devised by Janez Strehovec, that is common to all cases of generative writing under focus. For its comparative analysis, the thesis deals with the recent works from contemporary creators who approach algorithmic textuality from variegated perspectives, incl. Nick Montfort, Allison Parish, Stephanie Strickland, Li Zilles, and Jörg Piringer. Texts generated by programs are conceived of as expressing a new, parasitic and prosthetic, genus of cyber-textual subjectivity that defies the traditional lyric and expands its pool "by other means," as Marjorie Perloff would say. Such a tendency results in conceptually as well as formally complex literary corpus "infected" by - to further exploit the suggested metaphor - parasitic voices and prosthetic selves. Unlike in generic lyric, the post- lyrical subject surpasses the confines of poetry as genre; it is...
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Propojení simulační knihovny SIMLIB s jazykem Prolog / An Interconnection of SIMLIB Simulation Library with the Prolog LanguageHrabcová, Petra January 2007 (has links)
This MSc Thesis is focused on the multimodeling area, especially on the cooperation of the C++ language and the Prolog language. The recent research is established on my semester study, which also dealt with the multimodeling area. During this research a prototype of interconnection library for cooperation of above mentioned programming languages was developed. This prototype of the library was finished within the scope of this thesis and some case-studies were created, too, using also another simulation library - SIMLIB/C++. These case-studies have their focus in the problems of artificial intelligence. The main benefit of this thesis is the confrontation of methods with and without using artificial intelligence.
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Vzájemné vztahy vlastností vyčtených z fotografií obličejů / Relationships among characteristics perceived from photos of facesMachová, Kamila January 2018 (has links)
Estimating others characteristics from facial cues plays an important role in our everyday lives. People usually agree in these estimates well and many of these estimates correlate. Majority studies consider one or few character- istics only and their respondents usually are in narrow ranges of ages. This study is partly based on rating of 13 characteristics of 80 men's and women's faces by respondents of various ages. These data were originally collected within yet unpublished study of Jaroslav Flegr, Amy E. Blum and Šebastian Kroupa. In this study I most strikingly found out that: i) older respondents of both genders rates photos of women as more attractive, ii) respondents spend more time by rating faces considered by themselves as more attractive or nice, iii) men rate people with different eye color as more attractive and women rate others with the same eye color as nicer, iv) preferences computed by two methods do not differ much. 1
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Dehumanizace jako rizikový faktor používání digitálních technologií v kontextu sociální práce / Dehumanization as a risk factor for the use of digital technologies in the context of social workBrezina, Lukáš January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the threat of dehumanization when applying digital technologies and robotics into social work. The work focuses on the history and origin of digital technologies within the context of social changes. It explores the basic rules governing elementary functioning and development of digital technologies and robotics. The thesis describes and summarizes basic information about the possibilities and risks of using digital technologies and robotics within social work. Towards the end it also includes opinions of several professional and political authorities who are active in this topic. This thesis aims to trigger the debate over the possible threats connected to dehumanization of social work and the use of digital technologies and robotics, respectively make it more intensive.
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Metriky a kriteria pro diagnostiku sociotechnických systémů / Metrics and Criteria for Socio-Technical System DiagnosticRaudenská, Lenka January 2010 (has links)
This doctoral thesis is focused on metrics and the criteria for socio-technical system diagnostics, which is a high profile topic for companies wanting to ensure the best in product quality. More and more customers are requiring suppliers to prove reliability in the production and supply quality of products according to given specifications. Consequently the ability to produce quality goods corresponding to customer requirements has become a fundamental condition in order to remain competitive. The thesis firstly lays out the basic strategies and rules which are prerequisite for a successful working company in order to ensure provision of quality goods at competitive costs. Next, methods and tools for planning are discussed. Planning is important in its impact on budget, time schedules, and necessary sourcing quantification. Risk analysis is also included to help define preventative actions, and reduce the probability of error and potential breakdown of the entire company. The next part of the thesis deals with optimisation problems, which are solved by Swarm based optimisation. Algorithms and their utilisation in industry are described, in particular the Vehicle routing problem and Travelling salesman problem, used as tools for solving specialist problems within manufacturing corporations. The final part of the thesis deals with Qualitative modelling, where solutions can be achieved with less exact quantitative information of the surveyed model. The text includes qualitative algebra descriptions, which discern only three possible values – positive, constant and negative, which are sufficient in the demonstration of trends. The results can also be conveniently represented using graph theory tools.
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Interconnection Architecture of Proximity Smart IoE-Networks with Centralised ManagementGonzález Ramírez, Pedro Luis 07 April 2022 (has links)
[ES] La interoperabilidad entre los objetos comunicados es el objetivo principal del internet de las cosas (IoT). Algunos esfuerzos para lograrlo han generado diversas propuestas de arquitecturas, sin embargo, aún no se ha llegado a un conceso. Estas arquitecturas difieren en el tipo de estructura, grado de centralización, algoritmo de enrutamiento, métricas de enrutamiento, técnicas de descubrimiento, algoritmos de búsqueda, segmentación, calidad de servicio y seguridad, entre otros. Algunas son mejores que otras, dependiendo del entorno en el que se desempeñan y del tipo de parámetro que se use. Las más populares son las orientadas a eventos o acciones basadas en reglas, las cuales han permitido que IoT ingrese en el mercado y logre una rápida masificación. Sin embargo, su interoperabilidad se basa en alianzas entre fabricantes para lograr su compatibilidad. Esta solución se logra en la nube con una plataforma que unifica a las diferentes marcas aliadas. Esto permite la introducción de estas tecnologías a la vida común de los usuarios pero no resuelve problemas de autonomía ni de interoperabilidad. Además, no incluye a la nueva generación de redes inteligentes basadas en cosas inteligentes.
La arquitectura propuesta en esta tesis toma los aspectos más relevantes de las cuatro arquitecturas IoT más aceptadas y las integra en una, separando la capa IoT (comúnmente presente en estas arquitecturas), en tres capas. Además, está pensada para abarcar redes de proximidad (integrando diferentes tecnologías de interconexión IoT) y basar su funcionamiento en inteligencia artificial (AI). Por lo tanto, esta propuesta aumenta la posibilidad de lograr la interoperabilidad esperada y aumenta la funcionalidad de cada objeto en la red enfocada en prestar un servicio al usuario.
Aunque el sistema que se propone incluye el procesamiento de una inteligencia artificial, sigue los mismos aspectos técnicos que sus antecesoras, ya que su operación y comunicación continúan basándose en la capa de aplicación y trasporte de la pila de protocolo TCP/IP. Sin embargo, con el fin de aprovechar los protocolos IoT sin modificar su funcionamiento, se crea un protocolo adicional que se encapsula y adapta a su carga útil. Se trata de un protocolo que se encarga de descubrir las características de un objeto (DFSP) divididas en funciones, servicios, capacidades y recursos, y las extrae para centralizarla en el administrador de la red (IoT-Gateway). Con esta información el IoT-Gateway puede tomar decisiones como crear grupos de trabajo autónomos que presten un servicio al usuario y enrutar a los objetos de este grupo que prestan el servicio, además de medir la calidad de la experiencia (QoE) del servicio; también administra el acceso a internet e integra a otras redes IoT, utilizando inteligencia artificial en la nube.
Al basarse esta propuesta en un nuevo sistema jerárquico para interconectar objetos de diferente tipo controlados por AI con una gestión centralizada, se reduce la tolerancia a fallos y seguridad, y se mejora el procesamiento de los datos. Los datos son preprocesados en tres niveles dependiendo del tipo de servicio y enviados a través de una interfaz. Sin embargo, si se trata de datos sobre sus características estos no requieren mucho procesamiento, por lo que cada objeto los preprocesa de forma independiente, los estructura y los envía a la administración central.
La red IoT basada en esta arquitectura tiene la capacidad de clasificar un objeto nuevo que llegue a la red en un grupo de trabajo sin la intervención del usuario. Además de tener la capacidad de prestar un servicio que requiera un alto procesamiento (por ejemplo, multimedia), y un seguimiento del usuario en otras redes IoT a través de la nube. / [CA] La interoperabilitat entre els objectes comunicats és l'objectiu principal de la internet de les coses (IoT). Alguns esforços per aconseguir-ho han generat diverses propostes d'arquitectures, però, encara no s'arriba a un concens. Aquestes arquitectures difereixen en el tipus d'estructura, grau de centralització, algoritme d'encaminament, mètriques d'enrutament, tècniques de descobriment, algoritmes de cerca, segmentació, qualitat de servei i seguretat entre d'altres. Algunes són millors que altres depenent de l'entorn en què es desenvolupen i de el tipus de paràmetre que es faci servir. Les més populars són les orientades a esdeveniments o accions basades en regles. Les quals li han permès entrar al mercat i aconseguir una ràpida massificació. No obstant això, la seva interoperabilitat es basa en aliances entre fabricants per aconseguir la seva compatibilitat. Aquesta solució s'aconsegueix en el núvol amb una plataforma que unifica les diferents marques aliades. Això permet la introducció d'aquestes tecnologies a la vida comuna dels usuaris però no resol problemes d'autonomia ni d'interoperabilitat. A més, no inclou a la nova generació de xarxes intel·ligents basades en coses intel·ligents.
L'arquitectura proposada en aquesta tesi, pren els aspectes més rellevants de les quatre arquitectures IoT mes acceptades i les integra en una, separant la capa IoT (comunament present en aquestes arquitectures), en tres capes. A més aquesta pensada en abastar xarxes de proximitat (integrant diferents tecnologies d'interconnexió IoT) i basar el seu funcionament en intel·ligència artificial. Per tant, aquesta proposta augmenta la possibilitat d'aconseguir la interoperabilitat esperada i augmenta la funcionalitat de cada objecte a la xarxa enfocada a prestar un servei a l'usuari.
Tot i que el sistema que es proposa inclou el processament d'una intel·ligència artificial, segueix els mateixos aspectes tècnics que les seves antecessores, ja que, la seva operació i comunicació se segueix basant en la capa d'aplicació i transport de la pila de protocol TCP / IP. No obstant això, per tal d'aprofitar els protocols IoT sense modificar el seu funcionament es crea un protocol addicional que s'encapsula i s'adapta a la seva càrrega útil. Es tracta d'un protocol que s'encarrega de descobrir les característiques d'un objecte (DFSP) dividides en funcions, serveis, capacitats i recursos, i les extreu per centralitzar-la en l'administrador de la xarxa (IoT-Gateway). Amb aquesta informació l'IoT-Gateway pot prendre decisions com crear grups de treball autònoms que prestin un servei a l'usuari i encaminar als objectes d'aquest grup que presten el servei. A més de mesurar la qualitat de l'experiència (QoE) de el servei. També administra l'accés a internet i integra a altres xarxes Iot, utilitzant intel·ligència artificial en el núvol.
A l'basar-se aquesta proposta en un nou sistema jeràrquic per interconnectar objectes de diferent tipus controlats per AI amb una gestió centralitzada, es redueix la tolerància a fallades i seguretat, i es millora el processament de les dades. Les dades són processats en tres nivells depenent de el tipus de servei i enviats a través d'una interfície. No obstant això, si es tracta de dades sobre les seves característiques aquests no requereixen molt processament, de manera que cada objecte els processa de forma independent, els estructura i els envia a l'administració central.
La xarxa IoT basada en aquesta arquitectura té la capacitat de classificar un objecte nou que arribi a la xarxa en un grup de treball sense la intervenció de l'usuari. A més de tenir la capacitat de prestar un servei que requereixi un alt processament (per exemple multimèdia), i un seguiment de l'usuari en altres xarxes IoT a través del núvol. / [EN] Interoperability between communicating objects is the main goal of the Internet of Things (IoT). Efforts to achieve this have generated several architectures' proposals; however, no consensus has yet been reached. These architectures differ in structure, degree of centralisation, routing algorithm, routing metrics, discovery techniques, search algorithms, segmentation, quality of service, and security. Some are better than others depending on the environment in which they perform, and the type of parameter used. The most popular are those oriented to events or actions based on rules, which has allowed them to enter the market and achieve rapid massification. However, their interoperability is based on alliances between manufacturers to achieve compatibility. This solution is achieved in the cloud with a dashboard that unifies the different allied brands, allowing the introduction of these technologies into users' everyday lives but does not solve problems of autonomy or interoperability. Moreover, it does not include the new generation of smart grids based on smart things.
The architecture proposed in this thesis takes the most relevant aspects of the four most accepted IoT-Architectures and integrates them into one, separating the IoT layer (commonly present in these architectures) into three layers. It is also intended to cover proximity networks (integrating different IoT interconnection technologies) and base its operation on artificial intelligence (AI). Therefore, this proposal increases the possibility of achieving the expected interoperability and increases the functionality of each object in the network focused on providing a service to the user.
Although the proposed system includes artificial intelligence processing, it follows the same technical aspects as its predecessors since its operation and communication is still based on the application and transport layer of the TCP/IP protocol stack. However, in order to take advantage of IoT-Protocols without modifying their operation, an additional protocol is created that encapsulates and adapts to its payload. This protocol discovers the features of an object (DFSP) divided into functions, services, capabilities, and resources, and extracts them to be centralised in the network manager (IoT-Gateway). With this information, the IoT-Gateway can make decisions such as creating autonomous workgroups that provide a service to the user and routing the objects in this group that provide the service. It also measures the quality of experience (QoE) of the service. Moreover, manages internet access and integrates with other IoT-Networks, using artificial intelligence in the cloud.
This proposal is based on a new hierarchical system for interconnecting objects of different types controlled by AI with centralised management, reducing the fault tolerance and security, and improving data processing. Data is preprocessed on three levels depending on the type of service and sent through an interface. However, if it is data about its features, it does not require much processing, so each object preprocesses it independently, structures it and sends it to the central administration.
The IoT-Network based on this architecture can classify a new object arriving on the network in a workgroup without user intervention. It also can provide a service that requires high processing (e.g., multimedia), and user tracking in other IoT-Networks through the cloud. / González Ramírez, PL. (2022). Interconnection Architecture of Proximity Smart IoE-Networks with Centralised Management [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/181892
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