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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Children's Understanding of Intentional Causation in Moral Reasoning About Harmful Behaviour

Chiu Loke, Ivy 06 August 2010 (has links)
When evaluating a situation that results in harm, it is critical to consider how a person’s prior intention may have been causally responsible for the action that resulted in the harmful outcome. This thesis examined children’s developing understanding of intentional causation in reasoning about harmful outcomes, and the relation between this understanding and mental-state reasoning. Four-, 6-, and 8-year-old children, and adults, were told eight stories in which characters’ actions resulted in harmful outcomes. Story types differed in how the actions that resulted in harm were causally linked to their prior intentions such that: (1) characters wanted to, intended to, and did perform a harmful act; (2) they wanted and intended to perform a harmful act, but instead, accidentally brought about the harmful outcome; (3) they wanted and intended to perform a harmful act, then changed their mind, but accidentally brought about the harmful outcome; (4) they did not want or intend to harm, but accidentally brought about a harmful outcome. Participants were asked to judge the characters’ intentions, make punishment judgments, and justify their responses. Additionally, children were given first- and second-order false-belief tasks, commonly used to assess mental-state reasoning. The results indicated that intention judgment accuracy improved with age. However, all age groups had difficulty evaluating the intention in the deviant causal chain scenario (Searle, 1983), in which the causal link between intention and action was broken but a harmful intention was maintained. Further, the results showed a developmental pattern in children’s punishment judgments based on their understanding of intentional causation, although the adults’ performance did not follow the same pattern. Also, younger children referred to the characters’ intentions less frequently in their justifications of their punishment judgments. The results also revealed a relation between belief-state reasoning and intentional-causation reasoning in scenarios that did not involve, or no longer involved, an intention to harm. Further, reasoning about intentional causation was related to higher-level understanding of mental states. The implications of these findings in clarifying and adding to previous research on the development of understanding of intentional causation and intentions in moral reasoning are discussed.

Samspel och lärande i förskolan : En observationsstudie om sampelets betydelse för barns lärande i förskolan

Einarsson, Elin, Rabenius, Ann-Charlotte January 2013 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka lärandet uttryckt i vardagliga samspelshandlingar mellan pedagog och barn i en förskola. Mer specifikt har vi intresserat oss för vilka förutsättningar pedagogerna skapar för barnens lärande och vilka mönster som framträder i dessa samspelshandlingar. De frågeställningar som ställs är: Vilka förutsättningar för lärandet skapas i samspel mellan pedagog och barn? Vilka samspelsmönster framkommer mellan pedagog och barn? Vilka intentioner synliggörs i pedagogers handlingar i samspel med barn? Studiens teoretiska referensram utgår från sociokulturell teori med särskild förankring kring barns lärande. Studien genomfördes på en förskola med barn i åldrarna 3-5 år samt med tre medverkande pedagoger. Samspelssekvenserna har dokumenterats med hjälp av videokamera och observationerna som transkriberats har haft fokus på samspelet mellan pedagoger och barn. Mer specifikt har vi tittat på lärandet som sker i dessa samspel. Via analyser har vi fått fram sex mönster vilka följaktligen är vägledande, uppmuntrande, styrande, rättande, tillrättavisande och ignorerande. Resultatet som framkommit via analysen visar behovet av ett reflekterande arbetssätt. Det innefattar såväl pedagogers barnsyn, kunskapssyn, förhållningssätt samt hur de ser på sitt pedagogiska uppdrag. Pedagogers förhållningssätt i samspel med barn har vi funnit nära sammankopplat med vilken intention de har i samspelet. Om pedagogerna har lärandet i fokus när de samspelar med barn så ges barnen större möjlighet till kreativitet, fantasi och inflytande. Om pedagogerna istället har en intention att barnen ska göra och svara rätt så ges barnen marginellt utrymme till att själva bidra med kunskap. Resultatet pekar också på att den traditionella synen på barn, kunskap och lärande inte helt har spelat ut sin roll. Samspelen i dessa sekvenser får då en förmedlande karaktär där kunskap överförs från pedagog till barn. Resultatanalysen visar också på gynnsamma samspelshandlingar där pedagogen utgår från barnens livs- och erfarenhetsvärld, vilket enligt oss skapar goda förutsättningar för barns lärande.

Understanding health-related physical activity : attributions, self-efficacy, and intention

Nickel, Darren Mark 15 January 2008
Although physical activity above a certain threshold has been associated with numerous health benefits (Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006), most Canadians are not active enough to realize these benefits (Craig, Russell, Cameron, & Bauman, 2004). In order to examine individuals own explanations of their health-related physical activity behaviour in terms of attributions, four studies testing elements of Weiners (1986) attribution theory and Banduras (1997) self-efficacy theory were conducted with a university sample. The results from the first study revealed that perceived outcome differentiated attributional explanations while objective outcome did not. Results also revealed that although predicted relationships concerning attribution-dependent emotions were largely unsupported, emotions were associated with outcomes. Further, results suggested that those making stable attributions reported more certainty of similar future outcomes than those making unstable attributions. Results in the second study suggested that attributional dimensions significantly improved the prediction of self-regulatory efficacy beyond that predicted by past success/failure to be active enough for health benefits alone. Stability appeared to be the most important attributional dimension in predicting self-efficacy. Results in the third study suggested self-regulatory efficacy significantly improved the prediction of future intention beyond that of past success/failure to be active enough for health benefits alone. The results from the fourth study supported the plausibility of self-regulatory efficacy partially mediating the relationship between stability of attributions for typical levels of exercise and intention to maintain those levels during a forthcoming final exam period for both moderate- and mild-intensity exercise. Results are discussed in the contexts of testing attribution theory and self-efficacy theory and improving understandings of physical activity behaviour.

Green marketing: Consumers´ Attitude towards Eco-friendly Products and Purchase Intention in the Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) sector

Morel, Magali, Kwakye, Francis January 2012 (has links)
The research study is on the green marketing but specifically on consumers’ attitudes and purchase intention of eco-friendly products. It has been the global concern for the purpose of the preservation of the polluting and degradation of environment. Many studies have been done on the green marketing exploring the importance of the topic and relationship to the attitude and purchasing behavior of the consumers of eco-friendly products. Through the vital information provided by the expertise, competent and experience researchers, companies have understood the importance of green marketing in order to produce eco-friendly products and these provided much rich information for the literature studies of the thesisThe objective of this research was looked into and explored the influencing of the four traditional marketing-mix elements, satisfaction and word of mouth (WOM) on attitude and purchasing intentions of consumers on eco-friendly products specifically fasting moving consumer goods (FMCG) or non-durable ones. The purpose of the study was to obtain information from consumers’ point of view. Furthermore, one perspective of the study was to look into the comparison of the Swedish and the Non-Swedish their attitudes towards eco-friendly products. A questionnaire provided to obtain the views of the Swedish and others nationalities, how they are influenced by the marketing-mix elements (4P), satisfaction and WOM concerning green attitudes and purchase intention of eco-friendly products. A quantitative approach was adopted for the study by using a questionnaire, one paper version and another online version the total sample was composed of 174 respondents, 81 were collected through internet by using Google.doc surveys and Facebook and 93 by using standard paper questionnaire form. Furthermore, convenient sample was used to collect data so the chosen boundary was Umeå University and its residents.Our findings indicated that consumers who already bought eco-friendly products and those who are satisfied by these previous purchases were willing to repeat purchases. Indeed satisfaction goes with purchase intention. Furthermore the importance of WOM and Advertising about green products the fact that consumers believe in green claim explain the variance of the purchase intention. Positive attitudes concerning willingness to pay an extra price for green products are also correlated with purchase intention. However we discovered also that positive attitudes towards green products do not always lead to action i.e. purchase of these products. Our findings demonstrated that there were differences in attitudes and purchase intention toward green products between mainly the women and men and between the Swedish and the Non-Swedish.

Understanding health-related physical activity : attributions, self-efficacy, and intention

Nickel, Darren Mark 15 January 2008 (has links)
Although physical activity above a certain threshold has been associated with numerous health benefits (Warburton, Nicol, & Bredin, 2006), most Canadians are not active enough to realize these benefits (Craig, Russell, Cameron, & Bauman, 2004). In order to examine individuals own explanations of their health-related physical activity behaviour in terms of attributions, four studies testing elements of Weiners (1986) attribution theory and Banduras (1997) self-efficacy theory were conducted with a university sample. The results from the first study revealed that perceived outcome differentiated attributional explanations while objective outcome did not. Results also revealed that although predicted relationships concerning attribution-dependent emotions were largely unsupported, emotions were associated with outcomes. Further, results suggested that those making stable attributions reported more certainty of similar future outcomes than those making unstable attributions. Results in the second study suggested that attributional dimensions significantly improved the prediction of self-regulatory efficacy beyond that predicted by past success/failure to be active enough for health benefits alone. Stability appeared to be the most important attributional dimension in predicting self-efficacy. Results in the third study suggested self-regulatory efficacy significantly improved the prediction of future intention beyond that of past success/failure to be active enough for health benefits alone. The results from the fourth study supported the plausibility of self-regulatory efficacy partially mediating the relationship between stability of attributions for typical levels of exercise and intention to maintain those levels during a forthcoming final exam period for both moderate- and mild-intensity exercise. Results are discussed in the contexts of testing attribution theory and self-efficacy theory and improving understandings of physical activity behaviour.

A study of Chinese consumers’ attitudes toward Volvo cars

Xiao, Shuyuan, He, Wei January 2011 (has links)
Zhejiang Geely holding Co. succeeded in purchasing Ford Motor Co’s Volvo unit, which was the hottest news in the world in 2010. Volvo needs the Chinese potential car market; Geely needs Volvo cars’ advanced technology. Such purchase arouses our interesting to conduct a research study on Chinese consumers’ attitude and intentions toward Volvo cars.   Our aim with this study was to identify the most important attributes of Volvo for Chinese consumers; to analyse how Chinese consumers were influenced by other people’s opinions and to explore how Chinese culture factors such as face concern and group conformity influence consumers’ attitudes  towards Volvo.   In order to find the result, we used online self-completion questionnaires and choose customers from a life insurance company in Shanghai as our sample group. From the survey result we found that Volvo is the second most favourable brand that Chinese consumers want to own in the near future. The top three car attributes for the Chinese consumers when they were going to choose a car were quality, safety and fuel economy. But they had less knowledge or beliefs that Volvo car has an advantage with those attributes. Besides that, we find that Chinese consumers’ behavioural intention of buying Volvo is influenced by family, friends, perceived behaviour control and group conformity, but there is no relationship between face concern and buying behaviour.

A Study of Sales Promotion Effects on Perceptive Value, Purchasing Intention and Loyalty- A Case of Watsons Drugstore.

Chu, Yung-Cheng 02 March 2010 (has links)
Financial Crisis has seriously shut down global economy and Taiwan also couldn¡¦t escape from the strike of current Financial Tsunami. Under this condition, consumers become stricter on budgeting. Especially as rising price causes real income decrease, consumers would pinch pennies on necessity spending. We all know Watsons is the famous chain store of cosmeceuticals, which sells not only medicine but also cosmetics and commodities. Thus, this research takes Watsons as the example to explore the relationship among sales promotion, perceptive value, purchasing intention, and customer¡¦s loyalty. The main purposes as follows. 1. To understand customer¡¦s view towards sale promotion campaigns of Watsons. 2. To explore whether different sales promotion campaigns influence perceptive value, purchasing intention or customer¡¦s loyalty. 3. To discuss the relationship among sales promotion, perceptive value, purchasing intention, and customer¡¦s loyalty. 4. To analyze whether impulse purchasing characteristics modifies the effect of sales promotion on perceptive value, purchasing intention, and customer¡¦s loyalty. According to SPSS statistic analysis software, I have some findings as follows¡G 1. Customers prefer ¡§pay one more dollar, get one more item¡¨ than ¡§Redeem¡¨ 2. Different sales promotion cause different influences on perceptive value, purchasing intention, and customer¡¦s loyalty. 3. The effect of sales promotion on purchasing intention and customer¡¦s loyalty is significant. 4. Impulse purchasing characteristic doesn¡¦t have modified effect.

The Relationship between Group Political Climate, Psychological Contract Breach and Turnover Intention: A Test of Cross-level Moderated Mediation Effect by Group Interaction

Chang, Po-chien 11 June 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to extend the theoretical model of organizational politics in different contextual situations by using cross-level analytical framework. In accordance with the social exchange perspective, this study draws on a reciprocated subjective cognitive state that existed between the employee and workplace (psychological contract breach) as a mediator to connect the relationship between group political climate and turnover intention. Additionally, this research also employed the situational strength perspective by introducing a group characteristic variable (group interaction) to investigate its moderating effect on the relationship between group political climate, psychological contract breach and turnover intention. Data were collected from 56 work groups consisted of 750 work group members who provided the information about group political climate, psychological contract breach, turnover intention, group interaction and demographic variables. Hierarchical linear modeling techniques were applied to test the full model. The results reveal that individual employees¡¦ psychological contract breach partially mediate the relationship between group political climate and turnover intention. Further, group interaction moderates the mediated relationship between group political climate, psychological contract breach, and individual employees¡¦ turnover intention. Lastly, groups with high degree of group interaction could lessen their employees¡¦ turnover intention induced by group political climate.

Personality, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of part-time employees: a study of coffee chains.

Wu, Shan-hua 16 June 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find the relationship among personality, job satisfaction, and turnover intention of part-time employees in coffee chains, and verifying the mediating effects of job satisfaction on the relationship between personality and turnover intention. It tested hypotheses through questionnaire. By the convenience sampling method, 131 returned questionnaires in total were regarded as valid (80.86% response rate). The findings have been summarized as the following: 1. Employees whose personality was more agreeable, more extraverted or less conscientious tended to have more turnover intention. 2. Employees with higher satisfaction at pay, promotions and supervision were prone to have lower turnover intention. 3. Employees with agreeableness personality had higher satisfaction at the work itself, coworkers and supervision. Employees with extraversion personality had lower satisfaction at promotions, coworkers and supervision. Employees with conscientiousness personality had higher satisfaction at pay and coworkers. 4. The satisfaction at supervision has partly mediating effects between agreeableness and turnover intention. The satisfaction at pay has partly mediating effects between conscientiousness and turnover intention. And the satisfaction at pay and supervision does act as a mediator between extraversion and turnover intention.

Influence of Purchase Intention from Product Involvement and Advertising Effectiveness

Huang, Chien-Wei 09 July 2010 (has links)
There are hundreds of channels in Taiwan. Because of computer and internet developing, people in Taiwan communicate easily to everyone in the world. It causes conflicts and challenges such as economy, business, and culture. The main source of profits in channels and web is advertising. According to AC Nielsen in Taiwan, Advertising industry in Taiwan outputs $40 billion in 2007, and its growing can figure out in future. So this study is to discuss the influence of Advertising Effectiveness in Product Involvement and Purchase Intention. This study set to sampling 18-40 years old. It includes male and female. The methods of this study are such as Descriptive Statistics, Multiple Regression, and ANOVA. The Advertising Effectiveness is the moderator in this study. To discuss the issues of the moderator model explains the effect of strength and direction of Purchase Intention. The hypotheses of this study are presented as follows: 1.Product Involvement has statistically influence on Purchase Intention. 2.Advertising Effectiveness has statistically influence on Purchase Intention. 3.The interaction of Product Involvement and Advertising Effectiveness as statistically influence. The conclusions are presented as all hypotheses to show: 1.On Purchase Intention, the Product Involvement will influence consumers¡¦ purchase decision. 2.Advertising also influence consumers¡¦ purchase decision. 3.The effect of the interaction explains synergy from Product Involvement and Advertising Effectiveness to consumers.

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