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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Network capacity sharing with QoS as a financial derivative pricing problem : algorithms and network design

Rasmusson, Lars January 2002 (has links)
A design of anautomatic network capacity markets, oftenreferred to as a bandwidth market, is presented. Three topicsare investigated. First, a network model is proposed. Theproposed model is based upon a trisection of the participantroles into network users, network owners, and market middlemen.The network capacity is defined in a way that allows it to betraded, and to have a well defined price. The network devicesare modeled as core nodes, access nodes, and border nodes.Requirements on these are given. It is shown how theirfunctionalities can be implemented in a network. Second, asimulated capacity market is presented, and a statisticalmethod for estimating the price dynamics in the market isproposed. A method for pricing network services based on sharedcapacity is proposed, in which the price of a service isequivalent to that of a financial derivative contract on anumber of simple capacity shares.Third, protocols for theinteraction between the participants are proposed. The marketparticipants need to commit to contracts with an auditableprotocol with a small overhead. The proposed protocol is basedon a public key infrastructure and on known protocols for multiparty contract signing. The proposed model allows networkcapacity to be traded in a manner that utilizes the networkeciently. A new feature of this market model, compared to othernetwork capacity markets, is that the prices are not controlledby the network owners. It is the end-users who, by middlemen,trade capacity among each-other. Therefore, financial, ratherthan control theoretic, methods are used for the pricing ofcapacity. <b>Keywords:</b>Computer network architecture, bandwidthtrading, inter-domain Quality-of-Service, pricing,combinatorial allocation, financial derivative pricing,stochastic modeling

Network capacity sharing with QoS as a financial derivative pricing problem : algorithms and network design

Rasmusson, Lars January 2002 (has links)
<p>A design of anautomatic network capacity markets, oftenreferred to as a bandwidth market, is presented. Three topicsare investigated. First, a network model is proposed. Theproposed model is based upon a trisection of the participantroles into network users, network owners, and market middlemen.The network capacity is defined in a way that allows it to betraded, and to have a well defined price. The network devicesare modeled as core nodes, access nodes, and border nodes.Requirements on these are given. It is shown how theirfunctionalities can be implemented in a network. Second, asimulated capacity market is presented, and a statisticalmethod for estimating the price dynamics in the market isproposed. A method for pricing network services based on sharedcapacity is proposed, in which the price of a service isequivalent to that of a financial derivative contract on anumber of simple capacity shares.Third, protocols for theinteraction between the participants are proposed. The marketparticipants need to commit to contracts with an auditableprotocol with a small overhead. The proposed protocol is basedon a public key infrastructure and on known protocols for multiparty contract signing. The proposed model allows networkcapacity to be traded in a manner that utilizes the networkeciently. A new feature of this market model, compared to othernetwork capacity markets, is that the prices are not controlledby the network owners. It is the end-users who, by middlemen,trade capacity among each-other. Therefore, financial, ratherthan control theoretic, methods are used for the pricing ofcapacity.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>Computer network architecture, bandwidthtrading, inter-domain Quality-of-Service, pricing,combinatorial allocation, financial derivative pricing,stochastic modeling</p>

Towards flexible QoS provisioning for inter-provider services

Bertrand, Gilles 08 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The issue of providing Quality of Service (QoS) in the Internet is becoming more and more important because of two phenomena: (1) the growth of the value added services that require QoS (e.g., VPNs, IPTV) and (2) network convergence towards a unified IP-based architecture, for voice, image and data services. In this context, the limitations of existing QoS technologies emerge: it is currently difficult for an operator to guarantee that its network can offer a specific level of service. Furthermore, it is hard to ensure a consistent treatment of end-to-end QoS-sensitive flow that cross networks controlled by several operators. Indeed, the control on such traffic flows is shared between all the traversed operators. In the thesis, we have studied these issues. Specifically, we have addressed the problems of routing and dynamic traffic engineering at inter-domain level. We have proposed several algorithmic solutions to compute paths subject to multiple performance constraints. Analytical studies and simulations show that our algorithms are efficient and scalable. Finally, we have integrated our solutions into an architecture that is under ongoing standardization by the IETF and we have studied the protocol adaptations required for the deployment of our algorithms. Our work represents an important step towards more effective inter-domain traffic management in traffic engineered networks

Cross-Domain and Cross-Layer Coarse Grained Quality of Service Support in IP-based Networks

Knoll, Thomas Martin 11 November 2009 (has links)
Mit der zunehmenden Popularität des Internets steigt die Anzahl der Nutzer und vor allem die Anzahl zeit- und verlustkritische Dienste – wie zum Beispiel „Voice over IP“, Videoübertragungen und netzbasierte Spiele. Das Internet ist dabei der Zusammenschluss von ca. 30.000 Betreibernetzen, die mit Hilfe des „Internet Protocol (IP)“ derzeit ohne jede Dienstgüteunterstützung den Datenverkehraustausch realisieren. Massive Überdimensionierung der Netzkapazitäten führen zu einer Netzauslastung von nur ca. 10% und entsprechend guter Übertragungsqualität. Mit steigendem Verkehrsaufkommen wird in dieser Dissertation erwartet, das die Netzbetreiber infolge des Kostendrucks nicht schritthaltend den überhöhten Netzausbau aufrechterhalten können und somit Qualitätseinbußen zu erwarten sind. Innerhalb der Betreiber wird bereits jetzt Verkehrstrennung betrieben, jedoch am Übergabepunkt verworfen und im besten Fall im Nachbarnetz durch aufwendige Analyse erneut vorgenommen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde deshalb ein domänen- und schichtenübergreifendes Konzept zur Realisierung grob-granularer Dienstgüte in IP-Netzen entworfen, zur Standardisierung bei der „Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)“ vorgeschlagen, implementiert und in Auszügen simuliert und getestet. Dabei werden die Verkehrsklasseninformationen mehrere Netzschichten in transitiven Nachrichtenelementen des „Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)“ signalisiert und schichtenübergreifend assoziiert. Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet im wesentlichen drei Teile: 1. Eine umfassende Zusammenstellung von vorhandenen Dienstgütekonzepten einschließlich der bereits existierenden QoS-Funktionselemente in verfügbaren Netzelementen, 2. Die detaillierte Spezifikation des neuen Konzeptes und 3. den Ergebnissen der Simulations- und Implementierungsaktivitäten zum Nachweis der Funktion und Skalierbarkeit des Entwurfes. Zwei wesentliche Erkenntnisse und Forderungen sind durch die Bearbeitung des Themas erwachsen. Die Einfachheit der Konzeptstruktur und die Einfachheit der angestrebten Dienstgüteunterstützung. Die angestrebte Dienstgüte beschränkt sich deshalb auf die primitive Verkehrstrennung in mehrere Klassen, die in den Weiterleitungsknoten getrennt abgelegt und mit verschiedenem Vorrang behandelt werden.

Contribution à la modélisation et à la détection d'anomalies du traffic Internet à partir de mesures d'un coeur de réseau opérateur / Contribution to Internet traffic modelling and anomaly detection based on ISP backbone measurements

Grandemange, Quentin 06 April 2018 (has links)
Grâce au partenariat avec l'entreprise luxembourgeoise Post Luxembourg, nous avons pu tester différentes méthodes pour mesurer le trafic interdomaine à la bordure de leur réseau avec Internet. Le choix s'est porté sur une technologie existante : Netflow. Avec ces données nous avons pu réaliser diverses analyses afin de comprendre l'évolution du trafic en fonction de différents paramètres comme l'heure de la journée, le jour de la semaine... D'après ces analyses, plusieurs solutions ont été envisagées pour modéliser le trafic. Deux méthodes ont été proposées et testées sur des données réelles : une méthode d'analyse de séries temporelles et une méthode de machine learning reposant sur les processus gaussiens. Ces techniques ont été comparées sur différents systèmes autonomes. Les résultats sont satisfaisants pour les deux méthodes avec un avantage pour la méthode des processus gaussiens. Cette thèse propose le développement d'une solution logicielle ANODE mise en production chez Post Luxembourg et permettant l'analyse de bout en bout du trafic de cœur de réseau : mesure de données, modélisation, prédiction et détection d'anomalies / Inter-domain routing statistics are not usually publicly available but with the partnership with Post Luxembourg, we deployed a network wide measurements of Internet traffic. Those statistics show clear daily and weekly pattern and several points of interest. From all the information gathered, two modelling approach were chosen: the first one from the time series domain and the second one from the machine learning approach. Both were tested on several dataset of autonomous systems and the second one, Gaussian Process, was kept for the next steps. The proposal of this study is the development of a software solution called ANODE, which is used at Post Luxembourg, allowing the analysis of backbone traffic: measurments, modelling, forecasting and anomaly detection

The role of inter-domain linkers in the stability of modular Glycoside Hydrolases / Inter-domän länkares roll i stabiliteten hos modulära Glykosidhydrolaser

Estreen, Erik January 2024 (has links)
Glykosidhydrolaser (GHs) är enzymer som katalyserar hydrolys av glykosidbindningar i polysackarider och fungerar på endo- eller exo-sätt, beroende på om de riktar sig mot mitten eller änden av en glykan-kedja. De är viktiga i kolcykeln och i olika industrier som använder biomassa som substrat. GHs är fördelaktiga i många industriella processer på grund av deras höga specificitet, omsättningsgrad och biologiska nedbrytbarhet, men de kan vara instabila och är ofta dyra att producera. De varierar i specificitet och har ibland flera katalytiska domäner eller icke-katalytiska tillbehörsdomäner, vilket hjälper till att bryta ner polysackarider och/eller främjar enzymets livslängd. Många GHs kan ha kolhydratbindande moduler (CBMs) som ökar deras termostabilitet och/eller katalytiska aktivitet. CBMs är kopplade till andra domäner i multimodulära domäner av inter-domän länkar (IDLs), vilket är polypeptidkedjor som ger strukturell flexibilitet och låter CBMs nå önskade mål på ett substrat, men den fulla funktionen av IDLs i enzymstabilisering har inte dokumenterats. Kitinaser är en grupp av GHs som riktar sig mot det motsträviga polysackaridet kitin, vilket finns i både marina och markbundna miljöer. De finns i organismer såsom insekter med kitinhaltiga exoskelett och i svampar eller andra mikrober med kitininnehållande cellväggar, men de finns även i organismer som inte syntetiserar eller ens metaboliserar kitin, på grund av deras andra relevanta funktioner inom patogenicitet, immunförsvar, etc. Kitin och dess oligosackarid-derivat har flera funktioner i biomass-industrier och kan användas för medicinska ändamål. Många GHs innehåller icke-katalytiska CBMs, varav många är kitinbindande, och spelar därför en roll i att främja kitinbindning och hydrolys av deras enzympartners. Detta projekt fokuserar på ett modulärt GH18-kitinas kodat av genen Cpin_2580. Kitinasdomänen är flankerad av två CBMs. Tidigare forskning har visat att dessa inte är kitinbindande men föreslog att de påverkar enzymets termostabilitet. Däremot undersöktes inte IDL:ernas påverkan i den tidigare studien. För att bestämma rollen av IDLs designades primers för att klona nya genvarianter av Cpin_2580 för att producera nya proteiner med varierande längder av länkar för att bestämma vad för effekt längden har på enzymets termostabilitet. Dessa primers användes till PCR för att skapa gensekvenser med den befintliga Cpin_2580-18s-plasmiden som mall, följt av kloning, proteinproduktion, rening och analys med hjälp av fluoroforbindningsanalys. Nya proteinvarianter kunde genereras och produceras i liten skala, men produktionen upplevde problem, vilket ledde till att IDLs roll inte kunde fastställas fullt ut. / Glycoside hydrolases (GHs) are enzymes that catalyse the hydrolysis of glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides, functioning in endo- or exo-manners, depending on whether they target the middle or the end of a glycan chain. They are crucial in the carbon cycle and various industries that utilise biomass as substrate. GHs are advantageous in many industrial processes due to their high specificity, turnover rates, and biodegradability, but they can be unstable and are often costly to produce. They vary in specificity and sometimes carry multiple catalytic domains or non-catalytic accessory domains, aiding in polysaccharide breakdown and/or promoting the longevity of the enzyme. Many GHs can have carbohydrate binding modules (CBMs) attached that can be considered accessory domains, which increases their thermostability and/or catalytic activity in many cases. CBMs are attached to other domains in multi-modular enzymes by inter-domain linkers (IDLs), which are polypeptide chains that give structural flexibility and allow the CBMs to reach desired targets on a substrate, but the full function of IDLs in enzyme stabilisation has not been documented. Chitinases are a group of GHs that targets the recalcitrant polysaccharide chitin, which exists in both marine and terrestrial environments. They exist in organisms such as insects that have chitinous exoskeletons and in fungi or other microbes with chitin-containing cell walls, but they are also found in organisms that do not synthesise or even metabolise chitin, due to their other functions of relevance in pathogenicity, immune defence, etc. Chitin and its oligosaccharide derivatives have multiple functions in biomass industries, and can be used for medical purposes. Many chitinases contain non-catalytic CBMs, many of which are often chitin-binding, and therefore have a role in promoting chitin attachment and hydrolysis by their enzyme partners. This project focuses on a modular GH18 chitinase encoded by the gene Cpin_2580. The chitinase domain is flanked by two CBMs. Previous research has shown that these are not chitin-binding but suggested they do influence the thermostability of the enzyme. However, the impact of the IDLs was not explored in that previous study. To determine the role of the IDLs, primers were designed with the purpose of cloning new gene variants of the gene Cpin_2580 to produce novel proteins with varying lengths of linkers to determine the effect the length has on the thermostability of the enzyme. These primers were used for PCR to create novel gene sequences using the pre-existing Cpin_2580-18s plasmid as a template, followed by cloning, protein production, purification, and analysis using fluorophore binding assay. Novel protein variants could be generated and produced at small scale, but scaled-up protein production experienced problems, which led to the role of IDLs not being fully determined.

Provisionamento baseado em web services de conexões fim-a-fim em redes opticas GMPLS / Web services-based provisioning of connections in GMPLS optical networks

Duarte, Rafael Luiz 19 June 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Mauricio Ferreira Magalhães / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-07T01:33:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Duarte_RafaelLuiz_M.pdf: 1020338 bytes, checksum: 55a286156672abedc8e5b20a444d8a7c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: Para o provisionamento de conexões fim-a-fim em domínios ópticos é desejável uma solução de arquitetura que permita o estabelecimento automático destas conexões: A tecnologia GMPLS ofe­rece um plano de controle que especifica mecanismos que estendem o roteamento e a sinalização do mundo IP contribuindo para a configuração automática de conexões em domínios ópticos. Este traba­lho propõe uma arquitetura para o provisionamento de conexões fim-a-fim em redes ápticas GMPLS. Tal arquitetura é baseada na tecnologia Web services e permite o estabelecimento de dois tipos de conexões. A primeira, conhecida como SPC (Soft Permanent Connection), é utilizada pelo gerente do domínio óptico. O SPC conecta dois elementos de rede pertencentes ao mesmo domínio. A se­gunda, é uma conexão fim-a-fim na qual um usuário cliente pode enviar dados através de múltiplos domínios. Neste último caso, o cliente precisa negociar com cada domínio para verificar a disponibi­lidade de recursos. Para tal arquitetura foram criados módulos responsáveis pelo provisionamento e gerenciamento das conexões além da utilização do simulador GLASS para validação da arquitetura proposta / Abstract: For the provisioning of end-to-end connections in optical domains it is desirable to have an archi­tecture that supports the automatic establishment of such connections. The GMPLS technology offers a control plan that specifies mechanisms which extend the routing and the signalling of IP world con­tributing for the automatic configuration of end-to-end connections in optical domains. This work proposes an architecture for the provisioning of end-to-end connections in GMPLS optical networks. Such architecture is based on the Web services technology and allows the establishment of two kinds of connections. The first one, known as SPC (Soft Permanent Connection), is used by the manager of the optical domain. The SPC connects two network elements belonging to the same domain. The se­cond one is an end-to-end connection by which a given client can send data across multiple domains. In this last case the client needs to negotiate with each domain to verify the availability of resources. For such architecture we defined modules responsibIe for the provisioning and management of the connections. The GLASS simulator was used for validation ofthe proposed architecture / Mestrado / Engenharia de Computação / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

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