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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The behaviour of carbonyl sulphide in the ocean : field and modelling studies

Hobe, Marc von January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

CORDIC-Based Signed-bit Predictable SIN-COS Generator And It¡¦s FPGA Implementation

Chao-Chuan, Huang 03 August 2000 (has links)
In this paper, we propose an area-time efficient design for redundant CORDIC-based SIN/COS evaluation by predict on the polarity of micro-rotations using a novel technique called ¡§Base Transfer angle Decomposition Algorithm¡¨(BTDA). The proposed design benefits from a constant scaling and requires no correcting iterations. By predicting the polarity of the signed bit of the micro-rotation, the critical paths of the unfolded and the pipelined designs involve only the X and Y recurrences. The implementations of BTDA architectures for 24-bit wide CORDIC-Base SIN/COS generator were synthesized using FPGA tools (XILINX Foundation Series version 2.1i), and the area-time complexities are presented for unfolded as well as pipelined designs. The proposed design results save more than 25% hardware area with speed-up of more than 30% compared with the exiting methods. Keywords: CORDIC, BTDA, Redundant, SIN/COS, FPGA

Landowner survey of a cost-share brush management program in two Texas watersheds

Narayanan, Christopher Ram 15 November 2004 (has links)
With the expanding population of Texas and the resulting increase in demand for water, the scarcity of water is becoming an increasingly urgent issue and research is being conducted to find ways to improve water yield, the amount of water that is used for aquifer recharge and riparian areas (lakes, streams, etc). Rangelands provide a major catchment for both surface reservoirs and aquifers. The Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone and the Twin Buttes Drainage Area were selected to determine the tradeoffs between brush management for increased water yield and wildlife habitat improvement. In April 2002, a mail survey of 300 randomly selected landowners was conducted in each of the two watersheds to gain information regarding their demographics, land cover, and willingness to enter into a cost-share brush removal program. A total of 131 usable questionnaires (43.7%) were returned by Edwards Aquifer area participants, and 141 usable questionnaires (47.0%) were returned by Twin Buttes area participants. Respondents were asked questions including attitudes towards brush amounts and management strategies, and certain constraints that may be included in a cost-share brush removal program. Most respondents indicated interest in enrolling at least part of their land in such a program. Reasoning behind interest varied in each study area. However, interest in various contractual agreements was neutral at best. Policy implications entail considering wildlife habitat mitigation, landowners' preferences, and potential for increasing water yield and determining if all can be managed, or if trade-offs must be considered.

La convulsión orgiástica del orden: sujeto, cuerpo y escritura en Alejandra Pizarnik y Armonía Somers

Calafell Sala, Núria 23 February 2010 (has links)
Inicialment titulada La corporalidad en los Diarios de Alejandra Pizarnik aquesta tesi ha anat canviant al llarg dels dos últims anys cap a un estudi teòric de tres qüestions que, a dia d'avui, continuen suscitant un interessant debat: el subjecte, el cos y l'escriptura. Per aquest motiu, el què en els seus orígens va començar essent l'estudi d'un gènere (el diari íntim o personal) i d'una veu llatinoamericana contemporània (Alejandra Pizarnik), ha acabat ampliant-se, en primer lloc, a la problemàtica d'una escriptura, la literària, que l'autora planteja des d'una perspectiva mítica i mística. I en segon lloc, a una altra veu llatinoamericana que, des del llindar de la seva creació -sempre en el límit, a meitat de camí entre el barroquisme excessiu i el buit de la pàgina en blanc-, qüestiona les tres nocions abans mentades.Transformada, així, en La convulsión orgiástica del orden: sujeto, cuerpo y escritura en Armonía Somers y Alejandra Pizarnik, la tesis que aquí es presenta aporta una mirada diferent a la que tradicionalment s' aplica en el discurs crític peninsular i llatinoamericà, al recuperar algunes de les teories més significatives del postestructuralisme i demostrar, un cop més, l'actualitat de les seves contribucions: Jacques Derrida des de la noció metonímica de l'ofici d'escriptura, Julia Kristeva des de la perspectiva d'una cultura de la re-volta que destrossi tots els fonaments sobre els què ha estat edificada, en definitiva, Gilles Deleuze i Félix Guattari des de la sempre estimuladora teoria del rizoma, totes aquestes qüestions han sigut llargament treballades a través de les pàgines d'aquesta tesi amb l'objectiu d'abordar dos models d'escriptura al marge des d'un lloc divers i reclamar, a la vegada, el lloc privilegiat que certes teories segueixen tenint en la construcció i formació del pensament actual. / Inicialmente titulada La corporalidad en los Diarios de Alejandra Pizarnik la presente tesis ha ido evolucionando a lo largo de los dos últimos años hacia un estudio teórico de tres cuestiones que, a día de hoy, siguen suscitando un interesante debate: el sujeto, el cuerpo y la escritura. Por todo ello, lo que en sus inicios comenzó como el análisis de un género (el diario íntimo o personal) y de una voz latinoamericana contemporánea (Alejandra Pizarnik) ha acabado ampliándose, en primer lugar, a la problemática de una escritura, la literaria, que la autora plantea desde una perspectiva mítica y mística. Y en segundo lugar, a otra voz latinoamericana que, desde el umbral de su propia creación -siempre en el límite, a medio camino entre el barroquismo excesivo y el vacío de la página en blanco-, pone en jaque las tres cuestiones arriba mencionadas. Transformada, así, en La convulsión orgiástica del orden: sujeto, cuerpo y escritura en Armonía Somers y Alejandra Pizarnik, la tesis que aquí se presenta aporta una mirada distinta a la que tradicionalmente se aplica en el discurso crítico peninsular y latinoamericano, al recuperar algunas de las teorías más significativas del postestructuralismo y demostrar, una vez más, la actualidad de sus constribuciones: Jacques Derrida desde la noción metonímica del oficio escritural, Julia Kristeva desde la perspectiva de una cultura de la re-vuelta que pulverice todos y cada uno de los fundamentos sobre los que es construida, en definitiva, Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari desde la siempre revulsiva teoría del rizoma, todas estas cuestiones han sido largamente trabajadas a lo largo de las páginas del ensayo con el doble objetivo de abordar dos modelos escriturales al margen desde un lugar distinto y reclamar, al mismo tiempo, el lugar privilegiado que ciertas teorías siguen teniendo en la construcción y formación del pensamiento actual.

Trans-formative Theatre: Living Further Realities

Belvis Pons, Esther 31 May 2012 (has links)
Esta tesis estudia la relación entre los cuerpos humanos y el evento teatral a través de tres producciones Europeas―Pura Coincidencia de Roger Bernat, Tunning Out with Radio Z de Stan’s Café y Outdoors de Rimini Protokoll― que exponen la emergencia de lo trans-formador. Lo trans-formador opera entre y a través de lo teatral en propuestas experimentales que enfatizan su naturaleza estructural, relacional y sistémica mediante distintas formas de participación. En este sentido, esta investigación explora la naturaleza participativa de estas propuestas artísticas y sus atributos, respondiendo a las siguientes cuestiones: ¿cómo el evento teatral interactúa con lo cotidiano y su teatralidad generando experiencias que se ubican principalmente en el cuerpo? ¿Cuáles son los atributos e implicaciones de las interacciones que emergen en el presentarse, en el estar presente, en el presenciar?¿Cuáles son los compromisos que nacen y se establecen entre los cuerpos al compartir la experiencia teatral? La investigación cuestiona los parámetros relacionales del evento teatral a fin de exponer los afectos y efectos en los cuerpos de los participantes, sean estos artistas profesionales, hábiles amateurs, investigadores en artes escénicas, o bien accidentales o intencionales espectadores. Esta tesis desafía las (im)posibilidades del conocimiento a través de un método basado en la práctica como investigación, lo que en el ámbito anglófono se conoce como practice-as-research. La tesis se compone de dos partes diferenciadas. La primera parte consiste en un capítulo introductorio titulado Arquitecturas Invisibles que pretende facilitar la comprensión de las condiciones operativas que desembocan en la construcción de reflexiones a partir de la experiencia práctica de la propia investigadora. Las condiciones denominadas nomadismo, net-gaming y transducción, derivan respectivamente de las teorías y métodos de Gilles Deleuze y Félix Guattari, Bruno Latour y John McKenzie. Al desplegar estas tres condiciones operativas aparecen ciertas cuestiones relevantes relativas a lo ecológico, lo social, lo político, lo geográfico, que son identificadas simultáneamente como aspectos clave para vislumbrar en qué modo la tesis narra ciertos aspectos de las prácticas teatrales analizadas. La segunda parte titulada Esferas de Inmersión examina las prácticas artísticas. Cada capítulo explora diferentes aspectos teatrales― expectativas, tiempo, atmosfera, trabajo y transformación― a través de una escritura que resulta metafórica, analítica y performativa. Las metáforas evocan lo común, dando lugar a una esfera compartida entre los distintos espectáculos y la investigadora, sumergiendo al lector en los distintos eventos teatrales. / This thesis studies the relationship between human bodies and theatrical events through selected European examples of the emergence of transformative ‘in-between’ experimental performance in the early 20th century. It aims to explore the nature of participatory practices and their attributes. How the theatrical event does interact with the everyday and its theatricality creating ‘embodied’ experiences? What are the attributes and the implications of the relationships that emerge through this bodily engagement? The study questions emergent relational parameters of the theatrical experience in order to explicate its affects and effects in the bodies of participants, whether professional artists, skilled amateur practitioners, theatre/performance researchers, and accidental or intentional audiences and spectators. Its investigation challenges the (im)possibilities of performance knowledge through an experimental method based in a practice-as-research approach. The introductory chapter aims to facilitate understandings of the operational conditions through which the ‘embodied’ is materialized in theatrical performance. The conditions, are named as ‘nomadism’, ‘net-gaming’ and ‘transductions’, and respectively are drawn from the theories and method of Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, Bruno Latour and John McKenzie. In unfolding these operational conditions significant ‘ecological’, social, political, geographical concerns are identified as critical to how the thesis accounts for key elements of current experimental theatrical performance. The rest of its chapters examine three productions of the international touring companies Roger Bernat (Barcelona), Stan’s Cafe (Birmingham) and Rimini Protokoll (Berlin). Each chapter examines different specific yet comparable aspects of their participatory theatre/performance methods – namely: expectations, time, atmosphere, labour, and transformation – a through writing that is metaphorical, analytical and performative. Metaphors evoke the ‘common’, they interlace bodily expectations and they trigger the sense of the fleeting experience establishing a shared sphere between the shows, the audiences and the researcher, immersing the reader in the theatrical events. Thus the thesis aims to present the significance of the ungraspable in participatory experimental performance, paradoxically because only in its evanescent in-betweeness might the ‘embodied’ be envisioned.

The dramaturgy and the musical characterization of ensembles in W. A. Mozart¡¦s ¡§Cosi fan tutte¡¨

Wen, Yin-hui 30 August 2006 (has links)
Under the leadership of the King Joseph II, various musical activities were flourishing in Vienna during the late 18th century. Among all, the opera buffa was one of the major forms of musical performances. During the stay in Vienna, Mozart and Theater Poet Da Ponte composed three opere buffe together, and the last one was Così fan tutte composed in 1790. Among all the opere buffe performed in Vienna from 1783 to 1791, the ratio of ensembles to arias in Così fan tutte was the highest. Therefore, the purpose of this thesis is to study the ensembles in this work, analyze the musical characterization of all characters, and carefully examine the dramatic meaning from the musical structure. In this thesis, there are three chapters except the preface and conclusion. The first chapter introduces the opere buffe performed in Vienna from 1783 to 1791 and describes its social meaning at the time, which provides the background as Mozart composed his opere buffe. The second chapter discusses the origin of the libretto and the influence of the Commedia dell'arte to the characteristic structure. This chapter therefore expresses its ideas more distinctly about two origins of the major play, the historical basis of six characters¡¦ temperaments, and Da Ponte¡¦s inductive composition technique. In addition, the third chapter further probes the musical intention of the ensembles in Così fan tutte. Furnishing characters in this play with vivid portraits and energetic vitality, Mozart composed this opera by innovative music language and various structure. Così fan tutte was harshly disparaged by critics in 19th century and being neglected for almost one century. Nevertheless, it was being highly recognized as moral standard was gradually dropped. It is fairly stated that Così fan tutte is a major achievement of opera buffa in late 18th century for Mozart¡¦s overflowing creativity in composing ensembles as well as his keen penetration for drama.

Landowner survey of a cost-share brush management program in two Texas watersheds

Narayanan, Christopher Ram 15 November 2004 (has links)
With the expanding population of Texas and the resulting increase in demand for water, the scarcity of water is becoming an increasingly urgent issue and research is being conducted to find ways to improve water yield, the amount of water that is used for aquifer recharge and riparian areas (lakes, streams, etc). Rangelands provide a major catchment for both surface reservoirs and aquifers. The Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone and the Twin Buttes Drainage Area were selected to determine the tradeoffs between brush management for increased water yield and wildlife habitat improvement. In April 2002, a mail survey of 300 randomly selected landowners was conducted in each of the two watersheds to gain information regarding their demographics, land cover, and willingness to enter into a cost-share brush removal program. A total of 131 usable questionnaires (43.7%) were returned by Edwards Aquifer area participants, and 141 usable questionnaires (47.0%) were returned by Twin Buttes area participants. Respondents were asked questions including attitudes towards brush amounts and management strategies, and certain constraints that may be included in a cost-share brush removal program. Most respondents indicated interest in enrolling at least part of their land in such a program. Reasoning behind interest varied in each study area. However, interest in various contractual agreements was neutral at best. Policy implications entail considering wildlife habitat mitigation, landowners' preferences, and potential for increasing water yield and determining if all can be managed, or if trade-offs must be considered.

Growth and characterization of the Zintl-phase SrAl₄ on LaAlO₃

Schlipf, Lukas Philipp 08 November 2012 (has links)
We present an experimental study of thin films of SrAl₄ on a LaAlO₃ substrate, with special emphasis on the Zintl-Klemm-type properties of the thin films that we grow using molecular beam epitaxy. We quantify the orientation and stoichiometry of the films and the surface morphology using reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), x-ray diffraction (XRD) and atomic force microscopy (AFM). Furthermore, we present measurements of electronic properties using x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ultraviolet spectroscopy (UPS). We determine the core level shifts due to the chemical environment in SrAl₄-films, which will underline the Zintl-Klemm character of the material. We measure the work function of (001)-oriented SrAl₄. Additionally we analyze the electronic transport properties of the grown thin films including the resistivity, carrier density and mobility. / text

Modélisation de la composition isotopique des cernes d'arbres (13C et 18O) et des transferts de COS entre l'atmosphère et la biosphère continentale pour quantifier les flux bruts de carbone / Modelling of the isotopic composition of the tree-ring rings (carbon and oxygen) and of the ocs exchanges between the atmosphere and the continental biosphere to quantify the gross carbon exchanges

Launois, Thomas 26 September 2014 (has links)
Dans un contexte de changement climatique, le fonctionnement de la biosphère continentale peut être durablement affecté par l’augmentation d’extrêmes climatiques, diminuant l’assimilation photosynthétique du carbone ou augmentant la respiration de l’écosystème. Quantifier le stockage de carbone par les écosystèmes et prédire leur sensibilité aux changements climatiques repose donc fortement sur notre capacité à diagnostiquer séparément les flux de photosynthèse et de respiration à différentes échelles. La productivité primaire brute (GPP) n’est cependant pas directement mesurable. Des approches indirectes ont été proposées pour estimer les flux bruts biosphériques (GPP et respiration), combinant différents traceurs et notamment les isotopologues stables du CO2 (13C et 18O), et, plus récemment, la mesure de l’oxysulfure de carbone dans l’atmosphère (COS). Dans ce contexte, mes travaux de thèse ont exploré deux approches. La première visant à utiliser les mesures isotopiques des cernes d’arbres et leur largeur, toutes liées aux variations de l’activité photosynthétique. Les variations interannuelles du flux de photosynthèse modélisées par un modèle de biosphère continentale ont ainsi pu être évaluées et comparées aux mesures in situ. La seconde visant utiliser les mesures atmosphériques de COS pour contraindre les estimations de GPP des modèles actuels de biosphère, en (1) établissant un nouveau bilan global des sources et puits de ce gaz, (2) optimisant les différents termes de sources et puits de COS et (3) estimant le potentiel de ce nouveau traceur pour valider/invalider les flux bruts de photosynthèse (GPP) simulés par les modèles actuels de biosphère continentale. / In the context of global climate change, the behavior of the terrestrial biosphere can be durably affected by the increased frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events, which can decrease the photosynthetic assimilation of carbon and/or increase the respiration rate of the ecosystems. Therefore, quantifying the carbon storage capacity of the ecosystems and predicting their sensitivity to climate changes strongly rely on our capacity to separately estimate the photosynthesis and respiration rates at different scales. The gross primary productivity (GPP) is however not directly measurable. Indirect approaches have been proposed to estimate the biospheric gross fluxes (GPP and respiration), combining for instance stable isotopologues of CO2 (13C and 18O), and, more recently, the measure of carbonyl sulfide (COS) concentrations in the atmosphere. In this context, my PhD work followed two complementary approaches. In the first approach, isotopic measurements and tree-ring widths were used, because both of them are linked to the photosynthetic activity. The inter-annual variations of the photosynthetic fluxes simulated with the ORCHIDEE continental biosphere model were evaluated and compared with in situ measurements. The second approach consisted in using atmospheric measurements of OCS concentrations and in exploring their potential to constrain the current estimates of the GPP in dynamic global vegetation models (DGVM), by (1) establishing a new global budget of sources and sinks of this gas, (2) optimizing the source and sink terms of this cycle and (3) estimating the potential of this new tracer to validate/invalidate the simulated GPP when using current DGVMs.

Expression and inhibitor studies of CA'2'+-ATPases

Logan-Smith, Melanie Jane January 2001 (has links)
No description available.

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