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Aldrig ensam : En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommandes upplevelse av att bo och flytta från HVBHussfelt, Sofia, Johansson, Camilla January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka ensamkommande pojkars erfarenhet av att leva och flytta från ett HVB i en svensk kommun. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fem personer som tidigare har varit placerade på HVB. Resultaten visade att genom placering på HVB gavs respondenterna möjlighet att träffa andra ensamkommande som befinner sig i en liknande situation, vilket skapade en känsla av trygghet. Studien visade vidare att stöttning av personal på boendet under place-ringen och i förberedelserna för att flytta från HVB och bli självständiga vuxna, var mycket betydelsefullt. Studien visar att respondenterna i stort haft en positiv upple-velse av att ha varit placerade på HVB. / The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate unaccompanied minors ex-perience of living and moving from a group home in a Swedish municipality. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with five individuals who previ-ously have been placed in a group home. The results showed that through placement in the group home the respondents had an opportunity to meet other unaccompanied minors and share a similar situation, which created a sense of security. The results showed further that received support from the staff, during the placement and in preparations to move from the group home and become independent, was of vital importance. The results indicate that the respondents experienced the time they spent in the group home in a positive way.
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<p></p><p><a>COS and CS<sub>2</sub> are sulfur compounds that are formed
in natural waters. These compounds are also volatile, which leads them move
into the atmosphere and serve as critical precursors to sulfate aerosols.
Sulfate aerosols are known to counteract global warming by reflecting solar
radiation. One major source of COS and CS<sub>2</sub> stems from the ocean. While
previous studies have linked COS and CS<sub>2</sub> formation in these waters to the
indirect photolysis of organic sulfur compounds, much of the chemistry behind
how this occurs remains unclear. This study examined this chemistry by
evaluating how different organic sulfur precursors, water quality constituents,
and temperature affected COS and CS<sub>2</sub> formation in natural waters.</a></p>
<p>In the first part of this thesis (chapters 2 and 3), nine natural
waters ranging in salinity were spiked with various organic sulfur precursors
(e.g. cysteine, cystine, dimethylsulfide (DMS) and methionine) exposed to
simulated sunlight over varying exposures. Other water quality conditions
including the presence of O<sub>2</sub>, CO and temperature were also varied. Results
indicated that COS and CS<sub>2</sub> formation increased up to 11× and 4×,
respectively, after 12 h of sunlight while diurnal cycling exhibited varied
effects. COS and CS<sub>2</sub> formation were also strongly affected by the DOC
concentration, organic sulfur precursor type, O<sub>2</sub> concentration, and
temperature while salinity differences and CO addition did not play a
significant role.</p>
<p>To then specifically evaluate the role of DOM in cleaner matrices,
COS and CS<sub>2</sub> formation was examined in synthetic waters (see chapters 4 and
5). In this case, synthetic waters were spiked with different types of DOM
isolates ranging from freshwater to ocean water along with either cysteine or
DMS and exposed to simulated sunlight for up to 4 h. Surprisingly, CS<sub>2</sub> was
not formed under any of the tested conditions, indicating that other water
quality constituents, aside from DOM, were responsible for its formation.
However, COS formation was observed. Interestingly, COS formation with cysteine
was fairly similar for all DOM types, but increasing DOM concentration actually
decreased formation. This is likely due to the dual role of DOM on
simultaneously forming and quenching the reactive intermediates (RIs).
Additional experiments with quenching agents to RIs (e.g. <sup>3</sup>DOM* and ·OH)
further indicated that ·OH was not involved in COS formation
with cysteine but <sup>3</sup>DOM* was involved. This result differed with DMS
in that ·OH and <sup>3</sup>DOM* were both found to be involved. In
addition, treating DOM isolates with sodium borohydride (NaBH<sub>4</sub>) to reduce
ketone/aldehydes to their corresponding alcohols increased COS formation, which
implied that the RIs formed by these functional groups in DOM were not
involved. The alcohols formed by this process were not likely to act as quenching
agents since they have been shown to low in reactivity. Since ketones are known
to form high-energy-triplet-states of DOM while quinones are known to form
low-energy-triplet-states of DOM, removing ketones from the system further
supported the role of low-energy-triplet-states on COS formation. This was
initially hypothesized by findings from the testes on DOM types. In the
end there are several major research contributions from this thesis. First,
cysteine and DMS have different mechanisms for forming COS. Second, adding O<sub>2</sub> decreased
COS formation, but it did not stop it completely, which suggests that further
research is required to evaluate the role of RI in the presence of O<sub>2</sub>. Lastly,
considering the low formation yields of COS and CS<sub>2</sub> formation from the
organic sulfur precursors tested in this study, it is believed that some other
organic sulfur precursors are missing which are likely to generate these
compounds to higher levels and this needs to be investigated in future
research. </p><br><p></p>
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Corpo Pubblico -Corpo SignificanteTinterri, Vania 29 October 2004 (has links)
1. HIPÓTESIS DEL TRABAJOEsta tesis considera el cuerpo como lugar de investigación y creatividad artística, desde un punto de vista marcado por las mujeres artistas y por la presentación y/o representación del cuerpo femenino, en términos propios o cercanos a la escultura y al Arte Público.El pretexto, para este trabajo, consiste en considerar a las mujeres artistas y a los cuerpos femeninos como identidades que actúan con creatividad, para introducirse y modificar el entorno social.El objetivo principal es determinar unas posibles definiciones de Cuerpo Público, seleccionando intervenciones creativas que permiten evidenciar cómo el cuerpo, a través del arte, se perfila como un medio colectivo socialmente útil.2. METODOLOGÍA DE INVESTIGACIÓNLa delimitación del campo de investigación se ha acotado analizando la producción artística femenina del siglo veinte, relacionando y confrontando los datos bibliográficos e iconográficos hallados.El corpus general de datos, marcado por vacíos, fragmentación y complejidad, ha sido catalogado por orden alfabético y seleccionado, restringiendo el marco de investigación a obras de arte que presentaran el tema del cuerpo o problemas de identidad femenina.3. RESULTADOSAnalizando las obras de arte, se ha definido el Cuerpo Público, explicando sus características, al desarrollar unos conceptos clave, que han evidenciado dos condiciones principales: una objetiva y otra simbólica, que permiten la recíproca interferencia y/o copresencia, que determina las caracterizaciones y coincidencias que siguen:- Cuerpo Público como corpus de conceptos y/o acciones.Corresponde a las obras de arte seleccionadas y al compromiso artístico de las mujeres. Esta primera definición puede entenderse también como Cuerpo Público "extendido". Identifica un "bien" potencialmente alcanzable por todos y ofrece un tránsito, físico o mental, que permite conocer y re-conocerse.- Cuerpo Público "plástico", asumido como material y medio y "objeto/sujeto plasmable" del arte. Esta segunda hipótesis puede equivaler a la de Cuerpo Público como "escultura viviente", patente en la performance y en el Body Art.- Cuerpo Público que atañe al Arte Público, entendido como actitud colectiva y democráctica, por implicar a más autores y al público en la configuración de la obra de arte y/o por expresarse en "espacios" de uso público. Debe considerarse la capacidad de dialogar y colaborar entre identidades. Puede corresponder a una práctica artística para los "asuntos públicos" que podría convertirse en "razón de estado". Esta tercera propuesta puede sumarse al concepto de Cuerpo Público "político", como libre presentación y/o representación del "cuerpo" y capacidad de mediar democráticamente. Implica el consenso de los interesados al lugar y la apropriación social del acontecimiento.- Cuerpo Público "autobiográfico", como explicitación pública de una mirada privada individual que puede tener resoncia en una mirada pública colectiva. Debate las necesidades relativas a una vivencia local/global y puede configurarse en "multi-identidad". Esta última consideración puede coincidir con Cuerpo Público como identidad "híbrida" interpretada como actitud sincrónica e interdisciplinar. 4. CONCLUSIONESLos resultados obtenidos se indican como parciales y revisables y no pretenden dictar pautas estrictas.En concreto, el tema del Cuerpo Público ha ofrecido la posibilidad de desarrollar con creatividad un género que atañe la investigación del Arte Público, con la intención de contribuir a llenar unos vacíos histórico-artísticos y fomentar la curiosidad de futuros investigadores.Se ha demostrado cómo es posible repensar el papel del arte, gracias a la creatividad de las artistas, y cómo se pueden insertar nuevas lecturas del arte dentro de la historiografía oficial.Se ha puesto de manifiesto, además, cómo la obra de arte puede representar una posible solución a los problemas sociales, junto a la calidad y actualidad de:- la atención siempre más frecuente hacia el Arte Público. - los temas que se ocupan de estudios de género.- la importancia del cuerpo come eje de investigación. / The basic notions in this doctoral dissertation arise from looking upon the body as the site for artistic research and creativity. Specifically, such an analysis is deduced from the point of view of female artists, and from the presentation and/or representation of the female body in terms that are peculiar or closely related to sculpture and Public Art.The pretext for this research plan comes down to considering female artists and female bodies as entities capable of behaving with creativity, in order to gain access into the social fabric and so influence society.This dissertation therefore introduces some creative works by female artists, which can be defined as "public body", and they allow demonstration of how, by means of art, the body presents itself as a collective and socially useful resource.
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Untersuchungen zur Trockenentschwefelung von Brenngasen durch Partialoxidation von H2S an HerdofenkoksBauersfeld, Dirk 23 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Die vorliegende Arbeit befasst sich mit Untersuchungen zur Trockenentschwefelung von Brenngasen durch Partialoxidation von H2S an Herdofenkoks. Hierzu wurden Versuche in der Technikumsanlage VTE 2004 mit einem simulierten PHTW Gas durchgeführt. Es zeigte sich, dass der COS-Abbau nicht wie bisher angenommen durch die COS-Partialoxidation sondern durch die COS-Hydrolyse erfolgt. Die COS-Hydrolyse gewinnt dabei mit abnehmender Raumbelastung an Bedeutung. Der Entschwefelungsgrad erhöht sich mit steigendem Sauerstofffaktor und abnehmender Raumbelastung. Sauerstofffaktoren &gt;4 sind aufgrund des vollständigen H2S-Umsatzes und der nicht ablaufenden COS-Partialoxidation nicht sinnvoll. Die Gewinnung des abgeschiedenen Schwefels auf dem Herdofenkoks konnte nachgewiesen werden. Abschließende Berechnungen ergaben, dass sich mit den erreichten Schwefelkonzentrationen im Reingas das Verfahren im aktuellen Entwicklungsstand für die Vorentschwefelung im IGCC-Kraftwerk eignet.
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A Concept of inter-AS Priority Signaling using BGP AttributesKnoll, Thomas Martin 04 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The increasing number of delay and loss critical
services in packet networks require differentiated packet
handling in the forwarding plane. Quality of Service (QoS)
guarantees can be given for networks using resource reservation
and admission control. However, such strategies require complex
control plane extensions and might lead to higher operation
Network operators therefore often use over-provisioning and
traffic differentiation to offer cheaper class of service quality in
their internet protocol (IP) packet networks.
Priority marking and forwarding of packetized data traffic
can be realized mainly using different layer two and three
mechanisms. The number of differentiated classes and their
autonomous system (AS) internal implementation is at the
operator’s choice.
This paper proposes a concept of cross-domain and cross-layer
priority signaling between packet switched networks to be used
at the inter-AS peering points. It makes use of the Border
Gateway Protocol (BGP) as the predominantly used routing
protocol for AS peering communication. A new BGP-4 path
attribute is used to convey the structured priority information.
The new concept ensures that all receiving AS peers are
consistently and comprehensively informed about the QoS
handling within the IP prefix originating AS. Based on this
information, all ASes can perform close QoS treatment
approximation in a cross-domain and cross-layer manner.
The approach is now work in progress at the IETF.
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Class of Service based AS InterconnectionKnoll, Thomas Martin 04 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The increasing number of delay and loss critical services in packet networks require differentiated packet handling in the forwarding plane. Quality of Service (QoS)
guarantees can be given for networks using resource reservation and admission control. However, such strategies require complex control plane extensions and might lead to higher operation expenditures.
Network operators therefore often use over-provisioning and
traffic differentiation to offer cheaper Class of Service (CoS)
quality in their internet protocol (IP) packet networks.
The number of differentiated classes and their autonomous
system (AS) internal implementation is at the operator’s choice.
This paper proposes a signalling concept for inter-AS layer
three Class Set signalling, supported classes, their encoding and
packet rate limitations. It makes use of the Border Gateway
Protocol (BGP) as the predominantly used routing protocol for
AS peering communication. The paper specifies two new nontransitive
attributes, which enable adjacent peers to signal Class
of Service capabilities and admission control limitations. The new
"CoS Capability Attribute" and the “CoS Parameter Attribute"
are simple data structures, which signal the classes, their per hop
behaviour (PHB) ID code and the token bucket control
performed at the ingress AS border router for rate limitation
purposes. The denoted Class of Service forwarding support is
meant as the AS externally available (transit) Class of Service
The approach is now work in progress at the IETF.
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BGP Class of Service InterconnectionKnoll, Thomas Martin 04 February 2009 (has links) (PDF)
This document focuses on Class of Service Interconnection at inter-
domain peering points. It specifies two new non-transitive
attributes, which enable adjacent peers to signal Class of Service
Capabilities and certain Class of Service admission control
Parameters. The new "CoS Capability Attribute" is deliberately kept
simple and denotes the general EF, AF Group and BE forwarding support
across the advertising AS. The second "CoS Parameter Attribute" is
of variable length and contains a more detailed description of
available forwarding behaviours using the PHB id Code encoding. Each
PHB id Code is associated with rate and size based traffic
parameters, which will be applied in the ingress AS Border Router for
admission control purposes to a given forwarding behaviour. The denoted Class of Service forwarding support is meant as the AS
externally available (transit) Class of Service support.
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Cross-Domain and Cross-Layer Coarse Grained Quality of Service Support in IP-based NetworksKnoll, Thomas Martin 17 November 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Mit der zunehmenden Popularität des Internets steigt die Anzahl der Nutzer und vor
allem die Anzahl zeit- und verlustkritische Dienste – wie zum Beispiel „Voice over IP“,
Videoübertragungen und netzbasierte Spiele. Das Internet ist dabei der Zusammenschluss
von ca. 30.000 Betreibernetzen, die mit Hilfe des „Internet Protocol (IP)“ derzeit
ohne jede Dienstgüteunterstützung den Datenverkehraustausch realisieren. Massive
Überdimensionierung der Netzkapazitäten führen zu einer Netzauslastung von nur ca.
10% und entsprechend guter Übertragungsqualität. Mit steigendem Verkehrsaufkommen
wird in dieser Dissertation erwartet, das die Netzbetreiber infolge des Kostendrucks
nicht schritthaltend den überhöhten Netzausbau aufrechterhalten können und
somit Qualitätseinbußen zu erwarten sind. Innerhalb der Betreiber wird bereits jetzt
Verkehrstrennung betrieben, jedoch am Übergabepunkt verworfen und im besten Fall
im Nachbarnetz durch aufwendige Analyse erneut vorgenommen.
Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde deshalb ein domänen- und schichtenübergreifendes
Konzept zur Realisierung grob-granularer Dienstgüte in IP-Netzen entworfen, zur
Standardisierung bei der „Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)“ vorgeschlagen,
implementiert und in Auszügen simuliert und getestet.
Dabei werden die Verkehrsklasseninformationen mehrere Netzschichten in transitiven
Nachrichtenelementen des „Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)“ signalisiert und schichtenübergreifend
Die vorliegende Dissertation beinhaltet im wesentlichen drei Teile:
1. Eine umfassende Zusammenstellung von vorhandenen Dienstgütekonzepten
einschließlich der bereits existierenden QoS-Funktionselemente in verfügbaren
2. Die detaillierte Spezifikation des neuen Konzeptes und
3. den Ergebnissen der Simulations- und Implementierungsaktivitäten zum Nachweis
der Funktion und Skalierbarkeit des Entwurfes.
Zwei wesentliche Erkenntnisse und Forderungen sind durch die Bearbeitung des
Themas erwachsen. Die Einfachheit der Konzeptstruktur und die Einfachheit der
angestrebten Dienstgüteunterstützung. Die angestrebte Dienstgüte beschränkt sich
deshalb auf die primitive Verkehrstrennung in mehrere Klassen, die in den Weiterleitungsknoten
getrennt abgelegt und mit verschiedenem Vorrang behandelt werden.
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Chitosan and quaternised chitosan polymers as gene transfection agents / Chrizelle VenterVenter, Chrizelle January 2005 (has links)
Several approaches have been employed for directing the intracellular trafficking
of DNA to the nucleus. Cationic polymers have been used to condense and
deliver DNA and a few specific examples using chitosan as cationic polymer
have been described. The concerted efforts in gene therapy to date have
provided fruitful achievements toward a new era of curing human diseases. A
number of obstacles, however, still must be surmounted for successful clinical
Therefore, chitosan-plasmid and quaternised chitosan-plasmid complexes
(polyplexes) were investigated for their ability to transfect COS-1 cells and the
results were compared with Transfectam/DNA lipoplexes for transfection
efficiency. All of the chitoplexes utilised in this study proved to transfect COS-1
cells, however to a lesser extent than the Transfectam/DNA lipoplexes, which
served as a positive control. Complexes formed with quaternised trimethyl and
triethyl chitosan oligomers, specifically TMO L and TEO L, proved to be superior
transfecting agents compared to other chitosans. The molecular mass of
chitosan is considered to influence the stability of the chitosan/DNA polyplex, the
efficiency of cell uptake and the dissociation of DNA from the complex after
In literature it was shown that the toxicity of the chitosan1DNA polyplexes is
relatively low compared to viral gene and lipid non-viral delivery vectors. This
study showed that the percentage viable COS-1 cells when transfected with the
chitosan polymers, oligomers, quaternised chitosan polymers and quaternised
chitosan oligomers (chitoplexes) was higher than the percentage viable cells
when transfected with lipoplexes prepared with Transfectam with the MTT
assay. The Transfectam/DNA lipoplexes induced cell damage and a decreased
viability of COS-1 cells were found. Chitosan/DNA and quaternised
chitosan/DNA complexes did not affect the viability of the cell line. The degree of
quaternisation of the polymers and oligomers and molecular size proved to be
two important factors when considering effective non-viral gene delivery.
It can be concluded that chitosan, especially quaternised oligomeric derivatives
are polysaccharides that demonstrate much potential as a gene delivery system.
The high solubility and low toxicity of chitosan allow its use in a wide variety of
applications in the pharmaceutical industry and, as shown in this study, in gene
delivery. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Chitosan and quaternised chitosan polymers as gene transfection agents / Chrizelle VenterVenter, Chrizelle January 2005 (has links)
Several approaches have been employed for directing the intracellular trafficking
of DNA to the nucleus. Cationic polymers have been used to condense and
deliver DNA and a few specific examples using chitosan as cationic polymer
have been described. The concerted efforts in gene therapy to date have
provided fruitful achievements toward a new era of curing human diseases. A
number of obstacles, however, still must be surmounted for successful clinical
Therefore, chitosan-plasmid and quaternised chitosan-plasmid complexes
(polyplexes) were investigated for their ability to transfect COS-1 cells and the
results were compared with Transfectam/DNA lipoplexes for transfection
efficiency. All of the chitoplexes utilised in this study proved to transfect COS-1
cells, however to a lesser extent than the Transfectam/DNA lipoplexes, which
served as a positive control. Complexes formed with quaternised trimethyl and
triethyl chitosan oligomers, specifically TMO L and TEO L, proved to be superior
transfecting agents compared to other chitosans. The molecular mass of
chitosan is considered to influence the stability of the chitosan/DNA polyplex, the
efficiency of cell uptake and the dissociation of DNA from the complex after
In literature it was shown that the toxicity of the chitosan1DNA polyplexes is
relatively low compared to viral gene and lipid non-viral delivery vectors. This
study showed that the percentage viable COS-1 cells when transfected with the
chitosan polymers, oligomers, quaternised chitosan polymers and quaternised
chitosan oligomers (chitoplexes) was higher than the percentage viable cells
when transfected with lipoplexes prepared with Transfectam with the MTT
assay. The Transfectam/DNA lipoplexes induced cell damage and a decreased
viability of COS-1 cells were found. Chitosan/DNA and quaternised
chitosan/DNA complexes did not affect the viability of the cell line. The degree of
quaternisation of the polymers and oligomers and molecular size proved to be
two important factors when considering effective non-viral gene delivery.
It can be concluded that chitosan, especially quaternised oligomeric derivatives
are polysaccharides that demonstrate much potential as a gene delivery system.
The high solubility and low toxicity of chitosan allow its use in a wide variety of
applications in the pharmaceutical industry and, as shown in this study, in gene
delivery. / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pharmaceutics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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