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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interface Effects and Deposition Process of Ionically Self-Assembled Monolayer Films: In Situ and Ex Situ Second Hamonic Generation Measurements

Brands, Charles 17 September 2003 (has links)
In this thesis, detailed studies are presented into self-assembled, noncentrosymmetric, optically active films. Second harmonic generation (SHG) is used to measure the second order nonlinear optical susceptibility (?(2)) of ionically self-assembled monolayer (ISAM) thin films. Conventional ISAM films are fabricated by alternately immersing a substrate into oppositely-charged polyelectrolyte solutions. The polyelectrolytes bind electrostatically to the oppositely-charged substrate, and thus reverse the charge of the substrate. The charge reversal limits the amount of adsorbed material and primes the substrate for the next layer. During the deposition of the nonlinear optical (NLO) active layer, the chromophores are attracted to the oppositely-charged surface, which results in net orientation of the chromophores. Some of the net orientation is lost during the deposition of the next NLO-inactive layer as this layer orients some of the chromophores away from the substrate. A disadvantage of the polymer ISAM deposition method is that although there is a net orientation toward the substrate, a large number of chromophores are randomly or oppositely oriented. This reduces the nonlinear optical response. To overcome this problem, two alternative methods with a better net orientation are discussed: hybrid covalent / ionic deposition and multivalent monomer deposition. In both deposition methods, the NLO-active material is a monomer instead of a polymer. In hybrid covalent / ionic deposition, the NLO-inactive polymer is deposited using electrostatic attraction while the NLO-active monomer is deposited covalently. This forces alignment of the chromophores. The multivalent method uses chromophores with multiple charges on one side of the molecule and one charge (same sign) on the other. The difference in electrostatic attraction causes a preferential orientation of the chromophores during deposition. Attempts have been made to further improve the net orientation by complexation of the monomers with cyclodextrins (cone shaped organic molecules), so far with only limited success. The SHG response of NLO-active layers near the glass and air interfaces is much stronger than the SHG response of layers in the bulk of the film for all deposition methods and NLO-active materials investigated in this thesis. For larger number of bilayers (the bulk regime), the square root of the SHG signal increases linearly with the number of bilayers as expected for a uniform chromophore orientation. We isolated the interface effects through use of buffer layers of NLO-inactive polymers. The glass interface effect extends roughly one bilayer deep for all investigated materials. The air interface effect is different for polymers and monomers. For monomers, this effect extends only one bilayer deep, while it extends multiple layers deep for polymers. Using glass cells to contain the polyelectrolyte solutions, we were able to measure the SHG signal in situ, which proved to be a powerful tool to monitor the deposition rate as a function of chosen parameters. All depositions were rapid, on the order of one minute or less. Provided that a minimum concentration is met, the deposition rate and final SHG values are independent of concentration. Bulk layers deposit at the same rate as layers near the interface. For polymer NLO-active layers a secondary, slower growth of SHG is observed that is presumably due to reorganization of the adsorbed polymer layer. This secondary growth is not observed in the deposition of NLO-active monomers. / Ph. D.

Surface and interface anisotropies measured using inductive magnetometry

Kennewell, Kimberly January 2008 (has links)
In this thesis, an inductive ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) technique is developed to measure the magnetisation dynamics in thin films across a wide range of frequencies and fields. In particular, this project concentrates on measuring higher order exchange dominated modes to observe surface and interface effects in bilayer films. The experimental technique was first developed as a time domain technique, utilising a fast rise time (~50 ps) step pulse to disturb the equilibrium position of the magnetisation. The subsequent precessional damped decay was measured at different applied fields to observe the resonant modes. The data is Fourier transformed to extract a frequency dependent susceptiblity, and results are presented for the frequency and linewidth dependence of excitations of a permalloy film as a function of applied field. This technique is limited to a frequency range dictated by the rise time of the pulse. The technique was then extended so as to use a continuous wave perturbation, utilising a network analyser as both the excitation source and the measurement device. The scattered wave parameters of both the transmission and reflection from the sample were measured, and a magnetic susceptibility is extracted. This method has a frequency range which is dictated by the bandwidth of the network analyser and the microwave circuit. In this project, results are presented for frequencies up to 15 GHz. The signal to noise ratio was also found to be lower than the pulsed technique. Fundamental resonant mode studies are presented for a Fe/MnPd exchange bias bilayer film. Crystalline and exchange anisotropies are extracted from angular measurements, and the behaviour of the magnetisation is investigated during its reorientation to a hard axis direction. Information about the distribution of the local exchange field strength and direction is predicted. Fundamental mode studies are also presented for a Py/Co exchange spring bilayer film. Two modes are observed, approximating an optical and acoustical excitation. Film systems were also designed with suitable thicknesses to observe in the experimentally available frequency range non-uniform exchange dominated excitations through the thickness of the film. The broadband nature of the experiment allowed the frequency of the modes to be measured as a function of field. Results from a single permalloy layer showed two observable modes, the fundamental and the first exchange mode. Measurements were also taken of bilayer films where permalloy is coupled to cobalt. In this system the effect of the cobalt is seen to shift the single layer Py mode frequencies, as well as introduce new modes. The relative intensities of the modes also change with the addition of cobalt. Results are shown for a Pt/Co multilayer coupled to a permalloy layer through a Cu spacer of varying thickness. The observation of excitations through the thickness of the film motivated the development of a suitable theory. A system of integro-differential equations were derived which account for dipole and exchange coupling in the film as well as the field screening by the metal of the coplanar line. The conductivity of the sample and the finite wavevector excitation of the stripline are also included. Numerical solution of the equations results in a spectrum of acoustical, optical and higher-order modes. Fitting of the model to the experimental results allowed extraction of the film parameters including; the exchange constants in the film; the surface pinning from any surface layer anisotropy; as well as the interlayer exchange coupling across the interface.

Tailoring the Magnetic Properties of Amorphous TbCo Nano Films

Djurberg, Viktor January 2018 (has links)
The possibility to change magnetic anisotropy of amorphous TbCo films from out-of-plane to in-plane has been investigated. The effects of TbCo film's thickness and composition on the magnetic anisotropy were investigated together with the effects of growing the TbCo films on a SmCo seed layer. This was studied by sputtering TbCo films of composition Tb_xCo_(100-x) x=16,18,20,22 and 24, with thickness ranging between 2-20 nm, with and without the presence of a 20 nmSm_15Co_85 seed layer. All films were grown in a 130 mT magnetic in-plain field to imprint an in-plane anisotropy. The structure and composition of the films were examined with Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, X-ray reflectivity, and Grazing incidence X-ray diffraction. The magnetic properties of the films were studied with magneto-optic Kerr effect measurement, vibrating sample magnetometer, Kerr microscopy and magnetic force microscopy. The magneto-optic Kerr effect measurement showed that it was possible to change TbCo film's preferred magnetization direction from out-of-plane to in-plane by reducing the film thickness. The SmCo layer made it easier for theTbCo films to change preferred magnetization direction from out-of-plane to in-plane.

Approches multi-échelles des composites granulaires avec effets d'interface : applications aux nanocomposites et composites cimentaires / Multi-scale approaches of granular composites with interface effects : application to nanocomposites and cement based composites

Sidhom, Maged 08 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail s'inscrit dans le contexte des recherches menées pour la modélisation des composites aléatoires, permettant de déterminer leurs propriétés mécaniques effectives (élasticité et résistance). Parmi les modèles micromécaniques, numériques ou analytiques, développés dans ce but, on retrouve certains qui prennent en compte les effets d'interfaces se produisant aux frontières des inclusions des composites. Ces interfaces ont, selon plusieurs auteurs, une grande influence sur les propriétés élastiques et de rupture. Les modèles les considérant à ce jour sont néanmoins limités aux cas d'inclusions sphériques ou cylindriques. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons plusieurs approches et modèles micromécaniques (ou multi-échelles) qui permettent de déterminer les propriétés élastiques et poroélastiques ainsi que les modes de ruptures de matériaux composites granulaires présentant divers effets d'interfaces. Les morphologies inclusionnaires étudiées ne se limitent pas à la forme sphérique mais s'étendent également aux inclusions ellipsoïdales ce qui nous a amené à examiner une rupture inter-granulaire anisotrope. Les modèles de rupture développés dans ce travail ont été appliqués aux gels de C-S-H (hydrates de la pâte de ciment) ce qui a permis d'améliorer les modèles de rupture consacrés aux pâtes durcies. Les prédictions de ces modèles ont pu être confrontées à des données expérimentales de résistance à la compression simple des pâtes / Modelling composite media in view of determining its effective mechanical behaviour has been the topic of a large number of research papers. Some analytical and numerical models that can be found in the scientific literature on this topic take into account the interface effects that can arise at inclusions' boundaries. These interfaces have a major influence on the mechanical properties of composites according to some researchers. However, the models considering them are limited to spherical and cylindrical inclusions. In this work, several multi-scale approaches and models are developed to consider interface effects in the determination of the effective elastic and poroelastic properties and the failure mechanisms of granular composites. These models are performed on both spherical and ellipsoidal shapes of inclusions. The latter has led us to investigate an anisotropic inter-granular failure in granular media. The failure models developed in this work are applied to the microstructure of C-S-H gels (a cement paste hydrate) in order to improve the existing models on cement paste failure. The predictions of these improved models are compared to experimental data on the compressive strength of cement pastes

Investigation of interfacial and bulk physical properties of hybrid perovskite-based devices / Etude des interfaces et des propriétés électro-optiques des dispositifs réalisés avec des perovskites hybrides

Chen, Yan-Fang 22 November 2016 (has links)
Les Pérovskites hybrides organique-inorganique (PHOIs) ont suscité d’intenses recherches au coursdes dernières années. Dans cette thèse, nous avons dans un premier temps mis au point les différentsprocessus de préparation des échantillons et réalisé une caractérisation complète des films parmicroscopie à force atomique, spectroscopie photo-électronique par rayons X, mesure du potentiel desurface par sonde de Kelvin et mesure de la mobilité des charges par temps de vol. La distribution despièges à l'interface PHOI/Au a été étudiée via des mesure J-V-L en fonction de la températurecombinées avec des simulations numériques. Les relaxations diélectriques dans les PHOIs, tels que lamigration des ions et l’orientation du dipôle du cation organique, ont été étudiés par spectroscopied’impédance en fonction de la température. Dans la dernière partie de cette thèse, nous présentons uneétude originale qui démontre un mouvement des protons du groupement ammonium des cationsorganiques à l’interface avec le PEDOT : PSS. / Hybrid-organic-inorganic perovskites (HOIPs) have provoked intense research over the recent years.In this thesis, we contribute to this investigation by first examining the results of different solutionpreparation processes, followed by characterizing the films using atomic force microscopy, X-raydiffraction, ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, Kelvin probesurface potential measurement, and time-of-flight mobility measurement. The state distribution of theHOIP/Au interface was then studied by low temperature J–V–L measurement combined withnumerical simulation. In the process of these characterizations, it became clear that the dielectricrelaxations in HOIPs, such as ion migration and organic cation dipole orientation, play an importantrole in the material, and the next part of the thesis presents an analysis of these mechanisms with thehelp of temperature dependent impedance spectroscopy measurement. These studies built thefoundations for the final part of the thesis, where we investigated a so far elusive subject in HOIPs, themigration of protons

Estudos sobre fotogeração, efeitos de interfaces e de transporte de portadores em células solares orgânicas / Studies about photogeneration, interface effects, and charge carrier transport in organic solar cells

Coutinho, Douglas José 18 June 2015 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivo, desde seu início, investigar as propriedades elétricas de um dispositivo ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Ca/Al, o qual é uma estrutura bem conhecida de célula solar orgânica do tipo de heterojunção de volume (bulk-heterojunction – BHJ), e com isso dar uma contribuição à melhora de seu desempenho. Porém, o primeiro passo foi introduzir no Grupo de Polímeros Bernhard Gross, um método eficaz de produzir células solares do tipo BHJ com boa eficiência e reprodutibilidade. Esse primeiro desafio foi alcançado com sucesso. A eficiência (η) de um dispositivo fotovoltaico de multicamadas depende de muitos fatores. Dentre eles, uma boa superposição entre o espectro solar e a curva de absorção da camada absorvedora, uma excelente conversão da energia luminosa em portadores de carga, um eficiente processo de condução e uma perda mínima por recombinação e armadilhamento de portadores. Além disso, a compatibilidade eletrônica entre as interfaces tem um papel fundamental na definição na tensão de circuito aberto (VOC), no valor da corrente de curto-circuito (JSC), e no fator de preenchimento (FF). Baseado nesses efeitos, realizamos uma série de medidas experimentais, que auxiliado por um modelo teórico proporcionaram um estudo detalhado da evolução em função da temperatura da mobilidade dos portadores (μ) e de seu tempo de vida (τ). Os principais experimentos nessa tese foram realizados em diferentes temperaturas (entre 100 e 340 K). Foram eles: medidas de fotocorrente - Jph(V), a técnica de foto-CELIV, e medidas de transiente de fotovoltagem (TPV). Em paralelo, desenvolvemos o modelo teórico para a descrição analítica de Jph(V) que assumiu contatos não-injetores e que o livre caminho médio (w = μτF) de elétrons e buracos eram iguais (F é o campo elétrico). Nos ajustes teórico/experimental usamos a probabilidade de dissociação dos estados de transferência de carga (P) e o produto μτ como parâmetros de ajuste. A condição na qual o livre caminho médio é maior que a espessura da amostra (w >> L) reproduz a corrente de saturação reversa, Jsat = qGPLG é a taxa de geração dos éxcitons. Para w << L, a fotocorrente varia linearmente com o livre caminho médio, ou seja, J(F) = qGPμτF. A comparação entre os resultados experimentais e os teóricos permitiram, além da obtenção da evolução das grandezas μ e τ com a temperatura, estabelecer uma relação efetiva entre os parâmetros da célula (η, JSC, e FF) e as propriedades elétricas da camada ativa P3HT:PCBM. As medidas termo-mecânicas (DMA) forneceram informações adicionais sobre mudanças estruturais da camada ativa, as quais foram correlacionadas com variações dos parâmetros da célula e com fatores de perda. Finalmente, medidas de tempo-de-voo (TOF) e de CELIV foram realizadas para estudos mais detalhados sobre mecanismos de transporte ao longo da camada ativa, a efeitos de injeção pelos eletrodos, e para o entendimento de efeitos de degradação pela ação do oxigênio. / This thesis aims to investigate electrical characteristics of an ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Ca/Al device, which is a well-known structure of a bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cell, and to contribute to improve its performance. However, the first step was to introduce in the Group of Polymer Bernhard Gross an effective method for producing BHJ solar cells, manufacturing thus devices exhibiting excellent performance and reproducibility. This thesis aims to investigate electrical characteristics of an ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Ca/Al device, which is a well-known structure of a bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cell, and to contribute to improve its performance. However, the first step was to introduce in the Group of Polymer Bernhard Gross an effective method for producing BHJ solar cells, manufacturing thus devices exhibiting excellent performance and reproducibility. This goal was successfully achieved. The good efficiency (η) of a multilayer photovoltaic cell depends on many factors, including good overlap between the solar spectrum and the light absorbing layer, an excellent conversion of the absorbed light energy in pairs of electronic carriers, efficient charge transport and the minimum losses by recombination or by the action of deep traps for the carriers. Furthermore, the compatibility between electronic interfaces plays a crucial role in defining the open-circuit voltage (VOC) and the value of short-circuit current (JSC), and on the fill factor (FF). Anchored on these effects, we carried out a series of experiments, aided by a theoretical modeling, which provided a detailed study of the temperature evolution of fundamental electric quantities such as carrier mobility (μ) and its lifetime (τ). These studies were performed with the help of different experiments: photocurrent in function of the applied voltage  Jph(V), Photo-CELIV technique, and Transient Photovoltage (TPV) measurements, which were carried out at several temperatures in the 100 to 340 K range. In parallel, we developed an analytical model for Jph(V) that assumed non-injecting contacts and equal mean-free-paths for electrons and holes. The theoretical/experimental entities used as fitting parameters were the charge-transfer-state dissociation probability (P) and the μτ product. The condition in which the mean-free-path (w = μτF) is higher the sample thickness (L), the model reproduces the experimental reverse saturation current, Jsat = qGPL, which is coincident with the experimental value. F is the internal electric field and G is the generation rate of excitons by the absorbed light. When w << L, J(F) = qGPμτF, which is also coincident with experimental behavior. The confrontation between the experimental results and the theoretical model provided, in addition to the study of the evolution of μ and τ with temperature, to establish a more effective relationship between the parameters (η, JSC, e FF) of the cell and the electrical properties of the P3HT:PCBM active layer. Thermomechanical analysis (DMA) provided additional information of structural changes of active layer, which can be correlated with change in the loss factor and in the cell parameters. Finally, Time-of-Flight (TOF) and CELIV techniques were used in the more accurate study of charge transport along the active layers, effects of injection by the electrodes, and the degradation effect caused by oxygen.

Efeitos de interface em bicamadas magn?ticas acopladas

Monteiro, M?rio Antonio Alves 05 December 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:14:47Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MarioAAM.pdf: 4836888 bytes, checksum: 433efaa92f7e444a6422049d8ebf9384 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-12-05 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / We have developed a theoretical study of magnetic bilayers composed by a ferromagnetic film grown in direct contact on an antiferromagnetic one. We have investigated the interface effects in this systems due to the interfilms coupling. We describe the interface effects by a Heisenberg like coupling with an additional unidirectional anisotropy. In the first approach we assume that the magnetic layers are thick enough to be described by the bulk parameters and they are coupled through the interaction between the magnetic moments located at the interface. We use this approach to calculate the modified dynamical response of each material. We use the magnetic permeability of the layers (with corrections introduced by interface interactions) to obtain a correlation between the interface characteristics and the physical behavior of the magnetic excitations propagating in the system. In the second model, we calculated an effective susceptibility of the system considering a nearly microscopical approach. The dynamic response obtained by this approach was used to study the modifications in the spectrum of the polaritons and its consequences on the attenuated total reflection (ATR). In addition, we have calculated the oblique reflectivity. We compare our result with those obtained for the dispersion relation of the magnetostatic modes in these systems / Realizamos um estudo te?rico de bicamadas acopladas, constitu?das de um filme ferromagn?tico (F) crescido em contato direto sobre um antiferromagn?tico (AF). Investigamos os efeitos de interface nestes sistemas decorrentes do acoplamento inter-filmes. Modelamos o acoplamento atrav?s de uma intera??o tipo Heisenberg acrescida de uma anisotropia unidirecional. Em nosso estudo consideramos duas abordagens distintas: Na primeira, desenvolvemos um modelo fenomenol?gico, o qual considera que os filmes s?o espessos o bastante para serem descritos pelos seus par?metros de volume, e que est?o acoplados atrav?s da intera??o entre os momentos magn?ticos vizinhos da interface. Este modelo permitiu o c?lculo das permeabilidades magn?ticas dos filmes, modificadas pela intera??o entre estes objetos. Usamos estes resultados para estudar os modos magnetost?ticos que se propagam no sistema. O comportamento da frequ?ncia destes modos com a dire??o de propaga??o da componente do vetor de onda paralela na superf?cie, foi utilizado para investigar as modifica??es geradas pelos efeitos de interface; Na segunda abordagem, desenvolvemos o c?lculo anal?tico da suscetibilidade m?dia do sistema, utilizando um modelo quase microsc?pico. Analisamos o resultado da resposta din?mica atrav?s do c?lculo dos pol?ritons e da reflex?o total atenuada (ATR). Adicionalmente, calculamos a refletividade direta do sistema para o caso de uma radia??o incidente com dire??o arbitr?ria, a qual est? relacionada com os modos magnetost?ticos do sistema

Estudos sobre fotogeração, efeitos de interfaces e de transporte de portadores em células solares orgânicas / Studies about photogeneration, interface effects, and charge carrier transport in organic solar cells

Douglas José Coutinho 18 June 2015 (has links)
Esta tese teve por objetivo, desde seu início, investigar as propriedades elétricas de um dispositivo ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Ca/Al, o qual é uma estrutura bem conhecida de célula solar orgânica do tipo de heterojunção de volume (bulk-heterojunction – BHJ), e com isso dar uma contribuição à melhora de seu desempenho. Porém, o primeiro passo foi introduzir no Grupo de Polímeros Bernhard Gross, um método eficaz de produzir células solares do tipo BHJ com boa eficiência e reprodutibilidade. Esse primeiro desafio foi alcançado com sucesso. A eficiência (η) de um dispositivo fotovoltaico de multicamadas depende de muitos fatores. Dentre eles, uma boa superposição entre o espectro solar e a curva de absorção da camada absorvedora, uma excelente conversão da energia luminosa em portadores de carga, um eficiente processo de condução e uma perda mínima por recombinação e armadilhamento de portadores. Além disso, a compatibilidade eletrônica entre as interfaces tem um papel fundamental na definição na tensão de circuito aberto (VOC), no valor da corrente de curto-circuito (JSC), e no fator de preenchimento (FF). Baseado nesses efeitos, realizamos uma série de medidas experimentais, que auxiliado por um modelo teórico proporcionaram um estudo detalhado da evolução em função da temperatura da mobilidade dos portadores (μ) e de seu tempo de vida (τ). Os principais experimentos nessa tese foram realizados em diferentes temperaturas (entre 100 e 340 K). Foram eles: medidas de fotocorrente - Jph(V), a técnica de foto-CELIV, e medidas de transiente de fotovoltagem (TPV). Em paralelo, desenvolvemos o modelo teórico para a descrição analítica de Jph(V) que assumiu contatos não-injetores e que o livre caminho médio (w = μτF) de elétrons e buracos eram iguais (F é o campo elétrico). Nos ajustes teórico/experimental usamos a probabilidade de dissociação dos estados de transferência de carga (P) e o produto μτ como parâmetros de ajuste. A condição na qual o livre caminho médio é maior que a espessura da amostra (w >> L) reproduz a corrente de saturação reversa, Jsat = qGPLG é a taxa de geração dos éxcitons. Para w << L, a fotocorrente varia linearmente com o livre caminho médio, ou seja, J(F) = qGPμτF. A comparação entre os resultados experimentais e os teóricos permitiram, além da obtenção da evolução das grandezas μ e τ com a temperatura, estabelecer uma relação efetiva entre os parâmetros da célula (η, JSC, e FF) e as propriedades elétricas da camada ativa P3HT:PCBM. As medidas termo-mecânicas (DMA) forneceram informações adicionais sobre mudanças estruturais da camada ativa, as quais foram correlacionadas com variações dos parâmetros da célula e com fatores de perda. Finalmente, medidas de tempo-de-voo (TOF) e de CELIV foram realizadas para estudos mais detalhados sobre mecanismos de transporte ao longo da camada ativa, a efeitos de injeção pelos eletrodos, e para o entendimento de efeitos de degradação pela ação do oxigênio. / This thesis aims to investigate electrical characteristics of an ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Ca/Al device, which is a well-known structure of a bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cell, and to contribute to improve its performance. However, the first step was to introduce in the Group of Polymer Bernhard Gross an effective method for producing BHJ solar cells, manufacturing thus devices exhibiting excellent performance and reproducibility. This thesis aims to investigate electrical characteristics of an ITO/PEDOT:PSS/P3HT:PCBM/Ca/Al device, which is a well-known structure of a bulk-heterojunction (BHJ) organic solar cell, and to contribute to improve its performance. However, the first step was to introduce in the Group of Polymer Bernhard Gross an effective method for producing BHJ solar cells, manufacturing thus devices exhibiting excellent performance and reproducibility. This goal was successfully achieved. The good efficiency (η) of a multilayer photovoltaic cell depends on many factors, including good overlap between the solar spectrum and the light absorbing layer, an excellent conversion of the absorbed light energy in pairs of electronic carriers, efficient charge transport and the minimum losses by recombination or by the action of deep traps for the carriers. Furthermore, the compatibility between electronic interfaces plays a crucial role in defining the open-circuit voltage (VOC) and the value of short-circuit current (JSC), and on the fill factor (FF). Anchored on these effects, we carried out a series of experiments, aided by a theoretical modeling, which provided a detailed study of the temperature evolution of fundamental electric quantities such as carrier mobility (μ) and its lifetime (τ). These studies were performed with the help of different experiments: photocurrent in function of the applied voltage  Jph(V), Photo-CELIV technique, and Transient Photovoltage (TPV) measurements, which were carried out at several temperatures in the 100 to 340 K range. In parallel, we developed an analytical model for Jph(V) that assumed non-injecting contacts and equal mean-free-paths for electrons and holes. The theoretical/experimental entities used as fitting parameters were the charge-transfer-state dissociation probability (P) and the μτ product. The condition in which the mean-free-path (w = μτF) is higher the sample thickness (L), the model reproduces the experimental reverse saturation current, Jsat = qGPL, which is coincident with the experimental value. F is the internal electric field and G is the generation rate of excitons by the absorbed light. When w << L, J(F) = qGPμτF, which is also coincident with experimental behavior. The confrontation between the experimental results and the theoretical model provided, in addition to the study of the evolution of μ and τ with temperature, to establish a more effective relationship between the parameters (η, JSC, e FF) of the cell and the electrical properties of the P3HT:PCBM active layer. Thermomechanical analysis (DMA) provided additional information of structural changes of active layer, which can be correlated with change in the loss factor and in the cell parameters. Finally, Time-of-Flight (TOF) and CELIV techniques were used in the more accurate study of charge transport along the active layers, effects of injection by the electrodes, and the degradation effect caused by oxygen.

Nanoparticules magnétiques d’architecture complexe core-shell : couplage d'échange bias et interaction dipolaire / Magnetic nanoparticles of complex architecture core-shell : exchange bias coupling and dipolar interaction

Nehme, Zeinab 01 December 2016 (has links)
Le travail de thèse est consacré à l'étude numérique de nanoparticules (NPs) magnétiques core@shell Fe3O4@CoO présentant des propriétés d'échange bias (EB) en utilisant la méthode Monte Carlo (MC). En particulier, nous nous sommes concentrés sur l'étude de l'effet des réponses collectives (interactions inter-particules telles que les interactions dipolaires (ID)) sur les propriétés magnétiques de ces structures. Des résultats expérimentaux préliminaires, montrant l'existence d'une relation entre le décalage du cycle d'hystérésis et l'interaction entre NPs, ont motivé le travail numérique mené dans le cadre de cette thèse.La première partie de ce mémoire est une étude méthodologique visant à trouver les conditions optimales pour simuler les cycles d'hystérésis d'une façon correcte par MC.Les résultats révèlent une dépendance linéaire entre le champ coercitif Hc et la constante d'anisotropie effective pour des conditions non biaisées (algorithme libre, algorithme du cône, algorithme mixte). La deuxième partie est consacrée à l'étude, à l'échelle atomique, des nanostructures présentant l'EB dont nous avons reproduit les deux caractéristiques (un décalage du cycle d'hystérésis, une augmentation importante de Hc).Nous avons également proposé une méthode permettant l'évaluation de la valeur de l'anisotropie effective.En passant à l'échelle d'une assemblée de NPs, plusieurs modèles furent étudiés. Nous arrivons à interpréter les résultats expérimentaux selon le degré d'agrégation des NPs. Nous montrons que l'agrégation (interactions d'échanges entre les NPs) a un effet direct sur le champ d'échange bias, mais le rôle d'ID sur le champ d'échange mérite des études complémentaires. / This thesis is dedicated to the numerical study by means of Monte Carlo (MC) simulations of core@shell Fe3O4@CoO magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) presenting exchange bias properties (EB). In particular, we focused our study on the effect of collective responses (inter-particle interactions as dipolar interactions (DI)) on the magnetic properties of these structures. Our numerical work is motivated by some preliminary experimental results showing the existence of a relationship between the hysteresis loop shift (exchange bias field) and the interaction between NPs. The first part of this thesis is a methodological study to figure out the optimal conditions to simulate hysteresis loops correctly by MC. The results reveal that the coercive field Hc is linearly related to the effective anisotropy constant for non-biased conditions (free algorithm, cone algorithm, mixed algorithm). The second part is dedicated to the study of exchange-biased nanostructures at the atomic scale. We have been able to reproduce both characteristics of EB (hysteresis loop shift, significant increase in Hc). A method allowing the evaluation of the effective anisotropy has been proposed. Considering an assembly of nanoparticles, several models are studied. The experimental results are interpreted according to the degree of aggregation of NPs. It was shown that the aggregation (exchange interactions between NPs) has a direct effect on the exchange bias field, but the role of the ID on the exchange field requires complimentary calculations to be clarified.

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