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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo experimental do efeito de interferência no escoamento ao redor de cilindros alinhados. / Experimental investigation of flow-interference effects around circular cylinders in tandem.

Assi, Gustavo Roque da Silva 16 December 2005 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta um estudo experimental sobre os efeitos de interferência das vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento ao redor de cilindros rígidos livres para oscilar transversalmente ao escoamento fluido. Primeiramente, justifica a necessidade de pesquisas experimentais dentro do contexto prático da engenharia offshore, que motiva este trabalho. Apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre escoamentos ao redor de corpos rombudos seguida de uma síntese sobre vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento. Destacam-se as oscilações causadas por VIV – Vibrações Induzidas por Vórtices e “galloping" como os fenômenos até o momento atribuídos às excitações de um cilindro isolado e um par de cilindros alinhados com o escoamento. Apresenta a metodologia experimental empregada, descrevendo a aplicação de bases elásticas fletoras com um grau de liberdade. Introduz as técnicas experimentais e de tratamento de sinais utilizadas e faz rápidas considerações sobre a realização de ensaios nos dois canais de água circulante onde os experimentos foram conduzidos. Os resultados apresentados, discutidos e comparados envolvem: medições da resposta dinâmica em amplitude e freqüência dominante de oscilação; medição instantânea do ângulo de fase entre a força fluida e o deslocamento do cilindro e do ângulo de fase entre as oscilações de dois cilindros; e medições da dinâmica da esteira com PIV. Os arranjos de cilindros estudados são: cilindro isolado; par alinhado com cilindro à montante oscilando; par alinhado com cilindro à jusante oscilando; e par alinhado com ambos os cilindro oscilando. Todas as configurações analisadas em detalhes possuem baixo parâmetro de massa e baixíssimo parâmetro de amortecimento . Os espaçamentos entre os centros dos cilindros alinhados variam entre . A faixa de velocidade reduzida analisada está entre. Um cilindro isolado apresentou resposta típica de VIV com os três ramos de resposta (inicial, superior e inferior) identificados. O fenômeno de intermitência do ângulo de fase instantâneo foi verificado nas regiões de transição. Os modos 2S e 2P de emissão de vórtices foram identificados com PIV. Estes dados mostraram boa concordância com outros experimentos da literatura e serviram de referência para as demais comparações deste texto. A resposta de um cilindro oscilando à montante de outro fixo também apresentou comportamento típico de VIV. Conclui-se que o primeiro cilindro não sofre efeito de interferência do cilindro à jusante para os espaçamento e velocidades analisados. Os principais efeitos de interferência ocorrem para um cilindro oscilando à jusante de outro fixo. Este arranjo, foco deste estudo, não apresenta resposta típica de VIV, uma vez que a amplitude apresenta um ramo crescente após a faixa típica de sincronização. Também não apresenta resposta típica de excitação pura por galloping, já que a força fluida não está em fase com a velocidade do cilindro. Assim, denomina-se um novo fenômeno responsável por estas excitações que combina: captura da freqüência de emissão e faixa de sincronização de VIV; e amplitude assintoticamente crescente típica da resposta de galloping. Trata-se das WIV – Vibrações por Interferência da Esteira. Quando ambos os cilindros estão livres para oscilar, o cilindro à montante continua apresentando resposta típica de VIV, enquanto o segundo cilindro responde com ramos descontínuos também excitados por WIV. Por fim, conclui-se que não é conveniente chamar de “excitações por galloping" os ramos crescentes nas configurações de interferência. Entende-se que esta resposta esteja sendo excitada pelos efeitos de interferência das esteiras formada entre os cilindros e desprendida no cilindro à jusante. Sugere-se que a nomenclatura Vibrações por Interferência da Esteira seja mais adequada à natureza dos fenômenos. As visualizações de PIV foram importantes para a verificação da redução do comprimento de formação de vórtices com o aumento do número de Reynolds, mostrando a necessidade de experimentos de interferência com Reynolds constante. Encerra-se o texto apresentando propostas para trabalhos futuros que continuem nesta linha de pesquisa. / This MSc Thesis presents an experimental study on flow-induced vibrations and interference effects around rigid circular cylinders free to oscillate transversally to the flow. Firstly, it justifies the real needs of an experimental approach within the context of offshore engineering, which motivates this project. After that, presents a review over bluff-bodies flows followed by some consideration concerning flow-induced vibrations. Special attention is found over the oscillations caused by VIV – Vortex-Induced Vibrations and galloping phenomena, which are attributed to excite either a single isolated cylinder or a pair of tandem interfering cylinders. The experimental methodology is shown, describing the applications of elastic bases with one degree of freedom. Experimental techniques and signal analysis procedures are discussed considering the executions of these experiments in two water channel facilities. Presented, discussed and compared results involve: dynamic responses in amplitude and dominant oscillation frequency; instantaneous phase angle between fluid forces and cylinder displacement and phase angle betweens the two cylinders oscillations; and wake dynamics measurements and visualizations employing PIV technique. Cylinders are arranged as follow: single isolated cylinder; tandem pair with upstream one free to oscillate; tandem pair with downstream one free to oscillate; tandem pair with both cylinders free to oscillate. All carefully analyzed arrangements present low-mass parameter and very low damping . Gaps between cylinder centers vary through . Reduced velocity range is comprised in. The isolated cylinder case presented a typical VIV response, with three identified branches (initial, upper and lower). The instantaneous phase angle intermittency phenomenon was observed in transition regions. The 2S and 2P vortex modes were verified by PIV technique. These data showed to be in accordance to other literature measurements and are employed as reference results for comparisons throughout this text. The dynamic response of a cylinder oscillating upstream a fixed one showed a typical VIV behavior. From this can be concluded that the downstream cylinder does not imply any interference phenomenon for analyzed gaps and velocities. On the other hand, major interference effects occur when a downstream cylinder is oscillating in the wake of another fixed one. This configuration, which is the focus of this study, does not show a typical VIV response, since amplitude curves present a crescent branch after the typical synchronization regime. It does not either present a typical galloping excitation response, since the fluid forces are not in phase with the cylinder velocity. Thus, a new suggested name, WIV – Wake-Interference Vibrations, describes the phenomenon responsible for these excitations, which combines: lock-in of shedding frequency from VIV; and asymptotically crescent response from galloping-like excitations. When both cylinders are free to oscillate, the upstream one presents the typical VIV response, while the downstream one passes through three branches with discontinuities, excited by WIV. Finally, it can be concluded that is not convenient to call “galloping excitation" these crescent branches for interference arrangements. It can be understood that the dynamic response is being excited by the interference effects from upstream wake and downstream cylinder vortices. The nomenclature Wake-Interference Vibrations is suggested to be more adequate to the nature of this phenomenon. In addition, PIV visualizations showed to be very important to certify that the formation length decreases while increasing Reynolds number, requiring interference experiments with constant Reynolds numbers. To conclude, some suggestions for future work in this research field are presented.

Estudo experimental do efeito de interferência no escoamento ao redor de cilindros alinhados. / Experimental investigation of flow-interference effects around circular cylinders in tandem.

Gustavo Roque da Silva Assi 16 December 2005 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado apresenta um estudo experimental sobre os efeitos de interferência das vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento ao redor de cilindros rígidos livres para oscilar transversalmente ao escoamento fluido. Primeiramente, justifica a necessidade de pesquisas experimentais dentro do contexto prático da engenharia offshore, que motiva este trabalho. Apresenta uma revisão bibliográfica sobre escoamentos ao redor de corpos rombudos seguida de uma síntese sobre vibrações induzidas pelo escoamento. Destacam-se as oscilações causadas por VIV – Vibrações Induzidas por Vórtices e “galloping” como os fenômenos até o momento atribuídos às excitações de um cilindro isolado e um par de cilindros alinhados com o escoamento. Apresenta a metodologia experimental empregada, descrevendo a aplicação de bases elásticas fletoras com um grau de liberdade. Introduz as técnicas experimentais e de tratamento de sinais utilizadas e faz rápidas considerações sobre a realização de ensaios nos dois canais de água circulante onde os experimentos foram conduzidos. Os resultados apresentados, discutidos e comparados envolvem: medições da resposta dinâmica em amplitude e freqüência dominante de oscilação; medição instantânea do ângulo de fase entre a força fluida e o deslocamento do cilindro e do ângulo de fase entre as oscilações de dois cilindros; e medições da dinâmica da esteira com PIV. Os arranjos de cilindros estudados são: cilindro isolado; par alinhado com cilindro à montante oscilando; par alinhado com cilindro à jusante oscilando; e par alinhado com ambos os cilindro oscilando. Todas as configurações analisadas em detalhes possuem baixo parâmetro de massa e baixíssimo parâmetro de amortecimento . Os espaçamentos entre os centros dos cilindros alinhados variam entre . A faixa de velocidade reduzida analisada está entre. Um cilindro isolado apresentou resposta típica de VIV com os três ramos de resposta (inicial, superior e inferior) identificados. O fenômeno de intermitência do ângulo de fase instantâneo foi verificado nas regiões de transição. Os modos 2S e 2P de emissão de vórtices foram identificados com PIV. Estes dados mostraram boa concordância com outros experimentos da literatura e serviram de referência para as demais comparações deste texto. A resposta de um cilindro oscilando à montante de outro fixo também apresentou comportamento típico de VIV. Conclui-se que o primeiro cilindro não sofre efeito de interferência do cilindro à jusante para os espaçamento e velocidades analisados. Os principais efeitos de interferência ocorrem para um cilindro oscilando à jusante de outro fixo. Este arranjo, foco deste estudo, não apresenta resposta típica de VIV, uma vez que a amplitude apresenta um ramo crescente após a faixa típica de sincronização. Também não apresenta resposta típica de excitação pura por galloping, já que a força fluida não está em fase com a velocidade do cilindro. Assim, denomina-se um novo fenômeno responsável por estas excitações que combina: captura da freqüência de emissão e faixa de sincronização de VIV; e amplitude assintoticamente crescente típica da resposta de galloping. Trata-se das WIV – Vibrações por Interferência da Esteira. Quando ambos os cilindros estão livres para oscilar, o cilindro à montante continua apresentando resposta típica de VIV, enquanto o segundo cilindro responde com ramos descontínuos também excitados por WIV. Por fim, conclui-se que não é conveniente chamar de “excitações por galloping” os ramos crescentes nas configurações de interferência. Entende-se que esta resposta esteja sendo excitada pelos efeitos de interferência das esteiras formada entre os cilindros e desprendida no cilindro à jusante. Sugere-se que a nomenclatura Vibrações por Interferência da Esteira seja mais adequada à natureza dos fenômenos. As visualizações de PIV foram importantes para a verificação da redução do comprimento de formação de vórtices com o aumento do número de Reynolds, mostrando a necessidade de experimentos de interferência com Reynolds constante. Encerra-se o texto apresentando propostas para trabalhos futuros que continuem nesta linha de pesquisa. / This MSc Thesis presents an experimental study on flow-induced vibrations and interference effects around rigid circular cylinders free to oscillate transversally to the flow. Firstly, it justifies the real needs of an experimental approach within the context of offshore engineering, which motivates this project. After that, presents a review over bluff-bodies flows followed by some consideration concerning flow-induced vibrations. Special attention is found over the oscillations caused by VIV – Vortex-Induced Vibrations and galloping phenomena, which are attributed to excite either a single isolated cylinder or a pair of tandem interfering cylinders. The experimental methodology is shown, describing the applications of elastic bases with one degree of freedom. Experimental techniques and signal analysis procedures are discussed considering the executions of these experiments in two water channel facilities. Presented, discussed and compared results involve: dynamic responses in amplitude and dominant oscillation frequency; instantaneous phase angle between fluid forces and cylinder displacement and phase angle betweens the two cylinders oscillations; and wake dynamics measurements and visualizations employing PIV technique. Cylinders are arranged as follow: single isolated cylinder; tandem pair with upstream one free to oscillate; tandem pair with downstream one free to oscillate; tandem pair with both cylinders free to oscillate. All carefully analyzed arrangements present low-mass parameter and very low damping . Gaps between cylinder centers vary through . Reduced velocity range is comprised in. The isolated cylinder case presented a typical VIV response, with three identified branches (initial, upper and lower). The instantaneous phase angle intermittency phenomenon was observed in transition regions. The 2S and 2P vortex modes were verified by PIV technique. These data showed to be in accordance to other literature measurements and are employed as reference results for comparisons throughout this text. The dynamic response of a cylinder oscillating upstream a fixed one showed a typical VIV behavior. From this can be concluded that the downstream cylinder does not imply any interference phenomenon for analyzed gaps and velocities. On the other hand, major interference effects occur when a downstream cylinder is oscillating in the wake of another fixed one. This configuration, which is the focus of this study, does not show a typical VIV response, since amplitude curves present a crescent branch after the typical synchronization regime. It does not either present a typical galloping excitation response, since the fluid forces are not in phase with the cylinder velocity. Thus, a new suggested name, WIV – Wake-Interference Vibrations, describes the phenomenon responsible for these excitations, which combines: lock-in of shedding frequency from VIV; and asymptotically crescent response from galloping-like excitations. When both cylinders are free to oscillate, the upstream one presents the typical VIV response, while the downstream one passes through three branches with discontinuities, excited by WIV. Finally, it can be concluded that is not convenient to call “galloping excitation” these crescent branches for interference arrangements. It can be understood that the dynamic response is being excited by the interference effects from upstream wake and downstream cylinder vortices. The nomenclature Wake-Interference Vibrations is suggested to be more adequate to the nature of this phenomenon. In addition, PIV visualizations showed to be very important to certify that the formation length decreases while increasing Reynolds number, requiring interference experiments with constant Reynolds numbers. To conclude, some suggestions for future work in this research field are presented.

Corrélations quantiques : une approche de physique statistique / A quantum statistical approach to quantum correlations in many-body systems

Frerot, Irénée 09 October 2017 (has links)
La notion de cohérence, intimement liée à celle de dualité onde-corpuscule, joue un rôle central en mécanique quantique. Lorsque la cohérence quantique s'étend sur plusieurs particules au sein d'un système, la description en termes d'objets individuels devient impossible en raison des corrélations quantiques (ou intrication) qui se développent. Dans ce manuscrit, nous étudions les systèmes à l'équilibre, pour lesquels nous montrons que les fluctuations cohérentes viennent s'ajouter aux fluctuations prédites par des identités thermodynamiques valides pour les systèmes classiques. Au zéro absolu, les fluctuations cohérentes sont les seules à subsister, et nous étudions dans ce cas leur lien avec l'entropie d'intrication. Nous montrons en particulier qu'une hypothèse de température effective modulée spatialement rend compte de la structure de l'intrication au sein d'un système à N corps, et montrons comment cette température peut être extraite des corrélations usuelles. Nos résultats permettent par ailleurs une compréhension affinée des transitions de phase quantiques. Nous montrons par exemple que la transition entre un isolant de Mott bosonique et un superfluide donne lieu à une singularité de l'entropie d'intrication induite par les fluctuations d'amplitude de la phase du condensat. Nous identifions enfin une longueur de corrélation pilotant les lois d'échelles des fluctuations cohérentes au sein de l'éventail critique avoisinant une transition de phase quantique du second ordre, et proposons une ouverture vers les potentielles applications métrologiques de ces fluctuations cohérentes exceptionnellement fortes en nous appuyant sur l'exemple du modèle d'Ising. / The notion of coherence, intimately related to the notion of wave-particle duality, plays a central role in quantum mechanics. When quantum coherence extends over several particles inside a system, the description in terms of individual objects becomes impossible, due to the development of quantum correlations (or entanglement). In this manuscript, we focus on equilibrium systems, for which we show that coherent fluctuations add up to the fluctuations predicted by thermodynamic identities, valid for classical systems only. In the ground state, coherent fluctuations are the only ones to subsist, an in this case we study their relationship with entanglement entropy. We show in particular that an hypothesis of effective temperature, spatially modulated, captures the structure of entanglement in a many-body system, and we show how this temperature can be reconstructed from usual correlation functions. Our results also enable for a refined understanding of quantum phase transitions. We show in particular that the phase transition between a bosonic Mott insulator and a superfluid gives rise to a singularity of entanglement entropy induced by amplitude fluctuations of the phase of the condensate. We finally identify a coherence length governing the scaling behaviour of coherent fluctuations inside the quantum critical region in the finite-temperature vicinity of a quantum critical point, and open novel perspectives for the metrological advantage offered by the exceptional coherence which develops close to quantum critical points, based on the example of the quantum Ising model.

Vývoj flektivní morfologie druhého jazyka a mezijazykové interferenční efekty / The development of L2 inflectional morphology and cross-language interference effects

Jiránková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The present dissertation investigates the development in the production and perception of inflectional morphology in second-language learners of English and the role of their mother tongue during this development. The data analysed in this thesis stem from three psycholinguistic experiments that examine the production and comprehension of English novel words (thus investigating the sublexicon without the activation of word meaning). The first experiment focuses on the perception of inflectional morphemes in English novel words in L2 students at the A0 to C1 proficiency levels. Reaction-times analysis has shown that L2 learners seem to be (similarly to native speakers (e.g., Post et al., 2008)) sensitive to the presence of morphosyntactic information at the sublexical level, and they appear to decompose inflected forms into stems and affixes during perception and conduct an implicit phonetic analysis of the stem. The presence of these patterns across all levels suggests that L2 performance might be influenced by L1: Czech is morphologically much richer than English, and Czech speakers might thus be in general sensitive to morphological analysis of words. The second experiment investigates the production of inflected forms, more specifically those of past tense, in L2 learners of English at the A1 to...

Neural Evidence for the Influence of Communication on Cognitive Processing as Proposed by Quantum Cognition Theory

Borghetti, Lorraine 09 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Theoretical methods for non-relativistic quantum and classical scattering processes

Akilesh Venkatesh (14210354) 05 December 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation discusses the theoretical methods for quantum scattering in the context of x-ray scattering from electrons and classical scattering in the context of collisions between Rydberg atoms.</p> <p><br></p> <p>A method for describing non-relativistic x-ray scattering from bound electrons is presented. The approach described incorporates the full spatial dependence of the incident x-ray field and is non-perturbative in the incident x-ray field. The x-ray scattering probability obtained by numerical solution for the case of free-electrons is bench-marked with well known analytical free-electron results.</p> <p><br></p> <p>A recent investigation by Fuchs \emph{et al.} [Nat. Phys. 11, 964 (2015)] revealed an anomalous frequency shift of at least 800 eV in non-linear Compton scattering of high-intensity x-rays by electrons in solid beryllium. The x-ray scattering approach described is used to explore the role of binding energy, band structure, electron-electron correlation and a semi-Compton channel in the frequency shift of scattered x-rays for different scattered angles. The results of the calculation do not exhibit an additional redshift for the scattered x-rays beyond the non-linear Compton shift predicted by the free-electron model. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The interference between Compton scattering and nonlinear Compton scattering from a two-color field in the x-ray regime is theoretically analyzed for bound electrons. A discussion of the underlying phase shifts and the dependence of the interference effect on the polarizations of the incident and outgoing fields are presented. </p> <p><br></p> <p>The problem of using x-ray scattering to image the dynamics of an electron in a bound system is examined. Previous work on imaging electronic wave-packet dynamics with x-ray scattering revealed that the scattering patterns deviate substantially from the notion of instantaneous momentum density of the wave packet. Here we show that the scattering patterns can provide clear insights into the electronic wave packet dynamics if the final state of the scattered electron and the scattered photon momentum are determined simultaneously. The scattering probability is shown to be proportional to the modulus square of the Fourier transform of the instantaneous electronic spatial wave function weighted by the final state of the electron.</p> <p><br></p> <p>Collisional ionization between Rydberg atoms is examined. The dependence of the ionization cross section on the magnitude and the direction of orbital angular momentum of the electrons and the direction of the Laplace-Runge-Lenz vector of the electrons is studied. The case of exchange ionization is examined and its dependence on the magnitude of angular momentum of the electrons is discussed.</p> <p><br></p>

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