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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information Architecture of Web Pages and Applications and its Role in the Time of Web 2.0 / Informační architektura webových stránek a aplikací a její role v době Webu 2.0

Jeřábek, Michal January 2008 (has links)
In contemporary times internet plays without doubts, a key role in our life. It is one of the most effective information channels of modern economy and a powerful tool of citizen society. Great number of new web pages is created daily and the competition is becoming stronger. This Diploma Thesis is dealing with the information architecture of web pages and applications an its significance for projects of Web2.0 In our territory, "information architecture" is relatively new term and therefore, the first part of the thesis endeavor to define it. It attempts to emphasize that the web page is not a pretty picture only but it must contain well-designed communication of the goals of the page creation. For attaining them, it is essential to define precisely the expectation at the very beginning. On the other hand, it is also necessary to have on mind the web users who opens the page for to fulfill their specific needs and with their own expectations. Web page therefore should meet both the goals of the designers and expectations of the users. Further part of the introductory chapter deals with the history of the information architecture having its roots in the sphere of the information design. Beside other topics, there is discussed the work of Ladislav Sutnar, who significantly contributed to the development of this topic. The following chapter deals with the process of the information architecture design proper. It is not a detailed instruction for web page creation, but rather a description of individual steps and factors able to influence substantially the web page presentation success. The last part is devoted to the recently frequently referred phenomenon of Web 2.0. There was attempted to describe its principles and answer the question whether it is only an empty word used as attractive label for promotion of certain projects or really a new direction in the web development. Then there is discussed the influence of Web 2.0 on the information architecture and whether this topic is for its design necessary at all.

Současné trendy služeb na internetu / Contemporary trends of internet services

Fišer, Jan January 2008 (has links)
Internet has been a common part of our private and work-related lives for a rather long time, yet it doesn't seem this is going to change. On the contrary - the importance of Internet is steadily growing as well as number of it's users and only few technologies have similar impact on individuals or even whole businesses and industries. But Internet evolves as well and it is not the same that it was 10 years ago. Today, Internet is more than just email or static (business) presentation on the web; it's more an interactive medium and is often associated with so called "Web 2.0". Yet even this concept isn't likely to last forever. That's why I find important to focus on contemporary Internet trends and try to describe some of the most influential ones regarding the future, i.e. social networking, wiki systems and blogs, APIs and mashups, but also Creative Commons licences and possible solution to multiple online identity issue, the OpenID project. Although I'm going to use particular examples of services in order to describe some of the trends, I would like to avoid unnecessary details. I'm going to focus on features the services have in common, not just considering particular service categories, but across the Internet as a whole as well. The aim is to create a survey, evaluation of contemporary Internet services and describe some approaches to solving specific issues related to this environment. Information resources will be mostly technologically oriented servers, blogs and other contemporary trends or particular product related websites. Obviously I'm going to embed my personal experience as well.

Potenciál webu 2.0 z hlediska komerční komunikace / Potential of web 2.0 for commercial communication

Švehla, Radim January 2009 (has links)
The aim of my thesis is to analyse the potential of web 2.0 for commercial communication. Internet became due to web 2.0 services more fun. The number of internet users increases. People spend still longer time online to the prejudice of watching TV, reading papers or listening to the radio. This could be a problem for marketers who have relied on traditional mass media communiaction. In my thesis I try to find possibilities how to solve this problem. The theorethical part of the thesis provides characterization of the terms web 2.0 and commercial communication. Then I describe particular web 2.0 tools and general ways of internet advertising. In the practical part, I examine possibilities and significancy of these tools for commercial communication. Then I describe some successful web 2.0 projects and analyse two realized online advertising campaign. At the end I introduce my own proposal of online communication campaign for McDonald's using one of web 2.0 tools - social networking Facebook.

Chování českých uživatelů v prostředí internetu / Behavior of the Czech users on the Internet

Vondráková, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
The first part is an introduction to the history of the internet and its connection to the information society. The next part is a theoretical introduction of the information behavior and online information behavior. The following chapter is then about Czech internet user surveys with emphasis on kids' online behavior. The last part presents the specifics of online surveys.

Analysis of the role of communication devices shared on the internet - web 2.0 in the process of emergence of public sphere and democratization of Pakistan civil society / Analyse de la place des dispositifs de communication partagée sur Internet dans les processus d'émergence et de recomposition de la société civile pakistanaise

Rasool, Farasat 13 December 2013 (has links)
Cette recherché a pour objectif d’analyser le rôle d’internet au Pakistan et plus particulièrement son rôle dans l’émergence de la société civile pakistanaise. L’émergence de cette société civile peut-être vue comme un des facteurs de la politisation et de la démocratisation de la société. La société pakistanaise a besoin d’être éduquée, guidée afin que les principes démocratiques soient mieux connus, plus réels et que le pays s’engage plus fermement dans la voie démocratique. L’intelligentsia est engagée dans ce travail depuis longtemps, utilisant les moyens traditionnels de la communication de masse la presse, la radio et la télévision mais la société civile ne peut se réduire aux élites et notamment aux intellectuels, les autres catégories sociales doivent participer au processus, notamment la classe moyenne. Une des conditions de la démocratisation de la société nous semble devoir passer par un élargissement de la société civile, afin de combler l’écart entre les élites et les catégories les plus modestes de la population. Il faut garder à l’esprit que le Pakistan est gouverné depuis sa création d’une manière oligarchique par les militaires même si quelques gouvernement civils animés par des partis politiques ont aussi existé. Mais peu d’études ont été consacrées à la société civile pakistanaise, les études existantes se sont souvent focalisées sur les questions économiques ou sur la chronologie mouvementée de l’histoire politique du Pakistan. Le rôle des médias au sein de la société civile n’a pas non plus donné lieu à des études. C’est pourquoi nous nous sommes intéressés dans cette thèse à l’émergence de la société civile, à ses liens avec la vie politique et le rôle joué par internet dans la politisation de la société pakistanaise. La situation du Pakistan est sensiblement différente de celles des pays arabes qui viennent juste de connaître le « printemps arabe ». Le Pakistan est un de ces nouveaux pays nés de l’effondrement de l’empire colonial britannique, né après un long combat mené par les leaders politiques pakistanais. Sa première constitution a été élaborée 9 ans après l’indépendance et les premières élections démocratiques ont leu lieu. Il a alors connu 4 coups d’Etat dont le dernier a pris fin en 2008 avec les élections de février et l’abdication du régime militaire en août. En dépit de ces obstacles dans le processus démocratique, le pays s’est toujours mobilisé contre les dictateurs, même si les dictateurs ont cherché à légitimer leur pouvoir en s’appuyant sur des référendums et en cherchant le soutien de la Cour suprême. Depuis sa création, le Pakistan a néanmoins des valeurs et une culture démocratiques à la différence de certains pays du printemps arabes qui n’avaient pas de constitution démocratique, qui ont été gouvernés pas des dictatures ou des régimes monarchiques sans interruption. Au Pakistan, la lutte en faveur de la démocratie n’est pas nouvelle, la société a été familiarisée avec une constitution démocratique, ce qui rend la notion de société civile différente de celles de bon nombre de pays arabes. / In this thesis, the first study of its kind, the role of internet specially that of social networking shared devices on web 2.0 is analyzed in the process of emergence of Public Sphere – the notion introduced by Habermas, and ultimately in the process of democratization of civil society in Pakistan. Lawyers’ Movement (March 2007 – March 2009) of Pakistan is selected to analyze this role as this successful movement for the rule of law in the country is solely responsible for a fundamental democratic change in the democratic culture and socio-political set up of Pakistan by bringing a vibrant and active civil society in the lime light of country’s political and social life.The content in Pakistani press and social communication content in blogs on blog sites during the course of and related to Lawyers’ Movement are analyzed using the technique of content analysis as defined by Lasswell Harold, focusing mainly on the content of communication (said what?) for a qualitative as well as quantitative analysis.The fundamental questions of the emergence of Public Sphere with the help of internet found to be true as it enhances the circle and forum of national public debate to the ones who had not been able to take part in it at the same level via the traditional means of mass communication, confirming the concept of Enhanced Public Sphere with the advent of internet presented by Cardon and also the concept of more participative democracy by Oberdorff by providing a platform to the educated middle class for voicing their opinion and ultimately filling the gap between the common people and intelligentsia of the society and taking active part in democratization of the society. The subsequent findings of the study reveal that there exists a freedom of expression not only on the internet but in the Pakistani press as well, that there is a link between the discussion in the press and in blogs and this discussion is concurrent, that internet has not yet presented itself as an alternate and better source for the flow of information confirming the criticism of Breton on the cult of internet and that the internet is instead behaving as complementary to the traditional media.

PRspektive Online - Public Relations im Netz: Tagungsband zu den 6. Studentischen Medientagen Chemnitz: Mit zusätzlichen Beiträgen der 5. Studentischen Medientage zum Thema „Ich surfe, also bin ich!“

Geier, Ruth, Friedrich, Sissy, Wuttke, Romy 24 March 2011 (has links)
Das Internet ist das Medium des 21. Jahrhunderts. Doch wie nehmen Medienrezepienten diese auf? Sind Bilder kulturell geprägt und welchen Konventionen unterliegen sie? Mit diesen Fragen beschäftigten sich die 6. Studentischen Medientage Chemnitz 2010. Von besonderer Bedeutung in der Medienentwicklung ist die Herausbildung von mobiler Kommunikation, Computergaming und dem Web 2.0 – Formen, die die bisherigen Grenzen von Medienbildern durchbrechen und neue Darstellungsmöglichkeiten mit sich bringen. Die Relevanz einer guten Visualisierung wird hierbei besonders im Game Design und Webseitenlayout deutlich. Dass die wachsende Macht der heutzutage stark realitätsnahen Visualisierungen in den Medien nicht unterschätzt wird, zeigt sich in den Diskussionen über die Duldung von gewalttätigen Video- und Computerspielen oder an der moralbezogenen Kritik an Sex-sells-Konzepten in der Fernsehwelt und Werbebranche. Weiterhin lässt sich, anlehnend an heutige Betrachtungsweisen, feststellen, dass Online- sowie Offlinemedien nicht mehr nur die Meinungsbildung bestimmen und kontrollieren, sondern auch die Rolle des Zeitzeugen einnehmen und einen markanten Beitrag zum kollektiven Gedächtnis leisten. Schließlich steht fest: Das menschliche Gedächtnis vergisst – die medialen Darstellungen erinnern. Vollständigkeitshalber haben wir in diesem Tagungsband fünf weitere Vorträge der 5. Studentischen Medientage 2009 aufgeführt, welche sich mit dem Thema „Ich surfe, also bin ich!“ befassten.

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