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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soundscape dynamics in the social-ecological systems of Tierra del Fuego

Dante P Francomano (9738650) 14 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Human society is presently beset by an array of anthropogenic social-ecological crises that threaten the sustainability of the social-ecological systems that sustain our livelihoods. While research alone will not rectify these issues, it can help to answer key questions that must be addressed to develop effective solutions. To address such questions in a cohesive, compelling manner, social-ecological research can be bounded, structured, and distilled through innumerable organizing principles or theoretical frameworks. For this dissertation, I focused on the geographic region of Tierra del Fuego and sought to draw from the array of disciplines and methods that use sound as a lens for biological, ecological, and/or social inquiry. I also endeavored to consider various temporal, spatial, and organizational scales while investigating a selection of topics with a) specific importance in the social-ecological systems of Tierra del Fuego and b) general relevance to global social-ecological challenges. Chapter 1 provides an introduction to the dissertation, and Chapter 6 serves as a conclusion.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>The objective of Chapter 2, “Biogeographical and analytical implications of temporal variability in geographically diverse soundscapes”, was to provide some guidance to passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) practitioners on how to design appropriate temporal sampling schemes based on the temporal variability of the sounds one wishes to measure and the power and storage limitations of acoustic recorders. We first quantified the temporal variability of several soundscape measurements and compared that variability across sites and times of day. We also simulated a wide range of temporal sampling schemes in order to model their representativeness relative to continuous sampling.</p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>For Chapter 3, “Sentinels for sentinels: passive acoustic and camera trap monitoring of sensitive penguin populations”, we tested the utility of PAM to monitor behavior and abundance of Magellanic (<i>Spheniscus magellanicus</i>) and southern rockhopper penguins (<i>Eudyptes chrysocome</i>) at different spatial and temporal scales. We conducted <i>in situ</i> observations of the acoustic behavior of each species, and we compared acoustic metrics with penguin counts from narrowly focused camera traps and larger-extent observations of colony density. </p><p><br></p><p> </p><p>Chapter 4, “Acoustic monitoring shows invasive beavers (<i>Castor canadensis</i>) increase avian diversity in Tierra del Fuego”, is focused on impacts of the invasive North American beaver (<i>Castor canadensis</i>) on Fuegian bird communities. We sought to determine how bird communities might differ between intact riparian forests, beaver ponds, and beaver meadows created by pond drainage. We conducted PAM and classic avian point counts under each of these conditions across seasons to test for differences between impact conditions and to compare the two methodologies.</p><p><br></p><p> </p>For Chapter 5, “Human-nature connection and soundscape perception: insights from Tierra del Fuego, Argentina”, we evaluated the relationship between soundscape perception and nature relatedness by conducting surveys and soliciting responses to soundscape audio prompts. We also examined the potential for any demographic influences on nature relatedness or soundscape perception in the context of local social tensions.

The morphology, reproductive biology and habitat utilisation of the exotic invasive lizard, the brown anole (anolis sagrei), in Taiwan

Norval, Gerrut 12 1900 (has links)
Surveys and vegetation analyses were used to determine the known distribution and the characteristics of the habitat utilised by Anolis sagrei in Taiwan. Sampled lizards were used for morphological comparisons, and to investigate the reproductive biology of this species in Taiwan. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of A. sagrei in Taiwan is extensive (≥237 ha) in Chiayi City and County (southwestern study site) and scattered (≥8 ha) in Hualien City and County (eastern study site). These lizards were mostly found in open sunny degraded man-made habitats. Although some variations were noted in the comparisons between the A. sagrei collected from the two study sites, it was concluded that the two populations likely have the same founder population. The reproductive biology study indicated that photoperiod and the associated temperatures determine the reproductive cycles in A. sagrei. It also demonstrated that reproduction in this species is energetically demanding. / Nature Conservation / MSc.(Nature Conservation)

The invasive ant Pheidole megacephala on an oceanic island : impact, control and community-level response to management

Gaigher, Rene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Invasive species are among the most important global conservation threats. Their management is one of the key conservation challenges that will have to be addressed in the next few decades. The study of real invasions and their management in natural ecosystems provides an opportunity to gain important information on theoretical and applied aspects of biological invasions. This project focuses on the broader ecological context of invasive ant management in an ecologically sensitive island habitat. The thesis has three main components: 1) assessing the role of the invasive ant Pheidole megacephala in the ecosystem and evaluating its threat to the system, 2) evaluating a low-impact management program for the ant, and 3) using a community-level approach to assess ecosystem response to ant removal. The ant occupied almost 30% of the island‘s total land area and reached extremely high densities in some areas. The ant was associated with exotic hemipteran scale insects through trophobiotic mutualisms that facilitated high ant and hemipteran abundances. The highly destructive scale insect Pulvinaria urbicola was among the hemipterans that benefited from ant attendance. High levels of hemipteran feeding resulted in dieback of functionally important and threatened native Pisonia trees, which represented a significant threat to the forest ecosystem. A management program was initiated in response to this threat, consisting of baiting with selective hydramethylnon-based bait delivered in bait stations, accompanied by detailed pre-and post-baiting monitoring. The method was highly effective at suppressing the ants, whilst preventing bait uptake by non-target organisms. It was also cost-effective and adaptable to ant density in the field, but was only effective over short distances. The method may be applicable to other sensitive environments with similar challenges. After ant control, the ant-scale mutualism was decoupled and the Pu. urbicola population collapsed. There were variable responses in different taxa to the removal of these highly abundant exotic species, the most important of which was the recovery in Pisonia trees. Shoot condition and foliage density improved and there was a decrease in sooty mold. Herbivory on Pisonia increased due to recovery of native canopy herbivores, but the overall impact was far less than that of the exotic hemipterans. Soil surface arthropods, a group that may have been vulnerable to the treatment method, were unaffected by baiting. Instead, they increased significantly after ant removal, confirming the ant‘s impact on other arthropods. Other ant diversity and non-ant arthropod abundance increased post-baiting, including the endemic ant Pheidole flavens farquharensis and some functionally important insects such as the Indian cockroach. Natural enemies that interacted predictably with the mutualists were influenced by management. Predators of hemipterans increased significantly after ant removal and were instrumental in the scale population collapse, whereas parasitoids of hemipterans that benefited from the mutualism declined. Additionally, groups that were unrelated to the mutualism were indirectly influenced by management. The natural enemy assemblage as a whole showed recovery to pre-invasion conditions. The study shows how widely interconnected and influential the ant was in the ecosystem. It highlights the threat of the species in natural systems as well as the complex responses following invasive ant removal. Yet, it also demonstrates the potential to safely and effectively manage the species, thereby raising the opportunity for ecosystem recovery. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Indringerspesies is van die belangrikste globale bedreigings vir natuurbewaring. Hulle bestuur is van die grootste bewaringsuitdagings wat in die volgende paar dekades aangespreek moet word. Die studie van werklike invalle en hul bestuur in natuurlike ekosisteme bied 'n geleentheid om belangrike inligting te verkry oor teoretiese en toegepaste aspekte van biologiese indringing. Hierdie projek fokus op die breër ekologiese konteks van uitheemse mier bestuur in 'n ekologies sensitiewe eiland habitat. Die tesis het drie hoofkomponente: 1) die beoordeling van die rol van die indringer mier Pheidole megacephala in die ekosisteem en evaluering van sy bedreiging vir die sisteem, 2) die evaluering van 'n lae-impak bestuursprogram vir die mier, en 3) die gebruik van 'n gemeenskaps-vlak benadering om ekosisteem reaksie op mierverwydering te assesseer. Die mier het byna 30% van die totale landoppervlak van die eiland beslaan en het in party areas baie hoë digthede bereik. Die mier was geassosieer met uitheemse dopluis spesies in mutualismes wat hoë mier en dopluis getalle gefasiliteer het. Die hoogs beskadigende dopluis Pulvinaria urbicola was een van die spesies wat bevoordeel is deur die mutualisme. Hoë vlakke van dopluis voeding het die terugsterwe van funksioneel belangrike, bedreidge inheemse Pisonia bome veroorsaak, wat ʼn groot bedreiging vir die ekosisteem verteenwoordig het. ‗n Bestuursprogram is geïmplimenteer as gevolg van hierdie bedreiging, wat bestaan het uit selektiewe hidrametielnoon-gebaseerde lokaas wat in die veld geplaas is in lokaashouers, vergesel deur intensiewe monitering voor en na lokaasplasing. Die metode was hoogs effektief in die onderdrukking van die miere en het lokaasinname deur nie-teiken organismes verhoed. Dit was ook koste-effektief en aanpasbaar volgens mierdigtheid in die veld, maar was slegs effektief oor kort afstande. Die metode mag van toepassing wees in ander sensitiewe omgewings met soortgelyke uitdagings. Na mierbeheer is die mier-dopluis mutualisme ontkoppel en die Pu. urbicola bevolking het drasties verminder. Daar was verskillende reaksies in verskillende taxa tot die verwydering van die oorvloedryke eksotiese spesies, maar die belangrikste reaksie was die herstel van Pisonia bome. Spruittoestand en blaardigtheid het verbeter en daar was ʼn afname in roetskimmel. Herbivorie op Pisonia het toegeneem as gevolg van ʼn herstel in inheemse herbivore, maar die algehele impak was veel minder as dié van die eksotiese dopluis. Grondoppervlak gelidpotiges, 'n groep wat kwesbaar kon wees vir die behandelingsmetode, was onaangeraak deur die lokaas, maar het beduidend na mierverwydering vermeerder. Mierdiversiteit het vermeerder en die Seychelles endemiese mier Pheidole flavens farquharensis is hervestig. Ander gelidpotiges het ook vermeerder, insluitend funksioneel belangrike spesies soos die Indiese kakkerlak. Natuurlike vyande wat geassosieer was met die mutualiste is beïnvloed deur die mierbestuur. Predatore van dopluis het beduidend toegeneem na mierverwydering en was hoogs betrokke by die vermindering van dopluis, terwyl parasiete van dopluis, wat voordeel getrek het uit die mutualisme, gedaal het. Daarbenewens is groepe wat onverwant was aan die mutualisme indirek beïnvloed deur mierbestuur. Die algehele natuurlike vyand gemeenskap het herstel na pre-indringing toestand. Die studie toon hoe wydverbind en invloedryk die mier was in die ekosisteem. Dit beklemtoon die bedreiging van die spesies in natuurlike stelsels asook die komplekse reaksies wat uitheemse mierverwydering volg. Tog demonstreer dit die potensiaal om die spesies veilig en doeltreffend te bestuur, en sodoende die geleentheid vir ekosisteemherstel te skep.

Effet de l’espèce de plante en marais filtrants artificiels selon la saison, le type de marais filtrant et la nature des polluants

Gagnon, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse a été codirigée par le Dr. Florent Chazarenc / Les marais filtrants artificiels sont communément utilisés pour le traitement des eaux usées municipales, mais ils peuvent aussi traiter une large gamme d’effluents à l’aide de différents types de marais filtrant et ce sous une variété de climats. Les plantes jouent un rôle central dans l’épuration des eaux, mais on peut se demander si ce rôle est le même sous toutes les conditions et ce pour les différentes espèces de plantes. Dans le cadre de cette étude, j’ai évalué l’influence de la présence ainsi que de l’espèce de plantes selon des conditions extrêmement différentes : 1) traitement de rejet de serre hydroponique par un marais filtrant à flux horizontal en conditions hivernales, 2) traitement des boues par un marais à flux vertical en conditions estivales. / Constructed wetlands (CWs) are commonly used to treat municipal wastewater, but they can also handle a wide range of effluents by using different types of CWs and under a variety of climatic conditions. Plants play a central role in CWs, but it is still unknown if the presence of plants or the choice of the species have the same influence under different conditions. In this study, I evaluated the influence of the presence and the species of plants under two very different conditions: 1) treatment of hydroponic wastewater by a horizontal flow CW in winter conditions, 2) sludge treatment by a vertical flow CW in summer conditions.

Analyse des tendances d'évolution de peuplements de macroinvertébrés benthiques dans un contexte de réchauffement des eaux / Long-term trends in benthic macroinvertebrate communities in a global warming context

Floury, Mathieu 14 March 2013 (has links)
Les effets du changement climatique sur la biodiversité à l’échelle du globe sont maintenant sans équivoque. Parmi les écosystèmes affectés, les cours d’eau sont particulièrement vulnérables aux fluctuations du climat. Les modifications de structure et de composition des communautés aquatiques constituent alors un signal intégrateur des réponses écologiques à ces changements climatiques. Dans certaines circonstances, ce signal peut également être exacerbé, modéré ou potentiellement masqué par d’autres variations abiotiques.L’objectif de ce travail de thèse était donc d’évaluer l’effet relatif de différents facteurs de forçage sur les tendances d’évolution à long-terme des communautés de macroinvertébrés benthiques de grands cours d’eau, dans un contexte de changement climatique global. Nos investigations ont ciblé plus spécifiquement la Loire moyenne car, en tant que grande rivière de plaine, elle est particulièrement concernée par les problèmes liés aux stress multiples. En ce qui concerne le choix du compartiment biologique, la faune benthique a été sélectionnée pour son intérêt reconnu en bioévaluation des cours d’eau, notamment grâce à une grande diversité de réponses potentielles aux perturbations environnementales et à un certain nombre d’avantages méthodologiques.Dans un premier temps, nous nous sommes appliqués à caractériser les modifications temporelles de dix paramètres abiotiques majeurs sur trois décennies (1977-2008). Nous avons notamment mis en évidence le réchauffement graduel de la Loire (c. +1,2°C en moyenne annuelle sur les trois décades), couplé à une réduction significative du débit moyen (c. -25%), les deux tendances étant exacerbées en période chaude (mai-août). Dans le même temps, alors que ces modifications étaient susceptibles de provoquer une augmentation du niveau trophique du fleuve, nous avons souligné l’existence d’un effet confondant de l’amélioration des traitements d’épuration (i.e. réduction des apports en phosphore), se traduisant principalement par la baisse des concentrations en phosphates et la limitation des organismes phytoplanctoniques.Dans un second temps, nous nous sommes intéressés aux réponses structurelles et fonctionnelles long-terme (i.e. 30 ans) des invertébrés de la Loire à ces deux évolutions concomitantes majeures. En premier lieu, nous avons constaté que le réchauffement et, dans une moindre mesure, la réduction du débit sont impliqués dans la disparition ou le déclin progressif de taxons rhéophiles et psychrophiles (e.g. Chloroperlidae). En parallèle, ces modifications hydroclimatiques expliquent une majeure partie de l’apparition et de la colonisation de taxons limnophiles et thermophiles, comprenant certaines espèces invasives (e.g. Corbicula sp.). En termes de réponses fonctionnelles, ces changements s’illustrent par une évolution adaptative des profils de traits biologiques cohérente avec les prédictions a priori qu’il est possible de faire dans un cadre théorique. Toutefois, cette dérive progressive vers un assemblage généraliste et polluotolérant est partiellement confondue par l’amélioration de la qualité d’eau, qui explique l’apparition de nouveaux taxons polluo-sensibles lors des dernières années (e.g. Philopotamidae). Bien qu’aucune résilience taxonomique ou fonctionnelle ne soit constatée, cette tendance se manifeste, via les traits biologiques, par un transfert probable des ressources trophiques depuis les organismes phytoplanctoniques vers des biofilms épibenthiques et des macrophytes.Pour finir, nous avons exploré la variabilité spatiale multi-sites de ces tendances biotiques et abiotiques et montré que l’ensemble de ces résultats, qui corrobore déjà un certain nombre d’observations en Europe, constitue également un patron homogène le long de la Loire moyenne (sur près de 300 km) et entre différents hydrosystèmes (e.g. Loire, Seine, Meuse). / Evidence for climate change effects on biodiversity at global scale is now unequivocal. Among impaired ecosystems, running waters are particularly vulnerable to climate fluctuations. Changes in aquatic community structure and composition are then considered as integrative signals of the ecological responses to these climate changes. Under certain circumstances, these signals can be also exacerbated, confounded or potentially obscured by other abiotic variations.Therefore, the aim of this PhD was to assess the relative effect of different drivers on longterm trends in benthic macroinvertebrate communities, in the context of global climate change. Our investigations were focused more precisely on the Middle Loire River since, as lowland large river, it is particularly concerned by the potential impact of multiple stressors. Regarding the choice of the biological model, benthic fauna has been selected according to its acknowledged interest in bioassessment of running waters, especially thanks to a great diversity of potential responses to environmental disturbances and a number of methodological advantages.First, we investigated the temporal changes of ten major abiotic parameters over three decades (1977-2008). We highlighted the gradual warming of the Loire River (c. +1.2°C in the mean annual temperature over the three decades), coupled with a significant drop in mean discharge (c. -25%), both trends being exacerbated during the warm period (May-August). In the same time, although these changes were expected to induce a rise in the trophic level of the river, we emphasized a confounding effect of the wastewater treatment improvement (i.e. phosphorus input reduction), leading mainly to a drop in phosphate concentrations and a phytoplankton limitation.Second, we assessed the long-term structural and functional responses (i.e. over a 30-year period) of invertebrates of the Loire River to both major concomitant trends. On the one hand, we highlighted that water warming and to a lesser extent discharge reduction were significantly involved in the disappearance or decrease in rheophilic and psychrophilic taxa (e.g. Chloroperlidae). On the other hand, they explained also a major part of the appearance and increase of limnophilic and thermophilic taxa, including invasive species (e.g. Corbicula sp.). In terms of functional responses, these changes were illustrated by an adaptive evolution of the biological trait profiles in agreement with a priori predictions that is possible to make in a theoretical framework. However, this shift towards a generalist and pollution tolerant assemblage was partially confounded by improvement in water quality, explaining the settlement of new pollution-sensitive taxa during the last years (e.g. Philopotamidae). Although no taxonomic or functional resilience was observed, this trend was translated, via biological traits, into a probable transfer of trophic resources from phytoplankton to periphytic biofilms and macrophytes.Finally, we explored the multi-site spatial variability of these biotic and abiotic trends and we showed that our results as a whole, which supported already a number of observations in Europe, exhibited also a strong homogeneous pattern along the Middle Loire River (on nearly 300 km) and among different hydrosystems (e.g. Loire, Seine, Meuse).

Influence of natural enemies on Cirsium arvense — a biogeographic perspective

Cripps, M. G. January 2009 (has links)
Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. (Californian, Canada, or creeping thistle) is an exotic perennial herb indigenous to Eurasia that successfully established in New Zealand (NZ) approximately 130 years ago. Presently, C. arvense is considered one of the worst invasive weeds in NZ arable and pastoral productions systems. The mechanism most commonly invoked to explain the apparent increased vigour of introduced weeds is release from natural enemies. The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) predicts that plants in an introduced range should experience reduced herbivory, particularly from specialists, and that release from this natural enemy pressure facilitates increased plant performance in the introduced range. In 2007 broad surveys were carried out in NZ and central Europe in order to quantify and compare growth characteristics of C. arvense in its native vs. introduced range. Additionally, permanent field plots were established in NZ and Europe where natural enemies were excluded with the use of insecticide and fungicide applications, and compared with controls (ambient natural enemy pressure). The impact of the specialist leaf-feeding beetle, Cassida rubiginosa Müller, which was recently released in NZ as a biological control agent against thistles, was also assessed. From the field surveys, significantly more endophagous herbivory was present in the native range compared to the introduced range, as predicted by the ERH. Endophagous herbivory in NZ was solely from the capitulum-feeding weevil, Rhinocyllus conicus (Frölich), and was only found in the North Island surveys. No stem mining attack was found anywhere in NZ. The proportion of shoots attacked by the specialised rust pathogen, Puccinia punctiformis (Str.) Röhl., was similar in both the native and introduced ranges. Interestingly, this has casted doubt on the idea that stem-mining vectors, such as Ceratapion onopordi Kirby, are important for transmission of the rust pathogen. Contrary to the ERH, there were no significant difference in plant performance between the native and introduced ranges, or differences could be explained by simple climatic factors. Climate tended to be more favourable for growth of C. arvense in NZ. In the permanent field plots in the native range, population growth of C. arvense was significantly greater where natural enemies were excluded, suggesting that insect herbivores and pathogens might have a regulating influence on the population growth of this plant. Furthermore, the probability of shoots transitioning to the reproductive growth stage was enhanced when insect herbivores were excluded, indicating that natural enemies might influence plant development. The biological control agent C. rubiginosa reduced the growth of C. arvense, although the impact of this herbivore was minimal in comparison to interspecific plant competition. Thus, although there is reduced specialist natural enemy pressure in NZ, the growth of C. arvense is not significantly different from in its native range. Nevertheless, there is some evidence that natural enemies in the native range might have a regulating influence on the population dynamics of the plant, and that the specialist herbivore, C. rubiginosa, can impact the plant in certain conditions.

Why are some species invasive? : determining the importance of species traits across three invasion stages and enemy release of southern African native plants in New Zealand

Nghidinwa, Kirsti C. January 2009 (has links)
There are many factors that have been proposed to contribute to plant invasiveness in nonnative ecosystems. Traits of invading species are one of them. It has been proposed that successful species at a certain invasion stage share particular traits, which could be used to predict the behaviour of potentially invasive plants at the respective stage. Three main stages of invasion are distinguished: introduction, naturalization, and invasion. I conducted a stageand trait-based analysis of available data for the invasion of New Zealand by the flora of southern Africa. Using 3076 southern African native vascular plant species introduced into New Zealand, generalised linear mixed model analysis was conducted to assess association of several species traits with the three invasion stages. The results showed that plant traits were significantly associated with introduction but fewer traits were associated with naturalization or invasion, suggesting that introduction can be predicted better using plant traits. It has been also hypothesized that species may become invasive in non-native ecosystems because they are removed from the regulatory effects of coevolved natural enemies (Enemy Release hypothesis). A detailed field study of the succulent plant Cotyledon orbiculata var. orbiculata L. (Crassulaceae) was conducted in the non-native New Zealand and native Namibian habitats to compare the extent of damage by herbivores and pathogens. C. orbiculata is a southern African species that is currently thriving in New Zealand in areas seemingly beyond the climatic conditions in its native range (occurring in higher rainfall areas in New Zealand than are represented in its native range). As hypothesised, C. orbiculata was less damaged by herbivores in New Zealand but, contrary to expectation, more infected by pathogens. Consequently, the plant was overall not any less damaged by natural enemies in the non-native habitat than in its native habitat, although the fitness impacts of the enemy damage in the native and invaded ranges were not assessed. The results suggest that climatic conditions may counteract enemy release, especially in situations where pathogens are more prevalent in areas of higher rainfall and humidity. To forecast plant invasions, it is concluded that species traits offer some potential, particularly at the early stage of invasion. Predicting which introduced plants will become weeds is more difficult. Enemy release may explain some invasions, but climatic factors may offset the predictability of release from natural enemies.

Effet de l’espèce de plante en marais filtrants artificiels selon la saison, le type de marais filtrant et la nature des polluants

Gagnon, Vincent 08 1900 (has links)
Les marais filtrants artificiels sont communément utilisés pour le traitement des eaux usées municipales, mais ils peuvent aussi traiter une large gamme d’effluents à l’aide de différents types de marais filtrant et ce sous une variété de climats. Les plantes jouent un rôle central dans l’épuration des eaux, mais on peut se demander si ce rôle est le même sous toutes les conditions et ce pour les différentes espèces de plantes. Dans le cadre de cette étude, j’ai évalué l’influence de la présence ainsi que de l’espèce de plantes selon des conditions extrêmement différentes : 1) traitement de rejet de serre hydroponique par un marais filtrant à flux horizontal en conditions hivernales, 2) traitement des boues par un marais à flux vertical en conditions estivales. / Constructed wetlands (CWs) are commonly used to treat municipal wastewater, but they can also handle a wide range of effluents by using different types of CWs and under a variety of climatic conditions. Plants play a central role in CWs, but it is still unknown if the presence of plants or the choice of the species have the same influence under different conditions. In this study, I evaluated the influence of the presence and the species of plants under two very different conditions: 1) treatment of hydroponic wastewater by a horizontal flow CW in winter conditions, 2) sludge treatment by a vertical flow CW in summer conditions. / Cette thèse a été codirigée par le Dr. Florent Chazarenc

Adventivní odnožování krátkověkých rostlin v přírodních populacích / Adventitious sprouting of short-lived plants in natural populations

MALÍKOVÁ, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
Disturbance is one of most important selective factor causing removal of plant biomass. Man-made habitats are characterized by strong and unpredictable disturbances, providing bare soil surface colonized by plants with short life cycle. Populations of the short-lived plants are, however, vulnerable to the strong disturbance removing all stem parts with reserve axillary meristems in the case it occurs before plant flowering and fruiting. Nevertheless, 2 % of annual and 14 % of biennial plants are able to overcome meristem limitation by adventititous sprouting from hypocotyle or/and roots. This thesis is composed of four original studies describing the occurrence of adventitious sprouting in natural populations of 22 monocarpic weeds of Central Europe and one species in Indonesia. The studied phenomenon was analyzed in relation to various environmental factors and plant traits in the field and in experimental conditions.

The morphology, reproductive biology and habitat utilisation of the exotic invasive lizard, the brown anole (anolis sagrei), in Taiwan

Norval, Gerrut 12 1900 (has links)
Surveys and vegetation analyses were used to determine the known distribution and the characteristics of the habitat utilised by Anolis sagrei in Taiwan. Sampled lizards were used for morphological comparisons, and to investigate the reproductive biology of this species in Taiwan. The results of this study indicate that the distribution of A. sagrei in Taiwan is extensive (≥237 ha) in Chiayi City and County (southwestern study site) and scattered (≥8 ha) in Hualien City and County (eastern study site). These lizards were mostly found in open sunny degraded man-made habitats. Although some variations were noted in the comparisons between the A. sagrei collected from the two study sites, it was concluded that the two populations likely have the same founder population. The reproductive biology study indicated that photoperiod and the associated temperatures determine the reproductive cycles in A. sagrei. It also demonstrated that reproduction in this species is energetically demanding. / Nature Conservation / MSc.(Nature Conservation)

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