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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pollination Biology of <i>Ailanthus altissima</i> (Mill.) Swingle (Tree-of-Heaven) in the Mid-Atlantic United States

Thompson, Jessica Sara 04 June 2008 (has links)
To date little information has been collected on the pollination biology of <i>Ailanthus altissima</i> (Mill.) Swingle (tree-of-heaven), an invasive exotic in the U.S. This study was conducted to determine the insect pollinator fauna visiting <i>A. altissima</i> and to study general pollinator visitation patterns associated with the tree's nectar profile. A list of taxa visiting trees within each of three sites was developed from collected insects. Overall, visitor assemblage was dominated by the soldier beetle <i>Chauliognathus marginatus</i> with large numbers of ants in the genera <i>Formica</i>, <i>Prenolepis</i>, and <i>Camponotus</i>. No major diurnal pattern was found for visitation of insect pollinators using instantaneous counts. The nectar composition, concentration, and amount of total sugars in the flowers of <i>A. altissima</i> and how these are related to tree gender and time of day were determined. Nectar was found to be sucrose-dominant with lower, but nearly equal amounts of fructose and glucose. Total amounts of sugar in male and female blossoms were not statistically different, however higher concentrations of sugar were found in males (40.7%) than in females (35.3%). No difference was found over time. Nectar production and removal in trees was studied by comparing bagged flowers with flowers open to insect visitation. Bagged flowers were higher in overall sugar than open flowers, however, this was not constant across all times and gender. / Master of Science in Life Sciences

Mathematical modelling and numerical simulation of chemosensitive cell dynamics in multidimensional tissue networks

Kettemann, Anita Stefanie January 2009 (has links)
Zugl.: Stuttgart, Univ., Diss., 2009

Effects of Wildfire Intensity on Invasives, Stand Structure and Fuel Loading in Shenandoah National Park

Matthews, Jeff Michael 06 December 2004 (has links)
As invasive species are so prominent, the influence of wildfire intensity on fuel loading, invasives, species richness, diversity, and evenness were studied at Shenandoah National Park. Most National Parks identify invasive species as the biggest threat to their goal of maintaining native ecosystems. Eight study sites were stratified into three burn classes (high intensity, low intensity, and control), and three transects were randomly located so that nested plots and fuel transects were measured at a distance of 50 ft (15 m), 150 ft (45 m), and 250 ft (75 m) from a road or trail. Field sampling was conducted between May 15, 2004 and June 30, 2004. A subsample of these plots were used to determine specific gravity and quadratic mean diameter for each size class of fuel and to determine the bulk density of the duff and litter layers. High intensity wildfires initially reduced species diversity and evenness in the tree and herbaceous strata, but after 14 years tree species diversity and evenness returned to levels found in unburned areas, while herbaceous strata diversity was not associated with time since burn. Low intensity wildfires resulted in the greatest impacts in the shrub stratum. Presence of invasive species was associated with more even and diverse vegetation in all strata, perhaps because invasive species were relatively sparse. Fuel loadings were reduced initially by high intensity wildfires, but quickly returned to the same level as unburned areas. Although these initial findings indicate that invasive species will not persist after wildfire disturbance, continual monitoring by National Parks would be prudent. / Master of Science

Bases neuroanatómicas y neurofuncionales del trastorno de atención en la esquizofrenia: estudio mediante resonancia magnética.

Salgado Pineda, Pilar 24 January 2003 (has links)
La esquizofrenia es un grave trastorno mental que afecta al 1% de la población, sin que exista un único síntoma o signo que la defina. En ella se ve afectada la capacidad de pensamiento creativo e imaginativo, la habilidad social, el uso coherente del lenguaje e incluso la vivencia de varias emociones. Las alteraciones neuropsicológicas más frecuentemente referidas en la esquizofrenia son: memoria, fluencia verbal, funciones ejecutivas y sobretodo, atención, algunos autores han hipotetizado la implicación de la disfunción atencional como un factor etiopatogénico de la enfermedad. Se han descrito diversos tipos de atención que están regulados por tres sistemas cerebrales interrelacionados. El primero es el "de arousal" o alerta neufisiológico. El segundo sistema es el denominado "sistema de atención posterior" o de atención selectiva o de exploración de la información del entorno. El tercer sistema es el "sistema atencional anterior", que nos proporciona la capacidad de atención deliberada o atención ejecutiva. En neuropsicología clínica y experimental, se utilizan varios test, pruebas, o paradigmas para evaluar diferentes aspectos clínicos de la atención, por ejemplo el test de Stroop para evaluar procesos de atención reguladora y deliberada y el Continous Performance Test (CPT) para la atención sostenida.El uso psicométrico del test de Stroop en pacientes con esquizofrenia ha mostrado una disfunción en atender hacia la adecuada dimensión del estímulo. La evaluación de pacientes esquizofrénicos mediante tareas CPT (sobretodo con la versión de pares idénticos, CPT-IP) ha puesto en evidencia un déficit en la tarea que parece ser específico de la enfermedad, dando pie a la hipótesis de que el déficit atencional medido con este test es un indicador de labilidad biológica para la esquizofrenia.Los estudios neurofuncionales con diferentes versiones del CPT han evidenciado, en sujetos sanos, activación en el córtex prefrontal, cingulado anterior, giro frontal inferior, regiones temporoparietales, ganglios basales y tálamo. En conjunto, estos estudios parecen apoyar la existencia de una compleja red funcional que implica conexiones frontoparietales y circuitos tálamo-cortico-estriatales. En los pacientes esquizofrénicos, se ha observado una anormal activación prefrontal como subyacente al déficit atencional de los pacientes esquizofrénicos. También se ha descrito una reducción de la normal lateralización en las regiones temporoparietales y regiones subcorticales, incluyendo ganglios basales y tálamo. La introducción de la técnica de resonancia magnética funcional (RMf) en la investigación neurofuncional, supuso la posibilidad de estudiar activación cerebral sin uso de agentes de contraste externos, ni dosis radiactivas. Esta técnica está basada en el estudio del nivel de oxigenación de la sangre para evidenciar la activación neuronal Aparte de la inocuoidad, como ventajas sobre las técnicas funcionales PET (Positron Emision Tomography) y/o SPECT (Single Photon Emision Computerized Tomography) la posibilidad de hacer estudios de sujeto único, dados su gran poder localizador y relación señal/ruido. Además dada la no invasividad y la rapidez de adquisición de la técnica, se pueden realizar un gran número de adquisiciones, permitiendo el promedio de activación intrasujeto.ObjetivoEn el presente trabajo nos planteamos llevar a cabo el estudio neurofuncional de la atención, en sujetos sanos y en pacientes esquizofrénicos, mediante la técnica de Resonancia Magnética funcional.

Augment de la resolució espacial i estudi de la dinàmica temporal de les fonts de corrent dels potencials evocats cerebrals

Marco Pallarés, Josep 02 June 2005 (has links)
L'electroencefalografia (EEG) és una tècnica no invasiva que permet l'estudi de l'activitat elèctrica espontània cerebral, i que es caracteritza per oferir una elevada resolució temporal que es situa en l'ordre dels mil·lisegons. Aquesta tècnica permet obtenir informació sobre les respostes neuronals gràcies al fet que capta l'activitat electromagnètica relacionada amb els corrents elèctrics desencadenats per la circulació de ions a través dels canals iònics de la membrana de la neurona. La limitació principal d'aquesta tècnica és que estudiada amb els procediments tradicionals presenta una pobra resolució espacial, deguda entre altres raons a que les mesures es prenen en el cuir cabellut, molt lluny de les fonts cerebrals que generen els potencials elèctrics mesurats, el que implica una gran atenuació dels senyals elèctrics cerebrals originals, ja que el senyal elèctric ha de travessar diferents teixits.L'activitat elèctrica cerebral pot ser també provocada (evocada) constituint els potencials evocats, que són un senyal que s'obté amitjant fragments de l'EEG, que es produeixen com a conseqüència de l'activitat neuronal relacionada amb el processament cerebral d'un estímul sensorial, activitat motora o una activitat cognitiva. Aquest treball posa en evidència que es poden aconseguir guanys quantitatius amb l'aplicació de tècniques matemàtiques en a l'estudi dels potencials evocats cerebrals, i també avenços rellevants en la seva interpretació. També es fonamenta l'interès de no centrar els estudis de les característiques de la resposta evocada en les mesures tradicionals (latència, amplitud), i la necessitat d'estudiar la dinàmica espacio-temporal de les fonts. Aquest enfocament permet aconseguir nova informació crucial tant en el coneixement de la resposta cerebral en subjectes normals, com en la possibilitat de detectar alteracions funcionals cerebrals en una patologia determinada, en concret en l'alcoholisme. L'abordatge proposat per analitzar les respostes elèctriques cerebrals evocades, permet obtenir informació sobre el funcionalisme cerebral que d'altra manera no és accessible. Finalment es descriu que els potencials evocats estan generats per nombrosos components independents que poden presentar multiplicitat de fonts cerebrals. En conclusió, aquest treball posa de relleu l'interès i la necessitat de l'aplicació d'algorismes matemàtics en l'estudi dels potencials evocats, que siguin capaços d'augmentar la resolució espacial, d'estudiar la dinàmica de les fonts que generen els potencials evocats, i de comparar diferències en la l'evolució temporal d'aquestes fonts per l'estudi de del funcionament cerebral. A més, obre una via per estudiar les fonts dels components estadísticament independents dels potencials evocats estudiant els "trials" originals, evitant així la pèrdua d'informació relacionada amb l'amitjat que tradicionalment s'utilitza per l'estudi dels potencials evocats. Finalment es demostra l'aplicabilitat dels nous enfocaments proposats tant en l'estudi del funcionalisme cerebral normal, com en un trastorn mental de tanta transcendència com l'alcoholisme.

Die Expression von PAX9 im gesunden und dysplastischen Epithel und in invasiven Karzinomen des Ösophagus und der Cervix uteri eine immunhistochemische Studie /

Schöffel, Marion. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
München, Techn. Univ., Diss., 2004.

Invasive Plants in Arizona's Forests and Woodlands (Climate Change and Variability in Southwest Ecosystems Series)

DeGomez, Tom 07 1900 (has links)
5 pp. / This is part of the series on climate variability / Climate change appears to have an effect on invasive species in the forests and woodlands of Arizona. Many invasive plants have been documented. Land managers and educators will find this publication informative.

Impacts of invasive alien plant clearing on Riparian vegetation recovery along Riverine corridors in Mpumalanga, South Africa

Beater, Margaret Mary Theresa 23 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9907276D - MSc Dissertation - School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Sciences - Faculty of Science / The broad aim of this study was to measure the ecosystem repair of the Sabie River (which traverses through both the grassland and savanna biomes) riparian environment in Mpumalanga, South Africa, in response to the clearing of alien plants by the Working for Water (WfW) alien plant clearing programme. This was done in order to assess the effectiveness of the WfW clearing on the Sabie River riparian plant community composition and associated environmental factors. Although “effectiveness” can be assessed in various ways, in this study it included determining whether there was a reduction in the invasion intensity (defined as the percentage aerial cover of woody alien plants) after clearing. This broad aim was achieved by studying the impacts of the WfW alien plant clearing programme, as well as the invasion of alien plants, on the plant species composition, diversity and vegetation structure of riparian ecosystems on the Sabie River. Hence, in 2005 40 modified Whittaker nested plots were sampled. The impacts on the Sabie River riparian environment were also assessed by measuring various environmental variables that are likely to change as a result of clearing, such as the ground cover (percentages of exposed soil, rock, litter, herbaceous vegetation and grass), as well as various soil chemical and physical properties. Twenty plots were surveyed along the Sabie River in the Hazeyview region (savanna biome), ten in the Sabie region (grassland biome) and ten in the Graskop region (grassland biome). The response of the Sabie River riparian community to invasive alien plant clearing by WfW (and the alien plant invasion itself) was also assessed over time, by comparing the 2005 study with one done in 1996, which used the same plots. In 2005, a cumulative total of 282 species were found, 222 (79%) of which were indigenous and 60 (21%) alien. The grassland sites had a higher cumulative total of 222 species compared with the 171 species in the savanna sites. A total of 112 (39%) species were common between the biomes, 86 (30%) of which were indigenous and 26 (9%) alien. At the 1000 m2 scale, the indigenous species richness (32.4 ± 1.4 (S.E.)) was significantly higher than the alien species richness (12.0 ± 0.5) (P < 0.001). Of the 60 alien species, 17 (28%) were shrubs and 15 (25%) trees. The grassland sites were more species rich at the 1000 m2 scale (48.8 ± 1.8) and diverse at the 100 m2 scale (Simpson’s index of alpha diversity of 0.90 ± 0.01) than the savanna sites (species richness of 40.0 ± 2.1 and alpha diversity of 0.85 ± 0.02; P = 0.003 for species richness and P = 0.04 for alpha diversity). The Sabie sites were more species rich at the 1000 m2 scale (52.6 ± 2.8) than the Graskop sites (45.0 ± 1.4) (P = 0.12). The higher species richness in the Sabie region contributed to the higher total species richness in the grasslands relative to the savanna sites. At the 1000 m2 scale, the overall beta diversity (Sorenson’s coefficient of community) between the biomes was 0.57, and the species complementarity (the Marczewski-Steinhaus distance) between the biomes was 0.60, indicating that the biomes were not that similar in terms of species composition. Even though the grassland was more rich and diverse in terms of species than the savanna, the overall relative abundances of plant species in each biome was very similar (species evenness (Simpson’s measure of evenness), at the 100 m2 scale, of 0.52 ± 0.03 in the grassland and 0.51 ± 0.03 in the savanna; P = 0.74). The savanna tended to have a higher degree of invasion intensity (aerial cover of woody alien plants of 34.4 ± 4.6% compared to 29.4 ± 4.5% in the grassland; P = 0.44), possibly due to its position lower in the catchment, and hence a sink for upstream alien plant propagules. It was hypothesized that higher plant species richness and/or diversity should enhance community resistance to alien plant invasions, in both the grassland and savanna biomes. In the Sabie (grassland) region, there was a negative correlation between the indigenous and alien species richness, thus indicating that the Sabie region plant community may have been more resistant to the invasion of alien plants than the other two regions. Therefore, the hypothesis was not rejected for the Sabie region. On the other hand, in the Graskop (grassland) and Hazeyview (savanna) regions, there were positive correlations between the indigenous and alien species richness, thus indicating that these plant communities may not have been as resistant to the invasion of alien plants. Therefore, the hypothesis was rejected for both the Graskop and Hazeyview regions. When considering the biome scale, the hypothesis was not rejected as the increase in total species richness with increasing invasion intensity in the grassland (which was more diverse than the savanna) indicated that it may have been more resistant to the invasion of alien plants than the savanna, which had a total species richness that decreased with increasing invasion intensity. In 2005, exposed soil, litter and grass covers tended to be slightly higher in the savanna (14.4 ± 1.6%; 43.5 ± 3.0%; 21.8 ± 1.7% respectively) than in the grassland (12.1 ± 2.5%; 43.2 ± 4.2%; 20.1 ± 2.3% respectively) (P = 0.43, 0.96 and 0.56 respectively). Rock and herbaceous covers were higher in the grassland (4.3 ± 1.6% and 20.3 ± 1.7% respectively) than in the savanna (0.8 ± 0.2% and 19.5 ± 2.2% respectively), but only rock cover was significantly different (P = 0.04) (P = 0.76 for herbaceous cover). These patterns in ground cover may have been a response to the slightly higher invasion intensity in the savanna. The hypothesis that the lower the degree of alien plant invasion, the higher the understorey vegetation cover, which may result in reduced cover of exposed soil and litter, in both the grassland and savanna biomes, was not rejected as the grassland tended to have a lower degree of alien invasion (although not significant), a higher cover of herbaceous vegetation, and corresponding lower covers of exposed soil and litter. The biomes (in 2005) did not differ significantly in soil pH (grassland pH: 4.6 ± 0.1; savanna pH: 4.8 ± 0.1; P = 0.34). However, the grassland soils were generally more fertile than the savanna soils, i.e. higher organic matter (4.5 ± 0.2% versus 3.3 ± 0.4%; P = 0.01) and total nitrogen (0.3 ± 0.02% versus 0.2 ± 0.02%; P = 0.03). The concentrations (mg/l) of most of the nutrients were also higher in the grassland. The lower fertility of the savanna soils may have been related to the higher litter cover of the savanna immobilizing a larger amount of available nutrients than the grassland; another possibility may have been slower rates of soil organic matter decomposition in the slightly cooler (higher altitude) grassland regions. The soils of the grassland sites tended to be more compacted (0.8 ± 0.1 kg/cm2) (but not significantly) than those of the savanna sites (0.7 ± 0.1 kg/cm2) (P = 0.43), and the savanna plots were on significantly steeper ground (12.8 ± 1.7º) than the grassland plots (4.8 ± 1.1º) (P < 0.001), which may have also contributed to lower fertility through greater leaching and erosion losses. From the detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) of the species by plot data, there were no distinct plant communities separating out between the biomes and regions. This is probably because the Sabie River riparian environment essentially supports a riparian forest/woodland, rather than reflecting the species typically found in the adjoining (more upland) grasslands and savannas. Hence, the species composition of the riparian environment was fairly uniform throughout the study area. The canonical correspondence analysis (CCA), which also incorporates the environmental variables, showed that altitude, exposed soil cover, soil pH, organic carbon content and slope steepness were the variables that most closely (and significantly) correlated with the species composition, and two of these variables relate directly to soil fertility, and the other three are indirectly related to soil fertility. Of the original “treatments” of the 1996/1997 study, namely (A) biome (grassland versus savanna), (B) invasion intensity (high (> 50%) versus low (< 50%)), and (C) clearing (cleared versus uncleared), the legacy of the latter two did not persist over time, as there was little or no clear overall relationship between the 1996 and 2005 data when analysed by ANCOVA. The cumulative total species richness sampled in the 40 plots increased from 163 species in 1996, to 282 in 2005 (42% increase). Mean species richness (at the 1000 m2 scale) was 24.1 ± 1.0 in 1996 and 44.4 ± 1.5 in 2005 (P < 0.001). Trees increased from 28 species in 1996 to 46 in 2005 (39% increase), shrubs from 44 to 82 (46%), herbaceous plants from 71 to 121 (41%), and grasses from 20 to 33 (39%). However, even though the species richness of each growth form increased over time, the proportion of each growth form remained approximately the same, i.e. in 1996, 17% of the species were trees, 27% shrubs, 44% herbaceous and 12% grasses; whereas in 2005, 16% were trees, 29% shrubs, 43% herbaceous and 12% grasses. The greatest increase over time was for category 1, 2 and 3 weed species, namely 25 in 1996 to 50 in 2005, a 50% increase. Although mean alpha diversity was higher in 2005 (0.9 ± 0.01 compared to only 0.3 ± 0.03 in 1996 (at the 100 m2 scale); P < 0.001), overall beta diversity over time (a change from 1996 to 2005) was relatively low, indicating a small change in overall species composition, despite the increase in species richness. The invasion intensity (percentage aerial cover of woody alien plants) was similar between the years, i.e. 30.0 ± 4.6% in 1996 and 31.9 ± 3.2% in 2005 (P = 0.73). When comparing the invasion intensity between the three original treatments over time, the invasion intensity of the 1996 grassland and savanna plots remained unchanged. The invasion intensity of the 1996 high invaded plots also remained unchanged over time, however the low invaded plots had a significantly higher invasion intensity in 2005 (P = 0.004). The invasion intensity of the 1996 uncleared plots remained unchanged over time, whereas the cleared plots had a significantly higher invasion intensity in 2005 (P = 0.03). These results clearly show that the legacy of the original invasion intensity and clearing treatments measured in the 1996/1997 study did not persist over time, whereas the inherent differences between the biomes did. The hypothesis that higher plant species richness and/or diversity should enhance community resistance to alien plant invasions was rejected, as both the 1996 and 2005 plant communities were not that resistant to the invasion of alien plants, even though there was a significantly higher species richness and diversity in 2005 than in 1996. It is concluded that because of both the similar growth form composition and invasion intensity over time, the WfW clearing efforts are not succeeding in the primary aim of controlling aliens, particularly woody alien species. However, there was a considerable decrease in the aerial cover of large alien plants, namely (a) alien plants > 5 m decreased from 15.8 ± 4.1% in 1996 to 5.8 ± 1.2% in 2005 (P = 0.02), and (b) those between 2 – 5 m tended to decrease from 13.3 ± 2.8% in 1996 to 11.1 ± 2.4% in 2005 (P = 0.55). However, these decreases were balanced by a considerable increase in the aerial cover of alien plants < 2 m in height, which increased from 3.9 ± 1.0% in 1996 to 15.0 ± 2.1% in 2005 (P < 0.001). This therefore showed that the WfW clearing programme is succeeding, to some extent, in removing most of the larger alien plants but not in controlling the regenerating plants, which recover through post-clearing resprouting and/or newly established seedlings. Exposed soil, rock and litter covers were higher in 2005 (13.3 ± 1.5%; 2.5 ± 0.8%; 43.3 ± 2.5% respectively) than in 1996 (2.1 ± 0.5%; 0.9 ± 0.3%; 16.4 ± 2.7% respectively) (P < 0.001 for soil and litter covers, and 0.07 for rock cover). Herbaceous and grass covers were significantly higher in 1996 (47.8 ± 2.8% and 32.8 ± 2.6% respectively) than in 2005 (20.0 ± 1.4% and 20.9 ± 1.4% respectively) (P < 0.001 for herbaceous and grass covers). These differences in the ground covers between the years may have partially been a response to the major February 2000 flood event, which cleared a large proportion of the vegetation, resulting in much greater rates of erosion and deposition of soils. The WfW clearing operations also removed a significant proportion of the vegetation, and disturbed much that remained, thus modifying the environment. The increase in litter cover may have also been due to the slightly higher invasion intensity in 2005 than in 1996. Soil pH remained unchanged over time (both years had a pH of 4.7 ± 0.1; P = 0.99), indicating that pH was unaffected by the invasion and subsequent clearing of alien plants, as well as the 2000 flood event which moved a tremendous amount of sediment. The hypothesis that the lower the degree of alien plant invasion, the higher the understorey vegetation cover, in both 1996 and 2005, was not rejected as the plots in 1996 had a lower degree of alien invasion (although not significant), a higher cover of herbaceous vegetation, and corresponding lower covers of exposed soil and litter. Along the Sabie River, the alien tree and shrub species with the greatest densities were Rubus cuneifolius (American bramble) (1828 plants/ha), Lantana camara (Lantana) (1760), Solanum mauritianum (Bugweed) (838), Indigofera macrophylla (640), Eucalyptus grandis (Saligna gum) (560), Caesalpinia decapetala (Mauritius thorn) (403), Agrimonia odorata (Agrimonia) (220), Lilium formosanum (St. Joseph’s lily) (218), and Populus x canescens (Grey popular) (125). Focusing the clearing efforts on these species will help to reduce the frequency of re-invasions, reduce costs, and increase ease of clearing. The primary aim of the WfW programme is to increase water supplies by controlling woody alien plants. Therefore, it is concluded that the WfW clearing along the Sabie River has been partially successful, as there has been a significant decrease in the invasion intensity of large (> 5 m) alien trees (which tend to have the highest transpiration rates) over time from 1996 to 2005. In 1996, these large alien trees were represented mainly by Eucalyptus spp. However, the WfW programme was not effective in terms of ecosystem repair, as the invasion intensity increased slightly from 1996 to 2005, largely as a result of the significant increase in the aerial cover of smaller alien shrubs (< 2 m). If left unchecked, these will probably in time result in even higher levels of invasion intensity when the individual plants increase in size and cover. Furthermore, the growth form composition remained relatively unchanged over time, and more than half of the alien species found in 2005 were tree and shrub species. Therefore, little or no ecosystem repair has occurred along the Sabie River. In order to improve the effectiveness of the WfW programme, various detailed recommendations are included, which largely revolve around improvements in follow-up treatments.

Diversité des arbres et résistance des forêts aux invasions biologiques : application au chataignier et son complexe de bioagresseurs exotiques, chancre (Cryphonectria parasitica) et cynips (Dryocosmus Kuriphilus) / Tree biodiversity and forest resistance to biological invasions : application on chestnut and its exotic pest complex, chestnut blight (Cryponectria parasitica) and Asian chestnut gall wasp (Dryocosmus Kuriphilus)

Fernandez-Conradi, Pilar 20 December 2017 (has links)
Les plantes sont au centre d’une grande diversité d’interactions biotiques entre organismes plus ou moins proches qui les exploitent en tant que ressources. L’objectif de cette thèse a été de comprendre comment les infections fongiques de la plante et la diversité des arbres en forêt modifient les interactions arbres-insectes. Nous avons tout d’abord effectué une méta-analyse pour poser le cadre théorique des effets indirects des infections fongiques sur les insectes herbivores associés aux mêmes plantes hôtes. L'effet de l’infection préalable des plantes par les champignons sur les préférences et performances des insectes s’avère généralement négatif. Cependant, la magnitude de cet effet délétère varie selon le mode de vie du champignon, la guilde trophique de l’insecte et la spatialité des interactions (interactions locales vs distantes). Nous avons ensuite analysé de façon empirique les interactions tripartites entre le châtaignier européen (Castanea sativa) et deux de ses bioagresseurs exotiques: le cynips (Dryocosmus kuriphilus), insecte galligène, et Cryphonectria parasitica, champignon pathogène responsable de la maladie du chancre. L'effet sur les taux d’infestation par le cynips de la composition spécifique en essences forestières des forêts de châtaigniers atteintes de chancre a été également étudié. Afin d'identifier les mécanismes sous-jacents aux effets de la diversité des forêts sur cet insecte invasif, les communautés d'insectes parasitoïdes et de champignons endophytes présents dans les galles ont été décrites. Les taux d’infection par le cynips étaient plus faibles dans les mélanges de châtaignier avec du chêne et du frêne que dans des parcelles de châtaignier monospécifiques ou dans les mélanges avec du pin. La composition des forêts influence aussi la composition des communautés de parasitoïdes associés aux galles du cynips mais pas leur abondance, richesse ou diversité. Les communautés de champignons endophytes des galles, étudiées par des méthodes de séquençage de nouvelle génération, sont indépendantes de la composition forestière. Par contre, celles présentes dans les galles différent fortement de celles des tissus foliaires adjacents. Nous avons ainsi apporté de nouvelles preuves que la diversité des plantes et les champignons pathogènes sont des facteurs clés déterminant les interactions plantes-insectes. Etudier comment les plantes interagissent avec leurs insectes et champignons associés, et les mécanismes sous-jacents à l’effet de la diversité des plantes sur ces interactions, doit permettre de mieux comprendre les relations entre diversité et fonctionnement des écosystèmes et de proposer des applications pour la gestion des bio-agresseurs forestiers natifs et exotiques. / Plants are the playground of a large diversity of biotic interactions between related and unrelated organisms exploiting them as common resources. The aim of this thesis was to understand how plant-insect interactions vary with fungal infection of their host plant and plant diversity. I first performed a meta-analysis to provide a theoretical background for plant-mediated effects of fungal infection on herbivorous insects. Overall, I found a negative plant-mediated effect of fungi on both insect preference and performance. However, this effect varied according to fungus lifestyle, insect feeding guild and spatial location of the interactions (local vs distant). Then I experimentally tested plant-fungus-insect tripartite interactions in the particular case of exotic bio-aggressors of the European chestnut (Castanea sativa): the Asian chestnut Gall Wasp (ACGW, Dryocosmus kuriphilus), and the fungal pathogen Cryphonectria parasitica, the causal agent of chestnut blight. I performed an observational study, in natural chestnut forest stands in Italy, where I tested how ACGW infestation rates vary with the tree species composition. I also investigated the mechanisms underlying plant diversity effects on the invasive pest, with a particular focus on its natural enemies such as insect parasitoids and endophytic fungi. ACGW infestation rates was lower in oak and ash chestnut mixtures compared to monocultures or pine-chestnut mixtures. Plot composition also influenced ACGW parasitoid community composition but not their abundances, diversity or richness. Endophytic communities of galls, described by using next generation sequencing methods, did not vary with plot composition. However, they strongly differed from surrounding leaf tissues. We thus provided evidence that plant diversity and fungal pathogens are key drivers of plant-insect interactions. Understanding how plants interact with associated insects and fungi, and mechanisms underlying plant diversity effect on these interactions, will improve our knowledge on diversity-ecosystem functioning relationships and will have practical applications for the management of native and exotic forest pests.

Etude de l'anthroposystème emblématique de l'étang de Berre : approches écosystémique et sociologique de l'impact du cténaire invasif Mnemiopsis leidyi / Study of the emblematic anthroposystem of the Berre Lagoon : ecosystem and sociological approaches of the impact of the invasive ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi

Gilhet-Marchessaux, Guillaume 06 May 2019 (has links)
L’étang de Berre est un écosystème lagunaire historiquement perturbé par de forts rejets industriels et par des apports importants en eau douce naturels et anthropiques (centrale hydroélectrique EDF). Alors que les politiques de réhabilitation initiées depuis 1994 commencent à enregistrer leurs premiers succès, l'introduction et la prolifération de Mnemiopsis leidyi en 2005 pourraient limiter leur efficacité. L’originalité de cette étude est d’associer océanographie et sociologie afin d’estimer l’impact de M. leidyi sur le fonctionnement de ce socio-écosystème. Nous avons pu montrer que la population de M. leidyi est capable de se maintenir sur une large gamme de températures (3°C-28°C) et de salinités (10-30), pour une quantité de carbone disponible > 3 µgC L-1, la température étant un facteur déterminant dans la dynamique de la population. L’absence Mnemiopsis au cours d’évènements froids et sa réapparition plusieurs mois après laissent penser soit à l’existence d’une zone refuge qui a été déterminée (étang de Vaine) favorable au maintien des cténaires. Les fortes proliférations de M. leidyi affectent principalement la pêche professionnelle (fort colmatage des filets, mutilation des prises, dégradation accélérée du matériel, augmentation de la pénibilité) induisant une perte économique annuelle estimée à 50 %. Dans le cadre interdisciplinaire, la compréhension des interactions biologiques et anthropiques a permis de montrer que Mnemiopsis présentait une entrave à la mise en œuvre des efforts de réhabilitation. / The Berre Lagoon is an ecosystem historically disturbed by strong industrial discharges and significant freshwaters inputs from both natural and anthropogenic (EDF hydroelectric power station) origins. While rehabilitation policies initiated in 1994 are already showing some success, the introduction and proliferation of Mnemiopsis leidyi since 2005 could limit their effectiveness. The originality of this study is to associate oceanography and sociology in order to estimate the impact of M. leidyi on the functioning of this socio-ecosystem. We were able to show that the population of M. leidyi is maintained within a large range of temperatures (3 °C-28 °C) and salinities (10-30), with a quantity of carbon available ~ 3 mg C L-1 or more, temperature being a determining factor in population dynamics. The absence of this ctenophore on during cold events and its recurrence several months later suggests either the existence of an external source or the presence of a refuge zone that has been determined (Vaine lagoon) favourable to the maintenance of the ctenophores. The strong proliferation of M. leidyi in the Berre lagoon mainly affects professional fishermen. The clogging of nets, the mutilation of catches, the accelerated degradation of the material and the increase in the strenuousness induce an annual economic loss estimated at 50 %. Here in our interdisciplinary framework, the understanding of the biological and the anthropogenic interactions has shown that Mnemiopsis is tempering with the implementation of the rehabilitation efforts.

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