Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inventory"" "subject:"lnventory""
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Die Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns bei unipolarer und bipolarer affektiver StörungMerz, Christina 12 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Die klinische Erfahrung zeigt, dass sich depressive Episoden sehr schnell innerhalb weniger Stunden bis Tage oder sehr langsam innerhalb mehrerer Wochen bis Monate entwickeln können. Hauptziel dieser Arbeit war es, die zeitliche Entwicklung depressiver Episoden bei Patienten mit einer unipolaren oder bipolaren affektiven Störung zu untersuchen. Mithilfe des dafür entwickelten und im Rahmen dieser Studie weiter modifizierten strukturierten Patienteninterview ODI (Onset of Depression Inventory) wurde die Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns bei 223 konsekutiven Patienten erfasst, von denen 129 in die Auswertung eingeschlossen werden konnten. Es zeigte sich, dass sich depressive Episoden bei Patienten mit bipolarer affektiver Störung signifikant schneller manifestieren als bei Patienten mit unipolarer affektiver Störung. Somit kann die Geschwindigkeit des Depressionsbeginns, gemessen mit dem ODI, als Differenzierungsmerkmal zwischen unipolarer und bipolarer affektiver Störung gewertet werden und im klinischen Alltag helfen, zwischen den beiden Störungsbildern zu unterscheiden.
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An Integrated Inventory Control And Vehicle Routing ProblemSolyali, Oguz 01 August 2005 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, we consider a logistics system, in which a single supplier delivers a product to multiple retailers over a finite time horizon. Supplier decides on the amount to order in each period and services retailers facing deterministic dynamic demand via a fleet of vehicles having limited capacity. Each retailer has specific minimum and maximum levels of inventory in an order-up-to level inventory policy setting. The problem is to simultaneously determine the quantity of product to order to the supplier, retailers to be visited, the quantity of product to be delivered to retailers and routes of vehicles in each period so as to minimize system-wide costs. We present a mathematical formulation for the problem, for which we develop several Lagrangian relaxation based solution procedures providing both upper and lower bounds to the problem. We implement these solution procedures on test instances and present the results. Computational study shows that our solution procedures generate good feasible solutions in reasonable time.
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Stochastic inventory control with partial demand observabilityOrtiz, Olga L. 01 April 2008 (has links)
This dissertation focuses on issues associated with the value of information in models of sequential decision making under uncertainty. All of these issues are motivated by inventory management problems. First, we study the effect of the accuracy of inventory counts on system performance when using a zero-memory controller in an inventory system that is modeled as a partially observed Markov decision process (POMDP). We derive conditions for which improving the accuracy of inventory counts will either (i) improve system performance, (ii) degrade system performance or (iii) will not affect system performance. With a computational study, we determine the range of profitability impacts that result from inaccurate inventory counts when using reasonable zero-memory control policies.
Second, we assess the value of demand observation quality in an inventory system with Markovian demand and lost sales. Again, the POMDP serves as a problem model, and we develop computationally tractable suboptimal algorithms to enable the computation of effective lower bounds on system profitability when demand observations are noise-corrupted. We then extend our results toconsider the effects that product substitution has on system performance. We show that systems with low demand variability, high holding cost levels, and high levels of substitution benefit more from demand bservability than systems with high demand variability, low holding cost levels, and low levels of substitution.
Third, to enhance our understanding of sequential inventory control with substitutable products, we analyze a two-item inventory problem with known deterministic primary demand, but stochastic one-way substitution. We model this problem as a MDP and show that a decision rule that minimizes the single period cost function, when applied at every decision epoch over the infinite horizon, is an optimal policy for the infinite horizon problem. A definition of increased substitutability is presented, and it is shown that increased substitutability never increases optimal expected total discounted cost.
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The Relationship Between Motivational Characteristics and Achievement in Alternative Instructional Modes in a Community College Introductory Psychology CourseHegar, Alylene 08 1900 (has links)
The purposes were (1) to examine the relationship of four motivational characteristics, as measured by the Merritt College Motivation Inventory (MCMI), to final introductory psychology grades in the two methods of instruction, and (2) to determine the usefulness of the MCMI as a tool for guiding students into open circuit television and on-campus traditional introductory psychology courses. The following research questions were formulated: (1) Can a prediction model using four motivational scales (Intrinsic, Self-Enhancement, Per son-Orientation, and Goal-Deficiency as measured by the MCMI) be developed which will adequately predict achievement in open-circuit television and on-campus traditional introductory psychology courses? (2) Can a prediction model using three of less of the four MCMI scales be developed which will adequately predict achievement in open-circuit television and on-campus traditional introductory psychology courses? (3) Of the four MCMI scales, which one or combination will be applicable in counseling students into open circuit television and on-campus traditional introductory psychology courses? All four hypotheses were confirmed. However, the four motivational characteristics as measured by the MCMI may not adequately predict achievement for the on-campus or telecourse students, The prediction efficiency of the Full and Restricted Models for both groups left significant proportions (81.41 per cent or more) in final introductory psychology course grades unaccounted for. With the high percentage of final grades unaccounted for, it appears that the efficiency of the MCMI scales is too low for valid use in predicting final grades in the introductory psychology course and is therefore not usable as an exclusive tool in guiding students into the open circuit television and on-campus traditional psychology courses.
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A Comparison of the MMPI, Faschingbauer's Abbreviated MMPI and the MMPI-168 with Selected Medical Patients and Medical School ApplicantsMartin-Cannici, Cynthia Elaine 05 1900 (has links)
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is often used for evaluating candidates for gastric bypass surgery, chronic pain patients, head trauma victims, and medical school applicants. However, due to the considerable time involved in completing and scoring the standard MMPI, researchers have attempted to devise short versions of this instrument to reduce the time required while providing similar results. In recent years, the Faschingbauer Abbreviated MMPI (FAM) and the MMPI-16 8 have been proposed as viable MMPI substitutes. The present study examined the comparability between profiles using these short versions of the MMPI with the patterns obtained using the entire measure. Participants consisted of equal numbers of gastric bypass candidates, chronic pain patients, head trauma victims, and medical school applicants. Scores on the FAM tended to be similar to scores on the complete MMPI for gastric bypass, chronic pain and head trauma patients. In contrast, the MMPI-16 8 yielded profiles which were similar to complete MMPI profiles with chronic pain and head trauma patients.
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Examining the inventory management of antiretroviral drugs at community health centres in the cape metropole, Western CapeMahoro, Alice January 2013 (has links)
Magister Pharmaceuticae - MPharm / South Africa is faced with a high number of people living with HIV/AIDS, and
subsequently a great need to access quality medicines for improving patient therapeutic outcomes. Antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) require rigid, efficient and effective management, due to their valuable efficacy in prolonging the survival of HIV/AIDS patients, and the limited possibility of substitution. Managing their flow is vital to ensure an uninterrupted supply. Problematic inventory management was experienced by some healthcare facilities in South Africa where in recent years it resulted in stock outs and stock losses through thefts. These factors present obstacles to the availability of quality medicines, which ultimately leads to treatment failure and deterioration of the health status of patients. The aim of this study was to characterise the inventory management practices and medicine store maintenance of ARVs in community health centres (CHCs) in the Cape Metropole, Western Cape, in order to identify specific problems associated with ARV stock management. The study used a descriptive, cross-sectional study design to examine ARV records and to highlight associated discrepancies between recorded
iii quantities on logistics tools used and physical counts, to assess the store maintenance, to measure the supply rate and identify factors contributing to poor stock management. The sample comprised 15 CHCs under the Western Cape Provincial Government (WCPG) accredited to provide ARV treatment. A checklist developed by Management Sciences for Health was adapted and was used to gather quantitative information (e.g. physical stock count). Some qualitative data was collected from responsible personnel for ARV drug management at each site.
86.7% of CHCs utilised a logistics tool (either manual or electronic) to manage ARVs. The average number of adult ARV drugs with a logistics tool available in all CHCs was 82.7% of which 21.9% met the criteria for accuracy. Only 32.9% of all logistics tools had records that were up to date. The average percentage of total variation between stock records and physical counts for the ARV drugs assessed was 51.6%. No historical data on stock outs and monthly usage (monthly consumption) could be retrieved in any of the CHCs, although there were no actual stock outs on the day of the fieldwork. The order fill rate was 91.9%. Since ordering is done more often that it should, stock availability did not appear to be problematic. Standard appropriate physical dimensions were not met by 20% of the CHCs and only 66.7% of the CHCs had appropriate labeling of the shelves in the dispensary and in the storeroom. This study demonstrated poor inventory management with respect to the general quality of record keeping, space allocation and general organisation of the medicine storeroom. Making timely entries and recording issues on logistics tools are recommended to keep up to date inventory records and management information system. Frequent monitoring of stock status is suggested, to avoid discrepancies and to keep it to adequate levels iv which will minimise multiple ordering. Regular supervision by the district pharmacist is needed to identify training and other needs. A study on general cost and delivery costs associated with poor record keeping should be carried out.
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Predicting Attrition of Baptist Foreign Missionaries Using the MMPICobbs, David Lee 05 1900 (has links)
Relationships between MMPI subscale scores and premature resignations among Southern Baptist foreign missionaries appointed in 1964 were investigated in an effort to develop a predictive model for attrition. Unsuccessful attempts were made at cross-validating the results of a previous related study, and two separate discriminant function analyses were undertaken. The first sorted subjects into three groups, defined by subjects' length of service before resignation. The second classified them according to the reason stated for their termination, if applicable. Both procedures failed to establish a statistically reliable classification system for relating MMPI scores with premature resignations. Although consistent success has been achieved with the MMPI as a screening instrument for psychopathology, it is suggested that the instrument is not adequately sensitive as a screening device for groups lying predominantly within the normal range of variability.
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Kontrollinventering av varulager under avvikande omständigheter : En kvalitativ studie utifrån ett revisorsperspektiv / Inventory controls during deviating circumstancesJonsson, Louise, Karlsson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
Sedan den 1 januari 2011 är det obligatoriskt för revisorer i Sverige att tillämpa de internationella redovisningsstandarderna som återfinns i ISA. Standarderna syftar till att upprätthålla revisionskvalitet, stabilitet och transparens i finansiella rapporter. De företag som omfattas av revisorskravet och har ett varulager som anses vara av väsentlighet för de finansiella rapporterna ska årligen kontrollinventeras av revisorn. Till följd av covid-19-pandemin infördes smittförebyggande restriktioner som begränsade fysiska möten, såväl arbetsrelaterade som privata. Det kunde tänkas att revisorernas utförande av kontrollinventeringar av varulager påverkades av de avvikande omständigheterna. Forskning gällande revisorers utförande av kontrollinventeringar av varulager under avvikande omständigheter fanns inte i stor utsträckning vid tidpunkten för denna studie. Syftet med studien är att öka förståelsen för hur revisorer genomför kontrollinventeringar av varulager under avvikande omständigheter för att upprätthålla tillförlitlighet i de finansiella rapporterna. För att uppnå syftet har den empiriska insamlingen i studien främst utgått från ISA 501. Standarden redogör för granskningsåtgärder vid utförandet av kontrollinventeringar av varulager och kräver revisorns fysiska närvaro för att säkerställa tillräcklighet och ändamålsenlighet i bevisinsamlingen. En kvalitativ forskningsstrategi tillämpades i genomförandet av studien och empiriska data har insamlats genom intervjuer. Respondenterna som deltog i studien är 13 yrkesverksamma revisorer från sex olika orter i Sverige. Studien visar att revisorernas möjlighet att genomföra kontrollinventeringar vid rätt tidpunkt inte påverkats till följd av de avvikande omständigheter som uppstått på grund av covid-19-pandemin. Däremot har tillvägagångssättet anpassats med hänsyn till de smittförebyggande restriktioner som varit gällande vid perioden för kontrollinventeringarna. Flera av kontrollinventeringarna har genomförts digitalt via videosamtal. Samtliga granskningsåtgärder som framgår av ISA 501 har vidtagits oavsett om revisorn varit fysiskt närvarande vid kontrollinventeringar eller utfört dem på distans. Även om revisorn har kunnat genomföra alla granskningsåtgärderna har möjligheten att använda de mänskliga sinnena begränsats i och med att kontrollinventeringarna skett genom en mobil- eller datorskärm. En orsak till svårigheter som uppkommit vid digitala kontrollinventeringar är tekniska problem i form av bland annat bristfällig internetuppkoppling. Faktorer som är avgörande för om revisorns fysiska närvaro ses som nödvändig vid kontrollinventering av varulager är kundkännedom, varulagrets storlek och typ av lagerartiklar. Dessa faktorer kan påverka om revisonsbevisen som insamlas vid digitala kontrollinventeringar anses vara tillförlitliga. / Since January 1st, 2011, it is mandatory for auditors in Sweden to comply with the international auditing standards ISA. The standards aim to maintain audit quality, stability and transparency in financial reports. Companies that are covered by the auditor requirement and have inventories that are of materiality to the financial statements must annually be inventoried by the auditor. As a result of the covid-19 pandemic, restrictions were introduced and limited the possibilities to arrange private and work-related in-person meetings. It's conceivable that the auditors' accomplishment of inventory controls was affected by the deviating circumstances. Research regarding auditors’ performances of inventory controls during deviating circumstances did not exist to a wide extent at the time this study was conducted. The purpose of the study is to increase the understanding of how auditors accomplish inventory controls during deviating circumstances to maintain reliability in the financial statements. To fulfill the purpose, the empirical collection in the study has primarily been based on ISA 501. The standard accounts for audit measures for the accomplishment of inventory controls and requires the auditor’s physical presence to ensure adequacy and appropriateness. A qualitative research strategy was adopted in the course of the study and the empirical data was collected through interviews. The respondents who participated in the study were 13 professional auditors from six different locations in Sweden. The study shows that the auditors' possibilities to perform inventory controls at the right time were not affected by the covid-19 pandemic. However, the approach has been adapted to the restrictions that were in force during the period of the inventory controls. Several of the inventory controls have been performed digitally through video calls. All audit measures set out in ISA 501 have been performed regardless of whether the auditor has been physically present during the inventory controls or performed them remotely. Although the auditors have been able to perform all the audit measures, their possibilities have been limited, as the human senses could not be used to the same extent through a mobile or computer screen. One of the arisen difficulties with digital inventory controls is technical issues in the form of, among other things, insufficient internet connection. Factors that are crucial for whether the auditor's physical presence is considered necessary in inventory controls are customer knowledge, the size of the inventory and the type of inventory items. These factors can decide if the audit evidence collected during digital inventory controls can be considered reliable.
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Návrh na zlepšení řízení zásob / The Proposal for Improvement of Supply ManagementKrejčí, Petra January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the study and optimization of inventory management in company XXX Ltd. The theoretical part is dedicated to characteristic of basic concepts related to inventory management, their classification, related costs and inventory management methods. Practical part is focused on the analysis of the current state in the company, on providing, storage and controlling of inventory. This analysis reveals deficiencies for which several solutions will be suggested. They will lead to more effective inventory management in the company.
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Effektivisering av lagerstruktuSalih, Azad January 2021 (has links)
I dagsläget tas enbart hänsyn till variation i geometri. Detta leder till att moduler som levereras inom kort befinner sig längst ner i högen. Projektet handlar om att göra en nulägesbeskrivning och analys för att hitta slöserier samt en studie över hur en lageryta ska formas för att utnyttjas maximalt. Teori i form av kurslitteraturen i och vetenskapliga artiklar har tillämpats i rapporten. Teorin omfattar lagerstyrning och lagerutformning för ena frågeställningen och lean för den andra frågeställningen. Datainsamlingen har gjort med hjälp av en kvalitativ metod, då personalen har intervjuats. Med hjälp av teorin har förbättringsförslag för företaget tagits fram. Svar på de två olika frågeställningarna har framställts. Företaget har många faktorer som resulterar i en ineffektiv modulhantering och det som påverkar mest är informationsflödet. Företaget uppmuntras till att utnyttja lagerpersonalens kompetens och förbättra informationsflödet. / The report is an analysis of the current situation at the warehouse at the company Vossloh nordic switch systems in Örebro. Vossloh Nordic Switch Systems manufactures prefabricated switches for the railway industry. The switches consist of two to three modules weighing between 6 to 25 tons depending on the type of module. In accordance with the customer contract, Vossloh produces and stores the switches until the customer wants them to be delivered, this leads to the switches spending a long time in the warehouse. Since switches cannot be installed during the colder period out in the field, the company has high and low seasons regarding deliveries of switches. The company has an internal goal to even out the finished goods inventory and believes that free stacking of the switches leads to safety risks. The free stacked modules are in a random order and this leads to many unnecessary lifts, from which the staff collects from the module piles. Due to inadequate information flow, the various factors for the modules are not taken into account. The company has four factors that result in the modules lying here wildly.
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