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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação ultra-sonográfica da tiróide, excreção urinária de iodo em escolares de 6 a 14 anos e grau de iodação de sal, em diferentes regiões do estado de São Paulo / Echographic evaluation of the thyroid gland,urinary iodine concentration and the salt iodization in schoolchildren from distinct regions of the state of São Paulo

Glaucia Cruzes Duarte 18 May 2007 (has links)
A nutrição de iodo de uma população é avaliada por indicadores: a iodação do sal, excreção urinária de iodo e volume tiroidiano. A iodação do sal é eficiente no combate às doenças decorrentes da deficiência de iodo, sendo empregada em todo território nacional desde 1995 e o estado de São Paulo é considerado uma área iodo-suficiente. Para avaliar esta ingesta de iodo, foram selecionados aleatoriamente 964 escolares entre 6 a 14 anos, de seis regiões do Estado. Foram avaliados sob o ponto de vista ecográfico da tiróide, 484 meninas e 480 meninos. Os volumes da glândula tiróide elevaram-se progressivamente com a idade, guardando correlação positiva e significativa com a superfície corporal. Cerca de 2,9% dos escolares apresentava bócio. Outras anormalidades encontradas foram hemiagenesia (0,5%), nódulos (0,2%), cistos (0,7%) e hipoecogenicidade (11,7%). Notamos excessiva excreção urinária de iodo nesta população, com valores superiores a 300ug Iodo/L em 76,8% das amostras. As amostras de sal doméstico apresentavam valores entre 34,0 e 68,3mg Iodo/Kg de sal. Concluímos que a população de escolares estudados no estado de São Paulo apresenta excessiva ingestão diária de iodo, a qual, extrapolada para população em geral poderá induzir várias alterações da função tiroidiana, como hipertiroidismo subclínico (em idosos) e tiroidite crônica auto-imune na população adulta. / The salt iodization is efficient to prevent iodine deficient disorders and began in all of Brazil in 1995 and the state of São Paulo is considered an iodine sufficient area. To evaluate the iodine nutrition, 964 schoolchildren, aged between 6 and 14 years old (484 girls, 480 boys) were examined by ultrasonographic studies. There was a progressive increase of the thyroid volume with aging with a positive and significant correlation with the body surface area. The presence of enlarged thyroid gland was rarely seen, being present in only 2.9% of the studied cohort. A few thyroid gland abnormalities were noticed such as hemiagenesia (0.5%), nodules (0.2%), cysts (0.7%) and hypoechogenicity (11,7%). It was clearly demonstrated that the urinary excretion of iodine was elevated being above 300ug Iodine/L in 76,8% of the schoolchildren examined. Assays for the iodine concentration in domestic salt samples revealed values between 34.0 and 68.3 mgI/kg of salt. We conclude that the schoolchildren population of the State of São Paulo may be under an excessive daily ingestion of iodine. This may induce, if extrapolated to the general population, subclinical hyperthyroidism in the elderly and possibly an increment in the prevalence of cronic autoimmune thyroiditis.

Medidas de correlacao angular direcional gama-gama para transicoes no sup(135)Xe

GONCALVES, JOSEMARY A.C. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:36:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:59:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 04242.pdf: 1267836 bytes, checksum: 76fd3102e1df541fec6c08912fab0271 (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado) / IPEN/D / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN/CNEN-SP

Potraviny ovlivňující funkci štítné žlázy / Foods affecting function of the thyroid glande

Ciprová, Markéta January 2021 (has links)
6 Abstract Basis: This master's thesis deals with the issue of foods affecting thyroid function. The thyroid gland is an important endocrine organ involved in many bodily processes, it is completely dependent on external iodine intake and at the same time it is susceptible to some naturally occurring antinutritive substances. The main subject of research were therefore the sources of iodine and strumigenic substances in the diet and their occurrence in the diet of adults. The main sources for this thesis include the monograph Thyroid Gland, organized by Zdeňka Límanová, websites of professional institutions of the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic and the World Health Organization and of course current studies dealing with this issue available in world health databases. The topic was chosen by the author on the basis of finding current topics in the field of nutrition, that have not yet been reserched by other students in the Nutrition Specialist field of study in recent years. Aims: The primary goal of the master's thesis was to examine and process current issues of thyroid function, especially in connection with the consumption of foods that affect this function. For this purpose, a questionnaire was compiled to obtain sufficient base and data to determine the average consumption of iodine and...

The analysis of 6- and 24-hour iodine-131 thyroid uptake in patients with Graves' disease at Universitas Hospital

Horn, Je'nine January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.Tech.)(Nuclear Medicine) -- Central University of Technology, free State, 2007 / In the South African Health Services (SAHS) it is each health worker’s responsibility to find ways to reduce health care cost and improve health service to the public. The measurement of radioactive iodine uptake (RAIU) by the thyroid gland for diagnostic purposes has been used as early as the 1940s. The 24-hour (hr) iodine-131 (131I) uptake measurement is traditionally used for the calculation of the 131I administered activity for therapy dosage. This entails that the patient’s hospitalisation is prolonged, which increases the costs. The literature also indicates that the 24-hr 131I uptake value can be discarded and only the 6-hr 131I uptake measurement is needed to calculate administered activity for therapeutic dosages for Graves’ patients. Therefore, if it can be confirmed that the 6-hr 131I uptake measurement alone is needed, the SAHS could decrease hospitalisation costs. The overall goal of the investigation was to analyse the 6-hr and 24-hr 131I uptake measurements of patients with Graves’ disease at the Universitas Hospital. The aim was to determine the relationship between the 6-hr and 24- hr RAIU values to establish the therapeutic dosage for Graves’ disease. To achieve the aim, three objectives were set. First, to serve as a background to the investigation, a literature survey relating to the RAIU measurements of patients with Graves’ disease was made. Second, a retrospective analysis was performed by collecting the 6-hr and 24-hr 131I uptake measurements of patients with proven Graves’ disease at the Universitas Nuclear Medicine Department (UNMD). Finally, the data obtained from the retrospective analysis was analysed, summarised and compared to answer the investigation questions. The investigation group included patients with confirmed Graves’ disease who had undergone both the 6- and 24-hr 131I RAIU at the Universitas Hospital from the beginning of 2004 to the end of 2005. Graves’ disease is confirmed by the following factors at the UNMD, namely: Suppressed TSH, elevated T4 and T3 values, an increased uptake on the 99mTc-pertechnetate scan and increased 6- and 24-hr 131I RAIU values. The UNMD statistics show that 178 patients were diagnosed with Graves’ disease during this period. The patients of the investigation group included both male and female patients from different races, ranging from 15-75 years. In order to increase the validity of the investigation, all factors that could influence the accuracy of the 131I thyroid uptake test were excluded. After the exclusion and inclusion criteria had been applied, the final investigation group was made up of 124 Graves’ disease patients. The data obtained from the patient files was noted on the different data sheets (see Appendix A) for further analysis. The information from these data sheets was then used to obtain the investigation results. The Department of Biostatistics of the University of the Free State (UFS) was consulted for recommendations regarding the management of data and the processing of results. All values were summarised by means and Standard Deviations (SD) or percentiles. Mean or median differences were calculated with a 95% Confidence Interval (CI). A regression analysis was made between the 6-hr and 24-hr 131I RAIU values. The highest RAIU value is the best to calculate the therapeutic dosage, as this gives a true reflection of the thyroid function of a Graves’ disease patient. In the investigation group the median of the 24-hr 131I RAIU values was higher than the 6-hr 131I RAIU values. The findings showed that the 24-hr 131I RAIU in most of the investigation group was the highest value and most effective to calculate the 131I therapeutic dosage. At a time when research-based practice is taking on an increasingly important role, it is essential for nuclear medicine departments to make evidence-based recommendations. This investigation found that the correlation between the 6-hr and 24-hr RAIU clearly justified the cost spent on Graves’ disease patients who must stay overnight for the 24-hr 131I RAIU procedure.

Analysis Of Solar Pumped Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser

Balaji, A 12 1900 (has links)
Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser(COIL) is an electronic transition high energy chemical laser having a wavelength of 1.315 /mi. This is the first chemical laser to operate on an electronic rather than a rotational or vibrational transition. In principle the COIL can be operated either in pulsed or cw mode. Its interest lies in high chemical efficiency, high power and wavelength which is shortest among all the chemical lasers. COIL finds a wide range of applications as its output wavelength at 1.315/zm couples well with the surface of most metals. The applications include surface hardening and modification of metals, welding, drilling and cutting of metals, cutting of ceramics, micro machining, laser deposition of non metallic coatings on metallic surfaces, monitoring of atmospheric pollutants and solar hazardous waste detoxification. Moreover, its wavelength is suitable for fiber optic transmission. In COIL the laser output at 1.315 /an is achieved by stimulated emission on the f (2-PL/2) -* -f (2-p3/2) magnetic dipole transition in atomic iodine. The population inversion on this transition is obtained by resonant collisions! energy transfer from metastable excited Oj^A) molecules produced by a chemical reaction of KOH, H2O? and Cl2. The chemical reaction of H2O2 and Cl2 that produces oxygen molecules is highly exothermic, and because of spin conservation considerations, channels its energy directly into the metastable electronically excited singlet delta state of oxygen molecule. Since the O2(1A) has a 45 mins lifetime and hence an extremely low small signal gain coefficient, it cannot be lased directly. Lasing can be achieved, however, if this energy is transferred to an atom or molecule which has a reasonable transition moment between its excited and ground states. The iodine 52P^2 -> 52P3/2 magnetic dipole transition has an acceptable transition moment and is nearly resonant with the 02{lA) state in oxygen. Excited iodine atoms are obtained by mixing O2(l A) and l2 molecules resulting in their dissociation and subsequent excitation. Power levels in excess of 25 kW have been reported in COIL. Due to wide range of applications and mainly for its use as a laser weapon, efforts are being made to enhance the power to higher levels. The dissociation of I2 controls the gain of the coil and hence power. In the pure COIL scheme some of the I2 remains undissociated due to the recombination reactions. Hence if we add a mechanism to dissociate the residual I2 molecules, we can enhance the performance of the COIL. So we propose to add a solar pumping to conventional COIL, which by photo exciting the undissociated I2lead to increase in efficiency. The thesis contains six chapters in which chapter 1 contains a general introduction and the definition of the research problem. The basic theory and the chemical reactions are discussed in chapter 2, The proposed model is discussed and the rate equations are solved in chapter 3. The numerical scheme and the computer code along-with the validation of the code are presented in chapter 4. The numerical results for the species concentrations, population inversion density and the output power for the proposed solar pumped COIL are presented in chapter 5, Final conclusions and future scope of the proposed research are presented in the final chapter 6. (Pl refer the original document for formulas)

Iodine status of pregnant women and children aged 6 to 12 years feeding from the same basket in Mopani District, Limpopo Province, South Africa

Mabasa, Eric 26 February 2015 (has links)
MSCPNT / Department of Nutrition

Exploring the iodine(III)-mediated ring contraction: new substrates, novel conditions and asymmetric reactions / Explorando a contração de anel mediada por iodo(III): novos substratos, novas condições e reações assimétricas

Ahmad, Anees 28 August 2015 (has links)
In the first section this thesis includes the reactivity of various oxygen-containing benzofused cyclic alkenes with HTIB (Hydroxy(tosyloxy)iodobenzene). Instead of getting ring contraction products, 2H-chromene resulted in 4H-chromenes together with trans-addition products. Only cis-addition products were isolated from 4-methyl-2H-chromene. Ring contraction was observed in dihydrobenzoxepines and 2,2-dimethyl-2H-chromenes giving functionalized chromanes and benzofurans, respectively. In the second part, the ring contraction of 1,2-dihydronaphthalenes using HTIB was expanded to substrates bearing oxygen and nitrogen substituents in the aromatic ring. The N-protecting groups Fmoc and Bz are stable under the reaction conditions giving indanes in 64-77% yield. The Ts-protected substrate gave only addition products. Acetoxy and benzoyloxy alkenes afforded indanes in 60-71% yield. A new and efficient method for the oxidative rearrangement (ring contraction and expansion) of alkenes using in situ generated iodine(III) is described in the third section. The protocol uses inexpensive and stable chemicals (PhI, mCPBA and TsOH) furnishing rearrangement products in yields comparable to those obtained using commercially available iodine(III). Additionally, a new route for the one step transformation of 4-methyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalene into 1-methyl-2-tetralone using mCPBA and TsOH was developed. In the last section is presented the reactivity of chiral iodine(III) with 1,2-dihydronaphthalenes. The hypervalent iodine species is generated in situ from chiral aryl iodide, which is prepared in one high yield step from inexpensive starting materials. Protected (Ac, Bz and Fmoc) amine alkenes gave indanes in 60-75% and 58-64% ee. In the same way, oxygenated substrates afforded acetal in 41-61% yield and 54-78% ee. Ring contraction products were obtained in 77-88% yield and 34-40% ee when 1-methyl and aryl substituted alkenes were utilized. / A primeira parte desta tese inclui a reatividade de vários alquenos benzofundidos cíclicos contendo oxigênio com HTIB (Hidróxi(tosilóxi)iodobenzeno). Em vez de obter os produtos de contração de anel, 2H-cromeno resultou em 4H-cromenos, juntamente com produtos trans-adição. Apenas produtos de adição de cis foram isolados a partir de 4-metil-2H-cromeno. Contração do anel foi observada em di-hidrobenzoxepinas e 2,2-dimetil-2H-cromenos dando cromanos funcionalizados e benzofuranos, respectivamente. Na segunda parte, a contração de anel de 1,2-di-hidronaftalenos usando HTIB foi expandida para substratos contendo substituintes de oxigênio e de nitrogênio no anel aromático. Os grupos N-protetores Fmoc e Bz são estáveis sob as condições de reação fornecendo indanos em 64-77% de rendimento. O substrato protegido com Ts deu apenas os produtos de adição. Acetóxi e benzoilóxi alquenos geraram indanos em 60-71% de rendimento. Um método novo e eficiente para o rearranjo oxidativo (contração e expansão do anel) de alquenos utilizando iodo(III) gerado in situ é descrito na terceira parte. O protocolo utiliza reagentes baratos e estáveis (PhI, mCPBA e TsOH) fornecendo produtos de rearranjo com rendimentos comparáveis aos obtidos utilizando iodo(III) disponível comercialmente. Além disso, um método para a transformação em uma etapa de 4-metil-1,2-di-hidronaftaleno em 1-metil-2-tetralona utilizando mCPBA e TsOH foi desenvolvido. Na última parte é apresentada a reatividade de iodo(III) quiral com 1,2-di-hidronaftalenos. A espécie de iodo hipervalente é gerada in situ a partir de iodeto de arila quiral, o qual é preparado em uma etapa em rendimento elevado a partir de materiais de partida baratos. Amino alquenos protegidos (Ac, Bz e Fmoc) deram indanos em 60-75% de rendimento e 58-64% ee. Da mesma forma, os substratos oxigenados proporcionram acetais em 41-61% de rendimento e 54-78% de ee. Produtos de contração de anel foram obtidos em 77-88% de rendimento e 34-40% de ee quando alquenos 1-metil e aril substituídos foram utilizados.

Risk factors for spinal surgical site infection.

Boston, Kelley M. Roberts, Robert E. Murray, Kristy O. Boerwinkle, Eric, January 2007 (has links)
Source: Masters Abstracts International, Volume: 46-03, page: 1492. Adviser: Robert E. Roberts. Includes bibliographical references.

Optimizing iodine nutrition in Belgium: a selective, progressive and monitored approach to control iodine deficiency

Vandevijvere, Stefanie 14 December 2012 (has links)
Since 1990, many countries world-wide implemented salt iodisation programs in an effort to<p>tackle iodine deficiency. It was however only during the last few years that an effort was<p>undertaken in order to eliminate iodine deficiency as a public health problem in Belgium. In autumn 1998, a nation-wide study among children clearly showed mild iodine deficiency in<p>Belgium, but no action was taken before 2009. It was only in the framework of the first<p>National Nutrition and Health Plan 2005-2010 that iodine deficiency was formally recognized<p>as a public health problem. An agreement between the Ministry of Health and the bakery<p>sector in April 2009 aimed to encourage and increase the use of iodised salt in the<p>production of bread. A selective and progressive approach was used in order to keep control<p>and to avoid a too rapid increase of iodine intake or an excessive iodine intake among the<p>population. It was calculated that the net yearly savings after installation of such a program<p>amount to at least 14 million Euros a year.<p>A recent national survey among school-aged children in autumn 2010 showed a clear and<p>significant improvement in iodine status compared to more than 10 years ago, suggesting<p>iodine sufficiency among school-aged children. The median urinary iodine concentration was<p>however at the lower end of the optimal range and seasonal effects were not taken into<p>account. The improvement was at least partly linked to the increasing use of iodised salt in<p>the bakery industry. However, some further silent iodine prophylaxis might also have<p>occurred, due to changing dietary habits (milk and fish consumption). Pregnant women and<p>women of child-bearing age in Belgium were found to still suffer from mild iodine deficiency<p>according to the current recommendations. This is at least partly linked to their lower<p>consumption of milk and dairy drinks compared to children and due to the higher iodine<p>requirements during pregnancy. Although the use of iodine-containing supplements among<p>pregnant women was found to be quite high in Belgium compared to other European<p>countries, because of the low iodine status among women of child-bearing age, women<p>became pregnant with a suboptimal iodine status.<p>In view of these findings, a further increase in the use of iodised instead of non-iodised<p>household salt and iodised salt by the bakers is recommended. In addition, one should put<p>efforts in increasing awareness among the public and among health professionals with<p>regard to iodine-rich food sources and with regard to the use of iodine-containing<p>supplements starting before conception and continuing during lactation.<p>In order to further improve iodine status in Belgium and sustain an optimal iodine status<p>over time, a legal framework is necessary. Mandatory fortification of all household salt and<p>bread is recommended, while non-iodised alternatives could still be offered upon specific<p>request. A rigorous monitoring program is indispensable, including vulnerable groups such as<p>pregnant and lactating women and infants. In addition, sustainability is a key issue as iodine<p>deficiency re-emerged in several industrial countries due to lack of interest, regulations and<p>monitoring. Political willing, salt reduction measures, changes in dietary habits among the<p>population and changes in industrial practices all may affect iodine status in Belgium in the<p>future. Therefore the strategy of controlling iodine deficiency needs to be directed and<p>monitored by a Belgian Scientific Committee for the Control of iodine deficiency disorders. / Doctorat en Sciences biomédicales et pharmaceutiques / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Estudo e desenvolvimento de uma nova metodologia de produção de iodo-125 a partir de xenônio-124 pelo método de ativação neutrônica / Study and development of a new methodology for production of iodine-125 from xenon-124 through the method of neutron activation

COSTA, OSVALDO L. da 10 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Claudinei Pracidelli (cpracide@ipen.br) on 2015-12-10T17:38:32Z No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-10T17:38:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Tese (Doutorado em Tecnologia Nuclear) / IPEN/T / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares - IPEN-CNEN/SP

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