Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ionic clusters"" "subject:"sonic clusters""
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Electronic Spectroscopy and Dissociation Dynamics of Gas-Phase Transition Metal Containing Cations and DicationsPerera, Kanchana Manori 01 February 2009 (has links)
Studies of gas-phase ionic clusters have become an integral component in understanding microsolvation and catalysis by transition metal cations. Further interest in this field is due to the possibility of bridging the gap between the condensed and gas phases by developing our understanding of clusters and the possibility that small clusters can have unique chemical and catalytic properties. Most gas phase studies have focused on singly charged ions. Electrospray allows for the production of multiply charged ions solvated by a few solvent molecules. Understanding smaller reactive species such as metal centered clusters with well-defined, gas phase conditions also allows for detailed comparison between theory and experiments. In these studies the main focus is to understand bond activation by transition metal cations and solvation of transition metal dications. The gas phase ions of interest are studied using an electrospray-ionization or laser-ablation dual time-of-flight mass spectrometer and are characterized using photofragment spectroscopy in the visible and ultraviolet regions of the spectrum. Photofragment spectroscopy is a powerful method that can be used in gas phase studies to gather a wealth of information on the ions' bond strengths, spectroscopic constants, and dissociation kinetics and dynamics. The study of TiO + (CO 2 ) spectroscopy (Chapter 3) was a result of study of CO 2 bond activation by Ti + that went on to provide a wealth of information on the spectroscopy and dissociation kinetics of this molecule. An electronic transition of the TiO + chromophore was observed, 2 Π[arrow left] 2 Δ, revealing new information about the excited state and the effect of TiO + electronic state on the metal- CO 2 ligand interaction. The photodissociation spectrum of this molecule is well resolved and shows progressions in the covalent Ti-O stretch and metal-ligand stretch and rock. The lifetime of electronically excited TiO + (CO 2 ) was measured, and depends strongly on vibrational energy. Calculations on TiO + and TiO + (CO 2 ) were combined with experimental results on TiO + (CO 2 ) to predict spectroscopic transitions of TiO + , an astrophysically interesting molecule. The photodissociation dynamics of M 2+ (CH 3 CN)n(H 2 O)m where M = Co and Ni, (Chapter 4) is important in understanding the gas phase microsolvation of metal dications. The coordination number and type of solvent affect the dissociation pathways. M 2+ (CH 3 CN)n (n>2) primarily lose a solvent molecule. Electron transfer is a minor channel for n=3 and is the only channel observed for n=2. Mixed clusters M 2+ (CH 3 CN)n(H 2 O)m preferentially lose water. Loss of acetonitrile is a minor channel, as is proton transfer. Water is the proton donor. Replacing acetonitrile with water increases the proton transfer channel. Nickel and cobalt complexes show similar dissociation dynamics, with proton transfer more likely for nickel complexes. Methane activation by transition metal catalysts is industrially important as it can be used to produce gasoline from natural gas. We studied the products and intermediates of the reaction of laser-ablated platinum atoms with methane (Chapter 5). Photoionization efficiency curves were measured for PtCH 2 and the [H-Pt-CH 3 ] insertion intermediate using tunable vacuum ultraviolet light. The resulting ionization energies were combined with bond strengths for the cations to derive bond strengths for the neutrals. These were used to construct a potential energy surface for methane activation by platinum atoms.
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The Electronic Spectroscopy of Neutral and Ionic ClustersBieske, Evan John, n/a January 1989 (has links)
This thesis is concerned with weakly bound neutral and ionic clusters. Spectra of the region near the S1fS0 electronic origin of four neutral van der Waals molecules - aniline-argon, phenol-argon, chlorobenzene-argon and fluorobenzene-argon - were obtained using resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization (REMPI). These spectra indicate that Fermi resonances between van der Waals stretching and bending motions are important in these molecules. Effective Hamiltonians are constructed that describe well the low frequency vibrations. In order to better discuss the low frequency van der Waals motions of aromatics bound to one and two rare gas atoms a simple model for the vibrations is developed. The model enables expression of van der Waals frequencies in terms of fundamental molecular properties and enables facile comparison of effective force constants in a variety of van der Waals molecules. The model is successfully employed to explain van der Waals vibrational structure associated with the origin region of aniline-(argon)2 using van der Waals potential parameters derived from the aniline-(argon)1 spectrum. REMPI and emission spectra of larger clusters of aniline and argon are also reported and discussed. Using atom-atom potentials, equilibrium structures for aniline-(argon)n (n=l, 2, 3) are calculated. The calculations prove useful in the analysis of the spectra.The BfX transitions of the cation complexes fluorobenzene+-argon and chlorobenzene+-argon have been investigated. The cations were prepared by resonance enhanced multiphoton ionization of the neutral van der Waals molecules. A time delayed tunable dye laser was then used to dissociate the cations, loss of an argon atom being the dominant process. When the second laser was tuned to a cation resonance the dissociation cross section increased markedly, allowing characterization of BfX transition. The resulting spectra are presented and discussed.
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[pt] Um espectrômetro de massa tipo tempo-de-vôo, montado no
Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (Campinas - SP), foi utilizado
para analisar os íons
dessorvidos de uma amostra de amônia condensada
(temperaturas de análise: 25 a
150 K) ao ser impactada por fragmentos de fissão do 252Cf.
O espectrômetro
permite identificar e determinar as abundâncias das
espécies iônicas dessorvidas.
Quanto à parte teórica, foram feitos cálculos para
determinar as estruturas mais
estáveis dos agregados de NH3 e para determinar suas
dinâmicas de emissão de íons
secundários observados na parte experimental.
A amônia foi escolhida por sua semelhança com a água, uma
molécula muito
bem estudada. Outra razão é o atual interesse em determinar
a formação de
compostos orgânicos nas superfícies de corpos
interestelares, uma vez que está
comprovada a presença da amônia naquelas superfícies. Nos
espectros obtidos
observa-se a formação de agregados de amônia que podem ser
representados por
± com n = 0-30 e m = 0-5, para íons positivos, e com n = 0-
3 para íons
negativos. Uma forma de evidenciar a possibilidade de
formação de novos
compostos foi realizar experiências com a mistura NH3-CO,
com a mesma
montagem experimental utilizada para a amônia. Observa-se
no espectro obtido
(antes da sublimação do CO a 30 K) linhas de massa
resultantes de reações
primárias que correspondem a íons moleculares híbridos com
estrutura CnOmHl+.Os cálculos teóricos referentes às
estruturas dos agregados foram realizados través do
programa Jaguar 5.5 e Jaguar 6.0. O objetivo é determinar
as estruturas mais estáveis dos agregados iônicos da amônia
através da teoria DFT (Teoria do Funcional de Densidade)
por meio da minimização da energia. Encontrou-se uma
relação direta entre as estabilidades determinadas e as
abundâncias relativas no espectro de massa. Finalmente
foram realizados cálculos com o modelo teórico de dessorção
iônica induzida por elétrons. Os resultados de distribuição
de velocidades e energias foram comparados com os dados
experimentais dos agregados da amônia (n = 0, 4),
apresentando uma concordância razoável em valor absoluto,
mas moderada em forma. / [en] A time-of-flight mass spectrometer, mounted at the
Laboratório National de
Luz Síncrotron (Campinas - SP), was used to analyze
desorbed ions of a condensed
ammonia sample (analyzing temperatures: 25 - 150 K) being
impacted by 252Cf
fission fragments . The spectrometer allows identifying and
determining the relative
yields of ionic desorbed species. Besides, it had been made
theoretical calculations
to determine the most stable cluster structures as well as
to determine the emission
dynamics of NH3 clusters observed in the experimental part.
The ammonia was chosen because of its similarity with the
water molecule
(very well studied). Another reason is the current interest
in determining the organic
compounds formation in the interstellar surfaces, now that
it is proven the presence
of ammonia in those surfaces. The measured spectra show the
formation of
ammonia clusters that can be represented by (NH3)nNHm
± with n = 0 - 30 and m = 0
- 5 for positive ions, and n = 0 - 3 for negative ones. One
way to evidence the
formation possibility of new compound is to perform
experiments with CO-NH3
mixture samples, using the same experimental set up used
for the ammonia. In the
spectrum measured before CO sublimation (30 K), mass lines,
product of primary
reactions, corresponding to hybrid molecular ions having
the CnOmHl
+ structure
were observed.
Theoretical calculations referring to cluster structures
had been carried out
using the programs Jaguar 5,5 and Jaguar 6.0. The objective
is to determine the
most stable structures of the ammonia clusters through the
Density Functional
Theory (DFT) by means of energy minimizations. A direct
relation between the
computed stabilities and the relative abundances in the
mass spectra was found.
Finally calculations with the Secondary Electron Induced
Desorption (SEID) model
had been carried out. Results of velocity and energy
distributions had been
compared with the experimental data of ammonia clusters (n
= 0, 4), presenting a
good agreement in absolute values but moderate agreement in
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[pt] O fenômeno de dessorção iônica a partir da incidência de
pulsos de
radiação laser ultravioleta sobre superfícies em vácuo foi
estudada. A dessorção
de três tipos diferentes de sólidos foi analisada:
insulina, carbono (amorfo e
grafite) e policristais de haletos alcalinos. Os processos
fundamentais da interação
da radiação laser com sólido e o vapor formado, assim como
a evolução do
plasma gerado, foram descritos satisfatoriamente através
de um modelo térmico e
da simulação de espectros de têmpo-de-vôo para os
primeiros instante da
expansão ao vácuo. Um novo método foi proposto para
determinar as velocidades
iniciais e o início da expansão livre em função da
intensidade do laser para LDI
(Laser Desorption Ionization) e MALDI (Matrix Assisted
Laser Desorption
Ionization). Embora o estudo da expansão do plasma gerado
não tenha sido
tratada dinamicamente pela sua complexidade, a análise
utilizando varias
combinações do sólido irradiado permitiram concluir que a
dessorção induzida
por laser pode ser caracterizada por dois processos
fundamentais: i) a atomização
seguida de recombinação dos constituintes do alvo formando
aglomerados e ii) a
emissão de aglomerados pré-formados do material. As
estruturas geométricas
mais estáveis das espécies detectadas foram caracterizadas
utilizando a Teoria do
Funcional da Densidade (DFT) e classificadas
taxonomicamente em função de sua
energia (método D-plot); determinou-se a influência da
estabilidade dessas
estruturas nas abundâncias relativas no espectro de massa. / [en] Ion desorption induced by ultraviolet laser radiation
pulses was studied in
surfaces in vacuum. The ion desorption from three
different solids was analyzed:
insulin, carbon (amorphous and graphite) and polycrystals
of alkali halides. The
main processes involved in the laser-solid and laser-vapor
interactions, as well as
in the plasma evolution, were well described by a thermal
model and by the
simulation of the time-of-flight spectra for the first
moments of the plasma
expansion to vacuum. A new method to determine the initial
velocity and the
beginning of the free expansion regime as a function of
the laser intensity was
proposed for LDI (Laser Desorption Ionization) and MALDI
(Matrix Assisted
Laser Desorption Ionization). Considering the complexity
of the dynamical
treatment of the expansion of the laser-generated plasma,
an analysis by using
several combinations of irradiated solids was performed.
It was established that
the desorption process is characterized by two main
mechanisms: i) the
atomization followed by recombination of the target
elements in clusters and ii)
the emission of preformed clusters of the target material.
The most stable
geometric structures of the measured species were
characterized using Density
Functional Theory (DFT) and classified taxonomically as a
function of their
internal total energy (D-plot method); the influence of
the structure`s stability on
the relative mass abundances was also determined. / [fr] Le phénomène de la désorption ionique induite par des
pulses laser
ultraviolets dans la surface de solides est étudié. Trois
types différents de solides
ont été analysés: insuline, carbone (amorphe, graphite et
CO condensé) et
halogénures alcalins polycristallins (CsI, KI, KBr). La
dynamique des ions
secondaires émis est analysée par la comparaison des
résultats de modélisation
avec leur distributions de vitesse mesurées. Un modèle
thermique est proposé
pour décrire l´interaction entre la radiation laser avec
une pellicule de CsI
polycristallin et aussi avec la plume émise dans ce
processus. Dans le cadre de ce
modèle, une nouvelle méthode est utilisée pour
caractériser le régime de collision
dans lê plasma, soit dans le cas du LDI (Laser Desorption
Ionization), fait sur le
CsI, soit dans le cas du MALDI (Matrix Assisted Laser
Desorption Ionization),
fait sur l´insuline dissoute dans une solution solide d´
ACHC. Il est rappelé que le
ions CsI émis peuvent être reconstitués après une
atomisation complète de la cible
mais ceux des de l´insuline difficilement le peuvent. Pour
mieux comprendre
l´émission des agrégats ioniques Cn
+ et des halogénures alcalins, leurs structures
moléculaires ont été étudiées théoriquement par DFT
(Density Functional
Theory). L´énergie totale de chaque isomère a été calculée
et transformée dans
une nouvelle quantité nommée déviation énergétique (D). Le
graphique D-plot,
oú D est présenté en fonction du nombre de monomères, n,
s´est montré très utile
pour classer les agrégats en familles et pour estimer leur
stabilité, laquelle est liée
vraisemblablement à ses abondances de désorption.
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