Spelling suggestions: "subject:"j1939"" "subject:"11939""
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Implementering av ISOBUS Virtual Terminal på fordonsdatorn CCP XSÖberg, Anders January 2005 (has links)
<p>Modern agriculture equipment are more computer based today, and many equipments use a terminal in the tractor where the driver have the opportunity to make adjustments to the equipment. This is the reason why ISO developed a new standard called ISOBUS. It is a communication standard based on CAN specially adapted for griculture equipments. The purpose of the standard is that it should be ossible to equip a tractor with a standard terminal called Virtual Terminal that can be used to control the equipment. The use of the terminal should be independent of the manufacturer of the tractor as well as of the equipment.</p><p>The purpose of this report is to find a solution of how to use CC Systems on-board computer, CCP XS, as a Virtual Terminal. In the report both Hardware and Software requirements have been examined, but mainly the software requirements. Only one suitable software vendor, Vector Informatik, was found after contacts with different software suppliers. It have not been possible to test this package because of the high price for the evaluation license.</p><p>A demonstration solution has also been developed in the project. It consists of a simulator program, that runs on a PC, connected to a CPP XS that executes a Virtual Terminal program. An ISOBUS compatible J1939 protocol stack from Ixxat Automation has been integrated in the Virtual Terminal program. It gives the opportunity to test the protocol stack on a CPP XS. In order to limit the size of the project, not all functions in the ISOBUS standard is implemented in the demonstration solution.</p> / <p>Moderna jordbruksredskap har blivit allt mer datoriserade och många använder sig av en terminal i traktorn där föraren har möjlighet att göra inställningar på redskapet. Därför har en standard för detta tagits fram av ISO kallad ISOBUS. Det är en kommunikationsstandard baserad på CAN speciellt framtagen för jordbruksmaskiner. Syftet med standarden är att en traktor skall kunna vara utrustad med en standardterminal kallad Virtual Terminal som används för att styra redskapen. Denna terminal skall kunna användas till samtliga redskap som kopplas till traktorn oberoende av vem som tillverkar redskapen eller traktorn.</p><p>Syftet med rapporten är att hitta en lösning för hur CC Systems fordonsdator CCP XS kan användas som en Virtual Terminal. I rapporten har dels kraven på hårdvaran undersökts men det största arbetet har lagts på att hitta en lämplig mjukvarulösning. Efter att ha kontaktat olika leverantörer av mjukvara har endast ett lämpligt mjukvarupaket hittats och det levereras av Vector Informatik. Dock har inte detta paket kunnat testas på grund av det höga priset</p><p>på en utvärderingslicens.</p><p>Det har också i projektet tagits fram en demonstrator som består av en simulator för PC som kopplas till en CCP XS som kör en Virtual Terminal mjukvara. I programvaran för Terminalen valdes en ISOBUS kompatibel J1939 protokollstack från Ixxat Automation att användas, för att få möjlighet att provköra den protokollstacken på CCP XS. För att arbetet inte skulle bli för stort har dessa programvaror begränsats till att endast stödja vissa funktioner i ISOBUSstandarden.</p>
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Implementering av ISOBUS Virtual Terminal på fordonsdatorn CCP XSÖberg, Anders January 2005 (has links)
Modern agriculture equipment are more computer based today, and many equipments use a terminal in the tractor where the driver have the opportunity to make adjustments to the equipment. This is the reason why ISO developed a new standard called ISOBUS. It is a communication standard based on CAN specially adapted for griculture equipments. The purpose of the standard is that it should be ossible to equip a tractor with a standard terminal called Virtual Terminal that can be used to control the equipment. The use of the terminal should be independent of the manufacturer of the tractor as well as of the equipment. The purpose of this report is to find a solution of how to use CC Systems on-board computer, CCP XS, as a Virtual Terminal. In the report both Hardware and Software requirements have been examined, but mainly the software requirements. Only one suitable software vendor, Vector Informatik, was found after contacts with different software suppliers. It have not been possible to test this package because of the high price for the evaluation license. A demonstration solution has also been developed in the project. It consists of a simulator program, that runs on a PC, connected to a CPP XS that executes a Virtual Terminal program. An ISOBUS compatible J1939 protocol stack from Ixxat Automation has been integrated in the Virtual Terminal program. It gives the opportunity to test the protocol stack on a CPP XS. In order to limit the size of the project, not all functions in the ISOBUS standard is implemented in the demonstration solution. / Moderna jordbruksredskap har blivit allt mer datoriserade och många använder sig av en terminal i traktorn där föraren har möjlighet att göra inställningar på redskapet. Därför har en standard för detta tagits fram av ISO kallad ISOBUS. Det är en kommunikationsstandard baserad på CAN speciellt framtagen för jordbruksmaskiner. Syftet med standarden är att en traktor skall kunna vara utrustad med en standardterminal kallad Virtual Terminal som används för att styra redskapen. Denna terminal skall kunna användas till samtliga redskap som kopplas till traktorn oberoende av vem som tillverkar redskapen eller traktorn. Syftet med rapporten är att hitta en lösning för hur CC Systems fordonsdator CCP XS kan användas som en Virtual Terminal. I rapporten har dels kraven på hårdvaran undersökts men det största arbetet har lagts på att hitta en lämplig mjukvarulösning. Efter att ha kontaktat olika leverantörer av mjukvara har endast ett lämpligt mjukvarupaket hittats och det levereras av Vector Informatik. Dock har inte detta paket kunnat testas på grund av det höga priset på en utvärderingslicens. Det har också i projektet tagits fram en demonstrator som består av en simulator för PC som kopplas till en CCP XS som kör en Virtual Terminal mjukvara. I programvaran för Terminalen valdes en ISOBUS kompatibel J1939 protokollstack från Ixxat Automation att användas, för att få möjlighet att provköra den protokollstacken på CCP XS. För att arbetet inte skulle bli för stort har dessa programvaror begränsats till att endast stödja vissa funktioner i ISOBUSstandarden.
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Controller Area Network : Möjlig CAN-buss lösningar inom entreprenadbranschenTillberg, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Företaget engcon Nordic AB producerar redskap till entreprenadbranschen, där tiltrotator är hjärtat i deras verksamhet. För att förbättra användningen och förenkla installationen har en litteraturstudie gjorts som tittar på två delar, funktionen kring CAN-buss som grund för ett kommunikationssystem, och olika högre lager protokoll som byggs ovanpå CAN. Varför CAN-buss skapades och hur systemet fungerar är viktiga att förstå för att kunna titta på dem ovanliggande lager, kallade HLP (Higher Layer Protocol). HLP ger ett slags maskin-människa gränssnitt att arbeta emot. Typer av HLP kan vara J1939, ISOBUS eller annan. CAN-buss är den de facto standarden vad gäller fordonsnätverk där ECU:er, kallad noder, kommunicerar på en gemensam kommunikationsstam, kallad buss. För att göra detta har en snillrik teknik tagits fram för att prioritera meddelanden mellan noder, som ger datamässigt förlustfri medling. CAN-buss har även ett avancerat feldetekteringssystem på kommunikationen som ger den dess robusthet i krävande miljöer. Vad gäller olika HLP finns en mängd av dessa inom olika branscher. Alla har de gemensamt att de bygger upp ett mer eller mindre användarvänligt gränssnitt som går att implementera ovanpå CAN. Inom till exempel jordbruket använder man i hög utsträckning ISOBUS som är en egen branschstandard som delvis ser förbi konkurrensen inom sektor för att bygga ett enkelt, användarvänligt system som gynnar slutkunden på bästa sätt. Inom automation används istället CANopen, som är ett öppet system som tillåter hög interoperabilitet mellan olika enheter med så kallad profilering. Ett sista system som används inom en rad olika branscher heter CanKingdom och är det mest anpassningsbara systemet inom denna studie. För att få reda på mer branschspecifik information kring lösningar och problem gjordes även en intervjustudie inom projektet. Här intervjuades personer aktiva inom olika företag som jobbar med CAN baserade system på något sätt. Intervjuerna gjordes för att titta på relevanta problem inom deras specifika område. Som resultat specificeras fyra alternativ som projektägaren bör titta vidare på för att hitta ett system som passar dem. Det bygger på alternativ som antingen kräver access till befintlig J1939 buss, eller att bygga en mer eller mindre adapterad modell byggd på ISOBUS, CANopen eller CanKingdom. / The company engcon Nordic AB produces equipment for the construction industry, where the product called tiltrotator is the heart of their business. To improve the use and simplify the installation, a literature study has been made that looks at two parts, first the function around CAN bus as the basis for a communication system and secondly various higher layer protocols (HLP) built on top of CAN. Why CAN bus was created and how the system works is important to understand in order to look at these overlying layers, called HLP (Higher Layer Protocol), which provides a kind of machine-human interface to work with. Different types of HLP can be J1939, ISOBUS or other. CAN bus is the de facto standard for vehicle networks where ECUs (Electronic Control Unit), called nodes, communicating on a common communication network, called bus. To do this, an ingenious technique has been developed to prioritize messages between nodes, which provides data loss-free arbitration. In CAN an advanced technique for error detection on the communication has been applied, and gives CAN the robustness to be applied in tough environment. As for various HLPs, a large number of these are available in different industries. Every one of these HLP has a common that they try to build a more or less user-friendly interface that can be implemented on top of CAN. For example, in the agricultural industry, the use of ISOBUS is common, which is an industrial standard that goes beyond competition to build a simple, user-friendly system that benefits the customer to the best possible extent. In automation, instead, CANopen is used, which is an open system that allows high interoperability between different units with so-called profiling. One last system used in a number of industries is called CanKingdom and is the most adaptable system in this project. In order to find out more industry-specific information about solutions and problems, an interview study was also conducted within the project. Here, various people were interviewed, active in different companies that are involved in CAN-based systems. This was done to look at relevant problems in their specific area. As a result, four options are specified which the project owner should look at in order to find a system that suits them. It is based on alternatives that either require access to the existing J1939 bus, or to build a more or less adapted model built on ISOBUS, CANopen or CanKingdom. / <p>Betyg: 2019-08-15</p>
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Analisando os impactos do uso do protocolo CAN FD em aplicações automotivas : estudo de casoBorth, Tiago Fernandes January 2016 (has links)
O protocolo de comunicação CAN destaca-se há mais de duas décadas como um dos protocolos de comunicação mais utilizados na indústria automotiva. Porém a demanda cada vez maior de novas tecnologias embarcadas e as limitações do padrão (máximo de 8 bytes por mensagem e velocidade de até 1 Mbps) provocam a elevação da taxa de ocupação do barramento de comunicação a ponto de comprometer a sua viabilidade em determinadas aplicações. Em situações como esta, a adoção de protocolos de comunicação de maior velocidade (como FlexRay por exemplo) pode causar impactos indesejados aos projetos, como elevação de custos e necessidade de redimensionamento completo de sistemas já existentes. Com o intuito de atender parte desta demanda, surge como proposta o protocolo CAN FD, uma evolução do CAN clássico desenvolvida pela empresa BOSCH no ano de 2012 e a ser definitivamente normatizada apenas no segundo semestre de 2016. O protocolo CAN FD mantém algumas características do CAN clássico e sua maior inovação está na manipulação do campo de dados da mensagem, de modo a oferecer maior velocidade de transmissão (até 10 Mbps) e maior quantidade de dados por mensagem (até 64 bytes). Por tratar-se de um protocolo novo, ainda não implementado em sistemas veiculares, propõe-se neste trabalho a realização de estudo para avaliação do desempenho do novo padrão CAN FD em substituição a um sistema CAN tradicional. O sistema a ser avaliado, neste caso, trata-se de uma rede de comunicação CAN de um caminhão fora-de-estrada, o qual possui duas redes de comunicação SAE J1939, uma para o chassi e outra para a carroceria, interligadas por uma interface de comunicação. Este trabalho apresentará estudo de caso para aplicação do CAN FD no sistema proposto, através da simulação de mensagens CAN e CAN FD e avaliação das taxas de ocupação das linhas de comunicação e avaliação de possíveis atrasos relacionados à transmissão das mensagens. / CAN communication protocol stands out for more than two decades as one of the communication protocols most commonly used in the automotive industry. But the increasing demand of new embedded technologies and the CAN limitations (maximum of 8 bytes per message and a baud rate of until 1 Mbps) cause the elevation of the bus load to the point of compromising its viability in certain applications. In these situations, the adoption of faster protocols (such as FlexRay for example) can cause unwanted impacts on projects, such as higher costs and the need of redesigning existing systems. In order to meet part of this demand comes the new CAN FD protocol, an evolution of the classic CAN, developed by BOSCH company in 2012 and to be definitely normalized only in the second semester of 2016. The CAN FD protocol maintains some characteristics of classic CAN and as a further innovation, the improvement of the message data field, in order to provide higher transmission rates (up to 10 Mbps) and greater amount of data per message (up to 64 bytes). Considering that CAN FD is a new protocol, not yet implemented in vehicular systems, it’s proposed in this work to perform a study to evaluate performance of the new CAN FD standard to replace the traditional CAN system. The system to be evaluated, in this case, is the CAN communication system of an off-road truck, which own two SAE J1939 communication networks, one for the chassis and one for the body, connected by communication interface. This report presents a case study for the application of CAN FD in the proposed system, by simulating CAN and CAN FD messages and evaluation of bus load and eventual delays related to the messages transmission.
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Study of Oil Degradation in Extended Idle Operation Heavy Duty VehiclesKader, Michael Kirk 02 October 2013 (has links)
Advances in engine oil technology and increased combustion efficiency has resulted in the longer oil intervals in vehicles. Current oil change interval practice only takes into account the mileage a vehicle has driven and does not consider other vehicle operations that affect oil life like extended idle. Routine oil sampling is one way to ensure optimal oil intervals, but the price continuous analysis can be prohibitive. It is possible to use on board diagnostic (OBD) data to correlate oil degradation to engine usage in order to develop an algorithm that is applicable to many vehicles. While much research has been conducted for light duty vehicles, little has been completed for heavy duty vehicles, in particular vehicles that idle a majority of their time.
This study uses multiple heavy duty vehicles that are monitored by monthly routine oil analysis and logging of on board diagnostic data to determine the effects extended idle has on the wear rate of oil. The vehicles were used in their normal operation; this resulted in an average idle run time of 60% of run time and no less than 50% in a single vehicle. At each sample the quality of the oil and the operation of the engines were assessed.
The results of the oil analysis showed very little degradation of oil. As expected, a negative correlation was seen in viscosity and total base number (TBN) but not abnormal when compared to base oil. Significant degradation was not seen even after using the vehicle passed the manufacturer recommended oil intervals.
Analysis of engine operation showed that the temperature of the oil was optimal for 85% of idle operation. In addition, oil pressures at idle were sufficiently higher than the minimum pressure recommended by the manufacturer, but was less than half of the average in use oil pressure. The combination of low pressure and optimal temperature has resulted in little oil degradation.
The results from the study have shown that extended idling in the study vehicles can be treated similar to long trip interval service for oil degradation. Additionally, extended idling did not result in abnormal engine wear or excessive contamination.
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Analisando os impactos do uso do protocolo CAN FD em aplicações automotivas : estudo de casoBorth, Tiago Fernandes January 2016 (has links)
O protocolo de comunicação CAN destaca-se há mais de duas décadas como um dos protocolos de comunicação mais utilizados na indústria automotiva. Porém a demanda cada vez maior de novas tecnologias embarcadas e as limitações do padrão (máximo de 8 bytes por mensagem e velocidade de até 1 Mbps) provocam a elevação da taxa de ocupação do barramento de comunicação a ponto de comprometer a sua viabilidade em determinadas aplicações. Em situações como esta, a adoção de protocolos de comunicação de maior velocidade (como FlexRay por exemplo) pode causar impactos indesejados aos projetos, como elevação de custos e necessidade de redimensionamento completo de sistemas já existentes. Com o intuito de atender parte desta demanda, surge como proposta o protocolo CAN FD, uma evolução do CAN clássico desenvolvida pela empresa BOSCH no ano de 2012 e a ser definitivamente normatizada apenas no segundo semestre de 2016. O protocolo CAN FD mantém algumas características do CAN clássico e sua maior inovação está na manipulação do campo de dados da mensagem, de modo a oferecer maior velocidade de transmissão (até 10 Mbps) e maior quantidade de dados por mensagem (até 64 bytes). Por tratar-se de um protocolo novo, ainda não implementado em sistemas veiculares, propõe-se neste trabalho a realização de estudo para avaliação do desempenho do novo padrão CAN FD em substituição a um sistema CAN tradicional. O sistema a ser avaliado, neste caso, trata-se de uma rede de comunicação CAN de um caminhão fora-de-estrada, o qual possui duas redes de comunicação SAE J1939, uma para o chassi e outra para a carroceria, interligadas por uma interface de comunicação. Este trabalho apresentará estudo de caso para aplicação do CAN FD no sistema proposto, através da simulação de mensagens CAN e CAN FD e avaliação das taxas de ocupação das linhas de comunicação e avaliação de possíveis atrasos relacionados à transmissão das mensagens. / CAN communication protocol stands out for more than two decades as one of the communication protocols most commonly used in the automotive industry. But the increasing demand of new embedded technologies and the CAN limitations (maximum of 8 bytes per message and a baud rate of until 1 Mbps) cause the elevation of the bus load to the point of compromising its viability in certain applications. In these situations, the adoption of faster protocols (such as FlexRay for example) can cause unwanted impacts on projects, such as higher costs and the need of redesigning existing systems. In order to meet part of this demand comes the new CAN FD protocol, an evolution of the classic CAN, developed by BOSCH company in 2012 and to be definitely normalized only in the second semester of 2016. The CAN FD protocol maintains some characteristics of classic CAN and as a further innovation, the improvement of the message data field, in order to provide higher transmission rates (up to 10 Mbps) and greater amount of data per message (up to 64 bytes). Considering that CAN FD is a new protocol, not yet implemented in vehicular systems, it’s proposed in this work to perform a study to evaluate performance of the new CAN FD standard to replace the traditional CAN system. The system to be evaluated, in this case, is the CAN communication system of an off-road truck, which own two SAE J1939 communication networks, one for the chassis and one for the body, connected by communication interface. This report presents a case study for the application of CAN FD in the proposed system, by simulating CAN and CAN FD messages and evaluation of bus load and eventual delays related to the messages transmission.
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Analisando os impactos do uso do protocolo CAN FD em aplicações automotivas : estudo de casoBorth, Tiago Fernandes January 2016 (has links)
O protocolo de comunicação CAN destaca-se há mais de duas décadas como um dos protocolos de comunicação mais utilizados na indústria automotiva. Porém a demanda cada vez maior de novas tecnologias embarcadas e as limitações do padrão (máximo de 8 bytes por mensagem e velocidade de até 1 Mbps) provocam a elevação da taxa de ocupação do barramento de comunicação a ponto de comprometer a sua viabilidade em determinadas aplicações. Em situações como esta, a adoção de protocolos de comunicação de maior velocidade (como FlexRay por exemplo) pode causar impactos indesejados aos projetos, como elevação de custos e necessidade de redimensionamento completo de sistemas já existentes. Com o intuito de atender parte desta demanda, surge como proposta o protocolo CAN FD, uma evolução do CAN clássico desenvolvida pela empresa BOSCH no ano de 2012 e a ser definitivamente normatizada apenas no segundo semestre de 2016. O protocolo CAN FD mantém algumas características do CAN clássico e sua maior inovação está na manipulação do campo de dados da mensagem, de modo a oferecer maior velocidade de transmissão (até 10 Mbps) e maior quantidade de dados por mensagem (até 64 bytes). Por tratar-se de um protocolo novo, ainda não implementado em sistemas veiculares, propõe-se neste trabalho a realização de estudo para avaliação do desempenho do novo padrão CAN FD em substituição a um sistema CAN tradicional. O sistema a ser avaliado, neste caso, trata-se de uma rede de comunicação CAN de um caminhão fora-de-estrada, o qual possui duas redes de comunicação SAE J1939, uma para o chassi e outra para a carroceria, interligadas por uma interface de comunicação. Este trabalho apresentará estudo de caso para aplicação do CAN FD no sistema proposto, através da simulação de mensagens CAN e CAN FD e avaliação das taxas de ocupação das linhas de comunicação e avaliação de possíveis atrasos relacionados à transmissão das mensagens. / CAN communication protocol stands out for more than two decades as one of the communication protocols most commonly used in the automotive industry. But the increasing demand of new embedded technologies and the CAN limitations (maximum of 8 bytes per message and a baud rate of until 1 Mbps) cause the elevation of the bus load to the point of compromising its viability in certain applications. In these situations, the adoption of faster protocols (such as FlexRay for example) can cause unwanted impacts on projects, such as higher costs and the need of redesigning existing systems. In order to meet part of this demand comes the new CAN FD protocol, an evolution of the classic CAN, developed by BOSCH company in 2012 and to be definitely normalized only in the second semester of 2016. The CAN FD protocol maintains some characteristics of classic CAN and as a further innovation, the improvement of the message data field, in order to provide higher transmission rates (up to 10 Mbps) and greater amount of data per message (up to 64 bytes). Considering that CAN FD is a new protocol, not yet implemented in vehicular systems, it’s proposed in this work to perform a study to evaluate performance of the new CAN FD standard to replace the traditional CAN system. The system to be evaluated, in this case, is the CAN communication system of an off-road truck, which own two SAE J1939 communication networks, one for the chassis and one for the body, connected by communication interface. This report presents a case study for the application of CAN FD in the proposed system, by simulating CAN and CAN FD messages and evaluation of bus load and eventual delays related to the messages transmission.
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Knowledge-Based Predictive Maintenance for Fleet ManagementKilleen, Patrick 17 January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, advances in information technology have led to an increasing number of devices (or things) being connected to the internet; the resulting data can be used by applications to acquire new knowledge. The Internet of Things (IoT) (a network of computing devices that have the ability to interact with their environment without requiring user interaction) and big data (a field that deals with the exponentially increasing rate of data creation, which is a challenge for the cloud in its current state and for standard data analysis technologies) have become hot topics. With all this data being produced, new applications such as predictive maintenance are possible. One such application is monitoring a fleet of vehicles in real-time to predict their remaining useful life, which could help companies lower their fleet management costs by reducing their fleet's average vehicle downtime. Consensus self-organized models (COSMO) approach is an example of a predictive maintenance system for a fleet of public transport buses, which attempts to diagnose faulty buses that deviate from the rest of the bus fleet. The present work proposes a novel IoT-based architecture for predictive maintenance that consists of three primary nodes: namely, the vehicle node (VN), the server leader node (SLN), and the root node (RN). The VN represents the vehicle and performs lightweight data acquisition, data analytics, and data storage. The VN is connected to the fleet via its wireless internet connection. The SLN is responsible for managing a region of vehicles, and it performs more heavy-duty data storage, fleet-wide analytics, and networking. The RN is the central point of administration for the entire system. It controls the entire fleet and provides the application interface to the fleet system. A minimally viable prototype (MVP) of the proposed architecture was implemented and deployed to a garage of the Soci\'et\'e de Transport de l'Outaouais (STO), Gatineau, Canada. The VN in the MVP was implemented using a Raspberry Pi, which acquired sensor data from a STO hybrid bus by reading from a J1939 network, the SLN was implemented using a laptop, and the RN was deployed using meshcentral.com. The goal of the MVP was to perform predictive maintenance for the STO to help reduce their fleet management costs.
The present work also proposes a fleet-wide unsupervised dynamic sensor selection algorithm, which attempts to improve the sensor selection performed by the COSMO approach. I named this algorithm the improved consensus self-organized models (ICOSMO) approach. To analyze the performance of ICOSMO, a fleet simulation was implemented. The J1939 data gathered from a STO hybrid bus, which was acquired using the MVP, was used to generate synthetic data to simulate vehicles, faults, and repairs. The deviation detection of the COSMO and ICOSMO approach was applied to the synthetic sensor data. The simulation results were used to compare the performance of the COSMO and ICOSMO approach. Results revealed that in general ICOSMO improved the accuracy of COSMO when COSMO was not performing optimally; that is, in the following situations: a) when the histogram distance chosen by COSMO was a poor choice, b) in an environment with relatively high sensor white noise, and c) when COSMO selected poor sensors. On average ICOSMO only rarely reduced the accuracy of COSMO, which is promising since it suggests deploying ICOSMO as a predictive maintenance system should perform just as well or better than COSMO . More experiments are required to better understand the performance of ICOSMO. The goal is to eventually deploy ICOSMO to the MVP.
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Rede serial para comunicação de dados e controle em sistema embarcado: estudo de implementação da ISO 11783 / Serial control and communication data network on embedded systems: study of implementation of ISO 11783Rodrigo Martins Romeira Sakai 18 April 2008 (has links)
As redes digitais demonstraram ser uma solução eficaz em automação. A conexão de diferentes módulos de diferentes fabricantes em um único barramento para a troca de dados e controle é um desafio para a indústria brasileira de máquinas agrícolas, apesar desta tecnologia estar consolidada em automóveis, aeronaves e em chão de fábrica. As vantagens obtidas com redes digitais são evidentes, porém necessitam de implementação de protocolos de redes. Na área agrícola, a norma internacional ISO 11783 apresenta forte potencial para tornar-se referência de padrão para a troca de dados entre módulos em tratores e implementos agrícolas. Esta norma, também conhecida como ISOBUS, está no estágio avançado de desenvolvimento. Contém quatorze documentos e o seu desenvolvimento está apoiado por grupos denominados \"Força Tarefa\", na Europa, nos EUA e recentemente no Brasil. Implementações deste padrão já estão sendo apresentadas no mercado internacional, em feiras e demonstrações de aplicação desta tecnologia. O Brasil deve investir e dominar a tecnologia, em busca de compatibilidade internacional tanto no ponto de vista tecnológico como comercial. Neste contexto, este trabalho encoraja o desenvolvimento nacional em aplicações com a norma ISOBUS, apresentando dois estudos de casos, cujos módulos comunicam com equipamentos de mercado compatíveis com a norma. Estas experiências práticas complementam trabalhos acadêmicos relativos a este tema, que surgiram nos últimos anos no Brasil. / The digital networks demonstrated to be an effective solution in automation. The connection of different modules from different manufacturers into a single bus for the exchange of data and control is a challenge for the agricultural machinery Brazilian industry, although this technology is consolidated in automobiles, aircraft and the factory floor. The benefits obtained with digital networks are obvious, but they need implementation of protocols networks. In the agricultural area, the international standard ISO 11783 shows strong potential to become the reference standard for the exchange of data between modules on tractors and agricultural implements. This standard, also known as ISOBUS, is in the advanced stage of development. It contains fourteen documents and its development is supported by groups called \"Task Force\" in Europe, USA, and recently in Brazil. Implementations of this standard are now being presented in the international market, in fairs and demonstrations of application of this technology. Brazil should invest and dominate the technology, to inquire after international compatibility in both the technological point of view as commercial. In this context, this work encourages the national development in applications with ISOBUS standard, presenting two studies of cases, whose modules communicate with equipment market compatible with the standard. These practical experiences complement academic works on this subject, which emerged in recent years in Brazil.
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Rede serial para comunicação de dados e controle em sistema embarcado: estudo de implementação da ISO 11783 / Serial control and communication data network on embedded systems: study of implementation of ISO 11783Sakai, Rodrigo Martins Romeira 18 April 2008 (has links)
As redes digitais demonstraram ser uma solução eficaz em automação. A conexão de diferentes módulos de diferentes fabricantes em um único barramento para a troca de dados e controle é um desafio para a indústria brasileira de máquinas agrícolas, apesar desta tecnologia estar consolidada em automóveis, aeronaves e em chão de fábrica. As vantagens obtidas com redes digitais são evidentes, porém necessitam de implementação de protocolos de redes. Na área agrícola, a norma internacional ISO 11783 apresenta forte potencial para tornar-se referência de padrão para a troca de dados entre módulos em tratores e implementos agrícolas. Esta norma, também conhecida como ISOBUS, está no estágio avançado de desenvolvimento. Contém quatorze documentos e o seu desenvolvimento está apoiado por grupos denominados \"Força Tarefa\", na Europa, nos EUA e recentemente no Brasil. Implementações deste padrão já estão sendo apresentadas no mercado internacional, em feiras e demonstrações de aplicação desta tecnologia. O Brasil deve investir e dominar a tecnologia, em busca de compatibilidade internacional tanto no ponto de vista tecnológico como comercial. Neste contexto, este trabalho encoraja o desenvolvimento nacional em aplicações com a norma ISOBUS, apresentando dois estudos de casos, cujos módulos comunicam com equipamentos de mercado compatíveis com a norma. Estas experiências práticas complementam trabalhos acadêmicos relativos a este tema, que surgiram nos últimos anos no Brasil. / The digital networks demonstrated to be an effective solution in automation. The connection of different modules from different manufacturers into a single bus for the exchange of data and control is a challenge for the agricultural machinery Brazilian industry, although this technology is consolidated in automobiles, aircraft and the factory floor. The benefits obtained with digital networks are obvious, but they need implementation of protocols networks. In the agricultural area, the international standard ISO 11783 shows strong potential to become the reference standard for the exchange of data between modules on tractors and agricultural implements. This standard, also known as ISOBUS, is in the advanced stage of development. It contains fourteen documents and its development is supported by groups called \"Task Force\" in Europe, USA, and recently in Brazil. Implementations of this standard are now being presented in the international market, in fairs and demonstrations of application of this technology. Brazil should invest and dominate the technology, to inquire after international compatibility in both the technological point of view as commercial. In this context, this work encourages the national development in applications with ISOBUS standard, presenting two studies of cases, whose modules communicate with equipment market compatible with the standard. These practical experiences complement academic works on this subject, which emerged in recent years in Brazil.
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