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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Status as a factor in Japanese foreign policy making toward Korea

Ducke, Isa January 2000 (has links)
No description available.

日本帝國下日本與臺灣之治安法律比較研究: 以臺灣人的法律地位為中心 = A comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire : the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference. / Comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire: the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference / Riben di guo xia Riben yu Taiwan zhi zhi an fa lü bi jiao yan jiu: yi Taiwan ren de fa lü di wei wei zhong xin = A comparative study of the security laws in Japan and colonial Taiwan under the Japanese empire : the legal status of Taiwanese as the main reference.

January 2015 (has links)
自1840年清廷與英國簽訂《南京條約》以來,長久以來東亞地區傳統國家對於人身的掌握方式以及以朝貢冊封作為手段所建立的天下秩序便日漸被削弱且重新被編入近代西方國際法秩序之中。在此過程中,當時的東亞各國,皆曾嘗試一方面遵行近代西方的國際法秩序,一方面使用西式的法律將自身塑造為符合西方意義下的近代國家以達到可以完全在其「國」內外掌控其臣民之人身並同時受到西方列強所承認的目的。而所謂的近代西方國際法秩序,特別是在其秩序下主權國家所代表的對外擁有獨立性以及對內之臣民與領土擁有排他性權力等特質,更被明治維新之後的日本政治家與知識分子視為是國體存在的憑藉與證明,是使日本得以與歐美列強建立平等外交關係的前提之一。換句話說,日本近代法秩序中具有明顯地使日本作為一個主權國家融入近代西方國際法秩序的企圖。 / 然而自1890年《大日本帝國憲法》正式實施以來,日本先後在甲午戰爭以及日俄戰爭後領有臺灣與朝鮮。日本帝國在法律上所須支配的範圍不再僅限於日本列島,同時更包含了以上在帝國轄下這些地域的人身流動。在此種情況下,本研究企圖解決兩個問題,即:第一,當時什麼是「臺灣人」?而臺灣人在帝國內被日本政府以法律的方式賦予怎樣的法律地位?而這個法律地位在治安法律的適用上與帝國內的其他人群,特別是日本內地人之間又具有怎樣的差別,而其成因又是什麼?第二,當《治安維持法》作為當時日本帝國下日本與臺灣兩地域所共同擁有的治安法律時,帝國的裁判機構是如何根據帝國下各地域在地社會的情形而處理在各地域的治安法律案件的?而這些法院的判例又對於當時「臺灣人」族群意識的形成具有怎樣的影響?以及這些法律關係對於了解整個日本帝國的發展所具有的意義上有什麼幫助? / 而經由本研究,筆者得出結論,認為帝國下的「臺灣人」的法律地位與其治安法律的適用是與日本帝國權力秩序之結構有著深刻的關係。而當時帝國權力秩序之結構事實上即是近代西方國際法秩序在東亞的滲透、天皇制國家的國體論述、兩地各自過往治安法律的實施背景,以及當時日本國內外的臨時事件的各個因素所形成的,並且影響了「臺灣人」作為一個族群意識的形成。 / Ever since the mid-19th century, the traditional East Asian Hua Yi (華夷) system has been weakening and was re-incorporated into the modern Western world order because of the rise of the Western powers. This process not only broke the old ruling order (in East Asia connected through the Tribute system), but also made the East Asia countries greatly shaped by the new concept of the International Law, for example the equal status between all sovereign states and the sovereign states had exclusive authorities over their people and territories. In this trend, Japan, China, and other East Asian countries were to some extent, tried to not only comply with the order of the International Law, but also made themselves a sovereign state recognized by the Western powers in order to avoid their diplomatic intervention using the excuse of different concept of law. / In this pursuit, the legal system, particularly the characteristics in the constitution that a country owning a constitution was independent from external interferences and superior to domestic affairs have attracted many Japanese intellectuals and politicians in the Meiji period (1868-1912). They thought that to have a constitution was the qualification for a sovereign state, and also was a demonstration that Japan had the same rights as the Western powers. In other words, the Japanese modern legal system had the motivation that to construct Japan as a sovereign state under the umbrella of the International Law. However, after Japan’s acquisition of Taiwan, Japan was enlarged. Apart from the Japanese isles, there were newly conquered regions. In this condition, an overarching concern throughout the whole pre-war period was how to transform the Japanese modern legal system from a legal system based on the concept of constructing Japan as a sovereign state into an empire legal system so that they could not only include the colony and the colonized subjects but also accord with the International Law. / This study attempts to investigate the establishment and applicability of the Security Laws in Japanese territory and Taiwan, to learn how different legal status between Taiwanese and Japanese in different times for different purposes in terms of legal issues. This study contributes to the study of the Imperial Japanese history. The methodologies are based on textual history and historical sociological theories to analyze the legal status of the Taiwanese under the Japanese Empire. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 齊崇硯. / Parallel title from English abstract. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Incluwldes bibliographical references (leaves 126-131). / Abstracts also in English. / Qi Chongyan.

留日學生與辛亥革命. / Liu Ri xue sheng yu xin hai ge ming.

January 1972 (has links)
論文(碩士)--香港中文大學, 1972. / Cover title. / Manuscript. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 1-24 (3rd group)). / Thesis (M.A.)--Xianggang Zhong wen da xue, 1972. / 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一章 --- 清季留日運動 --- p.14 / Chapter (甲) --- 清季留日政策與留日運動的發展 --- p.14 / Chapter (乙) --- 留日運動中的速成教育與正規教育 --- p.54 / Chapter 第二章 --- 留日學生 --- p.62 / Chapter (甲) --- 教育內容及其興趣與抱負 --- p.62 / Chapter (乙) --- 當時代環境的認識 --- p.75 / Chapter (丙) --- 社會成份  --- p.93 / Chapter 第三章 --- 留日學界革命思潮的萌興 --- p.101 / Chapter (甲) --- 初步的救國主張 --- p.101 / Chapter (一) --- 教育改革 --- p.102 / Chapter (二) --- 實業救國  --- p.113 / Chapter (三) --- 地方自治说 --- p.121 / Chapter (乙) --- 革命思想的萌興 --- p.130 / Chapter 第四章 --- 留日學生與革命運動(一)──从早期的革命活動到中國同盟會的成立 --- p.181 / Chapter (甲) --- 宣傳革命思想 --- p.181 / Chapter (乙) --- 鼓動革命風潮 --- p.209 / Chapter (丙) --- 鼓動革命風潮 --- p.227 / Chapter (一) --- 留日學界本身革命團体的發展 --- p.227 / Chapter (二) --- 留日學界與革命黨人士的接近 --- p.223 / Chapter 第五章 --- 留日學生與革命運動(二)──後期的革命活動到辛亥革命的爆荐 --- p.273 / Chapter (甲) --- 留日學生與革命團体之關係 --- p.277 / Chapter (一) --- 留日學生與華興會  --- p.277 / Chapter (二) --- 留日學生與光復會 --- p.282 / Chapter (三) --- 留日學生與同盟會 --- p.291 / Chapter (四) --- 留日學生與共進會 --- p.299 / Chapter (五) --- 留日學生與丈夫團 --- p.304 / Chapter (乙) --- 在革命工作中的任務 --- p.306 / Chapter (一) --- 留日學生與新軍 --- p.312 / Chapter (二) --- 留日學生與國內學界 --- p.324 / Chapter (三) --- 留日學生與會黨  --- p.336 / 結語  --- p.348 / 附註 --- p.353 / 附錄 / 參考書目

Characterization of in-situ Ca²⁺ -sensing mechanisms and stanniocalcin-1 target cells in gills of Japanese eels

Gu, Jie 29 August 2014 (has links)
Calcium ion has diverse beneficial roles in living organisms. Failure in Ca2+ homeostasis affects a variety of molecular and cellular processes, ultimately leading to many pathological consequences. In mammals, body Ca2+ homeostasis is maintained by the coordinated calcium (re)absorption that occurs in the small intestines, kidneys and bones, and is under tight hormonal control. In fish, two special organs, Corpuscles of Stannius (CS) glands and gills form a regulatory circuit to detect and regulate blood Ca2+ homeostasis. However, the underlying molecular mechanism in the regulation of gill Ca2+ uptake has not been fully examined. Moreover, some putative biological active substances in CS glands have not been identified. To address these research questions, a euryhaline fish, Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica) was used as an animal model for the study. Fish gill is equipped with epithelial calcium channel (ECaCl) as gatekeeper of Ca2+ entry, and membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) for Ca2+ efflux. To test if branchial ECaCl and PMCA responded to change in water Ca2+ level, we investigated the changes in fish adapted in artificial freshwater (AFW), Ca2+-deficient AFW (D-AFW) or high Ca2+-AFW (H-AFW). Our data illustrated both short-term and long-term effects on modulations of the transporters. The changes correlated with expression levels of stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1) in CS glands. This part of study supports the regulatory circuit between gills and the glands. In primary cell culture of Japanese eel gill cells, Ca2+ sensing was shown to be mediated by Ca2+ sensing receptor (CaSR) coupled to phospholipase C (PLC)-extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) and PLC-inositol triphosphate (IP3)-Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase-II (CaMK-II) pathways. And CaSR-STC-1/cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) mediated protective pathway in gill cells that exerts a possible protective mechanism against an increase in intracellular Ca2+ levels associated with transepithelial Ca2+ transport. Apparently, the protective effects against Ca2+-mediated cytotoxicity of gill cell were mediated by STC-1 binding on gill cells that led to elevations of cytosolic cAMP. In a follow-up experiment of using Ca2+-imaging system in a model of thapsigargin (TG)-induced elevation of cytosolic Ca2+, a hypocalcemic action of STC-1 was demonstrated and was found to be mediated by cAMP and COX-2 pathway. To further determine the gene expressed in CS gland responsive to changes in water salinity, the first transcriptome database of CS glands from fish adapted in freshwater or seawater condition. A de novo assembly of RNA sequencing data generated 11747 unigenes and revealed 475 genes that were differentially expressed. Three functional clusters: (1) Ca2+-metabolism, (2) blood pressure and (3) ion-osmoregulation were revealed. Gene targets, in addition to STC-1 in related to the regulation of calcium metabolism and blood pressure, like calcitonin, atrial natriuretic peptide-converting enzyme and endothelin-converting enzyme 1 were identified. Taken together this thesis described a comprehensive study on the functional circuit between gills and CS glands to decipher the regulation and functions of transporters and hormones in calcium metabolism in fish.

Implied higher moments on Japanese Nikkei index options and futures options contracts.

January 2004 (has links)
Ho Kin Fai. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 71-73). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- Background --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Motivation --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3 --- Chapter Layout --- p.5 / Chapter 1.4 --- Summary --- p.7 / Chapter 2 --- Literature Review --- p.11 / Chapter 2.1 --- Implied Asset Return Distribution --- p.13 / Chapter 2.2 --- The Jarrow-Rudd Skewness and Kurtosis-Adjusted Model --- p.16 / Chapter 2.3 --- Implied Moments in Asset Return Distribution --- p.24 / Chapter 2.4 --- Summary --- p.26 / Chapter 3 --- Methodology --- p.28 / Chapter 3.1 --- Application to the Nikkei Index Options --- p.28 / Chapter 3.2 --- In-Sample Parameters Estimation --- p.31 / Chapter 3.3 --- Out-Sample Prediction Error Evaluation --- p.34 / Chapter 3.4 --- Time-Series Movements of Higher Moments --- p.35 / Chapter 3.5 --- Summary --- p.37 / Chapter 4 --- Empirical Results --- p.38 / Chapter 4.1 --- In-Sample Parameters Estimation --- p.38 / Chapter 4.2 --- The Out-Sample Prediction Error Evaluation --- p.43 / Chapter 4.3 --- Time Series Movements of Higher Moments --- p.45 / Chapter 4.4 --- Implications --- p.55 / Chapter 4.5 --- Summary --- p.57 / Chapter 5 --- Conclusions --- p.59 / Chapter A --- Additional Figures --- p.62

Kakeibo Monogatari: Women's Consumerism and the Postwar Japanese Kitchen, 1945-1964

Maxson, Hillary 31 October 2018 (has links)
This dissertation explores the history of Japanese home cooking during the formative postwar period—focusing on the women who were responsible for its development. My research demonstrates that as the primary consumers who typically controlled the finances in their homes, and as the primary cooks, women shaped and directed many of the dietary and technological changes that took place in the postwar Japanese kitchen. Chapter II argues that self-proclaimed housewife Nakamura Kimiko’s pragmatic approach to household economy, demonstrated through her devotion to kakeibo (personal household account book) keeping, equipped her with the tools she needed to become a political leader in her community, as she became a central figure in Seikyō Co-Op’s kakeibo movement and their campaigns for food safety throughout the 1970s. Kimiko’s political participation was part of a broader pattern of women’s civic engagement in postwar Japan: her politics were tied specifically to her role as a consumer. Chapter III examines the transformation in common nutrition knowledge that played out in the pages of women’s kakeibo—both in the published and nationally circulated copies of kakeibo, and in the ways that women like Kimiko used kakeibo. Chapter IV takes up the “bright life” years (1955-1962) from the perspective of consumers. It attributes value to household appliances, specifically kitchen appliances, based on how they affected women’s domestic labor. Chapter V argues that women were integral to postwar changes in Japanese cuisine. Women bore the burden of bringing new ingredients and dishes to everyday life in the postwar home, and their consumption, labor, and cooking were integral to culinary change. Current scholarship on postwar Japanese cuisine focuses on empire, politics, and macroeconomics as the impetuses of change, effectively placing the efforts of women at the periphery of historical narratives. My research contributes to current scholarship by demonstrating that the mental and physical labor many women carried out on a daily basis played an equally important role in transforming food in everyday life in postwar Japan.

The Mark of the Japanese Murrelet (Synthliboramphus wumizusume): A study of song and stewardship in Japan’s Inland Sea

Hyde, Charlotte 01 January 2019 (has links)
The Japanese Crested Murrelet Synthliboramphus wumizusume occupies a limited range in Southern Korea and Japan and is considered vulnerable by the IUCN. There is strong indication of a colony of Japanese Murrelets located in Kaminoseki, Japan; however, no nests or individuals have yet been found. The is also evidence that murrelets make use of this habitat during their vulnerable autumnal molting season during which they cannot fly. This habitat is threatened by the construction of a nuclear power plant in Tanoura Bay. Construction of this plant would result in loss of nesting sites, food supply, and other components vital to the survival of the colony. This study attempts to detect the presence of Japanese Murrelets in Kaminoseki using bioacoustic monitoring of songmeters placed around Tanoura Bay. Preliminary sonograms created using the R package “Bioacoustics” did not yield conclusive results regarding the presence of Japanese Murrelets as the program captured background noise but did not pick up on bird calls heard during manual playback of the WAV files. Further research must be completed to refine the settings used in the program in order to conduct a more definitive analysis of the dataset.

Minzoku madness: hip hop and Japanese national subjectivity

Morris, David Z. 01 May 2010 (has links)
Japan is currently undergoing a subtle but pervasive social upheaval, a period of broad structural reform and soul-searching triggered by the rigors of the collapse of the hyperinflated "Bubble Economy" of the late 1980s. As the nation confronts the irretrievable loss of that economic mass delusion, it is turning instead to the reclamation of a quality of life sacrificed for much of the 20th century to national ambition for first military, and then economic pre-eminence. Historian Jeff Kingston has claimed that the ongoing changes, ranging from the reduction of working hours to the institution of freedom of information laws, have been equal in magnitude to those following the Meiji Restoration and Japan's defeat in World War II. Arguably, they represent the long-delayed fruition of postwar democratizing reforms. This dissertation examines the role of American popular music, and particularly hip hop, in reflecting and shaping these changes. Starting with the 1920s and 1930s, when jazz-loving "modern girls" stood for the alluring and threatening decadence of urbanization, the influence of American music on Japan has been strong for decades. This influence came to full flower during and after Japan's surrender and subsequent occupation, as exemplified by successive trends for everything from rockabilly to country and western to folk. Though obviously the condition of occupation enhanced the exchange of musical texts, and did exercise particularly economic pressure on Japanese musicians to adopt American styles, it is not simply a case of cultural adaptation motivated by domination of force. The central testament to this is the eventual role African-American music - not just jazz, but rock, funk, and soul - took on as the 'music of resistance,' initially in connection with the student protests that marked Japan in the 1960's. Such an articulation shows the powerful role of Japanese desire, particularly on the part of youth, for the America represented by popular music. Most recently, hip hop has shown the continued attraction African-American music holds for Japanese people, and youth in particular. Hip hop reached Japan in the early 1980s and entered the mainstream with East End X Yuri's million-selling pop-rap singles of the mid-1990s. Its prominence continues to this day, in many cases embodied in Japanese artists who imitate African-American styles and sounds wholesale. Such imitation has been roundly criticized by international critics and commentators, condemned as contextless cultural theft and a testament to Japanese insensitivity on matters of race. In my study I examine a cadre of contemporary musicians who, while equally dedicated to hip hop, firmly resist such uncritical imitation of blackness, instead emphasizing their own unique musical and cultural innovations. I argue that this transition from imitation to innovation mirrors a broader cultural shift away from widespread deference to authority and towards a greater openness to innovation and change, and is just one way that the work of Japan's underground hip hop artists resonates with the ongoing 'quiet revolution.' Hip hop has encountered a few particularly important ongoing social changes: that from a lifetime employment system to one increasingly characterized by temporary and part-time labor; from a self-declared homogenous society to a multicultural one; and, more generally, from one defined by elite emphasis on social compliance and loyalty to a wider acceptance of iconoclasm and individuality. It is tempting to classify this as the transition from an 'oppressive' system to a 'free' one - from bad to good. But there are complexities and ambivalence inherent in the emergent situation. For example, while the new employment model provides much greater flexibility for individuals and frees them from the past tyranny of the corporate system, it also exposes them to much greater financial uncertainty. The rising sense of self-worth among minorities, for which hip hop is an important channel, simultaneously threatens to transform these identities into objectified fetishes. Individuality is not without its costs. Meanwhile, hip hop is also being deployed in ways that reinforce the old model of deference and authoritarianism, particularly by artists who promote revisionist histories and the revival of militarism. The significance of hip hop for social change derives from a long history of interaction between Japanese and African-American culture. This history resurfaces in hip hop recordings, as well as in the lifestyle of urban musicians and fans. This dissertation follows the daily lives and viewpoints of hip hop artists in Tokyo and throughout Japan, from some of its most successful to those just starting their careers. It tracks their music-making processes and their practices of cultural adaptation, and places them within the larger context of Japanese society. It ultimately describes how an art form derided as imitative and derivative has come to reflect the very unique contours of the new soil to which it has been transplanted.

Restoring honor: Japanese Pacific War disabled war veterans from 1945 to 1963

Fujiwara, Tetsuya 01 December 2011 (has links)
This dissertation examines the lives of Japanese disabled war veterans and the activism of the Japanese Disabled Veterans Association (JDVA: Nippon Shôigunjin kai) in the early postwar period, beginning immediately following the Allied Occupation in the summer of 1945 and ending in 1963, when the National Diet passed the "Act on Special Aid to the Wounded and Sick Retired Soldiers" (Senshôbyôsha Tokubetsu Engo-hô). Established in 1952, the JDVA would play a leading role in securing welfare for Japanese disabled war veterans.

Protesting the national identity: the cultures of protest in 1960s Japan

Kelman, Peter January 2001 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy(PhD) / Action, agency and protest were notions that seeped through the social and political terrain of 1960s Japan. Opposition to the Vietnam War, disputes in the universities, environmental concerns and anticipation of the US-Japan Security Treaty’s renewal set down for 1970, saw the entire decade engulfed in activism and protest. This thesis explores these sites of activism revealing the disparate character of protest in the 1960s – the often competing tactics and agendas that were manifested within the burgeoning and dynamic cultures of protest. The shifting definitions of protest and the competing ideals that emerged from its various sites of articulation are crucial to our understanding of postwar Japan. Excavating these sites – reading the character of protest and the ideals expressed – exposes the notions of autonomy and activism that underpinned conceptions of the postwar national identity. In the aftermath of the Pacific War intellectuals and activists looked for new forms of political expression, outside the auspices of the state, through which to enact the postwar nation. The identity of postwar Japan was constructed within the spheres of protest and resistance as anti-Vietnam War activists, Beheiren (Betonamu ni Heiwa o! Shimin Rengō), student groups such as Zenkyōtō, and local citizens’ movements negotiated the discursive space of ‘modern Japan.’ Examining the conceptions of political practice and identity that manifested themselves in the protest and resistance of the period, provides insights into the shifting terrain of national identity in the 1960s.

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