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Básník šéfredaktorem: proměny časopisu Host do domu pod vedením Jana Skácela (1963-1969) / Poet became an editor-in-chief:Transformation of "Host do domu" magazine under the supervision of Jan Skácel(1963-1969)Stinglová, Helena January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis are editorial, thematic and content changes in literary monthly "Host do domu" during time period 1963 - 1969 under Jan Skácel supervision. Title of the thesis is Poet became an editor-in-chief: Transformation of "Host do domu" magazine under the supervision of Jan Skácel (1963-1969). After Skácel was forced to leave the managing post because of the political reasons, the magazine was led by editor Jan Trefulka. Trefulka was trying to continue in the steps of his predecessor and led the magazine in similar style. Therefore I covered also this time period (1969-1970) after which the magazine was completely stopped by the officials. The thesis is based on qualitative analysis of texts that were issued in selected time period and on analysis of archive materials associated with this topic. The sixties in Czechoslovakia are a period when rigidly regulated one party (KSČ) regime started to loosen its grip. This process was supported by cultural magazines including "Host do domu". The literary magazine "Host do domu" belonged to a certain type of magazines that were trying to deliver articles, parts of fiction and poetry that was not in accordance with regime regulations. Readers were introduced to really valuable texts and articles that were forcing them to think about...
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Jan Opolský a jeho prozaické dílo v dobovém literárním kontextu / Jan Opolský and his prosaic work in temporary literary contextHorčíková, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to define Jan Opolský′s prosaic works with emphasis put on his evident inspiration through fine arts. The work of Jan Opolský does not exceed limits of a short stories. It almost falls short of an action. The predominant feature would be reflexion and visual description. That is especially the case with voluminious parts devoted to the bright light and the color nuances - with their changing expresions and diverse shades reflected on the presented object of art. The whole momentum of his prosaic work tends to be included in exactly these parts of his ouvre. In his writing, Opolský uses his skills he earned as a craftsman and as an expert in various artistic fields. Because of his obsession with the world of art, he can be considered a good example of a decadent artist. A number of his texts, especially given these features it is focusing on, have symbolic legitimacy anyway.
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Pojem lásky v Janových epištolách: Srovnání s pojetím apoštola Pavla / The Concept of Love in the Epistles of John: Comparison with the Concept of Apostle PaulŽižka, Filip January 2013 (has links)
The Concept of Love in the Epistles of John : Comparison with the Concept of Apostle Paul This thesis concerns the concept of love in John's Epistles. It tries to compare this concept with the way Paul uses the notion of love in his Epistles. It is primarily based on the biblical text, and it gives voice to commentaries in the second plan. Initially, the thesis summarises the development, the situation and the form of the community in John's concept. Subsequently it analyses John's Epistles' language with regard to the Gospel of John and Paul's Epistles. Another part of the thesis studies what were the sources of the author of John's Epistles and how he understood the theology of love which is examined in several points. At first the identity of God is described as the starting point. It is followed by the changed human identity, which puts man into a new situation. Subsequently it is described how does the author understand his own notion of love and what practical conclusions does he draw. The same outline is followed in the description of Paul's understanding of the notion of love. Finally, both concepts are compared and summarised in several points. The goal of the thesis is to cover both authors' basis, opinions and conclusions of understanding the notion of love to show the differences and the...
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Pražské motivy v díle Karoliny Světlé a Jana Nerudy / Prague motives in the work of Karolina Světlá and Jan NerudaBlažková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the work of two Prague natives: Karolina Světlá and Jan Neruda and their conception of image of the Prague. The thesis target is to find out, which role prague motives play in the work of both writers due to a fact, that both writers were born in Prague. At Jan Neruda we concentrate on his feuilletons, at Karolina Světlá we focus on her autobiographical work except two of them. First part of thesis focuses on the life and fate of both writers and their entering in the literature. Second part is concentrated on the analysis of their representative works.The target of these analysis is to find, which role Prague plays in particular works. In the final part we try to compare the interpretation of Prague motives of both writers. We try to find the diferrences and identical features as well. Karolina Světlá approaches Prague history, with all its forgotten tales. On the other hand Neruda's Prague is current and alive. Also the diference of both conceptions lies in the themes. Světlá has a aims toward romanticism and nobility, Neruda is consistently realistic and he embraces the stress of everydayness. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Pojetí ctností v díle Jana Amose Komenského / The Concept of Virtues in the Work of John Amos ComeniusProvazníková, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Ethicsisoneofthekeytopics in Comenius'sworks. However, itispaidlittleattention these days. Theaimofthediploma thesis "TheConceptofVirtues in theWorkofJohn Amos Comenius"is to establish a clearstructureofComenius'sethics and to systematicallydescribe his concept and understandingofeachvirtue. The thesis outlinesthegroundsforComenius'sethicalthinking and givesreasonsforitsnecessity. Theworkdescribesthegoalsthatmoralbehaviourofindividuals and society shouldlead to, and explainsthenecessaryprerequisitesformoralbehaviour, especiallyprudence. Itfocuses on the term "virtue" according to theconceptofComenius. Closeattentionispaid to detailedcharacteristicsofparticularvirtues to befound in chosen prime works. Sixteenvirtues in total are dividedintotwocategories - thecategory "ethics" is a set ofvirtuesthatanindividualmaintains to himselfwhilethecategory "symbiotics" covers a set ofvirtuesmaintained in relationshipswithotherpeople. The thesis dealswiththeexpressionsofvirtues, theirpurpose, idealofhumanbehaviour, specificadvice on how to act, and oftenwithdescriptionofthecorrespondingvices. Keywords:virtue, vice, John Amos Comenius, prudence, individual, society, relationships, ethics
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Jiří Pilát a jeho hudební odkaz v Poříčí nad Sázavou a okolí / Jiří Pilát and his musical legacy in Poříčí nad Sázavou and its surroundingsHerdová, Klára January 2015 (has links)
This master thesis introduces Jiří Pilát (4. 4. 1921 - 7. 6. 2007), a native of Posázaví. He had been concerned with music on a non-professional level all his life, especially with liturgical music. In order to carry on his interest he created a rich archive, mostly by searching and transcribing the score material. The work aims to show his life and work with regard to both his lifelong musical focus and local activity, and his conceivable influence on the broader cultural awareness. It is comprised from five main chapters: the life of Jiří Pilát, his heritage, a choir and an orchestra in Poříčí nad Sázavou, efforts to re- reveal the work of Jan Dismas Zelenka and draw attention to it; and the musical legacy of Jiří Pilát. Keywords: Jiří Pilát, choirmaster, conductor, Jan Dismas Zelenka, Poříčí nad Sázavou, Louňovice pod Blaníkem, liturgical music
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Byli jednou dva, aneb "inspirované herectví" Miroslava Horníčka a Miloše Kopeckého / Once there were two, or "inspired acting" of Miroslav Horníček and Miloš KopeckýŘezáčová, Tereza January 2015 (has links)
Synopsis This diploma thesis describes an artistic cooperation of two czech actors Miroslav Horníček and Miloš Kopecký who had been acting together from their beginnings in the Avant-garde Větrník Theatre, the Satira Theatre, the National Theatre and even the ABC Theatre where they started to perform as a comic duo. They brought a humour of the Osvobozené Theatre back to the stage while they set the theatre poetics on, particularly in an improvisational revue called Tvrďák. Their short artistic cooperation finished in Karlín Musical Theatre where were presented both of the author's plays. One of them was standing on the top and the second one on the bottom of spectator's interest. The main focus of my master thesis is based on the analysis of their common productions and on the final appreciation of that artistic duo whose exceptionality mainly consisted of an outstanding acting, a brilliant intelligence and a quick volubility.
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Srovnání Kroniky české Václava Hájka z Libočan a Poselkyně starých příběhů českých Jana Beckovského / Comparison of Kronika česká by Václav Hájek z Libočan and Poselkyně starých příběhů českých by Jan František BeckovskýKoucká, Vladimíra January 2012 (has links)
This thesis compares two chronicles - Kronika česká by Václav Hájek z Libočan and first part of Poselkyně starých příběhů českých by Jan František Beckovský. The comparison showed that both texts (especially in the second part) are very different in their content and manner of processing. Chroniclers supported their narration by many sources of different nature. J. F. Beckovský corrected Hajek's errors, if he had other sources. He interspersed his chronicle with number of documents and own experience he gained while traveling. The authors differ mainly in the content of chronicles. J. F. Beckovský deleted almost all the messages that relate to events abroad and retains only those that are linked to events in the Czech Kingdom. Further differences can be seen in the concept of historical figures, such as Boleslav I., Jan Hus or Jiří z Poděbrad. At the ideological site V. Hájek accented against-town and catholic tendencies. These tendencies are not confirmed in my research. V. Hájek opposes all those who (according to him) disturb peace in the country - against the Germans, Jews and Lutheran priests. Furtermore, in conjunction with these chronicles commonly talked about their Catholic spirit and hatred and anti-Hussite attitude. However V. Hájek assumed an attitude to Jan Hus and Jeroným quite...
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Pojetí výchovy u J. A. Komenského / J.A. Komenský's approach to educationBochenková, Petra January 2012 (has links)
Pojetí výchovy u Jana Amose Komenského John Amos Comenius 's Approach to Education Petra Bochenková Jan Amos Comenius as a great thinker of the 17th century created a complete and comprehensive system that remained in his time misunderstood. After the Battle of White Mountain he was the greatest writer of emigration, philosopher, theologian, bishop of the Unity of Brethren. Last but not least, teacher and humanist. It should be appreciated Comenius theological importance of the creative effort, since the absolute top of the intellectual system is the existence of God. Throughout his working life has led to harmony and peace in the world, came up with the idea Pansophia. Pansophia trader a perfect connection and knowledge of all matters of life and the greatest possible realization of perfection. Opened the way to God. We can say that his ideas reached timelessness and especially in educational matters. Its comprehensive educational system can be applied in the field of education even today. His esteem gained mainly by its content overlaps with many, many areas of science and life. He sought to promote humanity and emphasized man as the pinnacle of God's creative efforts, which in his time represented something quite extraordinary. Preferred activity of theory and practice in all areas of life. The...
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Jan Zahradníček a jeho tvorba v období 40. a 50. let 20. století / Jan Zahradníček and his poetry in the 1940-1950sFauknerová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the creation of Jan Zahradníček in the 40th and 50th years of 20th century, namely collections of Rouška Veroničina, La Salleta, Znamení moci. Dům strachu and Čtyři léta. The aim of this thesis is to show exclusivity and specifics of these collections. The thesis analyzes the collection in the terms of composition, rhythm and motive, and monitors their individual transformations. All with taking into account the importance of historical context of the period in which these works were created. At the end we present prison Poetry of Zahradníček as a specific, non-contextual genre that does not have analogues in Czech literature. Keywords Jan Zahradníček, spiritual poetry, composition, time, space, theme, historical context.
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