Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tet noise"" "subject:"beet noise""
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Development of a Semi-Lagrangian Methodology for Jet Aeroacoustics AnalysisGonzalez, David R. 22 November 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Investigation of the Noise Radiation from Heated Supersonic JetsMora Sánchez, Pablo A. January 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Jet noise source localization and identificationSasidharan Nair, Unnikrishnan 23 May 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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The Noise Signature and Production Mechanisms of Excited High Speed JetsKearney-Fischer, Martin A. 15 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Nearfield and Farfield Acoustic Models for Rectangular JetsChakrabarti, Suryapratim 08 September 2022 (has links)
No description available.
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The Turbulence Structure of Heated Supersonic Jets with Offset Total Temperature Non-UniformitiesMayo Jr, David Earl 10 September 2019 (has links)
Noise induced hearing loss is a large concern for the Department of Defense. Personnel on aircraft carriers are exposed to dangerous noise levels of noise from tactical aircraft, causing hearing damage which results in significant costs for medical care and treatment. Additionally, NASA and the FAA have begun to investigate the viability of reintroducing supersonic commercial transport in the United States and one of the largest problems to address is reducing the noise impact of these aircraft on communities.
The overarching goal of jet noise research is to optimize noise reduction techniques for supersonic jets. In order to achieve this, a more complete theoretical framework which links the jet boundary conditions to the turbulence production in the jet plume and the far-field radiated noise must be established. The research presented herein was conducted on the hypothesis that introducing thermal non-uniformities into a heated supersonic jet flow can favorably alter the turbulence structure in the jet shear layer, leading to reductions in radiated noise.
To investigate the impact of temperature on the turbulence development in the jet, spatially resolved three-component velocity vectors were acquired using particle image velocimetry (PIV) performed on two small-scale perfectly expanded Mach 1.5 jet flows, one with a uniform temperature profile and another containing a geometrically offset temperature non-uniformity.
Using the PIV data, the mean velocities, Reynolds stresses, and correlation coefficients were obtained from both jet flows and compared to analyze changes in the mean turbulence field. Small but significant reductions in the shear layer turbulence were observed in the near nozzle region of the thermally offset jet when compared to the uniform jet case. The changes result in a thickening of the shear layer nearest the location of the cold plume which alters the integral length scales of the coherent turbulent structures in the offset jet in a manner consistent with other techniques presented in the literature that reduce jet noise.
Applying quadrant analysis, a conditional averaging technique, to the jet turbulence plume revealed changes in the statistical flow field of Reynolds shear stress structures. The changes provide strong evidence of the presence of intermittent stream-wise vortical structures which serve to reduce the spatial correlation levels of turbulence in the thermally offset jet flow when compared to the uniform baseline jet. / Doctor of Philosophy / Increasingly large and powerful engines are required as the mission requirements for tactical aircraft become more advanced. These demands come at the cost of an increased production of noise which is particularly hazardous to crewpersons operating on Navy aircraft carriers during take-off and landing. Noise-induced hearing loss from extended exposure to high noise levels has become a major medical expenditure for the Navy. To address this issue in tactical aircraft engines, the sources of jet plume noise must be reduced, but doing so requires improved understanding of the connections between nozzle boundary conditions, the jet turbulence plume, and the radiated noise while keeping in consideration system constraints and performance requirements. The current study introduces a novel method for controlling supersonic jet noise induced by turbulence through the introduction of an offset non-uniform temperature perturbation at the nozzle mouth. Non-invasive flow measurements were conducted using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry to obtain high-resolution velocity and turbulence data. Analysis of the flow data indicate that an offset reduced temperature plume introduced at the nozzle exit has a first-order effect on the turbulence evolution which result in small, but significant reductions in jet noise levels. The reductions observed are attributed to a disruption in the coherence of the primary noise generating turbulence structures in the jet plume which are associated with the formation of stream-wise vortical structures induced by the cold plume.
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Turbulence Statistics and Eddy Convection in Heated Supersonic JetsEcker, Tobias 13 April 2015 (has links)
Supersonic hot jet noise causes significant hearing impairment to the military workforce and results in substantial cost for medical care and treatment. Detailed insight into the turbulence structure of high-speed jets is central to understanding and controlling jet noise. For this purpose a new instrument based on the Doppler global velocimetry technique has been developed. This instrument is capable of measuring three-component velocity vectors over ex-tended periods of time at mean data-rates of 100 kHz. As a demonstration of the applicability of the time-resolved Doppler global velocimetry (TR-DGV) measurement technique, statistics of three-component velocity measurements, full Reynolds stress tensors and spectra along the stream-wise direction in a cold, supersonic jet at exit Mach number Mj = 1.4 (design Mach number Md = 1.65) are presented. In pursuance of extending the instrument to planar op- eration, a rapid response photomultiplier tube, 64-channel camera is developed. Integrating field programmable gate array-based data acquisition with two-stage amplifiers enables high-speed flow velocimetry at up to 10 MHz. Incor- porating this camera technology into the TR-DGV instrument, an investigation of the perfectly expanded supersonic jet at two total temperature ratios (TTR = 1.6 and TTR = 2.0) was conducted. Fourth-order correlations which have direct impact on the intensity of the acoustic far-field noise as well as convective velocities on the lip line at several stream-wise locations were obtained. Comprehensive maps of the convective velocity and the acoustic Mach number were determined. The spatial and frequency scaling of the eddy convective velocities within the developing shear layer were also investigated. It was found that differences in the radial diffusion of the mean velocity field and the integral eddy convective velocity creates regions of locally high convective Mach numbers after the potential core. This, according to acoustic analogies, leads to high noise radiation efficiency. The spectral scaling of the eddy convec- tive velocity indicates intermittent presence of large-scale turbulence structures, which, coupled with the emergence of Mach wave radiation, may be one of the main driving factors of noise emission observed in heated supersonic jets. / Ph. D.
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Separating Contributions of Small-Scale Turbulence, Large-Scale Turbulence, and Core Noise from Far-Field Exhaust Noise MeasurementsNance, Donald Kirby 24 August 2007 (has links)
The two-noise source model for predicting jet noise claims that the radiated jet noise is composed of two distinct sources one associated with the small-scale turbulence and another associated with the large-scale turbulence. The former source is claimed to radiate noise predominantly at larger angles with respect to the downstream jet axis, whereas the large-scale turbulence radiates predominantly at the shallower angles. A key objective of this effort is to experimentally validate this model using correlation and coherence measurements. Upon the successful validation of the two-noise source model for jets exhausting from multiple nozzle geometries driven at Mach numbers ranging from subsonic to supersonic, a three-microphone signal enhancement technique is employed to separate the contribution of the small-scale turbulence from that of the large-scale turbulence in the far-field. This is the first-ever quantitative separation of the contributions of the turbulence scales in far-field jet noise measurements. Furthermore, by suitable selection of far-field microphone positions, the separation of the contribution of any internal or core noise from that of the jet-mixing noise is achieved. Using coherence-based techniques to separate the contributions of the small-scale turbulence, large-scale turbulence, and any internal or core noise from far-field exhaust noise measurements forms the backbone of this effort.
In the application of coherence-based multiple-microphone signal processing techniques to separate the contributions of the small-scale turbulence, large-scale turbulence, and any internal or core noise in the far-field, research efforts focus on three techniques (1) the coherent output power spectrum using two microphones, (2) an ordinary coherence method using the three-microphone technique, and (3) the partial-coherence method using five microphones. The assumption of jet noise incoherence between correlating microphone is included in each of these methods. In light of the noise radiation mechanisms described within the framework of the two-noise source model and their spatial characteristics as experimentally determined in the far-field, the assumption of jet noise incoherence is evaluated through a series of experiments designed to study jet noise coherence across a variety of nozzle geometries and jet Mach numbers ranging from subsonic to supersonic. Guidelines for the suitable selection of far-field microphone locations are established.
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Spatio-temporal correlations of jets using high-speed particle image velocimetryPokora, C. D. January 2009 (has links)
The major source of aircraft noise at take-off is jet noise. If jet noise is not adequately addressed environmental impact concerns will constrain the planned growth of the air transport system. A considerable amount of research worldwide has therefore been aimed at identifying ways to reduce jet noise including development of a predictive tool that can estimate the noise generated by new nozzle designs. Current noise prediction techniques, however, still require the input of empirically calibrated noise source models and their performance is still inadequate. In addition, development of detailed noise source identification measurements and the associated understanding of how to control (and reduce) the noise at the source has been limited. The fundamental turbulence property which acts as the source of propagating noise in shear layers is the two-point space-time velocity correlation (Rijkl). Very few measurements exist for this property to guide model development. It is therefore the aim of the work reported in this thesis to provide new experimental data that helps identify the turbulence sources located within the shear layer of jets. The technique of Partical Imaging Velocimetry (PIV) is used to capture directly the flowfield and all relevant turbulent statistics.
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Compressible single and dual stream jet stability and adjoint-based sensitivity analysis in relationship with aeroacoustics / Stabilité d'un jet double flux et analyse de sensibilité sur la base d'un modèle adjoint en relation avec l'aeroacousticAnsaldi, Tobias 14 October 2016 (has links)
La thèse est relative à la compréhension de la physique et au contrôle des émissions acoustiques dans les jets turbulents simples et double-flux. La génération du bruit est associé à des structures turbulentes de grandes tailles caractéristiques et à la turbulence de petites échelles. i Il est maintenant admis que les structures de grandes échelles sont des instabilités se propageant dans un champ moyen turbulent. Ici elle sont analysées sur la base de la théorie linéaire non locale appelées PSE pour Parabolized Stability Equations. Ces instabilités inflexionnelles associées à la présence de couche de cisaillement sont des modes de Kelvin-Helmhotz. Dans le cas du jet sous détentu des cellules de choc apparaissent et influencent très fortement les taux d'amplification et fréquences des modes propres. Divers écoulements sont investigués, de faible nombre de Mach au jet double-flux supersonique dont le champ moyen provient de simulation LES (Cerfacs). Le champ acoustique lointain est déterminé par l'analogie de Ffowcs-Williams-Hawkings. Ensuite une étude de sensibilité originales des instabilités et du bruits par rapport à divers forage locaux est produite sur la base deséquations de stabilité PSE adjointes. Les fortes sensibilités apparaissent dans les couches de cisaillements et aussi dans une moindre mesure autour des cellules de chocs. Les sensibilités sont plus complexes pour le jet double flux et dépendent du mode instable étudié lié soit au jet primaire soit au jet secondaire. Les sensibilités maximales se trouvent auvoisinage de la sortie de la tuyère et à la limite ou à l’extérieur du cne potentiel. En complément une étudesur le jet simple flux permet de mettre en rapport les approches de quantification d'incertitude et la sensibilité calculée par des équations adjointes. Les résultats de sensibilité vont permettre de contribuer à proposer des stratégies de contrôle aero-acoustique dans les jets de turboréacteurs. / This thesis leads to a better knowledge of the physic and of the control of acoustic radiation in turbulent single and dual-stream jets.It is known that jet noise is produced by the turbulence present in the jet that can be separated in large coherent structures and fine structures. It is also concluded that these large-scale coherent structures are the instability waves of the jet and can be modelled as the flow field generated by the evolution of instability waves in a given turbulent jet. The growth rate and the streamwise wavenumber of a disturbance with a fixed frequency and azimuthal wavenumber are obtained by solving the non-local approach called Parabolized Stability Equations (PSE). Typically the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability owes its origin into the shear layer of the flow and, moreover, the inflection points of the mean velocity profile has a crucial importance in the instability of such a flow. The problem is more complex in case of imperfectly expanded jet where shock-cells manifest inside the jet and strongly interaction with the instability waves has been observed. Several configurations are tested in this thesis, from a subsonic incompressible case to the dual-stream underexpanded supersonic jet obtained by solving Large Eddy Simulations LES (CERFACS). The acoustic far-field is determined by the Ffowcs-Williams-Hawkings acoustic analogy. Then a sensitivity analysis of the jet with respect to external forcing acting in a localized region of the flow are investigated by solving the adjoint PSE equations. High sensitivity appeared in the shear-layer of the flow showing, also, a high dependency in the streamwise and radial direction. In the case of dual-stream jet the propagation of the instability in the inner and outer shear layer should be taken into account. This configuration leads to two different distinct Klevin-Helmholtz modes that are computed separately. The highest sensitivity is determined in the exit of the nozzle outside of the potential core of the jet. In addition, comparison between sensitivity computed by adjoint equations and Uncertainty Quantification (UQ) methods has been done, in the case of a single-stream jet, showing a link between these two methods for small variations of the input parameters. This result leads to the application of a lower cost tool for mathematical analysis of complex problem of industrial interest. This work and in particular the sensitivity theory investigated in this thesis contribute to a development of a new noise control strategy for aircraft jet.
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