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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Study of galactic clumps with millimeter / submillimeter continuum and molecular emission : early stages of massive star formation

Merello Ferrada, Manuel Antonio 23 October 2014 (has links)
Massive stars play a key role in the evolution of the Galaxy; hence they are important objects of study in astrophysics. Although they are rare compared to low mass stars, they are the principal source of heavy elements and UV radiation, affecting the process of formation of stars and planets, and the physical, chemical, and morphological structure of galaxies. Star clusters form in dense "clumps" (~few parsecs in size) within giant molecular clouds, while individual stars form in cores (subparsec scale). An important step in the observational study of massive star formation is the identification and characterization of clumps. More detailed studies can then show how these clumps fragment into cores. Studies of clumps in our Galaxy will provide fundamental guidelines for the analysis of other galaxies, where individual clumps and cores cannot be resolved, and provide a catalog of interesting sources for observations of the Milky Way with a new generation of instruments, such as the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array. Large-scale blind surveys of the Galactic plane at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths have recently been completed, allowing us to identify star forming clumps and improve our understanding of the early stages of massive stars. One of these studies, the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS), mapped the continuum emission at 1.1 mm over a large region of the northern Galactic plane at a resolution of 33'', identifying 8559 compact sources throughout the Galaxy. In this dissertation, I present observations of a sample of sources from the BGPS catalog, obtained with the Submillimeter High Angular Resolution Camera II (SHARC-II). I present in this work 107 continuum emission maps at 350 microns at high angular resolution (8.5'') toward clump-like sources and construct a catalog of BGPS substructures. I estimate clump properties such as temperatures and multiplicity of substructures, and compare my results with 350 microns continuum maps from the Hi-GAL survey. I also present a detailed analysis, using molecular line and dust continuum observations, of the region G331.5-0.1, one of the most luminous regions of massive star formation in the Milky Way, located at the tangent region of the Norma spiral arm. Molecular line and millimeter continuum emission maps reveal the presence of six compact and luminous molecular clumps, with physical properties consistent with values found toward other massive star forming sources. This work includes the discovery of one of the most energetic and luminous molecular outflows known in the Galaxy, G331.512-0.103. For this high-speed outflow, I present ALMA observations that reveal a very compact, extremely young bipolar outflow and a more symmetric outflowing shocked shell surrounding a very small region of ionized gas. The source is one of the youngest examples of massive molecular outflows associated with the formation of a high-mass star. / text

The remarkable outflows from the galactic microquasar SS433

Jeffrey, Robert January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, I present 4 new, high-resolution observations of the Galactic microquasar SS 433, obtained from the Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA). I show that we can resolve the same ejecta in successive observations separated by ~ 35 d. I will demonstrate a method to uniquely determine launch vectors of the jet bolides, and I use this unprecedented baseline in time to show that the expansion rate of these bolides may reach 0.03c. I also present the first scientific results from the study of the radio jets in a unique set of historic observations of SS 433: the 39 images that comprise the 2003 VLBA movie of Mioduszewski et al. (2004). This unmatched time sampling allows us to see daily changes in the dynamics of SS 433's jets. I present evidence that these observations caught SS 433 as it transitioned from quiescence into a flare, and I show that this manifests itself as an increase in both the jet launch speed and the brightness of the jet bolides. Using these data, I examine the evolution of the particle energies, densities and magnetic fields within the bolides. We see that the estimates of the mass-loss rates via the jets cannot be reconciled with the those inferred from X-ray or optical data, if we posit equipartition of energy in synchrotron emitting plasma. The time resolution of the 2003 data allows us to observe the flux evolution of the jet bolides, and I show that the bolides undergo a power law decay as t<sup>−2.8</sup>. Lastly, I examine X-ray monitoring data from the Swift/BAT satellite and the MAXI All-Sky- Monitor. From these lightcurves, I examine the geometry of the X-ray emission from close to the compact object itself, and I discuss SS 433's place within the current paradigm of accretion in microquasars. Throughout, we will see that it is the accessible time scales of the SS 433 phenomenon that allow us to learn about its exciting, complex physics.

The ALMA View of the OMC1 Explosion in Orion

Bally, John, Ginsburg, Adam, Arce, Hector, Eisner, Josh, Youngblood, Allison, Zapata, Luis, Zinnecker, Hans 03 March 2017 (has links)
Most massive stars form in dense clusters where gravitational interactions with other. stars may be common. The two nearest forming massive stars, the BN object and Source I, located behind the Orion Nebula, were ejected with velocities of similar to 29 and similar to 13 km s(-1) about 500 years ago by such interactions. This event generated an explosion in the gas. New ALMA observations show in unprecedented detail, a roughly spherically symmetric distribution of over a hundred (CO)-C-12 J = 2-1 streamers with velocities extending from V-LSR = -150 to +145 km s(-1) The streamer radial velocities increase (or decrease) linearly with projected distance from the explosion center, forming a '' Hubble Flow '' confined to within 50 ''. of the explosion center. They point toward the high proper-motion, shock-excited H-2 and [Fe II] '' fingertips '' and lower-velocity CO in the H-2 wakes comprising Orion's '' fingers.'' In some directions, the H-2 '' fingers '' extend more than a factor of two farther from the ejection center than the CO streamers. Such deviations from spherical symmetry may be caused by ejecta running into dense gas or the dynamics of the N-body interaction that ejected the stars and produced the explosion. This similar to 10(48) erg event may have been powered by the release of gravitational potential energy associated with the formation of a compact binary or a protostellar merger. Orion may be the prototype for a new class of stellar explosiozn responsible for luminous infrared transients in nearby galaxies.


Watson, Dan M., Calvet, Nuria P., Fischer, William J., Forrest, W. J., Manoj, P., Megeath, S. Thomas, Melnick, Gary J., Najita, Joan, Neufeld, David A., Sheehan, Patrick D., Stutz, Amelia M., Tobin, John J. 29 August 2016 (has links)
We have surveyed 84 Class 0, Class I, and flat-spectrum protostars in mid-infrared [Si II], [Fe II], and [S I] line emission, and 11 of these in far-infrared [O I] emission. We use the results to derive their mass. outflow rates, (M) over dot(w). Thereby we observe a strong correlation of (M) over dot(w) with bolometric luminosity, and with the inferred mass accretion rates of the central objects, (M) over dot(a), which continues through the Class 0 range the trend observed in Class II young stellar objects. Along this trend from large to small mass. flow rates, the different classes of young stellar objects lie in the sequence Class 0-Class I/flat-spectrum-Class II, indicating that the trend is an evolutionary sequence in which (M) over dot(a) and (M) over dot(w) decrease together with increasing age, while maintaining rough proportionality. The survey results include two that. are key tests of magnetocentrifugal outflow-acceleration mechanisms: the distribution of the outflow/accretion branching ratio b = (M) over dot(w)/(M) over dot(a), and limits on the distribution of outflow speeds. Neither rules out any of the three leading outflow-acceleration, angular-momentum-ejection mechanisms, but they provide some evidence that disk winds and accretion-powered stellar winds (APSWs) operate in many protostars. An upper edge observed in the branching-ratio distribution is consistent with the upper bound of b = 0.6 found in models of APSWs, and a large fraction (31%) of the sample have a. branching ratio sufficiently small that only disk winds, launched on scales as large as several au, have been demonstrated to account for them.

X Marks the Spot: Nexus of Filaments, Cores, and Outflows in a Young Star-forming Region

Imara, Nia, Lada, Charles, Lewis, John, Bieging, John H., Kong, Shuo, Lombardi, Marco, Alves, Joao 15 May 2017 (has links)
We present a multiwavelength investigation of a region of a nearby giant molecular cloud that is distinguished by a minimal level of star formation activity. With our new (CO)-C-12(J = 2-1) and (CO)-C-13(J = 2-1) observations of a remote region within the middle of the California molecular cloud, we aim to investigate the relationship between filaments, cores, and a molecular outflow in a relatively pristine environment. An extinction map of the region from Herschel Space Observatory observations reveals the presence of two 2 pc long filaments radiating from a highextinction clump. Using the (CO)-C-13 observations, we show that the filaments have coherent velocity gradients and that their mass-per-unit-lengths may exceed the critical value above which filaments are gravitationally unstable. The region exhibits structure with eight cores, at least one of which is a starless, prestellar core. We identify a low-velocity, low-mass molecular outflow that may be driven by a flat spectrum protostar. The outflow does not appear to be responsible for driving the turbulence in the core with which it is associated, nor does it provide significant support against gravitational collapse.

An unbiased infrared H<sub>2</sub> search for embedded flows from young stars in Orion A

Stanke, Thomas January 2000 (has links)
Gasausströmungen, oft in der Form hoch kollimierter Jets, sind ein allgegenwärtiges Phänomen bei der Geburt neuer Sterne. Emission von stossangeregtem molekularem Wasserstoff bei Wellenlängen im nahen Infrarotbereich ist ein Merkmal ihrer Existenz und auch in eingebetteten, im Optischen obskurierten Ausströmungen generell gut zu beobachten. In dieser Arbeit werden die Resultate einer von Auswahleffekten freien, empfindlichen, grossflächigen Suche nach solchen Ausströmungen von Protosternen in der v=1-0 S(1) Linie molekularen Wasserstoffs bei einer Wellenlänge von 2.12 µm vorgestellt. Die Durchmusterung umfasst eine Fläche von etwa einem Quadratgrad in der Orion A Riesenmolekülwolke. Weitere Daten aus einem grossen Wellenlängenbereich werden benutzt, um die Quellen der Ausströmungen zu identifizieren. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, eine Stichprobe von Ausströmungen zu bekommen, die so weit wie möglich frei von Auswahleffekten ist, um die typischen Eigenschaften protostellarer Ausströmungen und deren Entwicklung festzustellen, sowie um die Rückwirkung der Ausströmungen auf die umgebende Wolke zu untersuchen.<br /> Das erste Ergebnis ist, dass Ausströmungen in Sternentstehungsgebieten tatsächlich sehr häufig sind: mehr als 70 Jet-Kandidaten werden identifiziert. Die meisten zeigen eine sehr irreguläre Morphologie anstelle regulärer oder symmetrischer Strukturen. Dies ist auf das turbulente, klumpige Medium zurückzuführen, in das sich die Jets hineinbewegen. Die Ausrichtung der Jets ist zufällig verteilt. Insbesondere gibt es keine bevorzugte Ausrichtung der Jets parallel zum grossräumigen Magnetfeld in der Wolke. Das legt nahe, dass die Rotations- und Symmetrieachse in einem protostellaren System durch zufällige, turbulente Bewegung in der Wolke bestimmt wird. <br /> <br /> Mögliche Ausströmungsquellen werden für 49 Jets identifiziert; für diese wird der Entwicklungsstand und die bolometrische Leuchtkraft abgeschätzt. Die Jetlänge und die H2 Leuchtkraft entwickeln sich gemeinsam mit der Ausströmungsquelle. Von null startend, dehnen sich die Jets schnell bis auf eine Länge von einigen Parsec aus und werden dann langsam wieder kürzer. Sie sind zuerst sehr leuchtkräftig, die H2 Helligkeit nimmt aber im Lauf der protostellaren Entwicklung ab. Die Längen- und H2 Leuchtkraftentwicklung lässt sich im Wesentlichen durch eine zuerst sehr hohe, dann niedriger werdende Massenausflussrate erklären, die auf eine zuerst sehr hohe, dann niedriger werdende Gasakkretionsrate auf den Protostern schliessen lässt (Akkretion und Ejektion sind eng verknüpft!). Die Längenabnahme der Jets erfordert eine ständig wirkende Abbremsung der Jets. Ein einfaches Modell einer simultanen Entwicklung eines Protosterns, seiner zirkumstellaren Umgebung und seiner Ausströmung (Smith 2000) kann die gemessenen H2- und bolometrischen Leuchtkräfte der Jets und ihrer Quellen reproduzieren, unter der Annahme, dass die starke Akkretionsaktivität zu Beginn der protostellaren Entwicklung mit einer überproportional hohen Massenausflussrate verbunden ist.<br /> <br /> Im Durchmusterungsgebiet sind 125 dichte Molekülwolkenkerne bekannt (Tatematsu et al. 1993). Jets (bzw. Sterne) entstehen in ruhigen Wolkenkernen, d.h. solchen mit einem niedrigen Verhältnis von interner kinetischer Energie zu gravitativer potentieller Energie; dies sind die Wolkenkerne höherer Masse. Die Wolkenkerne mit Jets haben im Mittel grössere Linienbreiten als die ohne Jets. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass sie bevorzugt in den massereicheren Wolkenkernen zu finden sind, welche generell eine grössere Linienbreite haben. Es gibt keinen Hinweis auf stärkere interne Bewegungen in Wolkenkernen mit Jets, die durch eine Wechselwirkung der Jets mit den Wolkenkernen erzeugt sein könnte. Es gibt, wie von der Theorie vorausgesagt, eine Beziehung zwischen der Linienbreite der Wolkenkerne und der H2 Leuchtkraft der Jets, wenn Jets von Klasse 0 und Klasse I Protosternen separat betrachtet werden; dabei sind Klasse 0 Jets leuchtkräftiger als Klasse I Jets, was ebenfalls auf eine zeitabhängige Akkretionsrate mit einer frühzeitigen Spitze und einem darauffolgenden Abklingen hinweist.<br /> <br /> Schliesslich wird die Rückwirkung der Jetpopulation auf eine Molekülwolke unter der Annahme strikter Vorwärtsimpulserhaltung betrachtet. Die Jets können auf der Skala einer ganzen Riesenmolekülwolke und auf den Skalen von Molekülwolkenkernen nicht genügend Impuls liefern, um die abklingende Turbulenz wieder anzuregen. Auf der mittleren Skala von molekularen Klumpen, mit einer Grösse von einigen parsec und Massen von einigen hundert Sonnenmassen liefern die Jets jedoch genügend Impuls in hinreichend kurzer Zeit, um die Turbulenz “am Leben zu erhalten” und können damit helfen, einen Klumpen gegen seinen Kollaps zu stabilisieren. / The presence of outflows, often in the form of well-collimated jets, is a phenomenon commonly associated with the birth of young stars. Emission from shock-excited molecular hydrogen at near-infrared wavelengths is one of the signposts of the presence of such an outflow, and generally can be observed even if the flow is obscured at optical wavelengths. In this thesis, I present the results of an unbiased, sensitive, wide-field search for flows from protostellar objects in the H2 v=1-0 S(1) line at a wavelength of 2.12 µm, covering a 1 square degree area of the Orion A giant molecular cloud. Further data covering a wide wavelength range are used to search for the driving sources of the flows. The aim of this work is to obtain a sample of outflows which is free from biases as far as possible, to derive the typical properties of the outflows, to search for evolutionary trends, and to examine the impact of outflows on the ambient cloud.<br /> The first result from this survey is that outflows are indeed common in star forming regions: more than 70 candidate jets are identified. Most of them have a fairly ill-defined morphology rather than a regular or symmetric structure, which is interpreted to be due to the turbulent, clumpy ambient medium into which the jets are propagating. The jets are randomly oriented. In particular, no alignment of the jets with the large scale ambient magnetic field is found, suggesting that the spin and symmetry axis in a protostellar object is determined by random, turbulent motions in the cloud. <br /> <br /> Candidate driving sources are identified for 49 jets, and their evolutionary stage and bolometric luminosity is estimated. The jet lengths and H2 luminosities evolve as a function of the age of the driving source: the jets grow quickly from zero length to a size of a few parsec and then slowly shorten again. The jets are very luminous early on and fade during the protostellar evolution. The evolution in length and H2 luminosity is attributed to an early phase of strong accretion, which subsequently decreases. The shortening of the jets with time requires the presence of a continuous deceleration of the jets. A simple model of the simultaneous evolution of a protostar, its circumstellar environment, and its outflow (Smith 2000) can reproduce the measured values of H2 luminosity and driving source luminosity under the assumption of a strong accretion plus high ejection efficiency phase early in the protostellar evolution.<br /> <br /> Tatematsu et al. (1993) found 125 dense cloud cores in the survey area. The jet driving sources are found to have formed predominantly in quiet cores with a low ratio of internal kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy; these are the cores with higher masses. The cores which are associated with jets have on average larger linewidths than cores without jets. This is due to the preferred presence of jets in more massive cores, which generally have larger linewidths. There is no evidence for additional internal motions excited by the interaction of the jets with the cores. The jet H2 luminosity and the core linewidth (as predicted by theory) are related, if Class 0 and Class I jets are considered separately; the relation lies at higher values of the H2 luminosity for the Class 0 jets than for Class I jets. This also suggests a time evolution of the accretion rate, with a strong peak early on and a subsequent decay.<br /> <br /> Finally, the impact of a protostellar jet population on a molecular cloud is considered. Under the conservative assumption of strict forward momentum conservation, the jets appear to fail to provide sufficient momentum to replenish decaying turbulence on the scales of a giant molecular cloud and on the scales of molecular cloud cores. At the intermediate scales of molecular clumps with sizes of a few parsec and masses of a few hundred solar masses, the jets provide enough momentum in a short enough time to potentially replenish turbulence and thus might help to stabilize the clump against further collapse.

Proper motions of collimated jets from intermediate-mass protostars in the Carina Nebula

Reiter, Megan, Kiminki, Megan M., Smith, Nathan, Bally, John 10 1900 (has links)
We present proper motion measurements of 37 jets and HH objects in the Carina Nebula measured in two epochs of H alpha images obtained similar to 10 yr apart with Hubble Space Telescope/Advanced Camera for Surveys (ACS). Transverse velocities in all but one jet are faster than greater than or similar to 25 km s(-1), confirming that the jet-like H alpha features identified in the first epoch images trace outflowing gas. Proper motions constrain the location of the jet-driving source and provide kinematic confirmation of the intermediate-mass protostars that we identify for 20/37 jets. Jet velocities do not correlate with the estimated protostar mass and embedded driving sources do not have slower jets. Instead, transverse velocities (median similar to 75 km s(-1)) are similar to those in jets from low-mass stars. Assuming a constant velocity since launch, we compute jet dynamical ages (median similar to 10(4) yr). If continuous emission from inner jets traces the duration of the most recent accretion bursts, then these episodes are sustained longer (median similar to 700 yr) than the typical decay time of an FU Orionis outburst. These jets can carry appreciable momentum that may be injected into the surrounding environment. The resulting outflow force, dp/dt, lies between that measured in low- and high-mass sources, despite the very different observational tracers used. Smooth scaling of the outflow force argues for a common physical process underlying outflows from protostars of all masses. This latest kinematic result adds to a growing body of evidence that intermediate-mass star formation proceeds like a scaled-up version of the formation of low-mass stars.

Multiwavelength Characterization of an ACT-selected, Lensed Dusty Star-forming Galaxy at z = 2.64

Roberts-Borsani, G. W., Jiménez-Donaire, M. J., Daprà, M., Alatalo, K., Aretxaga, I., Álvarez-Márquez, J., Baker, A. J., Fujimoto, S., Gallardo, P. A., Gralla, M., Hilton, M., Hughes, J. P., Jiménez, C., Laporte, N., Marriage, T. A., Nati, F., Rivera, J., Sievers, A., Weiß, A., Wilson, G. W., Wollack, E. J., Yun, M. S. 27 July 2017 (has links)
We present CI(2-1) and multi-transition (CO)-C-12 observations of a dusty star-forming galaxy, ACT J2029+0120, which we spectroscopically confirm to lie at z = 2.64. We detect CO(3-2), CO(5-4), CO(7-6), CO(8-7), and CI (2-1) at high significance, tentatively detect HCO+(4-3), and place strong upper limits on the integrated strength of dense gas tracers (HCN(4-3) and CS(7-6)). Multi-transition CO observations and dense gas tracers can provide valuable constraints on the molecular gas content and excitation conditions in high-redshift galaxies. We therefore use this unique data set to construct a CO spectral line energy distribution (SLED) of the source, which is most consistent with that of a ULIRG/Seyfert or QSO host object in the taxonomy of the Herschel Comprehensive ULIRG Emission Survey. We employ RADEX models to fit the peak of the CO SLED, inferring a temperature of T similar to 117 K and n(H2) similar to 10(5) cm(-3), most consistent with a ULIRG/QSO object and the presence of high-density tracers. We also find that the velocity width of the C I line is potentially larger than seen in all CO transitions for this object, and that the L'(Ci(2-1))/L'(CO(3-2)) ratio is also larger than seen in other lensed and unlensed submillimeter galaxies and QSO hosts; if confirmed, this anomaly could be an effect of differential lensing of a shocked molecular outflow.

Shock Excited 1720 MHz Masers

De Witt, Aletha 31 December 2005 (has links)
1720 MHz OH masers have been detected towards a number of supernova remnants (SNRs) at the shock interface where the SNR slams into the interstellar medium. Models indicate that these masers are shock excited and can only be produced under tight constraints of the physical conditions. In particular, the masers can only form behind a C-type shock. Jets from newlyformed stars plow into the surrounding gas, creating nebulous regions known as Herbig Haro (HH) objects. Signatures of C-type shocks have been found in many HH objects. If conditions behind the shock fronts of HH objects are able to support 1720 MHz OH masers they would be a usefull diagnostic tool for star formation. A survey toward HH objects detected a number of 1720 MHz OH lines in emission, but future observations with arrays are required to confirm the presence of masers. / Physics / M.Sc. (Astronomy)

Shock Excited 1720 MHz Masers

De Witt, Aletha 31 December 2005 (has links)
1720 MHz OH masers have been detected towards a number of supernova remnants (SNRs) at the shock interface where the SNR slams into the interstellar medium. Models indicate that these masers are shock excited and can only be produced under tight constraints of the physical conditions. In particular, the masers can only form behind a C-type shock. Jets from newlyformed stars plow into the surrounding gas, creating nebulous regions known as Herbig Haro (HH) objects. Signatures of C-type shocks have been found in many HH objects. If conditions behind the shock fronts of HH objects are able to support 1720 MHz OH masers they would be a usefull diagnostic tool for star formation. A survey toward HH objects detected a number of 1720 MHz OH lines in emission, but future observations with arrays are required to confirm the presence of masers. / Physics / M.Sc. (Astronomy)

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