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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La fatigue romanesque de Joseph Joubert /

Beaulieu, Etienne January 2003 (has links)
The opus of Joseph Joubert (1754--1824) was for a long period barely known, due to the fact that it languished unpublished, both during his lifetime and after his death, until the complete version of his Notebooks was brought out in 1938 by Andre Beaunier (reissued in 1994). It was thanks to this new form which his thoughts now took that a completely new Joubert came into view. No longer was he merely a moralist, as portrayed by Sainte-Beuve, whose version held sway for a number of decades, but a diarist as well, i.e., writing his thoughts on a daily basis, in the bourgeois tradition of the books of hours. However, there is something else visible in Joubert's works, for, as Maurice Blanchot put it, "[Joubert's] journal, while it still takes days as its starting point, is not a reflection thereof, but reaches toward something other than them" (Le Livre a venir). Toward what does it reach? On the one hand, one can see, as Georges Poulet does, that Joubert "is not a philosopher, a moralist or an aphorist, but a wonderful poet of light." (Etudes sur le temps humain ). On the other hand, however, Joubert, in a way which is surprising and as yet unexplored, is also a thinker who takes on novelistic thought, that is, the Hegelian world, and thus the world of prose in all of its fullness. If we consider novelistic thought as superimposing essence onto existence in an attempt to discover the former within the latter (which makes the novel the locus, through the experience of weariness, of the question of man's salvation in a world in which religion's possibilities are elusive), this study ventures a survey of the Notebooks, paying particular attention to the forms taken by return in Joubert's thought and then following the uncompleted circles of detour which Jacques Ranciere has called "The Book of Life" (La parole muette). Notebooks also provide one of the first manifestations of what today is known, with all of the contradictions which this entai

Portrait of a city : a narrative of discovery, creation and reflection

Swanepoel, Jade Lansley January 2016 (has links)
This study forms part of the discourse that critiques the current state of colonial museums in a post-colonial, post-apartheid city. The project focuses on a proposed urban vision for the precinct of Joubert Park in Johannesburg and responds to themes of memory, identity, reflection, art and public space. In the process, strategies are investigated to enhance identity in the area using the Johannesburg Art Gallery as a starting point. The gallery is integrated into the public realm, making it more accessible and transparent to its context by introducing pavilions and art installations to the park. These pavilions perform a variety of functions with the main design taking the form of a photographic urban archive. The pavilion archives the city and the people of the park by harnessing one of the current skill sets of the park photographers who are present on site. The project takes the form of a working camera using the principals of pinhole and wet plate photography to tangibly capture and display the happenings and changes of the site and the people who frequent it, over time. Once the pavilion has archived the desired changes in the city it will be dismantled and relocated to a new site to begin its life cycle once more. The movability of the structure acts as a critique on the static nature of buildings situated in cities that are always in flux. By introducing an architecture that allows and facilitates public activity while using people as the subjects for the creation of art by documenting a changing city, the scheme hopes to enhance the public realm by encouraging a collective identity to form. / Hierdie werkstuk is gebaseer op deurlopende gesprekke wat kritiek lewer oor die huidige stand waarin koloniale museums (na die Apartheid era) hulself bevind. Die intrinsieke waarde van hierdie museums het oor tyd verlore gegaan. Die projek het ten doel om op hierdie verwaarlosing te fokus en terselfdertyd die publieke omgewing met betrekking tot identiteit, kuns en sosiale aktiwiteite, op te hef. Voorstelle word gedoen om die vervalle Joubert Park in Johannesburg op te gradeer in n buurt waarop inwonders trots kan wees en sosiaal kan verkeer, terwyl die geskiedkundige verlede terselfdertyd bewaar word. Die Johannesburg Kunsgallery is geidentifiseer as die belangrike spilpunt vir hierdie projek. Hierdie Gallery is sentraal gelee wat dit maklik toeganklik maak vir die publiek. Die oogmerk is om n verskeidenheid kunswerke te installeer asook kamera/beeld-strukture. Hierdie kamerabeelde kan dien as n stedelike fotografiese vertoning van die stad en sy mense. Veranderinge in die stad oor n tydsvlak kan vervolgens so geargiveer word. Die projek se eind doel is om met argitektoniese toepassings, die ou verlede, die hede, en die mense en sy sosiale omgewing, tot voordeel van almal, te integreer. Die sukses van die projek sal bepaal word deur die kollektiewe indentitiet en sosiale integrasie wat bereik gaan word. / Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted

Die reise van Isobelle (1995) van Elsa Joubert : reise deur 'n eeu Suider-Afrikaanse geskiedenis

Smith, Mathilda C. (Mathilda Cecilia) 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 1998. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Elsa Joubert initially acquired her reputation for her travel writing which is mainly about Africa during the fifties. In her texts she not only focusses on the curiosities and visually attractive sites of the countries she tours, but also conveys her extensive knowledge of the history and her special interest in the intimate human aspects of the people. Ons wag op die kaptein (1963) established her name as startling novelist of Southern-African themes. Missionaris (1988) and Die reise van Isobelle (1995) are based on identifiable SouthernAfrican historical information and subtly place historiography under scrutiny. In these texts Joubert thematizes and problematizes historiography, which she finds lacking in its ability to convey a true representation of events. Photo's, recorded visions or other images of an experience of reality still only remain representations of that "reality". Through the process of fictionalization (as in a novel) "a truth" comes to the light, but at the same time the one-sided and relative nature of canonised history is exposed. Through this critical glance at the status quo and canonised white history, which originated under the pressure of anti-colonialism, Joubert has sided with writers such as Jan Rabie and Andre P. Brink in their opposition to Apartheid and desire to contribute toward the constitution of a new South-Africa. In Die reise van Isobel/e Joubert comments, through the use of characters in a family cronicle, on the manner in which people are affected and shaped by their context. The author, through the use of Leonora as sceptical narrator, focalisator and manipulator, ironises for example the steadfast convictions of the patriotic Josias and Agnes, and thereby confers a critical view of politicalideological problems. The romance between Belle, as group bound Afrikaner girl, and the interesting foreign Indian Hussein Badir, which ends in his death, illustrates the discord when racist prejudice clashes with personal experience. Leo serves as a model of freedom and hope which coincides with detachment from conventional political convictions. Different kinds of journeys can be identified in coherence with the characters, e.g. physical, literal journeys, religious journeys and political journeys. The family chronicle eventually becomes an example of Afrikaner society's emancipation or journey from a patriarchal to a free independent way oflife. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elsa Joubert het aanvanklik bekendheid verwerf vir haar reisverhale oor veral Afrika uit die vyftigetjare. Sy is in die tekste nie slegs toeristies ingestel op die wetens- en besienswaardighede van die Iande wat sy besoek nie, maar toon, naas 'n omvattende kennis van die geskiedenis, ook aandag vir die intiem menslike doen en late. Ons wag op die kaptein (1963) het haar naam gevestig as opspraakwekkende romanskrywer oor Suider-Afrikaanse temas. Ook Missionaris (1988) en Die reise van Isobelle (1995) is op herkenbare gegewens gebaseer en plaas geskiedskrywing op 'n subtiele manier in die soeklig. In hierdie tekste tematiseer en problematiseer Joubert die geskiedskrywing, wat volgens haar tekortskiet om 'n oortuigende beeld te gee. Foto's, opgetekende visioene of andersoortige weergawes van 'n werklikheidsbelewing bly steeds representasies. Deur die_ proses van fiksionalisering (soos in 'n roman) kom minstens "'n waarheid" aan die lig, maar dit bevestig terselfdertyd die eensydige en relatiewe aard van die gekanoniseerde geskiedenis. Deur hierdie kritiese blik op die status quo en die gekanoniseerde wit geskiedenis, wat onder andere weens die druk van die anti-kolonialisme ontstaan bet, sluit Joubert haar aan by skrywers soos Jan Rabie en Andre P Brink se opposisie teen Apartheid en versugting om by te dra tot die totstandkoming van 'n miwe Suid-Afrika. In Die reise van lsobelle lewer Joubert, deur die gebruik van karakters in 'n familiegeskiedenis, kommentaar oor die wyse waarop mense geraak en gevorm word deur bulle konteks. Die skryfster ironiseer deur die gebruik van Leonora as skeptiese verteller, fokalisator en manipuleerder, byvoorbeeld die vaste oortuigings van die patriotiese Josias en Agnes en gee sodoende 'n kritiese blik op polities-ideologiese vraagstukke. Die liefdesverhouding tussen Belle as groepsgebonde Afrikanermeisie en die vir haar interessant-vreemde Indiese Hussein Badir wat op sy dood uitloop, illustreer die tweespalt wanneer rassistiese vooroordele bots met eie ervaring. Leo dien as voorbeeld van vryheid en hoop wat gepaardgaan met die losbreek uit konvensionele politieke oortuigings. Verskillende soorte reise kan in samehang met die · karakters onderskei word, naamlik fisiese, letterlike reise, geestelik-godsdienstige reise en politieke reise. Hierdie familiegeskiedenis word uiteindelik eksemplaries van die Afrikanersamelewitig se emansipasie of reis van 'n patriargale tot 'n vrye, onafhanklike tipe leefwyse.

Die rol van identiteit en ruimte in die uitbeelding van vrouekarakters in geselekteerde romans van Elsa Joubert / W. Vogel

Vogel, Wanja January 2004 (has links)
Elsa Joubert has been a prominent author of Afrikaans novels since the 1950's and has received several important literary prizes. This dissertation is a study of issues of identity and the experience of the female characters in the following five novels by Joubert: Ons wag op die Kaptein, Die Wahlerbrug, Bonga, Die swerfiare van Poppie Nongena and Die reise van lsobelle. It is clear from the analyses of the novels that geographical. ideological and political matters greatly influence the identity of the characters. Interpersonal relations within the family and with a loved one, also play a crucial role in the development of a personal identity. Theoretical concepts from feminism and female writing, postmodernism, New Journalism and travel literature as genre are used as points of departure for the discussion of the novels. A brief overview of Joubert's oeuvre is provided. The main focus of the study is the way in which the main characters in the selected novels (Leonora, Agnes, Isobelle, Leo, Lottie, lnacia Maria, Ana-Paula and Poppie) experience a sense of identity. It becomes clear that there is a close relation between identity and space and therefore it is necessary to analyse cultural contexts, spatial relations (the country and the continent as place) and the love of travel in the novels. The lives of all these female characters are influenced deeply by experiences of love and falling in love often brings about a radical change in their sense of identity. Most of the female characters in the selected novels many men from other cultures. Often they experience an identity crisis as a consequence of being confronted with a strange culture. They might long for the comfort of what is well-known and loved, but they also want to accept and conform to the new circumstances as is expected from them by a beloved. The emotional pain resulting from being tom between their cultural inclination and love, affect their self-esteem and sense of identity. Initially the love relationship is a way to develop a new self-contained identity and is part of a personal rebellion and a quest for freedom. Often however, they have to conform to the norms of society and of the cultural context. It is remarkable that many of these characters never experience true love and they are torn between their own cultures and the 'love' for a man who expects them to conform to a new way of living and a new identity. Therefore many of these characters experience themselves as outsiders. The women in Elsa Joubert's novels do not have easy lives. They have to struggle against odds, they have to make difficult choices, they have little power and fulfillment often evades them. Joubert, however, does not present a pessimistic view of either the prospects of women in general or of life in Africa. Die reise van lsobelle ends in a positive way as the character Leo takes control of her life and makes her own decisions. She is not a victim, but a liberated woman, a victor. She is the personification of the new, emancipated woman who will survive and find a place in Africa. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans en Nederlands))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Elsa Joubert : 'n kommunikatiewe benadering.

Van der Berg, Dietloff Zigfried. January 1993 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 1993.

Die rol van identiteit en ruimte in die uitbeelding van vrouekarakters in geselekteerde romans van Elsa Joubert / W. Vogel

Vogel, Wanja January 2004 (has links)
Elsa Joubert has been a prominent author of Afrikaans novels since the 1950's and has received several important literary prizes. This dissertation is a study of issues of identity and the experience of the female characters in the following five novels by Joubert: Ons wag op die Kaptein, Die Wahlerbrug, Bonga, Die swerfiare van Poppie Nongena and Die reise van lsobelle. It is clear from the analyses of the novels that geographical. ideological and political matters greatly influence the identity of the characters. Interpersonal relations within the family and with a loved one, also play a crucial role in the development of a personal identity. Theoretical concepts from feminism and female writing, postmodernism, New Journalism and travel literature as genre are used as points of departure for the discussion of the novels. A brief overview of Joubert's oeuvre is provided. The main focus of the study is the way in which the main characters in the selected novels (Leonora, Agnes, Isobelle, Leo, Lottie, lnacia Maria, Ana-Paula and Poppie) experience a sense of identity. It becomes clear that there is a close relation between identity and space and therefore it is necessary to analyse cultural contexts, spatial relations (the country and the continent as place) and the love of travel in the novels. The lives of all these female characters are influenced deeply by experiences of love and falling in love often brings about a radical change in their sense of identity. Most of the female characters in the selected novels many men from other cultures. Often they experience an identity crisis as a consequence of being confronted with a strange culture. They might long for the comfort of what is well-known and loved, but they also want to accept and conform to the new circumstances as is expected from them by a beloved. The emotional pain resulting from being tom between their cultural inclination and love, affect their self-esteem and sense of identity. Initially the love relationship is a way to develop a new self-contained identity and is part of a personal rebellion and a quest for freedom. Often however, they have to conform to the norms of society and of the cultural context. It is remarkable that many of these characters never experience true love and they are torn between their own cultures and the 'love' for a man who expects them to conform to a new way of living and a new identity. Therefore many of these characters experience themselves as outsiders. The women in Elsa Joubert's novels do not have easy lives. They have to struggle against odds, they have to make difficult choices, they have little power and fulfillment often evades them. Joubert, however, does not present a pessimistic view of either the prospects of women in general or of life in Africa. Die reise van lsobelle ends in a positive way as the character Leo takes control of her life and makes her own decisions. She is not a victim, but a liberated woman, a victor. She is the personification of the new, emancipated woman who will survive and find a place in Africa. / Thesis (MA (Afrikaans en Nederlands))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2004.

Seeking spatial justice : empowering the everyday through an architecture that integrates the spatial and social realms

Tayob, Ilhaam January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation explores Johannesburg's inner-city precinct of Joubert Park. It intends to bridge the gap between the everyday community of the park and the extraordinary heritage and memory of the site. Through a grassroots investigation of 1he existing community, the project looks to empower the everyday person and create a platform for their development, specifically focusing on economy and education in the city. The project makes use of the theories of spatial justice as a tool to analyse and understand the community's relationship with the space they occupy and the social environment in which they exist. Architecturally, the project seeks to use this socio-spatial understanding as a guideline of how to create a spatially just and empowering environment in the inner city. Additionally, looking to establish a model for the development of the existing inner-city fabric that begins to foster a relationship between building, street edge, andl pedestrian. Exploring not just the physical upliftment of the fabric, but the well-being and of the existing community and their needs, goals and aspirations. / Die verhandeling ondersoek die Johannesburg se middestad buurt van Joubertpark. Dit beoog om die gaping tussen die alledaagse gemeenskap van die Park en die buitengewone erfenis en geheue van die omgewing te oorbrug.Deur 'n voetsoolvlak ondersoek van die bestaande gemeenskap, is die projek se doel die bematigi111g van die alledaagse persoon en behels 'n platform vir die ontwikkeling daarvan,daar is n spesifike fokus op die ekonomie en onderwys in die stad. Die projek maak gebruik van die teoriee van ruimtelike geregtigheid as 'n 1instrument om te ontleed en te verstaan wat die gemeenskap se verhouding is met die ruimte wat hulle bewoon en die sosiale omgewing waarin hulle bestaan. Argitektonies, beoog die projek om hierdie sosio-ruimtelike begrip te gebruik as 'n riglyn om 'n ruimtelik net en bemagtigende omgewing te skep in die middestad. Daar word oak beoog om 'n model te vestig vir die ontwikkeling van die bestaande middestad konsepte om 'n verhouding te bevorder tussen die geboue, straat rand, en voetgangers. Ondersoek van nie net die fisiese opheffing van die struktuur nie, maar die welsyn van die bestaande gemeenskap en hul behoeftes, doelwitte en aspirasies. / Mini Dissertation (MArch (Prof))--University of Pretoria, 2016. / Architecture / MArch (Prof) / Unrestricted

Evaluation of biotic succession in the Con Joubert Bird Sanctuary wetland after a vegetable oil spill

Selala, Mapurunyane Callies January 2013 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the thesis. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Paraclinical Sciences / Unrestricted

Cilia Proteins Control Cerebellar Morphogenesis by Promoting Expansion of the Granule Progenitor Pool

Chizhikov, Victor V., Davenport, James, Zhang, Qihong, Shih, Evelyn Kim, Cabello, Olga A., Fuchs, Jannon L., Yoder, Bradley K., Millen, Kathleen J. 05 September 2007 (has links)
Although human congenital cerebellar malformations are common, their molecular and developmental basis is still poorly understood. Recently, cilia-related gene deficiencies have been implicated in several congenital disorders that exhibit cerebellar abnormalities such as Joubert syndrome, Meckel-Gruber syndrome, Bardet-Biedl syndrome, and Orofaciodigital syndrome. The association of cilia gene mutations with these syndromes suggests that cilia may be important for cerebellar development, but the nature of cilia involvement has not been elucidated. To assess the importance of cilia-related proteins during cerebellar development, we studied the effects of CNS-specific inactivation of two mouse genes whose protein products are critical for cilia formation and maintenance, IFT88, (also known as polaris or Tg737), which encodes intraflagellar transport 88 homolog, and Kif3a, which encodes kinesin family member 3a. We showed that loss of either of these genes caused severe cerebellar hypoplasia and foliation abnormalities, primarily attributable to a failure of expansion of the neonatal granule cell progenitor population. In addition, granule cell progenitor proliferation was sensitive to partial loss of IFT function in a hypomorphic mutant of IFT88 (IFT88orpk), an effect that was modified by genetic background. IFT88 and Kif3a were not required for the specification and differentiation of most other cerebellar cell types, including Purkinje cells. Together, our observations constitute the first demonstration that cilia proteins are essential for normal cerebellar development and suggest that granule cell proliferation defects may be central to the cerebellar pathology in human cilia-related disorders.

Verby Komatipoort? Rasseproblematiek in die Portugees-Afrikaanse reisverhale van Elsa Joubert

Grobler, Lizette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / No abstract available.

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