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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La notion de coopération judiciaire / No english title available

Mehtiyeva, Kamalia 12 December 2017 (has links)
La diversité des ordres juridiques, ainsi que leur multiplication, ont engendré un besoin croissant d'articulation entre eux. Les seuls mécanismes de coordination ne suffisent plus et s'accompagnent désormais de méthodes d'interaction plus active, durant l'instance et à l'issue de l'instance, formant un tout qu'est le phénomène de coopération judiciaire. Derrière l'analyse de la diversité des méthodes de coopération employées dans l'ordre international (commission rogatoire, notification des actes de procès à l'étranger, extradition, exequatur), et dans l'ordre européen mû par le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle (mandat d'arrêt européen, reconnaissance des décisions civiles et pénales, décision d'enquête européenne), l'étude révèle une unité profonde de la notion de coopération. Les critères de celle-ci, analysée comme un acte de procès, accompli librement par un ordre juridique, à la demande d'un autre, pour les besoins d'une procédure relevant de l'ordre juridique requérant, permettent de remonter à son essence. Elle est un processus d'aide réciproque, fondé sur la réciprocité et dont la finalité de résolution d'un litige transfrontalier dicte les offices respectifs des juges requérant et requis. / The diversity of legal orders and their multiplication have led to a growing need to articulate them. Mechanisms of coordination are no longer sufficient and are complemented by more active methods of interaction both during proceedings in court and upon their completion, thus forming an integral whole, known as the phenomenon of judicial cooperation. Behind the analysis of the diversity of the methods of cooperation that are implemented in the international order (letters rogatory, service of process, extradition, exequatur) and in the European order by virtue of the principle of mutual recognition (European arrest warrant, recognition of civil and criminal judgments, European investigation order), the thesis reveals a prefound unity of the notion of judicial cooperation. Its criteria, analysed as procedural act, free/y accomplished by one legal order upon the request of another, for the needs of judicial proceedings pending before or ended in the requesting legal order, allow to trace the essence of judicial cooperation. At the core of judicial cooperation lies the process of mutual aid, based on reciprocity for the purposes of resolving a transborder litigation, and which defines respective powers of the requesting and the requested judge.

La coopération judiciaire en réseau dans l'espace de liberté, sécurité et justice / The network-based forms of cooperation within the EU Area of freedom , security and justice

Amato, Rosanna 13 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'analyse juridique de la coopération en réseau entre les autorités nationales des États membres de l'UE au sein de l'ELSJ, dans le but d'évaluer sa contribution et son potentiel. La thèse est divisée en deux parties. La première décrit l'émergence des réseaux et analyse les driving factors (à la fois juridiques et structurels), qui ont déclenché un tel processus. L'attention est portée sur les instruments juridiques qu'appliquent à la fois le principe de reconnaissance mutuelle et celui de disponibilité. L'objectif est d'identifier les obstacles qui entravent la mise en oeuvre des procédures de coopération et de mettre en évidence le rôle joué par les réseaux à cet égard. La deuxième partie examine les principaux réseaux opérant dans le domaine JAI, avec un accent particulier sur les traits caractéristiques de ces accords et leurs modes de fonctionnement. Enfin, les principales caractéristiques d'un « modèle de réseau européen de coopération» sont identifiés ainsi que le rôle joué par un tel modèle en ce qui concerne l'exercice des compétences de l'UE dans l'ELSJ. / This thesis deals with the legal analysis of the network-based form of cooperation between national authorities of the EU Member States within the AFSJ, with a view to evaluate its contribution and potential. The dissertation is divided into two parts. The first one portrays the emergence of networking and analyzes the driving factors (both legal and structure-related), which have triggered such a process. Attention is paid to the legal instruments applying both the principle of mutual recognition and the principle of availability. The rationale is to identify the obstacles hindering the implementation of the cooperation procedures and to highlight the role played by networks in this respect. The second part examines the main networks operating in the JAI field, with a special focus on the features characterizing these arrangements and their methods of operation. Finally, the main features of a “EU network model of cooperation” are identified as well as the role played by such a model in respect to the exercise of the EU competences in the AFSJ.

Cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal : uma análise do mutual legal assistance treaty Brasil/Estados Unidos

Vasconcellos, Helena January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho examinará a temática da cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal no âmbito das relações Brasil/Estados Unidos. Na primeira parte, será abordada a teoria geral da cooperação jurídica internacional, ocasião em que se analisará o seu histórico, conceito e classificações, elencando-se as suas fontes e fundamentos, bem como os seus princípios basilares para, alfim, estudar-se a cooperação no âmbito da União Européia e do MERCOSUL e, ainda, as redes de cooperação ao redor do mundo. Em seguida, o instituto será estudado nos ordenamentos jurídicos de ambos os países, Brasil e Estados Unidos, cada qual com suas particularidades. O estudo da cooperação jurídica no Brasil envolverá a contextualização histórica do instituto, a análise dos diplomas legais aplicáveis, o estudo das espécies de cooperação e da autoridade central brasileira, e uma breve incursão nas redes de cooperação integradas pelo Brasil e no Anteprojeto de Lei de Cooperação Jurídica Internacional. No âmbito dos Estados Unidos, estudaremos o histórico do instituto, os principais problemas constitucionais enfrentados na utilização da prova produzida no estrangeiro, os Estatutos Federais norte-americanos, as espécies de assistência e os meios coercitivos de obtenção da prova, fazendo ainda uma análise comparativa entre os institutos da letter rogatory e do Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. Por fim, na parte final do presente trabalho tratar-se-á especificamente da cooperação jurídica no âmbito das relações Brasil/Estados Unidos, analisando-se as outras formas de assistência entre as duas nações, o MLAT Brasil/Estados Unidos e os prós e contras na sua utilização, para, ao final, concentrarmos nossos esforços no polêmico artigo I, item 5, do Decreto n° 3.810/2001 (proibição de utilização, pela defesa, do Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) e na busca de soluções para tão importante problema. / This paper will examine the matter of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, between Brazil and the United States. The first part of the paper will study the general theory of international judicial cooperation, analyzing its history, concept and categories, enrolling its sources and foundations as well as the basic principles applicable to the subject, to finally examine judicial cooperation in the ambit of the European Union and MERCOSUL, and the existing judicial networks throughout the world. Following, the issue will be studied within the legal systems of both countries, Brazil and United States, each with its own peculiarities. The study of judicial cooperation within Brazilian legal system will involve the historic background, an analyzis of the laws applicable, the study of the varieties of cooperation and of the Brazilian central authority, as well as a brief incursion in cooperation networks integrated by Brazil, and in the Draft Bill for an International Judicial Cooperation Law. At the United States level, we will study the history of the subject, the main constitutional problems faced in the use of the evidence produced abroad, the American Federal Statutes, the types of assistance and the coercive means of evidence gathering, also making a comparative analyzis between letters rogatory and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties. Finally, towards the end of the present study, we will specifically address the subject of judicial cooperation between Brazil and the United States, first analyzing the other forms of assistance between both nations, and then focusing in the MLAT between Brazil/United States and its pros and cons, to eventually aim attention at the controversial article I, item 5, of the 3.810/2001 Decree (prohibition of the use, by the defense, of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) and in the search for solutions to such an important matter.

Cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal : uma análise do mutual legal assistance treaty Brasil/Estados Unidos

Vasconcellos, Helena January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho examinará a temática da cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal no âmbito das relações Brasil/Estados Unidos. Na primeira parte, será abordada a teoria geral da cooperação jurídica internacional, ocasião em que se analisará o seu histórico, conceito e classificações, elencando-se as suas fontes e fundamentos, bem como os seus princípios basilares para, alfim, estudar-se a cooperação no âmbito da União Européia e do MERCOSUL e, ainda, as redes de cooperação ao redor do mundo. Em seguida, o instituto será estudado nos ordenamentos jurídicos de ambos os países, Brasil e Estados Unidos, cada qual com suas particularidades. O estudo da cooperação jurídica no Brasil envolverá a contextualização histórica do instituto, a análise dos diplomas legais aplicáveis, o estudo das espécies de cooperação e da autoridade central brasileira, e uma breve incursão nas redes de cooperação integradas pelo Brasil e no Anteprojeto de Lei de Cooperação Jurídica Internacional. No âmbito dos Estados Unidos, estudaremos o histórico do instituto, os principais problemas constitucionais enfrentados na utilização da prova produzida no estrangeiro, os Estatutos Federais norte-americanos, as espécies de assistência e os meios coercitivos de obtenção da prova, fazendo ainda uma análise comparativa entre os institutos da letter rogatory e do Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. Por fim, na parte final do presente trabalho tratar-se-á especificamente da cooperação jurídica no âmbito das relações Brasil/Estados Unidos, analisando-se as outras formas de assistência entre as duas nações, o MLAT Brasil/Estados Unidos e os prós e contras na sua utilização, para, ao final, concentrarmos nossos esforços no polêmico artigo I, item 5, do Decreto n° 3.810/2001 (proibição de utilização, pela defesa, do Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) e na busca de soluções para tão importante problema. / This paper will examine the matter of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, between Brazil and the United States. The first part of the paper will study the general theory of international judicial cooperation, analyzing its history, concept and categories, enrolling its sources and foundations as well as the basic principles applicable to the subject, to finally examine judicial cooperation in the ambit of the European Union and MERCOSUL, and the existing judicial networks throughout the world. Following, the issue will be studied within the legal systems of both countries, Brazil and United States, each with its own peculiarities. The study of judicial cooperation within Brazilian legal system will involve the historic background, an analyzis of the laws applicable, the study of the varieties of cooperation and of the Brazilian central authority, as well as a brief incursion in cooperation networks integrated by Brazil, and in the Draft Bill for an International Judicial Cooperation Law. At the United States level, we will study the history of the subject, the main constitutional problems faced in the use of the evidence produced abroad, the American Federal Statutes, the types of assistance and the coercive means of evidence gathering, also making a comparative analyzis between letters rogatory and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties. Finally, towards the end of the present study, we will specifically address the subject of judicial cooperation between Brazil and the United States, first analyzing the other forms of assistance between both nations, and then focusing in the MLAT between Brazil/United States and its pros and cons, to eventually aim attention at the controversial article I, item 5, of the 3.810/2001 Decree (prohibition of the use, by the defense, of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) and in the search for solutions to such an important matter.

Cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal : uma análise do mutual legal assistance treaty Brasil/Estados Unidos

Vasconcellos, Helena January 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho examinará a temática da cooperação jurídica internacional em matéria penal no âmbito das relações Brasil/Estados Unidos. Na primeira parte, será abordada a teoria geral da cooperação jurídica internacional, ocasião em que se analisará o seu histórico, conceito e classificações, elencando-se as suas fontes e fundamentos, bem como os seus princípios basilares para, alfim, estudar-se a cooperação no âmbito da União Européia e do MERCOSUL e, ainda, as redes de cooperação ao redor do mundo. Em seguida, o instituto será estudado nos ordenamentos jurídicos de ambos os países, Brasil e Estados Unidos, cada qual com suas particularidades. O estudo da cooperação jurídica no Brasil envolverá a contextualização histórica do instituto, a análise dos diplomas legais aplicáveis, o estudo das espécies de cooperação e da autoridade central brasileira, e uma breve incursão nas redes de cooperação integradas pelo Brasil e no Anteprojeto de Lei de Cooperação Jurídica Internacional. No âmbito dos Estados Unidos, estudaremos o histórico do instituto, os principais problemas constitucionais enfrentados na utilização da prova produzida no estrangeiro, os Estatutos Federais norte-americanos, as espécies de assistência e os meios coercitivos de obtenção da prova, fazendo ainda uma análise comparativa entre os institutos da letter rogatory e do Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty. Por fim, na parte final do presente trabalho tratar-se-á especificamente da cooperação jurídica no âmbito das relações Brasil/Estados Unidos, analisando-se as outras formas de assistência entre as duas nações, o MLAT Brasil/Estados Unidos e os prós e contras na sua utilização, para, ao final, concentrarmos nossos esforços no polêmico artigo I, item 5, do Decreto n° 3.810/2001 (proibição de utilização, pela defesa, do Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) e na busca de soluções para tão importante problema. / This paper will examine the matter of international judicial cooperation in criminal matters, between Brazil and the United States. The first part of the paper will study the general theory of international judicial cooperation, analyzing its history, concept and categories, enrolling its sources and foundations as well as the basic principles applicable to the subject, to finally examine judicial cooperation in the ambit of the European Union and MERCOSUL, and the existing judicial networks throughout the world. Following, the issue will be studied within the legal systems of both countries, Brazil and United States, each with its own peculiarities. The study of judicial cooperation within Brazilian legal system will involve the historic background, an analyzis of the laws applicable, the study of the varieties of cooperation and of the Brazilian central authority, as well as a brief incursion in cooperation networks integrated by Brazil, and in the Draft Bill for an International Judicial Cooperation Law. At the United States level, we will study the history of the subject, the main constitutional problems faced in the use of the evidence produced abroad, the American Federal Statutes, the types of assistance and the coercive means of evidence gathering, also making a comparative analyzis between letters rogatory and Mutual Legal Assistance Treaties. Finally, towards the end of the present study, we will specifically address the subject of judicial cooperation between Brazil and the United States, first analyzing the other forms of assistance between both nations, and then focusing in the MLAT between Brazil/United States and its pros and cons, to eventually aim attention at the controversial article I, item 5, of the 3.810/2001 Decree (prohibition of the use, by the defense, of the Mutual Legal Assistance Treaty) and in the search for solutions to such an important matter.

Europeizace trestního práva / Europeanization of Criminal Law

Procházka, Tomáš January 2016 (has links)
Thesis entitled "Europeanisation of criminal law" focuses on the approximation of procedural criminal law of European countries under the influence of the European Union and the Council of Europe. Europeanisation of criminal law is a process of adopting common European standards for substantive and procedural criminal law. The thesis is divided into five main chapters. First, introductory, chapter defines basic terms, e.g. europeanisation of criminal law, European criminal law, and points out some of the basic issues with the attention to main development lines of europeanisation. Second chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the historic development of europeanisation of criminal law and the development of police and judicial cooperation in criminal matters. This chapter describes the progress of the idea of approximation of criminal law of European countries with the emphasis on the influence of the Council of Europe and the European Union upon procedural criminal law. It also contains the comparison of legal instruments of these international organisations and points out possible linked issues. Third chapter of the thesis is aimed at the protection of the human rights that is closely connected with the process of europeanisation of criminal law and criminal law in general. It also...

Úprava extradičního řízení v mezinárodním právu / Regulation of Extradition Procedure in International Law

Huclová, Helena January 2020 (has links)
Regulation of Extradition Procedure in International Law The subject of research of the thesis is the institute of extradition. The issue of extradition of persons by one state to another state with the purpose of criminal proceedings or imposition or enforcement of a sentence is very topical. Progressing process of globalization and easy ways of travelling enable perpetrators of criminal offences to hide from justice in various states. The extradition plays an important part in extradition of perpetrators of "ordinary" criminal offences as well as it is significantly instrumental in a fight against transnational organized crime, cybercriminality and other forms of transnational crimes. Cooperation of states in extradition of persons is therefore absolutely crucial in a fight against impunity of perpetrators of criminal offences. The extradition law may be divided into a material branch and a formal branch. The material extradition law analyzes conditions for granting the extradition. The formal extradition law represents an overview of procedural measures relating to the commencement of extradition proceedings, its course and its termination. The topic of the thesis is the "Extradition in International law". However, the subject of the thesis itself is narrower. The thesis focuses only on the...

Europeizace trestního práva / Europeanisation of Criminal Law

Oravcová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Europeanisation of Criminal Law Summary Throught the use of common adaptation of the basic principles of criminal law in the european dimension there is a possibility to remove an opacity and inefficiency of individual national and international instruments of criminal law so far. This effort can be the best observed in the procedures of the European Community or European Union. It should all happen by harmonizing laws and strengthening cooperation between the European Union member states. Integration of criminal law is pointed to be done in three main directions. First, it affects substantive criminal law by harmonizing particular merits of criminal offences. Second, it already affected criminal procedure by achieving mutual recognition of judicial decisions. The third way of integration is the institutional framework for judicial cooperation in criminal matters, followed-up by institutions of criminal cooperation. Criminal law as a public law is closely related to the state sovereignty. This fact, even today, suspends the opportunity to create sort of unified system of transnational criminal law within the European Union. Moreover, the very concept of criminal law is not clearly established in European law as it is in Czech law. For example, it includes even different illegal dealings than regular...

Dimension externe de l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice et action extérieure de l’Union européenne / External dimension of the area of freedom, security and justice and external action of the European Union

Billet, Carole 15 March 2014 (has links)
Domaine d’action récent, la dimension externe de l’ELSJ a connu un développement fulgurant et apparaît aujourd’hui comme une composante essentielle de l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne. Il s’agit toutefois d’une composante particulière en raison de la sensibilité des domaines en cause, qui entraîne d’importantes réticences de la part des Etats membres. L’objet de cette recherche consiste à analyser la question de la façon dont la dimension externe de l’ELSJ s’intègre au cadre juridique de l’action extérieure de l’Union, lequel a été largement rénové par le traité de Lisbonne, et ce, sous deux angles : institutionnel et matériel. Sous l’angle institutionnel, la dimension externe de l’ELSJ s’inscrit pleinement dans la systémique des compétences de l’Union. En raison des lacunes des traités concernant cette dimension externe, une dynamique de compensation des fondements juridiques apparaît en effet nécessaire et les institutions font donc appel aux diverses solutions découlant du système des compétences de l’action extérieure pour adopter les instruments souhaités. Confronté aux caractéristiques de l’ELSJ, ce recours au système des compétences de l’action extérieure engendre toutefois une accumulation de contraintes auxquelles les institutions doivent faire face. Certaines de ces contraintes, celles liées à la répartition des compétences, sont classiques mais se voient renouvelées et démultipliées dans le cadre de cette dimension externe. D’autres contraintes, celles liées à la différenciation, sont plus spécifiques et nécessitent d’avoir recours à des solutions innovantes. Sous l’angle matériel, l’intégration de la dimension extérieure de l’ELSJ à l’action extérieure de l’Union se mesure à l’aune du respect des exigences applicables à toute action de l’Union sur la scène internationale : les principes sur lesquels elle repose et les objectifs qu’elle poursuit, précisés à l’article 21 TUE. Concernant les objectifs de l’action extérieure, leur prise en compte dans le développement de la dimension externe de l’ELSJ demeure encore graduée. L’intégration apparait quasi-naturelle concernant l’objectif de sécurité pour lequel il existe une coïncidence avec les objectifs de l’ELSJ, mais pour les objectifs de soutien au multilatéralisme ou au développement, leur prise en compte nécessite davantage d’ajustements. Concernant les principes de l’action extérieure, leur valorisation apparait encore imparfaite. Auprès des tiers, l’Union utilise la conditionnalité de façon trop erratique, et en son sein, le contrôle demeure perfectible. / As a recent domain of action, the external dimension of the AFSJ has developed with lightning speed and is currently emerging as an essential component of the European Union’s external action. This is, however, a specific component owing to the sensitivity of the areas concerned, and one which arouses considerable reticence on the part of Member States. The question then arises as to how it is to be fitted into the legal framework of the Union’s external action, which has been extensively renovated by the Lisbon Treaty. The ensuing analysis needs to be conducted from two distinct and complementary perspectives: an institutional one and a material one. From an institutional perspective, the external dimension of AFSJ is totally in keeping with the Union’s competence system. Indeed, because of the loopholes in the treaties regarding this external action, a compensation scheme taking account of the diverse legal bases appears to be necessary. Therefore, institutions have recourse to the various solutions arising out of the external action’s competence system, in order to adopt the required instruments. Nevertheless, when confronted with the AFSJ’s characteristics, this recourse to the external action’s competence system generates a build-up of constraints which institutions have to face up to. Some of these constraints are familiar but are renewed and sometimes multiplied within the framework of this external dimension of the AFSJ. The constraints in question are related to the sharing out of competences. Other constraints are more specific and make it necessary to resort to innovative solutions, and such constraints are linked to differentiation. From a material perspective, integration of the AFSJ’s external dimension into the external action of the Union has to be measured in light of the respect for the exigencies applicable to any action by the Union on the international stage, namely the principles on which it is based and the objectives that it pursues, as specified in Article 21 of TEU. Regarding the goals of the external action, the role they play in the development of the AFSJ’s external dimension remains gradual. Integration appears to be a quasi natural objective as regards security, a domain in which it happens to coincide with the objectives of the AFSJ. However, regarding the desirable support for multilateralism or development, achieving coherence requires further adjustments. Concerning the principles underlying the external action, results are more mixed. With third parties, the EU makes an erratic use of conditionality, and within the Union, control could be improved.

Efetivação das sentenças estrangeiras sobre o estado das pessoas no Brasil: por uma mudança de paradigma à luz da globalização econômica / The effectuation of foreign judgments about person s status in Brazil: seeking a change of the panorama considering the economic globalization

Azevedo, Ana Paula Schoriza Bueno de 17 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula Schoriza Bueno de Azevedo.pdf: 827119 bytes, checksum: 27bda2ca48ac146634a256f5f0967d34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-17 / The economic globalization brought as a result the major interdependency between the countries. This also causes the increase of litigations involving more than one legal system. In fact, more and more, the Judiciary has to effectuate foreign judgments, so it becomes necessary the international judicial cooperation. The foreign judgments can‟t be confused with the international judgments, which don‟t need recognition and are rendered by the international courts or international organizations. The foreign judgments from any nature need to be recognized by the Superior Court of Justice (Superior Tribunal de Justiça), which will analyze the presence of legal requisites. However, this affirmation is refused by doctrine and jurisprudence in cases of foreign judgments involving the person‟s status. In spite of the existence of some right points of view of the major doctrine, the problem must be reexamined considering the presence of interest, because there is no regular application of the action of recognition when it‟s not necessary to modify the status in Brazil. Also it must be emphasized that the foreign judgments or any other decisions regarding the Law 11.441/2007. Notwithstanding, it‟s necessary to regulate the recognition of foreign judgments, specially regarding the person‟s status, in order that is possible to satisfy the cooperative and globalized society / A globalização econômica trouxe como consequência maior interdependência entre os Estados. Isso também resulta em um aumento dos litígios envolvendo mais de um ordenamento jurídico. Com efeito, cada vez mais o Judiciário tem de efetivar decisões estrangeiras, sendo imprescindível recorrer aos mecanismos de cooperação jurisdicional internacional. Conveniente elucidar que as sentenças estrangeiras não se confundem com as sentenças internacionais, prolatadas por tribunais ou organismos internacionais, que dispensam qualquer ato de reconhecimento. Em vez disso, as sentenças estrangeiras proferidas pelo Judiciário estatal, para que possam surtir efeitos no Brasil, independentemente de sua natureza, precisam antes passar pelo crivo do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que as homologará, se presentes os requisitos legais. Todavia, essa afirmação encontra refutações na doutrina e na jurisprudência com relação às sentenças estrangeiras sobre o estado das pessoas. Apesar de a posição dominante não deixar de ter seus pontos de acerto, o assunto deve ser reexaminado sob o ponto de vista do interesse, pois, quando não se pretende a alteração do estado das coisas no Brasil, faltará condição para exercício regular da ação homologatória. Merece destaque, também, a possibilidade de se dispensar de homologação as sentenças estrangeiras, ou os provimentos judiciais de natureza equivalente, relacionados à Lei nº 11.441/2007. Nada obstante, as considerações expostas não dispensam a elaboração de lei que regule a homologação de sentenças estrangeiras, especialmente no que se refere ao estado das pessoas, de forma a satisfazer a sociedade globalizada e cooperativa

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