Spelling suggestions: "subject:"kalorimetrie"" "subject:"calorimetrie""
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Strukturní a morfologická charakterizace polyamidových spon / Structural and morphological characterization of polyamide bucklesKubíčková, Eva January 2016 (has links)
The work deals with structrural and morphological characterization of polyamide buckles used to fasten webbins. The buckles were produced in five different years, a few of those produced in 2000 and 2004 were broken. The aime is to determine the type of polyamide and the cause of fracture of the buckles during using. The buckles were characterized in terms of structure and composition by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy in a mode of attenuated total reflaction, differential scanning calorimetry, thermogravimetry and X-ray diffraction. The buckles were made of polyamide 12. The broken buckles showed higher melting point, lower thermal stability and, in addition to modification it also contains modification, which is more fragile and probably represents the cause of fracture.
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Multidimenzionální charakterizace polyelektrolytů a interpolyelektrolytových komplexů ve vodných roztocích / Multidimensional characterization of polyelectrolytes and interpolyelectrolyte complexes in aqueous solutionsMurmiliuk, Anastasiia January 2021 (has links)
Multidimensional characterization of polyelectrolytes and interpolyelectrolyte complexes in aqueous solutions Abstract: This PhD thesis is dedicated to the study of polyelectrolytes and their self-assembly in aqueous solutions. The morphology and ionization state of individual polymer chains were investigated as well as their co-assembly with oppositely charged species. First, the charge regulation of short and long weak polyelectrolytes in aqueous solution was investigated to deeper understand their pH-responsive properties. The changes of ionization degree and charge of oligopeptides composed of 5 amino acids with acid side-chains and 5 with basic side chains were followed upon varying the pH in order to reveal the effect of interactions between the like-charged and oppositely charged groups. It was shown that intra-molecular electrostatic interactions and conformational flexibility caused the suppression of the total charge and enhancement of ionization of the peptides. To get an insight into the distribution of local H+ concentration in the proximity of a polyelectrolyte chain, a modified polyelectrolyte structure was used with a fluorescent pH- indicator, covalently attached at the end of the chain. Ionization of the pH-responsive fluorophore revealed its effective pK which was compared with the local...
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Mechanické vlastnosti a struktura směsí recyklovaného polyetylénu a velmi nízko hustotního polyetylénu / Mechanical properties and structure of blends of recycled polyethylene with linear low density polyethyleneKocandová, Jana January 2019 (has links)
Recycled material produced during three months from packing polyethylene foils coming from three suppliers was analysed together with one recycled material under complaint from the point of melt flow index (MFI), composition and mechanical properties. The addition of linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) into the recycled material was studied as well. It was measured melt flow index (MFI), Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) together with Thermogravimetry methods were used to determine composition. Selected materials were pressed to obtain films with the thickness of 1 mm to determine tensile properties. Recycled materials contained 40–65% LLDPE, small amount of polypropylene as well as chalk. The content of LDPE and LLDPE varied within one supplier and thus mechanical properties did. The results showed the difference in quality of PE films separation among all suppliers. The problems with workability of material under complaint were caused by the material composition – the amount of LLDPE predominated. The addition of LLDPE into the recycled material in the range of 5–20 % increased MFI by 13-78%. Mechanical properties of blends rich in LLDPE were similar to those of clear LLDPE. The presence of LDPE influenced more markedly only the strength to break. The blends of LDPE and LLDPE were evaluated as immiscible but with high affinity of the components with increasing contend of LLDPE. No material was chemically degraded. The methods commonly performed in manufacture, especially MFI, are not able to differentiate LDPE form LLDPE – recommended is DSC.
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Energieeintrag langsamer hochgeladener Ionen in FestkörperoberflächenKost, Daniel 26 April 2007 (has links)
Motiviert durch die in der Literatur bisher unvollständige Beschreibung der Relaxation hochgeladener Ionen vor Festkörperoberflächen, besonders in Bezug auf den Eintrag potenzieller Energie in Oberflächen und der Aufstellung einer vollständigen Energiebilanz, werden in dieser Arbeit komplementäre Studien präsentiert, die sowohl die Ermittlung des Anteils der deponierten potenziellen Energie als auch die Ermittlung der emittierten potenziellen Energie ermöglichen. Zum Einen wird zur Bestimmung des eingetragenen Anteils der potenziellen Energie eine kalorimetrische Messanordnung verwendet, zum Anderen gelingt die Bestimmung der emittierten potenziellen Energie mittels doppeldifferenzieller Elektronenspektroskopie. Für vertiefende Studien werden Materialien unterschiedlicher elektronischer Strukturen (Cu, n-Si, p-Si und SiO2 ) verwendet. Im Falle der Kalorimetrie wird festgestellt, dass die eingetragene potenzielle Energie linear mit der inneren potenziellen Energie der Ionen wächst. Dabei bleibt das Verhältnis zwischen der eingetragenen potenziellen Energie und der inneren potenziellen Energie nahezu konstant bei etwa (80 ± 10) %. Der Vergleich von Cu, n-Si und p-Si zeigt im Rahmen der Messfehler keine signifikanten Unterschiede in diesem Verhältnis. Es liegen jedoch deutlich unter jenem von SiO2. Die Elektronenspektroskopie liefert ein dazu komplementäres Ergebnis. Für Cu und Si konnte ebenfalls eine lineare Abhängigkeit zwischen emittierter Energie und innerer potenzieller Energie festgestellt werden. Das Verhältnis wurde hierfür bis zum Ladungszustand bis Ar7+ zu etwa (10 ± 5) % unabhängig vom Ladungszustand bestimmt. Im Gegensatz dazu liefert SiO2 eine nahezu verschwindende Elektronenausbeute. Für Ar8+ und Ar9+ steigt die Elektronenausbeute wegen der Beiträge der LMM-Augerelektronen für alle untersuchten Materialien leicht an. Der Anteil der emittierten Energie eines Ar9+ -Ions wird für Cu und Si zu etwa 20 % und für SiO2 zu etwa 10 % angegeben. Diese Ergebnisse sind in guter Übereinstimmung mit den Kalorimetrieexperimenten und erfüllen die Energiebilanz. Zusätzlich werden die experimentellen Ergebnisse mit einer Computersimulation modelliert, welche auf dem erweiterten dynamischen klassischen Barrierenmodell basiert. Aus diesen Rechnungen kann zudem jener Anteil der deponierten potenziellen Energie erhalten werden, welcher durch Bildladungsbeschleunigung vor der Oberfläche in kinetische Energie umgewandelt wurde. / Motivated by the incomplete scientific description of the relaxation of highly charged ions in front of solid surfaces and their energy balance, this thesis describes an advanced complementary study of determining deposited fractions and re-emitted fractions of the potential energy of highly charged ions. On one side, a calorimetric measurement setup is used to determine the retained potential energy and on the other side, energy resolved electron spectroscopy is used for measuring the re-emitted energy due to secondary electron emission. In order to study the mechanism of energy retention in detail, materials with different electronic structures are investigated: Cu, n-Si, p-Si and SiO2 . In the case of calorimetry, a linear relationship between the deposited potential energy and the inner potential energy of the ions was determined. The total potential energy which stays in the solid remains almost constant at about (80 ± 10) %. Comparing the results of the Cu, n-Si and p-Si targets, no significant difference could be shown. Therefore we conclude that the difference in energy deposition between copper, n-doped Si and p-doped Si is below 10 %, which is significantly lower than using SiO2 targets. For this purpose, electron spectroscopy provides a complementary result. For Cu and Si surfaces, an almost linear increase of the re-emitted energy with increasing potential energy of the ion up to Ar7+ was also observed. The ratio of the re-emitted energy is about (10 ± 5) % of the total potential energy of the incoming ion, almost independent of the ion charge state. In contrast, an almost vanishing electron emission was observed for SiO2 and for charge states below q=7. For Ar8+ and Ar9+, the electron emission increased due to the contribution of the projectile LMM Auger electrons and the re-emitted energy amounts up to 20 % for Cu and Si and around 10 % for SiO2 .These results are in good agreement with the calorimetric values. In addition, the experimental results are compared with computer simulations based on the extended dynamical over-the-barrier model. From these calculations, the ratio of deposited potential energy that is transformed into kinetic energy before deposition due to the image charge acceleration can be maintained.
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Kalorimetrische Untersuchungen zu Magnetismus, Supraleitung und Nicht-Fermi-Flüssigkeits-Effekten in Systemen mit starken ElektronenkorrelationenLanghammer, Christoph 29 October 2000 (has links) (PDF)
Die Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Messung und Analyse der spezifischen Wärme verschiedener stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme bei tiefen Temperaturen und hohen Magnetfeldern. Zunächst wird der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit verwendete, auf der Meßmethode der thermischen Relaxation beruhende Aufbau des Kalorimeters (Einsatzbereich 0.05K<T<4K und 0<B<12T) ausführlich erläutert. Danach werden die Ergebnisse von Messungen an den drei Schwere-Fermionen-Verbindungen CeCu2Si2, CeNi2Ge2 und YbRh2Si2 dargelegt. Wenngleich alle drei Systeme bei tiefen Temperaturen durch den für Schwere-Fermionen-Systeme charakteristischen, stark erhöhten elektronischen Beitrag zur spezifischen Wärme gekennzeichnet sind zeigen sich deutliche Unterschiede im beobachteten Grundzustandsverhalten. An CeCu2Si2 wird die für T<1K auftretende Konkurrenz zwischen einem supraleitenden und einem magnetischen Grundzustand ausführlich studiert. In YbRh2Si2 zeigt sich bei einer für 4f-Systeme bemerkenswert tiefen Temperatur von ca. 70mK ein Übergang in eine magnetische Phase, während der Grundzustand von CeNi2Ge2 wegen stark ausgeprägter Probenabhängigkeiten immer noch kontrovers diskutiert wird. Des weiteren zeigen alle drei Verbindungen deutliche Abweichungen vom Verhalten einer Fermi-Flüssigkeit. Die Theorie der Fermi-Flüssigkeit hat sich für metallische Verbindungen als sehr erfolgreich auch bei der Beschreibung des Verhaltens eines Systems aus stark wechselwirkenden Ladungsträgern erwiesen. Warum diese Theorie auf die untersuchten Verbindungen nicht anwendbar zu sein scheint, wird im Rahmen moderner Modellvorstellungen wie z. B. der Nähe zu einem quantenkritischen Punkt diskutiert. Die an Sr2RuO4, dem ersten Kupfer-freien Perowskit Supraleiter, durchgeführten Messungen der spezifischen Wärme dokumentieren das Auftreten von zwei Zusatzbeiträgen für T<Tc, die eine Interpretation der spezifischen Wärme des supraleitenden Zustands von Sr2RuO4 im Hinblick auf die Topologie des Ordnungsparameters deutlich erschweren.
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Kalorimetrische Untersuchungen zu Magnetismus, Supraleitung und Nicht-Fermi-Flüssigkeits-Effekten in Systemen mit starken ElektronenkorrelationenLanghammer, Christoph 29 August 2000 (has links)
Die Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Messung und Analyse der spezifischen Wärme verschiedener stark korrelierter Elektronensysteme bei tiefen Temperaturen und hohen Magnetfeldern. Zunächst wird der im Rahmen dieser Arbeit verwendete, auf der Meßmethode der thermischen Relaxation beruhende Aufbau des Kalorimeters (Einsatzbereich 0.05K<T<4K und 0<B<12T) ausführlich erläutert. Danach werden die Ergebnisse von Messungen an den drei Schwere-Fermionen-Verbindungen CeCu2Si2, CeNi2Ge2 und YbRh2Si2 dargelegt. Wenngleich alle drei Systeme bei tiefen Temperaturen durch den für Schwere-Fermionen-Systeme charakteristischen, stark erhöhten elektronischen Beitrag zur spezifischen Wärme gekennzeichnet sind zeigen sich deutliche Unterschiede im beobachteten Grundzustandsverhalten. An CeCu2Si2 wird die für T<1K auftretende Konkurrenz zwischen einem supraleitenden und einem magnetischen Grundzustand ausführlich studiert. In YbRh2Si2 zeigt sich bei einer für 4f-Systeme bemerkenswert tiefen Temperatur von ca. 70mK ein Übergang in eine magnetische Phase, während der Grundzustand von CeNi2Ge2 wegen stark ausgeprägter Probenabhängigkeiten immer noch kontrovers diskutiert wird. Des weiteren zeigen alle drei Verbindungen deutliche Abweichungen vom Verhalten einer Fermi-Flüssigkeit. Die Theorie der Fermi-Flüssigkeit hat sich für metallische Verbindungen als sehr erfolgreich auch bei der Beschreibung des Verhaltens eines Systems aus stark wechselwirkenden Ladungsträgern erwiesen. Warum diese Theorie auf die untersuchten Verbindungen nicht anwendbar zu sein scheint, wird im Rahmen moderner Modellvorstellungen wie z. B. der Nähe zu einem quantenkritischen Punkt diskutiert. Die an Sr2RuO4, dem ersten Kupfer-freien Perowskit Supraleiter, durchgeführten Messungen der spezifischen Wärme dokumentieren das Auftreten von zwei Zusatzbeiträgen für T<Tc, die eine Interpretation der spezifischen Wärme des supraleitenden Zustands von Sr2RuO4 im Hinblick auf die Topologie des Ordnungsparameters deutlich erschweren.
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Vliv vybraných činidel na krystalizační schopnost polylaktidu / Influence of selected agents on crystallization power of polylactideKurakin, Yuriy January 2020 (has links)
The influence of seven additives on the crystallization ability of polylactide (PLA), melt flow index (MVR) and mechanical tensile properties was studied. Pressed plates with a thickness of 0.8 mm were tested. Selected additives added in amounts of 0.5 and 1.0% were as follows: talc, sodium benzoate, mixtures of organic salts with amorphous SiO2 and zinc stearate, metal salt, phosphate salt, and potassium salt of 5-dimethylsulfoisophthalate (LAK-301 - nucleating agent developed for PLA). Non-isothermal crystallization measurements were performed at different cooling rates (0.3; 0.5; 0.7; 1.0 and 1.5 ° C). All nucleation agents increased the MVR of PLA except talc; the largest increase (9-fold and 24-fold) was the addition of metal salt. The additives did not fundamentally change the mechanical properties. All samples were rather brittle (the most brittle with LAK-301), the modulus of elasticity was around 1.2 GPa for all samples, the strength of PLA was increased the most by the addition of 1% talc (by 12%) and the elongation at break was increased by organic salt with SiO2. All samples with nucleating agents content of 1% were amorphous (crystalline content did not exceed 2%). Thus, the addition of reagents did not support the crystallization process during rapid cooling, even in the case of LAK-301. However, LAK-301 was acting as an excellent nucleating agent at slow cooling rates (1.5 °C / min and below). The nucleation activity of the additives decreased in the following order: LAK-301, organic salt with zinc stearate, talc, organic salt modified with amorphous SiO2 and phosphate salt. Samples with sodium benzoate and metal salt were crystallizing on cooling in several steps and it was not possible to use the method of Dobrev and Gutzow to evaluate the nucleation activity.
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Kinetika neizotermické krystalizace polylaktidu s přídavkem vybraných činidel / Kinetics of non-isothermal crystallization of polylactide with selected agentsČervený, Ľuboš January 2021 (has links)
The aim of submitted diploma thesis is the study of non-isothermal crystallization kinetics of polylactide (PLA) with selected agents (1 %) and observation of the emerging crystalline structure under polarizing optical microscope. The agents were talc, a mixture of organic salts with the addition of amorphous SiO2 (HPN 68L) and zinc stearate (HPN 20E) and LAK-301 (potassium salt of 5-dimethylsulfoisophtalate), which is a nucleating agent developer for PLA. The PLA matrix served as a reference. Non-isothermal crystallization took place on a differential scanning calorimeter at cooling rates () 0,3; 0,5; 0,7; 1; 1,5; 2 °C/min After non-isothermal crystallization, the crystalline fraction (Xc) od PLA was evaluated from X-ray diffraction analysis, and the supramolecular structure was observed after chemical degradative etching using confocal laser scanning microscope. The crystallization kinetics were evaluated by the methods of Jeziorny and Mo and the activation energy of the crystallization was determined according to the Friedmann method. All prepared materials were amorphous (Xc 40 % for up to 1,5 °C/min). However, for LAK-301, Xc decreased to 30 % already at the = 2 °C/min and it can be assumed that with increasing its nucleation activity will decrease. A spherulitic structure was observed in all samples, but the number and size of spherulites decreased with increasing and the appearance varied according to the type of agent. Both kinetic models proved to be unsuitable for materials with low Xc and the highest because the rate of crystallization did not change. With the Jeziorny method, it was possible to evaluate the kinetics only for the relative crystallinity Xt = 29–50 % and with the Mo method it was not possible to evaluate the data for the highest for PLA matrix and sample with HPN 68L. The samples with LAK-301 and HPN 68L showed the lowest activation energy.
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Vliv zinku přítomného ve vedlejších surovinách na hydrataci a vlastnosti portlandských směsných cementů / Influence of Zinc in Byproducts on Hydration and Properties of Blended Portlands CementsŠilerová, Iva January 2015 (has links)
The theme of this work is to monitor the effect of zinc on the properties of blended Portland cements. Zinc was tested in the form of two-soluble salts: Zn(NO3)22 H2O and ZnCl2 and a very slightly soluble compound ZnO. Blended cements were prepared by partial replacement with finely ground granulated blast furnace slag, high-temperature and fluidized bed combustion filter fly ash. Flow properties were studied on the prepared pastes. Impact on hydration reactions was examined by using of isothermal and isoperibolic calorimetry. Flexural and compressive strength were measured as mechanical properties of the prepared test specimens. The phase composition of the prepared composites and incorporation of zinc ions in the cement matrix via leaching tests and FTIR analyzes were also studied. Microstructure development of cement samples was tested by SEM analysis with EDS. Influence on ecotoxicity was also measured.
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Asociace polymerů s amfifilními sloučeninami (surfaktanty) ve vodných roztocích / Self-assembly of polymers with amphiphilic compounds (surfactants) in aqueous solutionsDelisavva, Foteini January 2017 (has links)
Title: Self-assembly of polymers with amphiphilic compounds (surfactants) in aqueous solutions Abstract: This PhD Thesis is devoted to the co-assembly in systems containing electrically charged polymers (polyelectrolytes and block copolymers containing polyelectrolyte sequences). I studied the interactions between block copolymers and oppositely charged surfactants in aqueous solutions, and the structure and properties of co-assembled nanoparticles by a combination of several experimental methods. I found that the spontaneous formation, solubility and stability of complex nanoparticles depend not only on the electrostatic attractive forces but also on the hydrophobic effects. In a major part of my Thesis, I studied the interaction of polyelectrolytes with oppositely charged gemini surfactants (containing two charged head-groups interconnected by a short linker and two hydrophobic tails) which is a relatively new topic - much less studied than the co-assembly with conventional single tail surfactants. Better understanding of the formation and properties of complexes containing gemini surfactants and polymers provides knowledge that should lead to novel tailor-made nanoparticles with desired properties for applications in medicine and new technologies (including nano-technologies). We have shown that the...
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