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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions plantes-bactéries sur des substrats contaminés en cuivre

CUBAKA, ALFRED 26 August 2010 (has links)
En utilisant le binôme Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34-Solanacées comme un modèle et comme un point de départ, une étude sur l'interaction entre les plantes et les bactéries sur un substrat pollué par le cuivre a été menée dans deux directions: 1 °) une étude en conditions de laboratoire sur les capacités de C. metallidurans CH34 à interagir avec Nicotiana plumbaginifolia (les solanacées) 2 °) une étude sur le terrain visant à examiner les interactions entre cuprophytes et bactéries résistantes aux métaux des régions minières du Katanga. La première partie inclut une étude in silico visant à établir un catalogue des gènes C. metallidurans CH34 potentiellement impliqués par les interactions plantes-bactéries. Ce catalogue, tout en se reposant sur le génome proche de Ralstonia solanacearum, bactérie phytopathogène de plusieurs espèces végétales appartenant principalement à la famille des Solanaceae, il n'a pas pris en compte les orthologues des gènes clés de la virulence de cette phytopathogène. Les gènes correspondants de C. metallidurans étaient situées sur les deux chromosomes et ont des orthologues dans tous les génomes séquencés des Cupriavidus / Ralstonia et dans Enterobacter sp. 638, endophyte de peuplier. L'étude transcriptomique, à l'aide de «microarray» a montré que certains de ces gènes étaient induits, notamment des gènes impliqués dans la mobilité flagellaire (comme motA) et dans la synthèse des polysaccharides extracellulaires étaient surexprimés pendant le contact entre les plantes et les bactéries, tandis que phcA (impliqué dans la détection de la densité de population et dans la conversion phénotypique) et des gènes impliqués dans la biosynthèse de pili étaient sousexprimés dans les conditions expérimentales testées. En outre, le contact avec les plantes semble avoir induit la surexpression des gènes impliqués dans la réponse de cuivre et d'autres métaux. La capacité de C. metallidurans CH34 à coloniser l'endosphere de N. plumbaginifolia a été confirmée in vitro ainsi qu'un effet de promotion de la croissance des plantes dans certaines conditions. Mais la densité de la colonisation (104-106 c.f.u/g. poids frais) est considérablement réduite dans des conditions non stériles et en l'absence de pression de sélection métallique. La deuxième partie de l'étude s'est concentrée sur la microbiologie de cuprophytes (Haumaniastrum katagense et Crepidorhopalon tenuis) dans l'arc cuprifère du Katanga: des isolats Cuprorésistants appartenant aux genres Stenotrophomonas et Sphingomonas prédominent dans la rhizosphère alors que des isolats appartenant aux genres Methylobacterium, Xanthomonas et Variovorax prédominent dans l'endosphere. Certaines de ces bactéries sont plus résistantes au Cu(II), à des concentrations minimales inhibitrices (MIC) allant jusqu'à 5 mM, que C. metallidurans CH34 (MIC: 1,5 mM) et la plupart d'entre elles résistent également aux Zn(II), Co(II) et Cd(II). Des isolats appartenant au genre Cupriavidus/Ralstonia ont été détectés dans la rhizosphère des cuprophytes ainsi que les séquences 16S rDNA de C. metallidurans ont été également détectées dans l'ADN total extrait des cuprophytes. La détection via la réaction de la polymérase en chaîne (PCR) de gènes de résistance au cuivre correspondant à des protéines periplasmiques a confirmé la présence dans les bactéries cuprorésistantes, principalement de copA et dans une moindre mesure celle de copK. Mais les gènes homologues de copA et de copK n'ont pas été détectés dans tous les bactéries du genre Methylobacterium dont les membres ont été pourtant les plus résistants aux métaux. Certaines bactéries isolées sont capables d'interagir avec le système hormonal végétal et quelques unes semblent également manifester un effet de promotion de la croissance des plantes. Les premières tentatives d'élaboration de protocoles de reinoculation des bactéries endophytic cuprorésistantes dans Haumaniastrum katagense ont été effectués. La biologie moléculaire et l'écologie des interactions plantes-bactéries et des mécanismes de résistance métallique décrits dans ce travail peuvent préparer la voie à de nouvelles applications en bioremédiation (phytostabilization / phytoextraction de métaux toxiques).

Congo casino. Le monde social du capitalisme européen au Katanga (RDC).

Rubbers, Benjamin O.J.R.M. 07 March 2006 (has links)
<p align="justify">Les Européens (Belges, Grecs et Italiens) du Katanga, dont le nombre s’est considérablement réduit au cours de la période post-coloniale, forment aujourd’hui le groupe le plus puissant de l’économie de la région. Au vu des troubles qui ont marqué l’histoire du Congo depuis l’indépendance, pourquoi sont-ils restés sur place ? Comment ont-ils développé leurs affaires dans une économie sur le déclin, en voie de marginalisation, et dans une structure politique patrimoniale de plus en plus instable ? Et quelle est leur place au sein de la société congolaise ? Telle est la triple question de départ à laquelle tente de répondre cette thèse en abordant de façon successive, au fil des chapitres, leur parcours migratoire, leur insertion dans la société congolaise, la dynamique de leur communauté, leur rôle dans les deux plus gros secteurs de la région, et leurs rapports avec les représentants de l’Etat. Elle prend appui pour ce faire sur une recherche de terrain conduite entre 2003 et 2004.</p> <p align="justify">If the number of Europeans (Belgians, Greeks and Italians) living in Katanga has considerably decreased during the post-colonial period, they represent today the most powerful entrepreneurial group of the local economy. Once considered the troubles they came across since independence, why did they remain in the Congo? How did they develop their business in a declining economy, in process of marginalization, and in a patrimonial political structure, which proves to be more and more unstable? Finally, what is their place and role in Congolese society? These are the three questions this thesis tries to give an answer. Through the chapters, it studies the migration of expatriates in Africa, their relationship with Congolese society, the dynamics of their community, their role in the two most important sectors of Katanga, and the way they interact with the agents of the State. For this purpose, it rests upon a fieldwork research led between 2003 and 2004.</p>

Nationalism, authority and political identity in the secession of Katanga, 1908-1963

Porter, Catherine Lee January 2015 (has links)
No description available.

De l'affaire Katanga au contrat social global : un regard sur la Cour pénale internationale / Of Katanga to global social contract : a look at the International Criminal Court

Branco, Juan 26 November 2014 (has links)
Le 25 juin 2014, Germain Katanga devenait la première personne définitivement condamnée par la Cour pénale internationale. Dans l'indifférence générale, ce congolais originaire d'un petit village de l'Ituri rentrait ainsi dans l'histoire d'un pouvoir naissant pour avoir fait transiter des armes ayant servi à une attaque contre des populations civiles. A travers une déconstruction étape par étage du cheminement qui a amené cet homme de la chasse aux Okapis à sa condamnation pour crimes de guerre et crimes contre l'humanité, nous avons cherché à comprendre comment une institution créée pour juger les plus grands criminels a pu croiser le chemin de celui qui n'avait auparavant jamais entendu parer de « La Haye ».Dénuée de contrôle social, incapable de jouer le rôle qui lui a été attribué la CPI s'est longtemps défaussée sur les États pour expliquer les échecs de sa première décennie d'exercice. La réalité est plus complexe, et laisse apparaître en creux une incapacité structurelle à agir contre les intérêts de l'ordre étatique et a fortiori des dominants de cet ordre étatique. Après avoir décrit l'institution de l'intérieur, en nous appuyant sur notre propre expérience à la CPI et au ministère des affaires étrangères français, nous avons donc tenté de comprendre de lire la Cour depuis la perceptive hobbesienne ; appuyé sur un travail sur les terrains d'enquête de la CPI en Afrique, plus de cent entretiens avec les principaux protagonistes de l'institution et de l'affaire Katanga, nous avons ainsi suivi le cheminement casuistique inversé, partant de la plus petite échelle de l'institution pour finir par en interroger le sens dans son ensemble. / June 25, 2014, Germain Katanga became the first person to be convicted and sentenced by the International Criminal Court. As his case continued to be cloaked in silence, this congolese villager from the remote province of Ituri became a figure in the early history of a rising institution. Through a deconstruction of each stage of the proceedings against Katanga for war crimes and crimes against humanity at the ICC, this work attempts to understand how an institution built to prosecute the masterminds and those most responsible for the gravest crimes and atrocities targeted a 24-year-old Okapi hunter who never before heard of “The Hague”.Lasking social control, unable to play the role for which it was designed more than ten years ago, the ICC has systematically blamed the States for its numerous failures. The reality is more complex, and this research reveals that the institution has a structural incapacity to act against the interests of the state order, and a fortiori against the dominants of the order, therefore rendering obsolete any of its cosmopolitan pretentions. Following from a description of the ICC “from the inside”, based on the author's experience at the office of the Prosecutor and at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs, this work assesses the Court through a Hobbesian lens. Relying on field work in Congo and the Central Africa Republic, more than a hundred interviews and a novel analysis of Hobbes Leviathan this work takes a bottom-up approach, starting from the smallest scale - from what was considered a minor case – and ultimately questioning the institution as a whole.

L'eglise des Freres en Christ Gareganze face au probleme de la nationalite Congolaise (1996-2003): perspectives missiologiques venant de la Republique Democratique du Congo (the Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the problem of the Congolese citizenship (1996-2003): missiological perspectives from the Democratic Republic of Congo) / Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the problem of the Congolese citizenship (1996-2003): missiological perspectives from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mwambazambi, Kalemba 30 June 2005 (has links)
The mission of the Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the chaos of the socio-political situation in DRC resulting mostly from the question of the Congolese nationality is to dynamise the christian mission and to protect the poor, set free the captives, because God is always at their side. The DRC, though, has enormous natural resources and the competent human resources capabilities. The national institutions seem to be unable to handle this situation because of the lack of political culture, mismanagement and moral untidiness. The successive Congolese crises mostly are the same, the common denominator resides in the causes that brought them about. The main objectives of the antagonist groups are political leadership and material wealth. The findings of our analysis will help the Church of Christ in Congo, to fulfill the prophetic mission and the vision of God, for the positive transformation of the Congolese society. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Div. (Missiology)

L'eglise des Freres en Christ Gareganze face au probleme de la nationalite Congolaise (1996-2003): perspectives missiologiques venant de la Republique Democratique du Congo (the Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the problem of the Congolese citizenship (1996-2003): missiological perspectives from the Democratic Republic of Congo) / Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the problem of the Congolese citizenship (1996-2003): missiological perspectives from the Democratic Republic of Congo

Mwambazambi, Kalemba 30 June 2005 (has links)
The mission of the Gareganze's Brothers in Christ Church facing the chaos of the socio-political situation in DRC resulting mostly from the question of the Congolese nationality is to dynamise the christian mission and to protect the poor, set free the captives, because God is always at their side. The DRC, though, has enormous natural resources and the competent human resources capabilities. The national institutions seem to be unable to handle this situation because of the lack of political culture, mismanagement and moral untidiness. The successive Congolese crises mostly are the same, the common denominator resides in the causes that brought them about. The main objectives of the antagonist groups are political leadership and material wealth. The findings of our analysis will help the Church of Christ in Congo, to fulfill the prophetic mission and the vision of God, for the positive transformation of the Congolese society. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Div. (Missiology)

A missiological study of the Kimbanguist Church in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Jesse, Fungwa Kipimo 11 1900 (has links)
This is a systematic and critical study of the mission of the Kimbanguist Church in the city of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The research question was: “How do the Kimbanguist members interpret and express the Christian message in and for the context of Katanga province through their communal life, worship and mission?” A historical chapter traces the origins and growth of the church, followed by four chapters that analyze the mission of the church by means of a ‘praxis cycle.’ The chapters look at mission strategies (leadership, church departments, mission methods), followed by mission agents (spiritual head, clergy, chaplains, women, youth), the theological sources of mission (the Bible, the life of Simon Kimbangu, and a code of conduct) and spirituality (liturgy, sacraments, pilgrimages and festivals). In a concluding chapter several critical issues were identified for critical dialogue between the Kimbanguist church and other African churches. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

A missiological study of the Kimbanguist Church in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Jesse, Fungwa Kipimo 11 1900 (has links)
This is a systematic and critical study of the mission of the Kimbanguist Church in the city of Lubumbashi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The research question was: “How do the Kimbanguist members interpret and express the Christian message in and for the context of Katanga province through their communal life, worship and mission?” A historical chapter traces the origins and growth of the church, followed by four chapters that analyze the mission of the church by means of a ‘praxis cycle.’ The chapters look at mission strategies (leadership, church departments, mission methods), followed by mission agents (spiritual head, clergy, chaplains, women, youth), the theological sources of mission (the Bible, the life of Simon Kimbangu, and a code of conduct) and spirituality (liturgy, sacraments, pilgrimages and festivals). In a concluding chapter several critical issues were identified for critical dialogue between the Kimbanguist church and other African churches. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Missiology)

Studying pentecostalism missiologically: The Congo Evangelistic Mission in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Jesse, Fungwa Kipimo 03 March 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a critical missiological analysis of Pentecostal mission, specifically of the Congo Evangelistic Mission (CEM) in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It investigates how CEM members have been interpreting and expressing the Christian message in and for the context of Katanga Province through their communal life, worship and mission since its inception in 1914. It also asks the methodological question of how such a Pentecostal mission could best be studied and evaluated missiologically. To carry out this investigation the researcher developed a “Pentecostal Praxis Missiological Approach” which he used extensively throughout his study. Chapter two demonstrates that, while British missionaries brought the CEM to Katanga province, it was the early Congolese pioneers who actually spread the movement to different parts of Katanga and beyond its borders. Chapter three shows how CEM members have analysed the Congolese context, identifying it as a lost, unholy and socially broken society with high levels of poverty, unemployment and poor access to basic needs; it is also beset with problems of war and conflict, corruption and injustices as well as abuse of women. Chapter four focuses on the spirituality of power that inspires and motivates the CEM in the various dimensions of its mission. Chapter five uses mainly liturgical sources like prayers, songs and sermons to construct the Pentecostal theology of mission that guides and directs the CEM in its mission. Chapter six explores the agents and strategies of mission that the CEM uses to address the missional challenges they identify in their context. The final chapter raises six key missiological issues that emerged from the study and that require the attention of missiological scholars in order to foster the future of Pentecostal mission in Congo and the Southern African region as a whole. These issues are: preventing ongoing schisms, evangelising members of other religious traditions, the scope of healing, the impact of rapture theology, the place of women in ordained Pentecostal ministry, and the extent of contextualisation in the CEM. Keys terms Katanga Province, / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

Studying pentecostalism missiologically: The Congo Evangelistic Mission in Katanga Province, Democratic Republic of Congo

Jesse, Fungwa Kipimo 03 March 2015 (has links)
This thesis is a critical missiological analysis of Pentecostal mission, specifically of the Congo Evangelistic Mission (CEM) in the Katanga Province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. It investigates how CEM members have been interpreting and expressing the Christian message in and for the context of Katanga Province through their communal life, worship and mission since its inception in 1914. It also asks the methodological question of how such a Pentecostal mission could best be studied and evaluated missiologically. To carry out this investigation the researcher developed a “Pentecostal Praxis Missiological Approach” which he used extensively throughout his study. Chapter two demonstrates that, while British missionaries brought the CEM to Katanga province, it was the early Congolese pioneers who actually spread the movement to different parts of Katanga and beyond its borders. Chapter three shows how CEM members have analysed the Congolese context, identifying it as a lost, unholy and socially broken society with high levels of poverty, unemployment and poor access to basic needs; it is also beset with problems of war and conflict, corruption and injustices as well as abuse of women. Chapter four focuses on the spirituality of power that inspires and motivates the CEM in the various dimensions of its mission. Chapter five uses mainly liturgical sources like prayers, songs and sermons to construct the Pentecostal theology of mission that guides and directs the CEM in its mission. Chapter six explores the agents and strategies of mission that the CEM uses to address the missional challenges they identify in their context. The final chapter raises six key missiological issues that emerged from the study and that require the attention of missiological scholars in order to foster the future of Pentecostal mission in Congo and the Southern African region as a whole. These issues are: preventing ongoing schisms, evangelising members of other religious traditions, the scope of healing, the impact of rapture theology, the place of women in ordained Pentecostal ministry, and the extent of contextualisation in the CEM. Keys terms Katanga Province, / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D.Th. (Missiology)

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