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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektroninio verslo modelių klasifikavimo ypatumai: Lietuvos atvejis / The peculiarities of electronical business taxonomies: lithuania case

Katinas, Zigmantas 23 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo problematika. Analizuojant mokslinę literatūrą, darbo autorius sudarė e–verslo samprata savo požiūriu, ir išanalizavęs mokslinę literatūrą apie e–verslo modelių klasifikaciją, remdamasis ta samprata sudarė savo e–verslo modelių klasifikaciją bei išskirs e–verslo modelius, kuriuos tirs ir analizuos šiame darbe, išskirdamas jų naudojimo ypatumus Lietuvos žmonių tarpe. Darbo objektas – e–verslas. Darbo dalykas – e–verslo modeliai. Darbo tikslas – išanalizavus teorinius e–verslo modelių klasifikacijos aspektus, ištirti elektroninio verslo Lietuvoje modelių populiarumą ir jų ypatumus pagal sudarytą teorinę e–verslo modelių klasifikaciją. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizavus e–verslo sampratą įvairių autorių požiūriu. 2. Pateikti teorinius elektroninio verslo modelių bei jų klasifikacijos ypatumus. 3. Išanalizuoti informacinės visuomenės vystymosi Lietuvoje tendencijas.. 4. Ištirti Lietuvos elektroninio verslo situaciją bei nustatyti, kokie modeliai dažniausiai taikomi jų veikloje 5. Pasinaudojant anketinės apklausos metodu, ištirti Lietuvos žmonių nuomonę apie elektroninio verslo vystymąsi Lietuvoje, nustatant elektroninio verslo modelių populiarumą ir jų ypatumus. Darbo hipotezės: 1. Lietuvos visuomenė, nors ir naudojasi internetu beveik kiekvieną dieną, tačiau yra gana konservatyvi e–verslo požiūriu. 2. Lietuvoje vartotojų tarpe populiariausi yra e–parduotuvės ir e–bankininkystės verslo modeliai. Darbo struktūra. Šį darbą sudaro trys pagrindinės dalys. Pirmojoje darbo dalyje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of this graduation paper is e–business. This phenomenon is very common nowadays, which development is influenced by the growth of informational society. Every year the number of people buying computers and internet services grows in all over the world that creates a field for e–business development. E–business concept is a very arguable phenomenon in the world. Various authors disagree what to call e–business and to call e–commerce. In this paper the author of this job analyzed these two concepts and separated them as two different things, presenting the concept of e–business and forming the system of e–business models, analyzing which of them are the most popular in the world. This theoretical study helped to prepare the framework for empirical research which was being carried out in the last quarter on 2007. 330 respondents were questioned in 8 different Lithuanian cities and towns and the peculiarities of using the e–business and different its models were determined and presented in this paper. The paper consists of 87 pages, is illustrated in 16 tables and 23 pictures, that help more easy to see the peculiarities of the researched object.

Žvaigždžių klasifikacijos galimybės GAIA fotometrinėje sistemoje / Star Classification Possibilities in the GAIA Photometric System

Fokas, Vytautas 17 June 2006 (has links)
The possibilities of the classification of simulated observations in the GAIA photometric system are investigated. The data simulated by Barselona group [gaia.am.ub.es] from the BaSeL-2.2 and NextGen2 libraries of synthetic spectra are used. At first, the flux distribution curves of synthetic spectra for NextGen model atmospheres [ftp.hs.uni-hamburg.de] are compared with the observed flux distribution curves of stars of few spectral classes [Straižys V., Sviderskienė Z., 1972]. It was shown, that just the atmospheric models of hotter stars (Teff > 5000 °K) predict the observed energy distribution quite well. The observations in the GAIA photometric system simulated by Barcelona group are classified using the method of comparison of the color indices of standard and investigated stars. The observations of stars of two magnitudes (G=15 mag and G=18 mag) in the C1M photometric system are investigated in more detail. The analysis of the results shows that the classification is more definite when the bank of more solid standards is used. The errors of classification are smaller for the hotter (Teff > 10000 °K) and more luminous (G=15 mag) stars. The interstellar extinction AV is defined more precisely for hotter stars and the stars with larger AV value (3 ≤ AV ≤ 5). The computing time necessary to classify one star using the method of comparison of the color indices of standard and investigated stars is measured . The classification algorithm is written in PERL. The time... [to full text]

Antibiotikų suvartojimas Lietuvoje 2005 – 2007 metais / Antibiotic consumption in lithuania in 2005 – 2007

Tomialoic, Ryšard 25 November 2010 (has links)
Tai pirmas bendro antibiotikų suvartojimo tyrimas Lietuvoje. Tyrimui panaudoti Valstybinės vaistų kontrolės tarnybos registro duomenys, kurie apima sisteminio poveikio antibiotikų pakuočių bendrus (hospitalinis ir ambulatorinis sektoriai) pardavimus 2005 – 2007 m. Panaudojant PSO 2007 m. ATC klasifikaciją, suskaičiuoti antibiotikų suvartojimo rodikliai VPD 1000-čiui gyventojų per dieną. Didžiausias antibiotikų suvartojimas nustatytas 2005 m., kai jis siekia 65,2 VPD 1000-čiui gyventojų per dieną. Mažiausias suvartojimas nustatytas 2006 m., siekia 22,3 VPD 1000-čiui gyventojų per dieną, kuris yra panašus į daugelio Europos valstybių suvartojimo rodiklį. Penicilinų grupės vaistai bendroje suvartojimo struktūroje užimdavo didžiausią dalį, nuo 81% iki 68%, 2005 2007 m. Po penicilinų nemažas bendro suvartojimo dalis užima tetraciklinai, JOX klasės preparatai (kiti antibakteriniai vaistai) ir cefalosporinai. Nustatytas nemažas bendro antibiotikų suvartojimo svyravimas. Suvartojimo padidėjimas rudens – žiemos mėnesiais nežymus. Daugumos grupių antibiotikų suvartojimas turėjo mažėjimo tendenciją, bet tik amfenikolių suvartojimas mažėjo statistiškai reikšmingai. Šie duomenys gali padėti įgyvendinti visuomenės sveikatos intervencijas, siekiant pagerinti antibiotikų skyrimo Lietuvoje dėsningumus. / This is the first research of total antibiotic consumption in Lithuania. Using the National Medical Control Committee records, the data was obtained on total (ambulatory and hospital use) sales of systemic antibiotics in packages for the period 2005-2007, and equivalents was calculated in defined daily doses (WHO, version 2007) per 1000 inhabitants per day (DID). The highest antibiotic use was determined in 2005, when reached 65,2 DID, ant the lowest in 2006, when decreased to 22,3 DID and reached the index, which was comparable in most of the Europian countries. The penicillins was the group which has been registered as the highest consumption (81 – 68% of total systemic antibiotic use) in Lithuania in the period 2005 – 2007. After the penicillins followed tetracyclins, J01X (Other antibacterials) and cefalosporins. Combinations of antibacterials (J01R) were not in use at all. Generally the antibiotic consumption fluctuates, slightly increases in winter seasons ( first ant fourth quarters).The consumption of most antibiotic groups has a tendency to decrease, but only the usage of amfenicols decrease regularly in 2005-2007 and has statistical meaning. These data provide a tool for assessing public health strategies aiming to optimize antibiotic prescribing.

Mamerto Indriliūno literatūrinio archyvo tekstologinis tyrimas / Textual analysis of Mamertas Indriliūnas literary archive

Valantavičienė, Eglė 15 June 2006 (has links)
Vilnius Pedagogical University Faculty of Lithuanian Philology Master thesis Textual analysis of Mamertas Indriliūnas literary archive Eglė Valantavičienė The master thesis “Textual analysis of Mamertas Indriliūnas literary archive” deals with the M. Indriliūnas (1920-1945), who was Lithuanian poet, critic, translator and resistant, archive of extracts. Analysis is based on the method of genetic criticism. M. Indriliūnas archive of extracts consists of other authors’ minds and ideas taken out from books which he had read. In this master thesis the extracts are analyzed by 2 levels. First of all textual decoding of extracts, establishment of attribution and genetic classifications are carried out. On the second level results of classifications are analyzed and interpreted using the method of genetic criticism. Extracts are classified according to particular criteria of similarity: according to the language of extracts, their titles and directions of disciplines. From these classifications following results are worked out: most extracts are in the Lithuanian, German and French languages; literature and philosophy are disciplines which M. Indriliūnas studied the most thorough; principal subjects of extracts are related to the relationship between God and human being, to Christianity and religion, philosophy, art and creation. According to these classification results conclusion can be drawn that M. Indriliūnas world-view was influenced by French and German aesthetic and... [to full text]

Neįgaliųjų sporto sistemos valdymo aspektai Europoje / Management aspects of disabled sport system in Europe

Bronickaja, Julija 05 July 2011 (has links)
Neįgaliųjų sportas – sportinė veikla apimanti daugybę metodų ir taisyklių skirtingų negalių sportininkams (Shule, Jochheim, 1996, citat iš Skučas 2003) Neįgaliųjų sporto plėtros procesas reikalauja daug pastangų bei laiko. Lietuvoje nėra pakankamai išvystyta neįgaliųjų sporto infrastruktūra, trūksta klubų, kvalifikuoto personalo bei svarbiausio dalyko – finansavimo. Tyrimas parodė, kad Lietuvos neįgaliųjų sporto padėtis yra bloga, palyginus su Europos šalimis, nors kasmet daugėja dalyvių, klubų skaičius. Visos neįgaliųjų sporto valdymo ir organizavimo funkcijos perkeliamos neįgaliųjų sporto nevyriausybinėms organizacijoms bei savivaldos institucijoms, nenustatant niekieno atsakomybės. Taip pat matome, kad Lietuvoje kap ir daugumoje Europos šalių trūksta neįgaliesiems pritaikytos infrastruktūros bei profesionalių trenerių. Taip yra dėl to, kad trūksta finansavimo ir tinkamos vyriausybinės politikos. / -.

Semantics of mental verbs in English / Mentalinių veiksmažodžių semantika anglų kalboje

Šinušienė, Aurika 02 August 2011 (has links)
Analyzed clasification of English mental process verbs, their semantic structure; the process of subjectivization; experiencer's position in a sentence. / Mentalinio proceso veiksmažodžių klasifikacijos analizė, jų semantinė struktūra; subjektyvizacijos procesas; patirtį gaunančio asmens pozicija pateikta sakinyje.

Apribojimai, taikomi darbdaviui, nutraukiant darbo sutartį / Restrictions applicable to the employer upon terminating an employment contract

Kuprelytė, Kristina 26 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo teisės apsauginė funkcija realizuojama ginant darbuotoją, kaip ekonomiškai silpnesnę darbo santykių šalį, nustatomos tam tikros darbo teisinių santykių tęstinumo ir stabilumo garantijos bei numatomi apribojimai susiję su darbo teisinių santykių nutraukimu. Viena iš darbo sutarties pasibaigimo teisėtumo sąlygų – įstatyme numatytų sutarties nutraukimo apribojimų ir garantijų darbuotojams laikymasis. Darbo tyrimo objektu pasirinkti Lietuvos darbo teisėje įtvirtinti apribojimai, taikomi darbdaviui, nutraukiant darbo sutartį. Šio darbo tikslas yra atskleisti Lietuvos Respublikos darbo kodekso normų, įtvirtinančių darbo sutarties nutraukimo apribojimus, taikomus darbdaviui, reglamentavimo ir taikymo probleminius aspektus, šiuos apribojimus susisteminti bei įvertinti jų pagrįstumą. Darbe nagrinėjami tik tie darbo sutarties nutraukimo apribojimai, kurie yra nustatyti remiantis diferenciacijos principu. Darbe naudotasi loginės analizės ir sisteminės analizės, lingvistiniu, teleologiniu, lyginamuoju ir istoriniu-lyginamuoju, sistematiniu-sintezės metodais. Darbą sudaro įvadas, keturios dėstymo dalys ir išvados. Antra dėstymo dalis suskirstyta į atskirus skyrius, trečia dalis į skyrius ir poskyrius, atsižvelgiant į svarbiausius nagrinėjamos temos aspektus. Pabaigoje pateikiamas naudotos literatūros sąrašas ir santrauka. / Labor law protection function is realized in defending an employee as an economically weaker side of employment, establishing certain legal labor relations of continuity and guarantees of stability and providing security restrictions associated with the termination of the employment relationship. One of the legality of termination of employment contract terms - the law provided for the termination of restrictions and guarantee respect for employees. The object of the master thesis is the limitations applicable to the employer on the termination of his contract in the Lithuanian labor law. This work is to reveal the Republic of Lithuania Labour Code standards which impose restrictions on the termination of employment for the employer and the application of the regulatory aspects of the problem, the following restrictions and systematic assessment of their validity. The paper addresses only the termination of employment restrictions, which are based on the principle of differentiation. In the thesis were applied logical analysis and systematic analysis, linguistic, theological, comparative and historical-comparative, systematic-synthesis methods. The thesis consists of introduction, four body parts and findings. The second part is divided into separate sections, the third part into the sections and subsections in relation to key aspects of the topic. At the end of the thesis list of literature and a summary are presented.

Mogućnost primene visokoproteinskih frakcija suncokretove sačme dobijenih postupkom usitnjavanja i vazdušne klasifikacije u proizvodnji ekstrudirane hrane za ribe / Application possibility of high protein sunflower meal fractions obtained by combination of grinding and air classification in the production of extrudedfish feed

Banjac Vojislav 07 March 2018 (has links)
<p>Aktuelni problem industrije proizvodnje hrane za ribe jeste smanjena dostupnost i visoka<br />cena ribljeg bra&scaron;na, tradicionalnog izvora proteina u hrani za ribe, koja je direktna posledica rasta sektora akvakulture i visoke potražnje za ovim kvalitetnim proteinskim hranivom. Delimična ili potpuna zamena ribljeg bra&scaron;na visokoproteinskim sirovinama biljnog porekla u recepturama za ishranu riba, uz iznalaženje novih alternativnih visokoproteinskih sirovina pristup je kojim se prevazilazi ovaj problem i koji ima potencijal da obezbedi održivost celokupne industrije hrane za ribe u budućnosti. U okviru ove disertacije predloženo je novo, relativno jednostavno i jeftino tehnolo&scaron;ko re&scaron;enje za suvo frakcionisanje suncokretove sačme, čijom bi se primenom dobile njene visokoproteinske frakcije kao potencijalne proteinske sirovine biljnog porekla za zamenu ribljeg bra&scaron;na u hrani za ribe. Shodno tome, istraživanja ove disertacije urađena su u dve odvojene faze, gde je prva, faza vazdu&scaron;ne klasifikacije, imala za cilj ispitivanje mogućnosti primene kombinacije postupaka usitnjavanja suncokretove sačme mlinom čekidarom i vazdu&scaron;ne klasifikacije ovako usitnjene sačme primenom vazdu&scaron;nog gravitacionog kaskadnog, cik-cak, klasifikatora u cilju dobijanja frakcija povedanog sadržaj proteina u odnosu na polaznu sačmu. Nezavisni parametri usitnjavanja i klasifikacije bili su prečnik otvora sita (POS) čekidara (3, 2 i 1 mm), protok<br />klasifikacionog vazduha (5, 8,7 i 12,5 m<sup>3</sup>/h) i jačina oscilacije vibro dozatora (JOVD)<br />klasifikatora (30, 60 i 90% maksimuma). Zavisne promenljive bile su sadržaj proteina u<br />dobijenim frakcijama i njihov prinos. Primenjen je 3x3x3 potpuni faktorijalni eksperimentalni dizajn prema metodi odzivne povr&scaron;ine. U cilju dobijanja frakcije sa &scaron;to<br />većim sadržajem proteina, u &scaron;to većem prinosu, kombinacija postupaka usitnjavanja i<br />vazdu&scaron;ne klasifikacije je optimizovana primenom regresione analize, analize glavnih<br />komponenata (PCA analiza), analize varijanse, kao i računske dinamike fluida (CFD analiza), kojom je dobijeni kompjuterski model vazdu&scaron;ne klasifikacije suncokretove sačme poređen sa eksperimentalno dobijenim rezultatima. Cik-cak vazdu&scaron;ni klasifikator uspe&scaron;no je primenjen za razdvajanje usitnjene suncokretove sačme na grubu i finu frakciju. Pri povećanju protoka vazduha smanjivao se prinos grube a istovremeno povećavao prinos fine frakcije. Grube frakcije suncokretove sačme dobijene pri protocima vazduha od 8,7 i 12,5 m<sup>3</sup>/h imale su za 0,5 &minus; 41,4% relativno veći sadržaj proteina u poređenju sa polaznom sačmom. Smanjenje POS i povećanje protoka vazduha uticalo je na povećanje, dok je povećanje JOVD, uticalo na smanjenje sadržaja proteina grube frakcije. Najveći sadržaj proteina (50,90%SM) imala je gruba frakcija suncokretove sačme dobijena pri sledećim parametrima: POS &minus; 1 mm; protok vazduha &minus; 12,5 m<sup>3</sup>/h; JOVD &minus; 30%. Na sadržaj proteina grube frakcije i odnos prinosa frakcija značajan uticaj (p &lt; 0,05) imali su POS čekidara i protok vazduha, dok je CFD model pokazao zadovoljavajuće poklapanje sa eksperimentalnim rezultatima. Cilj druge faze disertacije, faze ekstrudiranja, bio je najpre ispitivanje uticaja dodatka polazne suncokretove sačme (oko 37% proteina na SM) i njene dve visokoproteinske frakcije (oko 43% i 49% proteina na SM), dobijenih na osnovu odabranih parametara usitnjavanja i vazdu&scaron;ne klasifikacije, na postupak ekstrudiranja i fizički kvalitet ekstrudirane hrane za ribe. Maksimalno 20% ribljeg bra&scaron;na bilo je zamenjeno polaznom sunockretovom sačmom i njenim odabranim visokoproteinskim frakcijama, a njihov udeo u recepturi za ishranu pastrmke menjan je na osnovu dizajna sme&scaron;e. Za ekstrudiranje eksperimentalnih sme&scaron;a i dobijanje hrane u obliku granula kori&scaron;ćen je dvopužni ekstruder. Ulazni parametri ekstrudiranja bili su konstatni, osim sastava sme&scaron;e, a<br />praćeni su izlazni parametri ekstrudiranja: temperatura u cevi ekstrudera, temperatura<br />matrice, pritisak na matrici, specifična potro&scaron;nja energije (SME) i obrtni moment<br />elektromotora ekstrudera. Proizvedenim uzorcima ispitani su pokazatelji fizičkog kvaliteta: stepen ekspanzije, nasipna masa, tvrdoća, stepen otiranja, kapacitet upijanja ulja, nivo otpu&scaron;tanja ulja iz zauljenih granula, stabilnost u vodi i mikrostruktura granula. Prisutvo suncokretove sačme vi&scaron;eg sadržaja proteina i manjeg sadržaja celuloze u sme&scaron;i uticalo je na formiranje vi&scaron;e temperature matrice ekstrudera, kao i na smanjenje SME i obrtnog momenta. Povećanje sadržaja proteina suncokretove sačme doprinelo je stvaranju kompaktnije strukture granule, povećanju tvrdoće, otpornosti otiranju i stabilnosti granula u vodi, smanjenju nivoa otpu&scaron;tanja ulja, te je tako pozitivno uticalo na fizičke karakteristike granula. Visokoproteinska frakcija suncokretove sačme sa 49% proteina na SM doprinela je optimalnim fzičkim karakteristikama ekstrudirane hrane za pastrmku. Karakterizacija ove frakcije kao potencijalne nove sirovine u industriji hrane za ribe bio je krajnji cilj ispitivanja ove disertacije. U tu svrhu navedena frakcija suncokretove sačme poređena je u novom eksperimentu ekstrudiranja i ispitivanja fizičkog kvaliteta hrane za pastrmku sa ribljim bra&scaron;nom, kao i sojinim bra&scaron;nom, koje je najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćen izvor biljnih proteina u hrani za ribe. Kori&scaron;ćena je nova receptura sme&scaron;e ali ista postavka eksperimenta kao u prvom delu faze ekstrudiranja. Rezultati su pokazali da je prisustvo visokoproteinske suncokretove sačme sa oko 49% proteina (SM) doprinelo smanjenju temperature matrice, ali i povedanju SME i obrtnog momenta, a time i poroznosti granula &scaron;to je imalo pozitivan uticaj na kapacitet upijanja ulja granula, stabilnost granula i otpu&scaron;tanje nutrijenata u vodi, kao i negativan uticaj na stepen otiranja i nasipnu masu granula. Zamena 13,4% ribljeg bra&scaron;na u recepturi ovom viskoproteinskom frakcijom suncokretove sačme za rezultat je imala granule zadovoljavajućeg fizičkog kvaliteta. Granule najboljeg fizičkog kvaliteta dobijene su<br />kombinacijom visokoproteinske frakcije suncokretove sačme sa sojinim bra&scaron;nom, te se<br />moglo zaključiti da se funkcionalne karakteristike ove dve sirovine odlično dopunjuju, i da visokoproteinska frakcija suncokretove sačme, sa stanovi&scaron;ta tehnolo&scaron;kog kvaliteta hrane za ribu, predstavlja dobru alternativu ribljem bra&scaron;nu.</p> / <p>High price and finite availability of fish meal (FM), due to high expansion of aquaculture<br />sector in recent decades, are main concerns for modern day aquafeed industry. Partially or completely substation of fish meal in fish feed with protein sources of plant origin, together with finding novel alternative protein sources, is commonly used approach that enables sustainability of aquafeed industry in decades to come. New, relatively simple and low-cost procedure for dry fractionation of sunflower meal (SFM) was proposed within this thesis, with aim for producing high protein SFM fractions as a potential plant source alternative for FM in fish feed. Thus, thesis&rsquo;s researches were done in two phases, where the aim of the first phase, air classification phase, was to investigate the possibility of applying combination of grinding by hammer mill and air classification of ground SFM using gravitational, cascade air classifier (zigzag), in order to obtain protein enriched fractions. Independent variables of grinding and air classification were sieve openings diameter (SOD) of hammer mill (3, 2 and 1 mm), air flow (5, 8.7 and 12.5 m3/h) and bowl feeder oscillation rate (BFOR) of air classifier (30, 60 and 90% of the maximum). Depended responses were protein content and yield of obtained fractions. The experimental data were obtained using 3 x 3 x 3 full factorial experimental design according to response surface methodology (RSM). For the optimization of grinding and air classification, in order to obtain fraction with highest possible protein content and in high yield, regression analysis, principal component analysis (PCA), analysis of variance (ANOVA) and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach were employed. Zigzag air classifier was successfully used for fractionation of ground SFM into coarse and fine fraction. Yield of coarse fractions was decreasing, while fine fractions yield was increasing with the increase of the air flow. Coarse fractions of SFM obtained at 8.7 and 12.5 m3/h were 0.5 &minus; 41.4% relatively enriched in protein content compared to the starting SFM. Decrease of SOD and increase of air flow resulted in coarse fraction protein content increase, while increasing BFOR decreased coarse fraction protein<br />content. The coarse SFM fraction with highest protein content was obtained for the SFM<br />ground by 1 mm SOD, air flow of 12.5 m3/h, with BFOR set at 30%. Protein content of<br />coarse fraction and ratio of fractions yields were significantly affected (p &lt; 0.05) by SOD of hammer mill and air flow. CFD model coincide with the experimental results of air<br />classification. The first aim of second phase, extrusion phase, was to investigate influence of starting SFM (37% of protein at DM) and its two high protein fractions (43% and 49% of protein at DM), obtained by grinding and air classification, on extrusion process and physical quality of extruded fish feed. Maximum 20% of FM was substituted with SFM and its high protein fractions in trout feed recipe, and their share was changed according to the<br />mixture design. Twin screw extruder was used for the production of trout feed samples.<br />Primarily extrusion parameters were constant, except dry mixture composition, and<br />secondary extrusion factors were observed: extruder barrel&rsquo;s temperatures, temperature<br />and pressure at the die, specific mechanical energy (SME) and motor load as torque.<br />Selected physical properties of extruded trout feed samples were determined: radial<br />expansion, bulk density, hardness, durability, oil absorption capacity, oil leakage, water<br />stability and microstructure of feed. SFM higher in protein and lower in fiber influenced<br />higher die temperature and lower SME and torque during extrusion process. Increase in<br />protein content of SFM resulted in more compact structure of pellets, increased hardness, durability and water stability, decreased oil leakage and thus positively influenced on physical properties of feed. High protein SFM fraction with around 49% of protein (DM) contributed to the optimal physical properties of experimental feed and characterization of this SFM fraction, as a potential new raw material in fish feed industry, was definite aim of this thesis. Towards that, new set of experiments was conducted, where high protein SFM fraction was compared with FM and soybean flour (SBF) by extruding new samples of trout feed and investigating their physical quality. Results of second extrusion experiment showed that presence of high protein SFM fraction (49% of protein DM) in dry mixture decreased die temperature, while increased SME and torque, and with that also increased porosity of pellets, oil absorption capacity and water stability but decreased bulk density and durability. Substitution of 13.4% FM by high protein SFM fraction resulted in pellets with satisfactory physical quality. The highest quality pellets were obtained in combination of high protein SFM and SBF, which lead to the conclusion that functional characteristics of high protein SFM fraction and SBF are complementary, and that novel SFM, from the point of technical quality, presents good FM alternative.</p>

Role of Similarity Measures in Time Series Analysis / Uloga mera sličnosti u analizi vremenskih serija

Geler Zoltan 18 September 2015 (has links)
<p>The subject of this dissertation encompasses a comprehensive overview<br />and analysis of the impact of Sakoe-Chiba global constraint on the most<br />commonly used elastic similarity measures in the field of time-series data<br />mining with a focus on classification accuracy. The choice of similarity<br />measure is one of the most significant aspects of time-series analysis&nbsp; -&nbsp; it<br />should correctly reflect the resemblance between the data presented in<br />the form of time series. Similarity measures represent a critical<br />component of many tasks of mining time series, including: classification,<br />clustering, prediction, anomaly detection, and others.</p><p>The research covered by this dissertation is oriented on several issues:</p><p>1.&nbsp; review of the effects of&nbsp; global constraints on the<br />performance of computing similarity measures,</p><p>2.&nbsp; a detailed analysis of the influence of constraining the elastic<br />similarity measures on the accuracy of classical classification<br />techniques,</p><p>3.&nbsp; an extensive study of the impact of different weighting<br />schemes on the classification of time series,</p><p>4.&nbsp; development of an open source library that integrates the<br />main techniques and methods required for analysis and<br />mining time series, and which is used for the realization of<br />these experiments</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije obuhvata detaljan pregled i analizu uticaja Sakoe-Chiba globalnog ograničenja na najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćene elastične mere sličnosti u oblasti data mining-a vremenskih serija sa naglaskom na tačnost klasifikacije. Izbor mere sličnosti jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata analize vremenskih serija&nbsp; -&nbsp; ona treba&nbsp; verno reflektovati sličnost između podataka prikazanih u obliku vremenskih serija.&nbsp; Mera sličnosti predstavlјa kritičnu komponentu mnogih zadataka&nbsp; mining-a vremenskih serija, uklјučujući klasifikaciju, grupisanje (eng.&nbsp; clustering), predviđanje,&nbsp;otkrivanje anomalija i drugih.</p><p>Istraživanje obuhvaćeno ovom disertacijom usmereno je na nekoliko pravaca:</p><p>1.&nbsp; pregled efekata globalnih ograničenja na performanse računanja mera sličnosti,</p><p>2.&nbsp; detalјna analiza posledice ograničenja elastičnih mera sličnosti na tačnost klasifikacije klasičnih tehnika klasifikacije,</p><p>3.&nbsp; opsežna studija uticaj različitih načina računanja težina (eng. weighting scheme) na klasifikaciju vremenskih serija,</p><p>4.&nbsp; razvoj biblioteke otvorenog koda (Framework for Analysis and Prediction&nbsp; -&nbsp; FAP) koja će integrisati glavne tehnike i metode potrebne za analizu i mining&nbsp; vremenskih serija i koja je kori&scaron;ćena za realizaciju ovih eksperimenata.</p> / <p>Predmet istraživanja ove disertacije obuhvata detaljan pregled i analizu uticaja Sakoe-Chiba globalnog ograničenja na najče&scaron;će kori&scaron;ćene elastične mere sličnosti u oblasti data mining-a vremenskih serija sa naglaskom na tačnost klasifikacije. Izbor mere sličnosti jedan je od najvažnijih aspekata analize vremenskih serija&nbsp; -&nbsp; ona treba&nbsp; verno reflektovati sličnost između podataka prikazanih u obliku vremenskih serija.&nbsp; Mera sličnosti predstavlja kritičnu komponentu mnogih zadataka&nbsp; mining-a vremenskih serija, uključujući klasifikaciju, grupisanje (eng.&nbsp; clustering), predviđanje,&nbsp;otkrivanje anomalija i drugih.</p><p>Istraživanje obuhvaćeno ovom disertacijom usmereno je na nekoliko pravaca:</p><p>1.&nbsp; pregled efekata globalnih ograničenja na performanse računanja mera sličnosti,</p><p>2.&nbsp; detaljna analiza posledice ograničenja elastičnih mera sličnosti na tačnost klasifikacije klasičnih tehnika klasifikacije,</p><p>3.&nbsp; opsežna studija uticaj različitih načina računanja težina (eng. weighting scheme) na klasifikaciju vremenskih serija,</p><p>4.&nbsp; razvoj biblioteke otvorenog koda (Framework for Analysis and Prediction&nbsp; -&nbsp; FAP) koja će integrisati glavne tehnike i metode potrebne za analizu i mining&nbsp; vremenskih serija i koja je kori&scaron;ćena za realizaciju ovih eksperimenata.</p>

Skirtingos fizinės negalios neįgaliųjų plaukikų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą ir galimybės siekti rezultatų / Attitude to classification system and possibilities to reach result of physical disabled swimmer

Kragnienė, Inga 18 June 2008 (has links)
Klasifikacijos pagrindinis tikslas - užtikrinti lygiavertį neįgaliųjų plaukikų su skirtingoms fizinėmis negalėmis dalyvavimą varžybose. Lygiavertiškumo įvertinimas yra labai sudėtingas procesas, dėl to vis dar tęsiasi mokslininkų diskusijos ieškant naujų tyrimo metodų, kaip išanalizuoti ir objektyviai įvertinti skirtingos negalios plaukikų galimybes dalyvauti neįgaliųjų plaukime. Tyrimo objektas – skirtingų fizinių negalių neįgalieji plaukikai. Dėl vis besitesinčios diskusijos apie klasifikacijos problemas ir išsamesnių tyrimų trūkumo, funkcinės plaukimo klasifikacinės sistemos tyrimai išlieka aktualūs ir reikšmingi. Dėl to, kad mažai tyrinėtas neįgaliųjų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą ir netyrinėtas treniruočių poveikis skirtingos negalios plaukikų rezultatams buvo suformuluotos tokios hipotezės: • skirtingos fizinės negalios plaukikų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą turėtų būti teigiamas; • skirtingos fizinės negalios tipo, bet tos pačios klasės plaukikų aerobinio pajėgumo rodikliai ir plaukimo rezultatai turėtų būti panašūs. Šio darbo tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti skirtingos fizinės negalios tipo plaukikų požiūrį ir galimybes dalyvauti neįgaliųjų plaukime, aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklių ir plaukimo rezultatų kitimo aspektais. Šiam tiksliu pasiekti buvo iškelta keletas uždavinių: 1. nustatyti ir įvertinti neįgaliųjų plaukikų požiūrį į klasifikacinę sistemą ir galimybes dalyvauti plaukime; 2. nustatyti ir įvertinti aštuonių savaičių trukmės treniruočių įtaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sport classification systems help to ensure that competition is equitable and individuals who, do so because of training and talent and not because their disability happens to be less severe then their opponents. For international competition the system changes. Since the late 1980”s international swimming for athletes with disabilities has used a functional classification system. It was a lot of proble in this disability system. Disability swimming is a complex social system with many individual actors interaction with each other to fulfill specific functions that are necessary to optimize disability swimming as a viable part of the disability sport movement. The purpose of this study was to determine of physical disable swimmer side and possibilities have a good result. Hypothesis of the research: • Sport classification system mast to help the person with different physical disable in the game; • the person with different physical disable in the same S4 class capacity mast to be the equable. The goals of this study: 1. ascertains and evaluate disabled swimmer side to classification systems; 2. ascertains and evaluate eight weeks aerobics training effect for S4 class disable swimmer; 3. ascertains and evaluate functional swimmers classification system capacity for S4 class different physical ddisable. Methods: • questioned; ��� testing; • exsperiment; • mathematical statistics. The research were carried out in Lithuanian academy of physical education in laboratory. In... [to full text]

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