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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The use of a radio frequency tracking system to quantify the external demands of elite wheelchair rugby

Rhodes, James M. January 2015 (has links)
Within team sports, coaches aim to improve physical preparation by optimising the training process specific to competition. Unfortunately, at the elite level of wheelchair rugby (WCR) evidence-based information to guide this process is currently lacking. The present thesis investigates measures of external load during elite competition and explores whether this can be translated to inform current training practices. The first study established the suitability of a radio frequency-based, indoor tracking system (ITS) for the collection of movements specific to WCR. Minimal relative distance errors (< 0.2%) were seen across different sampling frequencies. Peak speed displayed the greatest relative error in 4 Hz tags (2%), with significantly lower errors observed in higher frequency tags (< 1%). The ITS was therefore deemed an acceptable tool for quantifying external load specific to WCR using a sampling frequency of 8 or 16 Hz. The external demands of elite competition were determined in Chapters 4 and 5. Notable differences in the volume of activity were displayed across the International Wheelchair Rugby Federation (IWRF) classification groups. However, the specific positional requirements of low-point (LP) and high-point players (HP) appeared to influence the intensity of external load (Chapter 4). Chapter 5 extended this work and established that peak speed and the ability to perform at high-intensities were best associated with successful mobility performance in WCR, as defined by team rank. This was further shown to be roledependent, whereby high-ranked HP players achieved greater peak speeds and performed more high-intensity activities (HIA) than respective lower-ranked players. Comparisons between the current external demands of training were then compared to that of competition (Chapter 6). Conditioning drills were shown to exceed the demands of competition, irrespective of classification. Notable differences in skill-based and game related drills were displayed across player classifications, whereby both were shown to be roledependent. Although game-simulation drills provided the best representation of competition, the duration appeared important since this factor influenced the results (Chapter 6). When the format of these drills were further modified (Chapter 7), drills containing fewer players increased the volume and intensity of training, specifically in HP. Whilst a 30-second shotclock elicited no changes in external load, differences were revealed when the shot-clock was further reduced to 15-s. Coaches can therefore modify the external training response by making subtle changes to the format of game-simulation drills. This thesis revealed that functional classification and positional-role are key factors during competition, and training should therefore be structured with this in mind. Conditioning drills can be used to elicit a progressive overload in the external responses, whilst game-simulation drills can provide the best representation of competition. Given the importance of gamesimulation drills, the combination of different formats throughout training sessions are critical in order to maximise the preparation of elite WCR players.

Skirtingos fizinės negalios neįgaliųjų plaukikų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą ir galimybės siekti rezultatų / Attitude to classification system and possibilities to reach result of physical disabled swimmer

Kragnienė, Inga 18 June 2008 (has links)
Klasifikacijos pagrindinis tikslas - užtikrinti lygiavertį neįgaliųjų plaukikų su skirtingoms fizinėmis negalėmis dalyvavimą varžybose. Lygiavertiškumo įvertinimas yra labai sudėtingas procesas, dėl to vis dar tęsiasi mokslininkų diskusijos ieškant naujų tyrimo metodų, kaip išanalizuoti ir objektyviai įvertinti skirtingos negalios plaukikų galimybes dalyvauti neįgaliųjų plaukime. Tyrimo objektas – skirtingų fizinių negalių neįgalieji plaukikai. Dėl vis besitesinčios diskusijos apie klasifikacijos problemas ir išsamesnių tyrimų trūkumo, funkcinės plaukimo klasifikacinės sistemos tyrimai išlieka aktualūs ir reikšmingi. Dėl to, kad mažai tyrinėtas neįgaliųjų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą ir netyrinėtas treniruočių poveikis skirtingos negalios plaukikų rezultatams buvo suformuluotos tokios hipotezės: • skirtingos fizinės negalios plaukikų požiūris į klasifikacijos sistemą turėtų būti teigiamas; • skirtingos fizinės negalios tipo, bet tos pačios klasės plaukikų aerobinio pajėgumo rodikliai ir plaukimo rezultatai turėtų būti panašūs. Šio darbo tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti ir įvertinti skirtingos fizinės negalios tipo plaukikų požiūrį ir galimybes dalyvauti neįgaliųjų plaukime, aerobinio pajėgumo rodiklių ir plaukimo rezultatų kitimo aspektais. Šiam tiksliu pasiekti buvo iškelta keletas uždavinių: 1. nustatyti ir įvertinti neįgaliųjų plaukikų požiūrį į klasifikacinę sistemą ir galimybes dalyvauti plaukime; 2. nustatyti ir įvertinti aštuonių savaičių trukmės treniruočių įtaką... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sport classification systems help to ensure that competition is equitable and individuals who, do so because of training and talent and not because their disability happens to be less severe then their opponents. For international competition the system changes. Since the late 1980”s international swimming for athletes with disabilities has used a functional classification system. It was a lot of proble in this disability system. Disability swimming is a complex social system with many individual actors interaction with each other to fulfill specific functions that are necessary to optimize disability swimming as a viable part of the disability sport movement. The purpose of this study was to determine of physical disable swimmer side and possibilities have a good result. Hypothesis of the research: • Sport classification system mast to help the person with different physical disable in the game; • the person with different physical disable in the same S4 class capacity mast to be the equable. The goals of this study: 1. ascertains and evaluate disabled swimmer side to classification systems; 2. ascertains and evaluate eight weeks aerobics training effect for S4 class disable swimmer; 3. ascertains and evaluate functional swimmers classification system capacity for S4 class different physical ddisable. Methods: • questioned; ��� testing; • exsperiment; • mathematical statistics. The research were carried out in Lithuanian academy of physical education in laboratory. In... [to full text]

Examining the effects of plant diversity and community composition on reducing conditions in the soil of experimental wetlands

Rice, Constance Elizabeth 03 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Valstybės išlaidų įtaka šalies ekonominiam augimui / The impact of public expenditures on the economic growth

Liubimova, Anastasija 27 June 2014 (has links)
Šio darbo tikslas – atskleisti valstybės išlaidų apimties ir struktūros įtaką šalies ekonominiam augimui. Sąryšis tarp valstybės išlaidų ir šalies ekonominio augimo yra dviprasmiškas. Tam tikro lygio valstybės išlaidos yra pageidaujamos sėkmingam ekonomikos vystymuisi. Tačiau pasiekus tam tikrą tašką, valstybės išlaidų augimas yra nepalankus ir pradeda slopinti ekonominį augimą, t.y. valstybės išlaidų apimtis turi būti nei per didelė, nei per maža. Ryšį tarp valstybės išlaidų apimties ir ekonominio augimo paaiškina Rahn‘o kreivė. Valstybės išlaidų poveikis šalies ekonominiam augimui stipriai priklauso nuo šalies išsivystymo lygio. Pagal galimą poveikį šalies ekonominiam augimui, valstybės išlaidos skirstomos į produktyvias (teigiamas poveikis) ir neproduktyvias (neigiamas poveikis). Prie produktyvių išlaidų siūloma priskirti tokius funkcinius valstybės išlaidų elementus kaip gynyba, viešoji tvarka ir visuomenės apsauga, ekonomika, aplinkos apsauga, būstas ir komunalinis ūkis, sveikatos apsauga, švietimas. Prie neproduktyvių išlaidų siūloma priskirti bendras valstybės paslaugas, socialinę apsaugą bei poilsį, kultūrą ir religiją. Didinant produktyvių išlaidų procentinę dalį visų valstybės išlaidų struktūroje, galima pasiekti spartesnio ekonominio augimo. Nustatyta, kad produktyvių ir neproduktyvių išlaidų poveikis ekonominiam augimui taip pat priklauso nuo valdymo kokybės bei išlaidų finansavimo būdo. Ištyrus priklausomybę tarp valstybės išlaidų apimties ir BVP pokyčių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of this paper is to reveal how public expenditures volume and composition can contribute to the economic growth. The relation between public expenditures and economic growth is ambiguous. A certain level of public expenditures volume is desirable for the successful economic development of a country. However, at the particular point the increase in public expenditures volume becomes unfavourable and leads to the sluggish rates of economic growth. The Rahn curve explains the relation between public expenditures volume and economic growth rates. The impact of public expenditures on the economic growth depends on the development level of a country. According to the influence that can be made to the economic growth, public expenditures are classified as productive (positive impact) and non-productive (negative impact). Expenditures on defence, public order and safety, economic affairs, environmental protection, housing and community amenities, health, education are ought to be productive public expenditures. Expenditures on general public services, recreation, culture and religion, social protection are attributed to non-productive public expenditures. The increasing share of productive expenditures in total volume of public expenditures might lead to more rapid rates of the economic growth. However, it was settled that the impact of productive and non-productive expenditures depends on the management quality and the financing way of expenditures. The analysis of the... [to full text]

Phytoplankton Ecology of Lake Kivu (Eastern Africa)/ Écologie du phytoplancton du lac Kivu (Afrique de l'Est)

Sarmento, Hugo 29 September 2006 (has links)
With a volcanic origin, Lake Kivu is deep and meromictic, and shows a very particular limnology and some astonishing features. The data available on its limnology and phytoplanktic communities are limited, dispersed or outdated. This is the first deep, long term study (2002-2004) on limnology and phytoplankton ecology of Lake Kivu, combining different techniques: HPLC analysis of marker pigments, flow cytometry, light, epifluorescence and electron microscopy. Lake Kivu combines a relatively shallow euphotic layer (~18m) usually smaller than its mixed layer (20 – 60 m), and with a weak thermal gradient in the mixolimnion. With an annual average chlorophyll a in the mixed layer of 2.2 mg m-3 and low nutrient levels in the euphotic zone, the lake is clearly oligotrophic. Concerning its phytoplanktonic composition, the most common species were the pennate diatoms Nitzschia bacata Hust. and Fragilaria danica (Kütz.) Lange Bert., and the cyanobacteria Planktolyngbya limnetica (Lemm.) Komárková-Legnerová and Cronberg and Synechococcus sp. Diatoms were the dominant group in the lake, particularly during the dry season episodes of deep mixing. During the rainy season, the stratified water column, with high light and lower nutrient availability, favoured dominance of cyanobacteria. Phycoerythrin-rich phototrophic picoplankton and heterotrophic bacteria cell numbers were constantly high, with relatively subtle spatial, seasonal and vertical variations. In open lake waters, where allochthonous carbon inputs are most probably inconsequential, HNA heterotrophic bacteria abundance is strongly correlated with chlorophyll a. Recent investigations revealed an increasing methane production in the deep waters during the past three decades, leading to an accumulation of gas and the subsequent lowering of the energy required to trigger a devastating release of gasses. The role of primary producers and the probable changes on the export ratio of the organic matter into deep waters after the introduction of the planktivorous sardine from Lake Tanganyika Limnothrissa miodon, is discussed. The actual primary production, 0.71 g C m-2 d-1 (~ 260 g C m-2 y-1), doesn’t seem substantially different from some punctual measurements made in the past, which discards the hypothesis of anthropogenic eutrophication. We believe that the export ratio of organic matter into the deep waters was largely affected by biological changes that could explain part of the methane increase in the past 30 years in Lake Kivu.

Essai sur les clauses contractuelles / Essay on contractual clauses

Gras, Nicolas 19 November 2014 (has links)
Eléments essentiels du contrat, les clauses contractuelles méritent d’être étudiées afin de faciliter leur utilisation par les praticiens et leur appréhension par le juge.Délaissant toute visée exhaustive, ce travail n’a pas pour objet de répertorier ni de dénombrer matière par matière, à la manière d’un catalogue, les innombrables clauses foisonnant dans l’ensemble des branches du droit privé. Un tel projet ne livrerait que des enseignements parcellaires et descriptifs. Une réflexion générale sur les clauses prises comme instrument juridique ne présuppose pas de se livrer à un examen systématique de l’ensemble de leurs applications particulières, mais au contraire de mettre l’accent sur certains de leurs effets,jugés les plus remarquables.Une typologie des principales clauses devait tout d’abord être établie grâce à une approche fonctionnelle de leurs manifestations contractuelles. En effet, la volonté des parties d’organiser leur contrat tend généralement vers quatre grandes finalités : aménager l’exécution du contrat, gérer les risques encourus, éviter l’appréciation judiciaire et prévoir la fin du contrat et ses éventuelles sanctions. L’établissement d’une classification basée sur leur fonction permettait en outre de ne pas délaisser ni les clauses naissant au gré des besoins économiques ni les clauses considérées comme autonomes. Ce projet conduisait nécessairement à rechercher les modalités d’exécution des clauses d’une même catégorie permettant ainsi de proposer un régime juridique propre à chacune de ces catégories.Prolongeant l’analyse de leur fonction, il convenait alors dans une seconde partie d’étudier les liens existants entre les clauses et le contrat. Les clauses sont au service du contrat dont elles aménagent les obligations, prolongent les effets et précisent les sanctions.Or, parallèlement aux deux niveaux de dispositions que représentent la théorie générale du contrat et le droit des contrats spéciaux, il devait être démontré qu’une théorie générale des clauses contractuelles ne saurait constituer un troisième niveau de règles applicables au contrat. Néanmoins, une vision générale de l’influence de leurs effets, sur et en dehors du contrat, a permis d’établir des conditions de validité et des règles communes applicables à toutes les clauses. / Contractual clauses are key elements of a contract and should be studied more closely in order to facilitate their use by practioners and to enhance understanding by the judge.This work does not claim to be exhaustive. Its purpose is not to to identify, enumerate or catalogue the numerous clauses that abound in all branches of private law. Such a project would only yield a fragmented, descriptive insight. A general reflection on clauses as legal instruments does not necessitate a detailed examination of all applications but only that their most notable effects be highlighted.Firstly, a typology of the most important clauses had to be drawn up based on a functional approach regarding their contractual applications. The parties to a contract generally have in view four main goals: organising the execution of the contract, managing the risks, avoiding legal pitfalls, and foreseeing the end of the contract and any potential sanctions. The establishment of a classification based on function ensured that clauses arising from economic necessity as well as clauses considered to be independent would not beneglected. Hence, this project comprises research on the details of implementation of clauses in the same category, leading to the setting out of a legal regime appropriate to each category. Secondly, the aim of analysing the clauses’ functions led to studying the links between clauses and contracts. Clauses basically serve to organise the terms of the contract, extend its effects and establish sanctions. However, in parallel to the two levels – the general theory of contracts and special contracts law – it had to be demonstrated that a general theory of contractual clauses did not constitute a third level of rules applicable to contracts. Nevertheless, an overall view of the influence of their effects, both in terms of and beyond the contract, has allowed for the establishment of a general regime presenting the conditions of validity and common rules applicable to all clauses.

MÚK na R52 - Moravany / Junction on Motorway R52 near Moravany

Lička, Vojtěch January 2014 (has links)
My diploma thesis deals with a connection of Videňská street to the future residential district situated between Přízřenice and Modřice. The level of this thesis is a technical study. The main topic of the thesis is a design of an interchange on the Vídeňská and Moravanská streets. The thesis is focused on a technical verification of variable ramps’ connections from Vídeňská street to Moravanská street. Another important point of the thesis is an improvement of security quality of cycle traffic and a creation of a traffic junction of the city transportation system in this area. The SWOT analysis was applied to evaluation and selection the most advantageous variant of the variants. Depending on SWOT analysis, the thesis is focused on more detailed design of the most advantageous variant.

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