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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Visualization of Knowledge Spaces to Enable Concurrent, Embedded and Transformative Input to Knowledge Building Processes

Teplovs, Christopher 01 September 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the creation of a systems architecture to help inform development of next generation knowledge-building environments. The architectural model consists of three components: an infrastructure layer, a discourse layer, and a visualization layer. The Knowledge Space Visualizer (KSV), which defines the top visualization layer, is a prototypic system for showing reconstructed representations of discourse-based artifacts and facilitating assessment in light of patterns of interactivity of participants and their ideas. The KSV uses Latent Semantic Analysis to extend techniques from Social Network Analysis, making it possible to infer relationships among note contents. Thus idea networks can be studied in conjunction with social networks in online discourse. Further, benchmark corpora can be used to determine knowledge advances, and systems of interactivity leading to them. Results can then provide feedback to students and teachers to support them in obtaining continually higher level achievements. In addition to visual representations, the KSV provides quantitative network metrics such as degree and density. Data drawn from 9- and 10-year-old students working on a six-week unit on optics were used to illustrate some of the functionality of the KSV. Three studies show ways in which new visualizations can be used: (a) to highlight relationships among notes, (b) as a way of tracking the development of discourse over time, and (c) as an assessment tool. Implications for the design of knowledge building environments, assessment tools, and design-based research are discussed.

Group Information Behavioural Norms and the Effective Use of a Collaborative Information System: A Case Study

Furness, Colin David 23 February 2011 (has links)
This research investigated whether Group Information Behavioural Norms (GIBNs) are correlated with the effective use of a collaborative information system. Previous research seeking to conceptualize ‘social influence’ in technology adoption has not attempted to include GIBNs. The dependent variable, ‘Effective Use’, comprised two subjective Effectiveness Judgments and three objective Actual Use measures. A mediating variable, ‘Group Adoption’ (GA) of the information system, was conceived as a behavioural expression of group norms and hypothesized to correlate with both GIBNs and Effective Use. It was also hypothesized that GIBNs would have a stronger relationship with Effective Use than the widely used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dimensions of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. A mixed-methods case study approach was used because measurement of stable norms in workplace groups was required. A medium-sized engineering firm was chosen, and the collaborative information system studied was Knowledge Forum (KF), an educational research tool that was implemented to promote the exchange of information. There were both expected and unexpected results. GIBNs outperformed the TAM in explaining all three Actual Use variables, although the TAM was the sole significant correlate for one Effectiveness Judgment variable. Information Sharing and Proactive Information Use had opposite correlations with Effective Use, suggesting the existence of distinct information ‘sharing’ and ‘proactive use’ group norms. In addition, the TAM and GIBNs seem to have complementary influences on Effective Use. GA was unexpectedly observed to have the strongest relationship with Effective Use, having a significant relationship with four of five Effective Use measures. GA was also observed to mediate the TAM but not GIBNs. The results of a case study cannot be extensively generalized. However, the findings are important in three ways. First, this research provides evidence that GIBNs and the TAM exert complementary influences on Effective Use, and that Effective Use is best explained by also including GA. Second, GA may represent a valuable ‘social influence’ extension to the TAM, as a behavioural expression of group norms for collaborative information systems. Finally, this study illustrates the importance of a multi-dimensional conceptualization of ‘Effective Use’ of an information system.

Visualization of Knowledge Spaces to Enable Concurrent, Embedded and Transformative Input to Knowledge Building Processes

Teplovs, Christopher 01 September 2010 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the creation of a systems architecture to help inform development of next generation knowledge-building environments. The architectural model consists of three components: an infrastructure layer, a discourse layer, and a visualization layer. The Knowledge Space Visualizer (KSV), which defines the top visualization layer, is a prototypic system for showing reconstructed representations of discourse-based artifacts and facilitating assessment in light of patterns of interactivity of participants and their ideas. The KSV uses Latent Semantic Analysis to extend techniques from Social Network Analysis, making it possible to infer relationships among note contents. Thus idea networks can be studied in conjunction with social networks in online discourse. Further, benchmark corpora can be used to determine knowledge advances, and systems of interactivity leading to them. Results can then provide feedback to students and teachers to support them in obtaining continually higher level achievements. In addition to visual representations, the KSV provides quantitative network metrics such as degree and density. Data drawn from 9- and 10-year-old students working on a six-week unit on optics were used to illustrate some of the functionality of the KSV. Three studies show ways in which new visualizations can be used: (a) to highlight relationships among notes, (b) as a way of tracking the development of discourse over time, and (c) as an assessment tool. Implications for the design of knowledge building environments, assessment tools, and design-based research are discussed.

Group Information Behavioural Norms and the Effective Use of a Collaborative Information System: A Case Study

Furness, Colin David 23 February 2011 (has links)
This research investigated whether Group Information Behavioural Norms (GIBNs) are correlated with the effective use of a collaborative information system. Previous research seeking to conceptualize ‘social influence’ in technology adoption has not attempted to include GIBNs. The dependent variable, ‘Effective Use’, comprised two subjective Effectiveness Judgments and three objective Actual Use measures. A mediating variable, ‘Group Adoption’ (GA) of the information system, was conceived as a behavioural expression of group norms and hypothesized to correlate with both GIBNs and Effective Use. It was also hypothesized that GIBNs would have a stronger relationship with Effective Use than the widely used Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) dimensions of Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Ease of Use. A mixed-methods case study approach was used because measurement of stable norms in workplace groups was required. A medium-sized engineering firm was chosen, and the collaborative information system studied was Knowledge Forum (KF), an educational research tool that was implemented to promote the exchange of information. There were both expected and unexpected results. GIBNs outperformed the TAM in explaining all three Actual Use variables, although the TAM was the sole significant correlate for one Effectiveness Judgment variable. Information Sharing and Proactive Information Use had opposite correlations with Effective Use, suggesting the existence of distinct information ‘sharing’ and ‘proactive use’ group norms. In addition, the TAM and GIBNs seem to have complementary influences on Effective Use. GA was unexpectedly observed to have the strongest relationship with Effective Use, having a significant relationship with four of five Effective Use measures. GA was also observed to mediate the TAM but not GIBNs. The results of a case study cannot be extensively generalized. However, the findings are important in three ways. First, this research provides evidence that GIBNs and the TAM exert complementary influences on Effective Use, and that Effective Use is best explained by also including GA. Second, GA may represent a valuable ‘social influence’ extension to the TAM, as a behavioural expression of group norms for collaborative information systems. Finally, this study illustrates the importance of a multi-dimensional conceptualization of ‘Effective Use’ of an information system.

知識翻新對國小四年級學生閱讀理解和寫作表現之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary school students’ reading comprehension and writing performance

王靜華 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討電腦支援合作知識翻新(knowledge building)活動對國小四年級學童閱讀理解與寫作表現的影響。研究對象為新北市某公立國小的兩班學生共53人。其中,實驗組(n=25)採知識翻新活動﹔控制組(n=28)採傳統講述教學活動。研究方法採準實驗設計中的「不等組前後測設計」;在為期十八週的實驗期間進行前測、實驗處理及後測。   研究資料來源包含:(1)PIRLS閱讀測驗前後測成績;(2)教學科技平台討論內容;(3)教學科技平台活動參與量;(4)寫作表現分數;(5)實驗組與控制組學生的半結構訪談;以及(6)實驗組的段考學習成績。資料分析同時使用質性與量化兩種方式。質性分析內容包括半結構訪談與平台討論內容,量化資料分析內容包含閱讀測驗成績、平台活動參與程度、以及寫作表現分數。透過多元資料分析以瞭解經過不同教學方法後,兩組學生的閱讀理解與寫作表現上是否有所差異。   研究結果顯示:(1) 知識翻新有助於提升學生的整體閱讀理解,且使用知識論壇進行閱讀理解提問,也有助於提昇學生的提問能力;(2) 知識翻新有助於提升學生整體寫作表現,且知識論壇上的貼文與討論活動也有助於改善學生的寫作品質;(3) 知識翻新能幫助學生改進其想法概念,且實驗後期於知識論壇的活動量也有呈現增加的趨勢;及(4)經過知識翻新活動後,實驗組的低學業成就學生之閱讀理解表現優於控制組的低學業成就學生,但二組在寫作方面則無顯著差異。   本研究嘗試改變過去的學習模式,透過知識翻新:鼓勵學生產生並反思想法,讓學生的學習更具主動性;及鼓勵同儕間的互助與互動以改進閱讀想法,讓學生在閱讀理解與寫作表現的成效產生正向的成長。 / Abstract The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of knowledge building activities on grade-four students’ reading comprehension and writing performance. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. In the experiment group, the participants were 25 grade-four students; in the control group, the participants were 28 grade-four students. The experiment class engaged in knowledge building and sustained ideational writing in order to enhance their writing performance (for 18 weeks). In contrast, the control group engaged in teacher-directed instruction. Data sources mainly came from: (1) pre-post PIRLS reading comprehension test; (2) students’ notes posted in Knowledge Forum; (3) students’ online discussion activities in Knowledge Forum, such as number of notes contributed, number of notes read, and number of notes built-on to other’s notes; (4) pre-post writing test; (5) semi-structured interview; and (6) student’ end-of-the-semester grades. To analyze, one-way ANCOVA, paired t-test and chi-square was employed to quantitatively examine students’ reading comprehension and writing test after the course. In addition, qualitative content analysis was also performed to evaluate the quality of students’ notes and to understand how students changed their views of ideas. The findings were as follows: (1) knowledge building pedagogy was conducive to enhancing students’ high-level reading comprehension and encouraging more in-depth questioning activities in Knowledge Forum; (2) after being engagaed in Knowledge building for a semester, students were able to demonstrate better writing performance, and more active discussion activities in the Knowledge Forum; (3) Knowledge building pedagogy changed students’ views of ideas and improved their idea generation capacity; and (4) Low achievers in the experiment group were able to demonstrate better reading comprehension than those in the control group. Overall, the findings suggested that knowledge building practice was able to help change the traditionally more authoritative and teacher-directed one-way instruction,   to an alternative, more student-centered, idea generation and improvement pedagogy, that helped students attain better reading comprehension and writing performance.

Forum de discussion en ligne : analyse des échanges interculturels entre des élèves français et québécois

Décosse, Émilie 08 1900 (has links)
Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) sont de plus en plus présentes dans les différentes sphères de notre société, comme en éducation. De nombreux enseignants s’en servent pour travailler avec leurs élèves en classe. Malgré leur utilisation parfois limitée aux fonctions de base, les TIC offrent beaucoup d’avantages qui peuvent être très bénéfiques à l’éducation des jeunes, tout comme les échanges interculturels qui permettent aux jeunes de s’ouvrir sur le monde. Ce projet proposait de mettre en réseau par Internet des élèves québécois et des élèves français de 8 à 12 ans à l’aide du forum de discussion Knowledge Forum et de l’outil de vidéoconférence Via. Les connaissances et les attitudes des jeunes face aux autres et à leur culture, ainsi qu’à la technologie ont été analysées. Plus précisément, la participation, les différences et les ressemblances, les connaissances acquises, les façons d’interagir, les attitudes et le degré de présence sociale ont été étudiés à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse incluant les catégories de Bales. Des entrevues effectuées avec les enseignants et les élèves ont aussi été analysées. Le degré de présence sociale a permis aux attitudes des jeunes d’évoluer, devenant plus amicales au fil des échanges. Les élèves ont appris sur la culture de l’autre, ont discuté des différences et des ressemblances et ont donné beaucoup d’informations sur eux. Donc, la technologie a permis aux élèves de créer des liens avec les autres et d’apprendre sur la culture des deux pays. / Information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly present in every aspect of our society, such as education. Many teachers use these to work in class with their students. Sometimes, the ICT uses are limited to basic functions, but these technologies can have positive outcomes for students. Intercultural exchanges that may occur through the use of ICT can also help students to open their minds to others. In this project, students, aged 8 to 12, are linked together with two online software: Knowledge Forum and Via. Via is used for videoconferencing and Knowledge Forum for online writing. The knowledge and attitudes of students toward other cultures and technologies were analyzed. Specifically, the participation, differences and similarities, knowledge, interactions and level of social presence were studied with analytic tools, including Bales’ categories. Interviews conducted with teachers and students were also analyzed. The level of social presence helped students’ attitudes to evolve, becoming friendlier with time. Students learned about each other’s cultures, talked about differences and similarities and shared much information about themselves. In short, technology helped students learn about different cultures and build relationships.

Forum de discussion en ligne : analyse des échanges interculturels entre des élèves français et québécois

Décosse, Émilie 08 1900 (has links)
Les technologies de l’information et de la communication (TIC) sont de plus en plus présentes dans les différentes sphères de notre société, comme en éducation. De nombreux enseignants s’en servent pour travailler avec leurs élèves en classe. Malgré leur utilisation parfois limitée aux fonctions de base, les TIC offrent beaucoup d’avantages qui peuvent être très bénéfiques à l’éducation des jeunes, tout comme les échanges interculturels qui permettent aux jeunes de s’ouvrir sur le monde. Ce projet proposait de mettre en réseau par Internet des élèves québécois et des élèves français de 8 à 12 ans à l’aide du forum de discussion Knowledge Forum et de l’outil de vidéoconférence Via. Les connaissances et les attitudes des jeunes face aux autres et à leur culture, ainsi qu’à la technologie ont été analysées. Plus précisément, la participation, les différences et les ressemblances, les connaissances acquises, les façons d’interagir, les attitudes et le degré de présence sociale ont été étudiés à l’aide d’une grille d’analyse incluant les catégories de Bales. Des entrevues effectuées avec les enseignants et les élèves ont aussi été analysées. Le degré de présence sociale a permis aux attitudes des jeunes d’évoluer, devenant plus amicales au fil des échanges. Les élèves ont appris sur la culture de l’autre, ont discuté des différences et des ressemblances et ont donné beaucoup d’informations sur eux. Donc, la technologie a permis aux élèves de créer des liens avec les autres et d’apprendre sur la culture des deux pays. / Information and communication technologies (ICT) are increasingly present in every aspect of our society, such as education. Many teachers use these to work in class with their students. Sometimes, the ICT uses are limited to basic functions, but these technologies can have positive outcomes for students. Intercultural exchanges that may occur through the use of ICT can also help students to open their minds to others. In this project, students, aged 8 to 12, are linked together with two online software: Knowledge Forum and Via. Via is used for videoconferencing and Knowledge Forum for online writing. The knowledge and attitudes of students toward other cultures and technologies were analyzed. Specifically, the participation, differences and similarities, knowledge, interactions and level of social presence were studied with analytic tools, including Bales’ categories. Interviews conducted with teachers and students were also analyzed. The level of social presence helped students’ attitudes to evolve, becoming friendlier with time. Students learned about each other’s cultures, talked about differences and similarities and shared much information about themselves. In short, technology helped students learn about different cultures and build relationships.

Primary students' group metacognitive processes in a computer supported collaborative learning environment

Chalmers, Christina January 2009 (has links)
The current understanding of students’ group metacognition is limited. The research on metacognition has focused mainly on the individual student. The aim of this study was to address the void by developing a conceptual model to inform the use of scaffolds to facilitate group metacognition during mathematical problem solving in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments. An initial conceptual framework based on the literature from metacognition, cooperative learning, cooperative group metacognition, and computer supported collaborative learning was used to inform the study. In order to achieve the study aim, a design research methodology incorporating two cycles was used. The first cycle focused on the within-group metacognition for sixteen groups of primary school students working together around the computer; the second cycle included between-group metacognition for six groups of primary school students working together on the Knowledge Forum® CSCL environment. The study found that providing groups with group metacognitive scaffolds resulted in groups planning, monitoring, and evaluating the task and team aspects of their group work. The metacognitive scaffolds allowed students to focus on how their group was completing the problem-solving task and working together as a team. From these findings, a revised conceptual model to inform the use of scaffolds to facilitate group metacognition during mathematical problem solving in computer supported collaborative learning (CSCL) environments was generated.

知識翻新教學對小學生 科學探究活動與科學合作概念之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on elementary students’science learning activities and their views on scientific collaboration

王博賢, Wang, Po Hsien Unknown Date (has links)
本研究主要目的在探究國小學生,在利用「知識論壇」 (Knowledge Forum)—一個以知識翻新(knowledge-building)教育思想為核心所建立的電腦輔助合作學習(CSCL)平台—進行教學之前與之後,在「科學學習歷程」與「科學合作概念」上的改變情形。研究對象為台北市某國小五年級學生。資料來源主要為課堂觀察、上課錄影資料、知識論壇平台上的活動記錄、以及集體訪談的前後測訪談稿。實驗共分二組:(1) 實驗組使用知識論壇平台進行知識翻新教學;(2) 控制組則以傳統講授與小組合作方式授課。 研究結果主要有以下四點:(1) 課堂觀察與錄影資料分析顯示,在傳統的課堂中(控制組)教師主導的活動佔據大部分上課時間,然而在進行知識翻新教學之課堂中(實驗組),學生則使用更多的時間進行同儕間的互動與合作;(2) 知識論壇平台活動記錄分析結果發現,在論壇的輔助下進行知識翻新教學,有助於幫助學生跳脫分工合作的小組活動、進行更機遇式(opportunistic)的合作學習;(3) 平台中的發文內容分析顯示,經過18週的課程,學生有更多以合作為基礎的學習活動;(4) 訪談稿前測結果指出,學生對於科學知識本質的「暫時性」與「共構性」僅有初步瞭解。在合作方式上,多數學生認為科學家會合作,然而在合作的方式上則普遍強調以「分工」為基礎的科學合作,而非以「創新」知識為基礎的合作方式。訪談稿後測結果則指出,經過知識翻新課程後,受試國小學生已漸能形成以創新為基礎(而非任務為導向)的科學合作概念。 本研究主要的結論有四點:(1) 知識翻新教學有助於促進學生間的互動學習;(2) 在知識翻新教學後學生有更多以合作為基礎的探究活動;(3) 本研究中的小學生已普遍有合作的理念,但仍停留在分工合作的觀點;以及(4) 知識翻新教學可以有助於幫助學生形成以創新為主的合作觀。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of knowledge building on fifth-grader’ science learning process and their views on collaboration. A software program called Knowledge Forum—which is designed based on knowledge-building theory—was employed to complement student learning. Participants were 53 fifth-graders from an urban school in Taipei. Data source mainly came from video-taping of classroom activities, class observation records, group interview, and the online activities automatically recorded in the Knowledge Forum platform. The students were divided into two groups for comparison: (1) the experiment group adopted knowledge building pedagogy; (2) the control group adopted traditional instruction that combined both teacher lectures and student collaboration in groups. The main findings are as follows: (1) as shown in the video and the classroom observation data, it was found that in the traditional (control) class, teacher-led activities took up the majority of class time; in contrast, in the knowledge building (experimental) class, students had more time for peer interaction and collaboration; (2) as the online activity data showed, it was found that engaging in knowledge building helped students to move away from division of labor and to engage in more opportunistic collaboration ; (3) based on content analysis on student online discussion, it was found that students progressively performed more collaborative activities towards the end of this class; and (4) as evidenced in the pre-post interview data, it was found that students initially had a more limited understanding of scientific knowledge as “tentative” and “co-constructive”. In addition, while they thought scientists work together, they tended to highlight the kind of teamwork based on division of labor, rather than the kind of teamwork aimed to create new knowledge. However, the post-interview data showed that after engaging in knowledge building for 18 weeks, students began to see scientific collaboration as more innovation-oriented, and less task-oriented. Based on the findings, the following conclusions were made: (1) engaging students in knowledge building was helpful for promoting more interaction among students; (2) knowledge building progressively fostered more scientific inquiry activities that is based on collaboration; (3) before attending this study, students had already the concept of cooperation, and such concept is highly based on division of labor, but after engaging in knowledge building, they were able to gradually develop a more creative view of collaboration.

知識翻新學習對師培生教學信念與實務知識之影響 / Effects of knowledge building on teacher-education students’ teaching beliefs and practical knowledge

張芷瑄, Chang, Chih Hsuan Unknown Date (has links)
在知識急速進步與變動的時代,知識共享與共構是未來的新趨勢。傳統師資培育偏重理論與知識傳遞的教學方式,固然有其優點,但面對未來知識社會的挑戰,師培課程也需要不斷進行反思與改進。為了改善傳統偏重知識傳遞的教學模式,本研究嘗試運用知識翻新(knowledge-building)理論於師資培育課程,並使用知識論壇平台(Knowledge Forum©)作為本課程的線上輔助學習環境。研究目的在讓師培生於課堂中實際進行體驗教學,並利用教室與線上知識論壇的學習環境進行大量教學反思,以期能幫助師培生發展更多元創新的教學信念,並且實踐於教學活動中。 研究對象為修習國民小學自然科教材教法的28位師資培育生,以個案研究法進行資料的蒐集和分析,資料包括:(1)整學期師培生在知識論壇平台上的互動與對話--使用知識論壇分析工具(Analytic Toolkit, ATK)計算學生於知識論壇平台進行知識建構的互動次數,亦使用社會網絡分析軟體(social network analysis)分析閱讀與回文訊息的流通情況,最後透過知識論壇學生的實際貼文內容,呈現師培生在平台上的互動情形;(2)師培生試教結束後在知識論壇的教學回饋內容--透過對教學回饋品質與教學回饋信念的質性編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗進行分析;(3)期初與期末的自我檢核表問卷--以質性分析軟體Nvivo進行開放式編碼,依據師培生對於問題的陳述內容進行編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗;(4)期初與期末的教學本質問卷--以質性分析軟體Nvivo進行編碼,依據師培生對開放性問題的陳述內容進行編碼和兩階段相依樣本t考驗;(5)期末試教反思問卷--計算師培生在試教活動中,教師中心與學生中心活動所佔時間的百分比,進行兩階段相依樣本t考驗,並根據師培生在教學設計、教法、教材和評量的反思內容,以貼文為分析單位,進行編碼和描述性統計。 研究結果顯示:(1)使用知識論壇平台有助師培生進行線上知識分享與自我反思;(2)透過知識翻新學習可以幫助師培生改進教學的回饋品質;(3)經由知識翻新學習讓師培生進行自我反思,可以幫助教學實務知識的發展;(4)經由知識翻新學習可以幫助師培生建立主動學習的教學信念;(5)讓師培生經由實際體驗教學與省思後,需要有更長的時間進行信念的內化,才能有效幫助師培生教學信念的實踐。 根據本研究結果,提出以下幾點建議供未來師資教育之參考:(1)教師可善用數位學習平台(如知識論壇)以輔助教學,促進學生想法的分享和改進;(2)營造開放自主的師資培育環境,可以建構多元的教學信念;(3)師資培育課程應提供更多實際體驗教學的機會,讓師培生檢視自我如何將教學信念付諸實踐;(4)課程革新應進一步思考如何促進教師教學信念與課程理念間的聯結,以協助教師在教學現場有效的落實課程。 / We are entering into a knowledge age, during which knowledge changes rapidly; accordingly, sustained knowledge sharing and constructing is essential. Although the traditional teacher education--that tends to emphasize more of the learning of educational theory than practical knowledge--has its advantage, teacher educators still need to reflect on and improve teacher preparation approaches continuously in order to face the challenge in the knowledge society. To this end, this study employed knowledge-building theory and Knowledge Forum© technology in a teacher education course. The purpose of this study was to help teacher-education students develop more informed science teaching beliefs by guiding them to effectively practice their teaching in classes, and to discuss and reflect on their teaching both in class and online. Participants were 28 teacher-education students who took a course about science teaching. Data sources (and analysis) mainly came from: (1) Teacher-education students’ interaction and discourse on Knowledge Forum (KF) (using the Analytic Toolkit to calculate the students’ frequency of activities on the KF platform; then, social network analysis was used to analyze the betweenness centrality and network density. Finally, examples of teacher-education students’ notes was analyzed to understand the interaction of teacher-education students in the KF platform); (2) Teacher-education students’ teaching feedback posted in Knowledge Forum (based on students’ answers, quantitative analysis was performed by means of paired-sample t tests); (3) An open-ended questionnaire that surveyed teacher-education students’ practical knowledge at the beginning and the end of semester was coded using key concepts as unit of analysis (quantitative analysis was performed via paired-sample t test); (4) A questionnaire with 6 open-ended questions that surveyed teacher-education students’ teaching beliefs at the beginning and the end of the semester was coded (quantitative analysis was performed via paired-sample t tests); (5) A questionnaire that surveys teacher-education students’ reflection on teaching practices (analysis was done by calculating the percentage of time on teacher-centered and student-centered teaching/learning activities using paired-sample t tests; and in addition, students’ texted answers were analyzed qualitatively). The results showed that: (1) using Knowledge Forum was helpful for teacher-education students’ sharing of their knowledge and reflection on their teaching; (2) Engaging in knowledge building could help improve teacher-education students’ teaching feedback quality; (3) Engaging in knowledge building could help teacher-education students’ development of their practical knowledge; (4) After engaging in knowledge building for a semester, teacher-education students developed more constructivist-oriented learning beliefs; (5) It was time-consuming to help teacher-education students develop more informed teaching beliefs. Building on the results, this study made the following suggestions: (1) Teachers should make good use of online learning platforms (e.g., Knowledge Forum) to facilitate students’ idea sharing and improvement; (2) Teacher education programs should help foster an open learning environment, in order to foster the development of multiple teaching beliefs; (3) Teacher education programs should provide teacher education students with more opportunities for teaching practice and for reflection on their teaching beliefs; and (4) Curriculum reform should try to better relate curriculum development and teachers' beliefs development.

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