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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge Map : Do Organizations Take Advantage of Knowledge Map+

Saheban, Reza January 2006 (has links)
No description available.


張家華 Unknown Date (has links)
知識的力量在現今的社會,已經愈來愈被重視,如何運用已經存在的知識,是目前許多人急於想了解的。在此情況下,學術界的論文也成為一股很強大的知識力量,許多研究者在當中搜尋有用的文獻當成知識來運用,希望藉由前人的研究,可以不斷的在研究領域上有所進展和發現,但知識管理在學術文獻上的應用仍是不足,大多數人也非常容易忽略這樣的知識資產,當有研究者想要研究某一領域的研究論文之時,常需要花不少時間來整理和尋找,也因論文未有效的分類,以至於若想找到相關的論文,也必須花費一翻功夫才行。如果我們可以利用知識管理中的方式,建構起一張對台灣資訊管理學科碩、博士論文的知識地圖,未來在運用龐大的文獻資料之時,我們就擁有了一個好的嚮導,可以指引我們搜尋的方向,節省許多研究者寶貴的時間。  本研究的目的特別針對兩點做出研究,一方面瞭解目前在台灣碩、博士論文中資訊管理學科近三年來援用的理論概況,另一方面將資訊管理學科近三年來在台灣所發表的碩、博士論文加以分類探討。依據這兩方面來看出我國資訊管理學域近三年的研究重點為何,在學術上各校的發展又有何傾向,再以這幾個構面來整理出一張屬於台灣資訊管理學科的「知識地圖」。最後根據研究結果與發現,對於台灣近年來所發展的資訊管理學科方向、理論來源這兩部份做出彙總和整理,讓以後想尋找台灣資訊管理學科碩、博士論文相關資料的研究者做為參考,期待可以對學術界有所貢獻。 / The rapid development of science and technology is characteristic of today's modern civilizations. In such a society, knowing how to pick up information from a load of various data and take advantage of it usefully and efficiently means one holds the key to the door of success. The old proverb ‘Knowledge is power', therefore, becomes more meaningful in this competitive society.  Undoubtedly, essays and research achievements from academic circles perform as a great resource, too, which enables researchers to follow predecessors and make progress and new findings on the existent basis. However, knowledge management in academic documents still lacks its efficient application. When common people often neglect the treasure aside and just go away, researchers are busy seeking and sorting the materials available, causing the waste of time. For this reason, to collect both the M. D’s and Ph. D’s essays of the Science of Information Management available in Taiwan and establish a network becomes an important task that cannot be delayed. There are two major goals in this study: firstly, to find out the theories applied to the Science of Information Management in the recent three years in Taiwan; secondly, to sort and study these various researches in this science. Then we can see the major emphases in this study field, the scholastic trends in each school's development, and thus form the ‘knowledge map’ we intend to make. I sincerely expect the compilation and arrangement of the theory bases and trends in the Science of Information Management in recent Taiwan can be a reference to researchers who take interest in this subject and contribute to this academic field.

資訊科學之知識地圖與研究前鋒研究 / A research of knowledge map and research front on information science

沈純慧 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究分別利用書目對分析與共被引分析的方法,以資訊科學重要期刊之高引用期刊、作者與高被引期刊、作者作為研究對象,建構1991年至2010年之資訊科學知識地圖與研究前鋒。知識地圖的建構,採用文獻內容探勘工具(Content Analysis Toolkit for Academic Research,簡稱CATAR)作為分析工具,利用Web of Science下載書目資料,進行期刊與作者之書目對分析,以了解資訊科學高引用期刊與作者的叢集情況,進而探討資訊科學的知識結構。研究前鋒的建構則是透過Web of Science檢索共被引分析之數據,了解高被引期刊與作者之叢集情形,進而探討資訊科學之核心議題。 研究結果歸納如下: 一、資訊科學領域主要分成圖書資訊學與電腦科學兩大範疇。 二、資訊科學領域有跨學科之性質,許多期刊與作者研究的範圍不限於資訊科學領域,還包括了電腦科學、心理學、管理學、語言學、歷史學等。 三、資訊科學領域的共被引次數普遍偏低。 四、資訊科學領域核心議題的主要範圍為圖書資訊學、電腦科學、資訊科技與管理領域,子主題包含線上資訊、資訊檢索、資訊尋求行為、人機互動、自動化分類索引、書目計量學、科學計量學、網路計量學、引用文獻分析、研究前鋒研究、資訊視覺化、數位圖書館、資訊素養、圖書館服務、學術圖書館、科學計量學、電腦工程、電腦通訊、網際網路、資訊科技、資訊系統、管理。 五、1991年到2010年間,圖書館與資訊服務的自動化和資料庫設計與管理這兩個主題,在資訊科學領域中漸漸式微。 本研究結果可看出資訊科學的知識結構與研究前鋒,可應用於館藏規劃與評估,檢視圖書館的資訊科學領域館藏是否完整,並提供資訊科學領域的學者觀察學術研究趨勢之用。 / Through bibliographic coupling and co-citation analysis, this study builds on the knowledge map and research front of information science fields from 1991 to 2010. First, this research use CATAR which based on journal bibliographic coupling analysis and author bibliographic coupling to analyze the high citing journal and author in information science, and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Science. Second, this research use journal co-citation analysis and author co-citation analysis where journal and author citing co-citation clusters to build the research front of Information Science. To result of the study reveal that: 1. Library and Information Science, Computer Science are the main disciplines in Information Science area. 2. The field of Information Science has the nature of interdisciplinary. The research area of any journals and authors are not limited to Information Science, and even likely to go beyond the subject of other disciplines, such as: Computer Science, Psychology, Management, Linguistics, History, etc. 3. Co-citation frequencies of Information Science high cited journals and authors are low. 4. The core area of Information Science field is Library and Information Science, Computer Science, Information Technology and Management. 5. During 1991 to 2010, library and information service automation, and design and management of database have been declining.

Developing A Decision-Making Framework For A District Energy System Manager

Daniel Schuster (9575888) 16 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Managing the highly dynamic and interdependent systems within a district energy system is an intricately complex undertaking. A district energy manager is expected to make decisions that will result in the achievement of the district’s goals, often with limited capital and personnel resources. What has been lacking in the tools available to a district energy manager is an established decision-making framework with which to process the complex internal and external variables involved to effectively develop and evaluate options to make successful decisions.<br><a></a></p> <p> </p> <p>While capitalizing on the experience of seasoned district energy managers and a literature review of current methodologies, this dissertation assesses the strengths and weaknesses of the methodologies currently available to managers of district energy systems and presents a new and more comprehensive decision-making framework. A system of systems engineering approach is applied, and multiple relevant case studies are analyzed. Procedures for significantly mitigating many of the external risks to a district energy system are developed and documented. </p> <p> </p> <p>The main contribution of this dissertation is a unique decision-making framework with a holistic approach encompassing the complexity, emergence, and interdependency of district energy subsystems. This framework will aid a district energy manager in making successful decisions which meet the goals of the district.</p>

「資訊社會」之知識地圖建構 / Building a knowledge map on the subject of information society

沈東玫, Shen, Tung Mei Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在應用共被引分析法與社會網絡分析法,以資訊社會代表文獻為研究對象,進行文獻間的主題相關性分析,希望透過對資訊社會代表文獻之共被引分析與社會網絡分析,能瞭解資訊社會研究所涵蓋的學科領域、文獻之間的集群性、及歷年研究趨勢。本研究以1962年至2010年的資訊社會代表文獻為研究範圍,研究資料取自Webster於2006年所撰寫的《Theories of Information Society》與《The Information Society Reader》二本著作,經整合後得出89篇代表文獻做為本研究之研究樣本。其次,再以WOS資料庫對此89篇代表文獻進行共被引次數檢索,製成共被引矩陣。除了瞭解代表文獻間的共被引強度外,並以SPSS軟體進行相關係數分析與集群分析,此外,利用UCUNET軟體計算出文獻中心性,及將文獻間的關係繪製成多元尺度圖與社會網絡圖,最後,透過研究年代的區隔,計算不同時段共被引情形的變化,以觀察資訊社會領域發展趨勢。 本研究結果歸納如下:1.資訊社會代表文獻被引用次數概況:(1)整體而言,資訊社會代表文獻歷年被引用次數趨於穩定;(2)資訊社會代表文獻受到社會學與地理學領域高度引用。2.「資訊社會」之知識地圖:(1)資訊社會代表文獻共被引次數普遍偏低;(2)資訊社會領域之核心文獻;(3)資訊社會領域可分為社會學、地理學及資訊科學與圖書館學子群。3.資訊社會之發展趨勢:(1)資訊社會知識地圖演變;(2)資訊社會共被引次數衰退。 本研究結果可應用於館藏規劃與評估,界定重要的圖書文獻來源,有助於圖書館或相關研究單位評估資訊社會相關館藏是否足以支援研究。同時可將研究之分析應用於資訊社會學術研究,提供研究人員近年來資訊社會共被引學科之變化及研究主題趨勢等相關資訊,作為資訊社會學者進行研究規劃之參考。 / The purpose of this study is to find out what disciplines Information Society covers. By Co-citation Analysis, this study highlighted the major disciplines in the Information Society field and identified the main literature and their relationship. This research takes representative Information Society literature from 1962 to 2010 as research scope. Firstly, by Bibliometrics, the total of 89 representative literature of Information Society was extracted from “The Information Society Reader” and “Theories of Information Society” written by Frank Webster in 2005 and 2006 respectively. Secondly, the co-citation times between 89 literature was investigated through Web of Science and thus a co-citation matrix was build to reveal the co-citation strength of literature. Co-relation and cluster analysis between literature were also explored by SPSS software. In addition, this study uses UCUNET software to analyze centrality and plot knowledge map on the subject of Information Society. The major findings are as follows: 1. On the citation strength: (1) Cited times of Information Society literature have been growing stable in recent years. (2) Information Society literature is highly cited by disciplines of Sociology and Geography. 2. Knowledge map of Information Society: (1)Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature are low;(2) The core literature of Information Society field; (3)Sociology, Geography and Information Science are main disciplines in Information Society area. 3. Development of Information Society: (1) Development of knowledge map of Information Society; (2) Co-citation frequencies of Information Society literature have been declining in recent years. Finally, the results of this study can be applied to collection planning and assessment, and identify the core journals and books. It assists libraries or information centers in evaluating the adequacy of Information Society collections to support research. Meanwhile, it provides researchers with recent trends of Information Society research.

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