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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

High school learners' perceptions of accounting as a career path in the Mafikeng area

Oben, James Ako 02 1900 (has links)
Summaries in English, Afrikaans and Setswana / The study was prompted by the decline in accounting enrolments and the ongoing criticism due to learners’ poor performance in the Accounting subject in South Africa. Given the increasing need for accounting graduates and, more importantly, qualified accounting professionals, this study investigated the preconceived perceptions participating high school learners in selected schools in the Mafikeng area had about the accounting profession at the time of this study. The study drew on a rich body of existing literature and adopted the social cognitive career theory of Lent, Brown and Hackett (1994) to explore the factors influencing career interests of learners in accounting as a career path. A quantitative research approach with a survey questionnaire, framed within a positivist paradigm, was used to elicit opinions from learners. The findings revealed that work satisfaction, earnings potential, self-efficacy, personal interest, offering Accounting as a subject and having an accountant in the family are among the factors that significantly influenced participating learners’ career interests in accounting / Die studie is aangespoor deur die afname in rekeningkunde-inskrywings en die deurlopende kritiek van leerders se swak prestasie in rekeningkunde in Suid-Afrika. Gegewe die toenemende behoefte vir rekeningkundegegradueerdes en, meer belangrik, gekwalifiseerde rekeningkundepraktisyns, ondersoek hierdie studie die huidige vooropgestelde persepsies wat hoërskoolleerders in Suid-Afrika van die rekeningkundige beroep het. Die studie benut die omvattende bestaande literatuur en aanvaar die sosiaal kognitiewe loopbaanteorie van Lent, Brown en Hackett (1994) om die faktore te ondersoek wat die belangstelling van leerders in rekeningkunde as 'n loopbaanrigting beïnvloed. 'n Kwantitatiewe navorsingsbenadering met 'n opnamevraelys, binne 'n positivistiese paradigma, is gebruik om menings van leerders te ontlok. Die bevindings het gewys dat werksbevrediging, verdienstepotensiaal, selfwerksaamheid, persoonlike belang, die aanbied van rekeningkunde as 'n vak en 'n rekeningkundige in die gesin van die faktore is wat leerders se loopbaanbelangstelling in rekeningkunde beduidend beïnvloed. / Thutopatlisiso e tlhotlheleditswe ke kwelotlase ya ikwadiso ya dithuto tsa Palotlotlo le go kgalwa go go tswelelang pele ga tiragatso e e bokoa ya barutwana mo Palotlotlong mo Aforikaborwa. Ka ntlha ya tlhokego e e oketsegang ya dialogane tsa Palotlotlo le, sa botlhokwa tota, baporofešenale ba ba nang le borutegi jwa palotlotlo, thutopatlisiso eno e batlisisa megopolo e e gona ya ga jaana ya barutwana ba dikolo tse dikgolwane mo Aforikaborwa malebana le porofešene ya bobalatlotlo. Thutopatlisiso e dirisa letlotlo le le gona la dikwalo mme e dirisa tiori ya tselana ya tiro ya tlhaloganyo ya loago ya ga Lent, Brown le Hackett (1994) go sekaseka dintlha tse di susumetsang kgatlhego ya tselana ya tiro ya barutwana mo palotlotlong jaaka tselana ya tiro. Go dirisitswe mokgwa wa patlisiso o o lebelelang dipalopalo ka dipotsolotso tsa tshekatsheko, mme e agilwe mo mokgweng wa kelotlhoko go bona megopolo ya barutwana. Diphitlhelelo di bontsha gore go kgotsofalela tiro, kgonagalo ya letseno, go ikemela, dikgatlhego tsa sebele, go rebolelwa Palotlotlo jaaka serutwa le go nna le mmalatlotlo mo lelapeng ke dingwe tsa dintlha tse di nang le tshusumetso e kgolo mo dikgatlhegong tsa barutwana tsa tselana ya tiro mo palotlotlong. / Centre for Accounting Studies / M. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)

Gebruik van Beck se kognitiewe terapie by sekondêre skoolleerders met subkliniese depressie / The use of Beck's cognitive therapy for secondary school learners with subclinical depression

Davel, Jaqualine Cecile Flower 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Uit 'n literatuurstudie en empiriese ondersoek wat onderneem is, blyk dit dat 15-40% van alle adolessente subkliniese depressie ervaar. Veranderinge en toenemende druk en eise eie aan die adolessente-fase, bring by baie adolessente depressiewe gevoelens mee. Ten spyte van hierdie omstandighede is daar egter ook baie adolessente wat hierdie fase van ontwikkeling sonder enige noemenswaardige probleme deurloop. Aaron Beck is van mening dat dit nie die omstandighede opsigself is wat tot depressie aanleiding gee nie, maar wel die betekenis wat individue aan omstandighede gee. Beck noem dat depressiewe persone tot irrasionele oortuigings, foutiewe inligting-prosessering en disfunksionele outomatiese gedagtes geneig is. Om hierdie probleem aan te spreek is ses adolessente, wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, aan Beck se kognitiewe terapie onderwerp. Die primere doel van Beck se terapie is die regstelling van bogenoemde disfunksionele kognisies. Die gevolgtrekking is dat wanneer adolessente wat subkliniese depressie ervaar, se disfunksionele kognisies reggestel word, hulle depressiewe gevoelens opgehef word. / From a literature study and empirical research which was undertaken, it seems that 15-40% of all adolescents experience subclinical depression. Changes and increasing pressure and demands, typical of the adolescent phase, causes many adolescents to experience depressing emotions. In spite of these circumstances there are also many adolescents who go through this phase in development without any significant problems. Aaron Beck is of opinion that it is not the circumstances in and of itself that lead to depression but rather the meaning that individuals attached to these circumstances. Beck mentions that depressive people are inclined to irrational beliefs, erroneous information-processing and dysfunctional automatic thoughts. To address this problem, six adolescents who experience subclinical depression, were subjected to Beck's cognitive therapy. The primary target of Beck's therapy is the correction of above mentioned dysfunctional cognitions. The conclusion is that when the dysfunctional cognitions of adolescents who experience subclinical depression can be corrected, their depressive feelings will diminish. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (Voorligting)

Boys' experience of an absent father: a gestalt therapeutic description

Patrick, Louise Copeland 31 March 2006 (has links)
Summary With the rise of the divorce rate and the decline of the nuclear family, boys are more frequently being deprived of a father-presence in their homes. The aim of this study was to qualitatively explore and describe boys' experiences of their relationships with their absent fathers. Three boys from different racial and cultural groups were chosen as case studies and worked with from a Gestalt Play Therapy Perspective. Data was gathered from the therapeutic sessions, as well as from semi structured interviews with the childcare workers of the boys. The findings of the study appear to concur with existing literature, namely that boys with absent fathers experience difficulties in the areas of emotional, social, cognitive and moral development. Recommendations are made as to how boys with absent fathers may best be supported. Opsomming Met die toename in egskeidings en die afname van nukleêre gesinne, word daar gevind dat seuns meer dikwels die teenwoordigheid van die vader in die huis ontneem word. Die doel van hierdie studie is `n kwalitatiewe ondersoek en beskrywing van seuns se ervaring van hulle verhouding met hulle afwesige vaders. Drie seuns van erskillende rasse- en kulturele groepe is gekies vir die gevallestudies en vanuit `n Gestalt Spelterapeutiese perspektief is met hulle gewerk. Data is versamel vanuit die terapeutiese sessies sowel as vanuit semigestruktureerde onderhoude met die seuns se kinderoppassers. Die bevindinge van die studie blyk ooreen te stem met bestaande literatuur, naamlik dat seuns met afwesige vaders probleme ondervind ten opsigte van emosionele, sosiale, kognitiewe en morele ontwikkeling. Aanbevelings word gemaak oor hoe om dié seuns ten beste te ondersteun. / SOCIAL WORK / MDIAC (PLAY THERAPY)

Handboekouteurs en wiskunde-onderwysers se inlyninterpretasie van die wiskundekurrikulum vir effektiewe klaskamerpraktyk

Van der Merwe, Wynand Johannes 10 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in English and Afrikaans / Due to the radical reform in mathematics education worldwide, the mathematics curriculum underwent dramatic changes in order to meet the new objectives in mathematics. This has placed a huge responsibility on curriculum compilers and the authors of mathematics textbooks and mathematics teachers to enhance the cognitive development of learners. This study takes the view that: What happens in the class is what you get. Based on the above statement, the foundation of mathematics teaching, namely the mathematics curriculum, the mathematics textbook and the teacher’s instruction in the teaching venue were scrutinised. During a diagnostic examination of teachers’ interpretation, knowledge and application of the mathematics curriculum and the content of mathematics textbooks on the East Rand, the following problems regarding mathematics teaching emerged: The most important finding of TIMMS is that the differences in performance in mathematics between different countries can be linked to the way teachers interpret and present the content of mathematics. Research has revealed that the interaction of teachers with curriculum content follow a dynamic and constructive application instead of direct application based on the mathematics curriculum. Teachers often change the prescriptions and order of content in the mathematics curriculum to suit their teaching style, knowledge and previous experience. Consequently, align application of mathematical concepts and skills does not take place and this creates a gap in learners’ cognitive development. It also leaves a gap in the application of the Type 5 cognitive development tasks in mathematics which enable a verifying deductive application of concepts. The action research created a structure which could meet this need. Authors of mathematics textbooks present their own vision, interpretation and style in mathematics textbooks, which influences the order of mathematics content and concepts. The result is that mathematics content and concepts are at times not aligned with representations in the mathematics curriculum and objectives are therefore not reached. The different interpretations of mathematics textbooks by teachers differ greatly and these differences place great pressure on teachers to decide how the mathematics textbook will be used in the teaching venue. In this study a mathematics textbook profile and a task analysis were formulated in the cause of action research which will enable teachers to make a professional analysis which they can use. Because a variety of mathematics textbooks are selected for use in schools, teachers assume that these approved mathematics textbooks focus on the curriculum. They therefore slavishly follow the mathematics textbooks without consulting the mathematics curriculum. Shortcomings in mathematics textbooks and teachers’ own interpretation of mathematics content leave a big gap in their own alignment of mathematics teaching. To satisfy this need, an assessment profile and an methodology for alignment are provided to enable teachers to monitor the curriculum alignment presentation of concepts and skills. / As gevolg van die radikale hervorming in wiskunde-onderrig wêreldwyd het die wiskundekurrikulum dramatiese veranderings ondergaan ten einde die nuwe doelstellings in wiskunde te bereik. Dit het enorme verantwoordelikheid geplaas op kurrikulumsamestellers en outeurs van wiskundehandboeke en wiskunde-onderwysers om die kognitiewe ontwikkeling van leerders te bevorder. In hierdie studie is van die volgende standpunt uitgegaan: What happens in the class is what you get. Derhalwe is die fondasie van wiskunde-onderrig, naamlik die wiskundekurrikulum, wiskundehandboek en die onderwyser se instruksies in die klaskamer ondersoek. In `n diagnostiese ontleding van onderwysers se interpretasie, kennis en toepassing van die wiskundekurrikulum en die wiskundehandboekinhoude aan die Oos-Rand het die volgende probleme in verband met wiskunde-onderrig na vore gekom: Die belangrikste bevinding van TIMMS is dat die verskille in wiskundeprestasie tussen lande verband hou met die wyse waarop onderwysers die wiskudekurrikuluminhoude interpreteer en aanbied. Navorsing toon dat die interaksie van onderwysers met kurrikulummateriaal op ʼn dinamiese en konstruktiewe toepassing geskied in plaas van direkte toepassing vanuit die wiskundekurrikulum. Onderwysers verander dikwels die wiskundekurrikulum se voorskrifte en volgorde van inhoude om by hulle onderrigstyl, kennis en vorige ervarings te pas. Die gevolg is dat geen inlyntoepassing van wiskundebegrippe en vaardighede plaasvind nie en dit laat ʼn leemte in leerders se kognitiewe ontwikkeling. Verder laat dit ʼn leemte in die toepassing van die 5-tipe kognitiewe ontwikkelingstake in wiskunde wat ʼn verifiërend deduktiewe toepassing van begrippe bewerkstellig. In die aksienavorsing is ʼn struktuur geskep wat in hierdie behoefte voorsien. Outeurs van wiskundehandboeke het ʼn eie visie, interpretasie en styl wat hulle in wiskundehandboeke aanbied. Dit het ʼn invloed op die volgorde van wiskunde-inhoude en begrippe en gevolglik is wiskunde-inhoude en -begrippe soms nie inlyn geplaas met voorstellings van die wiskundekurrikulum nie, en word doelstellings nie bereik nie. Onderwysers se verskillende interpretasies van wiskundehandboekinhoude verskil radikaal van mekaar en plaas gevolglik groot druk op onderwysers om ʼn keuse te maak wat betref die gebruik van ʼn wiskundehandboek vir gebruik in die klaskamer. In die studie is ʼn wiskundehandboekprofiel en ʼn taakontleding tydens aksienavorsing geformuleer wat onderwysers in staat sal stel om ʼn professionele ontleding te maak vir gebruik. As gevolg van die verskeidenheid wiskundehandboeke wat gekeur word vir gebruik in skole neem onderwysers aan dat hierdie gekeurde wiskundehandboeke op die kurrikulum gerig is. Gevolglik word wiskundehandboeke slaafs nagevolg sonder om die wiskundekurrikulum te raadpleeg. Tekortkominge in wiskundehandboeke en die eie interpretasie van wiskundeinhoude deur onderwysers laat ʼn groot leemte in hul eie inlynwiskunde-onderrig. Om te voorsien in hierdie behoefte is ʼn assesseringsprofiel en ʼn inlynmetodiek saamgestel om onderwysers in staat te stel om die inlynaanbieding van begrippe en vaardighede te monitor. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Didaktiek)

Perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism

Mavesere, Benjamin 23 June 2021 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Venda / Constructivism is a relatively recent theory of learning which focuses on using learner-centred strategies in learning. Reform efforts in education in Zimbabwe have been aimed at incorporating constructivist-inspired strategies in the classroom, with mixed results. Some teachers continue to prefer traditional approaches to learning in their classrooms, despite these being teacher-centred and generally looked down upon. The study examined the perceptions of primary school student teachers regarding the practical application of constructivism in the classroom. A qualitative research design was adopted, and the study was grounded in a constructivist and interpretivist paradigm aimed at understanding perceptions emanating from the lived experiences of the student teachers. In all, eight student teachers were sampled for the study by means of purposive, convenience and stratified random sampling. Data was collected through a literature review, lesson observations and semi-structured individual interviews. The rigour of the study was maintained by ensuring trustworthiness and the credibility of the findings. Ethical issues were adhered to. Data was analysed using Tesch’s method of data analysis, through which the researcher identified categories and themes, and reported on in narrative format. The study findings indicate that student teachers have a positive perception of the practical application of constructivism in learning. Participants expressed the view that the practical application of constructivism leads to deeper learning and greater understanding by learners. Participants nevertheless stated that in their efforts to implement constructivism in learning and teaching during their practicums they experienced a lack of support from mentor teachers and shortages of resources. Considering these findings, the researcher made several recommendations to various stakeholders with the aim of helping student teachers to be more effective constructivist teachers. The recommendations include the need to carry out more research on the constructivist learning theory and its practical application in the classroom as well as encouraging teachers to apply constructivist learner-centred strategies in their classrooms. The researcher also made recommendations for further research. / Konstruktivisme is ʼn leerteorie wat betreklik nuut is en wat fokus op die gebruik van leerdergesentreerde strategieë vir leer. Inisiatiewe vir opvoedingshervorming in Zimbabweis daaropgerig om konstruktivisme-geïnspireerde strategieë in die klaskamer te inkorporeer – met gemengde resultate. Sommige onderwysers verkies om steeds tradisionele benaderings tot leer in hul klaskamers te volg, al is dit onderwysergesentreerde benaderings waarop daar oor die algemeen neergesien word. In hierdie studie is die persepsies van laerskool studentonderwysers rakende die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in die klaskamer ondersoek. ʼn Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik en die studie is gegrond in ʼn konstruktivistiese en interpretivistiese paradigma wat ten doel het om die persepsies vanuit studentonderwysers se werklike (‘lived’) ervarings, te verstaan. ʼn Steekproef is onder altesaam agt studentonderwysers gedoen deur middel van doelbewuste steekproefneming, gerieflikheidsteekproefneming en gestratifiseerde ewekansige steekproefneming. Data is ingesamel deur middel van ʼn literatuurstudie, leswaarnemings en semi-gestruktureerde individuele onderhoude. Die akkuraatheid van die studie is gehandhaaf deur betroubaarheid en die geloofwaardigheid van die bevindinge te verseker. Algemeen ooreengekome etiekvoorskriftewat by die meeste instellings geld, is nagekom.Data is ontleed met behulp van Tesch se metode van data-ontleding, en sodoende kon die navorser kategorieë en temas identifiseer en in narratiewe formaat daaroor verslag doen. Die navorsingsresultate toon dat studentonderwysers ʼn positiewe persepsie van die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme in leer het. Deelnemers het hul oortuiging gedeel dat die praktiese toepassing van konstruktivisme, tot ʼn dieper vlak van leer en beter begrip by leerders lei. Deelnemers het egter ook aangedui dat hulle ʼn gebrek aan ondersteuning van mentoronderwysers, sowel as ʼn tekort aan hulpbronne, ondervind het in hul pogings om konstruktivisme in leer en onderrig te implementeer tydens hul praktiese onderwys. Met inagneming van hierdie bevinding doen die navorser verskeie aanbevelings aan verskillende belanghebbers, met die doel om studentonderwysers te help om meer doeltreffend in konstruktivistiese onderwys te wees. Die navorser hetook aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing gedoen. / Thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswai tou vha thyeori ya u guda ya zwinozwino yo sedzaho kha zwiṱirathedzhi zwo ḓisendekaho nga mugudi kha u guda. Nungo dza u vhuedzedza pfunzo Zimbabwe dzo livhiswa kha u ṱanganyisa zwiṱirathedzhi zwa u fhaṱa zwo ṱuṱuwedzwaho kiḽasini, na mvelelo dzo ṱanganyiswaho. Vhaṅwe vhadededzi vha khou bvela phanḓa na u takalela u shumisa maitele a kale a u guda kiḽasirumuni, naho izwi zwi tshi ḓisendeka nga mudededzi na u dzhielwa fhasi. Ṱhoḓisiso yo sedzulusa kuvhonele kwa vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha tshikolo tsha phuraimari musi zwi tshi ḓa kha u shumisa nyito ya thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kiḽasirumuniHo shumiswa kuitele kwa ṱhoḓisiso ya khwaḽithathivi, ngudo yo ḓitika nga tshiedziswa tsha u fhaṱa nḓivho na muhumbulo miswa na u ṱalutshedzayo livhiswaho kha u pfesesa kuvhonele kubvaho kha tshenzhemo ine ya khou itea zwenezwo nga vhadededzi vha matshudeni.Kha vhadededzi vha matshudeni vhoṱhe vha malo, vhe vha itwa tsumbonanguludzwa kha ngudonga nḓila ya zwine zwa khou sedzwa khazwo, u swikelelea na tshigwada tshiṱuku tsho nangwaho. Data yo kuvhanganywa nga kha u sedza hafhu maṅwalwa, u sedza ngudo na inthaviwu dza u vhudzisa muthunga muthu dzo dzudzanywaho. Ndeme na u itwa nga vhuronwane ha ngudo zwo itwa nga u vhona zwauri hu na u fulufhedzea na u khwaṱhisedzwa ha mawanwa. Mafhungo a vhuḓifari e a tendelaniwa khao nga u angaredza nga zwiimiswa zwinzhi o tevhedzwa. Data yo saukanywa hu tshi shumiswa kuitele kwa Tesch kwa u saukanya data, hune muṱoḓisisi a topola khethekanyo na thero, na u vhigwa nga nḓila ya u tou ṱalutshedza. Mawanwa a ngudo o sumbedzisa uri vhadededzi vha matshudeni vha na mbonalo yavhuḓi ya nyito i re khagala ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda. Vhadzheneleli vho bvisela vhupfiwa havho khagala uri nyito dzi re khagala dza u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa zwi livhisa kha vhudzivha ha u guda na u pfesesa huhulwane nga vhagudiswa. Vhadzheneleli naho zwo ralo vho bula zwauri kha nungo dzavho dza u shumisa thyeori ya u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa kha u guda na u funza nga tshifhinga tshavho tsha ngudo dza nyito vho tshenzhela u shaya thikhedzo u bva kha vhadededzi vhane vha khou guda khavho na ṱhahelelo ya zwiko. Musi hu tshi khou dzhielwa nṱha mawanwa aya, muṱoḓisisi o ita themendelo dzo vhalaho kha vhadzhiamikovhe vho fhambanaho hu na nḓivho ya u thusa vhadededzi vha vhagudiswa uri vha vhe vhadededzi vha re na vhukoni kha u fhaṱa nḓivho na mihumbulo miswa. Muṱoḓisisi o dovha a themendela ṱhoḓisiso i yaho phanḓa. / Psychology of Education / Ph. D. (Psychology of Education)

The influence of cognitive intelligence, emotional intelligence, and personality on job performance: proposing a model for personnel selection

Dhliwayo, Pfungwa 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, TshiVenda and Afrikaans / This research sought to propose a personnel selection model encompassing the influence of cognitive intelligence, ability emotional intelligence, trait emotional intelligence, and personality on job performance. Using a quantitative cross-sectional research design, the researcher investigated the interrelationships between the variables relevant to the study using a convenience sample of N = 299 that consisted of Zimbabwean supervisory and professionally qualified and experienced specialists of different ages and genders, and from different job tenures, and job types. To get a true picture of the relationships between the predictor and criterion variables, the interaction (moderating) effects between the sociodemographic variables (age, gender, job tenure, and job type) and the predictor variables (cognitive intelligence, ability emotional intelligence, trait emotional intelligence, and personality) in predicting the criterion of job performance were also examined. The researcher used correlational and inferential multivariate statistical analysis (structural equation modelling, regression analyses, and tests for significant mean differences) to test the research hypotheses. The results from the study indicated that cognitive intelligence was the best predictor of job performance, followed by ability emotional intelligence, and then by personality. Trait emotional intelligence could not account for any variance in job performance. The results showed significant interaction effects between personality and job tenure (judging-perceiving personality types) and job types (extraversion-introversion personality types) in predicting job performance. Significant sociodemographic mean differences in the levels of the predictor variables were also identified. The identified predictive powers of the variables, the interaction effects between the identified sociodemographic and the predictor variables in predicting job performance, and the significant sociodemographic mean differences in the levels of predictor variables need to be considered for personnel selection practices in order to understand the nature of variables that may enhance or inhibit job performance. From a theoretical perspective, the research advanced personnel selection theory by empirically and scientifically identifying the core elements of personnel selection, and proposing a personnel selection model for use by industrial psychologists and organisations. / Ṱhoḓisiso heyi i ṱoḓa u dzinginya tshiedza tsha maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi ane a katela ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana, na vhuḓifari kha kushumele mushumoni. Hu tshi khou shumiswa maitele a ṱhoḓisiso a nḓila yo dzudzanaho ya u kuvhanganya na u saukanya data u bva kha zwiko zwo fhambanaho, u guda zwine zwa khou itea kha tshigwada nga tshenetsho tshifhinga, muṱoḓisisi o ṱoḓisisa vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu zwine zwa fhambana zwo teaho kha ngudo, hu tshi khou shumiswa sambula ya vhathu vhane zwa leluwa u vha swikelela N = 299, i katelaho vhaṱoli na vhathu vha re na ndalukano dza mushumo na vhomakone vha re na tshenzhelo vha vhukale ho fhambanaho, mbeu, tshifhinga tshe vha shuma na tshaka dza mushumo kha vhathu vha Zimbabwe. U wana tshifanyiso tsha vhukuma tsha vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa na zwithu zwo ḓisendekaho nga zwiṅwe, ṱhuṱhuwedzo ine ya itea khathihi vhukati ha zwithu zwivhili hune u ṱangana hazwo zwa vha na ndeme khulwane u fhirisa zwipiḓa vhukati ha zwiṱaluli zwa vhathu (vhukale, mbeu, tshifhinga tshe vhashuma, lushaka lwa mushumo) na zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa (vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza, vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa ,vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana, na vhuḓifari) kha u humbulela nḓila dza kushumele mushumoni na dzone dzo ṱoḓuluswa. Muṱoḓisisi o shumisa khoriḽeshinala na siṱatisiṱiki tsha iniferinshiaḽa maḽithivareithi musi a tshi khou saukanya (tshiedza tsha siṱatisisṱika, maitele a siṱatisiṱika a u humbulela vhushaka vhukati ha zwithu, na u linga ndeme ya phambano ya siṱatisiṱika) u linga u vhonela phanḓa kha khonadzeo ya ṱhoḓisiso. Mvelelo u bva kha ngudo dzo sumbedzisa uri vhukoni ha muhumbulo nga u angaredza ho vha tshishumiswa tsha kushumele, ha tevhelwa nga vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa, ha fhedzisela nga vhuḓifari. Vhukoni ha u dzhiela nṱha na u langula vhupfiwa kha zwithu zwine zwa fana a vhu khwaṱhisedzi phambano kha kushumele mushumoni. Mvelelo dzo sumbedzisa tshanduko ine ya vha hone kha tshithu tshithihi i ḓitika nda ndeme ya tshiṅwe tshithu vhukati ha vhuḓifari na tshifhinga tshe vha shuma (mihumbulo ine ra vha nayo ri tshi sedza zwithu na nḓila ine ra tshilisa ngayo ḓuvha ḽiṅwe na ḽiiṅwe) na tshaka dza mushumo (na tshaka dza vhuḓifari dzo sedzaho nga nnḓa na nga ngomu) kha u humbulela kushumele. Ndeme ya phambano vhukati ha zwigwada zwivhili zwa matshilisano na vhathu kha zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa na zwone zwo dovha zwa topolwa. Zwithu zwo topolwaho zwine zwa khou lavhelelwa, zwithu zwivhili zwo ḓiimisaho nga zwoṱhe zwi tshi ṱangana arali ṱhuṱhuwedzo ya tshithu tshithihi i tshi fhambana yo ḓitika nga vhuimo ha zwiṅwe zwithu vhukati ha zwithu zwa matshilisano na vhathu na zwithu zwine zwa khou humbulelwa, ṱhoḓea dzine dza tea u dzhielwa nṱha kha maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi u itela u pfesesa lushaka lwa zwithu zwine zwa nga engedza kana u thivhela kushumele. U bva kha mihumbulo ine ya khou ṱoḓisiswa, ṱhoḓisiso yo ṱuṱuwedza thyeori ya maitele ane a shumiswa hu tshi tholwa vhashumi nga u sedza na u topola zwithu zwa ndeme zwa maitele na milayo ya sainthifiki, na u dzinginya tshiedza tsha u thola vhashumi u itela u shumiswa nga vhaḓivhi vha muhumbulo vhane vha shuma na kutshilele na kushumele kha zwiimiswa. / Hierdie navorsing het gepoog om ʼn model vir personeelkeuring te ontwikkel op grond van die invloed van kognitiewe intelligensie, vermoë- emosionele intelligensie; eienskap- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid op werkprestasie. Die navorser het ʼn kwantitatiewe dwarssnitnavorsingsontwerp gebruik, en die onderlinge verbande tussen die toepaslike veranderlikes ondersoek. Die geriefsteekproef van N = 299 het bestaan uit Zimbabwiese toesighoudende, opgeleide en ervare spesialiste van verskillende ouderdomme en uit beide geslagte wat verskillende dienstydperke agter die rug het, en uiteenlopende poste beklee. Om ʼn getroue beeld van die verbande tussen die voorspeller- en kriteriumveranderlikes te kry, is die interaksie- (modererende) effekte tussen die sosiaal-demografiese veranderlikes (ouderdom, geslag, dienstydperk en soort werk) en die voorspellerveranderlikes (kognitiewe intelligensie, vermoë- emosionele intelligensie; eienskap- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid) in die voorspelling van die kriterium van werkprestasie ook ondersoek. Die navorser het ʼn korrelasie- en afgeleide, meerwisselende statistiese ontleding (strukturele vergelykingsmodellering, regressieontledings en toetse vir betekenisvolle gemiddeldeverskille) gedoen om die navorsingshipotese te toets. Die uitslag van die studie toon dat kognitiewe intelligensie die beste voorspeller van werkprestasie is, gevolg deur vermoë- emosionele intelligensie en persoonlikheid. Eienskap- emosionele intelligensie kon geen rekenskap van enige veranderlike in werkprestasie gee nie. Volgens die resultate is daar betekenisvolle interaksie-effekte tussen persoonlikheid en dienstydperk (keurder-waarnemer persoonlikheidstipes) en die soort werk (ekstroversie-introversiepersoonlikheidstipes) in die voorspelling van werkprestasie. Betekenisvolle sosiaal-demografiese gemiddeldeverskille in die vlakke van die voorspellerveranderlikes is ook aangedui. Die voorspellende kragte van die veranderlikes, die interaksie-effekte tussen die sosiaal-demografiese en die voorspellerveranderlikes in die voorspelling van werkprestasie sowel as die beduidende sosiaal-demografiese gemiddeldeverskille in die vlak van voorspellerveranderlikes moet vir personeelkeuringspraktyke in ag geneem word om die aard van veranderlikes wat werkprestasie kan verhoog of inhibeer, te verstaan. Uit ʼn teoretiese oogpunt het die navorsing die persoonkeuringsteorie gevolg deur die kernelemente van personeelkeuring op ʼn empiriese en wetenskaplike wyse aan te toon, en ʼn personeelkeuringsmodel vir bedryfsielkundiges en organisasies aan te bied. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting Psychology)

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