Spelling suggestions: "subject:"konza"" "subject:"monza""
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An iPhone app of Konza Prairie LTERNukala, Leela Anusha January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Computing and Information Sciences / Daniel Andresen / The objective of this project is to develop an iPhone application for the Konza Prairie LTER and play a significant role in the development of their website. The data of the Konza Prairie LTER is vast and includes the spatial datasets, weather reports, text archives, information about the flora and fauna at Konza Prairie Natural Area, integrated project areas, Dataset Codes, LTER Core Areas, Related projects, Konza Documents and Permits, and Publications.
The module which was developed by me provides users information like publications, personnel information and datasets. The titles of the publications along with their PIs will be retrieved from the database and formatted onto the webpage. The 'Personnel' page has links directing to Primary Contacts, Faculty and Staff and Graduate Students. The attractive feature of this personnel page is that each personnel in the list will have a '+' link which enables the user more information about that particular personnel like their field of interests, mailing address and a link to view their profile. As the website already has all the required data and information in detail, the mobile app only briefs about them. People who are working on-site can make of this app efficiently as its features includes list of upcoming events, map of Konza with GPS feature, Post Card feature, Primary personnel to be contacted and other features.
The website is developed using Visual Studio 2010 and SQL Server 2008 database. The iPhone app enhanced my knowledge and provided me with real-time exposure to iPhone SDK tools, X-code, Interface builder and its development environment.
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Controls of nitrogen spiraling in Kansas streamsO'Brien, Jonathan M. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biology / Walter K. Dodds / We used a series of whole stream experiments to quantify the impacts of inorganic-nitrogen concentration on stream nitrogen cycling and transport in prairie streams. We conducted 15NO3- stable isotope tracer experiments to measure the nitrogen cycling dynamics in 9 streams with a wide range (over 5 orders of magnitude) of nitrate concentrations. The major nitrogen-transforming processes, including uptake, nitrification, and denitrification, increased approximately 2 to 3 orders of magnitude and did not show signs of Michaelis-Menten type saturation across streams. Denitrification only accounted for a small proportion of total nitrate uptake. The observed functional relationships of biological nitrogen transformations and chronic nitrate concentration were best described by a Log-Log relationship. A series of inorganic-nitrogen addition experiments were conducted to quantify the impacts of acute nitrogen inputs on nitrogen cycling. These experiments showed that uptake saturated in response to short-term pulses of nitrogen. Ambient concentrations of ammonium and nitrate were less than their respective half-saturation coefficients, and uptake rates were less than 5% of Vmax, suggesting severe limitation of nitrogen. The saturation of uptake due to acute nitrogen inputs contrasts with uptake associated with chronic inputs of nitrate, which was not found to saturate. Chamber experiments and whole-stream ammonium addition experiments demonstrated that uptake and mineralization of ammonium varies spatially within the stream channel, occurring predominantly in riffles as opposed to pool habitats. The total transport distance of nitrogen and carbon within prairie streams was estimated based on field measurements and nutrient spiraling theory. Transport of organic nitrogen was dominant in prairie streams, as compared to inorganic nitrogen transport, both in terms of total concentration and transport distance. These results indicate that although carbon and inorganic-nitrogen were highly conserved in these headwater streams, organic-nitrogen was much more readily transported.
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A comparative sampling study of benthic invertebrate populations in a prairie streamPetersen, Gene Leslie. January 1979 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1979 P48 / Master of Science
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Infiltration controls in a tallgrass prairie at a hillslope scaleAuvenshine, Sarah D. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Civil Engineering / David G. Chandler / Infiltration capacity influences the ability of a soil to absorb and transmit water through macropores and micropores of the soil structure. Infiltration is primarily influenced by the soil type, which is dependent on a number of factors including parent material, climate, biological activity, and topography. Spatial controls of land use, land cover, soil texture, slope position, slope gradient and slope aspect are a few of the variables influencing infiltration capacity within a uniform soil type.
The goals of the thesis are to (1) quantify the spatial distribution of soil hydraulic properties at the surface of a hillslope using one measurement method - the automated mini-disk tension infiltrometer - and several analysis methods, (2) determine the dependence of depth on soil hydraulic properties using two measurement methods, and (3) compare the results of the investigation with information from the soil survey and soil investigations.
First, automated mini-disk infiltrometers were used to determine soil hydraulic properties at ten sites along a hillslope in Konza Prairie Natural Research Area. Several analysis methods were used to extract hydraulic conductivity and sorptivity values from the infiltration data. Next, large intact soil cores were extracted from three selected sites at the same hillslope and analyzed at six depths using a large disk infiltrometer. Finally, the six segments of the large soil cores were analyzed using the same methods as the field measurements with the mini-disk infiltrometers.
The results of the field investigation at the ten sites show a variability of soil hydraulic properties over an assumed homogeneous landscape. The values of hydraulic conductivity and sorptivity are dependent on the method of analysis. An empirically based approach produced more realistic values than a physically based approach.
The results of the laboratory investigation of the three extracted soil cores also show a dependence of method of analysis and measurement. In addition, the results show a complex relationship among landscape position, depth, and soil structure.
Finally, while soil surveys and soil descriptions can provide detailed information on soil properties, an infiltration investigation at a detailed spatial scale provides quantitative values for soil hydraulic properties.
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Biotic and abiotic effects on biogeochemical fluxes across multiple spatial scales in a prairie stream networkTrentman, Matthew T. January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Division of Biology / Walter K. Dodds / Understanding the variability of ecological processes across spatial scales is a central issue in ecology, because increasing scale is often associated with increasing complexity. In streams, measurements of biogeochemical fluxes are important for determining ecosystem health and the downstream delivery of nutrients, but are often collected at scales with benthic areas measured in spatial areas from ~10 cm[superscript]2 to ~100 m[superscript]2 (referred to here as patch and reach, respectively), which are smaller than the scale that management decisions are made. Both biotic and abiotic factors will be important when attempting to predict (i.e. scale) biogeochemical rates, but few studies have simultaneously measured rates and their primary drivers at different spatial scales. In the first chapter, I used a conceptual scaling framework to evaluate the ability to additively scale biogeochemical rates by comparing measurements of ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross primary production (GPP) from patch to reach-scales across multiple sites over a two-year period in a prairie stream. Patch-scale measurements with and without fish (biotic factors) and abiotic factors measured simultaneously with metabolic rates suggest that abiotic conditions are stronger drivers of these rates. Patch-scale rates significantly overestimated reach rates for ER and GPP after corrections for habitat heterogeneity, temperature and light, and a variety of stream substrata compartments. I show the importance of determining abiotic and biotic drivers, which can be determined through observational or experimental measurements, when building models for scaling biogeochemical rates. In the second chapter, I further examined patch-scale abiotic and biotic drivers of multiple biogeochemical rates (ER, GPP, and ammonium uptake) using path analyses and data from chapter 2. Total model-explained variance was highest for ER (65% as R[superscript]2) and lowest for GPP and ammonium uptake (38%). Fish removal directly increased ammonium uptake, while all rates were indirectly affected by fish removal through changes in either FBOM and /or algal biomass. Significant paths of abiotic factors varied with each model. Large-scale processes (i.e. climate change and direct anthropogenic disturbances), and local biotic and abiotic drivers should all be considered when attempting to predict stream biogeochemical fluxes at varying spatial scales.
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Habitat selection by small mammals: seasonality of responses to conditions created by fire and topography in tallgrass prairieGurtz, Sharon Peterson. January 1985 (has links)
Call number: LD2668 .T4 1985 G87 / Master of Science
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Morphological and physiological traits as indicators of drought tolerance in tallgrass prairie plantsTucker, Sally Sue January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Biology / Jesse B. Nippert / The Konza Prairie in northern Kansas, USA contains over 550 vascular plant species; of which, few have been closely studied. These species are adapted to environmental stress as imposed by variable temperature, precipitation, fire, and grazing. Understanding which plant traits relate to drought responses will allow us to both predict drought tolerance and potential future shifts in plant community composition from changes in local climate. Morphological and physiological measurements were taken on 121 species of herbaceous tallgrass prairie plants grown from seed in a growth chamber. Gas exchange measurements including maximum photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance to water vapor, and intercellular CO[subscript]2 concentration were measured. All plants were exposed to a drought treatment and were monitored daily until stomatal conductance was zero. At this point, critical leaf water potential (Ψ[subscript]crit), an indicator of physiological drought tolerance was assessed. Other measurements include root length, diameter, volume, and mass, leaf area, leaf tissue density, root tissue density, and root to shoot ratio. Traits were compared using pair-wise bivariate analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). A dichotomy was found between dry-adapted plants with thin, dense leaves and roots, high leaf angle, and highly negative Ψ[subscript]crit and hydrophiles which have the opposite profile. A second axis offers more separation based on high photosynthetic rate, high conductance rate, and leaf angle, but fails to provide a distinction between C[subscript]3 and C[subscript]4 species. When tested independently, grasses and forbs both showed drought tolerance strategies similar to the primary analysis. Matching up these axes with long term abundance data suggests that species with drought tolerance traits have increased abundance on Konza, especially in upland habitats. However, traits that relate to drought tolerance mirror relationships with nutrient stress, confounding separation of low water versus low nutrient strategies. My results not only illustrate the utility of morphological and physiological plant traits in classifying drought responses across a range of species, but as functional traits in predicting both drought tolerance in individual species and relative abundance across environmental gradients of water availability.
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Role of spatial and temporal vegetation heterogeneity from fire-grazing interactions to the assembly of tallgrass prairie spider communitiesGómez, Jesús Enrique January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Biology / Anthony Joern / North American tallgrass prairie is a dynamic ecosystem that evolved with variable regimes of fire and grazing interactions (pyric herbivory), and variable mid-continental weather. Combined, these ecological factors create a shifting mosaic of plant communities that create heterogeneous and structurally complex habitats that move around across the landscape in time and space. The overarching goal of my dissertation was to study how bottom-up habitat templates created in response to fire-grazing interactions influence the community structure of spiders, key arthropod predators in grassland food-webs. Spiders are a ubiquitous and diverse group of terrestrial predators that partition their habitat at fine scales with species distributions and abundances that are sensitive to habitat structure. Primary hypotheses examined include: (H1) Spider density, species diversity, species evenness and functional richness of hunting strategies should increase as the spatial heterogeneity of habitat structure and overall habitat productivity increases, as predicted by the habitat complexity and heterogeneity hypothesis. (H2) Pyric herbivory indirectly determines spider community structure through is effect on vegetation structure and spatial heterogeneity, thereby promoting the formation of a mosaic of spider species assemblages that track changes in the distribution of key habitat resources. My research takes advantage of a long-term, watershed-level manipulations of fire frequency and bison grazing across a topographically variable landscape at Kansas State University’s Konza Prairie Biological Station, a tallgrass prairie research site near Manhattan KS. Spider communities were sampled for three years at 23 sites representative of multiple habitat types ranging from low-stature grass-dominated sites to grassland-gallery forest transition zones. In addition, a field experiment was performed to test the hypothesis that vegetation structure contributes directly to web-builder abundance and web-type richness of spiders in open grasslands. Here, the availability of structure for web placement was increased by adding dead woody stems along transects in three watersheds that differed in burn histories and existing habitat structure in the absence of grazing. Results were consistent with the three key hypotheses. Species diversity and the functional diversity of spiders increased as the spatial heterogeneity and overall structure of habitat increased in response to fire-grazing interactions. Vegetation heterogeneity influenced spider community responses most strongly in the summer. Structural complexity of vegetation influenced spider diversity, species evenness and richness of hunting strategies throughout the growing season, becoming most important by the end of the growing season. The transitional ecotone between grasslands and woodlands supported a hotspot for spider density, species diversity and richness of hunting strategies along vegetation gradients (H1), and among habitat types (H2). Increasing the availability of web-anchoring structures in open grasslands led to increased web-builder density in open grassland, particularly for small and medium sized orb-web species that took advantage of increased physical structure. Disturbance from pyric herbivory indirectly promoted dynamic and malleable assemblages of spider species that coexisted in syntopy through effects on vegetation structure and its availability in time and space. Changes in habitat structure and heterogeneity as spatially and temporally shifting mosaics of habitat type increased the overall spider diversity at the landscape scale.
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A multi-year comparison of vegetation phenology between military training lands and native tallgrass prairie using TIMESAT and moderate-resolution satellite imageryPockrandt, Bryanna Rae January 1900 (has links)
Master of Arts / Department of Geography / J. M. Shawn Hutchinson / Time series of normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) data from satellite spectral measurements can be used to characterize and quantify changes in vegetation phenology and explore the role of natural and anthropogenic activities in causing those changes. Several programs and methods exist to process phenometric data from remotely-sensed imagery, including TIMESAT, which extracts seasonality parameters from time-series image data by fitting a smooth function to the series. This smoothing function, however, is dependent upon user-defined input parameter settings which have an unknown amount of influence in shaping the final phenometric estimates. To test this, a sensitivity analysis was conducted using MODIS maximum value composite NDVI time-series data acquired for Fort Riley, Kansas during the period 2001-2012. The phenometric data generated from the different input setting files were compared against that from a base scenario using Pearson and Lin’s Concordance Correlation Analyses. Findings show that small changes to parameter settings results in insignificant differences in phenometric estimates, with the exception of end of season data and growing season length.
Next, a time-series analysis of the same MODIS NDVI data for Fort Riley and nearby Konza Prairie Biological Station (KPBS) was conducted to determine if significant differences existed in selected vegetation phenometrics. Phenometrics of interest were estimated using TIMESAT and based on a Savitzky-Golay filter with parameter settings found optimal in the previous study. The phenometrics start of season, end of season, length of season, maximum value, and small seasonal integral were compared using Kolmogorov-Smirnov (K-S) and showed significant differences existed for all phenometrics in the comparison of Fort Riley training areas and KPBS, as well as low- versus high-training intensity areas within Fort Riley. Fort Riley and high-intensity training areas have earlier dates for the start and end of the growing season, shorter growing season lengths, lower maximum NDVI values, and lower small seasonal integrals compared to KPBS and low-intensity training areas, respectively. Evidence was found that establishes a link between military land uses and/or land management practices and observed phenometric differences.
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Herpetofauna of the Konza Prairie Research Natural Area in the Flint Hills region of Kansas with respect to habitat selectionHeinrich, Mark L. January 2011 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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