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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Књижевно дело Павла Марковића Адамова / Književno delo Pavla Markovića Adamova / Pavle Marković Adamov᾽s literature

Marković Slavica 30 September 2019 (has links)
<p>У раду је представљен целокупни књижевни опус заборављеног писца Павла Марковића Адамова, једног од зачетника српске реалистичке приповетке и оснивача и првог уредника Бранковог кола &ndash; листа за забаву, поуку и књижевност, у циљу превредновања његовог књижевног дела, како би Адамов, коначно, добио место које му припада у историји српске књижевности.</p> / <p>U radu je predstavljen celokupni književni opus zaboravljenog pisca Pavla Markovića Adamova, jednog od začetnika srpske realističke pripovetke i osnivača i prvog urednika Brankovog kola &ndash; lista za zabavu, pouku i književnost, u cilju prevrednovanja njegovog književnog dela, kako bi Adamov, konačno, dobio mesto koje mu pripada u istoriji srpske književnosti.</p> / <p>The thesis represents the complete literary corpus of the forgotten author Pavle Marković Adamov, one of the pioneers of the Serbian realism short stories and the founder and first editor of ᾽Brankovo kolo᾿ - a paper for fun, learning and literature. The aim of the thesis is to bring his literary works back to light and give them proper appreciation, so that Adamov will finally be given the spot that he deserves in the history of Serbian literature.</p>

Způsoby politického čtení v postsocialistickém Česku a Polsku / The methods of political reading in post-socialist Czechia and Poland

Blažková, Hana January 2019 (has links)
This thesis aims to analyze Czech literary criticism of the 1990s from the perspective of political reading. In the first part, the basic tendencies of Polish literary criticism are introduced: these form a contrast to the Czech context and also problematize some underlying notions of Czech literary historiography. The second part discusses the following terms: politics and police Rancière), depoliticization (Schmitt, Barthes) and ideology (Eagleton). These are adjusted to the specifics of the Czech context. The practical part of the thesis looks at the political interpretation of the critical reception of three novels by Michal Viewegh. The topics of the reception becomes the focus here: the debates around these novels include suppressed political messages such as the fight for the historical narrative of the previous political regime, or the disputes over high and low literature. These reflect the helplessness of the literary field, caused by the pressure of the commercialized book market. This part also looks at the contemporary debates on the so-called authentic literature and two program manifestoes. These examples show that the Czech literary field's proclaimed split from politics is only rhetorical: the result is not its autonomy, but an unreflected heteronomy.

Anti-amerikanizmo Vakarų Europoje priežastys ir pasekmės: Italijos atvejis / The causes and consequences of anti-americanism in western europe: the case of italy

Vilkaitė, Ernesta 20 June 2014 (has links)
Šiame darbe nagrinėjamas anti-amerikanizmo fenomenas apskritai Vakarų Europoje ir konkrečiai Italijoje. Po 2001 m. rugsėjo 11 d. įvykių JAV iš daugumos pasaulio valstybių sulaukė užuojautos ir palaikymo. Tačiau po šių tragiškų įvykių nepraėjus nei dvejiems metams, pasaulio arenoje ėmė vyrauti priešingos nuotaikos: JAV inicijuotas karas su terorizmu ir galiausiai 2003 m. be JT rezoliucijos prasidėjusi karinė kampanija Irake sukėlė didžiulę priešišką pasaulio reakciją. Viešosios nuomonės tyrimai rodė bendrą tendenciją – stiprėjantį neigiamą likusio pasaulio požiūrį į JAV. Tuo metu ypač dažnai imtas vartoti anti-amerikanizmo terminas ir vis labiau stiprėjo nuomonė, jog galiausiai XX amžius (dažnai vadinamas Amerikos amžiumi) užleidžia vietą naujajam XXI – neapykantos Amerikai – amžiui. Suprantama, jog dėl terorizmo grėsmės svarbiausia anti-amerikanizmo tyrimų po rugsėjo 11-osios ašimi tapo priešiškų JAV tendencijų islamiškose, ypač Artimųjų Rytų, valstybėse analizė. Vis dėlto anti-amerikanizmas egzistuoja ir Vakarų Europoje, nepaisant ilgos glaudžių JAV-Vakarų Europos santykių istorijos. Be to, karinės intervencijos Irake atvejis atskleidė, jog šio fenomeno pasekmės taip pat gali būti labai įvairios. Tad pagrindinis šio darbo tikslas yra nuodugniai išnagrinėjus anti-amerikanizmo fenomeną ir naudojant Italijos atvejo analizę, išskirti pagrindines šio reiškinio atsiradimo/egzistavimo Vakarų Europoje priežastis ir pasekmes. Atitinkamai tai leis patvirtinti/paneigti šias hipotezes:... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master thesis examines the phenomenon of anti-Americanism in Western Europe in general and in Italy in particular. After the events of September 11th the US had received sympathy and support from many states of the world. However, just in two years all this disappeared: the war on terrorism incited by the US and finally the military offensive of 2003 against Iraq without a resolution of the UN brought an immense negative reaction in the world. The results of the opinion polls showed a general trend: the rise of negative attitudes towards America. Though the manifestations of anti-Americanism existed long before, it seems as many scholars have discovered the phenomenon of anti-Americanism anew and the main idea is that the 20th century (often called the American century) is giving the way to the new one – the century of hatred for America. Of course, after September 11th the main research area of anti-Americanism became analysis of this phenomenon in the Middle East. However, anti-Americanism exists also in Western Europe notwithstanding a long history of close US-Western Europe relations. Besides, the case of military intervention in Iraq had shown that also the consequences of this phenomenon can vary a lot. Hence, the main aim of this thesis is to analyze anti-Americanism in Western Europe and by analyzing the case of Italy distinguish the most important causes and consequences of this phenomenon. This analysis eventually allows to confirm/to deny such hypothesis: H1:... [to full text]

Fenomén Finnish Weird očima českých čtenářů / The Finnish Weird Phenomenon through the Eyes of Czech readers

Bendová, Martina January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines a phenomenon of the contemporary Finnish fantastic literature that seems to conquer the Finnish book market, also crossing the boarders and coming to the Czechia as well - Finnish Weird, or suomikumma. The aim of this work is to determine the reception of the Finnish Weird within the audience of the Czech readers. The theoretical part focuses on the fantastic literature and the position of Finnish Weird in it. The reader-response theory and the term horizon of expectations coined by Hans Robert Jauss provide the interpretation of how readers perceive the fantastic literature and what they expect from it. Works of the Finnish Weird fiction translated in Czech and responses of Czech readers are presented in the main part of the thesis. The research material is based on comments and reviews of the Czech readers published predominantly on the internet and on the internet book databases. Key words: contemporary Finnish literature, reader-response theory, horizon of expectation, genre, science fiction, fantasy, horor, speculative fiction, Weird, New Weird, Finnish Weird

Zrcadlení motivů kritiky křesťanství F. Nietzscheho ve vězeňské teologii D. Bonhoeffera / Mirroring of Motifs of F. Nietzsche's Critique of Christianity in D. Bonhoeffer's Prison Theology

Pavlík, Martin January 2018 (has links)
The thesis "Mirroring of Motives of F. Nietzsche's Critique of Christianity in D. Bonhoeffer's Prison Theology" contemplates Bonhoeffer's thoughts on non-religious interpretation, that Bonhoeffer expands upon in his letters from prison, in the light of critique of Christianity that was expressed by Friedrich Nietzsche. Chapter I looks into the history of interpretation of Bonhoeffer's research and provides a brief overview of past and contemporary efforts to explain Bonhoeffer's approach to philosophy. Chapter II introduces basic principles and key topics of the critique of Christianity first in Nietzsche's work The Antichrist, followed by Bonhoeffer's Letters and Papers from Prison. Chapter III compares the most obvious motives in the thinking of Nietzsche and Bonhoeffer within the aforementioned scope. Selected themes in works of these two German thinkers overlap particularly in their philosophy of life, understanding of a man come of age, and their critiques of Christianity that is deflecting from this world towards the transcendent sphere of the world beyond (in German, it is expressed as a difference in the meaning of "Diesseits" and "Jenseits"). Bonhoeffer's thoughts on the preaching of Gospel to the man come of age who is free of false, religious misbeliefs, and who feels strong, capable,...

Recepce básnických poetik roku 1950 jako pokus o naplnění Štollovy ideologicko-estetické koncepce / The reception of poetry poetics of the year 1950 as an attempt of fulfilling Štoll`s ideological-aesthetical conception.

KÖNIGSMARKOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
Thesis called "The reception of poetry poetics of the year 1950 as an attempt of fulfilling Štoll`s ideologically-aesthetical conception" aims, baring in mind a wider cultural-political context, to trace back the extent of indentification of stalin literal critique with Štoll`s ideologically-aesthetical conception soon after its presentation on the business conference of the Czechoslovak Writers` Union in January 1950. Working with selected poetry poetics of that year it is trying to render the specifics of their reception after this speech had been accepted as a final methodological and value indicator of all contemporary literal-crtitic cretive activity. As an initial document for this thesis is therefore Ladislav Štoll`s book {\clqq}Thirty Years of Fight for the Czech Socialist Poetry`` (1950), the extended printed version of Štoll`s report which even contains parts of Jiří Taufer`s speech from the same conference. In three autonomous parts, for all that linked in a way, the thesis tries concretely bring into effect these requested intentions by focusing on books of poetry {\clqq}Zpěv míru`` by Vítězslav Nezval, {\clqq}Píseň o Viktorce`` by Jaroslav Seifert and {\clqq}Máj země`` by Ivan Skála. Being aware of the necessity of taking into account even the non-literal influences it looks into not only their contemporary reception itself but also aboriginal cultural-political circumstances and the poets` status in the hierarchical mosaic of cultural politics of that time. In the overall framework effort of creating complex view of the questions introduced, the thesis` subchapters offer attempts of own literal analysis of discussed poetry works.

Interpretace postavy Josefa Švejka v kontextu české i zahraniční literární vědy / Interpretations of Josef Svejk in the Contexts of Czech and International Literary Science

RAŠKOVÁ, Alena January 2011 (has links)
This graduation thesis with title Interpretations of Josef Švejk in The Contexts of Czech and International Literary Science has an aim doucment and analyze interpretation models of Josef Švejk in the novel The Good Solider Švejk by Jaroslav Hašek. In base the materials gain the figure of Josef Švejk will be assess in context of Czech esthetic and ideal discourse. In graduation thesis will be put big emphasis on sence of language. From this reason is a part of this thesis dedicate to liguistic analysis.

Kulturní publicistika Ferdinanda Peroutky v Přítomnosti (1924 -1939) / Ferdinand Peroutka's Cultural Publicism in Přítomnost

Miklica, Tomáš January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis Cultural journalism of Ferdinand Peroutka in Přítomnost (1924 - 1939) deals with culture articles Ferdinand Peroutka has written as the editor-in-chief of a cultural-political magazine Přítomnost during the years between the World Wars. The thesis is therefore mainly focused on his literary criticism but texts concerning theatre or film are included as well. Crucial part of the thesis is based on a critical qualitative analysis of a chosen sample of texts published in the culture section of Přítomnost between 1924 and 1939 - with the emphasis on Peroutka's requirements towards art, his polemics with other authors or his subject choice and reception. Form and content of the texts are analysed too. Additionally, the thesis provides an introduction to Ferdinand Peroutka as a member of Czechoslovak Republic's elite, specifically as a journalist and a culture critic. In order to offer full context a description of Přítomnost magazine is included and completed by a brief summary of Czechoslovak culture journalism between the World Wars with examples of other important periodicals and their contributors. The thesis opens with introducing different approaches to criticism as a genre.

Recepce abstraktního umění v meziválečném Československu / Reception of Abstract Art in Interwar Czechoslovakia

Pastýříková, Lenka January 2021 (has links)
The dissertation examines the reception of Czech and European abstract art in Czechoslovakia in the 1920s and 1930s. It assumes that the Czechoslovak cultural milieu was unfavourable for abstract art at that time, yet various forms of its reception were occurring. Thus, the objective is to demonstrate and document opportunities for abstract art public presentation, related critical reactions and theoretical reflection. The reception history perspective followed in the dissertation deals with written sources, and focuses on relationship between viewers and abstract art and on handling particular artworks. Predominantly recipients such as theorists, art critics, editors, artists, and other participants in the arts sector are taken into consideration when exploring contemporaneous exhibiting, evaluation and interpretation of abstract art. The paper includes responses and attitudes to abstract painting and sculpture as well as to abstract photography, film and kinetic art.

Politika všedního dne / Everyday Politics

Šimková, Barbora Unknown Date (has links)
In my diploma thesis called Everyday Politics I deal with the insufficiently solved topic of economic relations and structural inequalities of actors in contemporary art. I focus on the issue of economic situation of art students and their position within the university of technical direction with high demands on results and future use of measurable prestige and lucrative work position.

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