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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Web-based highway maintenance functions prioritizing system using analytical hierarchy process

Liu, Jin, master of science in engineering 30 October 2012 (has links)
The Texas Department of Transportation has been experiencing maintenance budget fluctuations recently. The shortage of budget has a negative impact on the agency’s maintenance strategies and results in the undesirable deterioration of highway conditions increasing the risk towards both road users and the agency. This paper aims at developing a methodology to minimize the impact of budget fluctuation by quantifying the risk of not performing a maintenance activity and identifying the priority of maintenance activities based on the quantified risk. With the help of maintenance experts from TxDOT, four maintenance objectives and 16 maintenance function groups were identified and a hierarchy structure was developed based on the objectives and function groups. Four pilot districts were selected to represent the different demographic and climatic regions in Texas and maintenance experts were selected from the four districts to participate in the workshop. The Overall Relative Weights of 16 maintenance function groups were determined based on the individual evaluator’s judgments using the Analytical Hierarchy Process. To determine if the four pilot districts give different relative importance to the four defined objectives and different priority to the 16 maintenance groups, statistical analyses were conducted with the four sets of values, one for each of the four pilot districts, using Kruskal-Wallis test. At last, a web-based prototype system was developed to assist users in generating the list of maintenance projects under budget constraints. Exposure factors, ADT and truck volume, were applied in the system to factor in the impact of traffic to the maintenance strategy. Users of this system can choose to use the weights and parameter values from one of the pilot districts which they think is most comparable to their own district or the state average values that has been proved to be applicable to all the districts in Texas. / text

Learning potential and academic literacy tests as predictors of academic performance for engineering students

Logie, Monica 16 February 2012 (has links)
The aim of this study was to evaluate a battery of tests to be used as part of the process of selecting bursary students for engineering at tertiary institutions. Due to the problems in the schooling system it is not conclusive that all students who have obtained their senior certificates are prepared and able to meet the demands and challenges of tertiary education. The purpose of this study was to determine the criterion related validity of a mathematic proficiency test, Learning Potential Computerised Adaptive Test (LPCAT) and English Literacy Skills Assessment (ELSA) as predictors of academic performance. A quantitative approach was used for the purpose of this study. More specifically the Ex post facto analyses/design is used in this study. The relationships between the dependent and independent variables were determined. Correlation analyses, Kruskal-Wallis test and regression analysis were used for the purpose of this study. The results indicated that the Mathematical proficiency test was the best predictor of academic success, followed by LPCAT and ELSA. The results of this study indicates that the use of academic literacy and learning potential contribute in selecting the best students. Companies and Universities have long been looking for a predictor or predictors of success for students as they enter tertiary studies. This information has the potential to save companies and universities millions of Rands annually by helping them make better investment decisions. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Human Resource Management / Unrestricted

Case study of a contract system : considering pulp prices from 1996-2006

Janstad, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
Södra Cell sells 1 900 000 ton pulp every year. Of this 490 000 tonne is sold with a contract system based on a pricing index called PIX NBSK. This index was started in 1996 and reflects the price of pulp from conferious forest. We study the NBSK PIX value of softwood from October 1996 to December 2006. People working in this branch known that there is strong periodicity in the prices. We use predictive analysis to see if clients can benefit from the periodicity and use the options in the contract system Södra offers today. We conclude that a drawback for the current contract system is that there are too many contracts in proportion to the duration time that is one year for all contracts. Using a time series model called ARMA we make successfull predictions the price difference between two contracts. Based on this prediction we change between these contracts, reducing the price with 0.81% in mean during 1997-2006. Due to the total turnover, if all clients would used such predictions during 1997-2006 Södra's income would have been reduced with 2.77 million USD a year in mean. The prices used before PIX are called list prices. The list prices seem to behave like the PIX index. Supposing that the same contract system we see in PIX today was used 1975-2006 with the list price as the base index I made a prediction of the list prices from 1986-2006. Thanks to my predictions, if I had been a client during this period and under mentioned considerations I would have been buying pulp to a price reduced with 0.57%. If clients had known the PIX between 1996-2006 in say 1995 Södra's contract system based on PIX would give them a price reduction that were 1.5% in mean during 1996-2006. Price reduction is not possible all years, but when it occurs it can be as big as 3% of the price. Suppose the clients always choose the contract with the lowest price and thereby get a reduced price over time. Then with 95% probability over a long period the price reduction is somewhere in between 0.4-2.7%. To strangle this price reduction possibility for the clients there are two ways to go: either reduce the number of contracts or extend the duration time of the contracts. To find a suitable duration time, we do spectral density estimation to get indications of which periods that are most important. From this we see that PIX index has a period of five years, wavelet approximated PIX index has 3.4 years and the list prices has a period of 5.6 years. This indicates that current duration time one year is too short. Therefore if it wouldn't effect Södra's clients, an extension of the duration time from one to five years would be good. If Södra don't extend the duration time of the contracts my recommendation is to have fewer contracts. The possibility to change between the contracts ''average last three months'' and ''average current month'' every other year is the weakest point of today's system. Therefore I recommend stop selling pulp to the contract ''average PIX last three months''. We can't prove any longterm difference between the contracts. If Södra chooses to have just one contract from this point of view it does not matter which one they choose. However, it seems like a good idea to follow the global market and therefore I recommend to choose ''average PIX current month'' rather than ''average PIX last three months'' which lags behind the market front. Since the price ''average current month'' is available at FOEX web page I think Södra should choose this contract if they decide to have only one contract. / Södra Cell säljer årligen 1 900 000 ton pappersmassa. Av denna mängd säljs 490 000 ton enligt ett kontraktsystem baserat på ett prisindex som heter PIX NBSK. Detta index introducerades 1996 och reflekterar priset på pappersmassa gjord av barrträd. Jag studerar priset på indexet från Oktober 1996 till December 2006. Dagens kontraktsystem är baserat på kontrakt med löptiden ett år. Jag undersöker om man kan prediktera prisskilllnaden mellan kontrakten, dra nytta att dagens löptid som bara är ett år och välja det kontrakt som ger det billigaste priset så ofta att priset över lång tid reduceras. När man predikterar gör man en uppskattningen av framtiden utifrån en modell av hur framtid beror på dåtid och nutid. Den modell jag har använt kallas ARMA. Denna tillsammans med priserna på pappersmassa från 1975 och framåt gav mig ett fruktbart sätt att förutsäga priserna. Resultatet blev ett pris reducerat med 0.81% i medel under perioden 1996-2006. Eftersom Södra ha så stor försäljningsvolym skulle de ha förlorat 2.27 miljoner dollar per ton i medel om alla kunder ha spekulerat utifrån den modellen jag använde. Om dagens kontraktsystem hade börjat användas 1975 med listpriserna som bas hade en kund som använt min prediktionsmetod fått ett pris reducerat med 0.57% under perioden 1986-2006. Om kunderna i förväg hade vetat priset under 1996-2001 gav det nuvarande systemet en reducerad medelintäkt med 1.5% av priset. Enskilda år reducerades intäkten med så mycket som 3%. Beräknar man konfidensintervall för prisreduktionerna så inser man att på lång sikt kommer dessa vara av storleksordningen 0.4-2.7% med sannolikheten 95%. Detta förutsatt att klienterna kan se in i framtiden. Siffran 2.7% alltså ett mått på hur stor risk man tar med dagens system. Jag tror inte att klienterna kommer reducera priset med 2.7% med nuvarande system, men det är en övre gräns. De gynsamma prediktionerna har sitt ursprung i att det finns periodicitet i priserna. Jag undersöker denna periodicitet med spektralanalys. Periodiciteten för PIX indexet är starkast kring 5 år. En wavelet-approximation av PIX-indexet hade störst periodicitet kring 3.4 år. Listpriserna hade starkast periodicitet kring 5.6 år. Detta indikerar att den nuvarande löptiden, ett år, är för kort. En lämpligare löptid för kontrakten är 5 år. Förmodligen är fem års löptid alltför lång tid att binda sig för många kunder. Därför föreslår jag att man reducerar antalet kontrakt istället. Den största svagheten i dagens system är den korta löptiden tillsammans med kontrakten ''average current month'' och ''average last three months''. Jag rekommenderar att man slutar erbjuda kontraktet ''average last three months''. Det allra säkraste är att endast erbjuda ett kontrakt. Vi har inte kunnat påvisa några skillnader över lång sikt mellan kontrakten såtillvida att något kontrakt skulle ge ett lägre medelpris än ett annat. Ur den aspekten är det godtyckligt vilket kontrakt man väljer, men det verkar vettigt att följa den globala marknaden. Därför är det eftersläpande kontraktet ''average PIX last three months'' inte att rekommendera, välj heller ''average PIX current month''. Ett annat argument för att välja ''average PIX current month'' är att dessa priser finns på FOEX hemsida och inga extra beräkningar behöver göras.

Case study of a contract system : considering pulp prices from 1996-2006

Janstad, Tobias January 2007 (has links)
<p>Södra Cell sells 1 900 000 ton pulp every year. Of this 490 000 tonne is sold with a contract system based on a pricing index called PIX NBSK. This index was started in 1996 and reflects the price of pulp from conferious forest. We study the NBSK PIX value of softwood from October 1996 to December 2006.</p><p>People working in this branch known that there is strong periodicity in the prices. We use predictive analysis to see if clients can benefit from the periodicity and use the options in the contract system Södra offers today. We conclude that a drawback for the current contract system is that there are too many contracts in proportion to the duration time that is one year for all contracts. Using a time series model called ARMA we make successfull predictions the price difference between two contracts. Based on this prediction we change between these contracts, reducing the price with 0.81% in mean during 1997-2006. Due to the total turnover, if all clients would used such predictions during 1997-2006 Södra's income would have been reduced with 2.77 million USD a year in mean.</p><p>The prices used before PIX are called list prices. The list prices seem to behave like the PIX index. Supposing that the same contract system we see in PIX today was used 1975-2006 with the list price as the base index I made a prediction of the list prices from 1986-2006. Thanks to my predictions, if I had been a client during this period and under mentioned considerations I would have been buying pulp to a price reduced with 0.57%.</p><p>If clients had known the PIX between 1996-2006 in say 1995 Södra's contract system based on PIX would give them a price reduction that were 1.5% in mean during 1996-2006. Price reduction is not possible all years, but when it occurs it can be as big as 3% of the price. Suppose the clients always choose the contract with the lowest price and thereby get a reduced price over time. Then with 95% probability over a long period the price reduction is somewhere in between 0.4-2.7%.</p><p>To strangle this price reduction possibility for the clients there are two ways to go: either reduce the number of contracts or extend the duration time of the contracts.</p><p>To find a suitable duration time, we do spectral density estimation to get indications of which periods that are most important. From this we see that PIX index has a period of five years, wavelet approximated PIX index has 3.4 years and the list prices has a period of 5.6 years. This indicates that current duration time one year is too short. Therefore if it wouldn't effect Södra's clients, an extension of the duration time from one to five years would be good.</p><p>If Södra don't extend the duration time of the contracts my recommendation is to have fewer contracts. The possibility to change between the contracts ''average last three months'' and ''average current month'' every other year is the weakest point of today's system. Therefore I recommend stop selling pulp to the contract ''average PIX last three months''.</p><p>We can't prove any longterm difference between the contracts. If Södra chooses to have just one contract from this point of view it does not matter which one they choose. However, it seems like a good idea to follow the global market and therefore I recommend to choose ''average PIX current month'' rather than ''average PIX last three months'' which lags behind the market front. Since the price ''average current month'' is available at FOEX web page I think Södra should choose this contract if they decide to have only one contract.</p> / <p>Södra Cell säljer årligen 1 900 000 ton pappersmassa. Av denna mängd säljs 490 000 ton enligt ett kontraktsystem baserat på ett prisindex som heter PIX NBSK. Detta index introducerades 1996 och reflekterar priset på pappersmassa gjord av barrträd. Jag studerar priset på indexet från Oktober 1996 till December 2006.</p><p>Dagens kontraktsystem är baserat på kontrakt med löptiden ett år. Jag undersöker om man kan prediktera prisskilllnaden mellan kontrakten, dra nytta att dagens löptid som bara är ett år och välja det kontrakt som ger det billigaste priset så ofta att priset över lång tid reduceras. När man predikterar gör man en uppskattningen av framtiden utifrån en modell av hur framtid beror på dåtid och nutid. Den modell jag har använt kallas ARMA. Denna tillsammans med priserna på pappersmassa från 1975 och framåt gav mig ett fruktbart sätt att förutsäga priserna. Resultatet blev ett pris reducerat med 0.81% i medel under perioden 1996-2006. Eftersom Södra ha så stor försäljningsvolym skulle de ha förlorat 2.27 miljoner dollar per ton i medel om alla kunder ha spekulerat utifrån den modellen jag använde.</p><p>Om dagens kontraktsystem hade börjat användas 1975 med listpriserna som bas hade en kund som använt min prediktionsmetod fått ett pris reducerat med 0.57% under perioden 1986-2006.</p><p>Om kunderna i förväg hade vetat priset under 1996-2001 gav det nuvarande systemet en reducerad medelintäkt med 1.5% av priset. Enskilda år reducerades intäkten med så mycket som 3%. Beräknar man konfidensintervall för prisreduktionerna så inser man att på lång sikt kommer dessa vara av storleksordningen 0.4-2.7% med sannolikheten 95%. Detta förutsatt att klienterna kan se in i framtiden. Siffran 2.7% alltså ett mått på hur stor risk man tar med dagens system. Jag tror inte att klienterna kommer reducera priset med 2.7% med nuvarande system, men det är en övre gräns.</p><p>De gynsamma prediktionerna har sitt ursprung i att det finns periodicitet i priserna. Jag undersöker denna periodicitet med spektralanalys. Periodiciteten för PIX indexet är starkast kring 5 år. En wavelet-approximation av PIX-indexet hade störst periodicitet kring 3.4 år. Listpriserna hade starkast periodicitet kring 5.6 år. Detta indikerar att den nuvarande löptiden, ett år, är för kort. En lämpligare löptid för kontrakten är 5 år.</p><p>Förmodligen är fem års löptid alltför lång tid att binda sig för många kunder. Därför föreslår jag att man reducerar antalet kontrakt istället. Den största svagheten i dagens system är den korta löptiden tillsammans med kontrakten ''average current month'' och ''average last three months''. Jag rekommenderar att man slutar erbjuda kontraktet ''average last three months''. Det allra säkraste är att endast erbjuda ett kontrakt. Vi har inte kunnat påvisa några skillnader över lång sikt mellan kontrakten såtillvida att något kontrakt skulle ge ett lägre medelpris än ett annat. Ur den aspekten är det godtyckligt vilket kontrakt man väljer, men det verkar vettigt att följa den globala marknaden. Därför är det eftersläpande kontraktet ''average PIX last three months'' inte att rekommendera, välj heller ''average PIX current month''. Ett annat argument för att välja ''average PIX current month'' är att dessa priser finns på FOEX hemsida och inga extra beräkningar behöver göras.</p>

An Agent-Based Model of Ant Colony Energy and Population Dynamics: Effects of Temperature and Food Fluctuation

Xiaohui, Guo 01 August 2014 (has links)
The ant colony, known as a self-organized system, can adapt to the environment by a series of negative and positive feedbacks. There is still a lack of mechanistic understanding of how the factors, such as temperature and food, coordinate the labor of ants. According to the Metabolic Theory of Ecology (MTE), the metabolic rate could control ecological process at all levels. To analyze self-organized process of ant colony, we constructed an agent-based model to simulate the energy and population dynamics of ant colony. After parameterizing the model, we ran 20 parallel simulations for each experiment and parameter sweeps to find patterns and dependencies in the food and energy flow of the colony. Ultimately this model predicted that ant colonies can respond to changes of temperature and food availability and perform differently. We hope this study can improve our understanding on the self-organized process of ant colony.


Wang, Gaochan 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Ecological Informatics: An Agent Based Model on Coexistence Dynamics

Thapa, Shiva 01 August 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The coexistence of species is probably one of the most interesting and complex phenomenon in nature. We constructed an agent based model to study the coexistence dynamics of prey - predator populations by varying productivity levels of producers in fragmented and connected habitats along with different levels of quality of predators. Our results indicated that productivity levels of producers in fragmented and connected habitats along with levels of predator quality are significantly responsible for overall predator - prey population size and survivorship. In the absence of predation, competition between identical prey populations is more probable in connected habitats than in unfragmented or fragmented habitats. Implementing low quality predators in the habitats positively influences the overall coexistence dynamics whereas implementing high quality predators tend to decrease the prey populations. Fragmented habitats provide for greater prey population survival time in highly productive environments but low prey population survival time in less productive environments.

Modelling Implied Volatility of American-Asian Options : A Simple Multivariate Regression Approach

Radeschnig, David January 2015 (has links)
This report focus upon implied volatility for American styled Asian options, and a least squares approximation method as a way of estimating its magnitude. Asian option prices are calculated/approximated based on Quasi-Monte Carlo simulations and least squares regression, where a known volatility is being used as input. A regression tree then empirically builds a database of regression vectors for the implied volatility based on the simulated output of option prices. The mean squared errors between imputed and estimated volatilities are then compared using a five-folded cross-validation test as well as the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis hypothesis test of equal distributions. The study results in a proposed semi-parametric model for estimating implied volatilities from options. The user must however be aware of that this model may suffer from bias in estimation, and should thereby be used with caution.

Les Technologies de L’Information et des Communications (TIC), le capital humain, les changements organisationnels et la performance des PME manufacturières / The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), human capital, organizational change and performance of manufacturing SMEs

Kossaï, Mohamed 26 February 2013 (has links)
Les TIC sont un facteur clé de performance dans les pays développés. Cette thèse s’intéresse à l’adoption des TIC et leur impact sur la performance des PME manufacturières d’un pays en développement. A la suite d’une première partie qui présente le cadre théorique et conceptuel, le reste de la thèse est organisé en trois études empiriques. La première étude propose une modélisation Probit afin d’identifier les déterminants d’adoption des TIC. Le capital humain est la variable explicative la plus significative. Se basant sur la régression linéaire à variables muettes, la causalité de Granger, le test de Kruskal-Wallis et le test de l’ANOVA de Welch, suivis des tests post-hoc correspondants, la deuxième étude met en évidence l’existence d’un fort lien statistique significatif entre le niveau d’adoption des TIC et la rentabilité. Dans une troisième étude, plusieurs modélisations Probit (simple, ordonné et multivarié) ont été testées sur différentes mesures de performance. Nous montrons, premièrement, que les TIC ont un impact positif sur la productivité, la rentabilité et la compétitivité. Deuxièmement, les TIC, le capital humain et la formation sont les déterminants de la performance globale. Enfin, la contribution des TIC à la performance globale est forte lorsqu’elles sont combinées au capital humain qualifié. En définitive, nos résultats empiriques ont montré un effet positif des TIC, du capital humain et du changement organisationnel sur la performance des PME. / ICT is a key performance factor in developed countries. This PhD thesis focuses on the adoption of ICTs and their impact on the performance of manufacturing SMEs in a developing country. Following a first part covering the theoretical and conceptual framework, the rest of the thesis is organized in three empirical studies. The first study uses a Probit model in order to identify the determinants of ICT adoption. Human capital seems to be the most significant explanatory variable. Based on linear regression of dummy variables, Granger causality, Kruskal-Wallis test, ANOVA test of Welch, followed by corresponding post-hoc tests, the second study highlights the existence of a strong statistically significant relationship between the level of ICT adoption and profitability. In a third study, many Probit models (simple, ordered and multivariate) were tested on different measures of performance. Firstly, we show that ICT have a positive impact on productivity, profitability and competitiveness of SMEs. Secondly, ICT, human capital and training are determinants of firm overall performance. Thirdly, when combined together, ICT and highly skilled human resources have an important contribution to the global performance. In conclusion, our empirical results demonstrate a positive impact of ICT, human capital and organizational change on firm performance.

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