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Optimalizace životního cyklu transformátoru 110/22 kV / Optimization of the lifecycle transformer 110/22 kVSuk, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe the situation in transformation 110/22 kV in distribution area E.ON East. Next to describe the current practice in the replacement of 110/22 kV transformers and mention the possibilities of replacing the machines at the end of their lifecycle with respect to the development of the load of the individual transformer stations in the distribution area. An integral part of the thesis is also the economic evaluation of premature replacement of transformers from two different perspectives. The next point is to look at the current possibilities in the lifecycle lengthening of these devices and to suggest a method for monitoring the state of paper insulation to estimate the remaining lifetime of the transformer. The last point is the evaluation of the transition of a significant customer from a voltage level of 22 kV to a voltage level of 110 kV, including related technical and economic issues.
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Fem projekt och deras processer / Five projects and their Development ProcessesStockman, Bo January 2013 (has links)
Fem projekt och deras processer Projekten är ett urval av vad jag ritat under 15 år som praktiserande arkitekt. Avsikten är att belysa en del frågeställningar: Vad har varit de styrande faktorerna? Vad och vilka styr? Vilka var projektens bärande idéer? Projekt: - Ungdomens hus i Rinkeby. Nybyggnad. - Södertälje tingshus. Om-och tillbyggnad. - Radhus i Kv Kippinge, Hjulsta. Nybyggnad. - Rival, Mariatorget, Stockholm. Hotell, biograf och konferens. Om-och tillbyggnad. - Fritidshus på Skäret, Höganäs. Nybyggnad. / Five projects and their development processes The projects are a sampling of what I have designed over 15 years as a practicing architect. The intention is to highlight some questions: What has been the controlling factors? What and whom control? What were the projects supporting ideas? Projects: - Youth House (Ungdomens hus) in Rinkeby. New Construction. - Sodertalje courthouse. Reconstruction and extension. - Rowhouses in Hjulsta, Kv Kippinge. New Construction. - Rival, Stockholm. Hotels, cinema and conference. Reconstruction and extension. - Summerhouse in Höganäs. New Construction.
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Oxidative modulation of transient potassium current by arachidonic acid in brain central neuronsAngelova, Plamena 19 September 2007 (has links)
Der neuronale Zelluntergang bei einer Vielzahl von Krankheiten des ZNS, wie z.B. Morbus Alzheimer (AD) und Temporallappenepilepsie (TLE), wird mit oxidativem Stress sowie Fehlfunktionen von Kaliumkanälen in Verbindung gebracht. In dieser Studie soll die selektive neuronale Sensitivität auf oxidativen Stress durch die Messung der oxidativen Modulation von Kaliumströmen untersucht werden. Dabei werden sternförmige Neuronen der zweiten Schicht des entorhinalen Kortex (EC) (bei AD bereits früh geschädigt) mit pyramidalen Neuronen der dritten Schicht des EC (früh geschädigt bei TLE) sowie hippocampalen pyramidalen Neuronen der CA1 Region (bei AD und TLE erst spät geschädigt) miteinander verglichen. Mittels patch-clamp Ganzzellmessung zeigt diese Studie die differentielle Hemmung spannungsabhängiger transienter (IA) und „delayed-rectifier“ K+-Ströme (IK(V)) durch Arachidonsäure (AA) und Wasserstoffperoxid (H2O2). Die intrazelluläre Applikation von AA (1 pM) reduzierte IA in Neuronen des entorhinalen Kortex signifikant stärker verglichen mit Neuronen des CA1. ETYA imitiert diesen Effekt, dies schliesst die Metabolite der AA als Mediatoren des Effekts auf Kaliumkanäle aus. Weder AA noch ETYA reduzierten IK(V). Im Gegensatz dazu reduzierte H2O2 IA in Neuronen des CA1 effektiver als in Neuronen der Schichten II und III des entorhinalen Kortex. Die Reduktion des IA, vermittelt durch AA, wurde durch Radikalfänger (Glutathion, Ascorbinsäure, Vitamin E Analogon Trolox) blockiert. Dabei verstärkten manche dieser Antioxidantien den Effekt der AA, dies legt eine komplexere Modulation dieser Ströme in Schnitten verglichen mit Kulturen nahe. Dies sollte bei der Entwicklung antioxidativer Therapien von AD und TLE berücksichtigt werden. Bei der heterologer Expression von Kv1.4 und Kv4.2 in HEK-293 Zellen wurden funktionelle Kanäle gebildet und A-Typ Ströme ausgelöst. Diese Ströme wurden nach der Applikation von 1 pM AA stark reduziert. ROS scheinen neben ihrer zellschädigenden Wirkung physiologische Prozesse zu regulieren, indem sie eine Reihe von Signalwegen beeinflussen. Da spannungsabhängige Kaliumkanäle vielen wichtigen zellulären Funktionen zugrundeliegen, könnte die Modulation dieser Kanäle durch ROS einen Mechanismus für die Feinabstimmung zellulärer Prozesse darstellen. / Oxidative stress and dysfunction of potassium channels are believed to play a role in neuronal death in a number of CNS diseases (e.g. Alzheimer’s disease, epilepsy). The present study addresses selective neuronal vulnerability to oxidative stress by studying oxidative modulation of potassium channels in entorhinal cortex (EC) layer II stellate neurons (cell loss early in AD) and layer III pyramidal neurons (early damage in TLE), in comparison to hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons (late damage in TLE and AD). Using whole-cell patch-clamp, differential inhibition of transient IA and delayed rectifier K+-currents IK(V) by arachidonic acid (AA) and H2O2 was demonstrated. Intracellular AA (1 pM) reduced IA in EC neurons significantly stronger than in CA1 neurons. AA affected the voltage dependence of steady-state inactivation as well. ETYA mimicked the effect of AA, excluding its metabolites as mediators of IA modulation. Neither AA nor ETYA reduced IK(V). In contrast, a non-lipid oxidizing agent, H2O2 reduced IA more effectively and robustly attenuated IK(V) in CA1, compared to EC neurons. AA-mediated reduction of IA was blocked by free radical scavengers (glutathione, ascorbic acid, Trolox). Antioxidants did not simply inhibit AA and H2O2 effects. In particular, they even enhanced AA effects, suggesting more complex modulation of these currents in slices, compared to culture. Moreover, intracellular antioxidants, themselves, influenced maximal conductance and voltage-conductance characteristics of IA and IK(V). This should be considered in design of anti-oxidative therapies in AD and TLE. Heterologous expression of Kv1.4 and of Kv4.2 cDNA in HEK-293 cells formed functional channels and elicited A-type currents, which shared similar biophysical characteristics with native IA from the hippocampus. These currents were strongly decreased upon administration of 1pM AA, demonstrating that at least one of multiple sites for AA action is situated on the pore-forming alfa-subunit of the A-channel. In conclusion, beside contribution to cell damage, ROS may regulate physiological processes by acting on different signalling pathways. Since voltage-gated K+-channels underlie many important cellular functions modulation of these channels by ROS would represent a mechanism for fine tuning of cellular processes.
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Piano Sonata in F major, KV 533/494 in the arrangement by Edvard Grieg : a critical examination of the musical text in the context of the primary sourcesNoh, Ohran 22 September 2009
In 1879-1880, E. W. Fritzsch in Leipzig issued a most unusual collection entitled <i>Arrangements of Mozart Piano Sonatas with a freely composed second piano part without opus numbers</i>, prepared by the noted Norwegian composer, Edvard Grieg (1843-1907). The collection of Griegs arrangement of Mozarts works comprises the <i>Piano Sonata in F major, KV 533/494</i> (composed in 1788), <i>Fantasia and the Piano Sonata in C minor, KV 475 and KV 457</i>(composed in 1784), the <i>Piano Sonata in C major, KV 545</i> (composed in 1788), and the <i>Piano Sonata in G major, KV 189h=283</i> (composed in 1775). According to the letter to Dr. Max Abraham, Grieg originally prepared his arrangements of Mozarts four sonatas for pedagogical reasons. In his article Mozart (November 1897), Grieg also mentions his own Mozart editions:<p>
<i>The writer of this article has himself attempted, by using a second piano, to impart to several of Mozarts pianoforte sonatas a tonal effect appealing to our modern ears; and he wishes to add, by way of apology, that he did not change a single one of Mozarts notes, thus preserving the respect we owe to the great master. It is not my opinion that this was an act of necessity; far from it. But provided a man does not follow the example of Gounod, who transformed a Bach prelude into a modern, sentimental, and trivial show piece, of which I absolutely disapprove, but seeks to preserve the unity of style, there is surely no reason for raising an outcry over his desire to attempt a modernization as one way of showing his admiration for an old master.</i><p>
With regard to this collection of Mozart sonatas, this thesis documents the influence of Mozart, a Viennese classical composer, on Grieg, a Norwegian Romantic composer, with a special focus on Mozarts <i>Piano Sonata in F Major, KV 533/494</i> in the arrangement by Grieg. With Griegs bold claim that he did not change a single one of Mozarts notes, this study reveals the authenticity through the critical examination of the musical text in the context of the primary sources.
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Strengthening of Wooden Cross arms in 230 kV Transmission Structures Using Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) WrapShahi, Arash 20 August 2008 (has links)
There are approximately 6000 Gulfport-type wood structures used to support 1600 km of 230 kV electrical transmission lines in Ontario. An unexpected structural failure caused by wood deterioration has been recognized as a major risk to the safety of these transmission lines. Since the reliability of the electricity transmission and distribution lines is extremely important to the electrical industry and other users of electricity, failure of these structures can result in devastating incidents. Due to the remote location of the transmission network and the requirement to keep the power lines in continuous service, replacement of the Gulfport structures has proved to be very difficult and expensive. This research program investigated the use of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) wrap as a light weight and durable strengthening system that can be applied to the existing structures without any interruptions in the functionality of the transmission lines.
A total of three control specimens and three strengthened samples were tested in Phase I of the experimental program, which was designed as a feasibility study. It was concluded that the average strength of strengthened samples was 42% higher than the average strength of the control samples, and was greater than the end of life (EOL) threshold of 30 MPa for the cross arms. Therefore, the proposed strengthening system was concluded to be an effective solution for strengthening the deteriorated cross arms of the Gulfport structures. Taguchi methods and Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) were employed in Phase II to optimize the proposed strengthening system. The optimal configuration was determined to be the application of the filler material, non-sanded surface, and the shorter width of wrap (width of 0.6 m). The mean strength of the optimal configuration was estimated to be 52 MPa with a 95% confidence interval of: 38.7 MPa < True Mean < 65.3 MPa. Phase III confirmed the estimated mean and the confidence interval for the optimal configuration in Phase II. The strengthening system changed the failure mode from combined shear-flexure failure to pure flexure and resulted in more consistent strength and stiffness values. The strain values of the GFRP wrap showed that a single layer of wrap was sufficient for the confinement purposes.
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Strengthening of Wooden Cross arms in 230 kV Transmission Structures Using Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) WrapShahi, Arash 20 August 2008 (has links)
There are approximately 6000 Gulfport-type wood structures used to support 1600 km of 230 kV electrical transmission lines in Ontario. An unexpected structural failure caused by wood deterioration has been recognized as a major risk to the safety of these transmission lines. Since the reliability of the electricity transmission and distribution lines is extremely important to the electrical industry and other users of electricity, failure of these structures can result in devastating incidents. Due to the remote location of the transmission network and the requirement to keep the power lines in continuous service, replacement of the Gulfport structures has proved to be very difficult and expensive. This research program investigated the use of Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) wrap as a light weight and durable strengthening system that can be applied to the existing structures without any interruptions in the functionality of the transmission lines.
A total of three control specimens and three strengthened samples were tested in Phase I of the experimental program, which was designed as a feasibility study. It was concluded that the average strength of strengthened samples was 42% higher than the average strength of the control samples, and was greater than the end of life (EOL) threshold of 30 MPa for the cross arms. Therefore, the proposed strengthening system was concluded to be an effective solution for strengthening the deteriorated cross arms of the Gulfport structures. Taguchi methods and Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) were employed in Phase II to optimize the proposed strengthening system. The optimal configuration was determined to be the application of the filler material, non-sanded surface, and the shorter width of wrap (width of 0.6 m). The mean strength of the optimal configuration was estimated to be 52 MPa with a 95% confidence interval of: 38.7 MPa < True Mean < 65.3 MPa. Phase III confirmed the estimated mean and the confidence interval for the optimal configuration in Phase II. The strengthening system changed the failure mode from combined shear-flexure failure to pure flexure and resulted in more consistent strength and stiffness values. The strain values of the GFRP wrap showed that a single layer of wrap was sufficient for the confinement purposes.
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Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's Piano Sonata in F major, KV 533/494 in the arrangement by Edvard Grieg : a critical examination of the musical text in the context of the primary sourcesNoh, Ohran 22 September 2009 (has links)
In 1879-1880, E. W. Fritzsch in Leipzig issued a most unusual collection entitled <i>Arrangements of Mozart Piano Sonatas with a freely composed second piano part without opus numbers</i>, prepared by the noted Norwegian composer, Edvard Grieg (1843-1907). The collection of Griegs arrangement of Mozarts works comprises the <i>Piano Sonata in F major, KV 533/494</i> (composed in 1788), <i>Fantasia and the Piano Sonata in C minor, KV 475 and KV 457</i>(composed in 1784), the <i>Piano Sonata in C major, KV 545</i> (composed in 1788), and the <i>Piano Sonata in G major, KV 189h=283</i> (composed in 1775). According to the letter to Dr. Max Abraham, Grieg originally prepared his arrangements of Mozarts four sonatas for pedagogical reasons. In his article Mozart (November 1897), Grieg also mentions his own Mozart editions:<p>
<i>The writer of this article has himself attempted, by using a second piano, to impart to several of Mozarts pianoforte sonatas a tonal effect appealing to our modern ears; and he wishes to add, by way of apology, that he did not change a single one of Mozarts notes, thus preserving the respect we owe to the great master. It is not my opinion that this was an act of necessity; far from it. But provided a man does not follow the example of Gounod, who transformed a Bach prelude into a modern, sentimental, and trivial show piece, of which I absolutely disapprove, but seeks to preserve the unity of style, there is surely no reason for raising an outcry over his desire to attempt a modernization as one way of showing his admiration for an old master.</i><p>
With regard to this collection of Mozart sonatas, this thesis documents the influence of Mozart, a Viennese classical composer, on Grieg, a Norwegian Romantic composer, with a special focus on Mozarts <i>Piano Sonata in F Major, KV 533/494</i> in the arrangement by Grieg. With Griegs bold claim that he did not change a single one of Mozarts notes, this study reveals the authenticity through the critical examination of the musical text in the context of the primary sources.
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Eco-conception des systèmes de transmission de l'énergie électrique / Eco-design of power transmissions systemsWang, Wenlu 12 July 2011 (has links)
Les demandes pour la préservation de l'environnement ainsi que les préoccupations pour un développement durable, ont augmenté considérablement ces dernières décennies à travers le monde. Ce souci environnemental est également présent dans l'industrie électrique et les approches d’éco-conception sont de plus en plus présentes dans la conception et la réalisation des composants et systèmes de transmission et de distribution (T & D) de l’énergie électrique. Cette étude est menée, dans le but d'analyser les impacts des systèmes de transmission de l’énergie électrique sur l’environnement, de localiser les principales sources de pollution environnementale. Les impacts environnementaux d'un cas réel du système de transmission à 765 kV AC du Venezuela sont étudies, à l'aide de l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie (ACV). Les principales sources de pollution de l'environnement du système de transmission sont localisées, qui sont les pertes d'énergie dans les lignes de transmission et les transformateurs de puissance ainsi que les émissions de SF6 des disjoncteurs. En outre, l’analyse des impacts environnementaux de l'Ultra Haute Tension (UHV) et Très Haute Tension (THT) de lignes de transmission est menée, concernant l'efficacité énergétique d'une série de lignes de transmission (500 kV AC, 765 kV AC, 1200 kV AC, ± 500 kV DC et ± 800 kV DC) et les émissions de CO2-équivalent en raison des pertes d'énergie dans les lignes de transmission ; et l’ACV d'une ligne de transmission à 1000 kV AC nouvellement construite en Chine. / The demand to preserve the environment and form a sustainable development is greatly increasing in the recent decades all over the world, and this environmental concern is also merged in electrical power industry, resulting in many eco-design approaches in Transmission & Distribution (T & D) industries. As a method of eco-design, Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a systematic tool that enables the assessment of the environmental impacts of a product or service throughout its entire life cycle, i.e. raw material production, manufacture, distribution, use and disposal including all intervening transportation steps necessary or caused by the product's existence. In T & D industries, LCA has been done for a lot of products individually, in order to see one product’s environmental impacts and to seek for ways of improving its environmental performance. This eco-design for product approach is a rather well-developed trend, however, as only a single electrical product cannot provide the electrical power to users, electrical system consists of a huge number of components, in order to investigate system’s environmental profile, the entire environmental profiles of different composing products has to be integrated systematically, that is to say, a system approach is needed. Under this philosophy, the study “Eco-design of Power Transmission Systems” is conducted in this thesis, with the purpose of analysing the transmission systems’environmental impacts, locating the major environmental burden sources of transmission systems, selecting and/or developing methodologies of reducing its environmental impacts.
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Cardiovascular regulation by Kvβ1.1 subunitTur, Jared 28 October 2016 (has links)
Heterologous expression systems such as COS-7 cells have demonstrated the profound effects of KCNAB1-3 or Kvβ1-3 proteins on voltage gated potassium channels (Kv) channels. Indeed, in the presence of these β-subunits transiently expressed Kv channels are often modulated in multiple ways. Kv channel membrane expression is often increased in the presence of β-subunits. In addition, non-inactivating Kv currents suddenly become fast-inactivating and fast-inactivating channels become even faster. While much research has demonstrated the profound effects the β-subunits in particular the Kvβ1 subunit have on transiently expressed Kv currents little to date is known of the physiological role it may play. One study demonstrated that by “knocking out” Kvβ1 cardiomyocyte current changes were noted including a decrease in the Ito,f current. While this novel finding demonstrated a key cardiac physiological role of the Kvβ1 subunit it left many unanswered questions as to determine the cardiovascular regulation the Kvβ1 subunit provides. Indeed, cardiac arrhythmias and other electrical abnormalities within the heart such as long QT present patients with many unfortunate unknowns. Many of these incidences occur often abruptly with cardiac electrical abnormalities. Genetic research has begun to shine light on key cardiovascular genes in particular those coding for ion channels and auxiliary subunits or β-subunits. Kv channels and their β-subunits have gained particular notoriety in their key responsibility in restoring the resting membrane potential known as the repolarization phase. Indeed genetic manipulation and physiological examination of Kv channels and recently their β-subunits has demonstrated profound physiological results including prolonged QT durations within mice altered functional activity during physiological cycles such as estrus. While initial findings of Kvβ1 have demonstrated profound cellular and cardiomyocyte current alterations much still remains unknown. Therefore, this work hypothesizes that the Kvβ1 subunit provides a profound cardiovascular role in regulation and redox sensing at the physiological and pathophysiological level in both males and females. This work identifies a sex-based difference in cardiovascular regulation by Kvβ1 as well as demonstrated a profound redox sensing ability during altered metabolic states seen in pathophysiological conditions.
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Therapeutic strategies targeting Kv10.1 in PDACZahed, Farrah 20 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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