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Forme della soggettività femminile in tre poemi persiani medievali: Shah-namé di Ferdowsi, Vis o Ramin di Gorgani e Homay o Homayun di Khwaju di Kerman / The forms of female subjectivity in three Persian medieval long poems: Shah-namé by Ferdowsi, Vis o Ramin by Gorgani and Homay o Homayun by Khwaju of KermanNorozi, Nahid <1970> January 1900 (has links)
Questo lavoro presenta una ricerca sulle forme della soggettività femminile in tre importanti opere della poesia persiana medievale: lo Shah-name di Ferdowsi, il Vis o Ramin di Gorgani e il Homay e Homayun di Khwaju di Kerman. Ciascuna opera viene analizzata separatamente nei primi tre capitoli, con speciale riguardo ai personaggi femminili; nel quarto capitolo si trova un excursus sulla misoginia nella letteratura persiana medievale e nel quinto capitolo si effettua una vasta comparazione dei tre autori rispetto al tema della tesi. Un capitolo finale è dedicato al tema della rivalutazione della donna nel romanzo persiano. / This is a research on the forms of female subjectivity in three major works of the Persian medieval poetry: Shah-name by Ferdowsi, Vis o Ramin by Gorgani and Homay o Homayun by Khwaju of Kerman. Each work is analyzed separately in the first three chapters, with special regard to the female characters; in chapter 4 there is an excursus on misogyny in the Persian medieval literature and in chapter 5 there is a large comparative analysis of the three authors on the theme of female subjectivity. A final chapter is devoted to the theme of the revaluation of woman in the Persian romance.
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Il fenomeno delle collezioni aziendali d’arte contemporanea in Italia. Un approccio storico e critico per l’analisi delle raccolte d’arte. Interpretazione e confronto fra le differenti genesi delle collezioni. / The characteristics of contemporary art corporate collections in Italy. A historical and critical approach for the analysis of art collections. Interpretation and comparison of different origins of the collections.Pirozzi, Chiara <1983> 31 May 2016 (has links)
Il progetto di ricerca ha come fondamento d’analisi il collezionismo d’arte contemporanea aziendale. La ricerca intende indagare il legame esistente tra le forme di collezionismo d’arte aziendale e lo sviluppo della crescita della cultura contemporanea in Italia. Tali aspetti, a mio parere strettamente connaturati fra loro, rappresentano un tassello pregnante dell’analisi sul sistema dell’arte contemporanea. L’entrata massiccia delle corporate art collections in Italia ha avuto come effetto un’accelerazione della dinamicità del sistema dell’arte, condizionandone fortemente soprattutto gli aspetti socioculturali ed economici.
Affrontando il tema sia da un punto di vista generale e storico sia attraverso una comparazione fra due dissimili modelli di collezioni aziendali, ho cercato di rispondere a domande come: è possibile tracciare una funzione sostanziale del collezionismo d’impresa in Italia? In che misura l’attuale interazione tra le forme di committenza e di mecenatismo privato incidono sulle modalità creative degli artisti e sulla fruizione dell’opera? Si può attribuire un valore culturale diffuso alle collezioni d’arte contemporanea aziendale in fieri attraverso l’elaborazione di un giudizio critico?
La seconda parte della ricerca si è concentrata sullo studio comparato di due tra le principali collezioni d’arte contemporanea aziendali presenti nella regione Emilia Romagna. Nello specifico mi sono occupata della Collezione Barilla, di proprietà della famiglia d’industriali parmigiani, e della Collezione Maramotti, afferente alla casa di moda Max Mara, con sede a Reggio Emilia. La scelta di approfondire queste due realtà proviene da una duplice valutazione d’intenti: da un lato è stato necessario circoscrivere il campo d’analisi alla regione Emilia Romagna al fine di porre in essere una riflessione quanto più puntuale e riferibile a un’area geografica che avesse caratteristiche storico/sociali equipollenti, dall’altro lato le collezioni analizzate rappresentano due tipologie estremamente differenti, in grado per questo di descrivere la vastità del fenomeno e le sue possibili declinazioni / The project analyzes the contemporary corporate art collections. The research analyzes the link between the business collectors and the growth of contemporary art in Italy. These aspects, closely united with one another, represent a fundamental point of the analysis of contemporary art system. The creation of corporate art collections in Italy has generated an acceleration of the art system, affecting especially socio-cultural and economic aspects.
The issue has been addressed by a general and historical point of view and through a comparison of two different models of corporate collections, I tried to answer questions such as: can you give a substantial function to corporate collectors in Italy? How they interact the forms of private patronage with the creativity of the artists? can you attribute a cultural value to corporate collections of contemporary art in fieri with a critical judgment?
The second part of the research was a comparative bethween two contemporary art corporate collections in Emilia Romagna region: the Barilla Collection, owned by the family of industrialists of Parma, and Maramotti Collection, Max Mara fashion house, based in Reggio Emilia. The choice of these two comes from the need to circumscribe the field of analysis to the region to achieve a precise reflection, confined to a geographical area with similar historical and social characteristics and also because the collections analyzed are very different and for this reason they can describe the extent of the phenomenon.
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Cantate dialogiche e serenate (1706-1710) di Georg Friedrich Händel / Dialogue Cantatas and Serenatas (1706-1710 by George Frideric HandelGibertoni, Giacomo <1971> 11 September 2013 (has links)
La dissertazione è uno studio monografico delle cantate dialogiche e delle serenate a più voci e strumenti composte da Händel in Italia negli anni 1706-1710. Insieme ai drammi per musica e agli oratori coevi, le quattro cantate "Aminta e Fillide" HWV 83, "Clori, Tirsi e Fileno" HWV 96, "Il duello amoroso" HWV 82, "Apollo e Dafne" HWV 122 e le due serenate "Aci, Galatea e Polifemo" HWV 72 e "Olinto pastore arcade alle glorie del Tebro" HWV 143 costituiscono le prime importanti affermazioni di Händel come compositore di musica vocale. Le sei composizioni sono state studiate sotto l’aspetto storico-letterario, drammaturgico-musicale e della committenza, con l’obiettivo di individuare intersecazioni fra questi piani. I testi poetici, di cui si è curata l’edizione, sono stati analizzati da un punto di vista storico e stilistico e collocati nel particolare contesto romano del primo Settecento, in cui la proibizione di ogni spettacolo teatrale determinò, sotto la spinta di una raffinata committenza, un ‘drammatizzazione’ dei generi della cantata e della serenata. L’analisi musicale di ciascuna composizione è stata dunque finalizzata a una lettura ‘drammaturgica’, che ha portato alla individuazione dei dispositivi di ascendenza teatrale nella scelte compositive di Händel. Lo studio si conclude con un selettivo confronto con le cantate e le serenate scritte negli stessi anni a Roma da Alessandro Scarlatti. / The dissertation is a monographic study on the Dialogue Cantatas and Serenatas for more voices and instruments composed by Handel in Italy between 1706 and 1710. Along with his coeval operas and oratorios, the four Cantatas "Aminta e Fillide" HWV 83, "Clori, Tirsi e Fileno" HWV 96, "Il duello amoroso" HWV 82, "Apollo e Dafne" HWV 122 and the two Serenatas "Aci, Galatea e Polifemo" HWV 72 and "Olinto pastore arcade alle glorie del Tebro" HWV 143 represent his first great successes as a composer of vocal music. The six compositions have been studied from various points of view, that is the literary and historical aspect, the dramaturgical and musical characteristics and the different facets and features of the patrons, with the aim of identifying a range of intersections between these plans. The poetic texts, which have been edited studying the 18th century sources, were analysed from a historical and stylistic point of view, and placed in the particular context of the early Eighteenth century, in which the prohibition of every theatrical performance, urged on by refined patrons, determined a 'dramatization' of the genres of the cantata and the serenata. The analysis of each composition was therefore aimed at a 'dramaturgical reading', which led to the identification of the devices of the theatrical ancestry in Handel's compositional choices. The study concludes with a selective comparison with the cantatas and serenatas written at about the same time in Rome by Alessandro Scarlatti.
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Catálogo y estudio de las gramáticas de italiano para hispanohablantes: siglos XVIII y XIX / Catalogue and analysis of the grammar books of Italian for Spanish speakers: 18th and 19th century / Catalogo e studio delle grammatiche di italiano per ispanofoni: secoli XVIII e XIXBarbero Bernal, Juan Carlos <1970> January 1900 (has links)
El objetivo de la presente investigación, el catálogo y estudio de las gramáticas de italiano destinadas a hispanohablantes de los siglos XVIII y XIX, se encuadra en el macrosector gramaticográfico de la historiografía lingüística, en el cual el estudio de las gramáticas de las lenguas dirigidas a hablantes nativos y a hablantes extranjeros, con los consiguientes cruces y trasvases de tradiciones gramaticales, es de significativo interés como destacan: (i) las tesis doctorales defendidas en los últimos quince años; (ii) los proyectos de investigación dirigidos y coordinados por prestigiosos estudiosos del sector; (iii) los congresos organizados para destacar y compartir las principales actualizaciones en torno a los estudios gramaticográficos; y (iv) las publicaciones que surgen de los tres puntos anteriores.
El estudio presenta dos partes centrales: la primera (constituida por los capítulos 2 y 3) es la de catálogo y estudio de las diecinueve gramáticas que conforman el corpus en base a ocho áreas descriptivas (1. información catalográfica, 2. autor, 3. editor, 4. hiperestructura, 5. elementos peritextuales, gramaticales y didácticos, 6. variedad de textos y su secuencia didáctica, 7. caracterización, fuentes e influencias, y 8. localización); la segunda (capítulo 4) es la de estudio gramaticográfico de conjunto de los datos más relevantes de las areas de estudio utilizadas en las dos primeras partes.
De este modo, daremos un panorama de conjunto sobre (i) la cronología de las obras y sus ediciones y rempresiones; (ii) la nacionalidad, profesión, condición religiosa, etc. de autores; (iii) la geografía de ediciones y editores; (iv) la descripción hiperestructural de las obras; (v) la estructura de los elementos peritextuales; (vi) las partes gramaticales y elementos que las componen; (vii) el verbo: definiciones y paradigma verbal; (vii) los elementos didácticos; (viii) las líneas de descripción gramatical; (ix) la localización de las gramáticas en las bibliotecas españolas. / This research, the catalogue and study of grammar books of Italian for Spanish speakers of the 18th and 19th century, fids it place within the field of the grammaticography in linguistic historiography, where the analysis of grammar books for native and non-native speakers, with its consequent intersections and transfers of grammar traditions, is of great interest. This can be inferred from: (i) the PhD dissertations written in the past fifteen years; (ii) the research projects directed and coordinated by prestigious scholars in the field; (iii) the conferences organised to highlight and share the latest research in grammaticography and (iv) the literature published as a consequence of the three previous points.
This work can be divided into two main parts: the first (chapters 2 and 3) is the catalogue and study of the nineteen grammars in the corpus, based on eight areas of description (1. catalogue information, 2. author, 3. publisher, 4. hyperstructure, 5. peritextual, grammatical and didactic elements, 6. variety of texts and their didactic sequence, 7. characterization, sources and influences and 8. location); the second (chapter 4) is the overall grammaticographic study of the most significant data of the fields of analysis used in the first two chapters.
In conclusion, this work provides a general overview on (i) the chronology of these works and their editions and reprints; (ii) the nationality, profession, religious condition, etc. of the authors; (iii) the geography of editions and publishers; (iv) the hyperstructural descriptions of the works; (v) the structure of peritextual elements; (vi) the grammatical parts and the elements that compose them; (vii) the verb: definitions and paradigm; (vii) didactic elements; (viii) the lines of grammatical description; (ix) the location of the grammars analysed in Spanish libraries.
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La cerchia di Giulio Clovio: gli incontri, i viaggi, le amicizie di un artista europeo / The circle of Giulio Clovio: meetings, journeys and friends of an European artistOnofri, Stefano <1983> 18 September 2013 (has links)
La tesi riguarda il miniatore Giulio Clovio (Grižane, Croazia, 1498 – Roma, 1578), considerandolo come il fulcro di una rete di relazioni tra committenti, artisti e letterati. È divisa in tre parti, seguendo la vita dell’artista: giovinezza (1498-1534), maturità (1534-1561) e vecchiaia (1561-1578). Tra i committenti più significativi: Domenico e Marino Grimani e il cardinale Alessandro Farnese. Tra gli artisti italiani: Giulio Romano, Girolamo dai Libri, Valerio Belli, Sofonisba Anguissola. Tra gli artisti europei: Francisco de Hollanda, Pieter Brueghel il Vecchio, Bartholomeus Sprangher, El Greco e Lampsonio. / The dissertation is about the miniaturist Giulio Clovio (Grižane, Croatia, 1498 – Rome, 1578), considering him as the centre of many relations among patrons, artists and men of letters. It is divided into three parts, following the life of the artist: youth (1498-1534), maturity (1534-1561) and old age (1561-1578). The most important patrons are Domenico and Marino Grimani, the cardinal Alessandro Farnese; among the Italian artists: Giulio Romano, Girolamo dai Libri, Valerio Belli, Sofonisba Anguissola. Among the European artists: Francisco de Hollanda, Pieter Brueghel the Elder, Bartholomeus Sprangher, El Greco and Lampsonio.
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Abitati rupestri e citta' fortificate nella Sicilia occidentale dai bizantini ai normanni / The rural inhabitants and fortified villages of the Byzantine and the Norman in Sicily’s westDi Bartolo, Francesco <1980> 25 May 2015 (has links)
La ricerca effettuata, analizza in modo razionale ma contestualmente divulgativo, le dinamiche insediative che hanno caratterizzato il paesaggio della Sicilia occidentale dall'occupazione bizantina al dominio da parte dei Normanni ( 535-1194 d.C. circa ). Il volume presenta una chiara raccolta dei documenti e delle fonti letterarie che riguarda gli abitati rurali ed i borghi incastellati della Sicilia occidentale e pone l’interesse sia per la cultura materiale che per la gestione ed organizzazione del territorio. Attraverso i risultati delle attestazioni documentarie, unite alle ricerche archeologiche ( effettuate nel territorio preso in esame sia in passato che nel corso degli ultimi anni ) viene redatto un elenco dei siti archeologici e dei resti monumentali ( aggiornato fino al 2013-14 ) in funzione della tutela, conservazione e valorizzazione del paesaggio. Sulla base dei documenti rinvenuti e delle varie fonti prese in esame ( letterarie, archeologiche, monumentali, toponomastiche ) vengono effettuate alcune considerazioni sull’insediamento sparso, sull’incastellamento, sulle istituzioni e sulla formazione delle civitates. L’indagine svolta, attraverso cui sono stati individuati i documenti e le fonti, comprende anche una parziale ricostruzione topografica dei principali centri abitativi indagati. Per alcune sporadiche strutture medievali, talvolta raffigurate in fortuite stampe del XVI-XVII secolo, è stato possibile, in aggiunta, eseguire un rilievo architettonico. La descrizione degli abitati rurali e dei siti fortificati, infine, è arricchita da una serie di schede in cui vengono evidenziati i siti archeologici, i resti monumentali ed i reperti più interessanti del periodo bizantino, arabo e normanno-svevo della Sicilia occidentale. / The presented research analyses in a factual and contemporaneously coherent way the dynamic of colonization which characterized the landscape of Sicily’s west beginning with the occupation by the Byzantine and ending with the dominion of the Normans (535-1194 A.D. ca.). The volume presents a precise collection of documents and literary sources, which regards the rural inhabitants and the fortified villages of Sicily’s west and puts the interest both for the material culture and for the administration and organization of the territory. By the results of the documental attestation, related to all archaeological researches (which were made in the reviewed territory both in the past and in the last years) emerges an edited catalogue of the archeological sites and monumental rests (updated to 2013/14) for the purpose of the protection, conservation and enhancement of the landscape. Based on the consulted documents and various reviewed sources ( literary, archaeological, monumental, toponymy ) several considerations are concluded about the spread colonization, about the founding of fortified villages, and about the institution and the formation of the cities.The conducted survey, whereby the documents and the sources were found out, includes also a partial topographical reconstruction of the main researched inhabited centers. For various sporadical medieval structures, occasionally figured on casual prints of the 16th-17th century, it was possible to perform an architectural emphasis in the attachment. The description of the rural area and the fortified sites is finally completed by a series of pages in which are illustrated the archaeological sites, the monumental rests and the most interesting discoveries of the byzantine, arabic and norman-swabian period of Sicily’s west.
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Student engagement as a concept for improving the educational practice of girls in pupil referral unitsSturdy, Louise January 2013 (has links)
A literature search revealed that there is a dearth of research exploring the needs of girls in pupil referral units (PRUs). This research focuses on the concept of ‘student engagement’ as a framework for investigation of the needs of girls in PRUs. It utilises an exploratory approach. Student engagement is a malleable characteristic and is therefore an appropriate focus for interventions. A constructionist paradigm is used and data are subject to thematic analysis. A deeper latent level of analysis is used to interpret and draw inferences from the data. The findings identify a number of direct strategies for engaging learners both affectively and cognitively. In addition, a working model is produced to diagrammatically represent the relationship between aspects of affective and cognitive student engagement, enabling practitioners to dynamically employ individually tailored interventions for engaging girls in PRUs.
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14-19 education reform under New Labour : an exploration of how politics and the economy combine with educational goals to affect policyDynes, Jacqueline January 2012 (has links)
The area of 14-19 education and training was a significant priority for the Labour Government of Tony Blair and New Labour. Reforms such as the 14-19 White Paper (Feb 2005) were seen as key to this government’s ‘third term’ agenda. This research has at its heart the desire to identify the true drivers for 14-19 education and training reform, and critically analyse the results against alternative ‘aims’ of education. Much of current policy for this phase of education mentions the economic imperative of providing young people with the skills which both they and businesses need to compete in the global economy. This research intends to question the fact that economic goals appear to be inexorably entwined with this area of education, and analyse if this is an appropriate philosophy on which to base reform of the 14-19 phase. To achieve this, document analysis was used to identify the drivers for education reform contained within five policy documents in an attempt to understand the goals of New Labour’s 14- 19 education and training reform policy between May 1997 and February 2005. The conclusions which came from this analysis point to a consistency in the 14-19 reform programme of New Labour around the theme of the economy, with much of the content of the reforms focusing on adapting the phase in order to promote economic objectives. It is argued that by accepting economic objectives as a basis for educational reform, New Labour confused the influence of the economy for an educational aim.
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Towards motivation modelling within a computer game based learning environment : an empirical studyMethaneethorn, Jutima January 2008 (has links)
This thesis addresses the issue as to how to model a student’s motivation when using a learning environment. Currently, this is considered as an important topic since a) motivation is regarded as key to successful learning by educationalists, b) those building computer-based learning environments are attempting to design in features that will assist in motivating learners while using their systems, c) researchers in the areas of intelligent learning environments (ILEs) and intelligent tutoring systems (ITSs) are looking for methods to detect a student’s motivation during their interaction with an adaptive system, and d) researchers in ITSs are looking for strategies that a learning environment could use to motivate a student or to scaffold his/her motivation. A well-founded model that partially explains the way in which motivation changes during an interaction with an ILE is potentially very valuable to these different goals. In particular, the model should prove to be of great benefit when creating learning environments that take into account the motivational aspects of the learners since it represents the process of how they are motivated through the use of an ILE. In this thesis the focus is on the construction of a learner’s motivational structure for an ILE grounded in the context of an educational game. The thesis reports the development of a qualitative model of the motivation of learners during their interaction with the ILE. One of the main issues is the specification of the context as the motivational structure of learners cannot be assumed to be the same in different contexts. A preliminary causal model showing the relationships between a learner’s motivational characteristics and features of the ILE was developed. Two computer-based research instruments were then built: a game prototype aiming to teach some concepts in databases (Alex’s Adventure) and a computer program (MoRes). Alex’s Adventure was developed in such a way that it included all features of the ILE presented in the model whereas the other parts of the model were implemented through MoRes. Six detailed case studies were performed in order to validate the preliminary model. The validation resulted in changes to the preliminary model which are believed to produce an improved model. The analysis also resulted in a number of key points and condition–action rules which are considered to be of use for the implementation of future adaptive computer systems that could manage and support learners. The thesis makes an original contribution to the Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) community, particularly in terms of the method of case study analysis and the new model of motivation.
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相關變數之隨機修剪L : 統計量之漸近性 / On the asymptotic behavior of randomly trimmed L-statistics with dependent random variables陳宗雄 Unknown Date (has links)
本文主要在探討絕對正則隨機變數序列的隨機修剪L統計量的漸近性,當修剪係系數收斂至a和b時(O<a<b<l),對它們的分配函數限制並不多;然而當a=0及b=1 時,則限制的條件須更加嚴格,這也就是為什麼我們要做隨機修剪的主要原因。同時,由於大部分的時間序列模式都是絕對正則的隨機變數序列,這也是研究本文的主要動機之一。
本文是想嘗試著把G. R. Shorack (1989)的論文隨機修剪L統計量,推廣,把該文中立相獨立的隨機變數序列換成絕對正則的隨機變數序列。在這同時,我們必需將一些經驗累積分配函數的不等式推廣,推廣過程中將重覆使用Yoshihara (1978) 的機率不等式。 / ABSTRACT
We will prove central limit theorem for randomly trimmed L-statistics with absolutely regular random variables. When the fractions trimmed converge to a and l-b, (with 0<a<b<l) there are little restrictions on the df's of the r.v.'s, - but the limiting r.v. has several contributing terms, making the studentization complicated unless the trimming fractions converge fast enough.
For a=0 and b=l, the restriction on the rate of convergence of the trimming fractions is more severe, however this is a most reasonable way to trim.
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