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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interacción de haces de Hn+ (n=1,2,3) con láminas delgadas

Denton Zanello, Cristian D. 22 December 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Síntesis y caracterización de láminas delgadas superconductoras de altas corrientes críticas de YBa2Cu307- obtenidas por M.O.D.

Castaño Linares, Óscar 11 June 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Development and integration of oxide spinel thin films into heterostructures for spintronics

Lüders, Ulrike Anne 20 May 2005 (has links)
En esta memoria se describe el crecimiento, mediante pulverización catódica rf, de capas delgadas de NiFe2O4 y CoCr2O4 sobre distintos substratos y la subsiguiente caracterización magnética y eléctrica. El objetivo es integrar dichas capas en dispositivos magnetoelectrónicos tales como uniones túnel o filtros de spin.Hemos descubierto que el crecimiento epitaxial permite estabilizar fases nuevas del óxido NiFe2O4, fases que no existen en la forma másiva, y que tienen propiedades remarcablemente distintas. Como por ejemplo: un aumento dramático de la magnetización o la posibilidad de modificar drásticamente sus propiedades de transporte, pudiéndose obtener capas aislantes -como es en forma cerámica- o conductivas. Se ha realizado un estudio sistemático de los efectos del espesor de la capa y de las condiciones de crecimiento sobre las propiedades de magnetotransporte y los mecanismos de crecimiento.Argumentamos que el aumento de la magnetización es debido a la estabilización de una fase NiFe2O4 espinela que es parcialmente inversa, en la que los iones Ni2+ están distribuidos entre las dos posiciones disponibles (tetraédrica y octaédrica) de la estructura. En la forma masiva del material los iones Ni solo se encuentran en los sitios octaédricos. La introducción adicional de vacantes de oxígeno es probablemente la causa de la existencia de una configuración electrónica mixta Fe2+/3+ en la subred octaédrica y de la alta conductividad de las capas.Hemos aprovechado la capacidad de obtener epitaxias de NiFe2O4 ferrimagnéticas conductoras o aislantes para integrarlas en dos distintos dispositivos magnetoelectrónicos: una unión túnel magnética y un filtro de spin.Las capas conductoras de NiFe2O4 se han empleado como electrodos ferrimagnéticos-metálicos en uniones túnel. El otro electrodo magnético es (La,Sr)MnO3 y la barrera túnel SrTiO3. Se ha podido medir una magnetoresistencia túnel importante hasta temperaturas tan altas como 280K. Los valores de magnetoresistencia corresponden a una polarización de spin del NiFe2O4 de aproximadamente un 40%, que es prácticamente independiente de la temperatura. Estos resultados sugieren que la nueva fase conductora que hemos estabilizado es un candidato interesante como fuente de corriente polarizada en spin. Por otra parte, el NiFe2O4 aislante se ha implementado, por primera vez, como barrera túnel en una heteroestructura de filtro de spin. El electrodo magnético es (La,Sr)MnO3 y el electrodo no magnético Au. Hemos observado una magnetoresistencia túnel que alcanza valores de hasta un 50%. A partir de estas medidas, hemos deducido detalles relevantes de la estructura electrónica de la fase parcialmente inversa de NiFe2O4.Hemos crecido el óxido CoCr2O4 sobre distintos substratos, tales como MgO(001) y MgAl2O4(001). Hemos podido comprobar que este óxido presenta una pronunciada tendencia a un crecimiento 3D. Por esta razón, las superficies de la capa no son nunca suficientemente planas y no se pueden usar en heteroestructuras túnel. Sin embargo hemos aprovechado esta característica para controlar el crecimiento de estas estructuras 3D y hemos conseguido la formación de objetos submicrónicos, autoorganizados con formas piramidales muy bien definidas. El estudio detallado del efecto de los parámetros de crecimiento nos ha permitido por una parte, dilucidar cuales son los mecanismos que llevan a una autoorganización tan perfecta y por otra determinar que, en las condiciones adecuadas, se pueden obtener templates totalmente faceteados con múltiples posibilidades para futuras aplicaciones. / In this thesis the growth of thin films of NiFe2O4 and CoCr2O4 by RF sputtering on different oxide substrates and the characterization of their magnetic and electric properties is reported. The aim is to integrate the films into spintronic devices namely magnetic tunnel junctions and spin filter.It was found that the epitaxial growth of these films permits to stabilize new phases of NiFe2O4, which are not found for the bulk material and which show remarkably distinct properties. A strong enhancement of the saturation magnetization was found as well as the possibility to tune the electric behaviour of the films from insulating - like in bulk NiFe2O4 - to conducting. A systematic study of the influence of the film thickness and growth parameters on the properties of the films was carried out.The enhancement of the saturation magnetization can be explained by a partially inversed spinel structure, where the Ni2+ ions are distributed over both available sites (octahedral and tetrahedral) of the structure, whereas in bulk NiFe2O4 the Ni2+ ions are only located on the octahedral sites of the structure. An additional introduction of oxygen vacancies causes the formation of mixed valence Fe2+/3+ chains on the octahedral sites and thus a hopping conductivity.We have taken advantage of our ability to obtain epitaxial ferromagnetic NiFe2O4 films of insulating or conducting character to integrate them in two different spintronic devices: the magnetic tunnel junction and the spin filter.The conducting NiFe2O4 was integrated in a magnetic tunnel junction as a magnetic electrode, with a (La,Sr)MnO3 counterelectrode and a SrTiO3 barrier. A magnetoresistance was measured up to a temperature of 280K. The values of the magnetoresistance correspond to a spin-polarization of 40%, which is basically constant in temperature. This results show that the conductive phase of NiFe2O4 is an interesting candidate for the application as a source of highly spin-polarized current.On the other hand the insulating NiFe2O4 has been integrated into a spin filter as the magnetic barrier. The magnetic electrode was again (La,Sr)MnO3 and the counter electrode Au. A magnetoresistance up to 50% was observed. It was possible to deduce the band structure of NiFe2O4 from these measurements.Thin films of CoCr2O4 were grown on different substrates like MgO(001) or MgAl2O4(001). It was found that the material shows a pronounced tendency to grow in a three dimensional manner. Thus the surface of these films is not sufficiently smooth to integrate them into tunnel contacts.However, we were able to control the growth and morphology of the three dimensional structures leading to the formation of submicron self-organized pyramids with a square or elongated base. By a detailed study of the influence of the growth parameters it was possible to elucidate the underlying growth mechanisms and to obtain a fully faceted surface, which can be used in different applications.

Customizing a low temperature system for microwave transmission measurements. Quantum transport in thin TiN films and nanostructures

Carbonell Cortés, Carla 22 June 2012 (has links)
The work presented in this thesis consists of two distinct parts. The first years of my work focused on the development and improvement of a new equipment built to study magnetic and electrical properties, particularly applying microwaves in reflection and transmission conditions. The sample space in conventional cryostats with superconducting magnets is usually smaller than 10-mm-diameter. Our equipment consists of a hollow cylindrical cryostat having a 33-mm-diameter hole all along its vertical axis. These characteristics enable the measurement of large samples and the use of big resonant cavities to get to a wider microwave (MW) range, particularly in transmission measurements. The cryostat has a superconducting magnet made of a solenoid that applies a magnetic field from -5 T to 5 T, and a temperature controller that works in the range 1.8 - 300 K. The system is cooled down with nitrogen and helium and the temperature can be controlled with the precision required by each experiment using a heater and a needle valve. Different probes for a wide range of experiments in our cryostat have been developed in order to be as versatile as possible. Following this idea each one has been divided in two halves that can be combined as it is preferred in each experiment. Each probe is made of a 8-to-10-mm-diameter stainless steel tube that is used to protect and give some stiffness to the measuring device. A coaxial cable and different waveguides are added to these stainless steel jackets, so we end up having nine halves, four upper parts that can be combined with five lower parts. There are three waveguides working in the frequency ranges 33-50 GHz (WR22), 50-75 GHz (WR15) and 75-110 GHz (WR10), and a coaxial cable that maintains the fundamental mode at a frequency of 60 GHz. In the extra lower part a 16-pin Fischer connector is added at the bottom in order to be able to perform more resistance experiments. Once the probes have been built, they have been tested to make sure the system is able to reach high vacuum and to be cooled down. Problems found along the way have been solved and at the end all the probes work properly. Different sample holders have been designed and built according to the needs in each experiment. The system has been tested by reproducing experimental results with Mn12-acetate, as quantum tunneling and magnetic avalanches, and by obtaining new results on microwave transmission in thin TiN films. The second part of the thesis focuses on the measurements of thin TiN films in a dilution refrigerator working with a mixture of 3He and 4He that enables experiments at a few tens of millikelvins. The cryostat also contains a superconductor magnet which can apply a magnetic field up to 5 T. Low-temperature transport properties of nanoperforated superconducting TiN films have been experimentally studied. Resistance measurements have been performed in the critical region of the superconductor-insulator transition (SIT), applying the magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the structure or the dc current through the sample. SIT is a transition from a superconductor to an insulator state by localizing the Cooper pairs. The evolution of the SIT with temperature, magnetic field and dc current has been investigated in detail. Characteristic parameters have been determined for as-cast thin films using the theory of quantum corrections to conductivity. Disorder-driven and field-induced SITs have been measured. Commensurability effects have been observed down to the lowest experimental temperature, and are emphasized in the more disordered samples. The SIT has been observed for a dc current applied across the sample as changes in the curvature at zero bias current. Experiments prove that electronic transport in the nanoperforated samples is mediated by Andreev conversion. Finally, the existence of the superinsulator state has been experimentally proved. / El treball que es presenta en aquesta tesi consta de dues parts ben diferenciades. La primera pretén el desenvolupament d’un equip experimental concebut per a l’estudi de propietats magnètiques i elèctriques en materials diversos i, en especial, el treball amb radiació de microones en condicions de reflexió i transmissió. La segona s’ha centrat en les mesures de transport d’una capa fina superconductora de nitrur de titani (TiN) de 5 nm de gruix en un criòstat de dilució.

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