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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

L’enseignement du français en Algérie ˸ intérêt pédagogique d’un corpus multiculturel de contes / Teaching French in Algeria ˸ pedagogical interest in a multicultural corpus of tales / الفائدة البيداغوجية لمجموعة من الحكايات متعددة الثقافات ˸ تعليم الفرنسية في الجزائر

Belhadj, Mohammed 08 February 2019 (has links)
Cette recherche s’intéresse à l’utilisation du conte dans le domaine de l’enseignement des langues étrangères. Elle s’appuie sur l’analyse d’un échantillon de contes d’origines algérienne et française pour démontrer le potentiel pédagogique de cette forme littéraire. L’analyse de notre corpus a permis de mettre en lumière les diverses exploitations du conte dans le domaine de la didactique des langues. En effet, grâce à son contenu culturel, ce genre littéraire est un excellent médiateur pour initier l’élève à la culture-cible. Nous avons expliqué que le conte était parfaitement adapté pour mener les élèves à prendre conscience des dimensions intertextuelle et interculturelle de l’oeuvre littéraire. En s’appropriant ces deux notions, les apprenants construisent une culture littéraire essentielle pour développer leurs compétences dans les domaines de la lecture et de l’écriture. Le conte permet aussi de proposer des exercices féconds qui concernent les domaines de lecture, d’écriture, ainsi que les aspects linguistiques.L’expérience pédagogique, menée auprès d’un public de collégiens en Algérie, a été l’occasion de valider notre hypothèse sur l’utilité des contes dans le domaine de l’enseignement des langues étrangères. En effet, l’instauration de notre dispositif pédagogique, basé sur l’exploitation d’une série de contes, a conduit les élèves à prendre conscience de l’intérêt de la mise en valeur de leur culture dans le domaine scriptural. L’analyse intertextuelle et interculturelle des contes proposés par les élèves dans la macro-tâche du post-test, indique leur reprise des motifs caractéristiques des contes arabes et européens. De même, nous avons constaté que les élèves avaient amélioré la qualité structurelle de leurs textes. En effet, l’analyse formelle de leurs écrits a permis de conclure que la majorité des apprenants avait produit des contes qui satisfont aux règles de la cohérence textuelle. Ce résultat indique que le conte est un genre qui convient pour conduire les élèves à produire des textes cohérents. Par ailleurs, la macro-tâche a également été un moyen pour vérifier l’évolution de leur compétence linguistique. Plus précisément, l’observation de leurs écrits indique qu’ils ont fait des progrès dans les domaines lexical et morphologique. En revanche, en ce qui concerne la syntaxe, les élèves nécessitent plus d’accompagnement pour maîtriser cet aspect de la langue-cible. / This research focuses on the use of storytelling in the field of teaching foreign languages. It is based on the analysis of a sample of stories from Algerian and French origins to demonstrate the pedagogical potential of this literary form.The analysis of our corpus has made it possible, to highlight the various storytelling operations in the area of language teaching.In fact, because of its cultural content, this literary type represents an excellent mediator to introduce students to the culture-target. We explained that storytelling was perfectly suited to help students become aware of the intertextual and intercultural dimensions of literary work. By appropriating these two concepts, learners build an essential literary culture to develop their skills in the reading and writing fields. Storytelling allows also to offer fruitful exercises in the reading and writing domains, as well as the linguistics aspects. The educational experience, conducted among a college students audience in Algeria, was an opportunity to validate our hypothesis on the usefulness of tales in the field of foreign languages teaching. Indeed, the establishment of our educational system, based on the exploitation of a series of tales, has led students to realize the value of enhancing their culture in the scripture domain.The intertextual and intercultural analysis of the tales proposed by the students in the macro-task of the post-test indicates their resumption of the grounds that are characteristic of the Arabic and European ones. Moreover, we found that students had improved the structural quality of their texts. Indeed, the formal analysis of their writings led to the conclusion that the majority of learners had produced stories that satisfied the rules of textual coherence.This result indicates that storytelling is an appropriate way to lead students to produce coherent texts. Furthermore, the macro-task has also been an efficient way to verify the evolution of their language skills.More specifically, the observation of their writings indicates that they have made progress in the lexical and morphological domains. On the other hand, students need more coaching, for all what is related to syntax, to control this aspect of the target language. / هذا البحث يتناول موضوع استعمال الحكايات في مجال تعليم اللغات الأجنبية. يستند هذا العمل على تحليل مجموعة من الحكايات تنتمي إلى الثقافتين الجزائرية و الفرنسية من أجل إيضاح مختلف الاستعمالات للحكاية في مجال تعليم اللغات الأجنبية. هذا النوع الأدبي يعد وسيلة ممتازة لتنمية معارف التلميذ فيما يتعلق بالثقافة الأجنبية. لقد شرحنا أن الحكاية مناسبة لتوعيته حول البعد التناصيّ و المتعدد الثقافات للنص الأدبي. بإدراكه لهاتين النقطتين، يُكوّن التلميذ ثقافة أدبية أساسية من أجل تنمية كفاءته في مجاليّ القراءة و الكتابة. الحكاية تسمح أيضا باقتراح تمارين خصبة تتعلق بمجالات القراءة، الكتابة و قواعد اللغة.التجربة البيداغوجية التي قمنا بها مع مجموعة من تلاميذ الطور الإكمالي، كانت فرصة لإثبات فرضيتنا حول فائدة الحكايات في مجال تعليم اللغات الأجنبية . استعمال نظام بيداغوجي يستند على مجموعة من القصص قاد التلاميذ لإدراك أهمية استغلال ثقافتهم في مجال الكتابة.التحليل التناصي و المتعدد الثقافات للحكايات المقترحة من طرف التلاميذ في التمرين النهائي يبرز اعادتهم لمقاطع أدبية تنتمي لحكايات غربية و أوروبية. لاحظنا أيضا أنّ التلاميذ اقترحوا حكايات تلتزم بقواعد الترابط النصي. هذه النتيجة تبيّن أنّ الحكاية هي جنس أدبي يناسب لقيادة التلاميذ نحو كتابة نصوص مترابطة. كما أنّ التمرين النهائي كان وسيلة لفحص تطور الكفاءة اللغوية عند التلاميذ الذين قاموا بتطوير مهاراتهم في مجالي اللغة و القواعد. لكن فيما يتعلق بمجال النحو، لقد لاحظنا أنّهم يحتاجون للمزيد من المرافقة حتى يتقنون هذا المجال اللغوي.
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Delayed Versus Immediate Corrective Feedback on Orally Produced Passive Errors in English

Quinn, Paul 21 August 2014 (has links)
Research demonstrating the beneficial effects of corrective feedback (CF) for second language (L2) learning (e,g., Li, 2010) has almost invariably resulted from studies in which CF was provided immediately. Yet teachers are often encouraged to delay CF to avoid interrupting learners (Harmer, 2001). This study investigates how differences in the timing of CF on oral production affect L2 learning and learners’ reactions to CF. Theoretically, Immediate CF may facilitate L2 development by allowing learners to immediately compare their errors to accurate models (i.e., recasting, e.g., Doughty, 2001). The effectiveness of Immediate CF has also been linked to skill acquisition theory because some CF (i.e., prompting) is hypothesized to help learners proceduralize their L2 knowledge (Ranta & Lyster, 2007). This thesis introduces additional theoretical explanations to explain the effectiveness of both Immediate and Delayed CF. For example, reactivation and reconsolidation theory (Nader & Einarsson, 2010) holds that long-term mental representations are susceptible to change when they are recalled. Thus, both Immediate and Delayed CF may help learners alter their incorrect mental representations of language features if that CF reminds learners of those incorrect representations and provides them with accurate models. In a laboratory-based study, 90 intermediate-level adult ESL learners were randomly assigned to Immediate, Delayed, and No CF conditions. Learners took three pre-tests to measure their knowledge of the English passive construction: an aural grammaticality judgment test (AGJT), an oral production test (OPT), and a written error correction test (ECT). Next, they received some brief instruction on the passive. Learners then completed three communicative tasks in which the CF conditions were provided. These tasks were followed by immediate and delayed post-tests. Learners’ reactions to CF were elicited with a questionnaire. Mixed-design one-way ANOVAs revealed statistically significant improvement for all conditions over time on all measures, but no statistically significant differences between conditions. The questionnaires revealed that learners prefer Immediate CF, but that Immediate CF may constrain CF noticeability and learners’ independence, while Delayed CF may cause anxiety or embarrassment. In summary, altering the timing of CF did not differentially affect L2 development, but it did elicit different reactions from learners.
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Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-Afrikaansonderrig

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu. In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork, such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills, learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork. Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed. Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning. The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment. Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is therefore imperative. Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base, integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet. In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder, effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek, kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod. Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek. Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende, outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei. Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum 2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus noodsaaklik. Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)
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Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir T2-Afrikaansonderrig / Fasiliteringsvaardighede vir Tweedetaal-Afrikaansonderrig

Dilrajh, Kamla Moonsamy 30 June 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summaries in Afrikaans and English / This study aims to investigate and explain how the L2 -facilitator can effectively employ the various facilitation skills of language teaching in Afrikaans Second Language within the Outcomes Based Education framework in the learner-centred classroom. The facilitator is critical in providing an opportunity for multicultural learners to develop the necessary language learning skills to enjoy Afrikaans Second Language/Additional Language learning as an interesting learning experience within a positive learning milieu. In the learner-centred U -classroom, learners too must accept responsibility for their own and their peers' learning within the co-operative learning group. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator can develop the necessary knowledge and skills concerning groupwork, such as the strategies enhancing L 2 -learning, effective group facilitation skills, learner attitudes towards the facilitator, problem-solving skills, co-operative learning as a control technique, communication, learners' behaviour and the advantages of groupwork. Furthermore, elements of classroom negotiation and the facilitator's methods of working in this negotiated partnership are also discussed. Since language learning is integral to lifelong learning, multicultural learners must be motivated to learn Afrikaans Second/ Additional language with greater enthusiasm. This necessitates the L2 -facilitator creating an interesting, challenging and authentic language learning environment where mutual respect and trust are emphasised. This study reveals how the L2 -facilitator could develop his/her knowledge of task-based L2 -teaching and use it with the effective techniques of facilitation and negotiation skills in the taskorientated second language classroom to lead learners to effective Afrikaans L2 -learning. The new National Language Standardisation Policy 200112002 necessitates the facilitator of Afrikaans L 2 -teaching/learning within the Outcomes Based Education framework and the revised Curriculum 2005 to be aufait with assessment and his/her role in assessment. Being knowledgeable on the various criteria and strategies regarding assessment is therefore imperative. Finally, chapter five illustrates practically how the facilitator could plan, organise, base, integrate and present authentic Afrikaans L 2 -lessons/work based on the theoretical knowledge and aspects of facilitation skills, group-work, task-based learning and assessment discussed in chapters two to four. / Daar word in die studie gepoog om te ondersoek en te verduidelik hoe die T2-fasiliteerder die verskillende fasiliteringsvaardighede ten opsigte van T2 -Afrikaansonderrig binne die UGO -raamwerk in die leerdergesentreerde T2-klaskamer effektief kan gebruik. Die fasiliteerder behoort sy multikulturele leerders die geleentheid te gun om die nodige taalleervaardighede te ontwikkel sodat hulle Afrikaans Tweedetaalleer/ Addisionele Taalleer as 'n interessante leerervaring binne 'n positiewe leerklimaat kan geniet. In die leerdergesentreerde T2 -klaskamer moet die leerders ook die verantwoordelikheid vir bulle eie leer, en vir die leer van ander leerders binne kooperatiewe leergroepe kan aanvaar. Die wyse waarop die fasiliteerder van T2-leer die nodige kennis en vaardighede ten opsigte van groepwerk kan ontwikkel, word deur die studie aan die lig gebring. Die verskillende strategiee wat die aanleer van die tweedetaal binne groepwerk bevorder, effektiewe groepsfasiliteringsvaardighede, leerders se gesindhede teenoor die fasiliteerder, die probleemoplossingsvaardighede, kooperatiewe leer as beheertegniek, kommunikasie, leerdergedragswyses en die voordele van groepwerk kom aan bod. Elemente van klaskameronderhandeling en die fasiliteerder se werkswyse in die onderhandelingsvennootskap word ook bespreek. Aangesien taalleer 'n integrale faset van lewenslange leer vorm, moet multikulturele leerders gemotiveer word om Afrikaans Tweedetaal/ Addisionele Taal op 'n meer entoesiastiese wyse te kan leer. Die T2 -fasiliteerder moet 'n interessante, uitdagende, outentieke taalleeromgewing skep waarin wedersydse respek en vertroue beklemtoon word. Die studie toon die wyse aan waarop die T2 -fasiliteerder sylhaar kennis in verband met taakgerigte T2 -onderrig kan ontwikkel en dit met die effektiewe fasiliteringstegnieke en onderhandelingsvaardighede in die taakgeorienteerde T2-klaskamer kan kombineer en gebruik om leerders tot effektiewe T2 -Afrikaansleer/ Addisionele Taalleer te kan lei. Die nuwe Nasionale Taalstandaardiseringsbeleid 2001/2002 vereis dat die fasiliteerder van T2-Afrikaansonderrig/-leer binne die UGO -raamwerk en die hersiene Kurrikulum 2005 deeglike kennis moet dra van assessering en sylhaar rol in assessering. Deeglike kennis ten opsigte van die verskillende assesseringskriteria en assesseringstegnieke is dus noodsaaklik. Daar word in hoofstuk vyf aangetoon op watter wyse die fasiliteerder outentieke praktiese T2-Afrikaanslesse/-werk, kan beplan, organiseer en dit op die teoretiese kennis en aspekte ten opsigte van fasiliteringsvaardighede, groepwerk, taakgerigte leer en assessering wat in hoofstukke twee tot vier bespreek word, kan toepas en geintegreerd kan aanbied. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D.Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)
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