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Řízení barevného grafického LED displeje pomocí FPGA / FPGA controller for LED video displayDolejší, Miloš January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with controlling a color graphic LED display using an FPGA. The first half of the theoretical part of this paper describes the properties of the used FPGA, the data source and a principle of controlling an RGB LED display. The second half describes an implementation of pulse width modulation and binary code modulation which enables the control of brightness of the display and of color depth of every sub-pixel. The practical part on the other hand describes the designing and the implementation of this module in the VHDL language. Then it explains the transfer of image data from Blackfin processor to the memory via PPI interface, the subsequent process of reading data from the memory, conversion of the data to a serial format and finally it describes the process of sending the data to the LED controller. The module was realized on the Digilent Atlys development board equipped with the Spartan-6 FPGA and was tested on a 32x20 light panel for the firm Ing. Ivo Herman, CSc.
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Elektronický informační štítek / Electronic information cardKarmazín, Michal January 2010 (has links)
This master thesis deals with design and construction of the electronic information card. Display consists of 8×32 LED matrix in a modular form which is soldered to the mainboard via edge. In the thesis there are described available circuit solutions, realization, technological description of connection between display module and mainboard and measurements made for verification of parameters.
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Slovinské národní divadlo v Lublani / Slovene National Theatre in LjubljanaPivoňková, Dagmara January 2009 (has links)
The plot for a new theater is in historic centre of Ljubljana and it is defined by block of existing buildings. I designed theatre with 3 variable scenes – one for 500 spectators, two for 100 people each. In addition i propose the theatre square – big exterior arena. The proposed building is an ending of urbanictic axe, that is why it has shape of monumental gate. The gate is oriented to the south, so i covered the fasade with huge fotovoltaic sreen, that is collecting electric energy during the day and shining this energy out during the night as a big city culture screen..
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Using new tools to study the neural mechanisms of sensation : auditory processing in locusts and translational motion vision in fliesIsaacson, Matthew David January 2019 (has links)
This thesis describes work from both the University of Cambridge in the lab of Berthold Hedwig and from the HHMI Janelia Research Campus in the lab of Michael Reiser. At the University of Cambridge, my work involved the development and demonstration of a method for electrophoretically delivering dyes and tracers for anatomical and functional imaging into animals that are not amenable to genetic labelling techniques. Using this method in locusts and crickets - model systems of particular interest for their acoustic communication - I successfully delivered polar fluorescent dyes and tracers through the sheath covering the auditory nerve, simultaneously staining both the peripheral sensory structures and the central axonal projections without destroying the nerve's function. I could label neurons which extend far from the tracer delivery site on the nerve as well as local neuron populations through the brain's surface. I used the same method to deliver calcium indicators into central neuropils for in vivo optical imaging of sound-evoked activity, as well as calling song-evoked activity in the brain. The work completed at the Janelia Research Campus began with the development of a modern version of a modular LED display and virtual reality control system to enable research on the visual control of complex behaviors in head-fixed animals. The primary advantages of our newly developed LED-based display over other display technologies are its high-speed operation, brightness uniformity and control, precise synchronization with analog inputs and outputs, and its ability to be configured into a variety of display geometries. Utilizing the system's fast display refresh rates, I conducted the first accurate characterization of the upper limits of the speed sensitivity of Drosophila for apparent motion during flight. I also developed a flexible approach to presenting optic flow scenes for functional imaging of motion-sensitive neurons. Finally, through the on-line analysis of behavioral measures, image rendering, and display streaming with low latency to multi-color (UV/Green) LED panels, I demonstrated the ability to create more naturalistic stimuli and interactive virtual visual landscapes. Lastly, I used this new visual display system to explore a newly discovered cell-type that had been implicated in higher-order motion processing from a large genetic screen of visually-guided behavior deficits. Using genetic silencing and activation methods, and by designing stimuli that modeled the optic flow encountered during different types of self-motion, colleagues in the Reiser lab and I showed that this cell-type - named Lobula Plate Columnar 1 (LPC1) - is required for the stopping behavior of walking flies caused by back-to-front translation motion but is not involved in the rotational optomotor response. Using calcium imaging, I found that LPC1 was selectively excited by back-to-front motion on the eye ipsilateral to the neuron population and inhibited by front-to-back motion on the contralateral eye, demonstrating a simple mechanism for its selectivity to translation over rotation. I also examined an anatomically similar cell type - named Lobula-Lobula Plate Columnar type 1 (LLPC1) - and found that its selectivity results from a similar but opposite calculation for the detection of front-to-back translational motion. The detection of back-to-front motion had previously been hypothesized to be useful for collision avoidance, and this work provides a neural mechanism for how this detection could be accomplished, as well as providing a platform from which to explore the larger network for translation optic flow.
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Elektronický informační štítek / Electronic information cardŠafář, Viktor January 2011 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem elektronického informačního štítku, jehož základem je maticový LED displej. V teoretické části jsou probrány použitá rozhraní a periferie mikrokontroléru a PC a diskutuje se nad možnostmi kódování českých znaků. Dále se probírá krok za krokem návrh zařízení. Nejdříve jsou vytyčeny hlavní požadavky a funkcionalita zařízení, následuje výběr vhodných komponent a je navrženo elektrické schéma. Jádrem zařízení je mikrokontrolér Microchip PIC, pro který je dále navržen program. Nakonec je popsána a naprogramována aplikace pro MS Windows, která se se zařízením komunikuje.
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Modulární RGB LED displej s rozhraním Ethernet / Modular RGB LED display with EthernetZemánek, Petr January 2014 (has links)
This thesis deals with an electronic circuit and a PCB of a modular RGB LED display with the Ehernet interface. Firstly, author describes a RGB colour model, features of RGB LED displays, ways of control them. The next chapter contains a short description of the Ethernet interface, UDP and TCP protocols and a lwIP TCP/IP stack. The last theoretical chapter is an introduction to ARM Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4 based microcontrollers. The next chaper is deals with a hardware design of the modular RGB LED display. The device is designed to be modular. Individual devices can be combosed together and create a larger display. Data from the Ethernet interface will be displayed on the RGB LED matrix, resolution of the matrix is 32 × 32 (1024 diodes). A refresh frequency is 100 Hz, a color depth is High color (16 bits) and a scanning 1/16 (two rows is driven at the same time). The next chapter describes the firmware for the RGB LED display, all its logical parts including a web page. Author also created the PC application, which sends pictures using UDP protocol to individual modules.
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跨國企業系統事業部門在台灣發展歷程之個案研究-動態策略分析陳光輝 Unknown Date (has links)
在營運範疇構面,由早期的單/雙色字幕機發展到目前的大型全彩看板,道路公共工程用CMS看板,智慧型紅綠燈系統,年營業額大幅成長。在核心資源構面,累積了工程契約、大型工程控管、規劃提案文件、系統軟體人才等核心資源及環境、信賴性試驗、知識累積、工程安全Know how、業務運作、委員會等組織核心能耐。在事業網路構面上,日松集團海外通路的結合、系統服務公司、系統販賣公司、工程顧問公司、建築師、電機技師等構成了極可觀的事業網路。
在「價值 / 效率」競技場的努力可累積核心「能耐」,而「價值」的充分運用,可展現該事業的「價值」或「效率」。其主要價值優勢在於產品品質及品牌形象。而「結構」地位與核心「能耐」為該事業「實力」的表徵;「能耐」與「結構」可互相移轉並強化該事業的「實力」。其能耐則來自專業技術能力與商品化能力、企業文化及組織運作績效。其中「實力」與「體系」形成該系統事業異質化的能力;「實力」有助於「體系」的建立、「體系」有助於該事業「實力」的強化,皆強化了「異質」力。其主要實力展現在集團的組織整合能力、工程控管能力及財務能力。而事業經營即是一個不斷「異質」、「同形」的過程。
4.具備專業素養與精通Spec in提案、技術標運作模式及政府採購法等精英型行銷營業人才的聘用。
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