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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Optimizacija tehnološkog procesa proizvodnje namaza sa visokim sadržajem omega masnih kiselina upotrebom pogače semena uljane tikve golice / Optimization of tehnology of hull-less pumpkin press-cake spread rich in omega fatty acids

Radočaj Olgica 19 September 2011 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja u okviru ove teze je bio da se ispita mogućnost upotrebe pogače uljane tikve golice, nusproizvoda pri proizvodnji devičanskog ulja, za proizvodnju namaza sličnom kikiriki maslacu, kako po spolja&scaron;njem izgledu i teksturi, tako i po reolo&scaron;koj stabilnosti. Namazi su formulisani tako da imaju visok sadržaj omega-6 i omega-3 masnih kiselina, uz njihov izbalansirani odnos prema principima kvalitetne ishrane i preporukama nutricionista, prijatna senzorska svojstva i dobru oksidativnu stabilnost. Upotrebom dvo-faktorskog eksperimentalnog dizajna na pet nivoa i metode odzivnih povr&scaron;ina, kao i statističke analize podataka, izvr&scaron;ena je optimizacija tehnolo&scaron;kog procesa za proizvodnju namaza sa definisanim poželjnim funkcionalnim karakteristikama proizvoda sa nutricionističkog i teksturalnog aspekta. Rezultati su pokazali da je pogača (na 100 g proizvoda) veoma bogata mineralima, uz izuzetno visok sadržaj fosfora, gvožđa, magnezijuma i cinka koji prevazilazi 100% dnevnih potreba prema Pravilniku (2004), a takođe sadrži i velike količine mangana, kalijuma i bakra, te opravdava valorizaciju iste za proizvodnju nutritivno visokovrednog namaza. Devičansko tikvino ulje, poreklom iz pogače, je znatno doprinelo i nutritivnoj vrednosti namaza, budući da je isto bogato omega-6 masnim kiselinama (51.04%) i &gamma;-tokoferolima (704 mg/kg). Konopljino ulje je veoma uticalo na senzornu ocenu namaza, pre svega na ukus i teksturu, kao i na oksidativnu stabilnost. Ustanovljeno je da rok trajanja namaza zavisi od stepena oksidacije ulja u njegovom sastavu, pre svega od količine i kvaliteta konopljinog ulja, i može biti najduže do 6 meseci pri sobnoj temperaturi čuvanja. Utvrđeno je da izdvajanje ulja na povr&scaron;ini namaza zavisi od količine dodatog stabilizatora, a najbolji rezultati su postignuti dodatkom 1.6% stabilizatora. Optimalna vrednost za dobijanje namaza najprihvatljivijeg nutritivnog i senzornog kvaliteta, oksidativne stabilnosti i teksture, je sadržaj stabilizatora od 1.2-1.4% uz 40-60% dodatog konopljinog ulja u masnu fazu proizvoda. Svi proizvedeni namazi su sadržali esencijalnu omega-3 masnu kiselinu uz mogu&scaron;nost deklarisanja kao &bdquo;izvor omega-3 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina&ldquo;, od kojih su pojedini uzorci imali vrlo visok sadržaj (0.98 i 1.24 g) po konzumnoj jednici (15 g). Svi proizvedeni namazi su sadržali i omega-6 masne kiseline, od kojih su pojedini uzorci imali visok sadržaj po konzumnoj jedinici (2.5-3 g), uz mogućnost deklarisanja kao &bdquo;izvor omega-6 polinezasićenih masnih kiselina&ldquo;. Svi namazi (izuzev jednog) su imali odlično izbalansiran odnos između omega-6 i omega-3 masnih kiselina (2-3:1).</p> / <p> The goal of this research was to investigate the possible use of hull-less pumpkin seed oil press cake, a by-product of the pumpkin seed oil pressing process, for the manufacturing of a spread. The spread would be similar to a peanut butter, in appearance, texture and rheological stability. Spreads were formulated in such way that they would have pleasant sensory attributes, good oxidative stability with a high omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids content, while providing their balanced ratio based on modern healthy food principles as recommended by nutritionists. Optimization of the spread manufacturing technology was conducted based on the results of the two factorial experimental design on five levels using response surface methodology and statistical analysis (ANOVA). Desirable functional characteristics of the spreads were defined based on nutritional and textural attributes. Results have shown that pumpkin seed oil press cake (per 100 g) is very rich in minerals, especially phosphorus iron, magnesium and zinc that exceeds recommended daily intake (Pravilnik, 2004) over 100%. In addition, it contains high amounts of manganese, potassium and copper, which justifies the use of the seed oil press cake for investigation of the possibility for its use in nutritious spread manufacturing. Cold pressed hull-less pumpkin oil significantly contributed to the nutritional value of the spreads, since it is rich in omega-6 fatty acids (51.04%) and &gamma;-tocopherols (704 mg/kg). Hemp oil had a significant effect on the sensory evaluation of the spreads, primarily on the taste and texture, as well as the oxidative stability of the spreads. It was confirmed that the shelf life of the spreads depended on the oxidation of the oils present in the spread, and primarily depended on the hemp oil quantity and quality. All spreads had a shelf life of maximum 6 months at ambient temperature. It was also confirmed that oil separation on the spreads&rsquo; surface depended on the amount of added stabilizer, where the best results were achieved with the addition of 1.6% stabilizer. Considering nutritional value, sensory evaluation, oxidative stability and texture, the optimal spreads were made using the stabilizer at 1.2-1.4% and hemp oil at 40-60% added to the fatty phaze of the spread. All prepared spreads contained omega-3 essential fatty acid that could be declared as a &ldquo;source of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids&ldquo;. Few samples had a very high content of omega-3 fatty acids (0.98 and 1.24 g) per serving size 15 g). In addition, all prepared spreads contained omega-6 fatty acids, where some samples had a high content of omega-6 fatty acids per serving size (2.5-3 g), and could be declared as a &ldquo;source of omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids&ldquo;. All prepared spreads (except one) had a well balanced ratio between omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids (2-3:1).</p>

Návrh přístupu k plánování a vedení projektů ve firmě / Proposal of Approach to Planning and Project Management in Company

Havíř, David January 2016 (has links)
The Diploma thesis deals with selection of appropriate methods and tools for planning research projects. The theoretical part focuses on the general theory and the specifics of individual approaches, models and project management tools. Analytical part on the selection of appropriate managemenet elements based on examining enterprise environment. The practical part on the creation of a methodology and its projection to the work with supporting software.

Two-step selective caries removal of extensive lesions: treatment decision factors, success and cost-effectiveness

Ortega-Verdugo, Paula 01 August 2019 (has links)
The treatment of deep carious lesions (DCLs) represents a challenge for dentists, as these lesions require removal of dentin in proximity to the pulp that represents a higher risk of ending in pulp exposure. There is increasing evidence supporting minimally invasive caries removal methods, such as stepwise excavation procedure (SWP), instead of non-selective (complete) dentin caries removal for the treatment of DCLs. However, recent research has indicated that dentists have not completely adopted less invasive caries removal methods for the management of DCLs. These studies have been primarily conducted in Europe or South America; thus, few studies have been conducted in the United States to understand dentists’ management options of deep carious lesions in permanent teeth. Additionally, the proportion of dentists who would be willing to adopt less invasive carious tissue removal is unknown, especially in the United States. This dissertation consists of three studies that analyzed the effectiveness of SWP, the factors associated with success, an assessment of its costs and the acceptability of this treatment among U.S dentists. Study I assessed the patient factors predicting a successful SWP by retrospectively investigating a sample from the University of Iowa College of Dentistry from January 2004 through December 2012. Study I showed that SWPs showed a 75% success rate when evaluated within 36 months of the initial treatment. Patients who had a successful SWP treatment were slightly younger than patients whose SWP treatment was not successful. Study II performed a cost-effectiveness analysis by comparing SWP vs. the standard caries treatment (complete caries removal). Study II showed that SWP significantly reduced cost, resulting in an average savings of 64% compared to TCR over a 5-year period. Study III consisted of a statewide survey that contacted 1,434 Iowa dentists with the aim of identifying the most important factors that influence dentists’ decisions for DCLs treatment using conjoint analysis. From the total, 36.4% (n=522) clinicians answered the survey. One of the main study findings was that among the three factors (hardness of dentin, depth of the lesion and patient age) depth of the lesion was the most important factor influencing dentists’s decision when selecting a less invasive caries removal method. Study III did not find any significant association between years of practicing dentistry, type of practice and practice setting regarding being willing to select a less invasive caries removal method. In conclusion, this dissertation has demonstrated that the stepwise caries removal is a cost-saving and highly successful treatment for the management of deep caries lesions. Studies I and II have shown that this method has a high clinical success rate and less long-term treatment costs. Regarding the acceptability of SWP among clinicians, this dissertation has shown that most dentists in Iowa would consider less invasive caries methods for a DCL; however, these techniques have not been completely adopted and accepted among American dentists. Thus, dentists should be trained in less invasive caries methods, given instruction about which criteria they should use to assess a DCL, and provide them with the best evidence-based strategies for managing deep lesions. The findings of this dissertation should engage stakeholders to provide dentists with professional incentives for using these techniques. Specifically, our results support the idea that SWP minimizes costs while providing the appropriate patient care.

Business Relationships Between Local Firms and MNCs in a less Developing Country : The Case of Libyan Firms

Alshaibi, Alsedieg January 2008 (has links)
International business relationships have been widely researched over the last three decades. Themajor attention of these studies, no matter what their theoretical perspective, concerns the MNCs inthe less developing countries (LDCs). Studies that illustrate how firms in LDCs behave regardinginteraction with MNCs are slim. Therefore, this study focuses on firms in LDCs, namely Libyan firms,and their relationships with MNCs. The study reflects not only on the relationships between the localfirms with MNCs but also the impacts of other interrelated business and non-business units on theserelationships. The study employs business network theory for industrial marketing and develops amodel applicable for studying such a market.The empirical study employs a survey method which examines 60 Libyan firms’ relationships withforeign suppliers containing more than 300 questions. In the empirical part, the study shows that therelationships like technological adaptation, technological cooperation and information exchange wereawarded low values. The measures on the other hand show a high value of impact from the politicalactors and even activities in the contextual environment. The study shows in detail where and howthe political actions influence business relationships. These impacts from the local environment affectlocal firms more than the foreign suppliers, and thus have some bearing on the MNCs and local firms’relationship weaknesses and strengths.The thesis’ conceptual contribution stands on development of new notions in business network theoryby integration of the contextual environment, in other words, network environment, and examinationof their impact on the strength of the focal business relationship. The study further contributesknowledge, not only for firms and politicians in LDCs to understand the consequence of their actions,but also provides deep information for MNCs to understand issues like why firms in LDCs behave ina specific way. Such understandings facilitate the development of cooperation. The study providesinformation about a number of characteristics which are specific for the business networks of such amarket which is dependent on only one resource like oil. While most studies in the field ofinternational business regard the business activities of MNCs, more research is needed to also observethe behaviour of firms from LDCs to gain deeper knowledge on the relationship between the MNCsand local firms from LDCs. The role of political actors and the influence of dependency on one soletype of resources and aspects like change in the prices of this resource seem to be important, but arequite neglected in research in international business.

Estimació de velocitat per al control vectorial de motors d'inducció

Català López, Jordi 14 March 2003 (has links)
Gràcies als avenços de l'electrònica de potència, la microelectrònica i la teoria de control s'ha generalitzat l'ús dels controls vectorials del motor d'inducció en aplicacions industrials. Les prestacions d'aquests controls són funció directa del grau de certesa en el coneixement, en tot moment, de la posició del flux a l'interior de la màquina. En conseqüència, és molt important , no solament el coneixement de la velocitat del rotor, sinó el de la posició d'aquest. En moltes de les aplicacions industrials el desig principal és eliminar el sensor de velocitat però en cap cas es desitja disminuir les prestacions dinàmiques del sistema d'accionament del motor. L'interès d'aquests accionaments sense sensor "Sensorless" és doble, cal que el sistema pugui controlar el més ampli rang possible de velocitats i, a més, tenir una ràpida resposta.De l'estudi dels diferents sistemes d'estimació s'extreu que els sistemes amb major resolució són més complexos i més difícils d'implementar i, per tant, industrialment menys viables. Els sistemes complexos necessiten un coneixement exacte dels paràmetres del motor i són molt influenciables per les seves variacions, per això necessiten rutines d'estimació de paràmetres. Finalment, els sistemes més simples són fàcils d'implementar però tenen una pitjor resposta dinàmica Els objectius plantejats en aquesta tesi són:1) Desenvolupar i validar un estimador de velocitat per a una regulació Sensorless.2) Tancar el llaç de velocitat amb un control vectorial.3) Implementar el sistema tenint en compte la seva viabilitat pràctica.En aquesta tesi es proposa implementar un sistema de control de la velocitat d'un motor d'inducció sense sensor de velocitat (Sistema sensorless) de baix cost. Per estimar la velocitat es proposa la idea de millorar la resposta dinàmica d'un estimador de velocitat en règim permanent. Per a l'estimació de velocitat, s'implementen dos estimadors de velocitat treballant en paral·lel: l'estimador en règim permanent i l'estimador en règim transitori. Per tal d'obtenir el bo i millor d'ambdós estimadors, es realitza un promig intel·ligent de les dues velocitats estimades mitjançant un sistema basat en lògica "fuzzy". Aquest sistema "fuzzy" intel·ligent, és capaç d'obtenir la relació òptima de promitjat entre les dues estimacions en funció del punt de treball del motor; punt de treball que ve determinat per la velocitat del motor i el nivell o grau de règim permanent. Per tancar el llaç de control de la velocitat amb la velocitat estimada es proposa la utilització d'un sistema de control de parell FAM i un regulador PI.L'estimador en règim transitori ofereix una velocitat estimada que difícilment és pot fer servir degut al soroll que conté, si no es realitza un procés de filtrat. Aquest soroll és conseqüència dels derivadors, de la divisió que incorpora l'algoritme d'estimació i del soroll provinent del corrent del motor. S'ha dissenyat un filtre adaptatiu (fuzzy), que en funció del punt de treball del motor, varia la seva freqüència de tall òptima. Així, s'estableix un equilibri entre el retard degut a un filtrat fort i l'excés d'arrissada que implica un filtrat massa suau. Les variables que proporcionen la informació del punt de treball per seleccionar la freqüència de tall són la pròpia velocitat estimada i la derivada d'un corrent proporcional al parell (obtingut amb l'algoritme de l'estimador en règim permanent); és a dir el nivell de règim permanent. El sistema fuzzy en conjunt s'ha dissenyat el més simple possible en pro de la viabilitat de la seva futura implementació.Per estalviar la mesura directa de la tensió del motor s'ha dissenyat un model de l'inversor a implementar.L'accionament del motor d'inducció implementat tanca el llaç de velocitat mitjançant un control vectorial emprant la velocitat estimada de l'estimador proposat en aquesta tesi. / Due to the improvements on power electronics, microelectronics and control theory, vector control of the induction motors has gained importance and its usage has grown in industrial applications. Vector controls are good induction motor drives because of its motor torque accuracy and its excellent dynamic performance. However, it is well known that this good performance depends on the knowledge of the position of the motor flux. Consequently, it is really important to know not only the rotor speed but also its exact position. Therefore, it is difficult to have a good performance with a vector control without measuring the position of the rotor, which is usually measured by encoders, etc. The usage of encoders increases the price of the drive.The main aim in many industrial applications is to avoid implementing a speed sensor in the motor because either this sensor can't be implemented in the system or a low cost system is desired. Nevertheless, the system must keep all its properties of dynamic behaviour and good performance. So the development of a sensorless induction motor drive is nowadays a wide field of research. The interest of sensorless systems is double; the system must be able to control the widest range of speed and must have a fast dynamic response. There are several classifications about sensorless systems but the most generic one is the classification that shows the difference between low cost and high cost systems. The first ones have a low cost but a low performance, whilst the second ones have a high performance but the drive has a high cost.In this thesis a low cost sensorless induction motor drive is presented. A sensorless speed estimator has been developed, the speed loop has been closed by means of a vector control and the implementation has taken in consideration its further viability. To obtain the estimated speed two estimators work at the same time. A fuzzy system filters the response of one of them in order to get a better response. The same fuzzy system makes an intelligent weighed average between the responses of both estimators to get the final estimated speed. The final response is better than the separately responses of both estimators. The value of the motor voltage is needed to estimate the speed, so a model of the inverter is presented to avoid the use of any voltage measurement over the motor. Finally, the proposed system has been experimentally tested and the results validate all algorithms and the thesis proposals.

Design of a Rom-Less Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer in 65nm CMOS Technology

Ebrahimi Mehr, Golnaz January 2013 (has links)
A 4 bit, Rom-Less Direct Digital Frequency Synthesizer (DDFS) is designed in 65nm CMOS technology. Interleaving with Return-to-Zero (RTZ) technique is used to increase the output bandwidth and synthesized frequencies. The performance of the designed synthesizer is evaluated using Cadence Virtuoso design tool. With 3.2 GHz sampling frequency, the DDFS achieves the spurious-free dynamic range (SFDR) of 60 dB to 58 dB for synthesized frequencies between 200 MHz to 1.6 GHz. With 6.4 GHz sampling frequency, the synthesizer achieves the SFDR of 46 dB to 40 dB for synthesized frequencies between 400 MHz to 3.2 GHz. The power consumption is 80 mW for the designed mixed-signal blocks.

Patterns of Freight Flow and Design of a Less-than-Truckload Distribution Network

Dave, Devang Bhalchandra 12 April 2004 (has links)
A less-than-truckload (LTL) carrier typically delivers shipments less than 10,000 pounds (classified as LTL shipment). The size of the shipment in LTL networks provides ample opportunities for consolidation. LTL carriers have focused on hub-and-spoke based consolidation to realize economies of scale. Generally, hub-and-spoke systems work as follows: the shipment is picked up from the shipper and brought to an origin terminal, which is the entry point into the hub-and-spoke system. From the terminal, the freight is sent to the first hub, where it is sorted and consolidated with other shipments, and then sent on to a second hub. It is finally sent from the second hub to the destination terminal, which is the exit point of the hub-and-spoke system. However, the flow of shipments is often more complicated in practice. In an attempt to reduce sorting costs, load planners sometimes take this hub-and-spoke infrastructure and modify it considerably to maximize their truck utilization while satisfying service constraints. Decisions made by a load planner may have a cascading effect on load building throughout the network. As a result, decentralized load planning may result in expensive global solutions. Academic as well as industrial researchers have adapted a hierarchical approach to design the hub-and-spoke networks: generate the hub-and-spoke network, route shipments within this hub-and-spoke network (generate a load plan) and finally, balance the empty trailers. We present mathematical models and heuristics for each of the steps involved in the design of the hub-and-spoke network. The heuristics are implemented in a user-friendly graphical tool that can help understand patterns of freight flow and provide insights into the design of the hub-and-spoke network. We also solved the load planning sub-problem in a parallel computation environment to achieve significant speed-ups. Because of the quick solution times, the tool lays the foundation to address pressing further research questions such as deciding location and number of hubs. We have used data provided by Roadway Parcel Services, Inc. (RPS), now FedEx Ground, as a case-study for the heuristics. Our solutions rival the existing industry solutions which have been a product of expensive commercial software and knowledge acquired by the network designers in the industry.

Driver Management for Less-than-Truckload Carriers

Karacik, Burak 02 January 2007 (has links)
The trucking industry is vitally important to the economy, providing an essential service by transporting goods between businesses and consumers. The less-than-truckload (LTL) industry is an important segment, serving businesses that ship quantities between 150 lbs and 10,000 lbs. Large LTL carriers use thousands of drivers to move loads between terminals in their network, and each driver may be used for multiple dispatches between rest periods. Driver wages are a major component of transportation costs. Consequently, cost-effective driver management is of crucial importance for the profitability of LTL carriers. This thesis investigates a variety of issues related to driver management. In this thesis, we describe a dynamic driver scheduling scheme developed for a large U.S. LTL carrier. Dynamic driver scheduling is challenging because drivers must abide by a complex set of rules, including government and union regulations, and trucking moves are not pre-scheduled. The technology developed combines greedy search with enumeration of time-feasible driver duties, and is capable of generating cost-effective schedules covering 15,000 20,000 loads in minutes. One of the key tactical questions faced by an LTL carrier is how many drivers to locate at each terminal. Unionized carriers have bid drivers that can only move loads between their domicile and a designated region. The developed allocation technology determines the number of drivers to allocate to each terminal as well as the designated region for bid drivers. Computational experiments based on real-life dispatch data demonstrate the effectiveness of our domiciling methodology, and show that union rules may result in substantially larger driver fleets, in some cases up to 50% larger. Finally, we investigate a fundamental question related to driver management in order to obtain some fundamental insights: determining the minimum number of drivers required to cover a set of loaded moves. The problem is shown to be polynomially solvable without any restrictions on driver schedules. For variants with restrictions, several easily computable lower bounds are derived, integer programming formulations are presented, and fast heuristics are designed and analyzed. A computational study provides insights into the quality of the lower bounds and heuristic solutions.

Motivation and heritage learner status : modern Hebrew in the U.S. / Modern Hebrew in the U.S.

Parry, Justin Tyrel 14 August 2012 (has links)
Most researchers in second language acquisition (SLA) concur that understanding motivation is vital to promoting success and both short and long-term interest among L2 learners (Gass & Selinker, 2001). Hebrew has become an endangered language in the U.S. (Spolsky, 2009), as partly attested by a decrease in Hebrew language enrollments at U.S. universities (Furman, Goldberg, & Lusin, 2009). With this decline, an analysis is needed to investigate the diverse motivations of U.S. university students who enroll in Modern Hebrew (Feuer, 2009; Kaufman, 2010). This report examines research on this topic from both Hebrew-specific studies and general SLA research, through a discussion of motivation, heritage language learners, and Hebrew learners. Relevant issues and implications are considered in light of five areas of discussion that are common to the Hebrew teaching field. / text

Mažiau invazinė įgimtų širdies ydų chirurgija. Širdies pertvarų defektų korekcijos įvertinimas / Less invasive surgery of congenital heart defects. Evaluation of atrial and ventricular septal defects surgical treatment

Tarutis, Virgilijus 07 July 2009 (has links)
Darbe išnagrinėti mažiau invazinės įgimtų prieširdžių pertvaros defektų (PPD) ir skilvelių pertvaros defektų (SPD) ydų chirurgijos galimybės ir ypatumai. Standartinį šių ydų operavimo būdą per išilginę vidurinę sternotomiją galima pakeisti mažiau invaziniu su geresniu kosmetiniu rezultatu. Darbe parodoma, kad mažiau invazinių PPD ir SPD korekcijų rizika iš esmės nesiskiria nuo standartinės metodikos per vidurinę išilginę sternotomiją. Mažiau invazinių širdies pertvarų defektų uždarymo operacijų metodika įgalina jas saugiai atlikti su įprastiniais širdies chirurgijos instrumentais be papildomų išlaidų. Mažiau invazinių įgimtų širdies ydų operacijų indikacijos yra siauresnės. / The study defines the possibilities and peculiarities of the less invasive congenital atrial septal defect (ASD) and ventricular septal defect (VSD) surgery. A standard median sternotomy approach in some cases is possible to replace with more cosmetic friendly and less invasive access. The study demonstrates that the risk of less invasive ASD and VSD closure doesn’t differ from the standard median sternotomy surgery risk. Less invasive operations methodic used in our centre enables it with conventional instrumentary set. Indications for less invasive congenital heart defects surgery are narrower.

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