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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development of optical diagnostics for soot particles measurements and application to confined swirling premixed sooting flames under rich conditions / Développement de diagnostics optiques pour la mesure de particules de suies : application à des flammes swirlées confinées et prémélangées avec excès de combustible

Roussillo, Mathieu 08 July 2019 (has links)
Le contrôle de la production des particules de suies est aujourd'hui un enjeu industriel majeur en raison de leur impact néfaste tant sur le climat que sur la santé humaine et de leur forte contribution aux transferts radiatifs. Pour mieux comprendre et contrôler la production de ces polluants dans les foyers industriels, il est primordial d’améliorer nos connaissances à ce sujet dans un brûleur turbulent. L’objectif de cette thèse est donc de mettre en place des diagnostics optiques pour l’étude des flammes suitées turbulentes et pour caractérise la production de suies dans une nouvelle configuration de combustion prémélangée,confinée, swirlée turbulente académique tout en se rapprochant des configurations industrielles. Une première configuration expérimentale laminaire est donc considérée afin de valider la mise en place de la technique d’Incandescence Induite par Laser (LII) pour mesurer la fraction volumique de suies fv. Il s’agit d’un brûleur conçu à l’université de Yale qui permet la stabilisation d’une flamme laminaire de diffusion éthylène/air. Ce brûleur a été largement étudié dans la littérature nous permettant ainsi de comparer nos mesures aux résultats de différentes équipes internationales. La calibration du signal LII avec la technique MAE (Modulated Absorption Emission) a été effectuée via une collaboration avec l’UPMC, permettant de mesurer quantitativement fv et de comparer les techniques MAE et LII. Le brûleur a ensuite été équipé d’un haut-parleur afin de moduler l’écoulement et de pouvoir étudier les effets d’une perturbation contrôlée sur la production de suies, se rapprochant ainsi des phénomènes instationnaires caractéristiques des écoulements turbulents. Enfin, les effets d’élargissement de la nappe laser sur les résultats de la LII sont examinés afin de pouvoir appliquer ce diagnostic optique dans une configuration turbulente innovante caractérisée par de grandes dimensions. Ce brûleur (EM2Soot) a été développé pour mesurer la production de suies dans une flamme turbulente swirlée riche confinée prémélangée. Il permet de quantifier indépendamment les effets de la richesse, de la puissance et de l’environnement thermique sur la production de suies. Un point de fonctionnement représentatif a alors été étudié et, en parallèle avec la LII, les techniques de vélocimétrie par images de particules (PIV), et de mesure de température des parois par phosphorescence induite par laser (LIP) ont été employées afin de caractériser l’effet de la turbulence sur la production des suies et d’établir une base de données pour la validation de futures simulations numériques. Enfin, la géométrie du brûleur a été modifiée permettant une stabilisation différente de la flamme (en forme d’un V). Un nouveau point de fonctionnement a alors été étudié afin de mettre en évidence le rôle de la géométrie de l’injecteur sur la stabilisation de la flamme et, par conséquent, la production totale de suies. / The control of soot particles production represents today a major industrial issue because of their harmful impact on both the climate and the human health and their strong contribution to the radiative transfers. To better understand and control the production of these polluting emissions, it is essential to improve our knowledge on this subject in a turbulent burner. The objective of this Ph.D. is to set up optical diagnostics for the study of turbulent flames and to experimentally characterize soot production in a new academic turbulent premixed combustion configuration while approaching industrial configurations, generally confined and swirled flows. For this, a laminar experimental configuration is first considered to validate the implementation of the Laser Induced Incandescence (LII) technique to measure the soot volume fraction fv. This burner designed at Yale University allows the stabilization of a laminar ethylene/air diffusion flame. This burner has been widely studied in the literature, so that it is possible to compare the quality of our measurements with the results of different international teams. Through collaborations with the UPMC, we calibrated the LII signal with the MAE (Modulated Absorption Emission) technique, making it possible to quantitatively measure fv and to compare the MAE and LII techniques. Finally, the burner was equipped with a loudspeaker to modulate the flow and to study the effects of a controlled perturbation on the soot production, thus approaching the unsteady phenomena characteristics of turbulent flows. Finally, the effects of the enlargement of the laser sheet on LII results were also investigated in order to be able to apply this diagnostic technique in an innovative large turbulent configuration. This experimental configuration, called EM2Soot, was developed to measure the production of soot in a turbulent swirled rich confined premixed ethylene/air flame. This burner makes it possible to independently quantify the effects of the equivalence ratio, the total flame power and the thermal environment on the total soot production. A representative operating point was then characterized, in parallel with LII measurements, Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) and Laser Induced Phosphorescence (LIP) techniques have been employed in order to characterize the effect of the turbulence on soot production and to establish a database for the validation of future numerical simulations. Finally, the geometry of the burner has been modified allowing a different stabilization of the flame (V flame shape). A new operating point is then studied in order to highlight the role of the injector geometry on the stabilization of the flame and, consequently, on the total soot production.

李鴻章與清季中國外交 / Lii Horng Jang and Chinese Diplomacy of Ching Dynasty

蔡東杰, Thay, Dong Jye Unknown Date (has links)
本篇論文乃是依循下列幾個概念出發的:首先,近代中國外交的困境並不 能單由西方國家的侵略下手,而應由世界歷史互動的角度加以分析;其次 ,長久以來人治傾向的影響使某些重要的決策者成為輿論焦點,他們被賦 與高度的道德性質,而且不許失敗,這是極不公允的;第三,現代研究或 學習中國外交史者常以一套理想的決策模式去套用在清季 中,但每一個 政策的制定必然有其特殊的時空背景,若不瞭解於此,則批評往往流於苛 責。據此,我將文章分為四個部份:第一部份是緒論,包括研究取向在內 ,希望以「近代化」的概念作 構,探尋中國在世界脈動中的起伏因由, 並在最後對李鴻章的研究提出一連串問題。第二部份是藉由軍事及官僚體 系兩方面的探討,推究李鴻章在躋身決策核心的過程中所遭遇的內在及外 在環境制約,與日後這些制約因素所產生的影響。第三部份是個案研究。 在琉球、越南、和朝鮮三個例子的鋪陳下,我們可看出李鴻章一些若隱若 現的基本思考途徑。在此要強調的是,在中央集權的結構下,李氏並不若 多數人想像中那般具有實質權力,其決策過程不斷受到外來的挑戰和質疑 ,而結果亦眾所周知。第四部份是結論,在此我將略過人物的臧否不談, 因為這是永無定論且可能不具重大意義的;概念的整理與釐清反而更為必 須。

Particle Vaporization Velocimetry and Quantitative Soot Concentration Measurement in Sooty Flows

Yang, Ping 15 November 2007 (has links)
Soot is a combustion generated pollutant that is both a direct risk to human health and a contributing source to global environmental change. Soot can also be a controlling factor in heat transfer inside combustion systems. Thus there is a growing interest in being able to measure soot and understand its production in practical, turbulent combustion environments. Therefore, the specific objectives of this research work were: (1) developing a way to measure velocity of sooty regions that is compatible with existing methods for measuring temporally and spatially resolved soot concentration fields and (2) using these methods to make quantitative measurements of soot in an unsteady, turbulent-like combustor. The Particle Vaporization Velocimetry (PVV) technique was developed and is compatible with Laser Induced Incandescence (LII), a soot concentration measurement approach. PVV is a flow tagging approach, where a high intensity laser (~2-3 J/cm2) is used to vaporize a small region in the soot field. This approach was demonstrated to produce a long lasting and easily readable flow tag that allows for velocity measurements over a wide range of velocities. LII proved to be the best method for detection the motion of the tag after a fixed delay. PVV and LII were used to measure velocity and two-dimensional soot concentration fields in an acoustically excited burner. In addition, images of soot luminosity were obtained. Both laminar and transitional acetylene diffusion flames were studied. The results reveal that strong acoustic forcing can significantly reduce total flame soot, as well as maximum soot concentrations, while simultaneously increasing the average soot temperature. The influence of acoustically generated vortices on soot formation was studied, and soot and products mixture mostly likely dominant high soot concentration regions. Eventually, these mixtures will be propagated downstream and oxidized as a diffusion flame.

Investigation of Transient Gas Dynamics from Laser-Energized Nanoparticles

Memarian, Farzan 12 August 2013 (has links)
Soot is formed whenever the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels is incomplete. Since soot particles are very small, they can be inhaled and cause severe health problems, such as pulmonary diseases. They can also cause environmental pollution, and have a significant effect on global warming and melting of polar ice sheets. The environmental and health impact of soot depends strongly on soot particle size and morphology, so there is a pressing need for measuring techniques that characterize aerosolized soot. Laser-Induced incandescence (LII) has proved to be a reliable technique for making spatial and temporal measurements of soot primary particle sizes and soot volume fractions. Nevertheless, there are some unresolved issues in LII, which may cause large errors in soot primary particle size inferred from LII data. One of these issues is anomalous cooling, which is the unexpectedly high initial rate of soot particle cooling observed in experiments, which can not be predicted by LII models. Among the speculations about the possible causes of this phenomenon is the transient gas dynamics effects which have been ignored in LII models. Another phenomena that has been speculated to affect LII predictions in high fluence LII, is how the gas dynamics of sublimed carbon clusters impact the local gas dynamics surrounding the particle during the cooling phase. The focus of this thesis is to investigate transient effects on heat conduction in low fluence LII, and the gas dynamics of sublimed species in high fluence LII using Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method. DSMC is a statistical/numerical method which works based on the physics of Boltzmann equation. In this method a large number of real molecules are represented by the so called simulated molecules and the state of these molecules is tracked during the simulation as they undergo collisions with each other and with the boundaries. The results show that transient effects contribute to anomalous cooling but are not the only cause of this phenomenon. The time scale over which transient effects are significant is also found to be very close to that of anomalous cooling which implies the real cause of anomalous cooling has some similarities to transient effects. Also regarding gas dynamics of sublimation, two effects in particular have been investigated using DSMC, namely, back flux of sublimed species and formation of shock waves. DSMC results confirm the back flux of sublimed species but no shock wave was observed for the boundary conditions considered in this study.

LII 法によるすす計測とディーゼル排気ガスへの適用

GAKEI, Shigefusa, YAMASHITA, Hiroshi, HAYASHI, Naoki, TAYA, Yukihiro, FUJIKAKE, Fumihiro, YAMAMOTO, Kazuhiro, 可計, 重英, 山下, 博史, 林, 直樹, 田谷, 幸洋, 藤掛, 文裕, 山本, 和弘 January 2008 (has links)
No description available.


TSUNEYOSHI, Koji, YAMAMOTO, Kazuhiro, KONDO, Shinichi, 常吉, 孝治, 山本, 和弘, 近藤, 真一 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The Development of a Laser-induced Incandescence System

Kempthorne, Trevor 27 July 2010 (has links)
The ability to accurately measure solid particulate levels in various applications ranging from engines to laboratory flames has become very important in the past few decades. A new approach to measuring soot levels called laser-induced incandescence was investigated. An apparatus was designed and built in order to measure soot levels in an atmospheric laminar diffusion flame with the intent of conducting proof-of-concept measurements. The apparatus utilized highly focussed optics while collecting time-resolved data using fast PMTs which allowed measurement of both time and spatial domains. Although noise and other technical problems proved to be a concern, measurements with reasonable agreement with published results for temperature (2800 K) and the primary particle soot size (6.3 +/- 2.5 nm) were achieved within the flame. Noise issues with the apparatus prevented accurate soot volume fraction measurements from being obtained. Numerous suggestions have been made as to how to improve the experiment for future use, potentially in a high pressure environment.

Laser-induced Incandescence of Soot for High Pressure Combustion Diagnostics

Cormier, Daniel 06 December 2011 (has links)
Accurate determination of soot emissions from combustion is of interest in both fundamental research and industries that rely on combustion. Laser-induced incandescence of soot particles is a young technique that allows unobtrusive measurements of both soot volume fraction and particulate size. An apparatus utilizing this technique has been brought to function for both atmospheric and high pressure measurements. Proof of concept measurements of an atmospheric ethylene-air laminar diffusion flame at 35, 42, and 47 mm above the burner exit correlate well with literature findings. Profile trends of a methane-air diffusion flame at 10, 20, and 40 atm at 6 mm above the burner are similar to reports in literature and are compared to trends from spectral soot emission measurements. Particle size is found to be roughly proportional to pressure. Discussion on the errors of laser-induced incandescence as well as recommendations for improving the apparatus are herein.

The Development of a Laser-induced Incandescence System

Kempthorne, Trevor 27 July 2010 (has links)
The ability to accurately measure solid particulate levels in various applications ranging from engines to laboratory flames has become very important in the past few decades. A new approach to measuring soot levels called laser-induced incandescence was investigated. An apparatus was designed and built in order to measure soot levels in an atmospheric laminar diffusion flame with the intent of conducting proof-of-concept measurements. The apparatus utilized highly focussed optics while collecting time-resolved data using fast PMTs which allowed measurement of both time and spatial domains. Although noise and other technical problems proved to be a concern, measurements with reasonable agreement with published results for temperature (2800 K) and the primary particle soot size (6.3 +/- 2.5 nm) were achieved within the flame. Noise issues with the apparatus prevented accurate soot volume fraction measurements from being obtained. Numerous suggestions have been made as to how to improve the experiment for future use, potentially in a high pressure environment.

Laser-induced Incandescence of Soot for High Pressure Combustion Diagnostics

Cormier, Daniel 06 December 2011 (has links)
Accurate determination of soot emissions from combustion is of interest in both fundamental research and industries that rely on combustion. Laser-induced incandescence of soot particles is a young technique that allows unobtrusive measurements of both soot volume fraction and particulate size. An apparatus utilizing this technique has been brought to function for both atmospheric and high pressure measurements. Proof of concept measurements of an atmospheric ethylene-air laminar diffusion flame at 35, 42, and 47 mm above the burner exit correlate well with literature findings. Profile trends of a methane-air diffusion flame at 10, 20, and 40 atm at 6 mm above the burner are similar to reports in literature and are compared to trends from spectral soot emission measurements. Particle size is found to be roughly proportional to pressure. Discussion on the errors of laser-induced incandescence as well as recommendations for improving the apparatus are herein.

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