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我國銀行業合併決策行為之研究劉珮, Liu, Pei Unknown Date (has links)
◇ 合併可能產生的效益:
◇ 合併可能產生的問題及合併後的整合管理:
◇ 合併的一般考量因素:
◇ 合併對象的選擇:
◇ 相關的意見與建議:以控股公司方式做合併的整合
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決策模式的權變運用與整合──以我國現行大陸政策決策為個案研究 / Contingent Decision--Making Model It's Application & Integration游金純, Chin,Chven Yu Unknown Date (has links)
大陸政策是攸關中華民國政府安全最重要且爭議最多的公共政策,因為這項政策牽動中華民國政府對於邁向中國統一或是獨立的態度,關係台灣海峽另一個中華人民共和國是否會對台灣使用武力的問題。在國際上,目前採行「一個中國」,承認「中華人民共和國代表中國」共計一六○個國家;相對承認中華民國共有三個國家。在台灣內部,中國國民黨、民進黨及新黨這三個主要政黨,對於大陸政策何去何從的看法,未曾一致過。因此,中華民國政府的大陸政策(以下簡稱政府的大陸政策),面臨內外交迫的壓力。如何對這樣一個複雜的決策環境予以評估,瞭解政策現行大陸政府之組織運作與決策過程,分析一般決策模式對大陸政策決策之適用性,並提出對於現行決策模式的權變運用與整合;希望能以政府大陸政策決策之個案研究,對於現行公共政策決策模式學術研究,貢獻棉薄之力。由於社會科學家經常必須在由觀察、經驗所組成的「現實世界」(theemperical world),以及觀念、模式、理論所組成的「概念世界」( the conceptual world)之間游走,為了能夠在二個世界之間建立系統化的關係,使社會科學更能達成描述、解釋及預測社會現象的目標,本文兼採「研究促成理論」(Research -the- Theory)及「理論促成研究」(Theory - then-Research)二種方法。在第二章、第三章有關現行大陸政策之決策
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線上決策輔助是否改變傳統上消費者之決策漏斗 / Do online decision aids change the traditional decision funnel for customers蘇曉淳, Su, Annie Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this study was to build a more holistic and comprehensive look of the effects of search and decision tools (collectively known as decision aids) on the traditional consumer decision process. Specifically, how it affects the information search and alternative evaluation stages. It combined multiple models and concepts from different areas of consumer decision behavior, decision support systems, technology acceptance and task-technology fit theory. It explores how consumers use five different decision aids that are commonly found in today’s marketplace: consumer reviews, social media and electronic-word-of-mouth, comparison matrices, filter agents, and virtual assistants. The effects of these different decision aids were compared in both the information search stage and alternative evaluation stage.
In information search, a 5x2 within-subject factorial study was used to determine the effects of decision aids over time (present vs. ten years ago). Two-way repeated ANOVA found that the effects of decision aids in terms of perceived usage across all decision aids have increased from that of ten years ago. Also, consistent with task-technology fit theory usage between each decision aid differed based on how well the decision aid’s capabilities matched the stage’s need.
In the alternative evaluation stage, three treatments were manipulated: decision aids, task complexity (high vs. low) and step within the alternative evaluation stage of the consumer decision process (screening vs. evaluation step) in a 5x2x2 within-subject factorial design. The treatments were compared by measuring its effects on four dependent variables proposed in technology acceptance literature: perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, trusting beliefs and intention to use. Three-way repeated ANOVA showed that consumers rely on a two-step process when faced with high task complexity, screening out alternatives based on a simple non-compensatory rule before more detailed evaluation of the remaining alternatives are evaluated. The results were also consistent with task-fit theory with decision aids differing based on how well their capabilities matched each stage. The study however couldn’t provide definitive proof of differences in the two steps within the alternative evaluation as the significance of the results varied.
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決策樹形式知識整合之研究 The Research on Decision-Tree-Based Knowledge Integration馬芳資, Ma, Fang-tz Unknown Date (has links)
隨著知識經濟時代的來臨,掌握知識可幫助組織提昇其競爭力,因此對於知識的產生、儲存、應用和整合,已成為熱烈討論的議題,本研究針對知識整合議題進行探討;而在知識呈現方式中,決策樹(Decision Tree)形式知識為樹狀結構,可以用圖形化的方式來呈現,它的結構簡單且易於瞭解,本研究針對決策樹形式知識來探討其知識整合的課題。
本研究首先提出一個合併選擇決策樹方法MODT(Merging Optional Decision Tree),主要是在原始決策樹結構中增加一個選擇連結(Option Link),來結合具有相同祖先(Ancestor)的兩個子樹;而結合方式是以兩兩合併的方式,由上而下比對兩棵決策樹的節點(Node),利用接枝(Grafting)技術來結合兩棵樹的知識。再者利用強態法則(Strong Pattern Rule)概念來提昇合併樹的預測能力。
其次,由於MODT方法在合併兩棵不同根節點的決策樹時,會形成環狀連結的情形而破壞了原有的樹形結構,以及新增的選擇連結會增加儲存空間且不易維護,因此本研究提出決策樹合併修剪方法DTBMPA(Decision-Tree-Based Merging-Pruning Approach)方法,來改善MODT方法的問題,並且增加修剪程序來簡化合併樹。此方法包括三個主要程序:決策樹合併、合併樹修剪和決策樹驗證。其做法是先將兩棵原始樹經由合併程序結合成一棵合併樹,再透過修剪程序產生修剪樹,最後由驗證程序來評估修剪樹的準確度。本研究提出的DTBMPA方法藉由合併程序來擴大樹的知識,再利用修剪程序來取得更精簡的合併樹。
七、就實際應用而言,可與廠商合作來建置決策樹形式知識發掘預測系統,配合該廠商的產業特性及業務需求來設計此系統,並導入此系統於企業內部的營運,期能藉此累積該企業的知識且輔助管理者決策的制定。 / In the knowledge economy era, mastering knowledge can improve organization competitive abilities. Therefore, knowledge creation, retention, application, and integration are becoming the hottest themes for discussion nowadays.
Our research focuses on the discussion of knowledge integration and related subjects. Decision trees are one of the most common methods of knowledge representation. They show knowledge structure in a tree-shaped graph. Decision trees are simple and easily understood; thus we focus on decision-tree-based knowledge in connection with the theme of knowledge integration.
First, this research proposes a method called MODT (Merging Optional Decision Tree), which merges two knowledge trees at once and adds an optional link to merge nodes which have the same ancestor. In MODT, we compare the corresponding nodes of two trees using the top-down traversal method. When their nodes are the same, we recount the number of samples and recalculate the degree of purity. When their nodes are not the same, we add the node of the second tree and its descendants to the first tree by the grafting technique. This yields a completely merged decision tree. The Strong Pattern Rule is used to strengthen the forecast accuracy during the merged decision trees.
Secondly, when we use the MODT method to merge two trees which have different roots, the merged tree has cyclic link in the root. It makes the merged tree not a tree structure, so we propose another approach called DTBMPA (Decision-Tree-Based Merging-Pruning Approach) to solve this problem. There are three steps in this approach. In the merging step, the first step, two primitive decision trees are merged as a merged tree to enlarge the knowledge of primitive trees. In the pruning step, the second step, the merged tree from the first step is pruned as a pruned tree to cut off the bias branches of the merged tree. In the validating step, the last step, the performance of the pruned tree from the second step is validated.
We took real credit card user data as our sample data. In the MODT experiments, the merged trees showed a 79.5% chance of being equal or more accurate than the primitive trees. This research result supports our proposition that the merged decision tree method could achieve a better outcome with regard to knowledge integration and accumulation. In the DTBMPA simulation experiments, the percentage accuracy for the merged tree will have 90% of chance that is greater than or equal to the accuracy for those primitive trees, and the percentage accuracy for the pruned tree will have 80% of chance that is greater than or equal to the accuracy for merged tree. And we also find that the average number of nodes of the pruned tree will have 15% less than that of the merged tree. Eventually, our MODT and DTBMPA methods can improve the accuracy of the merged tree, and the DTBMPA method can produced smaller merged tree.
Finally, in respect to the application of the Decision-Tree-Based Knowledge Integration, this research proposes an on-line Decision-Tree-Based knowledge discovery and predictive system architecture. It can aid businesses to discover their knowledge, store their knowledge, integrate their knowledge, and apply their knowledge to make decisions. It contains three components, including knowledge learning system, decision-tree merging system, and on-line predictive system. And we use the DTBMPA method to design the decision-tree merging system. Future directions of research are as follows.
1.Discussing the Decision-Tree preprocessing process in our Decision-Tree-Based Knowledge Integration Architecture.
2.Using the fuzzy theory to improve the accuracy of the merged tree when combining multiple predictions.
3.Discussing the merge of the complicated decision trees which are model trees, linear decision trees, oblique decision trees, regression trees, or fuzzy trees.
4.Discussing the process to merge two trees which have different possible values of non-numeric attributes or have different cut points of numeric attributes.
5.Comparing the performance of other pruning methods with ours.
6.Discussing the reconstruction of the merged trees after merging many new trees, discussing the adaptation of the merged trees to the changing environment, and observation of the evolution of the merged trees which are produced in different time stamp
7.Implementation of the on-line Decision-Tree-Based knowledge discovery in a real business environment.
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損失組合釐訂與最適合決策之研究陳霽雲, CHEN, JI-YUN Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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理性選擇論與外交決策分析黃玲媚, HUANG, LING-MEI Unknown Date (has links)
Bueno be Mesquita )以理性假說解釋戰爭發生的必要條件時,則嚴格界定理性假說
能性,亦即亞羅(Kenneth J. Arrow)的「一般可能性定理」。
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企業形象對消費決策影響之研究王學孔, WANG, XUE-KONG Unknown Date (has links)
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財務資料與投資者決策關係之研究蕭立圳 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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賽蒙行政決策理論之研究信建吾 Unknown Date (has links)
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資本支出決策之理論與實務卓敏枝 Unknown Date (has links)
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