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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Influencia de los Mapas Mentales en el Aprendizaje Significativo de Matemática en los Alumnos del Cuarto Año de Educación Secundaria de la Institución Educativa “Víctor Raúl Haya De La Torre” del Distrito Alto de la Alianza en el Año 2010

Vega Flores, Rosario Paola 16 September 2013 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación corresponde al tipo de investigación experimental, diseño cuasi-experimental, cuyo objetivo es demostrar la influencia de los mapas mentales en el nivel de aprendizaje significativo del área de matemática en los alumnos del cuarto año de educación secundaria, de la I.E. “Víctor Raúl Haya de la Torre” del distrito Alto de la Alianza. Para este efecto, se conformó dos grupos: uno de control, con quienes se continuó con la enseñanza tradicional; y, otro experimental, a quienes se les aplicó la técnica de los mapas mentales. Luego de analizarse el pretest y el postest aplicados, debemos resaltar los aspectos positivos de esta técnica en el sentido de que permite que el alumno incorpore fácilmente los nuevos conocimientos al enlazarlos con sus conocimientos previos, hecho que incide directamente y positivamente en su esquema cognitivo.

A Haya interpretation of the Christian concept of God : how applicable is an invocation of the deity in a threefold form for indigenising and understanding the Christian trinitarian model?

Kahakwa, Sylvester Beyanga. January 2003 (has links)
The dissertation details and analyses an interpretation of the Christian concept of God that emerges through the interactions between the missionaries, post-missionary Christianity and the Raya people in Tanzania. It investigates the nature, implications and possible problems encountered in the processes of interpretation. Four main issues are investigated and addressed. Firstly, each group interacted in its own way and played a significant role in creating an arena for successful communication. The main two challenges facing the missionaries were: delivering the Christian message so that the hearers derive its meaning, and the use of the traditional but nonindigenous concept of God for identifying the Christian concept of God, according to the biblical and the classical doctrine of the Trinity. Secondly, the Raya and the convert's reactions to the missionaries' version of God had taken place in two phases, earlier and later interactions. In the earlier phase, the Raya responded to the missionaries' version of God on the basis of their traditional understanding of God. It led them to an initial acceptance of the missionaries' version of God and conversion. The converts later reacted to the missionaries' version and some asked: what happens after a conversion to Christianity? Challenged by their earlier experience of the Christian concept of God, some converts felt the need for a second paradigm shift. On the basis of an invocation of the Deity in a threefold form at a subjective level, these converts had embarked on a self-interpretation and understanding of the missionaries' version of the Trinity in traditional idiom and terms. It resulted in the construction of the Raya Christian theology of the Trinity. Thirdly, the study also addressed the further impacts and responses to the missionaries' version of God. While the missionaries' interpretative approach laid the foundation for the converts' interpretation, in turn both set the course for the post-missionary Christianity's interpretation. At this point, post-missionary Christianity had reinterpreted the Christian concept of God on the basis of a traditional Raya concept of God. The main question faced them is an application of the Ruhanga model according to its frame of reference, although partially applied it paved the way for a full application in later times. Fourthly, in response to the challenges raised by earlier interpretative approaches, missionaries, converts and post-missionary Christianity, the study embarked on interpreting the Trinity in traditional tenns. It aimed at reaching a higher stage of understanding the Trinity by all Haya converts, even the simplest ones. It demanded an investigation of the hypothesis that a Haya invocation of the Deity in a threefold fonn is a key to understanding both the Haya and the Christian concepts of God. An application of it involved addressing the question of how it could be applied at the church level to interpret and understand the Trinity in Haya idiom. It is proposed that initially this will be achieved through an interpretation and christianisation of the Haya concept of God and a re-interpretation and indigenisation of the Christian concept of God. While biblical, classical and contemporary interpretations of the Trinity are a referral basis for each approach, social and theological models are key methodological instruments. Finally, the need of this study has roots in the fact that, through my pastoral ministry, I have pondered and cross-examined myself on what the Haya and Africans as a whole can contribute to the enrichment of Christian theology. An investigation of the converts' interpretation of the Trinity into their own version of a Haya theology of the Trinity is looked upon as a small part of this contribution. / Thesis (Ph.D. ; School of Theology) - University of Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2003.

Conversion in missionary christianity, Northwest Tanzania : a critical assessment of methods and their impact on Haya Christian life

Rweyemamu, Josephat Alphonce 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This dissertation is an interdisciplinary missiological study. It engages the sociological theory of structuration to critically explore the missionary Christianity approach and methods of conversion in the Lutheran Church, Northwest Tanzania, and their impact on the Haya Christian life. To this end, a theoretical scaffolding matrix of conversion is explored based on biblical and theological understanding, social theories of conversion, patterns and models of conversion. It is also pointed out that conversion is not only a theological but also a social phenomenon. Consequently, the Haya religio-cultural spiritual life and worldview are further investigated. The methods that were employed by missionary Christianity to missionize Northwest Tanzania are also explored based on the missionaries‟ home socio-political cultural context that informed these methods. Lastly, the Haya‟s earlier and later responses to the methods are highlighted and analyzed. The dissertation argues that the missionary Christianity approach and methods of conversion were important in that they accelerated social change through modernization, new ways of dressing, accessibility to western medicine and appropriation of western education that was instrumental in the production of both church and national potential leaders who later brought about political awareness, modern development and socio-political transformation. Nonetheless, the research has ascertained that the missionary Christianity approach and methods of conversion produced mainly dual converts who remained adherents of both Christianity and Haya traditional religion. This was because from the outset most western missionaries aimed at almost perverting Haya religion and culture in the placement of Christianity that was intrinsically embedded in western culture. This suggests the reasons for the inadequacy of the missionary Christianity conversion strategic approach to seriously take cognizance of the Haya religio-cultural spirituality and worldview which, as it was unpacked in the study, inherently embraces both the physical and metaphysical existential realm. Thus for the Haya, if this fact is not taken seriously, conversion seems irrelevant. That is why Haya Christians tend to actualize “real” conversion within the Revival Movements and Pentecostal-Charismatic churches‟ form of Christianity instead of maintaining loyalty to the doctrine of their mother churches, for this spiritual form of Christianity has to a greater extent demonstrated the ability to attempt to indigenize Christianity among them as, without ignoring modern ways of life, it addresses the Haya religio-cultural spirituality and worldview. Engaging structuration theory analysis, the study argues that the Haya realization of what seems “real” conversion within the revival framework and other spiritual movements and Pentecostal-Charismatic form of Christianity by most Haya Lutheran Christians in Northwest Tanzania, is an attempt to indigenize Haya missionary Christianity conversion. This is because for the Haya‟s comprehension and praxis of conversion is not only determined by missionary Christianity activity, but to some degree their traditional religio-cultural context plays a role in shaping and structuring conversion that makes sense to them. Since social structure comprises rules and resources (Giddens 1984; Wuthnow 1987; Richard 1994) which human agents draw on and reproduce as they act and yet remain open for transformation, the Haya traditional social structure therefore provides an arena for them to draw on religiosity and other spiritual resources and reproduce them even as they convert to Christianity. The study further proposes that the sociological theory of structuration in an interdisciplinary study of conversion provides a useful tool in attempting to understand the dynamics of conversion among the Haya within the Lutheran Church in Northwest Tanzania, along with their tendency to actualize their “real” conversion within the revivalist or Pentecostal-Charismatic form of Christianity. Since “real” conversion cannot be limited or absolutized in these forms of Christianity, the research proposes an “integrative model of conversion” as the most relevant approach to our contemporary missionary preoccupation and engagement. This model suggests the hermeneutics and ecclesial praxis of conversion that is based on religio-cultural sensitivity that suggests harnessing spirituality and religio-cultural rules and resources from within the framework of Haya traditional religion, missionary Christianity, East African Revival and the Pentecostal-Charismatic form of Christianity through a mutual dialogue. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie dissertasie is ʼn interdissiplinêre missiologiese studie. Dit maak gebruik van die sosiologiese strukturasie-teorie om kritiese ondersoek in te stel na missionêre Christelike benaderings en metodes van bekering in die Lutherse Kerk in Noordwes Tanzanië, en die impak daarvan op die Haya se Christelike lewe. ʼn Teoretiese gesteierde bekerings-matriks word verken gebaseer op Bybelse en teologiese begrip, sosiale bekerings-teorieë, patrone en modelle van bekering. Daar word ook op gewys dat bekering nie net ʼn teologiese verskynsel is nie, maar ook ʼn sosiale een. Daarna word die Haya godsdiens-kulturele spiritualiteit en wêreldbeskouing verder ondersoek. Die metodes wat ingespan is deur die missionêre Christendom om Noordwes Tanzanië te missionaliseer is ook ondersoek met verwysing na sendelinge se eie sosio-politieke kulturele konteks wat hierdie metodes geïnformeer het. Laastens is die Hayas se vroeëre en latere reaksie op die metodes geïdentifiseer en ontleed. Die dissertasie betoog dat die missionêre Christelike benadering en metodes van bekering belangrik was aangesien dit sosiale verandering versnel het deur modernisasie, nuwe style van kleredrag, toegang tot Westerse medisyne en die toe-eiening van Westerse opvoedkunde. Dít was weer instrumenteel in die vorming van potensiële kerklike en nasionale leiers wat later politieke gewaarwording, moderne ontwikkeling en sosio-politieke transformasie meegebring het. Die navorsing het egter ook aangedui dat die missionêre Christelike benadering en bekeringsmetodes hoofsaaklik tweeledige bekeerlinge geproduseer het wat beide die Christelike en die tradisionele Haya godsdienste aangehang het. Dit was omdat die meeste sendelinge in hul pogings om die Christelike godsdiens, wat intrinsiek in die Westerse kultuur gegrond was, te vestig, die Haya godsdiens probeer demoniseer het. Dit dui aan dat die redes vir die ontoereikendheid van die missionêre Christelike bekering-strategie moet ernstig kennis neem van die Haya godsdiens-kulturele spiritualiteit en wêreldbeskouing wat, soos die in die studie uiteengesit word, inherent beide die fisiese en godsdienstige eksistensiële ryke omarm. As hierdie feit nie ernstig bejeën word nie, is bekering dus vir die Haya irrelevant. Haya Christene geneig is om “ware” bekering te aktualiseer in Herlewingsbewegings en Pinkster-Charismatiese kerke se vorm van Christelikheid pleks daarvan om lojaal te bly aan die leer van hul moederkerke, want hierdie spirituele vorm van Christelikheid demonstreer tot ʼn groter mate die strewe om Christelikheid onder hulle inheems te maak deur die Haya godsdiens-kulturele spiritualiteit en wêreldbeskouing aan te spreek sonder om die modern leefwyse te verontagsaam. Die studie maak gebruik van strukturasie-teorie analise om te betoog dat die meeste Haya Lutherse Christene in Noordwes Tanzanië se gewaarwording van “ware” bekering binne die Herlewings-raamwerk en ander spirituele bewegings en Pinkster-Charismatiese vorms van Christelikheid is ʼn poging om Haya missionale Christelike bekering inheems te maak. Vir die Hayas word die begrip en praksis van bekering nie net bepaal deur missionale Christelike aktiwiteit nie, maar tot ʼn mate speel hul tradisionele godsdiens-kulturele konteks ook ʼn rol in die vorming en strukturering van ʼn bekering wat vir hulle sin maak. Omdat sosiale strukture bestaan uit reëls en bronne (Giddens 1984; Wuthnow 1987; Richard 1994) waaruit mense put, wat hulle reproduseer en wat tog oop bly vir transformasie, voorsien die Haya tradisionele sosiale struktuur dus ʼn arena waarin hulle kan put uit godsdienstigheid en ander spirituele bronne en dit reproduseer, selfs as hulle-hulle bekeer tot die Christendom. Die studie voer voorts aan dat die sosiologiese teorie van strukturasie in ʼn interdissiplinêre studie van bekering ʼn nuttige werktuig bied om die dinamiek van bekering onder die Haya in die Lutherse Kerk in Noordwes Tanzanië te verstaan, tesame met hul neiging om hul “ware” bekering te aktualiseer in Herlewingsbewegings of in Pinkster-Charistmatiese vorms van Christelikheid. Aangesien “ware” bekering nie in hierdie vorms van Christelikheid beperk of verabsoluteer kan word nie, stel die navorsing ʼn “integrerende model van bekering” voor as die mees relevante benadering tot ons kontemporêre missionêre fokus en betrokkenheid. Hierdie model stel voordat ʼn hermeneutiese en ekklesiale praksis van bekering wat gebaseer is op godsdiens-kulturele sensitiwiteit en spiritualiteit en godsdiens-kulturele reëls vanuit die raamwerk van Haya tradisionele godsdiens, missionale Christelikheid, Oos-Afrika Herlewingsbewegings en die Pinkster-Charistmatiese vorms van Christelikheid deur wedersydse dialoog.

Entrevista a Fabían Novak : controversia Perú – Chile ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de la Haya

Rojas Sinche, Hilda, Loayza Jordán, Fernando, Zevallos Córdova, Enrique, Girao La Rosa, Juan Carlos 12 April 2018 (has links)
A lo largo de la presente entrevista, el profesor Novak desarrolla una descripción de los principales puntos controvertidos en el diferendo marítimo entre Perú y Chile, controversia en la que existen 37,900 km2 de subsuelo marino bajo disputa, centrando su análisis en la posición que el Perú ha adoptado ante la Corte Internacional de Justicia de la Haya. El entrevistado absolvió nuestras dudas, haciendo un minucioso recuento de los principales hechos y categorías jurídicas que deben tenerse presentes para abordar el tema. Finalmente, nos dio a conocer sus expectativas ante el próximo fallo de la Corte Internacional de Justicia de la Haya. In this interview, Professor Novak provides a description of the principal points of contention in the maritime dispute between Peru and Chile, a controversy over 37,900 km2 of sea and seabed. He centers his analysis on the position that Peru has adopted before the International Court of Justice in The Hague. The interviewee cleared up existing questions through a detailed review of the principal facts and juridical categories that must be kept in mind in order to understand the issues. Finally, describes his expectations regarding the upcoming ruling by the International Court of Justice in The Hague.

La dimensión humana de la arquitectura de Aldo Van Eyck. Escrita y Construida: Reconocimiento de sus ideas y Estudio de su iglesia en La Haya

Fernández-Llebrez Muñoz, Jose Ángel 15 March 2013 (has links)
El protagonista fundamental de esta tesis doctoral es Aldo van Eyck. Mención aparte del interés suscitado por el conjunto de su trayectoria profesional y por su propia figura, la principal motivación del presente trabajo consiste en aproximarse a la visión que el maestro holandés tenía de la relación que se establece entre 'arquitectura' y 'sociedad' o, más específicamente, de cómo los arquitectos pueden (y deben) introducir mejoras significativas en los modos de vida de las personas (usuarios). Es decir, la tesis pretende analizar el concepto de "dimensión humana de la arquitectura" de Aldo van Eyck. Ya en el capítulo introductorio se definía la 'dimensión humana de la arquitectura' como el modo consciente en que ésta (la arquitectura) considera la interacción con sus futuros usuarios, con el claro objetivo de elaborar propuestas encaminadas a introducir mejoras en sus vidas. De acuerdo con esta definición, varios son los términos clave que la caracterizan. Por un lado, las palabras "consciente" y "considera" explicitan que existe una reflexión intencionada y voluntaria sobre la figura del usuario en la arquitectura, consecuencia por tanto de una preocupación o interés previo por el tema; en este sentido, se puede entender que, si no se da esta circunstancia (esta consideración consciente), difícilmente podrá hablarse de dimensión humana de la arquitectura. Y por otro lado, la palabra "interacción" evidencia que existe un intercambio, un recorrido de ida y vuelta entre la arquitectura y sus usuarios, de manera que el arquitecto acumula información sobre las características y condicionantes de éstos a través de la observación y la reflexión personal, para posteriormente tratar de elaborar propuestas capaces de mejorar sus modos de vida. Esto es, sin ánimo de restarle importancia a la culminación de objetivos lograda por una determinada intervención arquitectónica, es en su intencionalidad y compromiso respecto a los futuros usuarios donde verdaderamente se origina l / Fernández-Llebrez Muñoz, JÁ. (2013). La dimensión humana de la arquitectura de Aldo Van Eyck. Escrita y Construida: Reconocimiento de sus ideas y Estudio de su iglesia en La Haya [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/27638

Demócratas, conspiradores y revolucionarios: los apristas durante la Primavera Democrática (1945-1948)

Silva Huapaya, Raúl Eduardo 01 August 2023 (has links)
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo analizar las ideas, organización y acciones políticas de los apristas durante el gobierno de José Luis Bustamante y Rivero, periodo conocido como la Primavera Democrática (1945-1948). En primer lugar, se estudia a la Célula Parlamentaria Aprista como un órgano partidario, la relación de sus integrantes con las bases provincianas y su creciente conflicto con el Ejecutivo y otras bancadas. En segundo lugar, la polarización que provocó diversas iniciativas apristas dentro y fuera del Parlamento: el indulto para los delitos políticos y el castigo de las autoridades antiapristas de gobiernos pasados, la regulación de la actividad comercial e informativa de la prensa, y las expropiaciones de latifundios costeños y la regulación de las relaciones laborales en el agro. En tercer lugar, la defensa de la «revolución» aprista en tres áreas: el uso propagandístico de los espacios públicos, la politización de las aulas escolares y universidades y la actuación burocrática y de las fuerzas de choque en el escenario de la crisis de subsistencias. Por último, la lucha ideológica y callejera de los apristas contra el PCP, la UR y la Alianza Nacional, así como los conflictos dentro del PAP que concluirán con el levantamiento fallido del Callao del 3 de octubre de 1948 y el retorno de la ilegalidad aprista.

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