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A Global Ranking of Political Science and Public Administration JournalsLiu, Peilun 01 January 2015 (has links)
This paper conducts rankings on political science and public administration journals based on a database of citations for all articles within a set of 200 journals, during 2010-2013. This paper contributes to prior literature within the realm of Political Science, by tabulating journal rankings through non-traditional means. While rankings of political science and public administration journals have traditionally been dominated by a survey-based approach, recent advancements in technology have allowed researchers to conduct more subjective rankings based upon a bibliometric approach. However, the majority of these citational rankings utilize obscure metrics, which do not correspond directly to the number of citations a potential author can expect.
This paper attempts to provide readers with more concrete metrics, which translate directly to how many citations an author can expect. This study tabulates journals based on three main metrics: Median Number of Citations, Citation Percentage, and 90th Percentile of Citations. This study identifies Transportation Research Part B, American Political Science Review, International Organization, American Journal of Political Science and Transportation Research Part A, as the top five journals within the set of 200 political science and public administration journals.
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Path Queries in Weighted TreesZhou, Gelin January 2012 (has links)
Trees are fundamental structures in computer science, being widely used in modeling
and representing different types of data in numerous computer applications. In many cases,
properties of objects being modeled are stored as weights or labels on the nodes of trees.
Thus researchers have studied the preprocessing of weighted trees in which each node is
assigned a weight, in order to support various path queries, for which a certain function
over the weights of the nodes along a given query path in the tree is computed [3, 14, 22, 26].
In this thesis, we consider the problem of supporting several various path queries over
a tree on n weighted nodes, where the weights are drawn from a set of σ distinct values.
One query we support is the path median query, which asks for the median weight on a
path between two given nodes. For this and the more general path selection query, we
present a linear space data structure that answers queries in O(lg σ) time under the word
RAM model. This greatly improves previous results on the same problem, as previous data
structures achieving O(lg n) query time use O(n lg^2 n) space, and previous linear space data
structures require O(n^ε) time to answer a query for any positive constant ε [26].
We also consider the path counting query and the path reporting query, where a path
counting query asks for the number of nodes on a query path whose weights are in a
query range, and a path reporting query requires to report these nodes. Our linear space
data structure supports path counting queries with O(lg σ) query time. This matches
the result of Chazelle [14] when σ is close to n, and has better performance when σ is
significantly smaller than n. The same data structure can also support path reporting
queries in O(lg σ + occ lg σ) time, where occ is the size of output. In addition, we present
a data structure that answers path reporting queries in O(lg σ + occ lg lg σ) time, using
O(n lg lg σ) words of space. These are the first data structures that answer path reporting
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Graph based techniques for measurement of intranet dynamicsDickinson, Peter January 2006 (has links)
This thesis develops a number of graph-based techniques that are capable of measuring the dynamic behaviour of a network and discusses their application in network management. By representing a computer network as a time series of uniquely labelled graphs, it is possible to measure the degree of change that has occurred between a pair of graphs, and hence the dynamics in a network. Concepts introduced include the median graph, intra- and inter- graph clustering, and hierarchical graph representations. The focus is on producing efficient algorithms and improved measures of network change. It is believed that these graph-based techniques for measuring network dynamics have great potential in network anomaly detection, and thus will improve reliability of enterprise intranets.
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Preana: Game-theory Based Prediction with Reinforcement LearningEftekhari, Zahra 01 December 2014 (has links)
We have developed a game-theory based prediction tool, named Preana, based on a promising model developed by Professor Bruce Beuno de Mesquita. The first part of this work is dedicated to exploration of the specifics of Mesquita's algorithm and reproduction of the factors and features that have not been revealed in literature. In addition, we have developed a learning mechanism to model the players' reasoning ability when it comes to taking risks. Preana can predict the outcome of any issue with multiple stake-holders who have conflicting interests in economic, business, and political sciences. We have utilized game theory, expected utility theory, Median voter theory, probability distribution and reinforcement learning. We were able to reproduce Mesquita's reported results and have included two case studies from his publications and compared his results to that of Preana. We have also applied Preana on Iran's 2013 presidential election to verify the accuracy of the prediction made by Preana.
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BOOTSTRAPPING ANALOGS OF THE ONE WAY MANOVA TESTRupasinghe Arachchige Don, Hasthika Sriyantha 01 August 2017 (has links)
The classical one way MANOVA model is used to test whether the mean measurements are the same or differ across p groups, and assumes that the covariance matrix of each group is the same. This work suggests using the Olive (2017abc) bootstrap technique to develop analogs of one way MANOVA test. A large sample theory test has also been developed. The bootstrap tests can have considerable outlier resistance, and the tests do not need the population covariance matrices to be equal. The two sample Hotelling's T^2 test is the special case of the one way MANOVA model when p =2.
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O papel da estimulação ortodrômica simultânea dos nervos mediano-radial no diagnóstico da síndrome do túnel do carpoRodrigues, Thaís January 2014 (has links)
Base teórica A síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC) é uma lesão compressiva nervosa mais comum que afeta o nervo mediano observada na prática clínica. Existem muitas técnicas eletrofisiológicas para diagnosticar a STC, mas a maioria dispende muito tempo, é dolorosa e tem sensibilidade variada. Objetivo Avaliar a acurácia de um método eletrofisiológico de investigação da STC e correlaciona-lo com aspectos clínicos. Métodos Pacientes do ambulatório de Neurologia com critérios clínicos para STC foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes clínicos e neurofisiológicos. Primeiramente, nós aplicamos o Questionário de Síndrome do túnel do Carpo de Boston e Escala visual analógica (EVA). Após, realizamos o método eletrofisiológico convencional de avaliação sensitiva do nervo mediano e ulnar. Posteriormente, outro médico eletrofisiologista, cegado para as avaliações anteriores, realizou a técnica de estimulação simultânea dos nervos mediano e radial no polegar com registro simultâneo de ambos potenciais na região punho. Os dados foram agrupados em STC leve, moderada e grave, baseados na latência motora do nervo mediano. Resultados A latência entre picos (LEP), obtida pela técnica em estudo, foi diferente entre os grupos baseados na classificação de gravidade da STC (Bonferroni; p<0.001). A velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do nervo mediano, obtida através da técnica standard, apresentou também diferentes valores entre os grupos. Houve correlação entre LEP e velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do mediano (Sperman; r=-0.52; p<0.01), bem como entre LEP e velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do mediano com o desconforto causado pela STC mensurado pela Escala visual analógica (EVA). A duração e o desconforto causado pela técnica de estimulação simultânea do nervo mediano e radial estão reduzidos quando comparados com a técnica padrão (t Student; p< 0.001 para as duas comparações). Conclusão A técnica de estimulação simultânea do nervo mediano e radial é acurada, sensível, tolerável e não somente útil no diagnóstico da STC, mas também na definição da gravidade. Então, seu uso deve ser encorajado na prática clínica. / Background Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve entrapment observed in clinical practice affecting the median nerve at the wrist level. There are many electrophysiological ways to diagnose CTS, but most of them are time consuming, painful and have variable sensitivity. Objective To evaluate the accuracy of an electophysiologic method of CTS investigation and to correlate it with clinical symptoms. Methods Patients at the clinic outpatient Neurology with CTS clinical criteria underwent a battery of clinical and neurophysiological tests. First, we applied the Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) and Visual analogue scale (VAS). After, we performed a standard method of analysis of the median and ulnar nerves. Posteriorly, a blinded neurophysiologist performed an orthodromic median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation at the thumb with recording of both action potentials at the lateral aspect of the wrist. Data were grouped for mild, moderate and severe CTS, based on median motor latency. Results The interpeak latency (IPL), obtained with study technique, was different in groups based on CTS classification severity (Bonferroni. p<0.001). The median nerve conduction velocity, obtained with the standard approach, was also of different level among groups. There were correlation between IPL and median nerve conduction velocity (Sperman; r=-0.52; p<0.01), as well as, there was a significant correlation between IPL and median nerve conduction velocity with the discomfort caused by CTS and measured with VAS. However, the duration and unpleasantness caused by median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation technique were reduced when compared to standard approach (t Student <0.001 for both comparisons). Conclusion The orthodromic median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation technique is accurate, sensitive, tolerable and not only useful for CTS diagnosis but also for its severity assessment. Therefore, its use should be encouraged in clinical practice.
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O papel da estimulação ortodrômica simultânea dos nervos mediano-radial no diagnóstico da síndrome do túnel do carpoRodrigues, Thaís January 2014 (has links)
Base teórica A síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC) é uma lesão compressiva nervosa mais comum que afeta o nervo mediano observada na prática clínica. Existem muitas técnicas eletrofisiológicas para diagnosticar a STC, mas a maioria dispende muito tempo, é dolorosa e tem sensibilidade variada. Objetivo Avaliar a acurácia de um método eletrofisiológico de investigação da STC e correlaciona-lo com aspectos clínicos. Métodos Pacientes do ambulatório de Neurologia com critérios clínicos para STC foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes clínicos e neurofisiológicos. Primeiramente, nós aplicamos o Questionário de Síndrome do túnel do Carpo de Boston e Escala visual analógica (EVA). Após, realizamos o método eletrofisiológico convencional de avaliação sensitiva do nervo mediano e ulnar. Posteriormente, outro médico eletrofisiologista, cegado para as avaliações anteriores, realizou a técnica de estimulação simultânea dos nervos mediano e radial no polegar com registro simultâneo de ambos potenciais na região punho. Os dados foram agrupados em STC leve, moderada e grave, baseados na latência motora do nervo mediano. Resultados A latência entre picos (LEP), obtida pela técnica em estudo, foi diferente entre os grupos baseados na classificação de gravidade da STC (Bonferroni; p<0.001). A velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do nervo mediano, obtida através da técnica standard, apresentou também diferentes valores entre os grupos. Houve correlação entre LEP e velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do mediano (Sperman; r=-0.52; p<0.01), bem como entre LEP e velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do mediano com o desconforto causado pela STC mensurado pela Escala visual analógica (EVA). A duração e o desconforto causado pela técnica de estimulação simultânea do nervo mediano e radial estão reduzidos quando comparados com a técnica padrão (t Student; p< 0.001 para as duas comparações). Conclusão A técnica de estimulação simultânea do nervo mediano e radial é acurada, sensível, tolerável e não somente útil no diagnóstico da STC, mas também na definição da gravidade. Então, seu uso deve ser encorajado na prática clínica. / Background Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve entrapment observed in clinical practice affecting the median nerve at the wrist level. There are many electrophysiological ways to diagnose CTS, but most of them are time consuming, painful and have variable sensitivity. Objective To evaluate the accuracy of an electophysiologic method of CTS investigation and to correlate it with clinical symptoms. Methods Patients at the clinic outpatient Neurology with CTS clinical criteria underwent a battery of clinical and neurophysiological tests. First, we applied the Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) and Visual analogue scale (VAS). After, we performed a standard method of analysis of the median and ulnar nerves. Posteriorly, a blinded neurophysiologist performed an orthodromic median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation at the thumb with recording of both action potentials at the lateral aspect of the wrist. Data were grouped for mild, moderate and severe CTS, based on median motor latency. Results The interpeak latency (IPL), obtained with study technique, was different in groups based on CTS classification severity (Bonferroni. p<0.001). The median nerve conduction velocity, obtained with the standard approach, was also of different level among groups. There were correlation between IPL and median nerve conduction velocity (Sperman; r=-0.52; p<0.01), as well as, there was a significant correlation between IPL and median nerve conduction velocity with the discomfort caused by CTS and measured with VAS. However, the duration and unpleasantness caused by median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation technique were reduced when compared to standard approach (t Student <0.001 for both comparisons). Conclusion The orthodromic median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation technique is accurate, sensitive, tolerable and not only useful for CTS diagnosis but also for its severity assessment. Therefore, its use should be encouraged in clinical practice.
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Análise do limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica dos músculos da mastigação em indivíduos com osteoporose / Analysis of the electromyographic fatigue threshold of masticatory muscles in individuals with osteoporosisVeridiana Wanshi Arnoni 17 February 2017 (has links)
A osteoporose é uma das doenças mais comuns que atinge a população idosa, que afeta todos os ossos, inclusive a maxila e mandíbula. Esta é definida como uma doença óssea metabólica crônica e progressiva, em que ocorre uma perda generalizada de massa óssea. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal, bilateralmente, em indivíduos com osteoporose e saudáveis durante o período de cinco segundos inicial, médio e final do sinal coletado. Participaram desta pesquisa 66 indivíduos com idade entre 45 a 75 anos (idade média de 53,9 ± 1,47 anos) de ambos os gêneros. Estes foram divididos igualmente em dois grupos: GO - Grupo Osteoporose e GC - Grupo Controle, constituído por indivíduos saudáveis, pareados sujeito a sujeito, por gênero, idade, peso e estatura. Os participantes desta pesquisa foram submetidos à avaliação eletromiográfica utilizando o aparelho Myosystem - Br1_P84, durante as condições clínicas de contração voluntária máxima por 10 segundos (fator de normalização) e contração voluntária máxima por tempo indeterminado (condição clínica de análise do limiar de fadiga). A fadiga eletromiográfica foi analisada por meio da mensuração do espectro da frequência mediana (Hz). Os dados eletromiográficos normalizados foram tabulados e analisados utilizando o programa estatístico SigmaPlot 11.0. (p<0,05). Observou-se que houve redução do tempo de fadiga no grupo GO - Osteoporose. Na análise do limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica comparando os períodos inicial, médio e final, verificou-se que houve fadiga muscular para ambos os grupos. Na análise individual dos períodos inicial, médio e final, comparando os Grupos Osteoporose e Controle, verificou-se que não houve diferença estatística. Na comparação entre os gêneros, para cada um dos períodos, nos Grupos Osteoporose e Controle, também não foi verificada diferença estatística, embora as mulheres tenham apresentado maior valor de frequência mediana. Na análise da porcentagem de diminuição do limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica para os Grupos Osteoporose e Controle observou-se que houve fadiga muscular para os grupos avaliados, com redução significante e de forma desequilibrada para o Grupo Osteoporose. Nossos resultados permitem concluir que a osteoporose nos ossos da face acarreta alterações musculares, afetando desta forma, o funcionamento do sistema estomatognático. / Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases affecting the elderly population, which affects all bones, including the maxilla and mandible. It is a chronic and progressive metabolic bone disease that causes loss of bone mass. This study evaluated the electromyographic fatigue threshold of masseter and temporal muscles, bilaterally, in individuals with osteoporosis and healthy during three periods: five initial seconds, five middle seconds and five final seconds of the collected signal. A total of 66 individuals aged 45 to 75 years (mean age 53.9 ± 1.47 years) of both genders were divided into two groups: GO - Osteoporosis Group and GC - Control Group, consisting of healthy individuals matched subject to subject, by gender, age, weight and height. It was used Myosystem-electromyographic Br1_P84, during the clinical conditions of maximum voluntary contraction for 10 seconds (normalization factor) and maximum voluntary contraction indefinitely (clinical condition of fatigue threshold analysis). Electromyographic fatigue was analyzed by measuring the spectrum of the median frequency (Hz). The normalized electromyographic data were tabulated and analyzed by the statistical program SigmaPlot 11.0 (p<0.05). Group GO - Osteoporosis presented a reduction in fatigue time. In the analysis of the threshold of electromyographic fatigue by comparing the initial, middle and final periods, it was observed that Osteoporosis and Control groups presented muscle fatigue. Individual analysis of the initial, middle and final periods, comparing the Osteoporosis and Control Groups, showed no statistical difference. The comparison between genders, for each of the periods, in the Osteoporosis and Control Groups, showed no statistical difference too, although the women presented a higher median frequency. The analysis of the percentage decrease of electromyographic fatigue threshold for Osteoporosis and Control Groups revealed muscle fatigue for both groups, with significant reduction and unbalanced for Osteoporosis Group. Our results lead to the conclusion that osteoporosis in the face bones causes muscle changes, affecting the function of the stomatognathic system.
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O papel da estimulação ortodrômica simultânea dos nervos mediano-radial no diagnóstico da síndrome do túnel do carpoRodrigues, Thaís January 2014 (has links)
Base teórica A síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC) é uma lesão compressiva nervosa mais comum que afeta o nervo mediano observada na prática clínica. Existem muitas técnicas eletrofisiológicas para diagnosticar a STC, mas a maioria dispende muito tempo, é dolorosa e tem sensibilidade variada. Objetivo Avaliar a acurácia de um método eletrofisiológico de investigação da STC e correlaciona-lo com aspectos clínicos. Métodos Pacientes do ambulatório de Neurologia com critérios clínicos para STC foram submetidos a uma bateria de testes clínicos e neurofisiológicos. Primeiramente, nós aplicamos o Questionário de Síndrome do túnel do Carpo de Boston e Escala visual analógica (EVA). Após, realizamos o método eletrofisiológico convencional de avaliação sensitiva do nervo mediano e ulnar. Posteriormente, outro médico eletrofisiologista, cegado para as avaliações anteriores, realizou a técnica de estimulação simultânea dos nervos mediano e radial no polegar com registro simultâneo de ambos potenciais na região punho. Os dados foram agrupados em STC leve, moderada e grave, baseados na latência motora do nervo mediano. Resultados A latência entre picos (LEP), obtida pela técnica em estudo, foi diferente entre os grupos baseados na classificação de gravidade da STC (Bonferroni; p<0.001). A velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do nervo mediano, obtida através da técnica standard, apresentou também diferentes valores entre os grupos. Houve correlação entre LEP e velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do mediano (Sperman; r=-0.52; p<0.01), bem como entre LEP e velocidade de condução nervosa sensitiva do mediano com o desconforto causado pela STC mensurado pela Escala visual analógica (EVA). A duração e o desconforto causado pela técnica de estimulação simultânea do nervo mediano e radial estão reduzidos quando comparados com a técnica padrão (t Student; p< 0.001 para as duas comparações). Conclusão A técnica de estimulação simultânea do nervo mediano e radial é acurada, sensível, tolerável e não somente útil no diagnóstico da STC, mas também na definição da gravidade. Então, seu uso deve ser encorajado na prática clínica. / Background Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common nerve entrapment observed in clinical practice affecting the median nerve at the wrist level. There are many electrophysiological ways to diagnose CTS, but most of them are time consuming, painful and have variable sensitivity. Objective To evaluate the accuracy of an electophysiologic method of CTS investigation and to correlate it with clinical symptoms. Methods Patients at the clinic outpatient Neurology with CTS clinical criteria underwent a battery of clinical and neurophysiological tests. First, we applied the Boston Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Questionnaire (BCTQ) and Visual analogue scale (VAS). After, we performed a standard method of analysis of the median and ulnar nerves. Posteriorly, a blinded neurophysiologist performed an orthodromic median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation at the thumb with recording of both action potentials at the lateral aspect of the wrist. Data were grouped for mild, moderate and severe CTS, based on median motor latency. Results The interpeak latency (IPL), obtained with study technique, was different in groups based on CTS classification severity (Bonferroni. p<0.001). The median nerve conduction velocity, obtained with the standard approach, was also of different level among groups. There were correlation between IPL and median nerve conduction velocity (Sperman; r=-0.52; p<0.01), as well as, there was a significant correlation between IPL and median nerve conduction velocity with the discomfort caused by CTS and measured with VAS. However, the duration and unpleasantness caused by median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation technique were reduced when compared to standard approach (t Student <0.001 for both comparisons). Conclusion The orthodromic median-radial nerve simultaneous stimulation technique is accurate, sensitive, tolerable and not only useful for CTS diagnosis but also for its severity assessment. Therefore, its use should be encouraged in clinical practice.
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A influência da idade na análise do limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica dos músculos da mastigação em indivíduos saudáveis / The influence of age on the analysis of the electromyographic fatigue threshold of chewing muscles in healthy individualsLígia Franco Oliveira 16 February 2017 (has links)
A fadiga neuromuscular pode ser induzida por contrações isométricas sustentadas para determinar o desempenho funcional muscular do organismo humano ao longo dos anos. A finalidade desta pesquisa foi determinar o limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal (bilateral), por meio do espectro da frequência mediana (FM), de crianças, jovens, adultos e idosos, com intuito de traçar parâmetros que possam ser considerados normais em função da idade. Cento e setenta indivíduos brasileiros dentados completos (exceto o Grupo I com dentição mista) sem disfunção temporomandibular foram distribuídos em cinco Grupos Etários: I (7-12 anos, n=38), II (13-20 anos, n=36), III (21-40 anos, n=40), IV (41-60 anos, n=40) e V (61-80 anos, n=16). Foi utilizado o eletromiógrafo Myosystem-Br1 para análise do sinal EMG normalizado na condição de fadiga muscular. Os dados da FM do sinal EMG foram obtidos pelos valores do janelamento de 5s durante o período inicial (PI), médio (PM) e final (PF) do sinal EMG. O apertamento dental em contração voluntária máxima foi o fator que determinou a fadiga muscular e normalizou os dados EMG que foram tabulados e submetidos para análise estatística (ANOVA e medidas repetidas; SPSS 22.0; p < 0,05). Foram encontradas diferenças estatísticas significantes entre as faixas etárias no PM (p=0,05) para o músculo temporal direito; PI (p=0,02) e PF (p=0,01) para o músculo temporal esquerdo. Houve decréscimo linear da FM entre os períodos do sinal EMG para todos os grupos etários em relação aos músculos masseteres e temporais, com diferenças estatísticas significantes, exceto masseter esquerdo Grupo V (p=0,00 para cada análise). Baseados nos resultados desta pesquisa, o fator idade influenciou o sinal eletromiográfico normalizado no processo de fadiga neuromuscular e demonstrou que existe declínio linear no decorrer do sinal eletromiográfico para os músculos masseter e temporal. Este estudo contribuiu para a comunidade científica, porque demonstrou parâmetros do sinal eletromiográfico de indivíduos saudáveis na condição de fadiga durante o envelhecimento humano, adequados para serem utilizados em trabalhos futuros de comparação do sistema muscular esquelético saudável e com alterações morfofuncionais. / Neuromuscular fatigue can be induced by sustained isometric contractions to determine the functional muscular performance of the human body over the years. The aim of this research was to determine the EMG fatigue threshold of the masseter and temporal muscle (bilateral), through the median frequency (MF) spectrum, of children, young adults and elderly, in order to draw parameters that can be considered normal according to age. A total of 170 full-toothed Brazilian subjects (except Group I with mixed dentition) without temporomandibular dysfunction were distributed in five Age Groups: I (7-12 years, n = 38), II (13-20 years, n = 36), III 21-40 years, n = 40), IV (41-60 years, n = 40) and V (61-80 years, n = 16). The Myosystem-Br1 electromyograph was used to analyze the normalized EMG signal in the muscular fatigue condition. The MF data of the EMG signal were obtained by the windowing values of 5s during the initial period (IP), mean (MP) and final (FP) of the EMG signal. The teeth clenching in maximal voluntary contraction was the factor that determined muscle fatigue and normalized the EMG data that were tabulated and submitted to statistical analysis (ANOVA and repeated measures, SPSS 22.0, P <0.05). Significant statistical differences were found between the age groups in the MP (p = 0.05) for the right temporal muscle; IP (P = 0.02) and FP (P = 0.01) for left temporal muscle. There was a linear decrease in MF between the EMG signal periods for all age groups in relation to the masseter and temporalis muscles, with significant statistical differences, except left masseter - Group V (P = 0.00 for each analysis). Based on the results of this research, the age factor influenced the normalized EMG signal in the process of neuromuscular fatigue and demonstrated that there is a linear decline during the EMG signal for the masseter muscle and temporal muscle. This study should be useful for the scientific community because it demonstrates parameters of the EMG signal of healthy individuals in fatigue condition during human aging, suitable for use in future studies of comparison of healthy skeletal muscle system with morphofunctional changes
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