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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Análise do limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica dos músculos da mastigação em indivíduos com osteoporose / Analysis of the electromyographic fatigue threshold of masticatory muscles in individuals with osteoporosis

Arnoni, Veridiana Wanshi 17 February 2017 (has links)
A osteoporose é uma das doenças mais comuns que atinge a população idosa, que afeta todos os ossos, inclusive a maxila e mandíbula. Esta é definida como uma doença óssea metabólica crônica e progressiva, em que ocorre uma perda generalizada de massa óssea. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar o limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica dos músculos masseter e temporal, bilateralmente, em indivíduos com osteoporose e saudáveis durante o período de cinco segundos inicial, médio e final do sinal coletado. Participaram desta pesquisa 66 indivíduos com idade entre 45 a 75 anos (idade média de 53,9 ± 1,47 anos) de ambos os gêneros. Estes foram divididos igualmente em dois grupos: GO - Grupo Osteoporose e GC - Grupo Controle, constituído por indivíduos saudáveis, pareados sujeito a sujeito, por gênero, idade, peso e estatura. Os participantes desta pesquisa foram submetidos à avaliação eletromiográfica utilizando o aparelho Myosystem - Br1_P84, durante as condições clínicas de contração voluntária máxima por 10 segundos (fator de normalização) e contração voluntária máxima por tempo indeterminado (condição clínica de análise do limiar de fadiga). A fadiga eletromiográfica foi analisada por meio da mensuração do espectro da frequência mediana (Hz). Os dados eletromiográficos normalizados foram tabulados e analisados utilizando o programa estatístico SigmaPlot 11.0. (p<0,05). Observou-se que houve redução do tempo de fadiga no grupo GO - Osteoporose. Na análise do limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica comparando os períodos inicial, médio e final, verificou-se que houve fadiga muscular para ambos os grupos. Na análise individual dos períodos inicial, médio e final, comparando os Grupos Osteoporose e Controle, verificou-se que não houve diferença estatística. Na comparação entre os gêneros, para cada um dos períodos, nos Grupos Osteoporose e Controle, também não foi verificada diferença estatística, embora as mulheres tenham apresentado maior valor de frequência mediana. Na análise da porcentagem de diminuição do limiar de fadiga eletromiográfica para os Grupos Osteoporose e Controle observou-se que houve fadiga muscular para os grupos avaliados, com redução significante e de forma desequilibrada para o Grupo Osteoporose. Nossos resultados permitem concluir que a osteoporose nos ossos da face acarreta alterações musculares, afetando desta forma, o funcionamento do sistema estomatognático. / Osteoporosis is one of the most common diseases affecting the elderly population, which affects all bones, including the maxilla and mandible. It is a chronic and progressive metabolic bone disease that causes loss of bone mass. This study evaluated the electromyographic fatigue threshold of masseter and temporal muscles, bilaterally, in individuals with osteoporosis and healthy during three periods: five initial seconds, five middle seconds and five final seconds of the collected signal. A total of 66 individuals aged 45 to 75 years (mean age 53.9 ± 1.47 years) of both genders were divided into two groups: GO - Osteoporosis Group and GC - Control Group, consisting of healthy individuals matched subject to subject, by gender, age, weight and height. It was used Myosystem-electromyographic Br1_P84, during the clinical conditions of maximum voluntary contraction for 10 seconds (normalization factor) and maximum voluntary contraction indefinitely (clinical condition of fatigue threshold analysis). Electromyographic fatigue was analyzed by measuring the spectrum of the median frequency (Hz). The normalized electromyographic data were tabulated and analyzed by the statistical program SigmaPlot 11.0 (p<0.05). Group GO - Osteoporosis presented a reduction in fatigue time. In the analysis of the threshold of electromyographic fatigue by comparing the initial, middle and final periods, it was observed that Osteoporosis and Control groups presented muscle fatigue. Individual analysis of the initial, middle and final periods, comparing the Osteoporosis and Control Groups, showed no statistical difference. The comparison between genders, for each of the periods, in the Osteoporosis and Control Groups, showed no statistical difference too, although the women presented a higher median frequency. The analysis of the percentage decrease of electromyographic fatigue threshold for Osteoporosis and Control Groups revealed muscle fatigue for both groups, with significant reduction and unbalanced for Osteoporosis Group. Our results lead to the conclusion that osteoporosis in the face bones causes muscle changes, affecting the function of the stomatognathic system.

Efeitos comportamentais da lesão eletrolítica da região do núcleo mediano da rafe como modelo experimental de mania no rato e no camundongo / Behavioral effects of the electrolytic lesion in the region of the median raphe nucleus as an experimental model of mania in the rat and in the mouse

Fernanda Augustini Pezzato 28 April 2014 (has links)
Déficits na regulação serotoninérgica dos circuitos catecolaminérgicos tem sido propostos como um mecanismo relacionado à etiologia dos transtornos de humor. Projeções do núcleo mediano da rafe (MnR) modulam a atividade dopaminérgica no prosencéfalo e são também parte de um sistema de inibição/desinibição comportamental que se assemelha às variações nos níveis de atividade apresentados durante os polos do transtorno bipolar. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se as alterações comportamentais induzidas pela inativação do MnR podem ser um modelo animal para estudo da mania humana. No Capítulo I, o procedimento de lesão eletrolítica do MnR foi realizado em ratos Wistar machos, tendo como controles os grupos lesão fictícia e intacto. Os resultados confirmaram a capacidade desta manipulação experimental em reproduzir hiperatividade e estereotipia crônicas, aumento na frequência de respostas positivamente reforçadas por solução de sacarose e padrão comportamental de dominância social. Ainda, foi demonstrada a potencialidade do tratamento crônico com lítio em reduzir a hiperatividade. No Capítulo II foram realizadas lesões eletrolíticas do MnR em camundongos C57BL/6J machos, tendo novamente como controles os grupos lesão fictícia e intacto. Os resultados demonstraram desenvolvimento de hiperatividade, estereotipia e maior frequência de exposição a situações aversivas/de risco nos testes do labirinto em cruz elevado e do claro/escuro. O tratamento crônico com lítio atenuou ou reverteu parte destas alterações comportamentais. Análises do tecido encefálico demonstraram níveis terapêuticos equivalentes de LiCl em todos os grupos submetidos ao tratamento e a histologia confirmou o sítio de lesão. O conjunto dos dados obtidos sugere a adequação do modelo proposto pelo atendimento aos critérios de validade de face e preditiva apresentando como vantagens a mimetização de diversos sintomas do transtorno e a cronicidade destes. Ainda, a reprodutibilidade dos efeitos da lesão em diferentes espécies sugere a existência de homologia evolutiva, acrescentando fundamentos à validade de constructo hipotetizada. Por fim, destaca-se que este modelo de mania parece ser heurístico pela possibilidade de contribuir para a investigação dos mecanismos de ação do lítio e para a compreensão das relações de oposição entre os sistemas neurotransmissores excitatórios e inibitórios como parte da neurobiologia dos transtornos de humor / Deficits in serotoninergic regulation of catecholaminergic circuits have been proposed as a mechanism related to the etiology of mood disorders. Projections from the median raphe nucleus (MnR) modulate the dopaminergic activity in the forebrain and are also part of a behavioral disinhibition/inhibition system that resembles the variations in activity levels shown during the poles of bipolar disorder. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if the behavioral effects induced by the inactivation of the MnR can be considered an animal model for studying the human mania. In Chapter I, the MnR electrolytic lesion was performed in male Wistar rats, having as control groups sham operated and intact animals. The results confirmed the capacity of this experimental manipulation to reproduce chronic hyperactivity and stereotypy, increased response frequency positively reinforced by sucrose solution and a social dominant behavioral pattern. Furthermore, it was shown the potentiality of the lithium treatment in reducing the hyperactivity. In Chapter II MnR electrolytic lesions were performed in C57BL/6J mice, having as control groups sham operated and intact animals. The results demonstrated the development of hyperactivity, stereotypy and increased frequency of exposure to aversive situations/\"risk taking\" in the elevated plus maze and light/dark box tests. Chronic treatment with lithium attenuated or reversed some of these behavioral alterations. Encephalic tissue analysis showed equivalent lithium therapeutic levels in all treated groups and the histology confirmed the lesion site. The set of data obtained suggests the suitability of the proposed model for attending criteria for face and predictive validities presenting advantages such as the mimicking of several disorder symptoms and the chronicity of them. Also, the reproducibility of the effects of the lesion in different species suggests the existence of evolutionary homology and adds basis to the construct validity hypothesized. Finally, it is emphasized that this model of mania seems to be heuristic by the possibility to contribute to the investigation of lithium mechanisms of action and for understanding the opposite relations between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems as part of the neurobiology of mood disorders

Filtro difusão-mediana com determinação automática dos parâmetros com aplicações em sinais de ECG e sensor piezoelétrico. / Diffusion-median filter with automatic determination of parameters with applications in ECG signals and piezoelectric sensor.

Marco Antonio Assis de Melo 11 May 2009 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é filtrar sinais corrompidos por ruído Gaussiano ou impulsivo, preservando a amplitude e a morfologia do sinal original. Normalmente, um filtro linear é utilizado nesta tarefa, porém este filtro altera significativamente as amplitudes e as bordas dos sinais, bem como insere atrasos no sinal. Mostra-se neste trabalho que a difusão anisotrópica em conjunto com filtro mediana é muito mais eficaz do que os filtros lineares para esta aplicação. A difusão anisotrópica é uma filtragem iterativa, onde o sinal é filtrado repetidamente. A difusão anisotrópica é controlada por uma função denominada parada-na-aresta, por um parâmetro de escala e pelo número de iterações. Neste trabalho, testamos três bem conhecidas funções parada-na-aresta, concluindo que a função de parada na aresta de Malik e Perona consegue o maior fator de redução de ruído. Infelizmente, esta função é extremamente sensível ao número de iterações, onde o fator de redução de ruído deteriora-se rapidamente antes e depois do ponto ótimo. Como não se conhece o sinal sem ruído, não é possível determinar precisamente qual é o melhor momento de encerrar as iterações do filtro anisotrópico. Desenvolve-se neste trabalho um novo método de parada de difusão baseado na análise da resposta de freqüência do sinal filtrado. Também mostramos como determinar automaticamente um valor de escala adequado. Aplicamos a técnica proposta em eletrocardiograma (ECG). complexo QRS e as Contrações Ventriculares Prematuras (Premature Ventricular Contractions - PVCs) são informações importantes contidas no sinal de ECG. Quando esses sinais são adquiridos no mundo real, eles são freqüentemente corrompidos por eletromiogramas (EMG), artefatos ruidosos provenientes da atividade elétrica associada às contrações musculares. EMG é considerado o ruído de ECG mais difícil de ser eliminado. Ao filtrar o sinal de ECG para remover EMG, não se pode alterar a informação do complexo QRS e anomalia PVC, para não comprometer o diagnóstico clínico. O sinal EMG é modelado como sendo ruído Gaussiano ou, de uma forma mais realística, como ruído com distribuição alfa-estável com características impulsivas. Aplicamos a técnica proposta para filtrar sinais de eletrocardiograma reais do banco de dados de Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Beth Israel Hospital (MIT-BIH). Também é analisada nesta tese a filtragem de sinais provenientes de sensor piezoelétrico. Estes sinais são usados em sistemas reais de corte de aço duro. Em geral uma ferramenta de corte tem sensores piezoelétricos, usados para medição do esforço do corte. Quando a ferramenta de corte se encosta à peça a ser cortada, o sinal do sensor produz uma informação que decai erroneamente ao longo do tempo. Aplicamos a difusão anisotrópica em conjunto com o filtro mediana para determinar o decaimento do sinal do sensor piezoelétrico ao longo do tempo, e assim compensar esta distorção e melhorar o corte de aço duro. / This thesis aims to filter signals corrupted by Gaussian or impulsive noise, preserving the amplitude and the morphology of the original signal. Typically, a linear filter is used for this task, but this filter significantly alters the amplitudes and the edges of the signals and inserts delays in the signal. This work shows that the anisotropic diffusion in conjunction with median filter is much more effective than linear filters for this application. The anisotropic diffusion is an iterative filter, where the signal is filtered repeatedly. An edge-stopping function, a scale parameter and the number of iterations control the anisotropic diffusion. In this study, we tested three well-known edge-stopping functions, concluding that the Perona and Maliks function yields the largest noise reduction factor. Unfortunately, this function is extremely sensitive to the number of iterations, where the noise reduction factor deteriorates quickly before and after the optimal point. As we do not have access to the original noiseless signal, it is not possible to determine precisely the best moment to stop the iterations of the anisotropic filtering. We develop in this paper a new method to determine the best stopping time based on the analysis of the frequency response of the filtered signal. We also show how to determine automatically an adequate scale parameter. We apply the proposed technique to filter electrocardiogram (ECG). The QRS complex and Premature Ventricular Contractions (PVCs) are important information in the ECG signal. When these signals are acquired in the real world, they are often corrupted with noise artifacts from the electrical activity associated with muscle contractions called Electromyography (EMG). EMC is considered the most difficult noise to be eliminated from ECG. When the ECG signal is filtered to remove EMG, the information of the QRS complex and the PVC abnormality must not be altered, to not compromise the clinical diagnosis. We model the EMG signal as Gaussian noise or, more realistically, as alpha stable distribution noise with impulsive characteristics. We apply this technique to filter the real ECG signals from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Beth Israel Hospital database (MIT-BIH). This thesis also analyzes the filtering of signals from piezoelectric sensor. These signals are used in real systems for cutting hard steel. In general, a cutting tool has piezoelectric sensors, used to measure the cutting force. When the cutting tool touches the part to be cut, the signal from the sensor produces information that falsely decays over the time. We apply the anisotropic diffusion in conjunction with the median filter to determine the decay of the signal, and therefore offset this distortion and improve the hard steel cutting.

Efeitos comportamentais da lesão eletrolítica da região do núcleo mediano da rafe como modelo experimental de mania no rato e no camundongo / Behavioral effects of the electrolytic lesion in the region of the median raphe nucleus as an experimental model of mania in the rat and in the mouse

Pezzato, Fernanda Augustini 28 April 2014 (has links)
Déficits na regulação serotoninérgica dos circuitos catecolaminérgicos tem sido propostos como um mecanismo relacionado à etiologia dos transtornos de humor. Projeções do núcleo mediano da rafe (MnR) modulam a atividade dopaminérgica no prosencéfalo e são também parte de um sistema de inibição/desinibição comportamental que se assemelha às variações nos níveis de atividade apresentados durante os polos do transtorno bipolar. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar se as alterações comportamentais induzidas pela inativação do MnR podem ser um modelo animal para estudo da mania humana. No Capítulo I, o procedimento de lesão eletrolítica do MnR foi realizado em ratos Wistar machos, tendo como controles os grupos lesão fictícia e intacto. Os resultados confirmaram a capacidade desta manipulação experimental em reproduzir hiperatividade e estereotipia crônicas, aumento na frequência de respostas positivamente reforçadas por solução de sacarose e padrão comportamental de dominância social. Ainda, foi demonstrada a potencialidade do tratamento crônico com lítio em reduzir a hiperatividade. No Capítulo II foram realizadas lesões eletrolíticas do MnR em camundongos C57BL/6J machos, tendo novamente como controles os grupos lesão fictícia e intacto. Os resultados demonstraram desenvolvimento de hiperatividade, estereotipia e maior frequência de exposição a situações aversivas/de risco nos testes do labirinto em cruz elevado e do claro/escuro. O tratamento crônico com lítio atenuou ou reverteu parte destas alterações comportamentais. Análises do tecido encefálico demonstraram níveis terapêuticos equivalentes de LiCl em todos os grupos submetidos ao tratamento e a histologia confirmou o sítio de lesão. O conjunto dos dados obtidos sugere a adequação do modelo proposto pelo atendimento aos critérios de validade de face e preditiva apresentando como vantagens a mimetização de diversos sintomas do transtorno e a cronicidade destes. Ainda, a reprodutibilidade dos efeitos da lesão em diferentes espécies sugere a existência de homologia evolutiva, acrescentando fundamentos à validade de constructo hipotetizada. Por fim, destaca-se que este modelo de mania parece ser heurístico pela possibilidade de contribuir para a investigação dos mecanismos de ação do lítio e para a compreensão das relações de oposição entre os sistemas neurotransmissores excitatórios e inibitórios como parte da neurobiologia dos transtornos de humor / Deficits in serotoninergic regulation of catecholaminergic circuits have been proposed as a mechanism related to the etiology of mood disorders. Projections from the median raphe nucleus (MnR) modulate the dopaminergic activity in the forebrain and are also part of a behavioral disinhibition/inhibition system that resembles the variations in activity levels shown during the poles of bipolar disorder. The aim of the present study was to evaluate if the behavioral effects induced by the inactivation of the MnR can be considered an animal model for studying the human mania. In Chapter I, the MnR electrolytic lesion was performed in male Wistar rats, having as control groups sham operated and intact animals. The results confirmed the capacity of this experimental manipulation to reproduce chronic hyperactivity and stereotypy, increased response frequency positively reinforced by sucrose solution and a social dominant behavioral pattern. Furthermore, it was shown the potentiality of the lithium treatment in reducing the hyperactivity. In Chapter II MnR electrolytic lesions were performed in C57BL/6J mice, having as control groups sham operated and intact animals. The results demonstrated the development of hyperactivity, stereotypy and increased frequency of exposure to aversive situations/\"risk taking\" in the elevated plus maze and light/dark box tests. Chronic treatment with lithium attenuated or reversed some of these behavioral alterations. Encephalic tissue analysis showed equivalent lithium therapeutic levels in all treated groups and the histology confirmed the lesion site. The set of data obtained suggests the suitability of the proposed model for attending criteria for face and predictive validities presenting advantages such as the mimicking of several disorder symptoms and the chronicity of them. Also, the reproducibility of the effects of the lesion in different species suggests the existence of evolutionary homology and adds basis to the construct validity hypothesized. Finally, it is emphasized that this model of mania seems to be heuristic by the possibility to contribute to the investigation of lithium mechanisms of action and for understanding the opposite relations between excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitter systems as part of the neurobiology of mood disorders

Analysis of Safety Impacts of Access Management Alternatives Using the Surrogate Safety Assessment Model

Kim, Kyung Min 01 December 2017 (has links)
In a traditional safety impact analysis, it is necessary to have crash data on existing roadway conditions in the field and a few years must pass before accumulating reliable crash data. This is a time-consuming approach and there remains uncertainty in the crash data due to the random nature of crash occurrences. The Surrogate Safety Assessment Model (SSAM) was developed for resolving these issues. With SSAM, a conflict analysis is performed in a simulated environment. A planned improvement alternative under study is modeled and no physical installation of the alternative is needed. Hence, the method using a simulation software along with SSAM consumes less time compared to other traditional safety analysis methods that may require a physical installation of the new alternative and a long wait time for data collection. The purpose of this study is to evaluate if SSAM can be used to assess the safety of a highway segment or an intersection in term of the number and type of conflicts and to compare the safety effects of multiple access management alternatives with less time, less cost and less uncertainty than the traditional safety analysis methods. To meet the purpose of the study, two study sections, one on University Parkway in Orem and Provo and the other on Main Street in American Fork were selected and analyzed in this research. Based on the findings from the calibration of SSAM on the University Parkway study section, an evaluation of the effect of converting a TWLTL median into a raised median on a section of Main Street (US-89) from 300 West to 500 East in American Fork was performed using SSAM working on VISSIM simulation's trajectory files of the study section. This evaluation study was conducted to show how SSAM could be used to evaluate the effect of access management alternatives using surrogate safety measures. The analysis showed that a raised median would be much safer than a TWLTL median for the same level of traffic volume. Approximately a 32 to 50 percent reduction in the number of crossing conflicts was achieved when a raised median was used in lieu of a TWLTL median at the Main Street study section.

Median and Mode Approximation for Skewed Unimodal Continuous Distributions using Taylor Series Expansion

Dula, Mark, Mogusu, Eunice, Strasser, Sheryl, Liu, Ying, Zheng, Shimin 06 April 2016 (has links)
Background: Measures of central tendency are one of the foundational concepts of statistics, with the most commonly used measures being mean, median, and mode. While these are all very simple to calculate when data conform to a unimodal symmetric distribution, either discrete or continuous, measures of central tendency are more challenging to calculate for data distributed asymmetrically. There is a gap in the current statistical literature on computing median and mode for most skewed unimodal continuous distributions. For example, for a standardized normal distribution, mean, median, and mode are all equal to 0. The mean, median, and mode are all equal to each other. For a more general normal distribution, the mode and median are still equal to the mean. Unfortunately, the mean is highly affected by extreme values. If the distribution is skewed either positively or negatively, the mean is pulled in the direction of the skew; however, the median and mode are more robust statistics and are not pulled as far as the mean. The traditional response is to provide an estimate of the median and mode as current methodological approaches are limited in determining their exact value once the mean is pulled away. Methods: The purpose of this study is to test a new statistical method, utilizing the first order and second order partial derivatives in Taylor series expansion, for approximating the median and mode of skewed unimodal continuous distributions. Specifically, to compute the approximated mode, the first order derivatives of the sum of the first three terms in the Taylor series expansion is set to zero and then the equation is solved to find the unknown. To compute the approximated median, the integration from negative infinity to the median is set to be one half and then the equation is solved for the median. Finally, to evaluate the accuracy of our derived formulae for computing the mode and median of the skewed unimodal continuous distributions, simulation study will be conducted with respect to skew normal distributions, skew t-distributions, skew exponential distributions, and others, with various parameters. Conclusions: The potential of this study may have a great impact on the advancement of current central tendency measurement, the gold standard used in public health and social science research. The study may answer an important question concerning the precision of median and mode estimates for skewed unimodal continuous distributions of data. If this method proves to be an accurate approximation of the median and mode, then it should become the method of choice when measures of central tendency are required.

Relationship Between Mean, Median, Mode with Unimodal Grouped Data

Zheng, Shimin, Mogusu, Eunice, Veeranki, Sreenivas P., Quinn, Megan 03 November 2015 (has links)
Background: It is widely believed that the median of a unimodal distribution is "usually" between the mean and the mode for right skewed or left skewed distributions. However, this is not always true, especially with grouped data. For some research, analyses must be conducted based on grouped data since complete raw data are not always available. A gap exists in the body of research on the mean-median-mode inequality for grouped data. Methods: For grouped data, the median Me=L+((n/2-F)/fm)×d and the mode Mo=L+(D1/(D1+D2))×d, where L is the median/modal group lower boundary, n is the total frequency, F and G are the cumulative frequencies of the groups before and after the median/modal group respectively, D1= fm - fm-1 and D2=fm - fm+1, fmis the median/modal group frequency, fm-1 and fm+1 are the premodal and postmodal group frequency respectively. Assuming there are k groups and k is odd, group width d is the same for each group and the mode and median are within (k+1)/2th group. Necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for each of six arrangements of mean, median and mode. Results: Table available at https://apha.confex.com/apha/143am/webprogram/Paper326538.html Conclusion: For grouped data, the mean-median-mode inequality can be any order of six possibilities.

The Relationship Between the Mean, Median and Mode with Unimodal Grouped Data

Zheng, Shimin, Mogusu, Eunice, Veeranki, Sreenivas P., Quinn, Megan, Cao, Yan 16 May 2016 (has links)
It is widely believed that the median is “usually” between the mean and the mode for skewed unimodal distributions. However, this inequality is not always true, especially with grouped data. Unavailability of complete raw data further necessitates the importance of evaluating this characteristic in grouped data. There is a gap in the current statistical literature on assessing mean–median–mode inequality for grouped data. The study aims to evaluate the relationship between the mean, median, and mode with unimodal grouped data; derive conditions for their inequalities; and present their application.

Investigation of local deformation of the median nerve in magnetic resonance images of the carpal tunnel

Kunze, Nicole Marie 01 May 2010 (has links)
As the incidence of diagnosed carpal tunnel syndrome continues to increase, an understanding of the mechanism(s) of insult to the median nerve which leads to its development becomes ever more imperative. Knowledge of the exact cause of CTS could lead to improved diagnostic and treatment methods, or more importantly, to better preventative measures. The goal of this study was to investigate movements and interactions of structures within the carpal tunnel during wrist flexion and hand loading in order to obtain information about a specific mechanism of insult to the median nerve. Symptomatic and normal subjects were compared to observe differences in the interactions of the median nerve and its surrounding structures. A new methodology was developed to facilitate the evaluation of these populations.

Constitutive mechanical properties of carpal tunnel soft tissue structures

Main, Erin Kimberly 01 May 2011 (has links)
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a frequently encountered chronic peripheral nerve entrapment disorder caused by mechanical insult to the median nerve, which may occur from impingement by the surrounding digital flexor tendons and the tunnel boundaries. Anatomic finite element models of the carpal tunnel provide a method to evaluate the potential contact stresses that may develop on the median nerve between the digital flexor tendons and tunnel boundaries. Realistic finite element simulations are dependent upon the use of physiologically accurate material properties. The purpose of this work was to ascertain material properties for the digital flexor tendons, median nerve and transverse carpal ligament to inform finite element simulations. The compressive mechanical behavior of the digital flexor tendons, median nerve and transverse carpal ligament was characterized under functionally relevant axial tensile loads. These properties can now be implemented into full scale finite element models of the carpal tunnel to evaluate the mechanism of insult to the median nerve leading to the development of carpal tunnel syndrome.

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